What is restriction of parental rights? Grounds for restricting parental rights

STATEMENT I request that I and my family members be recognized as low-income for the purpose of being registered as needy in residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements. Information about family composition: 1. (family relations with the applicant, full name, date of birth, place of birth) (registration address at place of residence, place of work, study) (passport data: series, number, date of issue, by whom issued) 2. (family relationship with the applicant, full name, date of birth, place of birth) (registration address at place of residence, place of work, study) (passport data: series, number, date of issue, by whom issued) 3 . (family relationship with the applicant, full name, date of birth, place of birth) (registration address at place of residence, place of work, place of study) (passport data: series, number, date of issue, issued by) 4.

How to obtain the status of a low-income family in the MFC

Term Designation Statement A document that involves the transfer of information and data through certain structures. This regulatory document contains basic information about the subject of the document Low-income family Status assigned to citizens whose income is lower than the regional subsistence minimum, as a result of which they cannot provide for themselves and their family Benefit Measure state support, which is expressed in the provision of not only benefits, but also discounts on housing and communal services, educational institutions and travel to public transport Who can apply for this status Low-income status can be obtained by people and families whose average per capita monthly income does not exceed the subsistence level established in the region.
If this requirement is met when all income is taken into account, then low-income status will be granted.

Rules for writing an application to recognize a low-income family in 2018

In the Russian Federation, a family is recognized as low-income if the total average income of all persons living in it, including children, is less than the subsistence level. Next, we will talk about how to get a certificate of a low-income family from the MFC, and what documents are needed for this.

  • 1 What income should a low-income family have
  • 2 How to obtain the status of a low-income family in the MFC: step-by-step instructions
  • 3 What documents and certificates are needed for a low-income family
  • 4 Terms of production and validity of the certificate
  • 5 Benefits and benefits for low-income families in 2018

What income should a low-income family have? To determine whether your family falls into the category of low-income, you need to know what income should be in 2018, the calculation algorithm is simple, add up the amount of official cash receipts to the budget from all members, and divide by the number of people including children .

Forms and sample documents for registration of benefits and allowances

Students and pensioners provide additional documents indicating the amount of pensions, benefits and scholarships, if any. Papers must be presented in originals only. Copies are not accepted by any authorities.

Therefore, it is worth worrying about the availability of relevant certificates in advance. How to obtain the status of a low-income family? The list of documents does not end with income certificates.

Next, you will need to bring documents, the collection of which does not cause much trouble. Family composition The second point is the collection of documents indicating the composition of the family.
This is also a mandatory item that is required to calculate the income per person in a social unit.

How to register a low-income family? documents for obtaining low-income family status

At the same time, the list of incomes that can be taken into account when calculating the average income of both a family and a single citizen is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 512, dated August 20, 2003. Finally, measures that are designed to support the poor are described in to the fullest in Law 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”, which is constantly changing and supplemented.

It is according to these legislative acts, people are recognized as low-income and appropriate state and regional assistance is assigned from their budgets. How to correctly write an application for recognition of a low-income family To correctly write an application, which is subsequently processed by specialists of the institution social protection, you must first collect all the documents, without which the application simply will not be accepted.

Document download process

Requirement for completion (sample) In the first block of the application, as in all other similar papers, you need to indicate the name of the institution to which the documents are being submitted, as well as the full name of the head, since it is his signature that will mean the granting of status. The following is a list of personal information, which includes:

  • residential address;
  • passport data (place of issue, series and number, date of receipt);
  • contact phone number.

Next, the application itself begins, in which a request is written to recognize the family as low-income, and the number of its members is indicated, after which the composition of the family is again specifically indicated, the full name, day and month, as well as the year of birth of the applicant, his spouse and other relatives also living with them are entered , and the family relationships connecting people should also be indicated.

An example of calculating the income of a low-income family:

  • father salary - 10,000 rubles
  • mother's salary - 8,000 thousand rubles
  • grandfather's pension - 3,000 rubles
  • daughter scholarship - 1,500 rubles

Read also: Permission to free parking through the MFC Total income for the last three months = (10,000 x 3) + (8000 x 3) + (3000 x 3) + (1500 x 3) = 67,500 rubles, hence the family income for one month is 67,500: 3 = 22 500 rubles. So, as 4 people live, the average income per person is 22,500: 4 = 5,625 rubles, which is less than the subsistence level.

