How to write an annual progress report. How to properly prepare a report on the work done by an accountant

A report on the work done will allow the manager to assess the quality and speed of the secretary’s work. The article contains samples of reports on the work done. use step by step instructions to correctly compose a report.

From the article you will learn:

Why do you need a progress report?

The manager sets a task, the employee completes it - this is the essence of the labor process. The fact of completing a task is recorded in the form of a report on the work done. Each employee periodically draws up such a document. The frequency of reports and their form depend on the company's internal rules.

Who needs a progress report and why?

The leader needs him. This document allows you to evaluate the quality and speed of task completion by an employee. Reporting documents of all employees make it possible to draw up big picture company operations and facilitate tactical and strategic planning.

The employee himself needs the report. Firstly, a well-written final document helps to present the results of your work favorably to management. Secondly, the report is a useful self-control tool. At the end of the reporting period, you see your successes and failures. This will show you the directions in which you need to develop.

Report on financial costs (fragment)

What to write in a progress report

There is no single standard template for a report on the work done. The document is drawn up in free form. It depends on the nature of the tasks performed.

The disadvantage of free form is that many workers do not know how to write a progress report. This is not taught in school and is rarely taught in university. An employee will not receive an adequate assessment of his work if he does not have the skills to competently write a report.

You cannot force employees to write truthful reports, but you can teach them to competently present their successes and achievements. There are no difficulties in drawing up a reporting document. You need to avoid the mistakes that many people make.

Let's look at a sample of an incorrectly compiled report on the work done for the week and look at typical mistakes.

Bad option

The following was done:

  • letters were written to the tax and labor inspection;
  • preparations have been made for a meeting with representatives of HR-consulting LLC (invitations have been sent out, necessary materials, a draft agenda for the meeting has been prepared);
  • responses to requests from the labor inspectorate and a number of clients were compiled;
  • took part in a conference on problems of optimizing the use of working time.

Date of compilation: 04/27/218.
Signature: Petrova A.S.

After reading such a document, the manager will get the impression that the secretary is not very busy with work. In addition, the text is difficult to read.

Report structure

The main mistake of the document reviewed is the lack of a clear structure. What elements are missing?

  • List of tasks that were assigned for execution.
  • Specification of completed tasks.
  • Analysis of the work done.
  • Plans for the next reporting period.
  • Offers.

The set of structure elements depends on the length of the reporting period. A daily or weekly progress report does not need to contain analysis and suggestions, but a monthly progress report or annual report document should have these elements.

Suitable option

Let's look at an example of how it was necessary to compile a report on the work done.

Weekly progress report: sample

To: Head of Communication Technologies LLC, Yu.P. Smirnov.
From the secretary of Communication Technologies LLC Petrova A.S.
Type of document: report on the work done for the period from 04/23/2018 to 04/27/2018

For the reporting week, I had the following tasks:

  • prepare letters: to the tax inspectorate about clarification of the tax payment and to the labor inspectorate on the complaint of P.P. Smirnov;
  • prepare information support meetings with HR Consulting LLC, send out invitations to participants, prepare a draft meeting program;
  • take part in a conference on the problems of optimizing the use of working time, prepare questions and suggestions.

All assigned tasks were completed, namely:

  • letters to the tax and labor inspectorates have been prepared and sent;
  • Information materials for the meeting with HR Consulting LLC have been prepared, invitations have been sent out, and a draft meeting program has been drawn up.
  • took part in the conference, a memo with proposals is attached to the report.

In addition, work was carried out with incoming documentation, namely:

  • prepared and sent two responses to requests from the labor inspectorate;
  • responses were given to written requests from gr. Semenova A.A., Kuznetsova V.N. and Moskalenko R.A.

For the period from 04/30/2018 to 05/05/2018, participation in the training for secretaries “Basics of time management and self-organization” is planned, dedicated to the basics scheduling in the work of a secretary.

Date of compilation: 04/27/218.
Signature: Petrova A.S.

Making a report

If there are no other requirements, a report on the work done is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001. GOST regulates the basic requirements for the preparation of a reporting document. It contains standards that determine the formatting method, font type and size, spacing, margin size, etc. An expert from the Secretary's Handbook magazine will tell you how to create a report using the Sway service

What might be the writing requirements?

