The procedure for keeping dogs in apartment buildings. Large dog in a city apartment: care tips

Dogs are wonderful animals, very interesting and loyal friends. Keeping them in an apartment is a big responsibility. It's easy to understand how difficult it is for a large four-legged friend without enough space to play and run. However, if a large dog lives in an apartment, then 10 rules of keeping are useful to all family members.

Choosing a breed and visiting a pet store

If you want to bring a new pet into your home, you should try to find out which breed is best suited for living in an apartment. You need to decide on the selection criteria.

  • Age of the animal: puppy or adult dog. Puppies often take much longer to train.
  • Breed: independent and quiet (Airedale Terrier) or sociable and temperamental, which requires attention (Doberman, Rottweiler).
  • Possibility of living with children. Some breeds get along better with younger family members (Labrador, Airedale, Boxer).

Be sure to visit a pet store and buy basic items for the animal, including:

  • bowls for food and water;
  • feed;
  • pet bed;
  • lots of things to chew;
  • tourniquet or collar;
  • leash;
  • toys for games, such as balls;
  • care supplies: brush and nail clippers;
  • identification marks.

You are allowed to take your furry friend with you to the store. He may want to choose some special treats.

Setting up a place for the dog and training

You won't be able to make an apartment anymore, but you can certainly furnish it , making it more spacious. This will only benefit the dog, and it will be able to walk and stretch. You will need to rearrange furniture to free up space in certain places. It’s worth experimenting with the furnishings in your apartment until you find the right option.

Once you have decided on a place, you need to create a cozy corner that includes a bed or pillow, a bowl for food and a cup for water. These are just the basic items, but you can add others: a blanket, extra pillows. Toys must be placed in a specially designated place.

Dogs do everything better when they have a habit. Therefore, it is necessary to help the pet adapt to life in an apartment and develop a daily routine for it. For example, feed at the same time and he will know exactly when the next meal is. Or make a schedule for walks. It is better to do this at certain times in the morning and evening. You can also create programs for games, long walks and other activities. This schedule must be adhered to constantly.

Every day you need to train your friend. If possible, set specific hours for studying and do them several times a day. And this does not mean that just walking the dog is enough. There are many options to help you lead a healthy lifestyle. For example:

  • Visit a local park.
  • Take it with you on your morning run. Even 20 minutes is better than nothing.
  • Organize an exciting vacation with friends.

If you can't take your dog for a walk every day, you should consider hiring a trustworthy person. Otherwise, your furry friend will get bored and stop playing even in the apartment.

Dogs are social creatures and are happiest when they feel connected to their owner. More attention needs to be paid to them. Several ways to do this:

  • play tug of war;
  • cuddling on the sofa;
  • pet your pet often and give him tasty treats;
  • go for a walk together.

A four-legged friend will require a lot of material costs. It is advisable to purchase the right food, and advice can be obtained from a veterinarian. Be sure to buy a lot of toys, a bed, and good hygiene products. Visit your doctor regularly and get vaccinated.

Learn how to care for your furry friend with these tips.

The federal bill “On the responsible treatment of animals and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” was developed by deputies of the State Duma back in 2010. This regulation established more specific and strict rules for pet owners.

Despite the fact that the bill was not adopted in the final reading, dog owners are still advised to take note of its provisions. Compliance with the requirements for keeping and handling animals will allow a person to avoid unpleasant situations and possible liability in the future.

The owner's responsibilities are specified in Sec. 3 tbsp. 9 parts 1 and 2. It says here that a person is obliged:

  • comply with established zootechnical, zoohygienic, veterinary-sanitary and sanitary-epidemiological norms and rules (specified further);
  • provide conditions necessary from the point of view of biological and individual characteristics;
  • register the pet and, if necessary, provide professional veterinary care;
  • exclude the possibility of the birth of unwanted offspring;
  • at the request of government officials involved in the field of animal protection, bring your ward for regular examinations, diagnostic tests, vaccinations and other preventive measures;
  • dispose of the body of a deceased dog.

According to the document, a dog can only live in a place where:

  • she does not pose a threat to surrounding citizens;
  • there is enough free space, light, air;
  • the temperature and humidity conditions are normal;
  • there is a possibility of contact with other animals;
  • there are conditions that do not allow the animal to freely leave the boundaries of the holding area and at the same time protect it from negative external influences.

