What to do on Easter to get married. Easter signs and superstitions, traditions, what not to do and what can and should be done

And, but also ask for health, wealth and love for themselves next year. Therefore, we have collected for you not only folk signs and traditions, but also customs, ceremonies and rituals for Easter. All the latest information is already in our material.

Easter traditions

Orthodox holiday Easter traditions. After Easter service people return home with blessed Easter cakes and painted eggs. On the day we celebrate Easter 2019, the whole family - from the oldest to the youngest generation - gathers at one table. But no one starts eating; family Easter traditions in Ukraine are always accompanied by one game called “color fights.” Each person takes an egg in his hand and tries to hit another egg so that his own remains intact. And only after a winner appears at the table, you can start eating paskas and other delicacies that were prohibited during Lent.

The traditions of the Easter table say that we should not only enjoy Easter cakes, but also bring them to relatives who could not be there, as well as to everyone who would like to wish goodness and prosperity this year.

Folk signs for Easter

Signs for Easter for money. On the morning of Easter 2019, you need to wash your face with water into which you have previously placed a silver coin, spoon or other silver object. Then all year you will not only be rich, but also beautiful.

Signs for Easter to get married. We have already written that for unmarried girls there is one that is worth finishing on Easter 2019. On Maundy Thursday, the girl wipes herself with a towel, and on Easter she gives it, along with the Easter cakes and dyes she has prepared, to people who beg for alms near the church.

Rituals for Easter

The most important ritual for Easter is the blessing and coloring. Firstly, it also means liberation from. Secondly, the blessing of food is important as a symbol of blessing from God and gratitude to Him that we have such gifts. Also, believers should think about giving part of the consecrated food to those in need on this day in memory of the words of Jesus Christ: “I was hungry, and you fed Me...whatever you did to one of the least of My brothers, you did to Me.”

What rituals to do for Easter. From the common Easter rituals, we are well aware of the welcoming and joyful statements “Christ is risen” and “Truly is risen,” which reveal the meaning of Easter. But people say that a husband and wife should not “christen” in front of other people - this will lead to separation.

Easter rituals to get married. Since ancient times, girls who planned to get married soon, as well as widows, have said: “Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me. Amen.”

Easter rituals for health. People who have been tormented for a long time chronic disease and other lingering illnesses, they must wait until the first strike of the church bells on Easter, cross themselves and say: “Christ is risen, and the servant (your name) is in good health.”

Customs for Easter

On the Feast of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, many are concerned with the question of where the custom of dyeing eggs for Easter came from. They say that the tradition of painting eggs crimson, and later other various shades, originates from the legend of Mary Magdalene. It says that Mary paid a preaching visit to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. The woman, according to the customs of that time, brought gifts with her, including eggs. She presented them to the Roman emperor, saying: “Christ is Risen!” Then Tiberius began to contradict her words, saying that no one can be resurrected, just as a white egg cannot turn red. And as soon as he said last word, the egg in his hand turned red.

Among others folk customs Easter in Ukraine became a kind of determination of its destiny. Previously, after a family feast, it was customary to go outside and remember what first caught your eye. They said that the first thing you see is what will happen to you the best thing to do in life, bringing good luck.

Rituals for Easter

Easter rituals for wealth. While in church on Easter 2019, you need to buy an even number of candles, then arrange them in pairs and twist them. After this, the candles need to be gradually set on fire, reading the conspiracy for wealth: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. God's temple seven domes, and on those domes there are seven golden crosses. I will come to the temple with my feet and cross myself with my hands. Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God, take crosses, golden keys, close the evil tongues of my enemies with them. Lock their teeth, lips, hands, feet, keys on deep bottom throw them so that my enemies never get these keys, don’t destroy my soul, don’t break my body. My prayer is the first, my enemies are the last. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Easter rituals for marriage. An unmarried girl should kiss nine Easter eggs and say: “Just as people love Holy Easter, appreciate and remember their mother’s affection, so men and boys would love me more, value me even more. Herds followed me, God’s servant (name), followed me. Christ has risen, and the bridegrooms come to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. "

Easter rituals for pregnancy. The day before Easter 2019, you need to take a ripe apple and make a wish on it, but do not eat it. After which the fruit should be blessed in the temple during the Easter service and eaten during the holiday. Such a ritual should fill a woman with fertility.

Photo: pixabay.com, Pinterest

Easter is considered perfect timing for carrying out various rituals, including love ones. If a lonely girl wants to find her soulmate, then this time is definitely worth using. There are various rituals to get married that are simple and affordable. The main condition, without which you won’t be able to get what you want, is a strong belief in a positive result and in.

Signs and rituals for Easter for marriage

There is a very effective and ancient ritual that begins on Maundy Thursday. It is believed that the girl who celebrates it will certainly get married within a year. The task is to wash and dry your body with a new towel on Maundy Thursday. It should be given to people who ask for alms on Easter, along with Easter cakes and eggs.

There are ancient signs that indicate that a girl will soon meet a worthy man, and he will lead her down the aisle. It is believed that if a lonely representative of the fair sex has an itchy eyebrow, it means that she will soon meet her soul mate. Another sign is that if an insect accidentally gets into the food on the Easter table, then you should expect the arrival of matchmakers.

Ritual No. 1. This Easter ritual to get married is called “Love Awakening.” This is due to the fact that it is believed that the birth of life occurs on this day. To perform the ritual, take a large red candle, which is a symbol of love energy. Light it, look at the flame and think about love, and then say these words:

“Fire burn, give power to my words.”

Take a glass of water and cast the following spell on it:

“I charge the water, I give it strength so that it brings me true and pure love.”

It is important that your breath touches the water. Spray the bouquet of roses with the enchanted liquid, and then tear off any three petals. They should be connected with a thread using a needle. Place the finished talisman in a bag made of natural fabric and carry it with you for nine days after Easter. All that remains is to take out the dried petals and rub them in the wind. This can also be done over a natural body of water.