Since there are no standardized requirements for the preparation of a reporting document, all writing requirements are related to improving the perception of the text and increasing its readability. To do this:

  • use no more than 5 sentences in one paragraph;
  • alternate long and short sentences;
  • break up the text so that the table or graph does not take up the entire page;
  • leave space for comments on tables and graphs;
  • If the report is lengthy, then make a conclusion at the end.

A report on the work done is sometimes prepared in the form of a table:

Rice. 1. Progress report table: sample

How to write a report: step-by-step instructions

  1. Make a rough outline of the document. A report for a short period should not take more than 1-2 pages. If you report regularly, prepare an electronic document template for each case:
  • sample daily progress report;
  • sample weekly progress report;
  • sample report on the work done for the month, etc.

You will simply enter current data into the template and print it.

  1. Make a list of your tasks. If there are many tasks, group them into semantic blocks.
  2. List the tools and resources that were used during the completion of tasks (additional manpower, financial costs, travel, materials, etc.)
  3. Present the results of your work. Describe how they meet the objectives. If the task is not completed, explain the reason. Give your assessment of the situation. Draw conclusions.
  4. Formulate goals and objectives for the next reporting period.
  5. Insert tables, graphs and diagrams into the text. Often the manager skims through reporting document. Try to make the table or graph provide an opportunity to evaluate your work.
  6. Carefully re-read the text, pay attention to grammar and style. Highlight key facts in bold or italics. Prepare electronic version document and a printable option. If you need to report orally or in presentation form, prepare in advance short version text, including the most important points.

A report on the work done helps the manager evaluate the quality and speed of the employee's tasks, and the employee himself - see his successes and failures. The document is drawn up in free form, but there is a basic structure of the report that we recommend following: a list of assigned tasks, work results, analysis, proposals and conclusion.

Progress report
representative of interests Russian Federation in the governing bodies of the open joint stock company"NAIFI"

Open joint-stock company "Research Order of the Red Banner of Labor Photo Institute" (abbreviated name - OJSC "NAIFI") was formed through reorganization in the form of transformation of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific Research Order of the Red Banner of Labor Photo Institute". OJSC "NAIFI" was registered on March 29, 2009 by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, under the main state registration number- 109774263985367. Certificate of state registration legal entity series 77 No. 04919010504, issued on March 29, 2009 by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow. OJSC "NAIFI" has the following legal and postal address: 195161, Moscow, Ashinsky Avenue, house No. 237, contact numbers: ____________, fax __________, address email: ____________ . The main activity is research. Since the state registration of NAIFI OJSC, the types of activities have not changed, the authorized capital has not changed.

The Company's activities in 2010 were carried out in accordance with Federal law RF dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies”, Federal Law dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting”, other regulatory documents, Order of the Federal Agency for State Property Management dated June 30, 2010 No. 1918-r “On the decisions of the annual general meeting of shareholders of the open joint-stock company “Research and Research Order of the Red Banner of Labor Photo Institute””, other orders of the Federal Property Management Agency. The mandatory annual audit of JSC NAIFI based on the results of 2010 was carried out by Firm TIGA LLC.

The authorized capital of the Company is 28,976,000 (twenty-eight million nine hundred seventy-six thousand) rubles and consists of 289,760 (two hundred eighty-nine thousand seven hundred and sixty) registered ordinary uncertificated shares with a par value of 100 (one hundred) rubles each. The owner of 100% of the Company's ordinary uncertified shares is the Russian Federation, represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management, and therefore the Russian Federation has a special right to participate in the management of the Company, the right to a “golden share”. The size of the authorized capital of the Company complies with the requirements of Art. 26 of the Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” and exceeds a thousand times the minimum wage established by the Federal Law on the date of registration of the Company.
The issue of shares was not registered due to the fact that during registration, technical errors were identified in the statutory documents of OJSC NAIFI, which served as the basis for refusal of state registration of the issue of shares. To eliminate these technical errors, an application has now been submitted to Arbitration court Moscow. The Company has no preferred shares.

In the reporting period, JSC NAIFI did not make investments, including those aimed at the construction of social, cultural and public utility facilities.

There were no structural changes in the range of services provided by the Company, as well as in the shares of service markets that the joint-stock company has in 2010.

