Topic: “My home.” Open lesson in middle group

Summary of GCD in middle group on the topic: “My home”

Main educational area:"Cognition"

Integrated educational areas:“Socialization”, “Communication”, “Reading” fiction", Music"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the concept of “home”.


Educational: Cultivate love, a feeling of attachment to one’s home, city.

Developmental: Develop coherent speech through complete answers to questions.

Develop imaginative thinking and memory. Develop attention, imagination, creativity.

Educational: Continue to introduce children to the history of housing and types of houses in other countries. Expand children’s knowledge about their “small homeland”, streets, residential buildings, public buildings, their purpose. Strengthen the ability to say your address. Repeat animal homes.

Planned result: To develop children’s knowledge about the types of houses and the history of their origin; strengthen the ability to name your home address.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: showing, examining.

Verbal: explanation, questions, examination, conversation, comparison, artistic expression, indication.

Practical: dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, game “Whose House”

Visual learning aids:

demonstration material “What kind of houses are there”, didactic game “Whose House”, house, fox and hare costumes.

Individual work: dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, memorization of the poem.

Vocabulary work: residential, public; yurt, wigwam, tent, igloo.

Preliminary work: conversations, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing proverbs and sayings, learning the song “Hello, my Motherland!”, a tour of our neighborhood, an exhibition of drawings on the theme “My Home,” making didactic game“Whose house?”


I. Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”

II. Game "Whose House"

III. Conversation “My home”

1. What is a house for, its history

2. Types of houses

3. Poem “Houses are different”

4. What is an address

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful house. I wonder whose it is? Who lives here? I think I know! And you will guess if you guess my riddle.

What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass -

Ears more head?

Educator: That's right, it's a hare. Let's knock and say hello to him. (Knocking) Bunny, come out quickly.

A fox comes out of the house.

Fox: Hello, Hello! There is no hare here! I live here. This is my home!

He goes back to the house.

Educator: Guys, what happened? Why does a fox live in a bunny's house? And where is the bunny himself?

The hare comes out and cries

Educator: Hello, bunny. Why are you crying?

Hare: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, she asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out! I was left without a house.

Educator: Guys, did the fox do the right thing by kicking the bunny out of his own house?

The children answer.

Educator: Certainly. After all, this is his home, and no one has the right to kick him out of his own home. What should we do? Let's call the fox.

Children knock on the house.

Fox: Now as soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets!

Educator: Little fox, please come out. We want to talk to you.

Lisa comes out.

Educator: You did not do well. You have no right to kick a hare out of his house.

Fox: What about me? Where should I live? Has my hut melted?

Educator: The guys and I will help you. Now we will find a suitable house for you.

Game "Whose House"

One group of children is given pictures of animals, and another group is given animal dwellings; everyone finds a pair.

Educator: Here, little fox, we found your house, your hole. Are you happy?

Fox: Thanks guys.

Educator: Stay in our lesson, our guys will tell you many more interesting and instructive things.

The heroes sit down.

Educator: Guys, from what fairy tale did the fox and the hare come to us? (answer)

You know where the animals live, what their houses are called. Where do people live? (answer)

Educator: Why do people need houses? Do you know that in ancient times people lived in caves. Only with time did they learn to build houses. At first these were dugouts, then wooden huts, and stone houses. Now these are large multi-storey brick and panel houses. Houses are different in every country. What houses do you know? (answer)

Educator: Why do you think multi-storey buildings are being built in the city? (answer)

Educator: What are the names of the houses where people live? What public houses (buildings) do you know?

Poem “Houses are different”

There are different types of houses:

High and low

Green and red

Far and near.

Panel, brick…

They seem to be ordinary.

Useful, wonderful -

Houses are different.

Educator: Each house has its own number. Each house is located on a street, each street has its own name. Why do people need an address?


Educator: Guys, do you know your home address? Maybe the fox and the bunny will want to come visit you. (name)

Educator: Have you named the streets where you live? (answer)


Well done! Guys, our home is the house in which we live, this is our yard, our street, our hometown! Our home is our big Motherland, Russia!

