Children's benefits in Anadyr and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Child benefits in Anadyr and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Territorial branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

  • Decree of the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of November 18, 2008 N 184 "On the provision of social support measures to large families and approval of the Regulations on the procedure for providing monthly compensation payments for utility bills to large families living in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug"
  • Law of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of November 29, 2004 N 50-OZ “On measures of social support for labor veterans and persons who worked in the rear during the Great Patriotic War”

Social support measures provided by the authorized body in the field of social protection of the population

Social support measures and benefits for citizens of Anadyr and Chukotka established by several regional laws, in particular:

  • Law of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of November 29, 2004 N 50-OZ “On measures of social support for labor veterans and persons who worked in the rear during the Great Patriotic War”, hereinafter referred to as Law N 50-OZ

and others.

The above laws establish social support measures and benefits for:

  1. home front workers (Article 1 of Law No. 50-OZ);
  2. labor veterans (Article 2 of Law No. 50-OZ).

Social support measures and benefits are provided to the specified categories of citizens living in the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Decree of the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated November 18, 2008 N 184 "On the provision of social support measures to large families and approval of the Regulations on the procedure for providing monthly compensation payments for utility bills to large families living in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug" for large families living on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, a measure of social support has been established in the form of monthly compensation payments from the established fee for the use of heating, water, sewerage, electricity, and for families that do not have central heating - from the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and transport services for the delivery of this fuel, in the amount of:

  • 30% - for families with three or four children;
  • 50% - for families with five or more children.

The resolution was adopted in order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 N 431 “On measures for social support of large families.”

Social support measures provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Social support measures provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation cover categories of citizens belonging to “federal” beneficiaries, to whom the Pension Fund assigns and pays monthly cash payments (MCP). For certain categories of citizens, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation establishes additional monthly financial support for pensions assigned in accordance with Russian legislation.

Measures of social support for older citizens established by Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ "On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2006 N 1455 "On compensation payments to caregivers for disabled citizens", Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2007 N 343 "On the implementation of monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people from childhood of group I), as well as for the elderly in need of confinement of a medical institution in permanent outside care or who have reached the age of 80 years,” are also provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Territorial branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Latest news on social support for citizens of Anadyr and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

All news from Anadyr and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

See also social support measures for citizens at the federal level

  • Social support measures and benefits for people with disabilities

    Established by Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” and includes a system of measures that provides social guarantees for disabled people: pensions, benefits, insurance payments for insuring the risk of health impairment, payments for damages, damage to health, and other payments and compensation in legally established cases.

  • Social support measures and benefits for veterans

    Established by Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 “On Veterans”, taking into account merits in defending the Fatherland, impeccable military service, other public service and long-term conscientious labor for the following categories of citizens: veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, veterans and disabled people combat operations, veterans of military and public service.

  • Social support measures for unemployed citizens

    Established by the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 “On employment in the Russian Federation”. The procedure for registering unemployed citizens in order to find a suitable job is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2012 N 891 “On the procedure for registering citizens in order to find a suitable job, registering unemployed citizens and requirements for selecting a suitable job.”

  • Social support measures and benefits for large families

    Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 N 431 “On measures for social support of large families”, other federal and regional regulations providing, in particular, for the provision of a free plot of land to a large family for the purposes of individual housing or dacha construction .

  • Social support measures for residents of the Far North

    Established by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 19, 1993 N 4520-1 "On state guarantees and compensation for persons working and living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas", Federal Law of October 25, 2002 N 125-FZ " On housing subsidies for citizens leaving the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas."

All social support measures

In the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug a meeting was held with the President of the National Fund for the Protection of Children from Cruelty, a member of the Government Commission on Minors and the Protection of Their Rights, a member of the Coordination Council under the President of Russia for the implementation of the national strategy of action in the interests of children for 2012 - 2017, the head of the Russian Association of children's helplines by Marina Egorova.