In 2010, the annual general meeting of shareholders was held on June 30, 2010. Agenda: - approval of the annual report, annual financial statements, including the profit and loss statement of OJSC NAIFI for 2009; approval of the distribution of net profit; - election of the Board of Directors of the Company; - election of the Company's audit commission; - approval of the auditor of JSC NAIFI was not carried out. The decision of the annual general meeting of shareholders of the open joint-stock company “Research Order of the Red Banner of Labor Photo Institute” for 2009 was formalized by Order of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management dated June 23, 2010 No. 1918-r “On decisions of the annual general meeting of shareholders of the open joint-stock company “Scientific” -research photo institute of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor." In accordance with the Decision of the annual general meeting of shareholders, net profit in the amount of 321,200 rubles remaining at the disposal of the Company was used as follows:

Study practice is a common thing for a student. Many people perceive it as just another adventure. Some take it quite seriously and hope to gain invaluable experience. And here's a surprise: most often, expectations are not met. But this does not negate the fact that students will have to somehow decide how to write a report on practice.

A lot has been said about writing and proper design of other types of work in our telegram channel. And here we will tell you how a student can correctly write and format a report on educational practice, and provide a sample.

How to properly prepare a report on educational practice

The report itself rarely raises questions. It is enough to simply describe how the practice went, what goals were set and what results were achieved. Most students begin to worry when they start registration. They are concerned with the following questions:

  • How to correctly compile, write and format a report on industrial practice in accordance with GOST?
  • How to write a diary, character reference and report for the defense?

There are other problems for young professionals who want to do an internship. Often more experienced employees do not allow younger employees to production processes. Collect more or less useful information in such practice it is extremely difficult.

There are also opposite situations. Imagine: you find yourself in a training practice, and they are trying to assign all possible responsibilities to you. They think: he’s young, he can do everything, he can do everything. Then so much material is collected that simply bringing it into at least some useful form is something out of science fiction. What to do when it is very difficult or completely impossible to write and format a paper correctly?

You need to start from the very beginning. We read and remember how to write a report on industrial practice at an enterprise, look at a sample and learn practical recommendations.

General rules for preparing a practice report

Despite the presence of their own requirements at each university, which can be found in methodological literature your university, there are standard rules preparation of a practice report:

  1. The total amount of work should not exceed 40 sheets of standard A4 format.
  2. The practice report should be numbered on all pages(except for the title page and appendix to practical work).
  3. There are strict requirements for what font to write a practice report. The text of the work is printed in black font Times New Roman format 12-14 point. Between lines is specified double or one and a half spacing.
  4. The newline indentation should be equal to 1.25 pt.
  5. Each section must have its name. The new section starts with new line.
  6. Before you start creating a document, set acceptable page indents: left margin 30 mm, right margin 20 mm, top and bottom indentation 20 mm.
  7. When preparing a practice report according to GOST it is unacceptable to hyphenate words. However, many university departments allow word hyphenation, so check this point with your department.

If you study at a technical university, you may need a frame for your report.

How to design the title page of an internship report

Front page educational practice practically no different from the title pages of other works.

The header of the sheet, as usual, contains information about educational institution and student.

By the way! If you have more important things to do than a practice report, our readers are now offered a 10% discount on .

Competently formatting a practice report: a sample of filling out information blocks

Practice report structure:

  • front page;
  • content or work plan;
  • the main part with a description of the work done;
  • conclusion;
  • bibliography or list of references;
  • applications.

Having a clear understanding of what sections this document consists of, you can easily figure out what to write in the introduction of the practice report, in the conclusion and its other parts.

General requirements for the content of an educational report on practice

If you are going to do this part in the report, do it correctly. Since the content is the second page of the work, teachers pay attention to it close attention. Even the main part cannot boast of such honors.

To find out how to correctly compose content, you should refer to GOST. State standards clearly define the standards for the design of any scientific work and its sections.

However, each university has its own standards and requirements, so don’t be lazy and go to methodological office- This best way avoid mistakes.

To make an auto table of contents in Word, in the menu "Insert" you need to select an item "Link", then - "Table of Contents and Indexes". In the tab "Table of contents" select "Structure panel" and set the table of contents parameters in the window that opens.

Introduction of the internship report

If everything is more or less clear with the title page and content, then the introduction must not only be formatted correctly, but also know what can and should be written there. In this part of the work, it is necessary to set goals and objectives and justify the relevance of the practice report.