Educator: Did you like the fox and the bunny in our lesson? What about you guys? What was interesting? (answer)

Educator: Let's say goodbye to our guests, it's time for them to return home. As they say: “Away is good, but home is better!”

Summary of drawing lesson “My House” 04/28/15

middle group No. 13

(NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”).

Educator: Putorogina Yu.V.


To develop in children the ability to emotionally and aesthetically perceive the world around them, to cultivate the need to learn about the cultural values ​​of their hometown, to cherish and protect them. Continue to introduce children to their small homeland. The ability to expressively convey images of objects in the surrounding world, to depict typical and some individual ones, characteristic features objects and phenomena. Acquire skills and abilities of your own creative visual activity.

Continue to develop the ability to draw individual objects.

Strengthen the idea of ​​the shape of objects and size.

Clarify your idea of ​​your hometown.

Fix colors and their shades.

Develop creativity and the ability to work independently.

Instill love for your hometown.

Cultivate accuracy in work.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories and fairy tales about the native land.

Examination of illustrations, photographs of various houses and architectural structures of your hometown.

Constructive games in free time.

Materials and tools:

Albums, paints, brushes, glasses of water, napkins, illustrations on this topic.

Vocabulary work: rectangular, high-low, straight line.

1. GCD move:


Children, do you know that our world consists of many colors? Everything around is bright. Our mood can also be different, it is painted in different colors. Here I have a beautiful box - it’s magical. We will now blow into it, and our good colorful mood will appear in it.

Think about what color you are in the mood for today. For example, I'm in a green mood

The children answer.


There are so many colors, kindness, good mood appeared in a magic box.

Guys, what do you think, and in our kindergarten do the colors live?


That's right, a lot of colors live in the kindergarten. Do colors live in our city? Yes, because our city is colorful.

2. Guessing riddles about the city.

Here is a huge noisy world,

It has four hundred apartments,

Five entrances, intercoms,

Glazed balconies. (House)

Here is the townspeople's home:

The kitchen has a stove and faucet,

There is a bath and a toilet,

Furniture in the room, parquet.

Come into it, live,

Just say the word. (Apartment)

We woke up early this morning

Two large cranes

To collect a high-rise,

A real beauty.

You don't come close

But tell me the object. (Construction)

Guess where they're going

Kids in the morning.

There is breakfast and comfort here,

Nanny, nurse. (Kindergarten)

Here on every floor

We've already been there.

Here is the registration desk below,

And higher up - a speech therapist.

Doctor physical therapy

And a massage room.

And if you go through the corridor -

There's a sign there that says "Dr. ENT." (Policlinic)


Tell me, what is the name of the city in which you and I live?

City of Rossosh.


What area do we live in?

Voronezh region.


Right. Guys, is the city of Rossosh big or small?



Tell me what is in our city?

Children's answers.


You said everything correctly, guys, our city is big, beautiful, with big houses, with shops, with hospitals, with schools, with kindergartens. We are very pleased to live in the city of Rossosh.

This is our city! (showing the city on slides)

We get up early in the morning and see the city outside the window.

He woke up, he lives, he calls us outside.

There are different types of houses: high and low,

Green and red, distant and close.

Panel, brick, seemingly ordinary.

Useful, beautiful - there are different types of houses.


Guys, I suggest you draw the houses of our city. Our magic box turns you all into artists. Take your seats at the tables. Let's, guys, look at the houses - what shape they are (rectangular). That's right, they can be tall and narrow, or they can be low and wide. (the teacher shows a drawing of a rectangular house on a piece of paper). Try drawing your house.

3. Phys. just a minute.

We are walking along the path. (Walk in place.)

One, two! One, two!

Let's clap our hands together. (Clap our hands.)

One, two! One, two!

We raise our hands (Hands raised up.)

Towards the sun, towards the cloud.

There is a tower along the path.

He is neither short nor tall. (Sit down.)

The mouse Kwak lives in it.

Quickly hides

Like this! (Jumping.)

One, two - head up

One, two - head up,

Three, four - arms wider,

Five, six - sit down quietly,

4. Getting the job done.


Children, let's remember how we put paint on a brush (dip the brush into the paint, and remove the rest on the edge of the jar). When we need to take paint of a different color, we thoroughly rinse the brush in water and dip it on a napkin. You can start. Sit correctly: straighten your back, legs together, take the brush with three fingers. First let's try to draw big house in the air.