Anticipating the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Valentina Rudchenko, noted that a draft Federal Law is currently being prepared on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the implementation of social patronage and the activities of guardianship and trusteeship bodies, which will allow more clearly regulating law enforcement practice in this area.
In her speech, Marina Egorova focused on the fact that this law creates a mechanism for preventive work - what and in what sequence should be carried out in relation to families who find themselves in a socially dangerous situation, because it is too late to carry out preventive work with such families, it is simply necessary to save both families and children.
First of all, these are families exposed to long-term alcoholism, and they are not able to comply with the instructions of specialists.
The law primarily concerns families at an early stage of crisis, where it is still possible to improve the situation and create conditions for the normal upbringing of children.
It is very important that a vertical line be built in the protection of children, which must be brought to the attention of self-government bodies, and provide methodological and legal support for this work, otherwise it will be difficult to protect children.
There is already positive experience in the constituent entities of the Federation in this direction, where the powers of guardianship and trusteeship have been transferred to executive authorities.
For example, in Moscow, all powers of guardianship, all orphanages have been transferred to the social protection of the population. This is one of the most progressive options.
It is gratifying that Chukotka also chose the same option, where positive experience has been accumulated over the years.
Prevention of the removal of children from the family is very progressive, because this allows the family to be preserved, and the child, as everyone has come to this conclusion today, must still remain in the family. The family must be complete.
As for the Fund itself, it works in 34 Russian regions, while the geography of the Fund’s activities is shifted mainly to Siberia and the Far East, as territories least covered by the attention of the Center, which is used to working more in the European part, while there are a lot of problems beyond the Urals a lot in this area.
The Foundation operates at the federal, regional and municipal levels.
At the regional and municipal levels, we are developing models for the prevention of social orphanhood and the prevention of child abuse as a root problem.
At the federal level, the Foundation works closely with various Ministries, with the State Duma of Russia, with the Public Chamber and other bodies.
We are engaged not only in preventive work, but also in family placement of orphans and children left without parental care, developing various forms of family placement and providing post-boarding support for graduates of boarding schools, studying and analyzing local experience.
It is necessary to provide comprehensive support to those families who take in children from orphanages, because, in essence, the family is thus created anew and enters a fairly long period of adaptation, accompanied by various crises, and during this period the family needs to be supported professionally level of psychologists or social educators, in order to prevent, among other things, cases of abandonment of children when adoptive parents fail to cope with their responsibilities, and their return to the orphanage.
For this purpose, support programs for foster families have been created, and criteria for monitoring the condition of these families have been developed.
It should be noted that in Anadyr, the Orphanage, thanks to his leadership, has already become a real Education Center, and it is clear from everything that real professionals, caring and very responsible people work here.
Today, a national strategy for action in the interests of children has been developed. This is a very important document, a landmark one, it determines the amount of actions to protect the rights of the child in the coming years and represents a whole comprehensive system aimed primarily at preventing the removal of children from families and creating safe and comfortable conditions for children, with priority given to blood family.
The document is aimed at reducing the number of offenses in the sphere of family and childhood, at reducing the percentage of children registered, at reducing social orphanhood and child abuse.
Unfortunately, it must be stated that Russia occupies one of the leading places in terms of these indicators, as well as in suicide among children and adolescents, and in child mortality from unnatural causes, and this is a very alarming indicator for both the state and society , because we have already gone beyond the critical level, and something needs to be done about it.
This is why this document was developed, to protect those children who need it, because this is our future, the future of our country.
Valentina Rudchenko emphasized that it was with the transfer of guardianship authorities to the Department of Social Policy that positive changes began to occur and there are more and more foster families in the district every year, guardianship is being more actively formalized, and the district Orphanage is doing a lot of work in this direction.
This is also facilitated by good monthly benefits allocated for guardianship, payment for work, and legally established payment for vacation travel for adopted children, as a social guarantee, since previously not all employers paid for vacation travel for children taken into foster care.
And this is very important, since not all parents are able, with their salaries, to independently take their children on vacation to the central regions of the country at current prices for air tickets, with a complex transport scheme and the considerable remoteness of the district, which, in turn, affects the pricing policies in the region's trade system, where transport costs are extremely high.
In connection with this, we are forced to regulate bread prices, introduce fixed prices for basic and socially important food products, and subsidize this from the district budget so that families can provide children with normal nutrition, especially those with low incomes.
In a word, district authorities at all levels are pursuing a policy aimed at supporting family and childhood, since there are still enough problems with this in Chukotka, as well as throughout the country, despite the measures taken.
In general, the meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere, in the spirit of mutual understanding and was useful for both parties.

