What is the gymnastic ball called? Everything you need to know about choosing a fitball (gymnastic ball)

In order to get into shape, there are many different exercise machines, but many of them work on a specific muscle group. One of the universal exercise machines can be considered, the purchase of which replaces half of the equipment in the fitness center. Moreover, after a workout, even a very intense one, you will not feel tired the next day. And the sensations in the muscles will tell you about the effectiveness of each exercise. In addition, the use of a gymnastic fitness ball (or fitball) is useful not only in sports. Thus, some managers of large Japanese companies have replaced chairs for employees with fitballs, which helps strengthen the spine and reduce employee fatigue. And many mothers use this item while rocking the baby in their arms. When choosing before buying a gymnastic ball, you can get confused by the variety of offers, but if you know the basic parameters by which the quality of the product is determined, it will not be difficult for you to quickly find a suitable exercise machine. One of the main requirements for a fitball is its strength and elasticity. Quality is determined by the weight it can withstand, it should be 200-1000 kg. It is better to choose an indicator from 300 kg, because... This ball involves strength training. The next parameter is the choice of source material. It must not only be very durable, but also have an antistatic effect, i.e. do not become electrified, otherwise dust will constantly accumulate on the surface. In addition, the material should not be porous, otherwise it will absorb sweat and dirt. The elasticity of the material is checked with a regular pinch, the ball should be smoothed out, multiple folds indicate low quality. When inflated, the ball slightly springs into the hand when touched; the outgoing sensation of warmth also indicates quality; cold and slippery material is an indicator of the opposite. For manufacturing, in most cases, manufacturers choose latex and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). However, the material may be different; in any case, a high-quality ball is characterized by the presence of an anti-burst ABS system or anti burst system. It ensures safety in the event of an accidental puncture of the fitball: it deflates gradually and does not break into pieces like a balloon. Ease of use is ensured by the absence of seams and protruding nipple. For greater stability, some models are filled with special granules, thanks to which the ball maintains a certain position. But these are specialized options intended for people with impaired ligament or muscle function, as well as for pregnant women. In other cases, such models will not have a positive effect, because balls are valuable precisely because of the need for constant balancing. Currently, gymnastic balls are presented in a wide selection of models with additional elements:

  • massage balls are equipped with rubber spikes, the effect of which on muscles activates increased blood flow to tissues and organs and relieves pain;
  • orthopedic, equipped with special small horns that increase stability. These balls can be used instead of chairs;
  • balls for beginners. Their peculiarity is the presence of additional handle holders for greater confidence when performing exercises;
  • jumpers, designed for children, they have a seat and handles.

Gymnastic balls are available in several variations; the choice of the appropriate size should be based on individual height and weight. Before going to the store, measure the distance from the floor to the knee in a sitting position, with this diameter, and select a fitball. There are 3 main diameters: 5.5 dm for heights up to 1.5 m, 6.5 - up to 1.65 and 7.5 - up to 1.8 m. For an average weight of 75 kg, a ball is designed to withstand a minimum of 200 kg load. Ideally, a gymnastic ball should include a pump, because... Constant inflation on your own is quite difficult and takes a long time. Inflating is carried out until the ball bends a couple of centimeters when pressed; the optimal size is usually indicated on the packaging. An overly inflated fitball loses stability, and incomplete filling with air, on the contrary, will not allow the muscles to work sufficiently. As for muscles, aqua training programs in the pool have shown their effectiveness in strengthening them. Such loads on the body have a high fat-burning effect, and therefore are of increased interest among women. You can enjoy a full range of wellness treatments by visiting the swimming pool in Nekrasovka. If you are thinking through all the nuances of buying a gymnastic ball, pay also attention to the possible colors of the balls, because with the help of the influence of the color scheme you can regulate a person’s condition mentally and physically. So, green or blue colors are suitable to calm the nervous system. The colors of the red spectrum fill with energy: yellow is a mental stimulant, orange energizes with positivity and also has a positive effect on hormonal balance, red shades can increase immunity and even stamina. Remember that all exercises are based on balancing, so conduct exercises on a flat, non-slip surface. It is better to exclude parquet, rocky floors. To extend the life of the gymnastic ball, do not store it in close proximity to heating devices or direct sunlight. There is no need to inflate and deflate the exercise machine every day; it is better to keep it in working condition.

