Which interactive whiteboard is better? Types of interactive whiteboards

The device, which ten years ago was considered a technological miracle and the privilege of a couple of exemplary private schools, is now used to teach a variety of subjects: from biology to mathematics and foreign languages. Interactive whiteboard is gradually becoming not just a fashion accessory or an attractive toy, but an integral part educational process.

What is an interactive whiteboard?

Essentially it is a large touch screen used in conjunction with a computer and projector. The image from the computer is projected onto the board, after which you can work with everyone computer programs without leaving her side. Special software expands the user's capabilities: from ordinary drawing on a virtual surface to adding information and objects found on the Internet, creating presentations, demonstrating experiments and working with video files.

How to work with an interactive whiteboard?

After connecting the board to your computer and projector, just touch the surface with a stylus or finger to get started. Depending on software and the tasks that the user sets for himself, mastering all functions may require more or less time, but the basic principle of operation is intuitive and does not require special training. Using the whiteboard, you can open files and applications on your computer, surf the Internet, make notes on images, websites, maps and other objects, and, of course, create your own virtual presentations and lessons.

What are the benefits of using an interactive whiteboard in school?

To make the learning process as effective as possible, it is important to use the main human sensory systems - visual and auditory. The modern generation of schoolchildren, who grew up on computers and smartphones, are accustomed to the visual presentation of information, so an interactive whiteboard will not only attract their attention, but will also help them better understand and remember the material .

The interactive whiteboard allows students to touch a picture to choose the correct answer or solve a problem, simulate a chemical experiment, or find the right object on a map. All this makes the information more visual, creates a creative atmosphere in the classroom, and stimulates group discussions.

In turn, teachers, using an interactive whiteboard, can experiment with teaching styles and focus on the needs of different age groups and it’s easier to find the information you need. At the same time, it is much more convenient to create your own methodological base, saving illustrative materials (text and multimedia files, tables, diagrams, images from the Internet, geographical maps etc.) and adapting them for different audiences. Such “blanks” help maintain a fast pace of the lesson, since the teacher does not need to spend time writing large amounts of text on the board.

Students can save and print all materials in order to return to them at home or in future classes, study missed material, and test their knowledge.

How to choose an interactive whiteboard for school?

It should be remembered that there are always many children in the classroom, so the surface of the board must be strong and durable, resistant to scratches and mechanical damage. Another necessary requirement for the surface is matteness in order to avoid glare that tires the eyes. It has such properties. She will become an indispensable assistant when conducting lessons and additional training sessions for various age groups - from kindergarten to higher education institution.

The size of the board should be large, since many schoolchildren suffer from myopia (recommended diagonal is 78-82 inches).

And of course special attention it is necessary to pay attention to quality, since the effectiveness of the work of the teacher and his students largely depends on it.

If you can’t choose the right interactive whiteboard, our specialists will help!

Every schoolchild knows exactly what an interactive whiteboard is, because it’s not for nothing that the government has allocated money to provide all schools in the country with this device. From now on, teachers can forget about the 20th century technology called “graphic projector” and “slide projector.” However, the device will be useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for adults, both at work and at home. The article focuses on the interactive whiteboard: how to work with it, positive and negative aspects its use.

What is it and how does it work?

The first question that arises in a person’s mind when he hears the phrase “interactive whiteboard” is how to work with it? At first glance, the device seems very complex and inaccessible to many users. However, having looked into it, we can conclude that this is yet another technical innovation that not only a child, but also an elderly person with conservative views can master.

The kit includes a projector and a touch screen. They are simultaneously connected to a personal computer or laptop. Some models are equipped with special laser pointer, which can affect the sensitive screen. Accordingly, the projector transmits an image to the screen, and the user, using a pointer, pen or fingers, touches the screen full control contents of the picture.

A little about technology

Different manufacturers, as is common in the IT industry, have created the device using their own technologies that slightly differentiate them from their competitors. Naturally, stating that their development is much more efficient. We'll have to figure out the differences.

