What is the chief power engineer responsible for? Chief power engineer


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Chief Power Engineer of the enterprise.

1.2. Chief power engineer appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in the manner established by current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The chief power engineer reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

1.4. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in his specialty in engineering, technical and technical fields is appointed to the position of Chief Power Engineer. leadership positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise.

1.5. The chief power engineer must know:

Regulatory and teaching materials for energy services of the enterprise; profile, specialization and features of the organizational and energy structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development; fundamentals of energy production of enterprise products; organization of energy supply for production in the industry and enterprise; A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment; production capacity, technical specifications, design features and operating modes of power equipment, energy-using installations, rules of their operation; procedure and methods for planning the operation of equipment and production repair work; labor during operation, repair and modernization of power equipment; the procedure for developing standards for the consumption of fuel and energy resources; the procedure for concluding contracts for the supply of electricity, steam, water and other types of energy to an enterprise; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of energy supply for production; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of labor legislation; rules and regulations labor protection, regulatory and methodological materials on energy preparation of production; profile, specialization and features of the organizational and energy structure of the enterprise; prospects technical development industries and enterprises; energy production of enterprise products; systems and design methods; organization of energy preparation of production in the industry and at the enterprise; production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and operating modes of equipment, rules of its operation; procedure and methods for planning energy preparation of production; technical requirements for raw materials, materials and finished products; regulations, instructions and other guidance materials on the development and execution of technical documentation; means of mechanization and automation of production processes; methods for determining the economic efficiency of implementation new technology and energy, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions; procedure for certification of the quality of industrial products; possibilities of using computer technology and methods for designing energy processes using them; procedure for accepting equipment into operation; requirements for rational organization of labor during design energy processes; domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the relevant industry; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the production of similar products; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of environmental legislation; basics of labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Chief Power Engineer, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.


Note. The functional responsibilities of the Chief Power Engineer are determined on the basis and to the extent of the qualification characteristics for the position of Chief Power Engineer and can be supplemented and clarified when preparing a job description based on specific circumstances.

2.1. Organizes technically correct operation and timely repairs energy and environmental equipment and energy systems, uninterrupted supply of electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy to production, control over the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise, consistent adherence to the economy regime.

2.2. Manages the organization and planning of the work of energy workshops and farms, the development of schedules for the repair of energy equipment and energy networks, plans for the production and consumption of electricity, energy fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air by the enterprise, consumption standards and modes of consumption of all types of energy.

2.3. Ensures the preparation of applications and the necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electrical and thermal energy to the enterprise and the connection of additional power to production, in the preparation of proposals for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of means of complex mechanization and automation of production processes , in considering projects for the reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions, in drawing up technical assignments for the design of new and reconstruction of existing energy facilities.

2.4. Gives opinions on developed projects, participates in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for commercial operation.

2.5. Ensures work to protect underground structures and communications, organizes inspections communications, alarms, accounting, control, protection and automation, as well as timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to bodies exercising state technical supervision.

2.6. Organizes the development of measures to improve the efficiency of use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of power installations, the prevention of accidents, the creation of safe and favorable conditions labor during their operation. Monitors compliance with labor protection and safety regulations, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks.

2.7. Concludes contracts with third-party organizations to supply the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy, and monitors their implementation.

2.8. Organizes storage, accounting for the presence and movement of energy equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of electricity and fuel consumption, technical and economic indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes.

2.9. Conducts work to exchange experience in the field of operation of power equipment, saving and rational use of fuel and energy resources, and promotes the achievement of high performance indicators in the operation of power plants.

2.10. Provides improvement of labor organization in energy sector areas, certification and rationalization of jobs, introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of energy equipment.

2.11. Gives opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions related to the improvement of energy equipment and energy supply, organizes the implementation of accepted proposals.

2.12. Manages the employees of the department and divisions of the enterprise that provide energy services to production, organizes work to improve the skills of workers.


The chief power engineer has the right:

3.1. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees and services on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

3.2. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely execution of individual orders by subordinate services and divisions.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Chief Power Engineer, his subordinate services and divisions.

3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on energy supply issues and other issues within the competence of the Chief Power Engineer.


