How to enter a military sports cadet. How to enter the Cossack Cadet Corps: advice to parents

IN recent years The concept of cadet schools has become quite popular. And despite the fact that their history goes back to ancient times (as they have always been), their number has grown significantly over the past year. So, within a year, cadet classes were opened in 116 schools in Moscow. What is most surprising is that getting into these classes is not so easy, and the program here differs from a general education simple school. And it ends here only in the evening, since after lessons the cadets still have a lot of things to do: they shoot at the shooting range, play sports, learn to waltz and much more. But first, it’s worth understanding everything in order.

A little history

The word “cadet” itself is French, it means “junior”, “minor”. Before the revolution in France, this was the name given to those young people who were accepted into the palace for military service and then became officers. So we can say that, having become cadets, they laid the first stone in their officer profession.

In Russia, the first cadet corps appeared in the 18th and 19th centuries. But their life was short-lived, since it began October Revolution, and the buildings were closed. And only after the Great Victory they opened again. And gradually, more and more new cadet corps were added to all those known to Suvorov. And soon the idea came to open cadet school, which soon came true.

The emergence of schools

The very idea of ​​creating such schools arose recently, in 2014, when the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory was celebrated. The management, parents, and even schoolchildren liked the idea so much that it soon came to life and began to expand, enjoying wide popularity.

Cadet classes - what are they?

First of all, you need to understand what cadet classes are. In fact, the characteristics of the cadet class are very simple: this is an initial military judicial institution, which also provides a secondary program educational institution. But the main highlight of these institutions is that schoolchildren are trained and prepared to become soldiers.

Many may also be wondering what cadet classes there are. Today, cadets (as students of cadet classes are called) are recruited from the 7th grade. But there is also a cadet corps from 5th grade. We can say that there are practically no restrictions here. Although many opponents complain and argue that collecting children aged 11 (from fifth grade) is wrong, since in these schools the program is very complex and strict. But nothing is done just like that, curriculum completely designed according to the age of the children. It follows from this that 5th grade (cadet) is preparation for more serious activities. This is why children perceive cadet classes as a kind of game at the very beginning of their education.

But still, schools that enroll students in corps (cadet) after 9th grade are very popular.

By what criteria are cadets recruited?

In fact, not everyone is able to enter the cadet class. A child who:

  • Physically healthy.
  • He studies well.

Before a child gets to class, he goes through full examination. But as you know, for every rule there are exceptions: those children, one of whose parents is a military man, are included in cadet classes out of turn, and this also applies to those whose parent died while executing a military order. For the rest, there is a strict selection. Since cadet classes differ in their workload both physically and educationally.

Structure of cadet classes

Since this phenomenon is new to the people, there is a need to understand the structure of cadet classes. In fact, she is different in every way from secondary school, to which everyone is accustomed.

First of all, it is important to understand that there is different shapes cadetship.

Cadet Corps

They are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. This type is a boarding school, from where a child can return home only after receiving a leave of absence. In these corps, the curriculum is nothing but orders from the Ministry of Defense.

Cadet schools

This type is already subordinate to the Department of Education; to put it simply, it is a type of general education institution in which students, in addition to general subjects, also acquire military training. In cadet schools, children wear a special uniform and follow an organized daily routine. In this case, the children return home in the evenings. And what’s most interesting is that children can be recruited there starting from

Differences between cadet classes and secondary schools

Cadet classes emphasize history. In them, students study this subject in depth. This is the rule for each school, and as for the study of other subjects, everything depends on the institution, which has the right to independently compose. But basically in cadet schools, preference is given to subjects such as mathematics, physics, and foreign languages.

Today there are cadet classes (in Moscow) for boys, for girls and mixed.

What also distinguishes these schools from others is that after the lessons are over, the cadets march in formationto the dining room, and after lunch they do not go home, as happens in ordinary schools, but to drill training. And the classes themselves are called a platoon, and the headman is called a commander. Afterwards, cadets begin additional courses, which include:

  • Shooting at a shooting range.
  • Dancing.
  • Military translator courses.
  • Sambo.