Surely you have already selected a set of exercises on a fitball and have your eye on a cute blue ball. Or red? In order to make a choice, remember: have you ever had to lift a bag of cement? Surprised by an inappropriate question? In vain. The bag, which is too heavy for many people, weighs 50 kg, what about you?

Now imagine that this or even more weight will fall on the rubber miracle you have chosen. But you will have to jump and perform other exercises on this simulator. So it turns out that there are things no less important than color. Let's figure out which ball is right for you for doing fitness at home.

How to choose

To get the most out of exercising with a fitball, you should pay attention to some important parameters when choosing it:


a ball with ABS will not burst if accidentally punctured or an extreme increase in load, but will bleed air

    ABS anti-burst safety system. If the seal is accidentally broken, the ball will not explode, but will slowly release air. The ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality) icons indicate the presence of this useful feature.

    Strength. Thick, 6 mm walls guarantee protection against unexpected incidents. But the “loading capacity” of a sports equipment depends both on the quality of the rubber and the weight category of the athletes: the load on the surface area is from 150 to 300 kg, from 300 to 600 and up to 1000 kg. The latter are also suitable for strength training with dumbbells, barbells, or dynamic jumps.

    Antistatic properties. Special additives in the material will save the ball from the adhesion of small debris and dust, and the players from painful electrostatic discharges.

    Environmental friendliness of the material. Confirmed by a hygiene certificate. The presence of harmful impurities can be determined independently by a sharp unpleasant odor.


When sitting on the ball, your hips and shins should be at an angle of 100°

You can give preference to one or another method for determining the required dimensions of a fitball. It is much more practical to control your choice by using everything.

By height

By arm length

By body position

The flexion angles of the ankle, knee and hip joints while sitting on the ball should not be less than 90 and more than 110 degrees.

Material requirements

When purchasing, you need to inflate the ball, this will help evaluate its quality, elasticity and seams

    Elasticity. It is unacceptable that the surface of the inflated ball reacts excessively or that the shell is too pliable. An ideal exercise machine, when pressed, is characterized by a deflection of no more than 3 centimeters and a springy surface that easily restores its shape.

    Low quality material will also be revealed by small folds that form when trying to pinch the fitball, and a lack of elasticity will be revealed by wrinkles or cracks that form when it is re-inflated.

    Build quality. The seams of the product should be practically invisible when touched and visually inspected.

    The protruding nipple, which in branded balls is flawlessly soldered inside, should not interfere with your activities.

General purpose or specialized?

Exercises on a fitball are useful for adults and children in the evening for muscle relaxation and relieving nervous tension, and in the morning - as a form of exercise. Sports jumping will help improve blood circulation and metabolism, improve muscle tone and posture even when other physical activities are contraindicated.

Orthopedic ball for pregnant women

a fitball for pregnant women must withstand a load of 300-500 kg

A colossal load falls on the joints, sacrum and the entire spine as a whole when carrying a child. Therefore, doctors recommend that expectant mothers avoid unnecessary stress. For them special complexes with fitball have been developed to help reduce tension in problem areas of the body and prepare him for a successful birth.

In addition to the main selection criteria, during this period it is worth paying special attention to the safety of the simulator:

    Additional insurance. Handles, also called braces or horns, can help make exercises safer. For the same purpose, balls with small protrusions-legs are produced.

    Surface texture. Doctors recommend exceptionally smooth. Excess weight associated with gestation, weight gain and swelling can provoke the appearance of hematomas and other microtraumas on the hard surface of the massage fitball.

Choosing a fitball size for pregnant women (video instructions):

How to choose a bouncing ball for a baby

the correct size of the ball for exercising with infants: from 45 to 75 cm in diameter

You can start training a little athlete as early as one month of age.