The chief power engineer is responsible for:

4.1. Results and effectiveness production activities related to his functional responsibilities specified in section 2 of these Instructions.

4.2. Not reliable information on the status of implementation of work plans of subordinate services and divisions.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the director of the enterprise.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that create a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.5. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of subordinate services and employees subordinate to the Chief Power Engineer.


5.1. To ensure his activities, the chief power engineer is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

5.2. The working hours of the Chief Power Engineer are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.3. Due to production needs, the Chief Power Engineer may travel to business trips(including local significance).

5.4. To resolve operational issues related to ensuring production activities, the Chief Power Engineer may be allocated official vehicles.

Other instructions in the section:

Job Description The chief power engineer determines the procedure for appointing an employee to a position and releasing him from it, his skills, education, knowledge, experience, and skills necessary to perform work tasks. The document specifies the functional duties, responsibilities, and rights of the employee.

Provided below standard form can be used when drawing up a job description for the chief power engineer of an enterprise.

Sample of a typical job description for a chief power engineer

I. General provisions

1. The chief power engineer belongs to the “managers” category.

2. Appointment to the position of chief power engineer or dismissal from it is made by order of the director of the organization on the recommendation of the chief engineer.

3. A person with a higher technical education and at least five years of experience in leadership positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise is appointed to the position of chief power engineer.

4. The chief power engineer reports directly to the chief engineer.

5. The chief power engineer in his work is guided by:

  • normative legal acts RF;
  • Charter of the organization;
  • Internal labor regulations;
  • orders, orders, instructions from the director of the enterprise, chief engineer and other management documents;
  • this job description.

6. The chief power engineer must know:

  • methodological materials on energy services of the organization;
  • energy supply for production in the organization;
  • features of the equipment used at the enterprise, production technology;
  • technical characteristics, operating modes of power equipment, rules of its operation;
  • unified system scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment;
  • the procedure for carrying out planned repairs;
  • rules for acceptance and delivery of equipment;
  • guidance materials on the preparation of technical documentation;
  • energy resource consumption standards;
  • basics of production organization and management;
  • safety standards, labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

7. During the absence of the chief power engineer, his responsibility, functional duties, rights are transferred to another official, which is recorded in the order of the organization.

II. Job responsibilities of the chief power engineer

The chief power engineer performs the following functional responsibilities:

1. Establishes proper operation, scheduled repairs, replacement of energy and environmental equipment, energy systems, continuous supply of production with energy and resources.

2. Manages the planning and organization of the work of energy facilities.

3. Controls the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise and compliance with the economy regime.

4. Creates schedules for the repair of energy equipment and networks, plans for production, consumption of energy resources by the enterprise, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.

5. Prepares applications and carries out calculations for:

  • acquisition of power equipment, materials, spare parts;
  • supplying electrical and thermal energy, connecting additional power to the enterprise;
  • development of measures to reduce energy consumption standards;
  • introduction of equipment that contributes to more reliable, economical, safe operation of power plants, and increased labor productivity.

6. Participates in the development of plans and proposals for:

  • development of the energy sector;
  • increasing production efficiency;
  • introduction of means of mechanization and automation of production;
  • reconstruction, re-equipment of the enterprise;
  • modernization of the organization's energy systems;
  • functioning of energy facilities.

7. Prepares conclusions on developed projects.

8. Participates in the acceptance and testing of power plants and networks.

9. Contributes to work to protect structures and communications.

10. Ensures timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to state technical supervision authorities.

11. Organizes inspection of alarms, communications, accounting, control, protection and systems automatic control.

12. Contributes to the development of measures to improve the efficiency of use of energy resources, reliability, efficiency of equipment operation, accident prevention, and the creation of safe working conditions.

13. Establishes control over compliance with labor protection and safety regulations, requirements for the operation of power plants, the use of power equipment, and communications.

14. Organizes storage, handling, accounting of equipment located at the enterprise, analysis of energy and fuel consumption, technical and economic indicators of the functioning of the energy sector, accidents and their causes.

15. Concludes agreements with organizations on the supply of energy resources to the enterprise and monitors their implementation.