By the way, if this legal practice, then most likely you will need to provide samples of documents that you created. When the goals and objectives for educational or even pre-graduate practice are clear, it is very simple to create a report and its main part.

Main part of the practice report

This is a kind of practical part industrial practice, project. Here it is necessary to clearly and clearly describe the structure of the enterprise. It’s not so easy to characterize the receiving party, especially if you weren’t really allowed anywhere. But it is in this part that you try do not allow critical subjective assessment.

After the company you were sent to has been described, you need to summarize the material and cover in detail all the processes in which you were involved. It is also necessary to indicate what kind of support you were provided with during your internship.

Conclusion of the internship report

At the end of the main part, there is a conclusion, which formulates the main conclusions and proposals of the report on practice. How can you quickly and beautifully write a conclusion in a practice report so that the teacher does not ask additional questions, and the student could finally take a deep breath?

It is enough to know that the main conclusions of the work and the results of practice are briefly outlined here. To avoid missing anything, remember the goals and objectives set in the introduction.

When the report is ready, it's time to carry it for signature by the head of the organization. Don't expect someone from the company to read your manuscripts from cover to cover. Most likely, your teachers will do it. So go for it!

References and characteristics

The list of references when preparing a report on practice should be done in the following order:

  • legislative acts and other legal documents;
  • methodological and educational resources, Internet resources.

And, if you want, here step by step guide about how in the practice report:

  1. Open the menu Links, select a tab References. Select the desired list option from the drop-down list. The created insert will not show anything except the blank, which we will work with further.
  2. Now place the cursor at the end of the paragraph where you need to link to the source. Open the menu Links/Insert link/Add new source again.
  3. You will see a window where you only have to fill in the necessary fields (author, source name, place, year, publisher, and so on). Please note that in the column Source type It can be not only a book, but also an electronic resource, an article and other types of sources.
  4. As soon as you add a source, brackets will appear at the place where you placed the cursor with a link to the bibliography. If changes have not been displayed in the bibliography itself by this point, go to its settings and click the button Updating references and bibliography.


If possible, be sure to attach attachments, as they will help you better understand the essence of the enterprise and your work on it in particular. These may be photocopies of any documents or reference materials, annual reports, graphs, diagrams. The quality of the applications in the practice report plays a huge role.

Knowing this, you can competently summarize your work and make it more understandable.

On what basis are appendices to the report generated? The application of any work includes:

  • drawings,
  • tables,
  • graphic materials.

There are certain standards that must be followed when creating attachments to the practice report. Here are the main ones:

  1. Every new application starts with a blank page. At the top in the center is written the heading “APPENDIX” with a serial number assigned to it, corresponding to the link in the text of the work. Below it is the title of the table, figure or other graphic object (starts with capital letter with a separate line in the center).
  2. Numbering of applications can be done using Russian letters (except o, ё, й, з, ь, ь, ъ, ы) or the Latin alphabet (except for letters I, O). If the number of applications exceeds the number of letters of one of the alphabets, Arabic numerals can be used. If only one supplement is attached to the diploma, it is designated by the capital letter A.
  3. Application page numbering must be continuous. Numbering starts from the first digit from the first page of the application.

Special attention please note. This graphic element allows you to improve the clarity of examples and calculations. We want to tell you exactly how to do it correctly. Every picture, graphic, and table must be numbered in one of the following ways:

  1. Continuous numbering throughout the practice report.
  2. New numbering with the beginning of each new chapter.

When creating applications, also look through the materials if your work is technical in nature. And if everything is clear with other types of information provision, then schemes raise the most questions among students.

The diagram should be clear and visual. All inscriptions must be clearly visible and made in the same style as other graphic objects in the practice report. The lines of the diagram must be clear. All elements should have clearly visible boundaries.

In a properly designed diagram, connections and sequences can be easily distinguished. The inscriptions should succinctly reflect the essence of the diagram and all the ongoing processes that you want to describe.

Samples of practice report formatting

Here are samples and templates that will help you prepare your report faster:

How to submit a report on educational practice in one click?

We hope that our examples and samples of student educational practice helped you and made it easier to defend practical work. There is no way to instantly do everything right. But if you turn to the student service for help, you will receive fast and reliable help from experienced specialists.