Important! Giving up rights to a pet if it is impossible to provide competent care does not relieve a person of responsibility for its fate until it is placed with a new owner or transferred to a shelter.

Land owners

Ch. 3 tbsp. 10 part 2 of this draft law of the Russian Federation establishes that keeping dogs in the private sector can be based on the principle of consolidated walking. However, in this case, either the perimeter of the entire territory must be fenced, or the dog must be placed on a leash and move only under human control.

Residents of apartment buildings

The Russian Federation bill on keeping dogs did not bypass areas of coexistence of large groups of people. Thus, in an apartment building, pets will not be allowed to be kept in common areas, as well as on balconies and loggias, in communal apartments and dormitories, as reported by Chapter. 3 tbsp. 11 h. 2 p. 6. Further, the owner’s responsibilities are specified in Chapter. 3 tbsp. 15 parts 1, 2 and 3. The owner of the animal is obliged to:

  • respect the rights and legitimate interests of residents of an apartment building;
  • take into account the rules and features of keeping and walking, individually established by the authorities of a particular subject of the Russian Federation.

About potentially dangerous breeds

The rules of the law on keeping dogs both in an apartment building and in the private sector pay special attention to representatives of potentially dangerous breeds - Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 are devoted to this. Chapter 16 3.

Important! The task of compiling a list of dangerous breeds, as well as the requirements for caring for them, is assigned to the authorized federal executive body in each individual subject of Russia. Therefore, the list may differ in different parts of the country, because it will be created by local officials.

Potentially dangerous pets will need to be registered first. They will also not be allowed to be taken outside, onto stairwells, into elevators, entrances or public places without a leash and muzzle.


The rights of officials authorized to exercise state supervision in the field of treatment of animals are enshrined in Chapter. 5 tbsp. 23 hours 1 and 2. If the bill becomes a full-fledged law, representatives of the executive branch will be able to:

  1. Send written requests for documents necessary to carry out the inspection.
  2. Freely inspect private territories, buildings, structures, premises and other places where animals are kept, upon presentation of an employee’s ID and a copy of the order (instruction) of the head or his deputy.
  3. Issue orders to individuals and legal entities obliging them to eliminate violations in the field of treatment of pets and monitor the timely execution of orders.
  4. In case of refusal of assistance, transfer the case to the internal affairs bodies.
  5. Seize animals.
  6. File a claim for compensation for damage caused due to failure to comply with mandatory requirements in the field of handling pets.

Careless owners who do not take care of their dogs will fall into the risk category. For violations, they will be subject to disciplinary, administrative, civil and criminal penalties.

Moscow Government

dated 10/07/2008 N 900-PP)

1. General provisions

1.1. These rules apply to all owners of dogs and cats in Moscow, including enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their departmental subordination.

1.2. It is allowed to keep animals both in apartments occupied by one family and in rooms of communal apartments if the neighbors do not have medical contraindications (allergies).

1.3. A mandatory condition for keeping an animal is compliance with sanitary, hygienic, veterinary and sanitary rules and hostel standards.

1.4. It is not allowed to keep animals in common areas: kitchens, corridors, stairwells, attics, basements, as well as on balconies and loggias.

1.5. Dogs belonging to citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations are subject to mandatory registration, annual re-registration and vaccination against rabies starting from 3 months of age, regardless of breed, in state veterinary institutions at the place of residence of citizens, the location of enterprises, institutions and organizations - owners of animals. Newly acquired animals must be registered within 2 weeks.

1.6. When registering dogs, the owner is issued a registration certificate and is introduced to these rules.

1.7. When selling and transporting dogs outside the city, a veterinary certificate of the established form is issued, which indicates the date of vaccination against rabies.

1.8. It is allowed to transport animals by all types of ground transport, subject to conditions that prevent disturbance to passengers. Dogs must be muzzled and on a short leash. It is allowed to carry small animals in closed bags on the subway.

1.9. It is not prohibited for the owner to stay in the hotel with a dog or cat, subject to agreement with the administration and subject to sanitary and hygienic rules.

1.10. It is prohibited to appear with a dog without a leash and muzzle in shops, institutions, playgrounds, markets, beaches and in transport, as well as walking dogs in the territories of healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools, other educational institutions and institutions working with minors.