After which they are given the command “At ease, disperse.”This means that the children can return home. The little cadets return home no earlier than seven in the evening.

Already from the above it becomes clear that the program here is very difficult, and not every child can withstand such loads.

Among other things, platoons are divided into sections. And the most authoritative and disciplined cadets can becomeplatoon sergeant, and then squad commanders. The cadets have special form, official address and motto: “God - the soul, life - the fatherland, duty - to yourself, honor - to no one.”

Should I send my child to cadet school?

Naturally, training in this mode is not suitable for everyone. And the point here is not even the workload of education itself, but the fact that in cadet schools children live like soldiers. They have 3 sets of uniforms, which exclude any manifestation of individual style. The cadets walk in formation everywhere; every day begins and ends with drill training.

Of course, each parent decides for himself whether his child needs such a disciplined way of life from childhood. It is a fact that cadet classes make children more responsible, more prepared for life. After studying in such schools, children can set a goal, plan and, following the intended goal, achieve the desired result.

The children themselves most often like this military way of life; they enjoy drill training and learn the basics of military service. And after a certain age it becomes part of their life and is perceived as something natural.

In fact, cadets are not only prepared for military life or the army, but also taught to be decent, disciplined, able to forgive and help those in need.

But there is one more important point: parents need to remember that military education is special kind thinking. And a child, having studied in this environment since childhood, may simply not get alongwith other children and even with your family. Therefore, cadet classes for girls are less popular than for boys.

But despite all this, every year the number of people wishing to get into cadet classes is growing and growing. Naturally, this is the desire of parents in most cases. And there is a reasonable explanation for this:

  • If parents have decided and want their child to receive and continue military education.
  • If parents want to raise a real man, a patriot.
  • If parents notice that their child is more disciplined, diligent, and in the class other children interfere with him and distract him.
  • And perhaps the most common case: a restless child who needs rigor and discipline is sent to cadet school. Such children are easily re-educated, and after that even parents are surprised at the positive changes in their children.

Why is their number growing so quickly?

Among all the advantages given above, it became clear why cadet classes have become so popular. The numbers speak for themselves: since 2014, cadet classes (St. Petersburg) have opened their doors to 50,000 future cadets.

Many people do not like the fact that only children with Moscow registration can study in Moscow cadet schools. But everyone likes the fact that education here is free. The parent only pays for the uniform.

And in recent years it has become popular, and after graduating from the cadet class, a child can easily enter a military school, and it will be much easier for him, since he is already accustomed to the regime and knows the basics of military affairs. More than 75% of students in cadet classes enter military schools and continue to build a career.

Despite the fact that the requirements here are very high, a cadet can still move to another class if he has any problems.

Whether or not to send a child to a cadet school is a purely personal matter, but one thing is most important. Before you decide to do anything, ask your child's opinion. Don't force him to do something he doesn't want, especially something he can't do.

The cadet corps is usually called a primary military educational institution where children are prepared for military career. At the same time, both boys and girls can enroll in this school. For admission, each cadet corps determines its own rules and requirements that candidates must meet. However, many of the criteria for such institutions are common. In this article we will tell you how to enter the cadet corps and what you need for this.

Basic admission rules

You can submit documents for enrollment from mid-April to June 1. The last day for their admission is May 30. If it falls on a weekend, the last day is the first Monday after the weekend.

The main requirements for admission are age and health. Most often, people are accepted into cadet corps with primary education, that is, after the fourth grade. As for health requirements, it must be very good (group 1 or 2). In addition, the child must, as a rule, have certain physical abilities (basic physical education group).

Almost all buildings have benefits for certain categories. A child may enjoy the right of priority in the following cases:

  • If he is an orphan and left without parental care.
  • If his parent is a hero of the USSR or Russia or a holder of the Order of Glory.
  • If his parent is an employee of a federal ministry or department where military service is mandatory.
  • If his parent is an employee of the internal affairs bodies.
  • If his parent is a prosecutor's employee or a military serviceman.
  • If his parent is a contract soldier or was dismissed from the Armed Forces due to staff reduction.
  • If a parent died in service or due to an illness contracted in service.

