Primary documents from the individual entrepreneur. Mandatory list of personnel documents for each individual entrepreneur

The number of cars in our country is growing even despite the outbreak of the crisis. This means that any business related to cars will be guaranteed to bring good profit. One such type of business is a car wash. Let's figure it out how to open a car wash from scratch, what is needed for this and what is its profitability.


A car wash is a profitable and stable business that brings in constant income. In order to organize it, you do not need experience or any skills. Car wash is not seasonal business, although some decrease in the number of clients may be observed in the summer. In the summer, clients more often order expensive procedures (cleaning the interior, engine), so the total amount of income does not fall.

Car wash is a profitable and promising business

How to start?

The first step is to study the market in your city and draw up at least a rough business plan. It should take into account the following factors:

  1. Location.
  2. Studying demand for services.
  3. Average income level of prospective clients.
  4. Total costs for renting the site and building.
  5. Costs of building a car wash in the absence of an alternative.
  6. Costs for purchasing equipment.
  7. Mandatory monthly expenses (salaries, utilities, taxes).

Based on this information, you can already make some calculations and think about the discovery.


Now let's list What documents are needed to open a car wash? in your city. The first step is to register with your nearest tax office. You can become an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC. There is no particular difference between these forms of ownership, except that as the owner of an LLC you will be able to sign an agreement to service the fleet of other companies.

Then you will need:

  1. Contact the city council and get permission from them to open a car wash.
  2. If you are constructing a new building, you will need to contact a local design organization, which will create an appropriate project for you, taking into account legal requirements.
  3. Apply for opening permits from the sanitation station and fire inspectorate.
  4. Obtain permits from the security department environment.
  5. Get a land deed.

Market Research

After the business plan has been drawn up, it is necessary to assess the level of competition and select good place to open a car wash. Find out if there are existing car washes in the area, what services they provide, and what price range of services they offer. Try to identify their shortcomings and think about what you would add or change in the work.

A prefabricated car wash is an excellent alternative to a stationary one

Think over your list of services. There is quite a lot of competition in this market, so you need to somehow stand out from the crowd. Offer your customers not only body and engine washing, interior dry cleaning, polishing, and scratch filling. Be sure to set up a rest room where visitors can drink coffee or watch TV while washing.

Please note:Car washes that allow the driver to wash the car themselves have proven themselves well. The client pays for the time spent in the box and for the consumption of detergents, while using your equipment.

The best location for washing is in the following places:

  1. In a residential area.
  2. In the business center of the city (near the offices).
  3. Near major highways with high traffic.
  4. Close to service stations, gas stations, car parks.

Build or rent?

If you have enough start-up capital for construction, then it is better to build a building than to rent it and remodel it. Now many construction companies They offer ready-made solutions from metal structures and sandwiches at quite reasonable prices. But what do you need to open a car wash? by building it from scratch? You will have to take a long-term lease on the land and obtain a building permit. One of the advantages is the free architecture (you can choose your own required quantity and size of utility rooms), as well as no rent.

If the starting capital is not enough for construction, then rent the building. This will significantly reduce the level of investment, but you will have to pay 50-70 monthly thousand rubles per room.

Types of car washes

Washing can be automatic or manual. The most promising are automatic car washes that allow you to service large number cars in a minimum amount of time. Automatic car washes are divided into two types:

  1. Tunnel.
  2. Portal.

Portal car wash - a practical and inexpensive solution

In a tunnel wash, the car is placed on a special conveyor belt and automatically moves along the box, leaving the other side completely washed. In a portal car wash, the car is driven into a box and washed with three brushes: two vertical and one horizontal. The brushes move in space, efficiently washing away all dirt. The portal sink is very compact - it fits well into any room. The washing process in automatic car washes is usually 2-3 times faster than in manual car washes, so you can serve more customers in a working day and save on staff.

Please note:Modern automatic car washes are completely safe for your car. But it is necessary to monitor the condition of the equipment and service it on time.

The most practical is considered to be a portal sink. Its advantages:

  1. Mobile sizes.
  2. Absolute versatility.
  3. Operating speed: 12 vehicles per hour.
  4. Minimum staffing.

Modern portal car washes can be contactless - all dirt is removed not with brushes, but with special nozzles through which water is supplied under high pressure.

Tunnel car washes require a “tunnel” up to 35 meters long. It is capable of processing up to 20 cars per hour - as soon as the first car moves 4-5 meters deep, you can drive the second one onto the belt.

Types of buildings

Car washes can be divided into stationary and prefabricated. Stationary car washes are usually attached to complexes: service stations, spare parts stores, tire shops. All necessary communications are brought to them and a construction permit is obtained.

The car wash goes well with the tire service and service station

Prefabricated ones will require permission from the architecture department. To do this you will need to provide:

  1. Patent individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. Certificate or lease agreement for land.
  3. Car wash project with its appearance.

You will also need to connect the building to utilities and obtain permission to open from the fire department.

The stronger spring gains momentum, the longer the lines at car washes become. And the more people who want to systematically wash their cars, the more often entrepreneurs begin to think about opening their own own business in this area.

So, how much does it cost to build a car wash? What permits do I need to obtain for this? How much financial resources will you need to invest and how much can you earn from it? Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Worthwhile cause

It should be noted that experts predict that in the near future sharp increase demand for this service. This is due to several factors. Firstly, seasonality, because it is known that in spring and summer, motorists more often try to wash their vehicles. Secondly, with a general increase in the number of cars. Finally, the third factor is the high profitability of such a business.