(clause 1.10 as amended by the resolution

1.11. It is prohibited to breed cats and dogs for the purpose of using the skin and meat of the animal, as well as for the purpose of animal fighting.

(as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated October 7, 2008 N 900-PP)

1.12. When a dog or cat bites a person or animal, animal owners are required to report this to the nearest state veterinary institutions and deliver the animals for examination and quarantine, if necessary, to veterinary institutions within 10 days.

1.13. Dogs and cats that are in public places without accompanying persons, except for those left on a leash by their owners near shops, pharmacies, consumer service establishments, clinics, etc., are subject to capture upon requests from interested organizations.

2. Responsibilities of the animal owner

2.1. The owner of an animal is obliged to maintain it in accordance with its biological characteristics, treat the animal humanely, not leave it unattended, without food and water, not beat it, and if the animal becomes ill, seek veterinary care in a timely manner.

2.2. Animal owners are obliged to maintain the sanitary condition of the house and surrounding area. It is prohibited for dogs to pollute entrances, staircases, elevators, as well as playgrounds, paths, and sidewalks. If the dog leaves excrement in these areas, it must be cleaned up by the owner.

2.3. Animal owners are required to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of people and animals around them.

2.4. Owners of dogs and cats are required to provide them at the request of the state veterinary inspector for examination, diagnostic studies, preventive vaccinations and therapeutic and preventive treatments.

2.5. When walking dogs and in residential premises, owners must ensure silence - prevent dogs from barking from 23:00 to 7:00.

(as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated October 7, 2008 N 900-PP)

2.6. It is prohibited for drunk persons and children under 14 years of age to walk dogs or appear with them in public places and on public transport.

2.7. You need to take your dog for a walk on a leash with a tag attached to the collar, which indicates the dog’s name, owner’s address, and telephone number. You can let your dog off the leash only in sparsely populated areas. Vicious dogs should wear a muzzle.

2.8. Dog owners who own a plot of land may keep their dogs free-ranging only in a well-fenced area or on a leash. A warning sign about the presence of a dog must be made at the entrance to the site.

2.9. When crossing the street and near highways, the owner of the dog must take it on a leash in order to avoid traffic accidents and the death of the dog on the roadway.

2.10. If further maintenance is impossible, the animal must be transferred to another owner or delivered to a veterinary institution.

2.11. The owner reports the acquisition, loss or death of a dog to housing maintenance organizations at the place of residence.

2.12. If an animal dies, its corpse is handed over to a veterinary institution. It is prohibited to throw away the corpse of a dead animal. The dog's registration certificate is submitted to the veterinary institution where it was registered.

3. Rights of the animal owner

3.1. Any animal is the property of the owner and, like any property, is protected by law.

3.2. An animal may be seized from the owner by court decision or otherwise in cases provided for by current legislation.

3.3. The owner has the right to leave his dog tied on a short leash near a store or other institution for a limited time (for a large dog - muzzled).

4. Responsibility of the animal owner

for compliance with these rules

4.1. For failure to comply with these Temporary Rules, owners of dogs and cats are liable in accordance with the procedure established by law.

4.2. Harm caused to the health of citizens or damage to property caused by dogs and cats is compensated in accordance with the procedure established by law.

4.3. For cruel treatment of an animal or for an animal thrown into the street, the owner bears administrative responsibility if his actions cannot be regarded as malicious hooliganism and are not subject to criminal punishment in accordance with current legislation.

5. Monitoring compliance with these rules

5.1. Housing maintenance organizations:

Ensure the maintenance of sanitary conditions on the territory of households;

Ensure the maintenance of basements, attics and other utility rooms in accordance with the rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock;

Inform organizations involved in catching about the presence of stray dogs and cats on their territory;

Provide assistance to veterinary service workers in carrying out anti-epizootic measures, provide free premises for carrying out preventive vaccinations against rabies in the winter - spring period;

The “Temporary rules for keeping dogs and cats in Moscow”, addresses and telephone numbers of veterinary institutions that carry out registration, re-registration and treatment of animals are posted in a visible place for citizens to familiarize themselves with; an organization that catches stray dogs and cats, and the Public Inspectorate for Animal Protection in Moscow.

5.2. Veterinary authorities:

Monitor compliance with veterinary requirements by animal owners and carry out educational work among the population in order to prevent animal diseases;

Carry out registration and re-registration of dogs, as well as issuing registration certificates.