  1. Electromagnetic technology. The hard surface of the interactive whiteboard has a multi-layer structure that is very sensitive to touch. The response time of the board, as well as the resolution, is very high, which allows it to respond quickly to touch. To work, you need a special marker, and performance depends directly on the power of the computer.
  2. Laser technology. Two infrared lasers read information about the user's actions by determining the coordinates of the touch. Inadvertently blocking the beam may prevent you from using your interactive whiteboard.
  3. Ultrasound technology. The operating principle is different from laser technology only using ultrasound instead of a laser beam.

What to look for when purchasing

Even if the advertising insists that the device is universal and connection is possible to any computer, but this is for economically developed countries where there are no problems with the annual renewal of the fleet of computers and laptops. Judging by the reviews of owners, they are often concerned about one question in the topic “Interactive whiteboard”: how to work with it if there is no technical ability to connect it to computer equipment? Before making a purchase, you need to make sure that the necessary interfaces are available. Most inexpensive devices have the old service port for connecting to a computer - RS-232, which most laptops do not have. New interactive whiteboards are equipped only with a Bluetooth module, which is not available on personal computers. Conclusion - you need to select the device individually for yourself and strive to ensure that the interactive whiteboard has a popular USB interface, which will never cause problems.

Using an interactive whiteboard at school

Any teacher knows that a student’s mastery of material depends entirely on his attention during the learning process. It is not for nothing that, along with pedagogy, future teachers study oratory, which allows them to hold the attention of a large number of children by changing intonation, volume and speed of speech. However, this is not enough. Often, teachers resort to involving students in their own games, in which the child receives information through association and his own memory. Games of the 20th century included all kinds of drawings on a board or posters, cutting out models of objects from cardboard and similar improvised means.

Interactive whiteboard in elementary school allows the teacher to involve the whole class in the work without much effort. Thanks to a huge number of specialized programs, you can change the course of a lesson in seconds if students lose interest and include something else, more interesting.

From theory to practice in education

As you know, if there is a need and resources, there will always be an offer and this applies to ready-made school programs By different subjects, which can be found on the Internet. But, as you know, any teacher strives to present his subject in such a way that it is understandable to all students in the class, focusing on the “weak link.” Ready-made lessons with an interactive whiteboard will not be effective in such cases. You need to develop a plan yourself from scratch. And there are no difficulties in this.

  1. Using the package Microsoft Office, in particular, PowerPoint. Using ready-made templates, creating a visual presentation will be easy.
  2. Smart software. The interactive whiteboard comes with this great program out of the box. She is only interested in initial stages. Freehand drawing and working with text quickly gets boring.
  3. Independent development of programs using object-oriented programming languages, including WEB. This is the “aerobatics” of any teacher, although mastering a language may take more than one month, but the result is worth the effort.

Example of creating a lesson

The example will use the Microsoft PowerPoint interactive whiteboard program. Lesson topic for primary classes: “Computer device.” When opening PowerPoint, select " Ready template” and find “Widescreen Presentation”. An eight-slide presentation layout containing full instructions on working in the program. It is necessary to add a thematic picture to each slide, which can be downloaded from the Internet, and write a description for it. There must be separate photographs of the processor, motherboard, RAM, hard drive, video card, power supply, case and all kinds of peripherals. You also need to find a picture of the computer assembly, which shows how and where the components are installed in the computer. When creating a presentation, you need to add a graphic field on each slide to be able to add information during the learning process - drawing visual arrows, footnotes and other descriptions. A simple presentation will allow even a child to understand the principle of operation and (using an interactive whiteboard) will be achieved.