The most surprising thing is that the same exercises of different intensity have the opposite effect: they relieve muscle hypertonicity and strengthen the musculoskeletal system, calm the nervous system and activate the abdominal organs, preventing colic. And in addition, they train the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements of infants.

In order for classes to bring joy to the baby and mother, it is necessary to meet some conditions when choosing a fitball:

    Correct size. From 45 to 75 cm in diameter.

    Material. In addition to the strict requirements for the safety and environmental friendliness of the simulator, special attention should be paid to its texture: the surface of the ball should be smooth, without any relief.

    Additional insurance. The handles help to better coordinate movements and make exercise on the fitball more “stable”.

Choosing a fitball for weight loss

the elasticity of the ball affects the number of calories burned during training

Habitual exercises transferred to a fitball will help strengthen certain muscle groups and increase the intensity of exercise. Pilates, yoga, and strength training that increase muscle tone, in combination with this sports equipment, will require large amounts of energy.

Not only increasing the intensity of your training will help you achieve increased calorie consumption, but also choosing the right ball:

    Elasticity. Determined by the quality of the manufacturing materials, joining seams and nipple: all components must allow the ball to be inflated with air to a state of active compression resistance. This determines the degree of training load. To maintain balance on such a ball, you need to burn a lot of calories.

    Safety brackets. They reduce the likelihood of injury, which is especially important for beginners and older people, but significantly reduce the intensity of the load.

    Texture. Along with smooth balls, massage balls equipped with small hard spikes are very popular.

    The relief surface activates blood microcirculation and biologically active points, thereby restoring and regulating metabolic processes.

    This effect reduces the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer and improves overall health.

You will find a set of exercises for losing weight with a ball.

Additional criteria for choosing a fitball

the cost of the ball largely depends on the brand of the manufacturer

    Color. This is a powerful psychological factor that determines not only our sympathies, but also our well-being or emotional mood for classes. Calm dark or light colors, natural or metallic, decorative images or the transparency of a soap bubble - distinguish the color palette of branded products.

    Poisonous phosphorus “screaming” colors often give off cheap, second-rate goods.

    Equipment. Branded models of fitballs are often equipped with a hand pump for user convenience. However, if necessary You can fill the fitball with air using a car compressor or a bicycle pump.

    How to pump up a fitness ball (video instructions):

    Price. Design features, size, additional functions and color design significantly influence the cost of a Swiss ball. To a greater extent, it depends on the popularity of the brand, which is backed by the quality and demand for the product.

    Fitballs from Togu (Germany), Reebok (America) and Ledraplastic (Italy) demonstrate the optimal balance of safety, completeness, consumer demand and price in the range from 1500 to 3500 rubles. But the assortment of the sporting goods market also includes models from less famous manufacturers starting from 300 rubles.

Yellow or green, to match the wallpaper or to suit your mood - it’s up to you. The main thing to remember is that a stingy person pays twice, and a foolish person pays three times. Despite all the usefulness and harmlessness of exercise on a fitball for health, the exercise machine itself, especially of poor quality, is very dangerous. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

A fitball is a large elastic ball that is used in sports and recreational training. It will be especially useful when doing exercises for the abs, back and buttocks. Its advantage is that it allows you to diversify home exercises, removing unnecessary stress from the spine. By getting an idea of ​​how to choose a fitball, you will greatly increase the effectiveness of your exercises. After all, it will be tailored to your individual wishes, taking into account factors such as weight and height.

Tear resistance and ball types

The first thing to consider when choosing a home exercise machine is its safety. A high-quality fitball should have a built-in anti-burst system. If damaged, such a ball will not burst, but will gradually begin to deflate. This system is designated ABS, anti-explosion or BRQ (technologies for the manufacture of projectiles with increased safety).

Beginners should pay attention to the presence of holders - horns, handles and staples. They are also relevant for children and pregnant women, as they simplify the training process and reduce the risk of injury. There are also fitballs with a stand in the form of legs. They help maintain balance.