In general, it’s definitely worth doing. But before you invest your money, understand in detail the types of car washes and decide what exactly suits you. The volume of initial investments and subsequent “exhaust” will depend on the chosen format. There are three types of car washes: capital, collapsible and mobile. Let's consider each of the options.


To start a business you will need 5 million rubles or more. The peculiarity of this type is that the car wash is equipped in a large industrial building, and all kinds of systems and communications are connected to it. The payback of a car wash depends on what part of the city you locate your point in and what the flow of customers will be.


The second type is a little simpler. The car wash is equipped with two stations. Accordingly, the costs will be slightly less. Entrepreneurs who already have experience in this field note that you can get by with two million rubles. This car wash has a slightly lower profitability than the previous type, but does not require industrial hangars. All you need is a flat concrete or asphalt area and thin-walled metal structures, which are then covered with special sandwich panels.


This is the simplest car wash possible. Due to its mobility, it does not require major investments. If the location is unsuccessful, you can always move it to another, more profitable point. True, the return will be less than from the previous two options.

How much does it cost to build this type of car wash? In order to become the owner of this business, you must have at least 1 million rubles. Most of the amount will need to be spent on a trailer, in which, in fact, the vehicle will be washed. The disadvantages of a mobile type car wash are that it is designed for only one car. And the advantages are that it does not require the connection of special communications.

Now it’s time to decide which type to focus on. Compare your financial capabilities and expectations from the business you are starting. If you are still confused, then let me give you little advice. We recommend starting with a prefabricated car wash. It will require average costs from you.

In case of urgent need, you can always move it to a new point. In addition, it is designed for two cars. You can wash only passenger vehicles at one station, and equip the second one for trucks. Due to this, you can quickly recoup your investment. You already know how much it costs to build a car wash of this type, so let’s move on to the next points.

We choose a place for business and collect documentation

The success of almost the entire business depends on where your point will be located and how many posts you can place on it. Consider this issue carefully. Study and analyze the density of traffic passing by, the number of competing companies, the distance of your business from residential complexes and a number of other factors. Ideally, you should open a point next to a road junction, near a residential complex. As for the number of posts, equip them at your discretion.

Now let's talk about documents. The plot for business is either rented or purchased. If the land belongs to the state, we go to the City Property Management Committee and take part in the auction. If the site on which you decide to locate is classified as agricultural land, you will need to transfer it to the industrial category. This procedure also takes the form of an auction and can take about 6 months. A stationary car wash must be approved by the department of architecture and urban planning of your city.

How much does it cost to build a car wash?

Let's say right away - it's not cheap. And considering that you are just starting to work, and you already have a lot of expenses, it is better to abandon this idea. It is much more correct to rent a premises suitable for this business and equip it according to all your needs.

In this case, everything will be much more rational. To approve the location of your enterprise, you must submit to the inspection authorities a document confirming the conclusion of a land or plot lease agreement; certificate of registration legal entity as an LLC or individual entrepreneur, a copy of the sketch of the car wash project and, necessarily, a certificate of tax registration.

In the case of creating a business from scratch, it will be necessary to attach to this package of documents a permit from the city administration for the construction of a building, its plan, which must be agreed upon with the architecture department, firefighters and SES. You should also have a conclusion from Nature Supervision. In addition, experienced entrepreneurs advise drawing up and registering an agreement for garbage and solid waste removal, a certificate of the number of jobs and quality certificates for your existing equipment.

Where to start opening a car wash: required documents, land, connection to networks, obtaining permits. Three options for the technical organization of a car wash are offered.


Car wash as a business is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. After all, there are now plenty of mobile mobile complexes equipped with a full set of equipment that allows you to provide maximum possible spectrum car washing and cleaning services. In addition, the good thing about a mobile car wash is that it can be installed in any convenient, or, more precisely, profitable place for this business. At the same time, its compactness and low cost make this type of business more accessible to a wide range of small entrepreneurs.

Speaking in simple language, it is enough to invest money in a mobile car wash once, promote it, expand the list of basic and additional services to the maximum and easily make a profit. But where to buy a mobile car wash, how to quickly collect a list of documents for opening it, and also get a stable influx of customers - read on.

Let's look at the key steps for opening a car wash based on a mobile complex.

Step 1: Solving organizational and legal issues

Almost all beginning businessmen at the stage of starting a business are faced with the problem of collecting the necessary package of documents. If you approach this issue step by step, then this approach will save you a lot of time, money and nerves.

Individual entrepreneur registration

The first thing you need to do is decide on the organizational and legal form of doing business. And here there are two options: either you register as an LLC or as an individual entrepreneur (IP). If you are exploring the space of a small business for the first time, then it is better to register an individual entrepreneur, as this will save you from unnecessary red tape when preparing a package of documents for opening a car wash.

Tax system

And here it is better to make your choice in favor of the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system). The fact is that the tax rate in the simplified tax system consists of two indicators: 6% of total income and 15% of income reduced by the amount of expenses. In this case, the taxpayer has the right to choose according to which of these two indicators the tax will be paid.

And here it is better to focus on the second option: 15% on income reduced by expenses, since in this case the total tax amount if the business profitability is less than 60% (and the profitability of a car wash does not exceed 40%) will be less than the tax amount when choosing rates of 6% of total income.

Note: Tax accounting under the simplified tax system is quite simple and, in fact, it can be carried out by the entrepreneur himself without the involvement of an accountant, but so as not to get confused in all the subtleties and features accounting We recommend using online accounting "My Business".