Simple equipment for little ones

Children's interactive whiteboards are becoming increasingly popular around the world. It is easier for a child to learn with a device that has feedback than with a regular book. A simple and inexpensive solution for the little ones can be a “talking little letter” toy. Although the principle of its design is far from expensive equipment, the learning process is no less interesting for both children and adults. This interactive board will help your child quickly learn the alphabet and allow him to read simple words and suggestions. Easel on back side toys will reveal the talent of the artist, and the sound of keystrokes will not let you lose interest in the device. The interactive board for the little ones is made of durable plastic, it is not so easy to break, and accordingly, it will last a very long time.

A decent solution for preschool children

Parents will also be interested in KidzBoard - an interactive board, the price of which is much higher than toys, but the functionality allows even adults to work with it. The board uses infrared technology and is designed to work with a projector and computer. The design is quite convenient; you can adjust the position of the board in height, focusing on the height of the child. The surface of the board allows you to work with both a marker and any drawing object. It is even possible to enter with your finger.

Distinctive feature KidzBoard comes with a proprietary interactive whiteboard program called KidzFlow. Large allows you to create own lessons both from scratch and using special templates. The program has a built-in system that copes well with children's “doodles”. Its cost is about 50,000 rubles

Professional use

Having found out that an interactive whiteboard in elementary school is an indispensable tool for learning, it is worth paying attention to useful features for adults. For a long time, presentations and seminars have not been complete without the use of projectors, but this technology is one-sided and is used as a visual aid for a large number of spectators. Naturally, feedback is important for better perception of information. During seminars, many participants will always have questions that require detailed explanations. Using an interactive whiteboard will allow you to make changes to any presentation, directing learning in a direction that is understandable to others.

What is interesting for business

Judging by numerous reviews from trainers who conduct training seminars for people of medium and large businesses, the Board Triumph interactive board has proven itself to be excellent. And it’s not even about the huge screen resolution (4096x4096 dpi), which allows you to see a high-quality picture from a great distance. Distinctive feature of this device is an interesting package that includes 31 remote controls remote control. Using these devices, you can receive feedback from all participants through a survey during the conference. The remote control has several buttons that the trainer can program to suit certain actions on the board using the software that came with your device.

Business use case

I would like to see an example of how and where an interactive whiteboard is used. How to work with her during training on small and medium-sized business management? After finishing the lecture, any teacher moves on to practice. For training there is always a set of economic and strategy games, when people are divided into several groups and asked to perform a series of activities aimed at achieving a result. Using an interactive whiteboard, participants will not have to move around the room in discomfort. All necessary information, which can be dynamically changed, is on the screen.

Anyone can contribute own changes, and they will be immediately available to all training participants. Using an interactive whiteboard prevents deception and also makes it possible to record all the actions of participants, allowing you to view the seminar at any convenient time.

In conclusion

It is clear that for many people who want to purchase a device called an “interactive whiteboard”, price will be the main factor in their choice. Yes, the purchase is expensive. However, it is worth noting that it is long-term, since the equipment will last a very long time. Therefore, if there is a need to use an interactive whiteboard, first of all you need to make a list necessary requirements, and only then look for the right device according to your budget. But not the other way around. Otherwise, as often happens for many people, the lack of necessary functionality will put an end to the use of an interactive whiteboard in business and education.

Interactive whiteboard- this is a device that includes the board-screen itself, a computer with appropriate software equipment and sometimes a projector that broadcasts the image onto the board. And, of course, the quality of the board and ease of use depends on the application modern technologies in all three of its components.

The interactive whiteboard was invented primarily for teachers, and has been used by them since 1991, when SMART Technologies introduced the first device of this type. The education sector immediately appreciated the possibilities of using interactive whiteboard, which stores everything written in memory and allows you to take working with visual aids to a new level.

Now there are several types of interactive whiteboards - they are controlled using fingers, a special marker or stylus, can have touch screens, laser screens, work with front and back projection, etc.