5.3. Public Inspectorate for Animal Protection in Moscow:

Explains and promotes the implementation of these Temporary Rules;

If necessary, assists owners in maintaining animals;

Together with law enforcement agencies, it holds animal owners accountable for violating the “Temporary Rules for Keeping Dogs and Cats in Moscow.”

Unlike keeping a dog in a private house or in a yard, it carries additional difficulties, requiring increased attention and responsibility from the owners. When planning to get a four-legged pet, remember that he will certainly become another member of your family, so you need to find out the opinion of all household members in advance.

Dogs of almost all breeds are suitable for keeping even in a small city apartment, and the choice will depend not only on personal preference, but also on what inconveniences the future owners are willing to put up with.

Features of keeping different breeds of dogs in an apartment depend, first of all, on the characteristics of a particular breed, and not on the amount of wool on the carpet, although for many this indicator is decisive.

When choosing a breed, be sure to analyze what you expect from your pet in the future, and also consult with experts about what exactly this or that breed was bred for.
Some people get a dog in their apartment for protection, some are afraid to leave minor children in the apartment, while others are simply tired of being alone. Therefore, you should get detailed advice about the instincts inherent in the breed, so that later you do not try to raise a formidable watchdog from a good-natured Labrador or wean a Doberman to react to neighbors passing along the landing. After all, if the Labrador doesn’t even get up from his place, the Doberman will raise a menacing roar throughout the house. The majestic Rottweiler will not burst into barking, but will look at the person entering with such a glance, which sometimes makes even the owners feel uneasy.

Whatever breed is chosen, there are basic rules for keeping dogs in city apartments:

1. Age of the dog.
There is a misconception that the best time to get a dog is when it is around one year old. This is due to the absence of the need to give vaccinations, accustom the puppy to cleanliness and teach him basic commands. However, in fact, the dog accepts its pack well - people close to it until about five months old, getting used to its new owners as quickly as possible. The process of adapting a dog with a developed character to new owners takes a long time, which can drag on for several months or even years. Therefore, it is best to get a puppy before 5 months, this statement is especially true for large breeds.

2. Place for the dog.
First of all, you need to determine a permanent place for your pet. This could be a corner in one of the rooms or a cozy place in the hallway. Dogs, instinctively being protectors, try to choose a place so that, without being in full view, at the same time they have an overview of the entire apartment. Observe where your pet prefers to be and, if the place matches your wishes, then simply lay out a small mattress, rug or blanket folded several times for the dog. For dogs of very small breeds, you can purchase special baskets with mattresses, which are easy to find at any pet store.

Place for a dog should be located in a sufficiently lit place, away from heating devices. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no drafts, which can cause illness in both the puppy and the adult dog.

Remember that if you let a fluffy ball onto a sofa or an armchair, you run the risk of not being able to get it out of there, even when the dog no longer fits there.

3. Place for feeding.
In addition to its permanent place in the apartment, the dog definitely needs a place to feed. Such a place can be equipped in the kitchen or a warm balcony.
It is advisable that nothing distracts your pet while eating, otherwise the dog may feel uncomfortable and move to another place, for example, under the dining table or on the carpet in the bedroom, taking with it a tasty bone.

For feeding, it is most convenient to use metal dishes, which are less dirty and will not be deformed by teeth, as often happens with plastic containers.

To feed a large breed dog, you should use stands for food bowls. The dog should not bend over too much when eating, so the height of the stand will depend on the height of the dog. In addition, there should always be a bowl of clean and fresh water at the food area.

4. Feeding regimen.
Any dog ​​by nature remains a predator, so meat should make up at least half of its diet. The specific amount and composition of food must be determined taking into account age, as well as the characteristics of the breed. Young puppies should be fed more frequently, while older puppies should not be overfed to avoid becoming overweight. Routine is important for dogs of all ages, so it is recommended to feed your pets at the same time every day. Then your pet will absorb all the nutrients and delight you with a good appetite.

5. Walk.
When keeping in a city apartment, it is quite difficult to satisfy your pet’s need for games and movement, so you need to pay special attention to daily walks. Give your dog the opportunity to socialize with his friends and release the energy that has accumulated during the day.