Independent creative activity of children. Help from a teacher for children who have difficulty.

As they are completed, the drawings are placed on the board.

5. Summary and analysis of children's work.


Guys, I suggest you look at your drawings. They are all very good.

Children, did you like your drawings? And I really liked it. You all worked really hard today. What did you enjoy doing most today?

Children's answers.


And we will show our drawings to moms and dads - how beautifully you depicted our city of Rossosh.

Abstract My hometown 04/29/15

Educator: Putorogina Yu.V.

Target: introduce children to their hometown.

Continue to introduce children to the origins of folk culture. Deepen and expand the idea of ​​the Motherland - Russia;

Foster patriotic feelings and pride in your city;

1. Educational: deepen and clarify ideas about the city; introduce the main symbols (flag, coat of arms);

2. Developmental: develop interest in the history of the city; develop attention, speech, ability to analyze.

3. Educational: to cultivate interest in the history of the city, a sense of love and pride for your city.

Continue to cultivate a desire to learn about the culture of your people

To cultivate curiosity and interest in one’s homeland, to evoke a feeling of admiration for the beauty of its nature and the talent of the Russian people;

Support and develop children’s desire to talk on their own initiative, strengthen the ability to maintain a conversation and make independent judgments.

Vocabulary work:

introduce children to the sights of their hometown;

to instill in children a love for their small homeland;

arouse in children interest in their city, a feeling of admiration and pride in the beauty of the city.

Work progress:

You and I live, children: in Russia, and this country is the best and most beloved for us.

A child reads a poem:

What do we call Motherland?

The house where you and I live

And the birch trees along which

We walk next to mom.

What is the poem talking about? (about the Motherland).

Every person on earth has a homeland.

Guys, what do you think the Motherland is? Children's answers (where a person was born, lives, goes to kindergarten, to work; where his family and friends live; where his home, street).

It's good when people love their homeland. From this love she becomes richer, stronger. What do you think it means to love your Motherland?

Children: (children's answers) Loving the Motherland means trying to do everything for it, so that it feels good; this means protecting, pitying her when it’s difficult for her.

That’s right, our native land is near and dear to each of us. Knowing the history of your native land means loving the present, every day making your contribution to building a new life.

And today we will talk to you about our city and its attractions.

What is the name of our city?

Cities, like people, have their own history and biography. Every city has its own past. Let's go on a short journey through photographs and talk about our city.

Presentation “My favorite city Rossosh”.

Lesson summary on application in the middle group

“We are going, going, going to distant lands!” 04/30/15

Software tasks:

Continue learning the ability to compose a multi-element composition from individual parts;

Repetition and consolidation of the skill of cutting (a circle from a square, cutting off corners), bending a strip in half and cutting along the fold line, and neat gluing techniques;

- development fine motor skills ;

Instilling the skill to work in a team;

Cultivating goodwill


Photos of children;

Tray, scissors, glue, oilcloth, rags for each child;

Scheme for the application “Trailer”:

Pictures of transport.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations on the topic “Transport”

Reading V. Suteev “Different Wheels”, A. Raskin “How Dad Threw the Ball under the Car”

Board games « Road signs", "Crossroads", "The Fourth Wheel"

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys! An unusual package has arrived! Are you interested in knowing what's in it? (Yes)

Educator: How can you find out what is there? (Children's answers). You can open it and look, or you can shake it without opening it. What do you think is there?

Didactic game "Yes-no"

Children ask a question, and the teacher answers with the word “yes” or “no.” Children guess what is in the package. If they find it difficult to complete the task, the teacher offers to solve a riddle.

Iron huts

Attached to each other.

One of them with a pipe

He takes everyone with him.


Educator: Well done, guys! Of course it's a train. (The teacher takes out a locomotive with carriages from the box). Friends, let's count how many cars there are on our train. What shape are the wheels? Could they be square? Why? (Children's answers)

Educator: Guys, what type of transport is the train? That's right, to terrestrial species transport! What other transport do you know? Help me arrange pictures for each type of transport according to the place of movement: land, air, water! What symbol corresponds to each type of transport? (for air - a cloud, for water - waves, and for land - a dark stripe).