Conclusion: such a family has the right to benefits and benefits provided to the poor. It is worth considering that we carried out calculations based on the average minimum for Russia, a separate level is established for each region, the table below shows only some regions, more detailed information Check with an MFC specialist.


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Sample application for low-income benefits

directly the application for assignment of status with a list of attached documents;

  • marriage certificate;
  • an extract from the house register showing how many people form a family while living in the same living space;
  • certificate of family composition obtained from the Housing Office;
  • certificates of income, for example 2-NDFL for working people, a document confirming the receipt of a scholarship by students or a document from the labor exchange stating that any of the family members is registered due to a job search, receiving the appropriate allowance;
  • pension certificate - if there is a pensioner or disabled person in the family.

In addition, it doesn’t hurt to learn how to correctly fill out an application, although it has a certain form, but is not completely understandable to everyone. ordinary people, and is it possible to submit all the papers online, avoiding the need to visit the social security office in person.

What specific documents can be requested? Among them are:

  • an extract from the house register about those living in the apartment;
  • marriage/divorce certificate;
  • birth certificates of all children.

If there are minors in the family other than their own, then the parents will be required to provide documents on adoption or transfer of custody of children. Usually they provide copies and originals of the relevant papers.

Without the latter, an application of the established form will not be accepted. Taxation It is worth noting that all adult citizens of the Russian Federation are taxpayers. And therefore, to recognize a low-income family, you will have to collect full list papers indicating one or another type of taxation.

We agree to verify the information provided. We are familiar with the list of types of income, as well as property, taken into account when classifying citizens as low-income for the purpose of registering those in need of housing.

Date Signature of the applicant Signatures of adult family members (with transcript) Passport data (data on the birth certificate) verified (signature of an administration specialist) RECEIPT-NOTIFICATION Given gr. is that the following documents and copies of documents were received from him (her): (date) T ¬ “Application for recognition as low-income people” pcs. ¦ + + + ¦Tax registration documents¦ pcs. ¦ + + + ¦Documents on family composition¦ pcs. ¦ + + + ¦Documents on the income of the applicant and family members¦ pcs. ¦ + + + ¦Documents on the composition of property¦ pcs. ¦ + + + ¦Documents on the value of property¦ pcs. ¦ L + (date) Specialist (signature, surname) RECEIPT-NOTIFICATION Given gr.


First, you should pay attention to what kind of assistance does the state offer to families officially recognized as low-income? Benefits and allowances for the poor Various “bonuses” from the state in in this case quite a few. Some benefits and allowances are regulated at the regional level.

Therefore, it is worth checking information in each locality regarding payments and other benefits. However, there is a generally accepted list of opportunities that are offered to the population.

What do the poor have the right to in Russia? They are entitled to the following types of support:

  1. Subsidies for public utilities. Typically, low-income people pay 50% of their bills. Many people find this help very useful.
  2. Discount for kindergarten. A complete exemption from kindergarten fees is possible.
  3. Natural help.

The legislation provides for the possibility of providing assistance to low-income families. To implement it, you need to meet the requirements and complete the required documents. This article will talk about this in more detail.

Conditions for recognizing a low-income family: calculation of average per capita income

First, let's try to figure out who exactly can legally count on receiving government support. Let us note that the object of receiving the corresponding benefits and benefits is the family. Of course, sometimes it happens that we are talking about an incomplete family. Help can be provided to both complete and single-parent families. The determining criterion is the average level of income for each member. The rule is that it should be less than the cost of living per person. It is important to note that:

  • this minimum may change;
  • it varies in different regions of the country.

Therefore, when determining the possibility of receiving payments, you need to take into account the value that is established in a given place. Documents to confirm your status must be provided quarterly. For example, in Moscow the cost of living in the current year, 2017, is set at 10,965 rubles per month per person.

In addition to the above, we emphasize that we are talking about the total income accruing to all family members. It includes not only the salaries of everyone in the family, but also various kinds social benefits.

Let's summarize, list everything necessary conditions fully:

1. Income per family member from all possible sources does not exceed the subsistence level. Installed for of this region at the moment in question.

2. It's not just about family members. They must all be permanently registered at the same address.

3. All family members living together must not only live at the specified address, but also run a joint household.

4. Only those families where each adult works or is registered at the labor exchange and receives unemployment benefits are considered.

If these conditions are met, then the family has the right to count on receiving the status of a low-income family.