Also, we should not forget that dogs do not empty their bladder at one time, so two walks of 20-30 minutes a day is the minimum that an adult needs to carry out its natural needs. Ideally, each walk should last at least an hour and be quite active. The dog should be allowed to run around without a leash, which is important for both the physical and psychological state of your pet.

The picture is different, but tempting - you are proudly walking through a forest park with your large pet, feeling completely safe, and someone is scared, someone is looking after you enthusiastically. But there is a catch - you do not live in a large private house, but in a standard city apartment.

To begin with, it would be a good idea to determine which dogs are called large. It is believed that these are those whose adult weight is more than 26 kilograms and whose height is 60 centimeters. This is, for example, Shepherd, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler or, say, a large Labrador. There are also those that can rightfully be called gigantic. The height of such animals at the withers exceeds 75 centimeters. These are the Moscow Guard, Caucasian, Central Asian and South Russian Shepherd Dogs, Great Danes, Irish Wolfhound, Mastiff, Leonberger, Bullmastiff, Mastino-Napoletano, Newfoundland, St. Bernard.


Pros. With good training and proper upbringing, you will have a reliable guard - both for home and for walks.

Such dogs are, in a sense, helpers - they can be trained, for example, to push a stroller with a baby or carry a bag in their teeth.

Cons. It is clear that the main one is that the larger the dog, the more space it needs. And if there is not enough space, the dog will suffer.

A large dog needs to establish an active lifestyle, otherwise it will destroy everything in the house. Such pets are also more expensive to maintain - after all, the greater the weight of the animal, the more food it needs, and you will even spend money on it. Veterinary treatment and, for example, foster care during a vacation will cost more - the price in this case depends on the height and weight of the dog.

In addition to increasing costs, there is also the problem of investing effort. It is clear that combing such a dog (especially if it has long and thick hair) and washing its paws is a more labor-intensive process than in the case of small pets. Some people wash large dogs in the bathtub, but this requires constant “scrubbing” after the street dirt the dog brings into the house. To put it bluntly, cleaning up after such a dog on a city street is also much more difficult.

Large dogs age earlier and their life expectancy is shorter than that of small and medium-sized breeds. They are predisposed to certain diseases: gastric dilatation-volvulus, osteoarticular disorders, cardiac pathologies, bone and tumor diseases.

Who shouldn't have large dogs?

For those who are not able to provide the dog with the care and necessary active and long walking due to lack of time. Also, parents with small children or those who are expecting a child should not get such dogs. An exception in the latter case may be kind dogs of large breeds - Labradors or Golden Retrievers.

People without experience with “serious” breeds You can get a retriever, a husky, but think carefully before getting a Rottweiler or a Caucasian Shepherd dog, which have a cool disposition.

People who do not have training experience and are not ready to hire professionals. Large dogs simply need an obedience course. Let's take a simple example. If you are being pulled along on a leash by a tiny poodle, you can handle it, but if a large dog is pulling you along, you may well plow the ground with your nose, or even get seriously injured.

If you still decide

The most popular large dogs for a city apartment are the Doberman, Neapolitan Mastiff, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Airedale Terrier, Labrador, Golden Retriever and German Shepherd.

To solve the problem of disproportionate body development due to excessively rapid growth, it is important to feed correctly.

Do not forget to provide your pet with constant activity during walks, then the apartment will be healthier. It’s a good idea to include running (preferably with obstacles) in your walking “program,” and, in the appropriate season, swimming.

And most importantly, you need to give your pet enough space. It is not necessary to give him a personal sofa (although this can be provided for), but there should be a large lounger. There are known cases when dogs with thick hair - for example, Malamute - are kept on glazed balconies. Still some savings. The door to the balcony must be constantly open, because the pet needs to move around the apartment during the day.

A large dog needs a special stand for food bowls so that he does not have to lower his head too low. A balanced diet is important because these dogs are more prone to obesity than others. The weak point of large dogs is deformation of bones and joints, which, among other things, can be caused by excess weight. The diet should be rich in B vitamins, potassium, and fish oil. The weight of a large dog should be constantly monitored. The optimal daily diet for a pet weighing 30 kilograms (if it is not on dry food) is 500 grams of meat, 120 grams of bread, 140 grams of cereal, 260 grams of vegetables and 10 grams of bone meal.

If your large dog is phlegmatic by nature and is too active in movement, you need to give him a massage from time to time.

It is also necessary to take into account that a large dog can pose a certain danger to others.