The fitball can have a smooth or massage surface.

  • The smooth ball is suitable for sports and fitness training, fitness for pregnant women and exercise for babies.
  • A massage ball dotted with special tubercles is intended for relaxation and exercise therapy. If you choose and use it correctly, it will be an ideal way to relax after a working day and will serve as a preventive measure for various spinal diseases. Keep in mind that it is not suitable for fitness, as it is difficult to move across the floor.

Suitable size

Now it’s time to decide on the main parameters of the fitball and choose the size that suits you. The diameter of a standard fitball ranges from 45 to 90 cm and is selected according to height. It is important that the angle between the shins and thighs of the person sitting on the ball is 90°. This way the body weight is distributed correctly and the joints are not overloaded.

  1. For a child 5–10 years old, a diameter of 55 cm is recommended.
  2. For adults with a height of 150–170 cm, the diameter should be 65 cm.
  3. With a height of 170–190 cm – 75 cm.
  4. For taller people, it is correct to purchase a larger size - 85 cm.

There is another technique that allows you to choose the correct diameter of a football. It is based on the size of the hand, starting from the shoulder joint to the tips of the outstretched fingers.

    1. If the arm length is less than 55 cm, a diameter of 45 cm is required.
    2. If the measurement falls in the range of 56–65 cm, buy a fitball with a diameter of 55 cm.
    3. At 66–75 cm, a 65 cm ball is suitable.
    4. When the length is more than 75 cm, a larger size fitball is selected (from 75 to 90 cm).

Does a person's weight influence the choice of fitball?

The ball can withstand a load of 300 kg, so the maximum permissible weight of the trainee, taking into account his active movements, is 130 kg. If your weight exceeds this mark, training with the ball on your own may not be safe. In this case, it is correct to use the services of a trainer. A ball that can support more weight can be ordered online or found at a large store. Its diameter is also selected according to the rules described above.

If you have any doubts when choosing a piece of equipment, contact a consultant and try out the fitball you like. Pay attention to whether you can sit on it with a straight back. Beginners should choose a smaller size, as it is easier to perform exercises on.

Selecting the color

If you plan to store the ball inflated, be sure to pay attention to its color. The exercise machine can either fit into the color scheme of your interior or act as a bright accent.

If a fitball is purchased for relaxation and yoga, choose the color according to your emotional state:

  • red increases energy levels and strengthens the immune system;
  • orange eliminates internal discomfort and charges with positivity;
  • blue gives a feeling of calm;
  • brown helps to find harmony.

Quality control

How to make sure that the selected fitball is of high quality?

  1. The seams of the ball are invisible when inflated and do not cause discomfort when in contact with the exercise machine.
  2. The ball inflates evenly and when finished corresponds to the stated size.
  3. The material contains an antistatic agent and dust does not stick to its surface.
  4. Good material is warm to the touch.
  5. The nipple covering the inflation hole is completely pressed into the surface and cannot be felt.

How much does a fitball cost? The price is affected by its diameter, configuration and color. A ball for home training can be purchased for an average of 600–1200 rubles.

How to inflate and store

Before first use, the fitball must be inflated. To do this, you can use a regular hand pump, which is included in the kit. Keep in mind that the inflation process will be quite long.

If necessary, the fitball can be inflated with your mouth like a balloon or an inflatable toy, but it is better to use a bicycle pump. With it you will inflate the fitball in a few minutes. This method has another advantage - it greatly simplifies the storage of the simulator. You can simply deflate it after class and put it away in the box.

For those who prefer to store the ball inflated, it is recommended to put it in a closet or on a rack away from radiators and direct sunlight. It is also not recommended to store the fitball on a darkened balcony. A sharp drop in temperature at night can affect the condition of the tires.

If the ball is still damaged, use rubber glue. If possible, it is better to purchase special glue produced by the manufacturer of your fitball. After repair and pumping, you can use it again for sports activities.

Use the ball on a smooth surface. If you are not sure that the floor will not be damaged by the projectile, use a yoga mat. Fitball is designed not only for training and massage. You can replace your chair with it and use it when watching TV or working at the computer.