Ritual No. 2. The next Easter ritual for getting married is called “Three Ribbons for Good Luck.” To carry it out you need to take three ribbons of red, green and white. Tie them together at one end with a knot, and then braid them. It is important to leave a ponytail at least 15 cm long at the end. The length of the braid should be about 10 cm. It should be hung near the window inside the room, so that the wind blows on it. Leave the braid for three days, and then weave the ribbons into your own hair. You should do a similar hairstyle every day during Easter week. After the time has passed, hang the ribbons on any tree with feminine energy.

Ritual No. 3. Another effective ritual to marry a rich and good man. Buy slippers and place them in front of the entrance to your home. If someone else lives besides you, then put them in your room. For Easter, light red candles and say the following spell:

“As this wax melts from a burning fire, so the suitors come to the servant of God (your name) from my mighty curse. They appear before her clear eyes and submit, offering their souls. I call on the threshold of future suitors: not lazy people, not thieves, so that they love the servant of God (name) more than themselves, more than brothers and sisters, friends and girlfriends. Take the spirits of God’s servant (name) by the hands and lead them to the altar.”

After this, you should lie still and imagine a company of people and identify a man among them. To finish, also imagine the aroma of coffee, and hear the sound of water. Imagine yourself on the seashore, this way you will activate warm feelings that will attract love. This ritual will also help the widow get married.

Ritual No. 4. To attract your soulmate, you need to take a handful of wheat grains with you to the Easter service. During the service, keep it near your chest, and then pour it out near the threshold of your home. It is worth saying this conspiracy:

“As many candle lights in the church there were, there were as many suitors for me. There are as many suitors as there are in a handful of grains. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This ritual is only suitable for girls who were not married and did not have a serious relationship. Thanks to it, you can increase your chance of meeting your soulmate in the near future.

The holy holiday is celebrated by almost every resident of our country, but not everyone knows what signs exist for Easter and Holy Week.

In the article:

Traditions of ancestors

There are many signs for Easter, and you can learn more about them from our article. Almost everyone celebrates the main Christian holiday, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly.

Preparation for the bright holiday continues for a whole week, which is called Easter, Holy or Holy Week. On Saturday, before Easter, final preparations are made. After Easter Sunday, the holiday continues for another eight days and ends with St. Thomas Monday. All this time, services are going on in the church.

In the past, much attention was paid to traditions. This is not difficult to do in our time, but for some reason ancient customs have ceased to interest people.

Easter week - do's and don'ts

IN Holy Week Before Easter Sunday, dairy, meat, fish and eggs are prohibited. Even vegetable oil It's better not to use it. According to church canons, you need to eat black bread, vegetables, fruits, drink juices and water. But in our time, fasting is not given the same importance as it was in the old days. Besides, to modern man It is usually difficult to stick to diets, because eating styles and lifestyles have undergone major changes over these few hundred years.

IN Monday definitely put things in order. They touched up where the old paint had peeled off, did minor furniture repairs, and did general cleaning. On Monday morning we went out into the yard to find out about the future weather. Clear skies and bright sunshine foreshadowed a warm, fruitful year. Weddings will be successful at this time.

In Tuesday The cleaning continued, because it is difficult for a working person to finish everything on Monday. On the same day we were busy preparing holiday clothes - washing, hemming, ironing. You can do the laundry and decide what you will wear on Easter Sunday.

IN Wednesday need to finish cleaning. Be sure to take out the trash. Our ancestors considered this day to be the best day for buying Easter eggs, but without any sacred meaning. Go to the store for dyes, stickers and other decorative items.

About the meaning Maundy Thursday everyone knows. It is believed that in the early morning of this day, any water has healing power, cleanses from negativity and illness. Try to get up early and take a shower immediately; put silver or gold in the washing water. On Maundy Thursday you can still clean, but it is believed that if the house is dirty, you will have to live the same way for a whole year. You can’t clean up after that for another six days.

Passionate candles are brought from church, which are needed to treat illnesses. Prepared for future use, which has unique magical properties. She is consecrated in the temple on Maundy Thursday. Then they are engaged in coloring eggs and baking Easter cakes. Before kneading the dough, be sure to read “Our Father” and begin baking with the words “Lord, bless.” Successful Easter baking symbolizes a prosperous life.

If you are unable to find your spouse, after your morning ablution, keep the towel you used to dry yourself. On Easter, when going to church, hand it to the beggars along with a Easter cake and a few eggs.

In order for hair to grow better and be thicker, its ends are cut on Maundy Thursday. At the same time, one-year-old babies were cut for the first time.

Good Friday - the strictest day. You cannot eat food until the Shroud with the full-length image of the Savior in the coffin is brought out, that is, until the evening. On this mournful day, refrain from singing, listening to music, having fun and walking. On Friday, they buy as many candles as possible in the church, and then light them in all rooms of the home. It's best to do this all day.

On Good Friday you can bake Easter cakes. Read " Our Father"and beg for a blessing, as on Maundy Thursday. If possible, bake on a wood-burning oven, collecting the ash. It is needed for many magical rituals, it can be kept at home, it will not do you any harm. To her, the evil eye, damage, etc.

You cannot do housework on Good Friday (especially you should not pick up a shovel and pitchfork, or do laundry). You can take a rag suitable size and wrap it around the corners, and then wrap it around your lower back for pain. She also treats her joints. It is better to do this after a bath or at least hot bath with herbs.

Breaking a plate on Good Friday is a good omen, fortunately. But this must happen by chance. If you wean a baby from the breast on this day, he will grow up healthy, strong and strong.

IN Saturday prepare an Easter basket with which they go to Sunday service. What can be sacred in the church:

  • Easter cakes;
  • eggs - painted eggs and pysanky;
  • horseradish, garlic;
  • ham, boiled pork, lard or homemade sausage, but not blood sausage;
  • salt;
  • candles;
  • cheese, butter.

At a minimum you need to take Easter and eggs. If you can grab garlic, horseradish or ham, even better. You shouldn’t try to take all the products on the list with you to church; take what you have at home or can easily buy. The basket is covered with an embroidered towel. Of course, you can now find towels with embroidered prints in any major store in the days leading up to Easter.