Required documents

Here we will tell you what exactly the package of documents should consist of:

  1. Documents that identify not only the applicant himself, but also all members of his family must be attached.
  2. If one of the family members is unemployed, he must provide a certificate stating that he receives unemployment benefits.
  3. Documents that confirm ownership of objects for which taxes must be paid. Typically these include cars and real estate.
  4. Certificates showing income for the last two years. Usually this is 2-NDFL.
  5. Title documents that stipulate the right of residence of family members in the specified living space.
  6. For children under 14 years of age, a birth certificate must be provided.
  7. Documents that confirm the registration of family members in this living space.
  8. Application for granting low-income family status.

These documents are submitted to the social care authorities. If the decision to grant status is made, the family will receive everything provided benefits and payments.

How to fill out an application correctly

One of the most important is the statement. It is written on a special form. You can obtain it from the social care authorities at your place of residence. When filling out the document, you must adhere to the following rules.

1. First you need to draw up the header of the document. Since in the case under consideration there is an appeal to the social care authorities, it is necessary to indicate in this place the position, surname and initials of the head of the specified institution. You must also remember to indicate the appropriate address.

3. When filling out this paper in mandatory it is necessary to record the applicant’s personal data. One option is to indicate them in the header of the document. It is acceptable to place this information directly after its name.

4. Since the application actually comes from all family members, data on all family members living together must be indicated and documented. Their surnames, first names and patronymics, dates of birth, degree of relationship of each of them with the applicant on whose behalf the document in question is being filled out will be required. Their passport details must also be indicated, provided they have reached the appropriate age.

5. Indicate the income per each of the listed family members based on one year. Receipts of all types for the period of time under consideration are taken into account.

6. Since such an application is usually submitted on special forms that do not have uniform form, when filling them out, the requirements may differ slightly. For example, information on income for the entire year is not always required. In some versions of the forms, a table may be provided for this, which will require data only for the last three months.

7. The application lists all the property owned by the family.

8. Provided a list of all those documents that confirm the data set out in the specified application.

9. When finishing writing a document, put at the end signature and date.

This completes the application.

The procedure for recognizing a low-income family

We are talking about signing an appropriate agreement, one of the parties to which is everyone who is part of the family in question, and on the other, the social guardianship authorities at the place of residence. In order to go through all the necessary stages of registration, you need to prepare the necessary set of documents and contact in the prescribed manner to this institution. The package of documents includes an application for obtaining status, papers confirming real level income of all family members and documents that can prove identity.

Where to get a certificate

In addition to the above institution, you can contact multifunctional center provision of services at the place of residence. It is possible to complete documents via the Internet by visiting the government services website. There will be no state fee charged for registration. If you need to photocopy some documents, this can usually be done during the registration process.

What does “poor” status give?

If the execution of registration necessary documents was successful, then such a family has every right for the following types of government support.

1. You can count on partial compensation for payment for the provision of utility services. As you know, it is believed that these payments should not exceed 22% of family income.

2. There is assistance paid to members of low-income families. They vary depending on the region of residence. For example, a child from one and a half to three years old living in Moscow will receive monthly assistance in the amount of 1600 rubles, with two parents and 3200 rubles if he is raised by a single parent.

3. Also, in some cases, one-time benefits are provided on an annual basis. To receive them, you need to contact the social care authorities with a corresponding application.

There are other types of government support for low-income families. Having gone through the paperwork procedure once, such a family can receive quite a significant financial assistance for a long time.

Watch also the video about assigning the status of a low-income family:

Last updated April 2019

You can obtain the status of a low-income family if one family member has an income that is less than the subsistence level. Children are also taken into account when calculating the amount. A citizen of the Russian Federation who lives alone can also obtain low-income status. Read more about how to get this status and what it gives.

Step-by-step algorithm on how to obtain low-income status

Step 1. Calculate your family's income per person. To do this, you need to initially decide who is considered a family and what income to take into account when calculating:

  • Family persons are recognized who have permanent registration at the same address, live together and run a joint household. These could be parents with children, their grandparents, a single parent with a child, spouses without children, adoptive parents with adopted children, etc.
  • Income all receipts are considered family budget over the last 3 months:
    • wages;
    • profit (from business, from renting an apartment, car, from a bank deposit, etc.);
    • pensions;
    • scholarships;
    • alimony;
    • fees;
    • social benefits.