Working with the “Transport Differentiation” model

Children lay out pictures with types of transport: water - boat, ship; ground – bus, car, train; air - plane, helicopter.

Children justify their choice full sentence.

Educator: Look, this little engine wanted to take everyone on a trip around Voronezh region

But he can't do it. Why do you think? (no trailers). And he really wants to go on a trip with a fun, friendly company. How can I help him? (children's answers)

Educator: Correct! Let's make trailers and, together with the train, go to exciting journey in our opinion native land! Guys! Go to the creative workshop and see what is there.

(geometric shapes: rectangles and squares, strips of paper).

Educator: These figures will help us create trailers. Select required quantity blanks (children choose blanks for applique, based on the diagram - hint)

Educator: But before we start working, let’s prepare our fingers

Finger gymnastics "Journey"

Knock-knock-knock! Knock-knock-knock!

Our ears hear the knocking

(near the ear, each finger taps the thumb 3 times)

Here the wheels are knocking,

The trailers are on their way!

(rubbing fists together)

Are you ready for the trip? ( rotational movements brushes)

Yes! Yes! Yes! (palms open)

We will hit the road again: (rotational movements of the hands)

Yes! Yes! Yes! (palms open)

A train is coming (move the edge of the palm over the knees)

The wheels are knocking. (fists knock on knees)

There are a lot of funny guys on the train!

(use the pads of your fingers to press on your knees one by one)

Educator: Guys, a diagram will help you in your work. Children perform applique based on the diagram

Large rectangles will be trailers, you just need to round off their upper corners. Fold the strip in half and cut along the fold line - there will be windows. Make wheels from black squares, smoothly cutting off the corners. Glue two windows and two wheels onto each trailer. Place the trailers on the base, glue all the parts onto the base.

Let's do the work now

Strictly follow safety rules

Don't wave scissors

Hold them carefully.

Children perform work to Shainsky’s song “Blue Car”

Educator: Guys, going on a trip is much more pleasant and interesting with friends, so I suggest you take seats in the trailers.

(Children paste their photographs into the windows of the carriages. Collect all the works into one composition “Train”).

Educator: Our train is ready! Let's go on a trip to the Voronezh region! (children perform imitation train movements). Look how beautiful it is outside the window. What do we see? (mountains - rise on your toes, arms up, wide fields - bend down, deep lakes - spread your arms to the side).

Well, here we are back in our city of Rossosh!

Type of project: educational and creative, group.

Project type: short-term (within a week)


  • Makhonina Oksana Eduardovna
  • Zakharova Elena Vitalievna

middle group "Fireflies" GBDOU No. 93 St. Petersburg 2016

The topic was chosen in accordance with complex thematic planning. Home is what first impressions are associated with, the child’s ideas about the world around him, home is the child’s family and friends, his protection, his warmth and joy. The house and everything connected with it makes up the world little man. The familiarity and simplicity of the environment allows you to show your child how many interesting, remarkable and useful things can be learned if you just look closely at what’s nearby. This topic is understandable to children and accessible to middle-aged children. It carries a great emotional charge, since with the concept "house" Children have many different positive impressions and emotions.

Goal: To expand children's understanding of the house as a place where a family lives, to consolidate knowledge about furnishings in the house, about the household responsibilities of family members, and about safe behavior at home.


Educational: Cultivate love and a sense of affection for one’s home. Promoting the development in a child of a sense of security on the part of adults, confidence that he is loved, will help and sympathize at any time

Developmental: To form knowledge about the places where animals live, to develop attention, memory, logical thinking. Develop locomotor functions in children through performing finger games. Learn to evaluate the actions of the heroes, understand their character and the mood of the fairy tale.

Educational: Continue to introduce children to the history of housing and types of houses in other countries. Expand children's knowledge about their "small homeland" , streets, residential buildings, public buildings, their purpose.

Planned result: To consolidate children's knowledge about the types of houses and the history of their origin; consolidate the ability to name your home address, children’s understanding of safe behavior at home.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: showing, looking at.