Take care of the candle, which should be placed in the basket itself. In some regions they hold it in their hands. You can also buy it when you come to church. You must put out the candle personally after the service. If it goes out on its own, it’s bad luck.

On Saturday, before Easter Sunday, you cannot have fun or drink alcoholic drinks and have sex. They don’t go to bed that night, they go to church for services. It is believed that happiness will not come to those who go to bed. On Sunday, the celebration of the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ begins, and many other signs are associated with it.

Many people only go to morning services. If you oversleep it, it foretells a major failure. Better set an alarm clock. Even if you haven’t thought about going to church, try to see the Easter sunrise - this will bring great luck and luck in any business. It is advisable to contemplate the sunset, which also brings good luck.

Easter - signs, traditions and customs

How did Bright Sunday begin for believers many years ago? After the Easter basket was blessed and the church service ended, its owner ran home, trying to overtake others. There are several signs about this, which served as the reason for such a morning run with the blessed Easter.

Returning from church before your neighbors means long life and good luck. In the villages it was believed that the one who would be the first to reach his home on Easter would have a good harvest and would spend less time working in the field. It was even believed that bread would grow as quickly as the owner ran home with a basket. In our time, these beliefs have grown into Easter, which says that after the service and the blessing of food you should hurry home, and how much you succeed in this, the richer you will be all year.

Upon entering the house, a ritual of purification was performed. The owner had an Easter cake in his hands, and as he crossed the threshold, he said the following words:

Holy Easter to the house, all evil spirits from the house.

At the same time, all negative energy left the home.

Then the owner, the eldest man in the family, invited the family to break their fast. Before this, those who did not go to church (after all, not everyone can attend the all-night service due to health reasons) always prayed in front of the icons. The owner divided the Easter, and broke off the cone and gave it to the mistress of the house - the eldest woman. They usually cut sacred things with a blessed knife, which, according to legend, had very great power.

First they ate Easter, ham or sausage and eggs, and after that it was the turn of other dishes.

  • You can’t get drunk, this is one of the very bad Easter signs, they said: “You will walk sleepy all year.”

After breaking the fast, they would definitely run out of the house and tell fortunes. The first thing I saw meant something worth doing in life, something that would bring good luck. Leftovers consecrated food Don't throw it away, if there's anything left, give it to the poor. The shells should be buried in the soil of your garden to protect against pests and yield.

A married couple should definitely christen themselves - even if they are homewreckers, but secretly from prying eyes, so as not to incur a break in the relationship.

If you live separately from your parents, visit them on this bright holiday. They also visit godparents or at least call. You can see your relatives without leaving home through computer programs for communication. After all, the main thing is to show attention. If you are going to visit, exchange paints.

Previously, on Easter we often went to the cemetery to visit the dead. They greeted the dead and left eggs and other treats on the graves.

The towel with which they went to bless food was hidden from prying eyes and was taken out only when one of the women in the family gave birth, and it was necessary to facilitate this process.

If you hear the sound of a woodpecker during the Easter holidays, you will soon have your own home.

Signs and superstitions for Easter - how to set the table

Wealthy people served 48 dishes, corresponding to the number of days of fasting. Now such a quantity seems unrealistic, but families were larger then, and there is no talk of portions in this tradition. Of course, now it has lost its meaning; not a single working person has time to prepare so many culinary delights.

The tradition of putting buttered lamb on the table or baking it from dough was not only among the residents European countries. They did this in Rus', and many people still cook edible Easter lambs today.

Since the day of rebirth and resurrection is celebrated, sprouted grain - wheat, barley and other crops - are placed on the table. It looks beautiful, reminds me of spring and will serve good decoration holiday.

The Easter table was sure to be rich. In addition to traditional dishes, many others were served. You can find many recipes for Easter feasts that are both delicious and beautiful. Their compilers often comply. Our ancestors had various vegetables, stewed chicken offal, herring, milk, meat, fish. Meals should be prepared in advance on Maundy Thursday.

Diversity was also encouraged among drinks - wines, liqueurs, beer, liqueurs, as well as compotes and jelly. But it was impossible to get drunk, as we already discussed above.

It is advisable to cover the table with a white tablecloth. It’s really good if it has embroidery or at least a holiday-themed design. Easter occupies the central place; the most beautiful painted eggs are laid out around it, the rest are placed on a separate plate, like the rest of the dishes.

Other signs and beliefs

On Easter night you can see your deceased relatives with your own eyes. For this after procession you need to hide in the temple so that no one sees you. Usually they take a passionate candle with them. You cannot talk to the dead.

Even now there is a negative attitude towards people who find it difficult to endure church services for health reasons. This also came from . They believed that on Easter night evil spirits were especially evil. This faith was so strong that people were afraid to leave their houses and churches on the street.

Despite the fear of evil spirits, many tried to mock her. They did this during the day, rolling the consecrated egg along the crossroads of footpaths. It was believed that devils must show up and dance while the egg was rolling.

During the holidays, you should pay attention to the signs that girls used. They washed themselves with water from under a red colored egg to gain beauty. Adult women also did this to preserve youth. Sometimes, except red egg, silver or gold things were added to the water.

Easter is associated with many different traditions, superstitions and rituals that relate to different areas life. It is believed that they have enormous energy and strength, which will significantly change the existing situation in better side. Among them you can find signs and rituals for marriage. Single girls simply should not miss this opportunity to attract a soul mate into their lives.

Easter signs and customs for marriage

Single girls can attract their love by performing a simple ritual, which involves waking up before sunrise and lighting the stove. Kneel down in front of the stove, pull the door towards you three times, and then close it. At this time, it is worth saying the following conspiracy:

“How many people go to church today, how many suitors will I have?”

Another simple ritual that will attract love to you: at sunrise, knock on the window and say the following spell:

“Easter sun, roll across the sky,

And you, groom, show up at my doorstep.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Christ has risen, and the groom comes to me. Amen".