The Tax Service has clarified the procedure for calculating transport tax if the vehicle was destroyed as a result of a fire, accident, natural disaster, etc.
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Judicial Department
01.11.2019 By the decision of the Qualification Board of Judges of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated August 16, 2019.
Judicial Department
Judicial Department
01.11.2019 Dear northerners! Please accept my warmest and most heartfelt congratulations on National Unity Day!
Duma of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
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01.11.2019 Subsidiaries of the Rosatom state corporation - Atomenergoprom JSC and Rosenergoatom Concern JSC will become participants in tax monitoring from 2020.
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01.11.2019 On October 24, 2019, a meeting of the Council of Judges of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug was held in the court of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
Judicial Department
01.11.2019 By the decision of the qualification board of judges of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated October 16, 2019.
Judicial Department
01.11.2019 By the decision of the Qualification Board of Judges of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated August 16, 2019.
Judicial Department
01.11.2019 The next victim of scammers was a 28-year-old resident of the regional capital.
Internal Affairs Directorate of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
01.11.2019 taken from free sources The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has noted an increase in cases of complaints about fraudulent actions being committed against citizens.
Investigative Committee
01.11.2019 By the verdict of the Anadyrsky District Court, a resident of the village. Markovo was found guilty of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder, that is, intentionally causing the death of another person).
Prosecutor's Office of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
29.10.2019 On October 28, the Head of the Missionary Department of the Anadyr Diocese, Hieromonk Stefan (Kashin), conducted a media excursion with students of the Anadyr school and multidisciplinary college at the exhibition of paintings and reproductions “Daily Life”
Anadyr and Chukotka Diocese

No. 124-FZ dated July 24, 1998 “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation”, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug regulate relations related to the prevention of harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, improving the support system and increasing control over the implementation of standards in the field of protecting the morality and health of children in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Article 1. Main directions of activity of government bodies of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug to protect the morality and health of children

The activities of government authorities of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug to protect the morality and health of children are aimed at:

1) preservation and strengthening of cultural values, historical and cultural traditions, public morality, education of patriotism, cultural and moral behavior;

2) ensuring legal, socio-economic and organizational conditions for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the cultural and moral sphere;

3) ensuring the protection of minor citizens, youth, families from activities, information, propaganda and agitation that are harmful to their health, cultural, moral and spiritual development;

4) ensuring the health, physical, intellectual, moral, mental safety of children;

preservation and strengthening of cultural values, historical and cultural traditions, public morality, education of patriotism, cultural and moral behavior, for the development of children's and youth associations;

prevention of crime, neglect and homelessness, child alcoholism, illegal consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, drug addiction, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases;

(edited) Law

ensuring information security of children, production of information products for children and circulation of information products;

(paragraph entered by law

4) exercises control over the implementation of the legislation of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug in the field of protecting the morality and health of children;

5) exercises other powers in the field of protecting the morality and health of children provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

2 - 3. Lost force. - Law

Article 4. Council for the Protection of Morals and Health of Children of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

1. In order to implement state policy in the field of protecting the morality and health of children, developing proposals and recommendations for government bodies and organizations of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Council for the Protection of Morality and Health of Children of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug is being created.

2. The Council for the Protection of Morality and Health of Children of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug consists of deputies of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, representatives of public associations, workers in education, health care, culture, literature, science, art, law enforcement agencies, members of commissions on the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights, as well as other specialists.

3. The personnel and regulations of the Council for the Protection of Morals and Health of Children of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug are approved by a resolution of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Article 5. Measures to prevent harm to children’s health, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development

(edited) Law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated April 23, 2012 N 25-OZ)

In order to prevent harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the following is not allowed:

(edited) Law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated April 23, 2012 N 25-OZ)

1) the presence of children (persons under the age of 18) at the facilities (territories, premises) of legal entities or citizens engaged in business activities without forming a legal entity, which are intended for the sale of goods of a sexual nature only, in beer restaurants, wine bars , beer bars, glass bars, in other places that are intended for the sale only of alcoholic beverages, beer and drinks made on its basis, and in other places where being in can cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development;

2) the presence of children (persons under the age of 18) at night (from 11 pm to 6 am - from June 1 to August 31; from 10 pm to 6 am - during the rest of the period) in public places, including including on streets, stadiums, parks, squares, public transport vehicles, at facilities (territories, premises) of legal entities or citizens carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity, which are intended to provide access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" ", as well as for the sale of services in the field of trade and public catering (organizations or points), for entertainment, leisure, where, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, beer and drinks made on its basis is provided, and in other public places without accompanying parents (persons replacing them) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children.

(edited) Law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated May 30, 2014 N 60-OZ)

Article 6. The procedure for determining places where children are not allowed to stay

(edited) Law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated April 23, 2012 N 25-OZ)

1. Places where staying can cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, and public places where children are not allowed to be at night unaccompanied by their parents (persons in their place), as well as persons carrying out activities with the participation of children are determined by local government bodies in accordance with their powers, taking into account the conclusions of expert commissions formed in the manner established by this Law.

2. Expert commissions are created to evaluate proposals from citizens, legal entities, commissions on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights and other interested parties to identify places where being in may cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, public places in which children are not allowed to be present at night unaccompanied by their parents (persons replacing them), as well as persons carrying out events with the participation of children.