Required documents

When all the organizational and legal aspects of opening a business have been resolved, the question immediately arises: “What does it take to open a car wash?” And here the manufacturers of mobile car wash complexes solve some of the problems for you, since along with the equipment they can provide you with a certain package of documents. This includes the following car wash permits:

  • All certificates relating to the equipment installed on the complex.
  • Passport for the design of a car wash.
  • Letter of refusal for the construction of a car wash.
  • License Agreement.
  • Project agreement on ecology “Environmental protection”.
  • Architectural coordination.
  • Typical fire report.
  • Standard expert opinion (SER) confirming the safety of technological processes for washing vehicles.

And it doesn’t matter from which manufacturer you purchase a mobile car wash. The main thing is that he must provide you with the above-mentioned package of permits and approval documents, since independently collecting such papers will take you several months.

Step 2: Select a plot of land

Your next step is land for a car wash. However, it is quite difficult to give you clear recommendations here, since everything will depend on the specific situation, and there are only three of them:

  • Purchasing a plot of land from a private owner.
  • Lease of a plot of land from the state (subject of the Russian Federation or region).
  • Sublease.

In this situation, sublease is the best option, since it is much easier, cheaper and faster to negotiate with the main tenant in the person of the owner of a gas station, parking lot or large shopping center than with representatives of local governments (Administration, City Council, Village Council, etc.). ).

Step 3: Connecting to Electrical Networks

The third step is concluding an agreement for connection to electrical networks. And although mobile car washes are equipped with generators, it is better not to miss such an opportunity as connecting to city electrical networks. Just permanent job car washes using only generators leads to frequent breakdowns and power failures, and also increases the cost of car cleaning and washing services.

Step 4: Connecting to water networks

The fourth step is an agreement for connection to water networks and, if necessary, a second agreement for the purchase of water. Despite the fact that most mobile car washes are equipped closed system water circulation, these agreements will still have to be concluded, since waste water needs to be drained somewhere, including municipal solid waste (filters).

Step 5: Concluding an agreement for solid waste disposal

Step five follows from the fourth - this is an agreement for the disposal of solid waste (solid waste) and used water.

Additional Steps

The next two actions on your part may or may not take place, since everything here will depend on the specific legal norms in a particular region or subject of the Russian Federation. You may need:

  • Permission to install a car wash structure at the specified address. This permission is required if you are leasing municipal land. It is taken from the Head of the Administration of the municipality, district, administration, etc.
  • You may also be required to agree appearance car wash design, which must, according to legal regulations, fit into the features settlement. To obtain such a permit, you need to contact the local architectural authorities and provide them with several options for planning solutions, including a photo montage of the appearance of the car wash in relation to the area.

Final composition of documents

As a result, to obtain permission to open a car wash, you must collect the following package of documents:

  • The entire package of documents related to the organizational and legal form of doing business. Simply put - documents for individual entrepreneurs and documents for tax registration.
  • Permits and approval documents received from the manufacturer of the mobile car wash.
  • Document of ownership, lease or sublease of the plot of land where the car wash will be located.
  • Agreement on connection to electrical networks.
  • Agreements for connection to water networks and for the purchase of water.
  • Agreements for the disposal of solid waste and used water.

Step 6: Final step: obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

And finally, when the entire package of documents has been collected, you contact local authority Rospotrebnadzor, which on their basis issues you the following permit for a car wash: “Permit (IP) for the type of activity “Car wash” at the address: city such and such, street such and such, etc.”

Complexes of mobile car washes.

As mentioned above, many mobile car wash complexes are available for individual entrepreneurs. And below you will be presented with 3 options for similar equipment from leading manufacturers, which will help determine the final car wash cost and, as a result, learn more exact figure initial investment.

Option one

Option two

This option is optimal for those who want to try this type of business in their city and weigh the pros and cons. For these purposes, the Fortis company presents 4 sets of mobile car washes: model 111, 112, 211 and 212.

Two of these models 111 and 112 are designed for washing cars only at positive air temperatures, the other two 211 and 212 - at air temperatures down to -15°C. That is, if you want to provide car wash services only in the summer, then pay attention to models 111 and 112.

But models 211 and 212 can only be used from mid-spring to late autumn, because they are not suitable for working in harsh Russian winters.

The minimum cost of mobile car washes of the Fortis company is 197 thousand rubles.

A distinctive feature of all these models is a set of equipment that includes an inflatable tent consisting of a pallet with inflatable sides. At the same time, all car wash equipment easily fits into medium tonnage truck and, if desired, can be transported from place to place, and its installation takes a matter of hours.

Option three

Choosing a location for a car wash

So, it remains to highlight one more of the main points of the car wash business - this choice of location.

At first glance, it may seem that the best places for a car wash are busy highways. That’s right, but such places are only suitable for tunnel car washes with a capacity of 15 cars per hour or more, and a single-station manual car wash can pass through no more than 3 cars per hour, and then only if the washer is highly professional.

Simply put, you will earn little, since the majority of clients in such places want to quickly wash the car body, without any additional services. From which it follows that you need to look for a place with regular customers who value quality and are willing to pay well for it.

And here you should consider the following options: a large shopping center, a parking lot and a gas station. Ideally, each of these places should be located near residential (dormitory) areas, where local motorists will become your first clients. That is, a person will know that there is a car wash near his house, where he can leave his car and calmly go home, waiting for a call about washing the car.

People quickly get used to such a convenient location of the car wash, and if your service is at the proper level, then over time a whole line will line up for you and the car wash will take place by appointment. And most importantly, these are the types of customers who order more often than others. additional services, such as dry cleaning or polishing, which cost 2-3 times more than a regular body wash. Now we will look at them in more detail.