The reason is that only those families that find themselves in a difficult financial situation for reasons beyond their control can be recognized as poor. So to speak, “parasitism” is a person’s own choice, therefore the unemployed and those who are not registered will be denied state support. This does not apply to women on maternity leave.

If you want to obtain the status of a low-income family, but one of its members has gone missing, then you will be able to achieve your plan only if you provide documentary evidence of being put on the wanted list by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Income per person in a family is calculated as follows:

  1. All incomes of all family members for three months are summed up, and then the resulting amount is divided by three.
  2. The resulting number is once again divided by the number of persons who make up the family.

Example 1. The Kuntsev family consists of four people: father, mother, grandmother and 19-year-old son, who is studying at a university and receives a scholarship. Their monthly income consists of the following income:

  • Mother’s salary – 9000 rubles;
  • Father's salary - 11,000 rubles;
  • Grandmother’s pension – 4,500 rubles;
  • Son's scholarship - 1,980 rubles.

For the last three months they had no other sources of cash income, which means their total income for three months was 9000 * 3 + 11000 * 3 + 4500 * 3 + 1980 * 3 = 79440 (r). From here we calculate the average monthly family income 79440 / 3 = 26480 (r).

The next stage is calculating the average per capita family income. Since the family consists of four people, its size will be 26480 / 4 = 6620 rubles.

Example 2. In the Klochkovsky family, a mother and father work, one child studies at a university and receives a scholarship, the second child is a schoolboy. In addition, they rent out an apartment. Every month their budget is replenished:

  • Father’s salary – 25,000 rubles;
  • Mother’s salary – 20,000 rubles;
  • Rent – ​​30,000 rubles;
  • Scholarships for the eldest son - 3,000 rubles.

The average monthly income is (25,000 * 3 +20,000 * 3 + 30,000 * 3 + 3,000 * 3) / 3 = 78,000 (r). The monthly income per person in this family is 78,000 / 4 = 19,500 (r).

Step 2: Find out the cost of living in your area. Typically, such information is posted on the websites of city administrations, as well as - social services. But the latter are not always available, especially in small towns. It happens that there is no administration website. Then you can find out the information by visiting your local department in person. social services(social security) or to the same administration.

If the income per person in a family is less than the subsistence level, then you can qualify for low-income status.

Each region of Russia sets its own living wage. Below is a table showing what income should be for a low-income family in 2017 in some regions (more precisely, it should be below the established amount).

Example 1. The Kuntsev family from the example above lives in St. Petersburg, and since RUR 6,620< 10 449,50 р, значит они могут обратиться в компетентный орган для получения госпомощи малоимущим.

Example 2. The Klochkovskys live in Moscow, where the cost of living is 15,307 rubles. In their family, the income per person is 19,500 rubles. And although this is indeed not enough to live by by Moscow standards, since 19,500 > 15,307, they are not recognized as poor.

Step 3. Collect a package of documents. More details about what documents are needed to obtain low-income status with an explanation of where to get them are described in the next section.

Step 4. Contact the social security department. The competent authority that can officially recognize a family as low-income is the social protection authority. In different regions and populated areas it can be called differently: service, department, management, etc. This is where you need to bring the application along with the documents.

As an alternative, you can apply to one of the district MFCs with the same package of documents. It is possible to submit documents online – through the State Services website.

What is the difference between recognizing a single person and a family as poor?

In fact, in nothing other than the quantitative difference in the people who will receive help. Due to the fact that a single person classified as a low-income person does not have children, this means that he will not be able to apply for financial assistance for minor children, receive a one-time payment before starting academic year(for “preparing” a schoolchild for school), etc. But nevertheless, a lonely “poor” person may well qualify for improved living conditions, utility subsidies, etc.

List of documents for recognition of a low-income family

Consideration of the issue of assigning low-income status begins from the moment the application is submitted. Its form is issued directly by the social security authority or MFC. This form can also be downloaded from the MFC websites at electronic form. You can see how to fill it out correctly.