16. Exchanges experience in operating energy equipment, rational use, saving energy resources.

17. Prepares conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions in relation to energy equipment and supplies.

18. Improves the organization of work in energy sector areas, certification of employees, introduction of rational methods of repair and operation of energy equipment.

19. Manages the divisions of the enterprise that provide energy services to production, organizes work to improve the skills of employees.

III. Rights

The chief power engineer has the right:

1. Represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with government authorities and other structures.

2. Send requests and obtain information necessary to fulfill their functional responsibilities.

3. Check the work of the enterprise departments involved in energy services for the organization.

4. Send recommendations to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise on issues of energy services for production.

5. Disconnect equipment from power networks in an unsatisfactory condition when a threat of an accident or an accident is identified.

6. Sign and endorse documents; issue orders on energy service issues.

7. Conduct correspondence with divisions of the enterprise and other organizations.

8. Make proposals for bringing to justice officials based on the results of inspections.

9. Suspend from work or transfer to in the prescribed manner employees who have not passed the test of knowledge of safety regulations and operation of power plants.

IV. Responsibility

The chief power engineer is responsible for:

1. Consequences of decisions made.

2. Use of enterprise property.

3. Violation of regulations and documents of the organization’s management.

4. Causing damage to the enterprise, its personnel, the state, and contractors.

5. Providing knowingly false or unreliable information to employees of the organization.

6. Improper performance of one’s official duties.

7. Disclosure of personal information, trade secrets, confidential data.

8. Violation of safety rules, labor discipline, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

9. Conducting meetings and representations of the interests of the enterprise that are not authorized by management.

The chief power engineer of an enterprise is a leadership position, therefore only the director of the organization in which he has joined can hire or fire the employee who occupies it. To be hired, a candidate must have a higher technical education. In addition, it is worth considering that enterprises may engage in various activities in different industries and responsible for different market sectors. An employee planning to obtain such a position must have extensive work experience, at least five years. Moreover, this experience must correspond to the industry in which the enterprise operates. And the employee must work these years either in a managerial or in an engineering position. The chief power engineer reports directly to the director of the organization.

What guides

A person who has received the position of “chief power engineer” must first of all be guided by legislative and regulatory documents aimed at regulating the energy services of the enterprise.

Also, methodological materials concerning his issues should be made available to him. direct activities. The chief power engineer is obliged to comply with the charter of the enterprise and always be at the workplace. He has no right to violate labor regulations. Submitting to the chief director, he is obliged to carry out all his orders and instructions. He must also follow all the rules contained in the job description of the chief power engineer.

What you should know

When starting to perform the duties of the chief power engineer, the employee must learn and understand all the regulations of the Labor Code, orders and instructions of his superiors, and familiarize himself with the methodological and regulatory materials relating to the energy services of this enterprise. Naturally, understand what profile the organization has, what the specifics of its activities are. It is also important to understand the structure of the enterprise and possible ways its development.

Chief power engineer: requirements

An employee in this position needs to know the basics of technology, how exactly products are manufactured at the enterprise, how the supply of electricity to production workshops and other places is organized, how the system of scheduled preventive maintenance work is organized and how to rationally use the resources of the enterprise equipment. Knowledge of the operating rules of devices that use electricity, their technical characteristics and production capacity is required.


The chief power engineer must be aware of what methods are used to plan the operation of equipment, what is the procedure for turning them on and off, and according to what schedule repair work must be carried out. The chief power engineer must be able to develop and execute technical documentation in accordance with instructions, regulations and other management-type materials. Know how equipment is accepted and returned after use and repair work. Understand what could harm the environment and prevent it.


If equipment is being modernized, as well as its operation or repair, the chief power engineer must know all management requirements in this regard. Also, a person holding this position must have the following information:

  • how much fuel and energy should be consumed for the operation of workshops and the enterprise as a whole;
  • how to enter into agreements with other organizations to obtain any materials in order to supply the organization with electricity and other types of energy necessary for normal operation.

Also, the chief power engineer is supposed to know the country’s labor legislation, the basics of organizing production, economics and management. The labor protection instructions for the chief power engineer, safety precautions, fire protection and industrial sanitation standards must be observed.