List of services provided

At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the prices indicated below for car wash services were relevant in the fall of 2012 for the central and northwestern federal district. Of course, prices are different everywhere and change all the time, but this information will help you understand the pricing system and draw appropriate conclusions.

  1. Body wash. Basic work: washing the body with shampoo, drying the body, washing the sills and arches. Cost option:
    • Small cars with engine capacity up to 800-1500 cm³ - 230 rubles.
    • Passenger cars - 280 rub.
    • Niva class jeeps, Minivan - 320 rub.
    • Minibuses of the Nissan class, BMW-X5 - 380 rubles.
    • Gazelle buses up to 3 tons - 600 rubles.
  2. Interior cleaning. Basic work: cleaning the interior with a vacuum cleaner, washing glass, panels and door trim. Cost option:
    • Jeeps - 120 rub.
    • Minibuses - 130 rubles, cleaning of panels and door trim - 180 rubles.
  3. Blackening of the bumper and rubber. ( Pre-sale preparation). Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 70 rubles. bumper, 70 rub. a pair of wheels.
    • Jeeps - 90 rub. bumper, 90 rub. a pair of wheels.
    • Minibuses - 90 rub. bumper, 90 rub. a pair of wheels.
  4. Deep wash of the engine compartment and engine. Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 300 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 330 rub.
    • Minibuses - 300 rub.
  5. Washing the engine compartment and engine. Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 140 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 150 rub.
    • Minibuses - 140 rub.
  6. Body polishing. Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 400 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 500 rub.
    • Minibuses - 550 rub.
  7. Washing and cleaning the trunk (vacuum cleaner).
  8. Cost option:
  • Passenger cars and small cars - 100 rubles.
  • Jeeps - 110 rub.
  • Minibuses - 120 rub.
  • Body waxing.
  • Cost option:
    • Passenger cars and small cars - 90 rubles.
    • Jeeps - 110 rub.
    • Minibuses - 130 rub.
  • Treatment with Anti-rain and Anti-fog agents.
  • Cost option:
    • Windshield - 80 rub.
    • Other glasses - 110 rub.
    • Comprehensive processing of all glasses - 160 rubles.
  • Wheel washing - 20 rub.
  • Wheel washing and drying - 30 rubles.
  • Washing discs using acids - 200 rubles.
  • Air conditioning of seat trim - from 350 to 500 rubles.
  • Washing of other car components and components - from 120 rubles.
  • Removing stubborn stains (insect marks, bitumen, waste, etc.) - from 200 to 500 rubles.
  • Wheel polishing - 200 rub.
  • Washing rugs - 30-40 rubles.
  • As you can see, the list of basic services is quite impressive, and if desired, you can add washing and cleaning of other vehicles such as a motorcycle, bicycle, ATV and even water transport. But the steepest prices apply to car interior dry cleaning, where just one order for such a service can cover the entire daily revenue from a regular car body wash.

    List of services for dry cleaning of car interiors.

    • Car with engine capacity up to 1000 cm³ - 3500 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 3000 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Car with engine capacity up to 1500 cm³ - 4000 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 3000 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Cars with engine capacity up to 2000 cm³ - 4500 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 3500 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Station wagons, crossovers and other premium cars - 5,000 rubles. with disassembly of the interior, 4000 rubles. without disassembly.
    • SUV class jeeps - 5500 rub. with disassembly of the interior, 4500 rubles. without disassembly.
    • Auto class minivans - 7,000 rubles. with disassembly of the interior, 5000 rubles. without disassembly.

    You can also add to this list additional list dry cleaning services for individual elements of the car interior and thereby further increase income from the car wash.


    As soon as we open a car wash, we certainly shouldn’t expect a powerful flow of customers with folded arms. Here you will have to invest some money in its promotion. In addition to standard advertising such as banners, road signs, leaflets and booklets, the following methods will be extremely effective:

    • Method one - free car wash! And in the literal sense of the word. For example, you put up a stand or banner with the following name: “From May 1 to May 5, washing any car is completely free!” Yes, you will lose part of the profit, but this pressing question: “How to promote a car wash” will be finally resolved. After all, you must agree, who would refuse such a service? Nobody! Of course, after the end of the promotion, some car owners will drop out, but those who remain will form the basis of your customer base.
    • Method two - discount on all services up to 50%. For example, you advertise: “The last day of the month - 50% discount on all services.” This service will be especially relevant for dry cleaning of a car dealership and other expensive events. You can also issue coupons for a small monthly discount for regular customers. The discount is promoted using Internet coupon services such as Biglion, Grupon, Couponator.

    So, you already know how to open a car wash, and the final touch remains - the quality of customer service and work with the car wash staff.


    Under high quality Customer service means not only a job well done, but also an individual approach to each of them. That is, it is much more convenient for a person to wait for a car wash in a cozy lounge, with hot and free coffee in his hands, while watching his favorite show, than somewhere on the street.

    As for the service personnel, for a single-station car wash you will need only one employee. But even here, the search for such a person should be approached responsibly and not skimp on the salary. Immediately try to exclude such personnel as schoolchildren, students or visitors. By simply saving on their wages, you will end up losing even more, because such low-skilled workers sharply reduce throughput car washes, and the quality of service will leave much to be desired. In this case, it is better to set the fee at 30% of the cost of the service (washing the body, cleaning the interior, etc.), but to control the cash register, be sure to install video surveillance.

    If you don’t yet know how to open a car wash, this article will help you in this matter. Here we will try to look in detail at how much it costs to open a car wash, where to start and what you need.