In winter, transport the ball in the passenger compartment of the car, not in the trunk. Otherwise, it may freeze and subsequently be damaged.

The right fitball will make your workouts effective and increase the number of exercises available. When purchasing, you need to take into account a number of factors, but the main thing is to choose the right ball according to your height.

Fitball is a gymnastic ball that can be used for training in the gym and at home. This sports equipment will be useful to anyone who wants to have a perfect body.

If you dream of a slim figure, flat stomach, toned abdominal muscles and a healthy back, fitball is what you need.

It should be remembered that training will be effective only if the fitball is chosen correctly.

Fitball began to be actively used in the middle of the last century, and exclusively for medical purposes. A physiotherapist in Switzerland used it to rehabilitate patients with spinal injuries. It later found its use in the treatment of cerebral palsy.

Over time, scientists realized that the projectile can be useful not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes: to stabilize body weight, strengthen muscles and ligaments. Gradually, fitball “came” to gyms as an effective means for body shaping and weight loss. Today, aerobics using fitball is one of the most popular fitness areas.


A fitball or Swiss ball is an elastic and durable round-shaped projectile. Regular use allows you to:

  • ensure uniform load on all muscle groups;
  • correct posture;
  • develop coordination, flexibility and dexterity;
  • avoid the development of dystrophic and degenerative pathologies of the spine and joints;
  • get rid of extra pounds without exhausting workouts.

The ball is considered a safe, affordable and versatile projectile. It is used to strengthen the abs, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and remove fat deposits from the abdomen and other parts of the body. High training results are ensured due to the special shape, thanks to which almost all muscles are included in the work.

The fitball can be used by people of all ages, making it a universal “exercise machine” for the whole family. Teenagers, pensioners and even pregnant women can use it. Moreover, it is much cheaper than steppers, exercise bikes and treadmills.

Aerobics with a fitball is good because it does not load the lower limbs. That is why doctors recommend doing this exercise to older people, patients with varicose veins, joint diseases and excess weight. In the latter case, it is necessary to correctly select the diameter of the ball and its strength characteristics.

Features of choice

Before you go to the store, you need to decide how to choose the right fitball. Consider the following tips to get the most out of your workouts:

  1. Don't forget about quality. Exercises involve active interaction with the surface of the ball, and in order for it to last as long as possible, you should choose a fitball of excellent quality. Even if you weigh less than 60 kg and are barely 160 cm tall, it is recommended to give preference to balls that can withstand a load of at least 150 kg. A margin of safety will never be superfluous.
  2. Please note that there is an anti-burst system. This condition is not mandatory, but desirable. The presence of such a system allows a person to feel protected during training. Resistance to tearing is indicated using special markings, for example, BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality) or ABS (Anti-Burst System).
  3. Please check before purchasing. If you want to know how to choose a ball size right in the store, test it out. To do this, sit on the fitball as if you were sitting on a regular chair and straighten your back. If you have three right angles (between the thigh and torso, thigh and lower leg, lower leg and foot), you can safely take the ball. If the corners are sharp (less than 90 degrees), then it is not suitable for you. It is not recommended to buy such a fitball, as its use is fraught with increased stress on the joints. This warning especially applies to pregnant women, patients with arthritis and varicose veins.
  4. Choose a ball according to your height. The fitball size should be selected based on your height. If it exceeds 180 cm, choose a fitball diameter from 75 to 80 cm. If your height is between 1.6-1.7 m, buy a ball with a diameter of 65 cm. If you are one of the short people (less than 160 cm), take a closer look at balls from 55 to 60 cm. Choosing a ball based on your height will save you from accidental injuries and make your training more effective.
  5. Check the elasticity. The choice of fitball based on elasticity sets the character for all further training. When buying an elastic ball, be prepared to work hard: it will be difficult to maintain balance on such a projectile, so the muscles will work with unprecedented force. Exercises on a less elastic ball will be painless for you, but the minimum load will still be provided. If you don’t know how to choose a fitball based on elasticity, consult a consultant or try pressing the surface of the ball with your finger. A projectile of medium elasticity will bend by 2-3 cm.