Deputy Chief Power Engineer

If an employee holding the position of chief power engineer is absent from work, his duties are automatically taken over by a deputy, who is appointed either by the power engineer himself or by higher management. In this case, the deputy is fully responsible for his actions and correct execution duties during the absence of the chief power engineer.


The main function of an employee holding the position of “chief power engineer” is to organize work aimed at providing energy services to the organization. According to the job description, the person occupying the position described is responsible for periodically improving the qualifications of all subordinates. The chief energy engineer must ensure healthy and safe conditions labor, also control labor activity subordinates and their compliance with all necessary regulations and rules.


To perform his functions fully, the employee must strictly fulfill the duties of the chief power engineer. At each enterprise, working conditions and requirements may be different, but there are basic ones that apply to any area of ​​enterprise activity. The chief power engineer must ensure that all repair work on power equipment is carried out correctly and on time, and monitor the saving of energy resources in the organization.

He is also responsible for the uninterrupted supply of electricity, water, steam, gas and other resources to the production, on which the continuity of the production process depends.

Also, the responsibilities of the chief power engineer include managing the planning of energy facilities, drawing up a schedule for repair work of energy networks and equipment, and calculating the consumption of energy resources. He must calculate and draw up requests that will contain information about the need to purchase parts or equipment, as well as other materials necessary to maintain the operation of the enterprise's energy systems. A person in this position must make calculations to minimize energy consumption and increase equipment performance.

If the organization plans to reconstruct or modernize power equipment, the chief power engineer is obliged to participate in drawing up plans in this regard and monitor the implementation of all necessary work for upgrading devices. After it is completed, he must participate in checking the system and carry out all necessary tests and check if everything is working properly.

He controls and carries out work aimed at protecting underground communications, checks the operation of communications, protective systems alarm and reports to government agencies for the operation of all pressure devices. Responsibilities also include conducting events to exchange experience and knowledge regarding the operation, repair and installation of power equipment. The chief power engineer is responsible for the work and manages all departments and employees ensuring the uninterrupted operation of all power plants.


The job description of the chief power engineer includes the rights vested in the representative of this position. He has the right to represent the interests of the organization before competing or cooperating companies when we're talking about on energy services, or on other issues regarding energy supply. Can also present plans and proposals to his superiors to improve the efficiency of his departments and employees. Propose to improve the use of energy resources, organize events aimed at reducing fuel consumption and improving the operation of equipment in the organization. Endorsement and signing of documents are also available to the chief power engineer, but only within his official department. In addition, he has the right to receive reports and other information from employees that he needs for his work.

Personnel issues are also within his competence. He may suggest to his superiors that he dismiss, relocate, or reassign employees based on personal considerations, observations, and experience. He has the right to reward employees or, conversely, impose fines on them for poor performance of duties. And the last thing is that the chief power engineer has the right to ask his superiors for help if for some reason he himself is not able to fulfill certain duties.

Responsible work

The chief power engineer bears full responsibility for his actions. If he performs his duties poorly or ignores them altogether, he may receive the punishment prescribed in Labor Code countries for similar cases. He may also incur criminal or administrative liability if he violates the law in the performance of his official duties or his actions cause material damage to the company. Depending on the amount of damage caused, the degree of punishment will be determined.


Employees applying for the position of chief power engineer are needed in a variety of companies. Basically, of course, representatives of this profession are required at enterprises where products are produced for various market segments. Before writing a resume for a chief power engineer, it is advisable to decide in which field you want to work. After all, it is important for every enterprise that their future employee not only understands the company’s work, but also has experience working with similar equipment.

Since this is a leadership position, few people succeed in starting their career with it. First you need to go through the path of promotions and gain experience. Basically, specialists who have at least five years of experience in management positions are hired for this position. And if we also take into account previous experience in ordinary positions, it roughly turns out that employers are turning their attention to specialists over forty years old.

Besides, prerequisite admission to work is the presence of higher technical education. Naturally, the requirements in each organization are individual, but generally employers prefer experienced, educated specialists who know their business and are able to manage staff or even departments involved in providing the enterprise with electricity and other fuel resources, as well as those responsible for the repair, maintenance and modernization of equipment necessary for the company's production activities.