    Every motorist knows that a clean car is important condition his work. Taking into account the growing number of vehicles on the roads, it is not difficult to guess that the car wash business is one of the most profitable and promising areas. But still, for its prosperity, it is better to arm yourself with a car wash business plan, with the help of which the number of errors will be minimized and profits will be significantly increased.

    How much does it cost to open a car wash?

    We will not consider the premises here, because... prices for its rental and construction are different in each city. Therefore, when considering the question of how much it costs to open a car wash, we would rather pay attention to the equipment for it.

    Here are approximate prices for washing and cleaning equipment:

    • Compressor – $200-250;
    • Washing vacuum cleaner and dust extractor – from $400;
    • Used water purification system – from $4,500 (although not all car washes will need it);
    • Apparatus high pressure with heated water – from $1500;
    • High pressure apparatus for supplying water to one post – from $500.

    Usually all this equipment for car washes is foreign. The most commonly used brand is Karcher, because... this is the company that produces huge amount various special equipment for cleaning and washing.

    Where to start

    As you noticed, the cost items for basic technical equipment are not that large. In order for us to open a car wash, we need to know where to start this business.

    1. Deciding on the type of future car wash. There are only two options to consider: the first is a car wash with high productivity and a minimal range of services; the second is a car wash with high quality and a wide range of services provided. It is in the second type that they provide such services as tire blackening, naturalization and interior polishing, dry cleaning, and engine washing.
    2. Deciding on the equipment. It was listed above, so here we will additionally look at other brands of equipment. In addition to Karcher, there are also Carebridge (UK), Comet (Italy), Ceccato, California Kleindiest (Germania) and Wesumat, Wedner, WAP and Islobal from Spain.
    3. Selecting a room. One of the best options would be if you decide to open a car wash in a garage located in the building of a large shopping center that has its own parking lot. Then your potential clients will be literally one step away from you. Gas stations and boxes located next to a busy highway are also suitable for this.
    4. We draw up a business plan. In it we consider all cost items related to the first two points, study the market in our city, competition, and calculate the approximate profit from our activities.

    Example of a business plan

    Do not forget that this is just an example of a car wash business plan from scratch, because... in your case, all the data may be different.

    Review department

    The main goal of the project is to open an enterprise providing manual car washing services. The company is registered in the name individual entrepreneur and carries out its activities on his behalf.

    The main condition for the success of this business depends on the location of the car wash, and this condition requires special attention. It is better to be located next to a parking lot, a car service center, on a busy road or highway, or close to shopping or business centers.

    Description of the car wash

    This business plan provides for the use of two posts for washing cars, with daily, 24-hour operation, seven days a week. The list of services includes direct car wash, engine washing, dry, wet and chemical cleaning of the interior, as well as body polishing. Car washing is carried out by one worker with specialized equipment.

    For activities, they use rented premises, which are obtained upon concluding a long-term lease agreement. Building a car wash from scratch is very difficult; this requires special permits and approvals.

    Description of company services

    The car wash will provide full complex car washing, cleaning and dry cleaning services. Operating hours are 24/7, without days off or breaks.

    Market analysis of these services

    This line of business in the service market has quite a lot of competition, taking into account the increase in the number of cars. Drivers increasingly prefer professional car washing, choosing one from many. Therefore, when developing a business plan for a car wash, you need to take this condition into account and it would not be amiss to resort to marketing “tricks”. You can practice various promotions, discounts, bonuses for regular customers. For example, you can sell subscriptions at a discount, make the 10th wash free, offer free interior cleaning or other services with which you can win your share of the market. Therefore, before opening a sink from scratch, you need to clearly know competitive advantages Your enterprise.

    Enterprise production plan

    There should be two boxes in the car wash premises, directly for washing cars. The complex must have a room for electrical equipment, a room in which washing equipment is stored. Personnel must be provided with a separate room containing a toilet and shower. It is mandatory to have a room for clients.

    Such a car wash is equipped with two hand washes, two vacuum cleaners, a water purification system, a car vacuum cleaner, a compressor, a foam kit, a speakerphone, video surveillance and a high-pressure machine. The staff consists of 11 people.

    Car wash financial plan

    When developing a business plan for a car wash, it is necessary to take into account the income and expenditure parts.


    To estimate the cost of expenses when opening a car wash, you need to divide them into 2 parts, one of which will be general capital expenses, and the other will be monthly expenses. General capital expenses usually amount to 830,000 rubles, monthly - 485,000 rubles.


    • The average daily check is 300 rubles;
    • The number of cars serviced per day is 100.

    Total income of the car wash: 900,000 rubles.

    Currently, the car wash business is popular among those who want to start their own business. The explanation is simple: although opening a car wash is associated with certain hassles, they are fully compensated by a fairly high income.

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    Other reasons for its popularity include the fact that the number of cars in the country is growing, and increasing demands force the bodies of foreign cars to be washed more often.

    Types of car washes

    Today, car washes come in many variations. Each of them has its own characteristics and benefits. Before you start implementing your business idea, you should choose which car wash modification is easier to open.

    Standard wash

    The manual type of car washing is performed by people using water, car shampoo, as well as sponges, brushes, rags, and so on. Of course, it takes a lot of time to service one machine, but this is the most inexpensive option, and the most popular among our mostly conservative population.

    Building a traditional car wash is not a simple process. It will take several months, and the collection of permits can even take years. But this is perhaps the fastest payback option.

    Automatic brush washer

    This is a type of contact washing in which, instead of people, special people do the work. automatic installations. The car is cleaned using pressurized water, hot foam and rotating brushes, then protective wax is applied and the car is dried.

    The construction and purchase of equipment for such a sink is more expensive compared to a classic sink, but it is equal time capable of servicing many more vehicles.