The following documents are submitted along with the application:

  1. photocopies of passports of each family member, for minors - birth certificates;
  2. photocopies of the marriage (divorce) certificate, court decision on divorce;
  3. a certificate confirming any income for the last 3 months:
    • from work about average wages(get it from the accounting department);
    • about the paid pension (at the Pension Fund office);
    • about the scholarship (taken at the place of study)
    • about social payments of the insured person (at the social protection authority);
    • according to form 3-NDFL for entrepreneurs (in the tax office);
    • on the amount of alimony (at the payer’s place of work or with bailiffs) or a copy of the notarial agreement on the payment of alimony.
  4. certificate of family composition/extract from the house register (at the housing office, housing cooperative or migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  5. photocopy work book or a certificate from the employment center;
  6. a photocopy of the housing document confirming the grounds for living in the housing;
  7. an extract from the Unified State Register for each family member, which indicates the value and composition of property that is subject to taxation (you can obtain it from the Rosreestr authorities, on the State Services website, but the easiest way);
  8. certificate of disability, if there are disabled people in the family (issued by ITU);
  9. bank account or passbook details;
  10. Sometimes a TIN is required, but this is not a mandatory document.

You must have with you the originals of those documents that are submitted in the form of copies.

If you cannot submit documents personally, a representative can do this by proxy. In this case, you need to add a copy of the power of attorney to the package.

A single person who wants to obtain this status simply needs to “remove” from the list above those documents that do not concern him (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.).

What is the processing time?

It is 10 working days from the date of acceptance of the application along with the documents. It is considered accepted from the moment of registration. At the same time, social security employees are given a period of 1 day to register an application.

Notice of the decision taken sent to the applicant within 3 working days after its acceptance.

Do I need to pay anything?

No, this service is provided free of charge. State duty is not paid. The only cost may be payment for photocopies of documents, but in some services the employees themselves take them. It’s better to check this point locally.

How does the procedure for obtaining low-income status end?

You are entered into the social security information database and given a certificate stating that the person or family is recognized as low-income. In case of refusal, a notification of refusal to assign status is sent.

A certificate of low-income status is issued in person official social security authority. If you do not pick it up within 30 days of notification, it will be sent by mail.

What does the status of a low-income family give?

Many people want to confirm the status of a low-income family in order to receive support from the state. It is carried out both at the federal and regional levels, so it is always better to find out about current benefits and benefits paid at local social security offices, since information on the Internet is often not relevant for individual cases. But you can try to highlight common types assistance provided to the poor.

Cash assistance

Paid in the form of benefits:

  1. monthly for children under 18 years of age, as well as older, but who are studying inpatient department in educational institutions;
  2. one-time targeted payments before the start of the school year for schoolchildren;
  3. for pregnant and lactating women to improve nutrition;
  4. monthly for the third child in the family (and subsequent children as well);
  5. social scholarships for students (paid regardless of grades).

The size of children's payments depends on whether they are raised in a full-fledged family or not, as well as on the age of the child.

Natural help

Appears as output free medicines, clothing, shoes, food packages, providing free travel for children under 7 years old on public transport, etc.

Utility subsidies and benefits

Provided to low-income people if their costs of paying utility bills exceed 22% of the monthly budget. They can be used not only by homeowners, but also by tenants.

There are two types of assistance available:

  • Subsidies (that is, additional sponsorship from the regional budget) can be registered with social protection authorities;
  • Benefits (that is, reduction in tariffs) can be applied for at the housing office.

Housing benefits

To receive them, it will not be enough just to confirm the status of a low-income family. You also need:

  1. establish the need to improve living conditions (in fact, the living space per person should be less than the norm);
  2. have a residency requirement of 10 years (for Moscow).

Benefits are expressed in the form of provision of municipal housing on social rental terms, as well as social mortgages. The latter differs from commercial ones in the reduced cost of housing and social guarantees.

Tax benefits

All social benefits that the poor receive are not taxed, and no tax is paid when they register as an individual entrepreneur.

Benefits for applicants

People from such families can enter educational institutions out of competition if:

  • are raised by one parent who is disabled, at least group 1;
  • their age does not exceed 20 years;
  • was recruited minimum score on the Unified State Exam.

Help for children

Children from such families are enrolled in kindergartens without waiting lists and with reduced fees:

  • for the first child – by 20%;
  • for the second – by 50%;
  • for the third – by 70%.

They are also provided with vouchers to dispensaries and sanatoriums once a year, fed in schools, and fed in dairy kitchens (up to 3 years).

Free legal assistance

Free assistance is manifested not only in counseling, but also in the representation/protection of the rights of the poor in court. Find out which lawyers can help free help for the poor, you can territorial office social protection.

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While economists are looking for a way out of the global crisis, citizens are trying to survive as best they can. Some take part-time jobs, others save money, and others are trying to find out how to get the status of a low-income family.