Easter signs for marriage:

It is believed that if an unmarried girl on this holiday gives away the towel with which she dried herself, along with blessed egg and Easter cake for people in need, then she will certainly walk down the aisle this year. This must be done with a pure heart and soul.

According to old superstition to marriage and love, you need to go to church for a service and whisper the following words:

“Resurrection of Christ, send me a single groom!”

It is worth repeating the words throughout the entire service.

A well-known sign of imminent marriage for a girl is that if her eyebrows itch at Easter, it means that in the very near future she will meet her soulmate.

If a girl’s lips itch, it means that her future husband will soon kiss her.

A common sign before marriage indicates that if a midge gets into the food on the Easter table, then in the near future she will receive a marriage proposal.

Today, there are many ancient traditions associated with single girls who want to get married. For example, in the villages they loved to organize shows, where the girls wore the best outfits and played bacha. To do this, a beautiful figurine was placed on the ground, and all the girls hit it with a painted stick. The whole action was watched by the guys, who chose a suitable companion for themselves. Another tradition is known, according to which girls made bouquets of wildflowers and gave them to the guys they liked. There must certainly be a red-painted egg inside the bouquet. If the guy experienced reciprocal feelings, then he accepted such a bouquet, which means that preparations for the wedding could begin.

How to tell fortunes for love on Easter?

Today, there are many different fortune tellings that can be used on Easter to find out about changes in your personal life.

Option #1. To find out what to expect in the near future, the girls carried out fortune telling using an Easter egg. A blindfolded girl was placed in the center of the room, and the following items were placed in the corners: salt, granulated sugar, wedding rings and bread. The girl had to roll the egg at random in any direction, and then look at the result:

  • bread is a harbinger of a rich and good groom;
  • salt - expect tears and various losses;
  • sugar - no changes will happen in the near future;
  • wedding rings – in next year the girl will go down the aisle.

Option No. 2. Another fortune telling that will allow a girl in a relationship to find out how much feelings are serious and whether they will lead to a wedding. You need to go to the Easter service and purchase two candles, and mark one as a woman, and the other as a man. In the temple, the girl must light them from a lamp and place them near the icon Mother of God. You can judge a relationship by the way the candles burn.

Holy Easter - main holiday among Christians. It has long been believed that this day has special properties and conspiracies read on the bright day of Easter have enormous power. On Easter they asked for strength and health, drove away quarrels and troubles, removed the evil eye, attracted suitors and even drove out cockroaches and bedbugs. Depending on the lunar calendar for a particular year, the holiday falls between April 4 and May 8.

After Easter Sunday, celebrations continue for eight days - the last of which is called Fomin Monday. Services in churches continue throughout the week and services are practically no different from those that took place on Easter Day. Preparations for Easter take place during Holy Week and end on Holy Saturday preparing holiday food - Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter cakes and colored eggs. The food is carried to the church, where it is blessed during the service. Previously, holiday food for Easter was highly great value: It is no coincidence that the word “Easter” is known as the name of the food that was prepared for this holiday.

Holy Week: signs and customs


On Monday You need to put things in order in your house: paint something, repair something.

In the old days, peasants went out early in the morning on this day and watched what the day would be like. If the sky was clear, and the sun seemed to be playing in the sky, then the summer will be good and fruitful. All weddings that will take place this year will be happy. Knowledgeable people on this day always washed themselves with gold and silver, so that for a long time preserve your youth and financial well-being.


Festive clothes It is customary to prepare for Easter Sunday on Tuesday. On the same day you can continue cleaning, you can organize laundry.

Products are purchased for Easter.

Women cook medicinal infusions. Men should not even touch herbs, tinctures, powders.


Conduct general cleaning accepted in the house on Wednesday. This is the day of washing and all sorts of wiping. On Wednesday, it is advisable to thoroughly wash, scrub the floors, and beat out the carpets. And you can continue on Maundy Thursday. It’s not for nothing that the next day of the week is called Maundy Thursday. Whoever has dirt in his house on this day will live in dirt all year.

On Wednesday on Holy Week they remembered a special ritual against any bodily illness. It was necessary to scoop up water with a mug from a well or from a barrel on the street, or draw water from a river. After crossing ourselves three times, we covered the mug with a clean or new towel, and at 2 a.m., after crossing ourselves three times again, we doused ourselves with this water, leaving a little in the mug. Afterwards, clothes were put on the wet body without drying, and the water that remained in the mug was poured onto a bush or flowers for up to 3 hours. They say that a body washed in this way is reborn.


On Maundy Thursday you need to bring a passionate candle from church, which will help in the treatment of various diseases. On the same day you can prepare Thursday salt. To do this, ordinary salt in a canvas bag is placed in a stove or oven for 10 minutes, and then it is consecrated in the church.

Thursday salt has excellent healing properties. It is used throughout the year. With the help of this salt you can then help establish peace in the family, get rid of damage, and make amulets to protect against evil spirits. Thursday salt cleanse homes of negative energy, treat objects and gifts if there is a suspicion of negativity on them.

On this day, housewives prepare pysanky (or painted eggs), krashenka (painted eggs) and a cottage cheese dish called Easter. Appearance at the festive table cottage cheese Easter This is also not a random phenomenon. Since ancient times, milk (and dairy products) along with bread (Kulich) have been considered sacred, sacred food. Our ancestors endowed milk with medicinal properties and perceived it as a product that gave strength and fertility.

The custom of painting eggs has a long history and came to us from early Christian times. The Bible says that Jesus Christ had a disciple - Mary Magdalene. On the day of the resurrection of Jesus, Mary Magdalene came to the Roman Emperor Tiberius to announce the resurrection of Christ.

Since it was impossible to appear before the emperor without gifts and offerings, Mary Magdalene, being poor, brought a simple chicken egg to the emperor as an offering.

The purpose of Mary’s coming to the emperor was to notify Tiberius of the resurrection of the Lord, which she did, saying: “Christ is risen!”