    The main thing is to take care and not skimp on brushes, since cheap and hard ones can easily leave scratches on the car’s surface. The payback period for such a car wash will be on average 12-18 months.

    Automatic touchless wash

    It is carried out using active foams, the main layer of dirt is washed off with water under pressure, then active foam is applied, which removes everything else, and the foam itself is washed off with the next stream of water, then a protective polish is applied.

    The advantage of such a wash is that it causes the least damage to the body coating compared to others and has high throughput.

    This kind of washing is clearly not for our climate, since active foam may not be able to cope with heavy dirt. Therefore, in Russia, the construction of such a sink will not bring the desired profit, and besides, the prices for the equipment are not encouraging.

    Without water (dry wash)

    For cleaning, a special shampoo-polish is used, which softens the dirt and ensures the integrity of the paintwork; it is carried out by the car enthusiast himself.
    Its disadvantage is that it is inconvenient to process hard to reach places car. Therefore, it is used to maintain cleanliness between two water washing sessions. Dry washing will be a good addition to classic or brush car washes.


    This is an open type sink. Its main difference from the standard one is that the client washes his car himself, using standard washing equipment. And he pays not for the service as a whole, but for the time spent at the car wash. Among car owners, such car washes are gaining increasing popularity, since you can manage to wash your car for 100 rubles or even less.

    For entrepreneurs, opening such a car wash is also attractive because it does not require more effort and financial costs than, for example, opening a manual or automatic car wash.

    Truck wash

    The majority of clients are truck drivers. If found good place with a large flow of trucks, the business will quickly take off and pay off in the first six months.

    It is better not to build a full-fledged building, but to purchase a portable car wash. This option is the simplest and most profitable. Or rent a hangar, but then you will have to install communications if they were not provided for.

    Mobile car wash

    A modern modification of the sink, which, if necessary, can be transported to a new location. It is assembled from sandwich panels and takes about ten days to install. The cost of such a car wash in the area 1.5 million rubles, however, the quick payback (about six months) makes such a project very attractive.

    In this case, collecting the necessary documentation will not take even a week before putting it into operation. This is the fastest and easiest way to open if you have the required amount.

    Aspects of activity

    What does it take to open a car wash? In fact, there is nothing complicated in running such a business, you only need a few boxes, fairly simple equipment, and all this will bring the owner an income of 100 thousand rubles. per month.

    The main risks are fines from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection in case of violations of drainage rules or damage to the car during washing, for which you will have to pay compensation.

    In addition, seasonality is clearly noticeable in this type of activity, so in the summer, when the streets are clean and dry, clients do not appear often, and in the winter too, because dirt serves as protection from reagents, of which there are a lot on the roads thanks to city services. Queues appear mainly in the off-season.

    Client characteristics

    Almost every car owner prefers to travel in a clean car. There are owners, especially older people, who wash their “iron horse” themselves in the yard, but most use car washes for this purpose.

    These are people of middle and higher incomes with high demands: businessmen, managers, doctors, taxi drivers and especially ladies.

    The corporate segment, where there are good vehicle fleets, is very important in the washing business. It is necessary to skillfully use the fact that many people prefer to wash their vehicle in one place, and corporate clients prefer to be serviced by one service provider.


    Another important point- this is a solution to the staffing issue; you don’t need to have special knowledge to wash cars, which is why they usually pay little for it, despite the fact that it is very difficult. You can hire students for the summer, but this is a temporary solution.

    The biggest challenge is maintaining quality at all times. After all, it is not necessary to wash cars perfectly every time, but all employees must work “to the best of their ability.”

    The attention of workers is dulled due to high humidity, temperature fluctuations in winter that occur when a car enters or exits the bay, and the monotony of work. The result of this inattention can be a minimum of customers expressing complaints, or a maximum of paying for minor but expensive body repairs due to scratches.

    The next problem is theft. If employees cannot be influenced morally, then they need to be deprived of the opportunity to embezzle money; this can be done either by excluding the washer from the process of paying for services, entrusting money issues to the administrator, or by installing cameras.


    The set of equipment will depend on the specifics of your car wash and the list of services it offers. When choosing equipment, it is better to pay attention to European manufacturers. Pay attention to the products Karcher , PORTOTECNICA, their quality is highly appreciated by car wash owners.

    Standard list of equipment that needs to be purchased immediately:

    • high pressure washer;
    • floor washing machine;
    • system with circulating water supply;
    • equipment for interior dry cleaning;
    • vacuum cleaner;
    • steam generator;
    • cleaning device for car wash.

    List of services (basic and additional)

    The list of basic services for your car wash will include:

    • vehicle washing;
    • engine washing;
    • body polishing;
    • interior dry cleaning;
    • wet or dry interior cleaning.

    At every decent car wash, small rest areas are opened for visitors, where, while the car is being washed, car owners can drink coffee, watch TV or read a magazine. According to statistics, today it is exactly like this free service plays a decisive role when a client chooses a car wash.

    In addition, entire car services are often created based on car washes. This includes a gas station, service station, tire service, auto parts store, and cafe. Your car wash with such neighbors will be the most tempting for customers. After all, the car owner will be able to fully service his car by visiting only one place, and this is very convenient. The savings in fuel and time are obvious, and everyone benefits from such cooperation.

    Where to open a car wash?

    There are many ideas for opening a car wash, so if you don’t want to come up with something of your own, you can choose one of the existing ones.

    In garages

    The most popular idea is to use garages for car washes. It consists of renting several cooperative garages, which would be located near the highway, in an area with good traffic and service centers nearby. After which the garages are adapted for a car wash, the necessary equipment is purchased, modifications are made to the design and communications are carried out.