1. Job description of the chief power engineer of the enterprise

1. General provisions.

The chief power engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the director, the head of the given enterprise, individual entrepreneur, sole proprietor, chairman of the cooperative (employer). Appointed from among the administrative and technical staff.

Reports to the director of the enterprise.

Under the jurisdiction of Ch. energy are:

Transformer substations, electrical installations, electrical equipment, electrical appliances and electrical wiring.

2. Tasks and Responsibilities:

1. Ensure the maintenance, operation and maintenance of electrical installations in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documentation.

2.Develop and implement organizational and technical measures, which include:

Timely and high-quality repair of electrical equipment.

Reducing accidents and injuries in electrical installations.

3. Participate in the investigation, recording and analysis of accidents and incidents and taking measures to eliminate the causes of their occurrence.

4. Develop job descriptions and manufacturing instructions for employees of the enterprise.

5. Develop and implement measures to save energy resources and increase power factor.

6. Introduce new equipment into the electrical sector.

7. Organize and promptly conduct preventive tests of electrical equipment.

8. Organize training, instruction and periodic testing of the knowledge of subordinates.

9. Systematically monitor the load and electricity consumption schedule and take measures to maintain the regime established by the power system.

10. Determine the need and ensure the supply of materials and spare parts, tools and accessories.

11. Develops and monitors the implementation of annual and monthly maintenance schedules for equipment, manages the repair of electrical parts, technological and special equipment.

12. Develops fundamental, operational, executive schemes and passports of energy networks, installations, equipment.

13. Provides work on modernization and automation of equipment and networks.

14. Implements behind hidden installation work. Accepts electrical equipment and networks for operation in accordance with the rules.

15. Responsible for the technical safety and organization of operation of energy facilities.

16. Responsible for timely checking of protective equipment, electrical insulation, grounding, electrical equipment.

17. Develops and submits for approval to management norms and limits for electrical energy consumption.

18. Supervises measuring instruments.

19. Ensures timely submission of information in the established reporting form to higher-level and energy supply organizations.

3. Rights.

The chief power engineer has the right:

1. Conduct negotiations on energy supply issues with the energy supply organization represented by Krymenergo OJSC.

2. Participate in meetings to resolve energy supply issues for a given enterprise.

3. Demand from the relevant service (employer) material and technical support for the rhythmic and safe operation of electrical equipment and electrical installations.

4. Apply to management to reward or punish employees.

5. Participate in the work of the commission to investigate accidents, work defects, and accidents.

4. Responsibility.

The chief power engineer is responsible for:

1. Failure to ensure correct and safe operation of electrical installations.

2. Accidents and defects in the work of the energy service, unsatisfactory and untimely repairs of electrical installations.

3. Selection, training and instruction of workers and subordinate personnel.

4. Providing workers and subordinate personnel with instructions on labor protection and protective equipment in accordance with the standards.

5. Must know.

Ch. The energy engineer should know:

Resolutions, decrees and orders of higher authorities, methodological and regulatory materials on energy maintenance of the enterprise, a unified system of scheduled maintenance and rational operation of equipment, production capacities, the procedure for concluding contracts, labor legislation, rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

6. Qualification requirements.

Higher or secondary technical electrical engineering education,

Minimum 5 years of experience working in electrical installations

Special training on labor protection issues in educational institution with a knowledge test. In the future - once every 3 years.

7. Relationships.

In the work chap. The energy engineer interacts with the director (employer) on electricity supply issues.

Download the full text of the Job Description of the Chief Power Engineer of the enterprise in format WORD

2. Job description of the chief power engineer of the plant

1. General provisions

Chief power engineer, 4th qualification group, 2nd qualification level belongs to the category of managers

The decision on hiring and dismissal of the chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group, 2nd qualification level is made by the director of the plant.

A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering, technical and managerial positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise is appointed to the position of chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level. national economy at least 5 years.

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level reports directly to the director of the plant.

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level in his activities is guided by:

Rules for electrical installations PUE, Moscow, 2004

Rules for technical operation of consumer electrical installations, Moscow, 2003

Interindustry rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, Moscow, 2001

Instructions of the Ministry of Energy of Russia for the installation of lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications SO 153-34.21.122-2003.