Article 7. Procedure for the formation and activities of expert commissions

(edited) Law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated April 23, 2012 N 25-OZ)

1. Local government bodies to evaluate proposals to identify places in which staying may cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, public places in which children are not allowed to be at night unaccompanied by parents (persons , replacing them), as well as persons carrying out activities with the participation of children, expert commissions are created.

2. The expert commission consists of at least five people. A meeting of the expert commission is considered competent if at least half of the total number of its members are present.

3. Qualified specialists in the field of art history, psychology, psychiatry, pedagogy, and law with at least three years of experience in their specialty may be involved in the expert commission.

4. The personal composition of the expert commission is determined by municipal legal acts of local government bodies in accordance with their powers.

5. The chairman and deputy chairman of the expert commission are elected by open voting by a simple majority of votes from the total number of members of the expert commission.

In the absence of the chairman of the expert commission, his duties are performed by the deputy chairman of the expert commission.

6. Meetings of the expert commission are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. Preparation of materials for the meeting of the expert commission is carried out by the local government body in accordance with its powers.

(edited) Law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated November 7, 2014 N 101-OZ)

7. Proposals to identify places where being present can cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, public places in which children are not allowed to be at night unaccompanied by their parents (persons in their place), as well as persons carrying out activities with the participation of children, are transferred to an expert commission for study and evaluation within three days from the date of receipt by the relevant local government body.

8. The expert commission, within 20 days, considers the proposals submitted by the local government body and, by a simple majority of votes of its members present at the meeting, by open voting, gives one of the following conclusions:

1) on the inclusion of the proposed places in the list of places in which being in which can cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, public places in which children are not allowed to be at night unaccompanied by their parents (persons, their substitutes), as well as persons carrying out activities with the participation of children;

2) on the non-inclusion of the proposed places in the list of places where being present may cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, public places in which children are not allowed to be at night unaccompanied by their parents (persons, their substitutes), as well as persons carrying out activities with the participation of children;

3) on the exclusion of established places from the list of places where being in which can cause harm to the health of children, their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development, public places in which children are not allowed to be at night unaccompanied by their parents (persons, their substitutes), as well as persons carrying out activities with the participation of children.

9. If the expert commission has received insufficient materials to give a substantiated conclusion, the chairman of the commission draws up a motivated note and sends it to the local government body that appointed the examination. After receiving additional materials and conducting the study, the expert commission issues a conclusion. These circumstances are the basis for extending the period for preparing the conclusion by the expert commission, but not more than by 20 days.

10. The conclusion of the expert commission is sent to the local government body for use in making appropriate decisions. If the conclusion is insufficient or incomplete when making a decision, an additional examination is appointed.

11. The conclusion of the expert commission is signed by the chairman of the expert commission or the person performing his duties. The progress and result of the meeting of the expert commission is documented in a protocol, the annex to which is the conclusion of the expert commission.

12. The local government body that appointed the examination shall cover the activities of the expert commission in the media.

13. The expert commission is subject to disbandment in case of its inaction.

Article 8. The procedure for notifying parents (persons replacing them) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children, and (or) internal affairs bodies in the event of detection of children in places where their presence is not allowed

(edited) Law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated April 23, 2012 N 25-OZ)

1. Heads of organizations and citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, and (or) employees authorized by them are obliged to notify parents (persons replacing them) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children, and (or) internal affairs bodies in the event of detection a child in their facilities (territories, premises), which, in accordance with this Law, are places in which children (persons under the age of 18) are not allowed to be present.

(edited) Law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated April 23, 2012 N 25-OZ)

2. Notification is carried out via telephone and (or) mobile communications immediately from the moment the minor is discovered: parents (persons replacing them) or persons carrying out activities with the participation of children - by telephone numbers indicated by the minor; internal affairs bodies - by the number of the duty station of the internal affairs body by territoriality or the emergency call number of police officers.

(edited) Law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated September 29, 2011 N 82-OZ)

3. Heads of organizations and citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, and (or) employees authorized by them, who discovered a child, hand him over directly to the parents (persons replacing them) who arrived at the place of discovery, or to persons carrying out activities with the participation of children, or representatives of internal affairs bodies to deliver such a child to the specified persons.