I wonder why this brace yourself

The technology of “Management by Objectives” - MBO (Management by objective) was proposed by Peter Drucker in the 50s of the twentieth century. At that time, the West clearly began to understand that Western methods required change and correction. Today, to evaluate the effectiveness of both companies and individual workers There are many techniques used in management. These are, for example, the balanced scorecard BSC (Balanced Scorecard), management by objectives MBO, business performance management BPM (Business Performance Management), management based on key performance indicators - KPI (Key Performance Indicators). In the Soviet Union in the 60-70s of the 20th century, the concept of program-target planning (PTP) became widespread; the ideas of this concept largely overlap with the ideas of MBO. Majority American companies use MBO ideas in planning and management. This technology is taught in almost all American schools business. And some authors attribute the economic success achieved by America precisely to this approach. One of the functions of a manager is setting tasks for employees and monitoring their implementation. The efficiency of project implementation, competitiveness, and, ultimately, the company’s profit depend on the implementation of such tasks. Having a manager with a convenient task management tool is the key to his personal effectiveness and coordinated work of all employees. The key concept is SMART tasks - these are operational instructions and activities formed within the framework of the company’s existing goals. Each task is formed in accordance with the SMART principle. Task in in this case is considered not as a task (operation) within the framework of a business process, but as a task-goal for an employee for a period. The task can be decomposed (isolated) from a larger task-goal formed on long period. For example, as part of the task of creating a company website, an employee may be tasked with selecting a contractor for a month. Smart tasks have their weight in general list and must be approved by a senior manager. Unapproved tasks are not included in employee performance calculations. The initiative to formulate tasks comes from both the manager and the performer himself. An experienced employee is able to independently prepare a work plan using SMART principles. In this situation, the manager will only have to approve the tasks before execution, and then ensure control. At the end of the period, the employee must transfer completed tasks to the manager. In other words, responsibility for the task “handover” process lies with the employee. When summing up the results for the period, the manager evaluates the completion of the task based on predescribed criteria. This provides high level objectivity of assessments.

Well, there is a lot of pseudo-scientific blizzard... In short, you need to experience it for yourself.
You won't take my word for it anyway.
Western, so to speak, style of work according to Western standards of “effective management”...


First, compare the task given to you with the result to be sure that you really achieved it. If everything is in order here, then you can start writing the report. You can arrange it in several ways. The easiest option is to present everything in free form, like an essay. In this case, you can write in the report everything that you consider necessary, indicating all the smallest details, down to the number of cups of coffee drunk and exits.

A more complex, but more professionally correct option for writing a report is in the form of a task. First, you should indicate the task facing you. Then list the resources used. All types of resources should be indicated, namely: time (how long it took you to complete the task), people (how many employees you had to resort to), finances (did you meet the planned budget). Next, you should briefly but clearly describe the methods you used to complete the work.

When the report is ready, re-read it carefully to identify possible shortcomings. Look, perhaps the report will be more clear if it is illustrated with tables, graphs or diagrams. Do not be lazy to spend time compiling tables, attach them to. Management will appreciate this meticulous approach to work. If the report requires it, be sure to file it with necessary documents. This could be a financial report, an agreement with, or, in general, anything that demonstrates the work you have done.

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There is no single strict form for writing a report. Each organization, as it accumulates experience, develops internal rules and requirements for it. If this is your first time writing a report, try to make it meaningful and logical.


Determine the reporting form. can be textual and statistical. In the first, information is presented in the form of a coherent narrative, which, if necessary, is supplemented with tables, graphs and other illustrations. In a statistical report, the opposite is true: digital indicators and diagrams are accompanied by brief textual explanations.

Set a time frame. The report can be written about a week, a quarter, a year. But sometimes it is necessary to report on a specific event that took several days to organize and carry out. In any case, information about the timing must be indicated in the title of the report, for example: “Report on the work of the department in the second quarter of 2011” or “Report on the conduct of office work on January 23-25, 2011.”

Develop the structure of the report. The first section is “Introduction”, in which you briefly describe your goals, methods and results of achieving them.

Next, highlight small sections that fully reflect: preparation, stages of project implementation, positive results achieved, those that arose and options for eliminating them. Pay special attention to the financial part. It needs to be separated into a separate section and described in detail in accordance with the organization’s accounting department.