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level must know:

Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”;

2. Functions

Organization of technically correct operation and timely repair of power equipment;

Uninterrupted supply of electricity to the enterprise;

Rational use of the enterprise’s energy resources;

Ensuring sufficient and rational lighting of workplaces, production premises and territories.

3. Job responsibilities

Conduct training (including on labor protection) for service personnel;

Maintain state secrets;

Take part in the development of an energy saving program;

Strictly comply with the requirements of Ch. accountant for documenting business transactions and submitting them to the accounting department necessary documents and information;

Draw up a list of cases;

Maintain personal records of the issuance of personal protective equipment to site workers;

Keep records of the working hours of personnel engaged in work with harmful conditions labor to dispense milk;

Timely submit applications for the purchase of workwear and other personal protective equipment, detergents, milk;

Provide site employees with labor safety briefings upon hiring, quarterly briefings, and targeted labor safety briefings when performing work unusual for them, as well as high-risk work with the obligatory execution of a work permit;

Check the serviceability of tools and protective devices, promptly replace faulty ones, and test personal protective equipment;

Take part in the work of commissions appointed by orders of the director;

Comply with current environmental, sanitary and epidemiological standards and rules when handling waste and take measures to ensure protection environment;

Exercise control at the site over the separate collection of waste generated by its type and hazard class, avoiding mixing;

Ensure conditions under which waste does not have a harmful effect on the environment and human health when industrial waste accumulates in storage areas before its removal;

Keep reliable records of the presence, generation, use, disposal of all waste from your own production and provide a monthly report on the amount of waste generated to the environmental protection officer to calculate fees for waste disposal.

At the conclusion of the State contract (agreement) to provide reliable information and proper execution of photocopies of constituent documents received from organizations entering into State agreements with the plant. contract (agreement).

4. Rights

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level has the right:

  • represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with others structural divisions enterprises, other organizations, on issues related to energy services for production;
  • receive from the manager and specialists of structural divisions information related to issues of energy maintenance of production;
  • stop the operation of power equipment that is in unsatisfactory condition;
  • give instructions on issues of energy maintenance of production to managers and specialists of structural divisions;
  • conduct correspondence with organizations and structural divisions on issues related to energy maintenance of production.

5. Responsibility

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level is responsible for:

  • for failure to fulfill or improper performance of their duties provided for in these instructions - in accordance with current labor legislation; for offenses committed during the period of its activities, in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation;
  • for causing material damage - in accordance with current legislation;
  • for the safety of official documentation.

6. Relationships

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level represents:

  • To the parent organization:
  • Certificate of energy consumption - quarterly;
  • Annual energy consumption statement broken down by quarter;
  • Certificate of annual electricity consumption.

To the plant's accounting department:

  • Monthly email usage report. energy by workshops and sections of the plant;
  • Monthly timesheets.
  • Quarterly and annual work plans for the energy sector;
  • Annual application and calculations for the purchase of materials, equipment and spare parts.
  • Plan vocational training energy department personnel - November;
  • Holiday schedule for energy department employees – December
  • Certificates of incapacity for work.

7. Procedure for reviewing job descriptions

The instructions are subject to revision as necessary, but not less than once every 5 years.

The job description was developed on the basis of the Qualification Directory of positions for managers, specialists and other employees approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of August 21, 1998.

Compiled by: Chief Engineer.

Job description and job responsibilities of the chief power engineer.


1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the chief power engineer of the enterprise.

1.2. The chief power engineer is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The chief power engineer reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

1.4. A person with a higher education degree is appointed to the position of chief power engineer

professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering, technical and management positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise.