Tiberius did not believe that someone could rise from the dead and exclaimed that this was impossible, just as it was impossible for a white egg to turn red. To the surprise of everyone, the egg changed color to red, which confirmed the truth of Mary Magdalene’s words.

The people present at this miracle spread the good news everywhere. After this, as a sign of the significant event in honor of Holy Easter, Christians have been painting eggs red and other colors for many centuries.
Over time, eggs began to be not only painted in different colors, but also paint them with different patterns that symbolized strength and fertility.


IN Good Friday you need to buy as many candles as possible from the church and burn them in every room throughout the day. On this day, when Christ was crucified, suffered and died on the cross, they do not eat food.

Church traditions say that on Friday, when Christ was crucified, Christians should not eat food.

Easter cakes are baked on the same day. Before you get to work, you need to read “Our Father”, and after saying: “Lord, bless,” you need to start baking Easter cakes.

Ash from the oven where Easter was baked, taken on the Friday before Easter, will help cure alcoholism, love spells, damage, and the evil eye.

On Good Friday they sweep the corners with a rag, and if you tie yourself with this rag, it will help with lower back pain.

For pain in the legs and joints, you can wipe your feet with this rag after a bath.


Saturday is a day of mourning, when all believers mourn for the Savior. It is contraindicated to have fun, drink alcohol, or have an intimate relationship.

The last (quiet) tidy. You can also paint eggs. On this day, common holiday dishes are prepared.

On Saturday they were carried to church to bless painted eggs, Easter cakes, Easter cakes and other products. And before going to the service on Easter night, they left a treat on the table so that later they could break their fast. True, they ate little by little - only symbolically, after which they went to bed. But late on Sunday morning the real feast began, which lasted all week.

On Saturday evening the Easter service begins in the church. If for some reason you are unable to attend the All-Night Vigil Service, then you still should not go to bed - by doing this you will attract good luck to your home.

Of course, all preparatory work: cooking, painting eggs must be completed before Easter.


The next day comes Happy Easter. The holiday is called the wonderful Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The morning begins with breaking the fast. The family stands in front of the icons and prays, then everyone sits down at the table, and the eldest man in the family breaks off a “bump” from the Easter cake and gives it to the hostess. Then the owner cuts the cake into pieces and distributes it to all family members, inviting them to break their fast.

First they eat the blessed Easter cake, eggs, and ham, then it’s time for other dishes. You cannot get drunk on this day: “If you get drunk while breaking your fast, you will walk around half asleep all year, so God will punish you.”

After breaking their fast, they went out into the street to guess: “Whatever you see first, that will be the best activity for you in life, bringing good luck.”

At Easter, you should definitely visit your parents and godparents if you haven’t seen them for a long time or live separately from them.

What do they light up for Easter?

As soon as the bells rang, they went to church in their festive attire. In hands - lit candles and beautiful baskets. They contained Easter, Easter eggs covered with the best towel, and could also contain salt, vodka, lard, pig, cheese, horseradish, fish, millet, poppy seeds, chalk, a knife and even a block on which to sharpen a knife.

The solemn ritual of entering the temple under the ringing of bells began, and then the circumambulation church service together with the choir around the temple singing “Christ is Risen.” They say that while walking around the church, angels lead the Savior out of the tomb, and saints come out of the icons and kiss - kiss Christ. The priest sanctifies Easter, eggs and everything that the hostess brought with her to church in a basket. They rush home with the consecrated one (sometimes they even run, overtaking each other). By popular belief If you come home from church before your neighbor, then good luck will accompany you and you will live a long time. It was also believed that whoever runs home first on Easter will have the best harvest and the owner will be the first to finish field work.

In connection with this custom, there were some other Easter beliefs:
- The bread will grow as quickly as the owner runs with Easter.
“Whoever overtakes everyone will have the strongest horse, and will spend the whole year outrunning others in work.”

Easter table

In ancient times, wealthy owners served 48 dishes for Easter, according to the number of days of Lent. The remains of pies, eggs and other dishes consecrated in the church could not be thrown away; they were buried in the field so that the soil would be fertile and produce a lot of harvest this year.

In Rus', as in many other countries (Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic), in addition to Easter, Easter cake and eggs, a figurine of a lamb made of dough or butter was always placed on the Easter table. The skillful housewife cut the lamb out of butter with a knife and fork without a shape.

Since Easter is a holiday of resurrection and rebirth, it is customary to place sprouted grain (wheat, barley or other) on the table.

The Easter table was always rich: in addition to the dishes listed, the hospitable hosts served a variety of vegetable appetizers, stewed chicken giblets, fish roe and milk dishes, herring, jellied fish, jelly and jellied meat, beef kidney kalya with pickles, liver cauliflower, stewed buckwheat porridge with lamb meat, roast with mushrooms, prepared for future use in the summer, beef with turnips, boiled pork in hay with beer, duck or goose in honey or fried with juniper branches.

The drinks were also varied: beer, homemade liqueurs, liqueurs and wines, jelly and sbitny.

Easter is the oldest and most important Christian holiday, the Resurrection of Christ. Easter traditions and cooking have always been closely linked. Initially, Passover was the name given to the sacrificial lamb, which was baked whole and eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

And now Easter is not only a solemn night service and the descent Holy Fire, but also the end of the 7-week Lent, breaking the fast and special treats.

Believers prepare the Easter table on Maundy Thursday in order to dedicate Good Friday even more strict fast, and on Saturday have time to bless the Easter treat in the church.

All Easter dishes are prepared only once a year, so it is very important to prepare them tasty, beautiful and memorable. To do this, you must definitely find real country cottage cheese and butter, the freshest eggs with a bright yolk and genuine spices. Dry store-bought cottage cheese, butter of dubious origin and pale eggs are in no way suitable for Easter dishes.

Easter meal

Entering the house, with the blessed Easter in their hands, stepping over the threshold, they say three times: “Holy Easter to the house, all evil spirits from the house.” They sit down at the festive table. First they eat everything holy. Sometimes they began by cutting the holy pysanka into as many pieces as there were family members. Everyone ate their portion in silence, and then they dined on jellied meat, pork, and sausage, ending the meal with Easter.