Let's look at who is entitled to low-income family status and how to get it in 2019.

General principle for assigning status

Nuances of income information

Unfortunately, when registering low-income status, many nuances arise. Let us list the most common options for accidentally “concealing” profits, occurring out of ignorance:

  1. The employer is obliged to issue the worker applying for status a certificate in Form 2-NDFL. It includes amounts without deduction of taxes.
  2. Information about all property owned by family members must be submitted. Namely about:
    • cars,
    • apartments;
    • land plots;
    • grandmothers' houses in the village (left as inheritance);
    • garages;
    • cooperative and common property;
    • summer cottages and others.
  3. Divorced parents raising offspring are required to show receipt (absence) of alimony.
  4. In schools, children are sometimes provided with discounted breakfasts or other benefits (even small ones). This is also included in income. A certificate from educational institution. The same should be done if the child attends kindergarten.
All information is verified through Rosreestr. Failure to provide information leads to refusal to assign status.

Algorithm for calculating average income per person

  1. To do this, you need to add up the totals from each document.
  2. The resulting number should be divided by three (according to the number of months of data collection).
  3. This number must be divided by the number of family members.
  4. As a result, we get the average income per person.
  5. It is compared with the cost of living in the region established by the relevant government.
  6. If the income is less, then acquiring status low-income family likely.

Only a specialist will make an accurate calculation, since the cost of living is set separately for each category of citizens:

  • able-bodied;
  • children;
  • pensioners and others.

Example of calculating average income

Let’s say a family living in Moscow applied for low-income status. The composition of this social unit:

  • mother looks after children two and five years old (has the right not to work);
  • dad works;
  • grandmother is a pensioner.

The appeal occurred on February 17, 2017.

Income is taken for the period:

  • November 2016;
  • December 2016;
  • January 2017.

The resulting amounts were:

  • dad - 90 thousand rubles in 3 months;
  • grandmother - 45 thousand rubles. for the same period.

Calculation: (90 thousand rubles + 45 thousand rubles) / 3 / 5 = 9 thousand rubles. per person.

The cost of living in the capital (the latest figure) is 15,307 thousand rubles, therefore, the family is considered low-income.

If an able-bodied person does not have a job without a good reason and has not applied for unemployed status, then the family will be denied recognition as low-income.

Package of documents for status assignment

Procedure for assigning status

Reasons for refusal

As a rule, a specialist already sees errors at the reception, identifies large incomes, and the like. That is, a person is warned in advance that he will not be given low-income status.

However, there are cases of official refusal. The reasons for receiving it may be:

  • providing false information;
  • erroneous data in income certificates;
  • negligence in writing the application.
If a citizen is sure that his family is low-income, if he receives a refusal, he should contact the government agency again. The most difficult situations resolved in court.

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Receiving social assistance from the state is not easy. First of all, you need to contact the Social Security Office of your city or district and submit an application with a request to classify yourself and your family as low-income. According to current legislation, each region has its own application form.

However, after filling out a printed sample form at home, you can safely go to the authority.

Writing an application is quite simple.

The main thing is to follow the following scheme and do not forget to include reliable information about all members of your family:

  1. Design of the “Head” of the document. Typically, the application is submitted to the social protection department, so you should indicate either the full name of the boss, his position, or the name of the authority. In addition, you should indicate the address of the authority where you are submitting the application.
  2. Document name. In this case, you must indicate: “APPLICATION for recognition of a citizen (family) as low-income (poor) to receive state social assistance.”
  3. Specifying your details . Some people write personal information in the header, but it is better to write it down, indicating the request. Personal information includes full name, date of birth, address of residence and place of registration, as well as other passport data.
  4. Filling out information about all members of your family. The full name, date of birth, degree of relationship (who is this person to you - spouse, daughter, son), as well as passport details are indicated. You can also indicate the type of income and its amount for 1 year.
  5. In some samples, income is indicated in a separate table. It must indicate all the income that the family has. And the amount of income is indicated not for 12, but for 3 months. In this case, it is even better to indicate the total, additional and average per capita income of the family.
  6. Next, all property must be entered into the table , which is owned by the family.
  7. A list of documents is listed , with which you confirm your financial situation and family composition. Documents include a certificate of family composition, an extract from the house register, birth certificates of children, parents’ passports, certificates from work about income or from the employment center, confirming your plight.
  8. Signed and dated. It is advisable that the document contains not only your signature, but also that of all family members.