Verbal: explanation, questions, examination, conversation, comparison, artistic expression, indication.

Practical: dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" , game "Whose house" .

Visual teaching aids: demonstration material “What kind of houses are there?” , « Safe behavior Houses" , educational game "Whose house" .

Individual work: dramatization of a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" .

Stages of work on the project

1. Preparatory:

  • Selection of fiction on the topic
  • Drawing up a perspective thematic plan on the project topic "My home"
  • Selection of visual and didactic material;
  • Organization of a developmental environment in a group.

2. Practical:

  • Carrying out pedagogical diagnostics through conversations, observations, games, in order to determine the level of knowledge on the topic "My home" .
  • Implementation of a cycle of games and activities
  • Creating conditions for creative activity children, a favorable attitude towards independent work (provide assistance if necessary)
  • Creating conditions under which children can independently draw conclusions and conclusions, based on past experience and experience gained during classes.

3. Generalizing:

  • Summing up the project implementation.
  • Holding an exhibition together with parents "House of the Future" .
  • Summarizing the material on the topic and organizing it in the form of a folder.
  • Presentation professional activity through the presentation of an educational project.

Results of project activities

1. for teachers:

  • mastering the design method
  • increasing the level of pedagogical competence, professional growth
  • improving the quality of work with children through the use various types activities

2. for children:

  • the simplest ideas about human body and its capabilities, about activities aimed at maintaining health
  • the level of cognitive development has increased
  • development of creative abilities
  • development of the ability to work in a group, communication skills

3. for parents:

  • partnership between parents and teachers in the joint organization of the exhibition "House of the Future" .

Project activity product:

  • children's drawings made with pencils using stencils.
  • panel "House" (teamwork).
  • composition "My unusual house" (individual work).
  • lesson models, didactic games, information material for parents and teachers.
  • visual materials and aids.
  • selection of poems on the topic, formation of a folder - moving.
  • house models for role-playing games from the exhibition "House of the Future" .

List of used literature:

  1. R.B. Sterkin. SecurityM. Childhood - press, 2004
  2. L.V. Kutsakova. Lessons on designing from building material (in the middle group of kindergarten). Mosaic-Synthesis, M.
  3. T.S. Komarova. Visual activities in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations Mosaic-Synthesis, M.
  4. N.V. Aleshina. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality (middle group) M.
  5. THEM. Novikova. Formation of ideas about healthy life of preschoolers. Mosaic – Synthesis, M.


Look: this is a house-
With a roof, a door and a window,
And with a porch and a chimney,
The color of the house is blue.

Feel free to come into the house!
- Do you invite? Let's come in!

When we have a free hour,
We don’t waste our time –
After all, in our children's room
There are many toys:

Parsley, "Lego" , truck,
In addition, in children's children's books
There's a lot on the shelf!

Living room.

We're spending a long evening
In the common room - living room.
The whole family feels comfortable in it:
Who - with knitting,

Who's with the newspaper...
And also in this living room
We welcome guests!


We don't mind the foam!
How nice and sweet
The washcloth flashes
And the soap lathers,

And splashing fountains
They're flying away from me
By room bathroom
In honor of Bath Day!

Mom is preparing dinner in the kitchen.
There is no better place for this!
Our kitchen is beautiful and clean:
Kitchen table, frying pans, stove...

And to taste what’s ready,
Let's move to the dining room.


All houses have hallways,
In general, similar:
They have rugs and hangers,
Mirrors are hung in them.

In the rain, and in the snow, and on a fine day
Entrance and exit - from the hallway

A bedroom is a room where one sleeps.
For example, in our
The bear and the soldier are dozing,
Piggy and Stepashka.

The night whispers from all corners:
- Good night! Sweet owls!

Abstract of the educational activity “My Home”

Material for preschool teachers.

Subject: My home

Age: Medium preschool group(4-5 years)

Direction: Cognitive-speech

Main educational area:"Cognition"

Integrated educational areas:“Socialization”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, Music”

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the concept of “home”.


Educational: Cultivate love, a feeling of attachment to one’s home, city.

Developmental: Develop coherent speech through complete answers to questions.