The festive meal also began with Easter. First of all, they cut off the top from it and gave it to the cow so that there would be a lot of milk, or they kept it until the time when the cow would calve.

After lunch, you were supposed to not drink water for two hours - then you wouldn’t want water in the field during the harvest.

The remains of the festive Easter meal were handled very carefully. All the remains of Easter are collected and buried in a place where no one walks, so that they do not trample on the saint; they throw it on the water (into the river) so that it can go for water.

Our ancestors also believed in the miraculous power of the shells of sacred eggs: shells from eggs or Easter eggs were kept on sticks in the garden to prevent worms from breeding in the ground; When they planted garlic, they attached the shells to two sticks stuck into the ground, hoping that the garlic would be round, like an egg.

They used a holy knife to cut Easter and everything sacred. Then they hid it, and in the summer, when there was thunder and hail, they threw a shovel and a poker crosswise into the yard, and stuck a knife between them. This knife has such power that you can immediately kill a wild boar with it.

There was a special attitude towards the towel in which Easter was celebrated. It was pulled out when a woman went into labor to make it easier.

It is customary not to indulge in food or wine throughout Bright Week. The tables in the house are always set the best dishes, and people visit each other. After Lent, for many, this is the most “delicious” week, when any treats acquire an incredible taste.

According to tradition, the festive table should be covered with a beautiful white tablecloth, if possible with Easter-themed embroidery. There is always a platter in the center of the table Easter cake, and around him are the most beautiful colors. The rest of the eggs are laid out on separate plates for first use; our ancestors always covered these plates with oat and wheat sprouts.

If possible, in addition to numerous meat dishes, young roasted lamb is served on the table, which symbolizes the Lamb of God.

It is necessary to start each meal with consecrated foods, and then continue the feast with the rest of the dishes. Our ancestors drank only wine these days, but now other, stronger drinks are also possible.
After and during breaks between meals, it is customary to exchange paints, have fun with a variety of games, dance and constantly congratulate each other. Previously, everyone was allowed to ring bells on these days, so festive ringing could be heard from everywhere.

Bright holiday

A festive service is held in the church for three days. If anyone wants to learn any craft, he should go to church on the first day of Easter and, when the priest first says: “Christ is risen!”, quietly answer that he wants to learn to sew - “a needle in his hands”, to craft - “an ax in his hands” and etc.

Any housework is strictly prohibited. During Easter week they visit each other, walk, and sing.
A swing was arranged for the holiday. On open place They buried two plows at a distance, made a crossbar at the top, threw a rope and made seats from a plank at the bottom. There was a lot of laughter and jokes while the girls were swinging.

They say that whoever dies on Easter, his soul goes straight to heaven: “On this day God leads all the dead to heaven.” Until three days, the gates of heaven are open (the royal gates in the iconostasis are also open), and the soul will immediately fly to heaven, to paradise. Red Easter eggs are placed in the coffin of the deceased: Christ himself meets the dead on Easter and shares Christ with their souls.

In addition to entertainment, on Easter days it was previously customary to perform the “Green Christmastide” ritual. Just like during the sowing season, several people, singing Easter songs, go from house to house and congratulate the owners who treat them. In the evenings, violinists also walked around the courtyards and played Great melodies.

During Easter week, it is customary to help the poor and weak - to give alms, distribute blessed food to the poor, and help the sick.

After Fomin Monday, the church continues to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord for 32 days, but at this time there are no more magnificent feasts. According to legend, during these days the Savior walked around the world with the apostles. It is believed that to this day they test human qualities - they reward kind and not greedy people, and punish evil and cruel people.

Many traditions have not survived to this day, but the main thing remains: after Easter Sunday, you need to carry the joy of this bright holiday in your heart for at least another week.

Easter superstitions, signs, customs

Easter is an ancient and complex holiday that dates back to pagan times. For farmers, Easter symbolized the coming of the sun and the awakening of nature. Therefore, many rituals are associated with the main concerns of peasants: the future harvest, family health and livestock. The Church has assigned this day to outstanding event like the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Most folk rituals were performed in Maundy Thursday, which is also called "clean". The main ritual on Thursday is to get yourself in order. It is advisable to wash on this day cold water. Water washes away diseases, gives the body beauty and health. Previously, soap was taken outside at night to make the face especially clean. They washed and bathed until the first rays of the sun, and dipped silver and gold into the water. These metals symbolized wealth and strength. To make their hair thick and long, women cut the ends of their braids. One-year-old children had their hair cut for the first time on Maundy Thursday. This day is also dedicated to cleaning the house, because... Before Easter, gender revenge was not accepted.

Among the people they believed that On Easter night you can see your deceased relatives. To do this, after the religious procession you should hide in the temple with a passionate candle so that no one notices. It was forbidden to talk to the dead; there is a cemetery for that.

According to the peasants, on Easter night all the devils are unusually angry, so that when the sun set, men and women were afraid to go out into the yard and onto the street: in every black cat, in every dog ​​and pig they saw a werewolf, a devil in the form of an animal. Even the men avoided going to their parish church alone, just as they avoided leaving it.

To mock the evil spirits, the villagers came out with easter egg to the intersection and rolled him along the road. It was believed that then the devils would certainly jump out and dance.

So, the one who will be the first to see the sunrise Sun on Easter, he will not know troubles all year.

It was considered a bad omen to oversleep the morning service on Easter - this prophesied failure.

In addition, there was a belief that During the Easter morning service, sorcerers can be easily identified. For this it was enough to turn around and look at the people: all the sorcerers would stand with their backs to the altar.

After the morning service you need get home as quickly as possible and start eating the festive meal: the sooner you do this, the more successful things will be.

On Easter morning housewives watched the cattle. The one that lies still is the one for the yard, and if the animal is tossing and turning, it has no place in the household. In the morning, peasant women “shook” the chickens from their roost so that they would not be lazy, but would get up earlier and lay more eggs.