Classification of interactive whiteboards

So, let's look at what types of interactive whiteboards there are. Depending on the basic technologies used, interactive whiteboards are divided into:

1) Boards with touch analog resistive technology
You can write on such boards not only with markers, but also with your finger, pointer, etc. Sensors located between the layers of the screen recognize the touch and transmit information about it to the computer. Very convenient - the loss of a marker does not affect the workflow in any way. The disadvantages include that the touch board requires careful handling due to the sensors.

2) Boards with electromagnetic technology
This type of board involves the use of a special electronic pen (marker) that receives energy from wiring or batteries. Since there is no need to touch the board with a pen, the teacher can place a poster with the necessary information on it and work on top of it. This is convenient - as long as the marker is not lost or hidden by students who want to disrupt the lesson.

3) Boards with laser technology

Such boards also require a special marker, and the board can be made of anything. For accurate work, the marker will have to be held perpendicular to the board. On such a board you can place visual information - it will not interfere with the operation of the laser.

4) Boards with ultrasonic/infrared technology

The technology is based on the fact that the board's infrared sensors determine the position of a special marker that operates from autonomous power sources. Accordingly, the marker cannot be lost, and batteries must be purchased regularly.

5) Wireless whiteboards with microdot technology
A special camera is built into the marker, which, when approaching the board, reads the microindications and determines the location of the marker. Information is transferred to the computer using Bluetooth technology. The board does not require special materials or power sources.

6) Capacitive boards
They differ from others in that they recognize simultaneous touches - accordingly, several people can work on such a board at once. Or one person - but with both hands. Also among the advantages of such a board is the ability to work without a marker, using your fingers.

7) DViT boards with optical technology
The location of the marker is fixed digital cameras and sensors, the information is transmitted to the computer.

In addition, there are boards that combine several technologies. They are the most convenient.

Interactive whiteboards can also have special projectors and differ in their type. They may be:

1. Ultra short throw. This is the most expensive projector, it is located next to the board - at a distance of a little more than half a meter. Thanks to this, the shadows of those working with the board do not fall on the screen.
2. Short throw. This type The projector operates within a distance of 60 to 150 cm. It is almost half the price of the previous version.
3. Multimedia. This is the most common and cheapest type of projector, operating at a distance of 2 m from the board. The inconvenience of cast shadows is not so critical as to interfere with the lesson.

Each type of interactive whiteboard, depending on the manufacturer, has its own software, on which the immediate capabilities of the boards depend. Children's boards with increased safety requirements are used in kindergartens and schools, more complex options are used in universities and training centers. Content for working with boards – electronic educational resources– include discs with textbooks and videos of various kinds multimedia presentations, electronic textbooks and manuals from special sites. Using an interactive whiteboard promotes better learning of the material and student involvement in the work process. That is why these devices are now at the peak of popularity. touch screen with multi-touch technology so that several people can work with them at once, in addition, boards without a projector are very mobile, which allows you to move them to any place in the building. And specialized software will allow you to use the boards as a powerful computer.

Our touch boards are suitable for any area of ​​business; we can develop them to individual order.

The pinnacle in the development of steel boards. Such boards look like ordinary marker boards, but everything that is written on the electronic interactive board instantly appears on a personal computer.

The written information is stored in file form and can be printed on a regular printer. Inscriptions and drawings on the electronic interactive whiteboard can be made with color markers, and if you have a color printer, the copies will also be in color. The use of color allows you to highlight information and significantly increase the effectiveness of its perception.

The main advantage of electronic - possibility of animation: viewing the drawings made, recording a lecture in real time. Electronic interactive whiteboards are a great tool for brainstorming. All ideas recorded on the interactive electronic board during the discussion are securely stored on the computer and can be consistently restored.

The software supplied with electronic interactive whiteboards allows you to significantly expand the geography of your audience by conducting seminars simultaneously in several cities across the country. Participants in such seminars read information from their monitors or project it onto a large screen for group discussion.