Develop imaginative thinking and memory. Develop attention, imagination, creative abilities.

Educational: Continue to introduce children to the history of housing and types of houses in other countries. Expand children’s knowledge about their “small homeland”, streets, residential buildings, public buildings, and their purpose. Strengthen the ability to say your address. Repeat animal homes.

Planned result: To develop children’s knowledge about the types of houses and the history of their origin; strengthen the ability to name your home address.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: showing, examining.

Verbal: explanation, questions, examination, conversation, comparison, artistic expression, indication.

Practical: dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, game “Whose House”

Visual learning aids: demonstration material “What kind of houses are there”, didactic game “Whose house”, house, fox and hare costumes.

Individual work: dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, memorization of the poem.

Vocabulary work: residential, public; yurt, wigwam, tent, igloo.

Preliminary work: conversations, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing proverbs and sayings, learning the song “Hello, my Motherland!”, a tour of our neighborhood, an exhibition of drawings on the topic “My House,” making a didactic game “Whose House.”


I. Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”

II. Game "Whose House"

III. Conversation “My home”

1. What is a house for, its history

2. Types of houses

3. Poem “Houses are different”

4. What is an address

5. Why is the street called that?

6. Song “Hello, my Motherland”


Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful house. I wonder whose it is? Who lives here? I think I know! And you will guess if you guess my riddle.

What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass -

Are your ears bigger than your head?

Educator: That's right, it's a hare. Let's knock and say hello to him. (Knocking) Bunny, come out quickly.

A fox comes out of the house.

Fox: Hello, hello! There is no hare here! I live here. This is my home!

He goes back to the house.

Educator: Guys, what happened? Why does a fox live in a bunny's house? And where is the bunny himself?

The hare comes out and cries

Educator: Hello, bunny. Why are you crying?

Hare: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut, she asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out! I was left without a house.

Educator: Guys, did the fox do the right thing by kicking the bunny out of his own house?

The children answer.

Educator: Certainly. After all, this is his home, and no one has the right to kick him out of his own home. What should we do? Let's call the fox.

Children knock on the house.

Fox: Now as soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets!

Educator: Little fox, please come out. We want to talk to you.

Lisa comes out.

Educator: You did not do well. You have no right to kick a hare out of his house.

Fox: What about me? Where should I live? Has my hut melted?

Educator: The guys and I will help you. Now we will find a suitable house for you.

Game "Whose House"

One group of children is given pictures of animals, and another group is given animal dwellings; everyone finds a pair.

Educator: Here, little fox, we found your house, your hole. Are you happy?

Fox: Thanks guys.

Educator: Stay in our lesson, our guys will tell you many more interesting and instructive things.

The heroes sit down.

Educator: Guys, from what fairy tale did the fox and the hare come to us? (answer)

You know where the animals live, what their houses are called. Where do people live? (answer)

Educator: Why do people need houses? Do you know that in ancient times people lived in caves. Only with time did they learn to build houses. At first these were dugouts, then wooden huts, and stone houses. Now these are large multi-storey brick and panel houses. Houses are different in every country. They correspond to the peculiar way of life of people. What houses do you know? (answer)

Educator: Why do you think multi-storey buildings are being built in the city? (answer)

Educator: What are the names of the houses in which people live? What public houses (buildings) do you know?

Poem “Houses are different”

(child reads)

There are different types of houses:

High and low

Green and red

Far and near.

Panel, brick…

They seem to be ordinary.

Useful, wonderful -

Houses are different.

Educator: Each house has its own number. Each house is located on a street, each street has its own name. Why do people need an address?


Educator: Guys, do you know your home address? Maybe the fox and the bunny will want to come visit you. (name)

Educator: You named the streets where you live. Do you know why they are called that? For example, Gagarin Street? (answer)


Smart girls! Guys, our home is the house in which we live, this is our yard, our street, our hometown Nizhnekamsk! Our home is our big Motherland, Russia!

Song "Hello, my Motherland!"

In the morning the sun rises,

He calls everyone to the street,

I'm leaving the house -

Hello, my street!

I sing, and in the heights

The birds sing along with me

The herbs whisper to me on the way.