The selection criteria listed are paramount, and everything else depends on personal preference. For example, based on their external texture, balls are divided into several types:

  • With horns (handles) . These balls are suitable for children, pregnant women and inexperienced users who find it difficult to maintain balance. Thanks to the presence of handles, the likelihood of injury is reduced significantly.
  • With spikes . They are called massage or touch, since the spikes located on their surface cope perfectly with the functions of a massager. Such models can be used not only for training, but also for relaxation and the fight against cellulite.
  • Smooth . Universal models that are suitable for most users, in particular pregnant women. They are often used for exercises with infants. The flat surface is used for both intense training and relaxation.
  • Children's . They are distinguished by their small size and bright decor.

Read also: Lower abs exercises for men

By the way, fitballs are painted in bright colors not only for children, but also for adults.

The fact is that color is a powerful psychological factor, so when buying, it is important to think about what emotions certain shades evoke in you.

We hope you were able to understand which fitball to choose. Select the ball according to size, elasticity, quality and other characteristics that you consider necessary. After purchasing the equipment, provide it with proper conditions for use and storage: practice on a smooth surface, keep the ball away from heaters and sunlight, try not to store the fitball in a deflated state.

Use the gymnastic ball regularly, and the results will not take long to arrive!

Sports equipment 488

Source: http://SportPlus.ucoz.ru/publ/inventar/kak_vybrat_fitbol/8-1-0-84

How to choose a fitness ball?

A fitball, or fitness ball, is an indispensable assistant for a modern woman who monitors her health and the health of her children. Exercises that can be performed with this ball help strengthen muscles and ligaments.

At the same time, coordination also develops, because it is quite difficult to maintain any position on a ball that constantly strives to turn over.

Fitness specialists have already developed a large number of programs for different purposes, including:

  • Weight loss;
  • Strengthening various muscle groups;
  • Activities for children;
  • Classes for pregnant women.

Before purchasing such a fitness ball for your home, any person may have a natural question: how to choose a fitness ball? After all, a properly selected exercise machine will not only develop you physically, but also lift your spirits and fill you with vigor.

How to choose a fitness ball

So that when you come to a sports store, you don’t have to worry and know what questions to ask, use our recommendations on how to choose a fitness ball.

  1. Weight and height. The ball that is right for you should match these parameters in size. You can focus on this approximate ratio:
  • Height 155 cm – diameter 45-55 cm.
  • Height 155-169 cm – diameter 55 cm.
  • Height 170-185 cm – diameter 65 cm
  • Height above 185 cm – diameter 75 cm.

For children, you can choose a smaller ball - about thirty centimeters in diameter.

As for weight, attention should be paid to this only if it exceeds the norm.

  1. Feel free to ask the store clerk to sit on the fitness ball of your choice. But don’t just jump on it, but use the right angle rule. To do this, when sitting down, pay attention to the fact that the thighs and lower leg, as well as the lower leg and foot, form a right angle. If everything works out, this is your ball.
  2. Not the last parameter to choose is the quality of the product, especially if you choose it for a pregnant woman or for a child. To test the ball, press it with your palm: it should spring back and there should be no dents on the surface.

Parameters of a good ball

  1. Touch the fitball: a quality ball should be pleasant to the touch, not stick to your hands and not accumulate dust. In addition, the surface of the ball should be warm, since good balls are made from environmentally friendly materials.
  2. The seams on the ball and the place of adhesion should not be obvious, otherwise they will interfere during exercise, even if you use it for a long time.

Good fitballs are equipped with an “anti-burst” function: if something accidentally punctures it, the ball will not explode, it will simply release air slowly.

How to choose a fitness ball - video

Source: http://TheWom.ru/fitness/kak-vybrat-myach-dlya-fitnesa/

Gymnastic ball: how to choose the right size

An effective physical trainer that allows you to exercise at home is a gymnastic ball. How to choose a size? It depends on many factors that you should consider when purchasing this accessory.