Electronic interactive whiteboard - a huge touch screen on which you can use a marker to call various functions user interface. Electronic interactive whiteboards allow you to combine all the advantages of a classic presentation with the capabilities high technology. A multimedia projector connected to an electronic interactive whiteboard allows you to work in a multimedia environment, combining classic type presentations showing information from the Internet, from a VCR, from a computer, DVDs, flash memory or from a video camera.

The latest revolutionary development from PolyVision is the eno interactive whiteboard. It is the world's first board that is plug-in free and therefore wire-free.

The new product was first presented at the BETT-2009 exhibition in London in January 2009. This is the first interactive whiteboard that can be used like a regular white marker board with a magnetic surface: you can write on it with multi-colored markers, erase it, attach visual materials with magnets, and, if necessary, turn it into a large interactive screen.

A unique new generation interactive whiteboard: works wirelessly! Unlike other electronic whiteboards, the eno interactive whiteboard does not require ANY wires to function fully. When placing the board, you do not need to strictly consider the location of electrical outlets and lay cables across the entire classroom - installing the board will not take more than half an hour. The absence of cables in the room saves money on expensive wiring work and provides complete freedom of movement around the room for the teacher and students. An innovation that has no analogues in the world, developed taking into account PolyVision's 50 years of experience in the field of education. About 70% of white marker boards used in educational institutions in France and Belgium are PolyVision boards.

To start using the eno board interactively, no special training is required for the teacher or students. eno's unique design allows teachers to easily and quickly move from classical teaching techniques to interactive lessons, successfully combining a variety of teaching methods. The eno interactive whiteboard is compatible with any programs traditionally used in the educational process.

The PolyVision eno interactive whiteboard, which appeared in 2009, literally revolutionized the understanding of the capabilities of interactive whiteboards. Eno is read from right to left English word"one" means "one", "one", and it alone is truly capable of replacing all existing models of chalkboards! The whole secret of eno is the passive board. A board only equipped with a coordinate grid (virtually invisible to the naked eye) for the correct operation of the electronic stylus - after all, the stylus is the active element responsible for the interactive capabilities of the board. And if so, the eno board with a proprietary anti-vandal surface allows you to create any combination of boards with different work surfaces and find the optimal combination for any class. You can choose the eno flex dynamic board - with additional working surfaces (chalk or marker) on a rail system. Or you might prefer the eno flex triple - the eno interactive whiteboard with closing doors - also for double-sided writing on chalk or marker surfaces. The simplest version of the eno flex combination is also convenient - additional stationary surfaces with a central interactive work surface. These eno flex models will allow you to make just one purchase and installation (no wires or connections!) to fully equip your classroom with all the whiteboards you need for teaching

Electronic interactive whiteboards with connection - use information technology in education

One of the main questions of the educational process is how to increase the level of learning educational material, i.e. improve understanding, memorization and ability to apply acquired knowledge. It has long been established that a person perceives about 80 percent of information through the organs of vision, about 15 through hearing and the remaining 5 percent through touch, smell and taste. But when we're talking about not only about perception, but also about memorizing information, then the role of motor memory increases, i.e. movement memory. This means that a person will remember the material best when he sees, hears and “touches” it, i.e. reproduce something himself (write it down, draw it, etc.) and apply it in practice. Therefore, it is important during the lesson to constantly provide students with the opportunity to do some actions themselves related to the material being presented. New information technologies provide invaluable assistance in this, not only providing a multimedia environment for presenting and actively perceiving information, but also increasing students’ motivation to study this information.

Electronic interactive whiteboards have become the most important component of modern information technologies used in education. Interactive whiteboards look like regular marker boards, but everything you write on the interactive whiteboard instantly appears on your personal computer screen. The DeLight 2000 company was the first in Russia to pay attention to the capabilities of interactive whiteboards and began supplying them to Russian market back in the last century, or rather in 1996. This was immediately noted in the computer press: in the PC Week/RE newspaper (10/08/1996) an article by M. Gutkin “A board is like a board, but with a computer” appeared, in which the main advantages of electronic boards were noted - the ability to edit information written on the board and saving the results on your computer for later copying and/or sending by email. Particularly noted in this article was such a feature implemented in the software as “playing”, i.e. sequential reproduction on a computer of all material written on the board, and such reproduction could be performed both in forward and in reverse order.