    It’s good if there are residential buildings and communications services nearby. Then all that remains is to take care of the entrance to the car wash, pave it, hang advertising, such as banners, nearby, and come up with a highlight that would make your car wash stand out from many others. For example, offer a special service in which people can wash their car themselves for half the cost of a regular car wash.

    Of course, there are experts who are skeptical about this option. Some people believe that garages are not secure enough for this type of activity. In particular, they will not be able to withstand exposure to dampness for long and will partially collapse. There are also difficulties with reorienting non-core premises for the needs of a car wash. Because of all these disadvantages, experts advise either renting a car wash or building one yourself.

    On the outskirts

    Another idea is to open a car wash, which would be located outside the city, not far from a gas station or motel, for example.

    For construction, you can use lightweight structures, such as hangars, then construction will be quite fast and inexpensive.

    It is better to allocate several zones in the room in which active washing, rinsing, drying, interior cleaning will be carried out, as well as a place where employees will rest.

    In a large neighborhood of the city

    The best option would be to open a car wash in prestigious areas of the city, where people drive good cars and are willing to pay good money to keep them clean.

    But there is one caveat: getting permission to open it is extremely difficult. And it’s almost impossible to find an unclaimed place in the center.

    In the parking lot

    Almost all major shopping centers, there are already car washes in underground parking lots. This is very convenient: a visitor can leave his car for a wash while he walks around the center to buy groceries.

    In luxury homes, car washes in parking lots are also in good demand. It is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to provide good communications and cleaning systems. The profitability of this idea largely depends on the number of parking spaces.

    On your own site, in a private house

    What if you open a car wash on your own property to save on renting land? But there's a catch.

    The fact is that according to land legislation, each plot of land must be exploited strictly in accordance with its purpose.

    You can only obtain permission to build a car wash on a site approved for use. Therefore, agricultural land will not become the basis for opening a car wash.

    In the village

    The idea of ​​opening a car wash in the village is quite risky. In small settlements, as a rule, the number of car owners is insignificant. And it is worth understanding that villagers prefer to wash their Lada cars themselves in nearby reservoirs.

    But a car wash in a village, which is located near a busy highway not far from the city, may be a good option. Provided that you can offer additional services to tired motorists.

    Where to start opening?

    Analysis of starting opportunities

    It’s better to start a business by analyzing the starting opportunities, that is, the amount you can spend to open a car wash.

    If this amount is less than one hundred and fifty thousand rubles, then it is better to rent boxes instead of buying.

    At the same time, renting has both pros and cons. If the car wash was unprofitable, then before renting it, it is worth analyzing the reasons, because if the problem is low traffic, high competition, problems with communications or regulatory authorities, then it is wiser to look for better options.

    On the other hand, a ready-made car wash is aimed at this type business and the premises will not require additional costs. And organizing an influx of clients and resolving misunderstandings with inspections is quite within the capabilities of an energetic businessman.

    Organizational and legal form of business

    Registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC – mandatory procedure to open any business.

    In the case of a car wash, it is better to give preference to individual entrepreneurs.

    In this case, you will avoid many problems with collecting documents and significantly save time.

    The most popular among small enterprises is the simplified system (STS). This is what is recommended in most cases for starting your own business. Pros this option: there is always a choice - to pay 6% of all income received - “dirty”, or to pay 15% of “net” profit. The second option, according to experts, will make the business much more profitable.

    Permitting documentation

    Once a specific location has been selected and preliminary consent has been received from the city authorities, the fun begins, namely, obtaining permits. This task is quite complex and its completion can take up to a couple of years.

    The following steps will need to be completed:

    1. First, a petition is submitted to the city administration, which will contain a sketch of the washing project, written permission from the fire department, the SES and the architectural department.
    2. If there are no problems with the above and the administration gives its consent, then it’s time to move on to the next stage, that is, to draw up an architectural design for the task.
    3. Then you need to get an examination from the fire inspectorate.
    4. At the same time, it is necessary to get “Yes” from architects, sanitary and epidemiological inspection, labor protection and environmental protection services.

    After all of the above points have been completed, you can draw up a deed for permanent or temporary possession of the land, and then receive written permission to begin construction.

    If you use rented industrial premises for your car wash, the collection of permits will be significantly reduced. You can immediately proceed to the stage of conducting all necessary examinations.

    Environmental nuances

    If we analyze the main reasons for the bankruptcy of car washes, we can identify the main mistakes that businessmen make.

    First of all, it may be a problem with the sewerage. At first, it is decided on a personal level with the management of the supervision, however, if complaints from residents of nearby buildings continue to come in, then the business will not stay here for long. The fundamental solution to the problem is a professional decision in choosing a treatment plant.

    The filtration system should depend on the area in which the sink will be located. Thus, at the entrance to the city from the side of a dacha or hunting grounds, washing technologies are needed differently than in the center of a populated area. Jeeps, of course, are not afraid of dirt, but it is more difficult to wash it off them than from slightly splashed women's cars.

    Your future relationship with environmental inspectors depends on what equipment you purchase. Installation costs will be minimal fifty thousand rubles, and the maximum depends on the level of cleaning required. So, cleaning a car requires about 60 liters water, and a large vehicle such as a jeep is about 160 liters, therefore the price should be flexible, which will not scare away customers. So you should start planning by choosing a cleaning system.

    Cleaning filters for car washes are small, portable units used both locally and as additional filters for an already installed wastewater treatment system. Water purification is carried out using a stepwise method. Thanks to the circulation tank, a reverse cycle of water use is formed, and the release of water into the sewer becomes minimal. Water passes through filters many times, which allows for maximum purification from contaminants.