Article 9. Participation of parents (persons replacing them) in protecting the morality and health of children

In order to ensure the safety of life and health, as well as the physical, psychological and moral protection of children, parents (persons replacing them) take measures to prevent:

1) stay of children under the age of 18, except for those emancipated in accordance with Article 27 Civil Code of the Russian Federation and by law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated April 23, 1998 N 17-OZ “On the procedure and conditions for marriage in the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of persons under the age of 16”, at night on the street, in cafes, bars, computer salons, in discos , as well as other public places unaccompanied by adults;

2) consumption by children of beer and drinks made on its basis, alcoholic beverages, or narcotic or psychotropic substances;

3) smoking by children.

Article 10. Lost force on September 1, 2012. - Law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated April 23, 2012 N 25-OZ.

Article 11. Liability for failure to comply with this Law

For failure to comply with the provisions of this Law, parents of minors or persons replacing them, citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, and legal entities bear administrative liability in accordance with by law Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated June 6, 2008 N 69-OZ “On administrative liability for violation of laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, regulatory legal acts of local government bodies in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.”

Article 12. Entry into force of this Law

1. This Law comes into force after 10 days from the date of its official publication.

2. Regulatory legal acts of the Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug are subject to being brought into compliance with this Law within three months from the date of its official publication.


Chukotka Autonomous Okrug



Due to the fact that the population in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug has been constantly declining in recent years, the regional government has proposed a set of measures to correct the situation. In order to influence the demographic situation and reduce the outflow of the population, full-scale financial assistance was provided for families with children.

Child benefits in Anadyr and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug are paid taking into account the regional coefficient. The region's budget provides funds to support low-income people, large families, foster families, orphans, and families raising disabled children. Taking into account the specifics of the region, assistance is provided to large nomadic families of reindeer herders and large families of marine mammal hunters. The effectiveness of the ongoing social policy is evidenced by the improvement in birth rates and the reduction of social tension.

The table shows child benefits paid in Anadyr and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug in 2016.

Maternity benefits

One-time benefit women registered in medical institutions in early pregnancy:

Size581 rub. 73 kopecks + r/k.
Required documents
  • statement;
  • a certificate from the antenatal clinic or other medical institution about registration in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks).
Deadlines for application and receiptAssigned and paid simultaneously with maternity benefits, or within 10 days from the date of provision of a certificate of registration in the early stages of pregnancy.
Who getsWomen dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization.
Where to contactAssigned and paid at the place of work or study. For those who are not working, contact the social protection authorities (RUSZN, SOBES) at their place of residence.

Maternity benefit:

SizeFor workers - in the amount of 100% of average earnings. Women dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization (enterprise), termination of activities by individuals as individual entrepreneurs - 581 rubles. 73 kopecks + r/k. The amount of the scholarship is for full-time female students. Monetary allowances for women undergoing military service under contract, service as privates and commanding officers in internal affairs bodies, in the State Fire Service, in institutions and bodies of the penal system, in agencies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, at the customs authorities.
Required documentsFor employees: since in this case leave is granted at the place of work, you need to submit to the employer:
  • birth certificate of the child being cared for and a copy thereof;
  • birth certificate of the previous child (children) and its copy;
  • a certificate from the second parent’s place of work stating that this leave is not being used and that benefits have not been received.

If the child’s second parent does not work, such a certificate is provided by the social protection authority at the place of residence. For women dismissed during the liquidation of organizations:

  • passport and copy;
  • sick leave;
  • work book and copy;
  • certificate from the employment service regarding recognition as unemployed;
  • Sberbank of Russia plastic card account.
Deadlines for application and receiptYou should apply for it no later than 6 months from the end of your maternity leave. Paid for the period of maternity leave.
Who gets
  • working women;
  • women dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization (enterprise), or termination of activities by individuals as individual entrepreneurs;
  • full-time students;
  • women doing military service.
Where to contactAt the place of work and study, at the territorial social insurance office.

One-time benefit pregnant wife of a serviceman undergoing military service upon conscription:

Size49131.8 rub.
Required documents
  • application for benefits;
  • marriage certificate (original, copy);
  • a certificate from the antenatal clinic or from another medical institution that registered the woman;
  • a certificate from the military commissariat about the husband’s conscription for military service (indicating the period of service);
Deadlines for application and receiptThe decision must be made within 10 days from the date of submission of the application.
Who getsWives of conscripted military personnel with a pregnancy period of at least 180 days.
Where to contactSocial security authorities.

Maternity benefits

One-time benefit for the birth of a child:

SizeRUB 31,025.30
Required documents
  • a statement indicating the method of receiving benefits;
  • birth certificate and its copy;
  • Certificate of birth of a child (children) from the registry office according to form No. 24;
  • a copy of the passport with a registration stamp at the place of residence in the territory of Anadyr and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug;
  • a copy of the Savings Book with the deposit account number (if this type of payment is selected);
  • passports of parents (their legal representatives) and their copies;
  • work books of parents (their legal representatives) or other document with information about the last place of work, service, study and copies thereof.