This sports equipment is very popular today due to its versatility, convenience, ease of use, and affordable price.

In addition, these accessories are widely used both for activities with children and expectant mothers, who, even in pregnancy, strive to keep themselves in good shape.

First, consider the weight.

Experts advise choosing a ball taking into account your own weight. The main thing is not to buy a cheap accessory, which not only is of poor quality, but also, most likely, will not be very convenient to use. It is important that the fitball is elastic and durable - in this case it will be able to support your weight.

And if you do strength training, you need a durable and reliable gymnastic ball. How to choose a size? Remember that high-quality models can withstand loads weighing more than 300 kg. Small balls with a diameter of up to 65 cm are quite suitable for children; they have a sufficient margin of safety and are therefore absolutely safe.

Second - material

A good fitball should be made of durable materials that have a good electrostatic effect. If the surface of the product is porous, it will absorb dust and sweat.

Therefore, it is important to check the smoothness of the material and its elasticity - there should be no wrinkles on the ball.

Otherwise, know that this is a low-quality product that will not help you in your sports activities.

How to choose the right gymnastic ball? Please ensure that the surface is clean, smooth, without protruding seams or protrusions. The best materials are PVC and latex.

Read also: Swimming exercises for the back


The size of the ball directly depends on the height of the athlete. It is noteworthy that this sports equipment is suitable for both adults and children. The variety of configurations allows you to choose the gymnastic ball that suits a particular person. How to choose a size?

So, based on height, you need shells of the following sizes:

  • up to 155 cm, the fitball should have a diameter of 45-55 cm;
  • if you are 155-169 cm tall, choose balls with a diameter of 55 cm;
  • for a height of 170-185 cm, 65 cm fitballs are suitable;
  • If you are taller than 186 cm, the diameter of the ball should be 75 cm.

Arm length

Professional instructors who teach Pilates or gymnastics suggest taking into account the length of your arm to choose the right gymnastic ball. How to choose the size in this case?

To determine this parameter, you need to measure the length of your arm, starting from the shoulder joint and ending with the tips of your outstretched fingers:

  • if the arm length is up to 55 cm, you need a ball with a diameter of 45-55 cm;
  • with an arm length of 56-65 cm, the fitball should have a diameter of 55 cm;
  • with a length of 66-75 cm, the diameter of the ball should be 65 cm.

To understand whether the product is right for you, you need to check the following: when exercising on a fitball in a sitting position, the angles between the body, thigh, lower leg and foot should be about 90-100 degrees.

Are all balls different?

We told you how to choose a gymnastic ball according to your height. But it is also important to take into account some external selection parameters:

  • Balls can be with handles or in the form of “horns” - most often such models are chosen for children.
  • Products with spikes over the entire surface are covered with small balls that have a certain massage effect. It is advisable to use such balls in the treatment of certain diseases, as well as for children's massage. To make the fitball stable, it can have legs at the bottom that support the position.

For kids

The gymnastic ball is versatile and easy to use. How to choose a size for newborns? In most cases, these parameters vary from 45 to 75 cm, but experts advise choosing a larger ball - it is easier for the child to fit on it.

For activities with infants, you can use fitballs with a diameter of 55-75 cm. It is good if the models are equipped with handles: they will help to monitor the child and help him hold himself.

For an adult, a handle is an opportunity to control the ball, since otherwise it is difficult to grasp it during exercise.

So how to choose a gymnastic ball for a child? We suggest you familiarize yourself with some of the nuances:

  • the ball must be made of dense, elastic fabric and have a smooth surface;
  • when trying to compress, folds should not form on the surface of the gymnastic apparatus; if they exist, it means the product is of poor quality;
  • the nipple must be soldered into the product so that nothing interferes with movement;
  • The gymnastic ball must have an anti-explosion feature, which is marked ABS. She talks about the safety of the exercise equipment.