One of the most interesting customs for Easter is expulsion of bedbugs and cockroaches from the hut. When the owner came home after mass, he was not supposed to immediately enter the hut, but first knocked. The hostess, without opening the door, asked: “Who is there?” “I am your master,” answered the husband, “my name is Ivan. Well, wife, how are we going to break our fast?” “We will break our fast with meat, sour cream, milk, eggs.” “What about bedbugs?” “And bedbugs are bedbugs.” The peasants were sure that, having overheard this dialogue, the bugs would either get scared and run away from the hut, or attack each other and eat themselves.

To get rid of troubles, bad luck and quarrels, you need to burn a cross on the doorframe with an Easter candle.

On Easter, as well as on the Annunciation, as a sign of spring freedom the birds were released into the wild. When releasing it, they made a wish - it was believed that the bird was a heavenly creature, and she would pass it on to the Almighty.

Candles bought for Easter They were kept in the church all year - they blessed the young, placed them near the seriously ill, and used them to drive out evil spirits from houses.

Remains of wax from Easter candles kept until next Easter - according to popular belief, this served as a talisman for the house against fire, and for the family against curses.

Exists belief about the “playing” sun on the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Since ancient times, many people have gone to “watch for the sun.” From different heights (hills, bell towers) those wishing to watch the sunrise. Through a shard of smoked glass, it seemed as if the sun was “dancing.”

If your the child is capricious and whiny, On Easter, parents must definitely go to church to atone for their sins.

If the child was born in Easter Sunday , then he will become famous, famous person. Anyone born on Easter week will have good health. Great people, who can even change the course of history, are born not just on Easter Sunday, but also at noon and with a shirt on.

A so that the baby grows strong and strong, on the morning of Easter Sunday he must be placed with his feet on an ax and said: “As steel is strong, so be you strong and healthy. Amen.

If your baby develops slowly On Easter, walk him barefoot on a wooden floor. And his teeth will erupt faster, and he will walk on his own legs more quickly, and he will speak earlier.

The willow brought during Palm Week, fanned the children's room, thereby driving out misfortunes and illnesses.

Mothers protected their children as follows - starting from Easter and throughout the Easter week, the babies were first given a piece of blessed Easter cake on an empty stomach, and then only fed the rest of the food.

A so that there is peace in the family, ok and no one quarreled with each other, the Easter meal must begin with the whole family and everyone must first of all eat a piece of Easter cake and eggs that were blessed in the church.

A woman who can't get pregnant, on Easter, you should put an extra plate next to you, put a piece of Easter on it with the words: “Kulich for the kids!” After the meal, this piece was crumbled to the birds.

There was a tradition for older people comb your hair, saying a wish so that they have as many grandchildren as there are hairs on their heads.

Death on Easter- This special sign. A person who died on this day is marked by God. His soul will immediately rush to heaven, to the holy saints. The deceased is buried with a red testicle in his right hand.

Christians believed that Easter dishes, sanctified by prayer have enormous power and can help in difficult times. The housewives hid all the food at night so that not a single mouse could get to it. There was a belief: if a mouse eats a consecrated piece, it will grow wings and turn into a bat. And the bones with Easter table buried next to arable land or thrown into the fire during a thunderstorm to avoid thunderclaps. The head of the blessed Easter cake was also preserved. Only during sowing did the peasant take it to the field and eat it in the field. This should have ensured a bountiful harvest.

The Easter table should be beautifully decorated, then the heavens will rejoice for the holiday of Easter.
You cannot eat an egg and throw (let alone spit out) the shell out the window onto the street. Peasants used to believe that throughout bright week Christ himself with the apostles in beggar's rags walks on the earth and, if you are careless, you can hit him with a shell.

Girls on Easter week washed with water from a red egg, to be ruddy, they stood on an ax to become strong. To prevent your hands from sweating, do not take salt into your hands on Easter days.
There are a number of other girlish Easter signs:
- if you hurt your elbow during Easter week, my dear remembers;
- if a fly falls into the cabbage soup, wait for a date;
- if your lips itch, you can’t avoid a kiss;
- if your eyebrows start to itch, you will see your loved one.

If on Easter night draw water from a spring or river, then, according to popular belief, it will have special power.

Lure the Groom possible in church on Easter during the service. When the priest says “Christ is Risen!” you need to quickly whisper: “Resurrection of Christ, send me a single guy as my groom!” “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom, in stockings and little shorts!” or “God grant a good groom, in boots and galoshes, not on a cow, but on a horse!”

To get younger and richer, older women also washed themselves from dishes in which they placed a colored egg and coins, that is, they washed themselves “with gold, silver and a red egg.”

So that no one can jinx the child for a whole year, need it for Easter cross him with an Easter egg and say: “Just as no one ever picks up this egg, so no one ever picks up (the child’s name).” You need to give this testicle to the child to kiss.

If you are experiencing constant difficulties with money, definitely for Easter give the beggar a coin- all year you will not know the need.

If during Easter week you saw a deceased relative in a dream this means that next year no one in the family will become seriously ill or die.

Even criminals (thieves, dishonest card players, etc.) created peculiar signs dedicated to Easter. The thieves made every effort to steal some thing from those praying in the church during Easter Matins and, moreover, to do it in such a way that no one would even think of suspecting them. If the enterprise was successful, they were sure that they could safely steal for a whole year and no one would catch them.

The players, when going to church, put a coin in their boots under the heel with the firm hope that this measure would bring them a big win. But in order to become an invincible player and be sure to beat everyone and everyone, it was necessary, when going to listen to Easter Matins, to take cards to the church and commit the following sacrilege: when the priest appears from the altar in bright vestments and for the first time says “Christ is Risen”, having come with the cards must answer: “The cards are here.” When the priest says “Christ is risen” for the second time, the godless gambler replies: "The Whip is Here". Third time: “The aces are here.” This sacrilege, according to the players, can bring countless winnings, but only until the blasphemer repents.

On Easter and throughout the week there is church did not marry the newlyweds - being distracted by worldly holidays was considered a great sin.