If the parents are registered at different addresses not in Anadyr or the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, a certificate from the social security department at the place of residence of the other parent stating that such child benefits were not assigned or paid. For guardians, adoptive parents, foster parents:

  • a decree establishing guardianship over a child;
  • a copy of the court decision on adoption that has entered into legal force;
  • agreement on the transfer of the child (children) to a foster family and copies.

For foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and not subject to compulsory social insurance (not working):

  • passport or other identity card with a mark on temporary residence permit and a copy;
  • bank details.

When contacting the social security authority at your place of residence, you must additionally submit a certificate from the social security authority at your place of residence stating that the benefit was not assigned or paid. For unemployed citizens and individual entrepreneurs:

  • an application for granting benefits for the birth of a child, indicating the method of receiving funds;
  • birth certificate of the child (children) from the registry office;
  • a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence stating that the benefit was not assigned or paid;
  • an extract from the decision to establish guardianship over the child (a copy of the court decision on adoption that has entered into legal force, a copy of the agreement on the transfer of the child (children) to a foster family) - for the person replacing the parents (guardian, adoptive parent, adoptive parent);
  • work books (originals, copies);
  • personal bank account number.
Deadlines for application and receiptAn application for benefits in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug must be submitted within six months from the date of birth of the child.
Who getsOne of the parents or a person replacing him.
Where to contactAt the place of work (service). If both parents are unemployed or full-time students, in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug you should apply for benefits to the social security authorities at the place of residence of one of the parents (the person replacing him). In the event of divorce of the parents, the benefit is assigned and paid at the place of work, by the social security authority at the place of residence or actual residence (for the unemployed) of the parent with whom the child lives together. Contact the municipal social protection center in person.

Governor's lump sum benefit for the birth of a child:

Benefits for children under 1.5 years old

Monthly child care allowance:

  • for the first child - 5817.24 rubles.
  • for the second child - 11,634.48 rubles.
Required documentsFor non-working parents studying full-time in educational institutions, as well as private entrepreneurs, lawyers:
  • an application for a monthly child care benefit, indicating the method of receiving funds;
  • a document confirming the joint residence of a child on the territory of the Russian Federation with one of the parents or a person replacing him or her, caring for him;
  • birth certificates (adoption, paternity, death) of all children (copies and originals);
  • work books, diplomas (copy and original);
  • a certificate from the state employment service about non-payment of unemployment benefits, with the exception of persons studying full-time in educational institutions;
  • for one of the parents, if necessary, a certificate from the place of work (study, service) about non-use of this leave and non-receipt of care allowance;
  • parents' passports (originals, copies of 1, 2, 4, 5 pages).

For one of the parents, if he does not have a residence permit in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug or Anadyr: a certificate from the social protection authority about his non-receipt of child care benefits. Persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities and those whose activities are subject to state registration or licensing:

  • a certificate from a branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation confirming the lack of registration with the Fund branch and non-receipt of child care benefits;
  • a certificate from the place of study confirming the fact of full-time study;
  • a certificate from the place of study about maternity benefits previously paid to the child’s mother, a copy of the order granting parental leave;
  • personal bank account number.
Deadlines for application and receiptAppointed from the day the child is born until he turns 1.5 years old. The decision to assign and receive payments is made within 10 days.
Who getsMothers, fathers, relatives or guardians who actually care for the child, are subject to compulsory social insurance and are on parental leave.
Where to contactAt the place of work (service), and if the parents (adoptive parents, foster parents, guardians) do not work, do not serve or study full-time in educational institutions - in the social protection authorities.

Benefits for children under 3 years old

Monthly allowance for a child whose father is undergoing conscription military service:

SizeRUB 18,653
Required documents
  • application for benefits;
  • child's birth certificate (originals, copies);
  • a certificate from the military commissariat about the conscription of the child’s father for military service (indicating the period of service);
  • personal bank account number.
Deadlines for application and receiptThe decision must be made within 10 days.
Who gets
  • mother of a child of a military serviceman undergoing military service;
  • guardian of the child of a military serviceman undergoing military service on conscription, or another relative of such a child who is actually caring for him, in the event that the mother has died, been declared dead, deprived of parental rights, limited in parental rights, declared missing, incompetent (partially capable) , due to health reasons, cannot personally raise and support a child, is serving a sentence in institutions executing a prison sentence, is in places of detention for suspects and accused of committing crimes, is avoiding raising a child or protecting his rights and interests, or has refused take your child from educational, medical institutions, social protection institutions and other similar institutions.
Where to contactSocial security authorities.