    This system allows you to dramatically reduce waste volumes and, accordingly, costs. The water purification system operates at a temperature of at least + 5C, so in the cold season it will only work in a heated box.

    Business development

    Opening a car wash does not automatically mean profit; you still need to work for this. There are several techniques to quickly and effectively increase profits.

    Attracting clients

    To ensure a profit for a car wash, you need to find financial customers for it. This is possible regardless of the size of the city and its location, because everywhere there is a wealthier circle of car owners.

    In addition to the profit from a single visit, it is important to take care of long-term relationships. After all, it’s better to secure a car enthusiast as permanent source income than attracting new ones every time. To do this, you need to create an attractive impression of yourself and make sure that clients do not leave you in a bad mood.

    To ensure that the majority of your new customers become repeat customers, you need to address their traditional reasons for dissatisfaction.

    And this is most often:

    • long time or poor quality of washing machine,
    • bad service,
    • no clear price list
    • no pre-registration,
    • the agreed time is not respected,
    • There is no client waiting area.

    The quality of car washing is determined by standardizing washing operations, properly selecting and training personnel, and making their payment dependent on how well they work.

    A client waiting area is a must. And preferably with a bar or, if there is one nearby business centers, then from the diner. Customers also need to be entertained; magazines or an Internet access point will be useful for this.

    More to achieve positive emotions possible by doing more than the client expects. For example, giving a freshener or a small service - the very fact of the gift is important here, because your car wash should be remembered so that the client turns only to you and tells his friends and acquaintances about it.

    The function of attracting potential visitors can also be performed by the car wash itself. Don’t skimp on ordering bright outdoor advertising; a sign with the name “Car Wash” should attract attention. It would also be good to involve print media and radio.

    We minimize seasonality

    The car wash business, unfortunately, shows a sharp drop in profits in summer and winter. And since the owner will have to pay rent for a plot of land for a car wash every month, the situation becomes even more dire. But this does not mean that you will have to put up with such a state of affairs as the seasonality of car washes.

    One option to minimize seasonality is to close the main car wash during the slow period. In this case, you can open an economy car wash, or leave one box working, thereby reducing the cost of running your business.

    During the quiet period, it would be advisable to reduce prices for services, as well as the cost of hired labor. Some of the staff may even be laid off or sent on leave.

    In addition, it is recommended to expand the range of services offered. Good decision will be the installation of vending machines at car washes. Your client will be happy to drink a cup of aromatic coffee while his machine is taking “water treatments”.

    Car wash business plan from scratch

    Probably, it’s not even worth talking about having a business plan for opening a car wash, as well as any other business. It is clear that without an approximate (and sometimes very detailed) analysis you should not start.

    How much does it cost?

    Start-up costs, without which opening a car wash, cannot be reduced to the annual rental (purchase) of premises with land plot at least 300 sq. m., purchasing equipment, auto chemicals, hiring workers.

    And so the initial minimum costs at the initial stage of opening a car wash:

    Approximate cost of the set necessary equipment— 220-240 thousand rubles.

    Table 1. Costs of operating a car wash (monthly):

    Is it profitable?

    Undoubtedly, the profitability of a car wash will be high if certain rules of this business are observed. The service is in constant demand, every day and even around the clock. To receive a monthly net profit of 150 thousand rubles, the owner needs to properly organize his business.

    It should be noted that the payback period for a car wash is on average about 12 months.

    Therefore, in the first year of work, you can count on best case scenario half the amount of income stated in the business plan.

    Let's calculate the profit. On a working day, a car wash with one set of equipment can accept 40-50 vehicles. The services are varied: from surface body washing to engine cleaning and internal dry cleaning. Average price for the service 300 rub.

    300*40*30(days)= 360 thousand rubles. per month.

    Subtract salary costs on average 35%: 126 thousand rubles. per month.

    Total monthly expense: 126 thousand. +76 thousand rub. = 202 thousand rubles.

    Net income per month: 360 thousand. — 202 thousand. rub. = 158 thousand rubles.

    There are approximately three hundred car washes in each city per million population. That is, 200-250 in each big city, one hundred - in a city with a population of approximately 300 thousand people. Of course, all these figures are approximate and can be adjusted from case to case, either less or less. big side, depending on how developed the city's economy is. On the other hand, even the presence of the specified number of car washes does not indicate complete saturation of the market.

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    If we analyze the opinions of entrepreneurs who own a car wash business, it turns out that there are two extremes.

    Some believe that this business is very profitable: in a city of half a million, even three car washes will be completely clogged. At a cost 250-1000 rubles, the queues will be constant, and they will gain the greatest popularity among the owners expensive cars, for example jeeps or business class, so an average wash will cost about 750 rubles. So the costs will pay off in a matter of months.

    Pessimists believe that everything is not so good, primarily due to problems with its discovery. After all, not counting technical issues such as buying a garage, renovating it, purchasing equipment, you will have to solve many problems with authorities, sanitary and epidemiological inspection, firefighters, redevelopment, traffic police, if you need to organize an entrance, and so on.

    Most car wash owners agree that building a car wash is a complex process and often does not pay for itself.

    In addition, many gas stations are ready to provide washrooms. The lease agreement should then be concluded for several years at once.

    Another option recommended for beginners is to purchase a ready-made car wash with equipment, rental, washers, video surveillance, etc. Naturally, a ready-made, established business will not require as much diligence from its owner when opening as starting from scratch. But significant capital investments will also be needed.