Required documents

Before entering the corps, you will need a personal file, including the following documents:

  • application from the child's parents or guardians and his statement;
  • photocopy of birth certificate or passport;
  • 4 photographs 3 by 4 cm;
  • photocopy of personal file, academic transcript and grades last quarter, as well as psychological and pedagogical characteristics;
  • photocopy of medical insurance;
  • photocopy of medical card;
  • conclusion about belonging to medical. group for physical education;
  • photocopy of vaccination certificate;
  • a photocopy of the development history and an extract from it;
  • conclusions from drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries;
  • extract from the house register;
  • certificate from the place of work or service of parents or guardians;
  • documents that confirm the rights to the candidate’s benefits (if any).

In addition to the above documents, you can attach certificates, diplomas, diplomas, etc., confirming various achievements of the candidate.

Admission process

All specified documents can be submitted either in person or by mail. The selection committee reviews them and calls children who meet the corps' health and age requirements for entrance exams. Other candidates are denied admission. This is subject to appeal within 10 days.

If your child has been selected, you will be notified by June 25th, indicating the time and location where the exams will be held.

You should take the originals of the submitted documents with you to the entrance exams (except for those stored in various institutions), as well as the student’s report card.

Usually you need to pass exams in Russian and foreign language and mathematics. They are held for 1 day between July 1 and July 15. After this, the selection committee examines the results, as well as conclusions about the psychological and physical health. Based on all this, an overall score is added to the competition list. From these lists, a list of selected candidates is formed, which is published on the website and posted in the corps administration. Parents are also notified of the child's admission to the institution.

Cadet school is a prestigious military educational institution that seriously prepares children for a military career and gives them comprehensive development and high-quality knowledge. Today, many parents want their child to enter just such a school: after all, patriotism is instilled in students here, and a sense of responsibility and composure is instilled in them. If you decide to send your child to study in the cadet corps, you should familiarize yourself with a number of conditions and requirements for candidates.

Candidate selection criteria

Both boys and girls are accepted into the cadet school, whose candidacies are assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. State of health. Future students of the corps undergo a medical examination, based on the results of which a conclusion is made about their well-being. Only those candidates whose health status corresponds to group 1 or 2 are accepted into the school.
  2. Physical form. One of the most important conditions When applicants enter the cadet corps, they need excellent physical preparation: after all, studying at school requires heavy sports loads.
  3. Level of education. This criterion assumes that the candidate has an education corresponding to the class in which he is entering.

It is important to know that competition for such institutions is always high. In addition, there is special category applicants, which has advantages upon admission. Among them:

  1. Candidates whose parents are involved in military operations in hot spots.
  2. Children of military personnel who are raised without one (or both parents).
  3. Candidates whose parents died as a result of their military duty.
  4. Orphans.

At what age are they admitted to cadet school?

Cadet schools form classes for different ages. Thus, parents can send children from the age of seven to education. But the most in demand are candidates who have passed primary education, that is, third grade graduates. At this stage, students study general education subjects and undergo primary military training.

In addition, there are cadet corps, which you can enroll in after 8th and 9th grades. Here students undergo training at the school, which later gives its graduates the opportunity to continue their studies at military universities.

Exams for admission

Cadet schools that accept students from the age of seven conduct special interviews for them with a psychologist, based on the results of which a decision is made on the enrollment of the young candidate.

To enter the cadet corps after 8th or 9th grade, applicants must pass exams in the Russian language (in the form of a dictation), mathematics (written assignment) and a foreign language. In addition, all applicants are required to pass a physical fitness test and score sufficient quantity points according to the required standards.