A few final rules

How to choose a gymnastic ball for fitness? To begin with, let’s tell you that training with this sports equipment became popular not so long ago. It was invented by the famous physiotherapist Joseph Pilates, and the fitball differs from a regular ball only in size. All models are used when performing exercises in gymnastics and aerobics.

Today, fitness balls are widely used in the prevention of many diseases of the legs, back, and hips. They are especially effective in recovering from injuries.

Despite the external simplicity of the accessory, it is universal, as it allows you to use almost all muscle groups during exercise, develops a sense of balance, flexibility, helps improve posture and relieve fatigue.

When choosing, many are guided by the color of the gymnastic ball. This is where psychologists get involved in the work, since each color affects our nervous system differently.

Thus, blue and green produce a calming effect and reduce blood pressure, yellow helps improve mood and raise energy levels, and orange can relieve depression.

If you have a weak immune system, then choose a red gymnastic ball.

Operating rules

A fitball is a safe sports equipment that can be easily inflated with a conventional pump, manually or automatically. To make it last longer, use the ball only on a smooth and level surface to avoid the risk of causing mechanical damage. Products should be stored in an inflated state away from sunlight.

Gymnastic balls are simple sports equipment that nevertheless allow you to solve a number of problems without leaving your home. They are absolutely safe, provided that basic rules are followed.

The main thing is not to leave a child, especially a small one, alone with this projectile. Today, the most popular products are the following brands: Gymnic, Ledragomma, Azuni, Spokey, Torneo.

By choosing the right gymnastic ball, you can perform effective exercises at home without much effort.

Choosing a fitball is a responsible task. Only a correctly selected ball will provide you with reliability and your training will be the most effective. Fitball, also called Swiss ball, gymnastic ball.

Fitball is a reliable and effective exercise machine. Fitball is suitable for people of all ages and categories: from infants and pregnant women to advanced athletes.

How to choose a fitball - ball size

Fitball is great for both home exercise and training in the gym. The stability ball provides mild instability and mobility during workouts. This forces the deep abdominal muscles to work, which play an important role in the formation of good posture. A general rule for everyone, which will help you navigate well when choosing a fitball.

When sitting on the ball, your hips and knees should be at a 90* angle.

If you have poor balance, are a beginner, or have back problems, you can choose a slightly larger exercise ball. It is considered normal if the hips are a little higher, but in no case should the knees be higher. The angle between the hip and knee should not be sharp, as this can lead to injury.

Choosing a fitball according to your height

The diameter of the ball is measured in centimeters.
If your height is:

  • 152 cm = ball 45 cm
  • 153 cm-166 cm = ball 55 cm
  • 167-185 = ball 65 cm
  • 186-200= ball 75 cm

Choosing a fitball according to arm length

Another way to select a fitball is by arm length.
Measure your arm from the base of your shoulder to your fingertips.

  • Arm length 56-65 cm fitball 55 cm height corresponds to 157 cm
  • Arm length 66-80 cm fitball 65 cm height corresponds to 158-182 cm
  • Arm length 81-90 cm fitball 75 cm height corresponds to 182 cm or more

When choosing a fitball, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. It must be antistatic and hypoallergenic. When performing exercises, the seams should not be felt on the ball. It is better to choose a ball with special ribs. This will give more stability.

A fitball with small spikes over the entire surface will create an additional massage effect and provide stability. You can additionally purchase a stand for a fitball, you will be more confident during exercise. A fitball with an anti-burst system (ABS anti burst system) is a little more expensive. This ball can withstand a lot of weight and is made of higher quality materials. When damaged, the ball begins to slowly deflate rather than burst.

When choosing a ball, you should choose a higher quality option. The fitball can be used not only for exercise, but also as a chair in your office. At the same time, you will maintain your posture, since you can only sit on the fitball straight up, maintaining your balance. Fitball is a convenient and useful exercise machine for any age and level of training.

The fitball can be used both indoors and outdoors. Unlike other exercise equipment, a fitball does not take up much space when stored. The correct fitball size will allow you to maintain good posture and get the most out of your workouts.