Couples in love were sensitive to kisses for Easter. It was considered a bad omen to kiss on the threshold - it promised separation. Also, if you hear the croaking of a raven during a kiss, then the lovers could soon separate. But if the kiss took place under a tree, then this promised a joyful life.

It’s good to go on a swing on Easter (and throughout Easter week). This ritual of worship. They say it blows away all sins.

“Christ has risen, and my family has health, my house has wealth, my field has a harvest. Amen". Then the year will be successful.

If at the first strike of the church bell you say: “Christ is Risen, health to the servant (name). Amen", This person, whose name was named, recovers, even if he is seriously ill. Single girls they can say this: “Christ is Risen, and I have a good groom. Amen".

It was believed that chime of bells a day Christ's resurrection endowed with truly magical powers - by ringing the bell, believers asked for a good harvest, peace and harmony in the family, and the girls for a handsome and rich groom. If a person said his request from the bottom of his heart, then it would definitely come true.

In Rus', every year on the day of this great holiday in every home they placed jugs of honey near the icons, which were called kanunchiki. The owners lit candles in them and remembered their relatives and friends who had departed from this world, so that they too could rejoice that Christ had risen. After the holiday, on Easter week, these jugs were taken to the cemetery and left on the graves of the dead. They also took three red Easter eggs with them to the cemetery and, saying “Christ is risen” at the grave, crumbled the colors for the birds.

There were a lot of signs associated with the Easter egg. There was a belief that with the help of an Easter egg, the souls of the dead could find relief in the next world. To do this, you just need to go to the cemetery, christen the deceased three times, then break the egg, crumble it and feed it to the “free” bird, which, in gratitude for this, will remember the dead and ask God for them.

With the help of an Easter egg, the living also receive relief from all diseases and misfortunes. If the egg received at the time of Christhood from the priest is kept in the shrine for three or even twelve years, then as soon as such an egg is given to the seriously ill to eat, all the illness will be removed from them as if by hand.

If there is a death in the family on Easter, then this is very bad omen. This means there will be a series of deaths in this family. To prevent this from happening, in right hand The deceased is given a red Easter egg. There should be no more red eggs in the house, they should be distributed to people.

When the bells ring on Easter, you must whisper three times: “Christ has risen, and my family has health, my house has wealth, my field has a harvest. Amen." Then the year will be successful.

The peasants also believed that the egg also helped in extinguishing fires: if a righteous person took such an egg and ran around the burning building three times with the words “Christ is Risen,” the fire would immediately subside and then stop on its own. But if the egg falls into the hands of a person of questionable lifestyle, the fire will not stop. Then there is only one remedy: throw the egg in the direction opposite to the direction of the wind and free from buildings. It was believed that then the wind would subside, change direction, and the power of the fire would weaken.

But most of all, the Easter egg helps in agricultural work: all you have to do is bury it in the grains during the Easter prayer service, and then go with the same egg and grain to sow, and a wonderful harvest is guaranteed.

A husband and wife must hit colored eggs against each other at breakfast on Easter Sunday; the one whose egg does not break will be the “head” of the family all year.

Painted eggs were exchanged when meeting, and fortunes were guessed from by them, breaking the shell in a certain way. The egg had to be rolled on the table. Good luck in games with eggs promised well-being in the family.

Finally, the egg helps even treasure hunters. After all, every treasure, as you know, is guarded by an evil spirit specially assigned to it, and when they see a person approaching with an Easter egg, the devils will certainly get scared and scatter, leaving the treasure without any protection or cover. Then all that remains is to take a shovel and calmly dig out the cauldrons of gold.

In the folk calendar, the upcoming weather was determined by Easter.

Thunderstorm on Easter - for late and dry autumn.

If there is frost or thunder on the first day of Easter, it means a good harvest.

If it rains on the first day of Easter, it means a rainy spring and a good rye harvest.

If it rains during the week, there will be a good wheat harvest.

If the weather is cold on the second day of Easter, then the summer will be dry.

If the weather is clear on the second day after Easter, then summer, on the contrary, will be rainy.

If it rains on Easter, then spring will also rain.

If it was warm and clear on Easter, then the summer will be sunny and the harvest will be good.

A starry night on Easter means frost.

By Easter all the snow had melted away - for a good harvest.

At Easter the sky is gloomy - summer will be cold and cloudy.

There is also such a sign: if a dog barks to the east during Easter Matins - to the fire, to the west - to misfortune.

Other Easter signs:

On the first day of Easter, breaking something means death this year.

If a candle goes out during a service, it is bad luck, but if after the service a person extinguishes it himself, it is good luck.

Oversleeping the morning service is a sign of failure.

Feeding free birds brings wealth and good luck.

If the Easter bread is baked successfully, then everything in the family will be fine.

A child born on Easter at noon has a great destiny.

Seeing the Easter sunrise means good luck in business.

Seeing a colorful sunset is good luck.

Hearing a cuckoo foretells an addition to the family, and for young girls - an imminent marriage.

Hear the sound of a woodpecker - you will have your own home.

Even hunters had their own Easter traditions, which boiled down to the main requirement: never shed blood on holidays. It was believed that animals also celebrated the Resurrection of Christ.

This night, lamps or candles must be lit in the red corner of the houses. Candles are also lit on the graves of deceased relatives. Fire, candles, bonfires are indispensable attributes of Orthodox Easter: the apostles warmed themselves by the fire in the Garden of Gethsemane when it was Christ’s last night.

On Easter they often visited the cemetery - they went to celebrate Christ with the dead, they left colored eggs, some bread and beer on the graves.

According to legend, from the first day of Easter until the Ascension, Christ and the Apostle wander the earth in beggar’s rags and experience human mercy. The good are rewarded and the evil are punished.

And of course, everyone around them congratulated each other with the words on their lips: “Christ is Risen!”, and in response they heard: “Truly He is Risen!”, kissed the cheek three times and exchanged Easter gifts.

Spouses must christen themselves so that no one can see, otherwise it will lead to separation. Children must be kissed three times.