Table with examination standards for physical fitness:

Type of exercise Required standards and results
5 (excellent) 4 (good) 3 (satisfactory)
Pull-up 11 reps 10 reps 8 reps
100m sprint 14.6 s 15 s 15.6 s
Cross 1 km 3.40 min 3.50 min 4.15 min

Type of exercise

For those entering the cadet corps for the music department, other exams are provided:

  • Russian language,
  • solfeggio (oral and written),
  • solo.

Orphans are exempt from taking entrance exams, and upon enrollment in the corps, they are paid a double stipend every month.

Required documents

To enter the cadet corps you must prepare a whole series documents, which must include:

As additional documentation, you can provide copies of certificates and diplomas for participation in sports competitions, school Olympiads, creative competitions and other events confirming the achievements of candidates for admission.

The best cadet corps of Russia

Cadet schools are very popular in Russia, so today they can be found even in small towns. However, many, when choosing a cadet institution, give preference to corps located in large cities. So, the most prestigious schools for cadets were:

  • First Moscow Cadet Corps;
  • St. Petersburg Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • Siberian Cadet Corps (located in Novosibirsk);
  • Kaliningrad cadet naval corps named after Andrew the First-Called;
  • Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps (boarding school No. 5, located in Moscow).

The listed schools are famous high quality military training and a strong teaching staff. Of course, it is quite difficult to enter there, since they are characterized by a lot of competition for places, but if you feel strong and confident, then perhaps you will be able to become one of their cadets.

It is more difficult to enter the cadet corps than to enter the institute

The competition in now fashionable schools with a military bias reaches 25 people per place

Along the parade ground, hidden in the picturesque school yard, eighth-graders march briskly, military uniform and with white bows in their braids.

R-r-ra-a-a-coming! Smi-i-irno! - the brave officer-teacher commands.

Meanwhile, the military march in the speakers is replaced by one of the freshest R&B hits. The girls grab their briefcases and run to class. Today is not an easy day for them: in addition to drill training, ballroom dancing and etiquette, the young ladies will have to sit through literature with history and study geometry.

Moscow boarding school for state girls opened just three years ago: so far this is the only cadet school in the capital exclusively for girls. And with all this, there is no end to dads and moms who dream of raising their daughter to be a real noble maiden. Competition - about 10 people per place.

Get to a nearby Cossack Cadet Corps named after Sholokhov (boarding school No. 7), where only boys live and study, it is even more difficult. Last spring, for example, 25 young men applied for one place at once. Judging by such frantic demand, cadet education in the capital has become lately incredibly fashionable.

How to sign up

Every year from April 15 to May 30, a list of required documents is posted in boarding schools. Usually it includes

Health certificate,
extract from the student’s personal file,
a document confirming the child’s social status.

For example, that he is an orphan, brought up in a large or low-income family that one of the military parents died in the line of duty, etc. (such categories of children have advantages when applying). At this time there are interviews and psychological testing, with the help of which the commission selects future cadets.

There are only girls in the boarding school for state pupils...

What is the price

Free training. Money for food, organization educational process, clothing, purchase of equipment, repairs are allocated by sponsors and from the city budget.

Features of study and living

Cadet institutions accept boys and girls who have graduated primary school .
In addition to basic subjects, students from grades 5 to 11 study

fire (working with weapons) training,
playing musical instruments,
various types of dances,

Plus, every school has a subject dedicated to the specifics of the educational institution, for example, the history of the Cossacks.

You will need

  • an extract from the child’s personal file;
  • health certificate;
  • certificate of academic performance;
  • certificate of the child’s social status (for those children who need it)


The revival of cadet schools began when children began to spend too much time on the street, left to their own devices. First of all, these were aimed at children from socially unprotected and disadvantaged families. And today, cadet training has reached the level of pre-revolutionary Russia and is now considered very elite. This is why many parents, even those who are quite wealthy and prosperous, want to send their child to study at.