Write briefly and to the point. Do not assume that the length of a report will emphasize its importance. On the contrary, your boss will appreciate your ability to express your thoughts in a concise form, clearly and competently.

Supplement the main part of the report with appendices confirming the facts you described. These may be invoices and other accounting documents, copies letters of thanks, publications about the event in periodicals, etc.

Print the report on A4 sheets. Do not use fancy fonts or character sizes below 12. Number the pages. If the report is large, print a table of contents on a separate sheet, which will help you quickly navigate the text. Create a cover page and place the report in a folder.

Video on the topic

Reports, which we have to write in work, are different. In terms of frequency, they can be weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual. The first two are most convenient for operational control, management and analysis. Quarterly reports contain an analysis of the activities of a department or company and present its results for the current quarter. Annual reporting is usually prepared for senior management and contains complete analytical calculations for all types of activities of the enterprise. How to write an operational report on work?


If the frequency of the report is weekly or monthly, then be sure to plan to write it and take it into account in your schedule. Those who don’t like simply don’t plan to write them, so they always don’t have enough time for it. It is best to write your report continuously, mark completed tasks and tasks and enter them in a special diary. If you devote it every day, then the weekly report will not need to be compiled for more than 10 minutes.

Write your monthly or weekly report briefly and clearly. Indicate specific cases and specific numbers that characterize your labor productivity. If it was greatly reduced compared to the previous period, then indicate in your report the objective reasons for the regression and ask your superiors to comment on this so that attention is paid to the problem, the solution of which depends not only on you. This will be a kind of “straw” that you laid out.

Don't write more than a page of reports. If you have little time to write it, then management also does not have time to read the lengthy papers of a person who is unable to concentrate his thoughts and briefly present the result of his work. You simply run the risk of remaining underestimated, because you don’t have the strength to finish reading about all your work feats that you barely managed to accomplish in a week or month.

The joke that it is sometimes harder to report on work done than to do it has good reason. By the way such a report is written, the person who reads it can get a clearer idea not only of the results of your work, but also of your business qualities. In order for him not to be disappointed in them, he must competently and correctly write a report on the work done, knowing the basic requirements that are presented to him.


Work reporting has different frequency and, accordingly, should have different content. If you write weekly or monthly, then your activities should be reflected in great detail, since they are intended for operational control. The main indicators are reflected and activities are carried out, indicating the reasons that interfere, if any. The annual report contains the main results, an assessment of their dynamics with the previous period and gives a forecast for next year.

The form may be arbitrary, but its information structure is uniform. For clarity, use a tabular form of presentation, decorated, if necessary, with diagrams and graphs. The language of the report should be businesslike, the presentation should be concise and clear. Its volume should not be large, be able to present the facts concisely, you will have pity on the person who will read it. We think that he will be able to appreciate this.

In your weekly or monthly report, reflect only those specifically completed and provide numerical indicators that characterize your work. If there are significant discrepancies in the indicators compared to the previous reporting period, then analyze this phenomenon and indicate the reasons why this could happen.

In order not to forget what you managed to accomplish during the day, spend 5 minutes daily writing a report, writing down everything you did. In this case, writing the final report will not take you much time and will not present any difficulty.

Report O business trip refers to travel document flow and is included in the package of documents that is closely studied by tax authorities during income tax, unified social tax and personal income tax audits. Therefore, it is very important to correctly complete all the papers included in this package. The company prepares some of the paperwork itself, and some, including the business trip report, is compiled by the posted employee.


Together with the order and travel certificate, the employee must receive an official assignment drawn up according to the unified form No. T-10a. The official document must indicate the purpose of the trip, as well as its duration and the place or places where the employee is going. The purpose of the trip and the tasks that must be completed during it must be described in such a way that during subsequent checks, no one will have any doubts about the necessity and production nature of the business trip. The job description is drawn up and signed by the head of the department, and approved by the head of the enterprise.

The second part of form No. T-10a is divided into two columns. The first lists the contents of the task () of the trip, the second contains a brief report on the completion of the task. If no problems have arisen, then it is enough to write the word “Completed” after each item and after the words “Employee” indicate your last name, initials, and put the date.

In the event that the completion of the task was associated with certain difficulties, or it was not in some part, it is necessary to give a more complete report and indicate those objective reasons, which prevented the execution