The use of electronic interactive whiteboards in education brings a new quality to the educational process, since it not only makes it much easier to prepare and conduct a lesson, but also opens up opportunities that simply did not exist before the advent of interactive whiteboards. Mathematics teachers are well aware of how much time it takes to draw a simple chalk on the blackboard. geometric construction, especially if it is not the teacher who does this, but the student (we are not talking about dust).

And with the help of the software supplied with the interactive whiteboard, this takes a few seconds: set a checkered surface as a background (as in a notebook), then select the desired figure and, with two or three touches of the marker to the board, draw a straight line, circle or triangle. If necessary, we change the size of the figure, rotate it or move it to another area of ​​the interactive whiteboard. If a mistake was accidentally made, then simply touch the marker to erase the incorrect part and draw again. The student also feels more confident at the interactive whiteboard because he is not afraid of making a mistake when completing the drawing. Moreover, he is simply interested in it. Instead of “boring” chalk, you can draw (draw) on the board with colored “ink”. Consequently, motivation increases during the lesson.

In a geography lesson, you can use a map of any country with names as a background settlements(regular map) or without names ( contour map). By touching any area, you can set its magnification for a more detailed view. Moreover, since the set actually works - a board, a projector, a computer - the teacher, without leaving the interactive board, can go online and request and display the necessary information via the network.

An important property of an electronic interactive whiteboard when preparing a lesson is the ability to place material on several pages. Specialized software developed for interactive whiteboards allows you to easily and quickly create a lesson plan, select and correctly arrange the necessary material. In this case, the teacher can use the various backgrounds included in the package and a rich library of clip-arts. When a teacher prepares a lesson, he does not have to use the interactive whiteboard. It is enough to have the same software on your PC as for the interactive whiteboard. Selected in advance necessary materials and are placed on several (as many as needed) pages. Then, during class, instead of standing with his back to the class and wasting precious time erasing one material from the board and writing another, the teacher switches to the next page with a single click. This, among other things, allows the teacher to constantly monitor the situation in the classroom. Various special effects included in the software (for example, Zoom, Flashlight, Curtain) allow students to focus their attention on the most significant fragments of the lesson, which also contributes to the understanding and assimilation of the material. If you need students to see not all the material, but some part of it (for example, independent work by solving examples), then Curtain, you can close part of the interactive whiteboard with the desired degree of transparency. Curtain The teacher opens it at the end so that students can check the correctness of their solutions.

One more important property The electronic interactive whiteboard is the multimedia mentioned above. On the board you can not only display static images, but also show slide shows, play animation and videos, that is, use the electronic interactive whiteboard as a screen. Can be connected to a PC for a biology lesson digital microscope and show, for example, the structure of a cell on full screen. This is much more efficient than using a school PC, the screen size of which usually does not exceed 19". You can also download from the Internet and show on a large screen experiments in physics or chemistry, which cannot be reproduced in a school environment. With all these demonstrations on the interactive whiteboard, you can make notes with colored markers, highlighting the most important fragments.

The material of each lesson with all the notes made can be saved in a file, so that later you can copy it onto media or print it in the right quantity copies to distribute to students, forward by email, or archive for later analysis, editing, and use. Moreover, lesson (lecture) materials can be used to distance learning, which allows you to attract the most highly qualified teachers to conduct classes and send their lessons to students who are in different cities and even countries.

Many electronic interactive whiteboards have a so-called anti-vandal coating that is resistant to mechanical damage. A board with such a coating can be washed with ordinary detergents.

Let us now consider what technologies are used in active electronic interactive whiteboards, i.e. boards with connection.