Benefits for children after 3 years

Regional maternity capital:

SizeRUB 117,644
Required documents
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • passport and its copy;
  • birth certificate and its copy.
Deadlines for application and receiptWithin 30 days after receiving the documents, a decision must be made to issue a certificate or a decision to refuse.
Who getsLarge families with three or more children living in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
Where to contactTerritorial branches of the State Budgetary Institution “Chukchi District Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population”, social service points in populated areas of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Other benefits

The required package of documents provided to the Territorial Bodies of Social Support of the Population of the Department of Social Support of the Population of the Department of Social Policy of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate from the place of residence confirming that the child lives together with the parent;
  • documents on family income for the last 3 months;
  • a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence of the other parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee) about his non-receipt of monthly child benefits;
  • certificate of study at a general education institution for a child (children) over 16 years of age.

When assigning monthly child benefits to children of single mothers in Anadyr and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, an additional certificate from the civil registry office is provided on the basis for including information about the child’s father in the birth certificate. To assign a monthly allowance to children whose parents evade paying alimony, or in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, when the collection of alimony is impossible, one of the following documents is additionally submitted:

  • a message from the internal affairs bodies that within a month the location of the debtor, wanted on the basis of court rulings and decisions of investigative bodies, has not been established;
  • a certificate from a correctional institution about the location of the debtor in the specified institution and about his lack of earnings sufficient to fulfill the court order to collect alimony;
  • a certificate from the bailiff service about one of the following reasons for non-execution of a court order to collect alimony - the debtor’s lack of income while under arrest, undergoing forensic examination on the basis of decisions of investigative authorities or a court, etc.

To assign a monthly allowance for the child of a soldier undergoing conscription military service, an additional certificate from the military commissariat about the child's parent completing conscription military service is submitted. To assign a monthly allowance for disabled children, an additional certificate confirming the fact that the child’s disability has been established is provided.

Type of benefitSizeWho gets
Monthly payments for the maintenance of children in the families of guardians (trustees).20,000 rub.Families of guardians (trustees).
Allowance for summer recreational recreation for school-age children (from 7 to 15 years inclusive) of certain categories of military personnel.RUB 18,866Military personnel who served in conscription and died (died), went missing, became disabled, and had children.
Monthly state child benefit.Basic size - 584 rub. Allowance for children of military personnel and parents hiding from paying child support - 700 rubles. Allowance for children of single mothers - 816 rubles.Low-income families.
One-time social assistance.4,000 rub.Children, low-income families, as well as orphans and children without parental care who find themselves in difficult life situations. Provided in case of:
  1. loss of a breadwinner;
  2. temporary (up to 6 months) absence from work due to one of the parents (single parent) caring for a child (children) from 1.5 to 3 years;
  3. illness of a parent or child (children) requiring the use of expensive medications (based on a conclusion and a prescription issued by the state health care institution of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, branches of regional hospitals).
One-time social assistance to children, low-income families, as well as orphans and children without parental care who find themselves in difficult life situations is provided in case of arrival from military service from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; from special institutions in connection with serving a sentence; from state educational organizations of primary, secondary or higher professional education, in connection with expulsion.30,000 rub.Persons from among orphans and children left without parental care.
Payment of travel costs for orphans, children left without parental care, from failed foster families (guardianship, foster families), as well as children recognized as in need of state protection, to the location of the State Treasury Institution of Social Services "Chukchi Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors" ", a boarding institution on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.Based on actual expenses.Orphans, children left without parental care, from failed foster families (guardianship, foster families), as well as children recognized as needing state protection.
Payment of travel costs for orphans, children left without parental care from the State Government Social Service Institution “Chukchi Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors” or boarding institutions in the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, upon transfer to guardianship (trusteeship), adoption, or place of residence guardians (trustees), adoptive parents in the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.Based on actual expenses.Orphans, children left without parental care from the State Treasury Institution of Social Services “Chukchi Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors” or boarding institutions in the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, upon transfer to guardianship (trusteeship), adoption.
Payment of the cost of travel for children from a single-parent family, the parent of which is disabled, to a place of rest and back - in the event that the child does not have the right to pay the cost of travel for other reasons.Based on actual expenses, but not more than 50,000 rubles.Children from single-parent families in which the parent is disabled
Payment of a one-time benefit to large nomadic families of reindeer herders and large families of marine mammal hunters.25,000 rub.Large nomadic families of reindeer herders and large families of marine mammal hunters.
Payment to large families for the purchase of clothing and shoes.3,000 rub.Large families.
A one-time cash payment for the construction of a residential building.200,000 rub.Large families with three or more children received free land plots in 2011-2012.
Monthly compensation payment for utility bills.30% of utility costs (average - 1351.5 rubles).Large families.
Monthly social assistance to disabled children who do not attend preschool educational organizations and educational organizations implementing basic general education programs due to health reasons.1,500 rub.Disabled children.
Social assistance for partial reimbursement of the costs of repairing special equipment for distance learning for disabled children who do not attend educational organizations for health reasons.Based on actual costs, but not more than 5,000 rubles. per year.Disabled children.
Compensation for the costs of purchasing technical rehabilitation equipment for disabled children that is not included in the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical rehabilitation equipment and services.Based on actual costs.Disabled children.
Partial payment for the services of government institutions operating in the field of rehabilitation of disabled children located in other regions of the Russian Federation.Based on actual costs, but not more than 15,000 rubles.Disabled children.