1.5. The chief power engineer must know:
- regulatory and methodological materials on energy services of an enterprise;
profile, specialization and features of the organizational and energy structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development;
- fundamentals of energy production of enterprise products;
- organization of energy supply for production in the industry and at the enterprise;
- a unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment;
production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and operating modes of energy equipment, energy-using installations, rules of their operation;
- procedure and methods for planning the operation of equipment and carrying out repair work;
- labor during operation, repair and modernization of power equipment;
- the procedure for developing standards for the consumption of fuel and energy resources;
- the procedure for concluding contracts for the supply of electricity, steam, water and other types of energy to an enterprise;
- advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of energy supply for production;

- rules and regulations of labor protection, regulatory and methodological materials on energy preparation of production;
- profile, specialization and features of the organizational and energy structure of the enterprise;
- prospects for technical development of the industry and enterprise;
- energy production of the enterprise's products;
- systems and design methods;
- organization of energy preparation of production in the industry and at the enterprise;
- production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and operating modes of equipment, rules of its operation;
- procedure and methods for planning energy preparation of production;
- technical requirements for raw materials, materials and finished products;
- regulations, instructions and other guidance materials on the development and execution of technical documentation;
- means of mechanization and automation of production processes;
- methods for determining the economic efficiency of introducing new technology and energy, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions;
- procedure for certification of the quality of industrial products;
- possibilities of using computer technology and methods for designing energy processes using them;
- procedure for accepting equipment into operation;
- requirements for rational organization of labor when designing energy processes;
- domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the relevant industry;
- advanced domestic and foreign experience in the production of similar products;
- basics of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
- basics of environmental legislation;
- basics of labor legislation;
- labor protection rules and regulations.

During the period of temporary absence of the chief power engineer, his job responsibilities are assigned to ___________________________.
Organizes the technically correct operation and timely repair of energy and environmental equipment and energy systems, uninterrupted supply of electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy to production, monitoring the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise, consistent adherence to the economy regime.
Manages the organization and planning of the work of energy shops and farms, the development of schedules for the repair of energy equipment and energy networks, plans for the production and consumption of electricity, energy fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air by the enterprise, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.
Ensures the preparation of applications and the necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electrical and thermal energy to the enterprise and the connection of additional power to production, in the preparation of proposals for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of means of complex mechanization and automation of production processes , in the consideration of projects for the reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions, in the preparation of technical specifications for the design of new and reconstruction of existing energy facilities.

2.4. Gives opinions on developed projects, participates in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for commercial operation.

2.5. Ensures the implementation of work to protect underground structures and communications, organizes the inspection of communications, alarms, accounting, control, protection and automation, as well as the timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to the bodies carrying out state technical supervision.

2.6. Organizes the development of measures to improve the efficiency of use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of operation of power plants, the prevention of accidents, and the creation of safe and favorable working conditions during their operation. Monitors compliance with labor protection and safety regulations, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks.

2.7. Concludes contracts with third-party organizations to supply the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy, and monitors their implementation.

2.8. Organizes storage, accounting for the presence and movement of energy equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of electricity and fuel consumption, technical and economic performance indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes.

2.9. Conducts work to exchange experience in the field of operation of energy equipment, saving and rational use of fuel and energy resources, contributes to achieving high performance on the operation of power plants.

2.10. Provides improvement of labor organization in energy sector areas, certification and rationalization of jobs, introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of energy equipment.

2.11. Gives opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions related to the improvement of energy equipment and energy supply, organizes the implementation of accepted proposals.

2.12. Manages the employees of the department and divisions of the enterprise that provide energy services to production, organizes work to improve the skills of workers.

2.13. Note. The job responsibilities of the chief power engineer are determined on the basis and to the extent of the qualification characteristics for the position of chief power engineer and can be supplemented and clarified when preparing a job description based on specific circumstances.


The chief power engineer has the right:

3.1. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees and services on a range of issues included in his job responsibilities.

3.2. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely execution of individual orders by subordinate services and divisions.

3.3. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the chief power engineer, subordinate services and divisions.

3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on energy supply issues and other issues within the competence of the chief power engineer.


The chief power engineer is responsible for:

4.1. Results and efficiency of production activities related to its job responsibilities specified in section 2 of these Instructions.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of implementation of work plans of subordinate services and departments.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the director of the enterprise.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that create a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.5. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of subordinate services and employees subordinate to the chief power engineer.


5.1. To ensure his activities, the chief power engineer is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his job responsibilities.

5.2. The working hours of the chief power engineer are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

5.3. Due to production needs, the chief power engineer may go on business trips (including local ones).

5.4. To resolve operational issues related to ensuring production activities, the chief power engineer may be allocated official vehicles.