To become a student at a cadet school, you need to provide a number of documents. It includes a certificate of the child’s health, an extract from the personal file, a certificate (needed for those entering the university) and a document confirming the child’s status. This paragraph applies to those children who are orphans, are being raised in a large and low-income family, children from families where one of the parents died while on duty, and other categories of socially vulnerable children.

After you pass these necessary documents to the admissions committee, entrance examinations for the child. As a rule, they include various interviews and psychological testing. Based on the results of such conversations, students are selected for school.

Read the charter of this school, look at the license giving the right to operate educational activities school, check whether the educational institution has a certificate of state accreditation.

Specify the educational program your child will study and familiarize yourself with the set of textbooks. You may have to purchase some textbooks yourself.

Please note

The school accepts children who are 6 years and 6 months or 7 years old by September 1. If the child is younger, you may be asked to undergo a commission that will determine the child’s readiness to study at school.

A child may be refused admission to an educational institution only if there is no free seats. Therefore, if a child lives or is registered in a microdistrict that is not related to a given school, this is not a reason for refusing to admit the student.

Useful advice

The school has no right to conduct any tests, interviews or any kind of knowledge control with future first-graders. Only after enrollment in school, most often in mid-September, can a speech therapist and psychologist communicate with the child in order to clarify his level of development and knowledge.

The desire of young people to connect their future with the army is gaining increasing popularity. As a rule, such a desire arises already in early age and is the reason for enrolling in special educational institutions that help make dreams come true. Today, in cadet schools Not only males, but also girls can apply.


First, you need to decide on the question, is there really a need for? Perhaps this is a tribute to fashion or just an imitation of your desk neighbor? If the child has clearly defined his aspirations, he must begin preparing for school in advance. It’s good if there is a family, or where there is a teenager, there are special cadet classes that prepare for further admission.

Next, study the list of documents required for admission at the institution of your choice. This can be done on open day, which is usually held in the first months of spring, at the military registration and enlistment office or on official websites on the Internet. The lists indicate a specific list, which usually includes a certificate of health, an extract from the student’s personal file, a certificate of social status (orphan, raised in a large family, etc.).

Secondly, you must provide an autobiography, a personal statement addressed to your boss schools from the cadet candidate, a notarized copy of the birth certificate (at the time of admission the child must be less than 15 years old), an original report card with grades for the last three quarters academic year, pedagogical characteristics, certified by the official seal of the school and signed class teacher and the director, four photographs, size 3*4, without headdress.

You should provide a copy of the medical insurance policy, which also needs to be notarized, a certificate from the parents’ place of work, which should indicate the nature of their labor activity.

Find out if your child can take advantage of admission benefits. Typically, such information is provided by a special commission that conducts testing and interviews with future cadets.

It must be remembered that in cadet schools accept boys and girls who have graduated from primary school, accommodation in the institution is 24 hours a day, full state provision. Usually, parents are allowed to pick up their children on weekends, but each institution has its own rules.

Graduates of cadet schools can enter the FSB Academy, the Military Academy, and the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation on a general basis. They do not have any benefits upon admission, however, the knowledge they acquire allows them to get into their chosen educational institution without much difficulty.

Please note

In Moscow, the cadet movement began to develop in 1992. Supported by public organizations Military, cadet and naval circles began to be created, which over time began to be called “classes”. The main functions of cadet leadership educational institutions and the education of students is carried out by reserve officers, some of whom are graduates of the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools.

Useful advice

By order of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation dated April 25, 2013 Moscow “On amendments to the Standard Regulations on the presidential cadet, Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval, military music schools and cadet (naval cadet) corps under the jurisdiction of the Work on recruiting candidates for the Tyumen presidential cadet school in 2013 will be organized in accordance with this order.


  • list of cadet schools

Many boys, and no less a number of girls, who study at school, dream of becoming cadets. To do this, they must endure a rigorous competition, the passage of which will ensure their admission to one of the various boarding schools, including a recently created institution designed to educate exclusively female persons. To get into a cadet school, you need to start preparing in advance, before the entrance exams.