Touch resistive electronic interactive whiteboard

WITH consists of two layers of thinnest conductors that react to touching the surface of the screen. Such boards are very suitable for schools: they are reliable and do not require any special devices that can be lost or broken. These have another important advantage - you can write on them not only with a marker, but also just with your finger. This gives a significant advantage when using such boards in primary schools and in correctional schools, since finger painting, while arousing interest in children, simultaneously develops fine motor skills. This technology does not require the use of special markers, does not use any radiation to operate and is not susceptible to external interference. The disadvantage of this technology is a slight delay in the response of the matrix when quickly moving the marker or an object replacing it.

Electromagnetic technology

is based on the transmission of electronic signals from a writing device, which can be either a special electronic pencil or markers embedded in electronic holders. The advantages include the ability to create a hard and durable surface. The disadvantages are working with electromagnetic radiation and the need to use a special marker.

Currently, these two technologies of electronic interactive whiteboards are the most common and well-established. For these types of boards, software has been developed that is included in the standard delivery package and is specially oriented for use in the educational process.

Various companies are constantly looking for new options and technologies for creating interactive whiteboards. Electronic interactive whiteboards are now being produced that use infrared and ultrasonic sensors to determine the position of the marker. The disadvantage is that the sensors react to extraneous radiation. Sometimes, instead of sensors, infrared lasers are used, which read the current position of the marker with high accuracy. Now it is difficult to say which technology will become the most popular, but so far all these new technologies are poorly supported by specialized software.

Typically, companies that sell interactive whiteboards sell only one technology of whiteboard. The DeLight 2000 company occupies a unique place in the market of electronic interactive whiteboards, as it sells boards of two technologies at once: touch and electromagnetic.

Touch technology implemented in electronic interactive whiteboards from Polyvision, which produces two series of such boards: TS/TSL and WT/WTL. Interactive whiteboards of these series are distinguished by high accuracy (8000 x 8000 pixels) and high speed of displaying actions performed with a marker or finger. The Russified software is compatible with PCs running various versions of Microsoft Windows and with Apple Macintosh PCs. You can write on electronic interactive whiteboards with regular dry erase markers. Fingers work as computer mouse.

An important characteristic of TSL and WTL boards is the function implemented in them automatic calibration. If during work (or during a break) the board is accidentally touched, then simply press a button on the remote control and calibration will be carried out automatically. The teacher may not be interrupted to perform this action.

A distinctive feature of the WT/WTL series electronic interactive whiteboards is the presence remote control remote control Walk-and-Talk. By including everyone necessary functions control of the board using a convenient and compact remote control, the teacher can not only explain the material while standing at the board, but also move freely throughout the class, helping one of the students individually, if necessary, without losing the ability to control the electronic board.

Currently, these electronic interactive whiteboards are positioned for small corporate classrooms, as well as for primary classes and special schools.


Communicator 77 and Penbord models - focused on use in institute classrooms and classrooms secondary schools. The role of a computer mouse is performed by a special multimedia marker. The use of this technology allows you to work with boards with high precision (1000 lines per inch) and at high speed.

The anti-vandal coating protects the electronic interactive whiteboard from scratches and damage and guarantees reliable operation over a long period of time. Even partial damage to the active surface will not disrupt the performance of the board.

Russified software is focused on accelerated preparation and effective delivery of lessons. A large library of clip art, backgrounds, and special features makes the teacher's job of planning lessons much easier.

Specially designed for educational institutions light gray Penbord board covering reduces eye fatigue during prolonged work.

A unique feature of this board among all electromagnetic boards is the ability to write on it with regular markers. This board is best suited for use in schools.

Communicator 77 board has 20 hotkeys located on both sides of the board. These keys allow you to quickly perform various functions (change marker color, highlight, etc.), and 17 keys can be programmed, i.e. assign them other functions. When working with Windows applications displayed on the Desktop, using these keys you can select the desired fragments (circle, use Zoom or Flashlight). Such boards are more suitable for higher education institutions.