Legislative acts on the basis of which benefits are assigned

  1. Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ “On state benefits for citizens with children”.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children”.
  3. Decree of the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of July 4, 2011 No. 285 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Department of Social Policy of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug for the provision of the public service “Assignment and payment of a one-time benefit for the birth of a child”.
  4. Decree of the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of October 21, 2013 No. 404 “On approval of the State program “Social support for the population of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug for 2014 - 2018”.
  5. Decree of the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of January 29, 2014 No. 37 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for implementing the activities of the subprogram “Social support for families and children” of the State program “Social support for the population of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug for 2014-2018”.

A meeting of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights under the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug took place today in Anadyr. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Commission - Acting Head of the District Social Policy Department Anastasia Zhukova. The agenda of the meeting included issues on protecting the rights and legitimate interests of graduates of the Chukotka District Orphanage. In addition, information was heard on the results of work on temporary employment of minors aged 14 to 18 years during the summer school holidays, as well as on the results of the interdepartmental comprehensive preventive operation “Teenager” in the municipalities of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Considering the first question, the director of the Chukotka district orphanage Olga Mikotkina noted that for the period 2010-2012. 45 graduates left the institution, including 6 people from the branch in Bilibino. 29 of the total number of graduates received professional training in vocational education institutions in Anadyr, Bilibino, Pevek, and Egvekinot. Of the 30 people studying at these institutions in 2012, 27 (90%) were provided with a hostel. Three graduates of the orphanage refused this service and live in their own and rented apartments. - All children living in an orphanage and under 18 years of age, as well as studying in vocational education institutions, undergo an annual All-Russian medical examination. In accordance with the regional law, all graduates of the institution are provided with a one-time benefit in the amount of 3 thousand rubles, and also on the basis of a resolution of the Government of Chukotka with a one-time cash benefit in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, said Olga Mikotkina. As part of the second question, the head of the Office of the State Employment Service of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Valentina Zakharova, noted that during the summer holidays, 860 minor citizens applied for government services in the field of promoting employment. “134 agreements were signed with employers on joint activities to organize temporary employment for 807 children,” said Valentina Zakharova. - For several years now, the main partners in organizing temporary employment for teenagers have mainly been schools, state farms and housing and communal services enterprises. The total amount of funds from the district budget for organizing temporary employment for teenagers this year amounted to 5.395 million rubles. Valentina Zakharova also clarified that the average cost per teenager was about 8,300 rubles. per month. The commission also reviewed information about the interdepartmental complex preventive operation “Teenager” being carried out in Chukotka this year, the results of which were discussed in his report by the head of the public security police of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Rostislav Babanin. It was noted that the district has accumulated positive experience in the work of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency in organizing interaction in the implementation of the interdepartmental comprehensive preventive operation “Teenager”. At the end of the meeting, information was also heard about the All-Russian seminar on the work of commissions on juvenile affairs that took place on October 3. The event was held by the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, Pavel Astakhov. The executive secretary of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights under the Government of Chukotka, Lyudmila Bryantseva, took part in the seminar. Following the meeting, the Commission made a number of decisions, in particular, to recommend that the Main Directorate of Social Support of the Population of the Department of Social Policy of Chukotka organize the publication of an information reference guide “To help graduates” for graduates of educational institutions from among orphans and children left without parental care, as well as create a data bank of children in these categories. The commissions on the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights of the municipal districts of the district were recommended to resume the practice of assigning chief-mentors from among teachers of educational institutions, employees of the district administration, representatives of public organizations and associations to registered juvenile offenders for the purpose of carrying out individual preventive measures with them work.