Keep an eye on websites or other information sources used by selected cadets. Starting somewhere in the middle, there will be lists of documents that will need to be provided to confirm your desire by the chime or cadet.

Before this deadline, help your child undergo a full examination. He demands large quantity time and requires mandatory visits to a number of doctors. WITH high probability, yours will be required to provide a certificate of condition, so such an inspection will not be superfluous. The list will also include an extract from your personal file and documents related to social status him and his family.

Prepare in advance for the interview. Avoid putting undue pressure on the child, but make sure that his decision is informed and motivated, so that he can competently conduct a conversation with a psychologist. Do not control his answers and do not try to think through the course of the interview for the student: remember that before you is an absolutely independent person who has accepted adult decision and is ready to answer for him. The interview also takes place in late spring.

Familiarize yourself with the admission procedure and prepare your child to take the entrance exams. Please note that he will be required to have in-depth knowledge of general education subjects, possibly going beyond what he receives at school. Cadet competition housing usually quite large, and yours should be able to withstand high competition.

In addition to the general and psychological testing review is being held physical training, which also needs to be trained in advance.

Attention to the patriotic education of children, their level of physical fitness and health status has revived the classical traditions of education and training in cadet schools. Of course, graduates of such schools are equal to graduates of other secondary educational institutions, and do not have any benefits when entering universities, but recently more and more children - both boys and girls - want to wear the proud title of “cadet”. How to enter such a school?


Find out if there are specialized cadet schools in your area. The educational regime in such schools can be organized on the boarding principle, but there are also schools with regular daytime education. In addition, they can also be cadets if their parents sent them to school mixed type.

Please note that in the cadet school or transfer in almost the same way as to a regular one, with the only difference being that applicants for admission must have more high level physical training.

Find out information about a specific one by going to its website, or contacting the admissions office directly. In addition, cadet boarding schools usually encourage physically strong orphans from orphanages to enroll and transfer to an educational institution, and conduct introductory conversations with students. In addition to orphans, children of military personnel (who died while performing a mission or serving in “hot spots”) have advantages in admission.

Provide the following documents to the school admissions committee if your child is going to 1st:
- statement;
- birth certificate (copy);
- policy;
- medical card 026/U-2000 (with a conclusion on the child’s suitability for education in such an institution);
- certificate from the institution additional education(sections, clubs, studios), if the child studied there;
- diplomas and certificates (if any);
- passport of one of the parents (copy);
- an extract from the house register or another document confirming the child’s registration (for Muscovites: in Moscow and Moscow Region);
- copies of documents confirming family status (military family, large family etc.);

What documents are required for admission?

Having decided on the place of education, it’s time to find out what the entry requirements are and what documents are required for consideration of a candidacy. Add to list mandatory documents includes a completed application from the applicant for the position and from his parents. If the young man is an orphan, a death certificate of the parents is required.

Also required psychological characteristics and characteristics from the place of study, copy of birth certificate, autobiography, copy insurance policy. The list of required documents may vary depending on the educational institution. You should either go to an open house or visit the website online. There you will find all the information you are interested in.

What else is needed to become a cadet?

Upon admission special attention They pay attention to the child’s academic performance at the previous place of study, the results of participation in Olympiads, and sports categories, if any. All this will be a plus in considering the candidacy. That is why they always request an extract from the journal of the previous educational institution.

The competition for a place in such institutions can reach 150-200 people per place, which means that the grades must be very good, as well as the results of the entrance tests. When preparing for admission, it is worth taking time for additional classes in mathematics, Russian, physics and other subjects that will be on the exams.

Today with obligatory passing the Unified State Exam after that, all cadet institutions do not help to enroll. Their task is to prepare for passing exams, improve physical fitness and show off the armed forces of the Russian Federation. After studying for 2 years in this place, everyone will know for sure whether he wants to receive an officer rank and continue to serve.

Training at the institution takes place from home, i.e. young people live in barracks under conditions of strict discipline. All students are supported by the state, and their education is complete, this explains the number of people who want to continue their studies here.