Graphic dictation by cells in the preparatory group. A fun activity for preschoolers - graphic dictations

Sections: Speech therapy

Currently large number Kindergarten graduates with a history of various speech disorders face a number of difficulties in learning to write and read at school.

Students have poor orientation on the plane of the sheet, unlearned concepts of “top - bottom”, “left - right”, confusion of letters with similar outlines, mirror spelling of elements and letters. As a result, optical dysgraphia is formed and academic performance suffers.

The reason for these difficulties in children with speech pathology is the immaturity of visual-spatial perception (analysis, synthesis, attention), visual-motor coordination of movements, and poorly developed fine motor skills of the fingers. I.N. Sadovnikova, A.N. Kornev in this regard talk about insufficiency of finger praxis.

The question of increasing efficiency correctionally - pedagogical work for the prevention of optical dysgraphia in older children preschool age is relevant, and use in correctional work graphic dictations in cells is one of the reserves of speech therapy influence.

To solve this problem, I have developed a series of graphic dictations based on two types of cells:

  1. drawing lines in a given direction from the starting point ( Appendix 1);
  2. line by line coloring of cells ( Appendix 2).
  • Form auditory perception and memory;
  • Develop visual-spatial perception: analysis, synthesis;
  • Improve hand-eye coordination;
  • Strengthen visual memory;
  • Learn to navigate on a sheet of squared paper;
  • Activate and strengthen the small muscles of the fingers;
  • Continue working on strengthening your speech skills.

In accordance with the instructions, samples of lesson notes are presented.

The result of the graphic dictation is a schematic representation of the subject, which will help organize children's activities in an entertaining way. This will also be facilitated by specially compiled, selected or adapted entertaining material for each figure, proposed in the form of speech game techniques: author’s finger games, pure proverbs, logorhythmic exercises, riddles, etc., which will allow the teacher - speech therapist or educator to continue practicing certain skills in the correct pronunciation of sounds and the use of word forms beyond the boundaries of traditional speech therapy sessions and will ensure variability in correctional pedagogical work.

Since graphic dictations on cells are an element of propaedeutic work to prevent the occurrence of optical dysgraphia in children of senior preschool age with speech pathology, completing the proposed tasks will help improve the quality of their preparation for school education.

A reminder for conducting a graphic dictation in cells from the starting point

  • Activation of small muscles through a set of finger exercises (5 – 6 exercises);
  • Determining the starting point for drawing;
  • Dictation. Indication of the direction of movement of the line and the number of cells in the depicted segment;
  • Summing up.

Summary of a subgroup lesson - conducting a graphic dictation from the starting point

Subject: Cow.


    • learn to draw straight lines of a certain length in a given direction;
    • improve hand-eye coordination by copying shapes;
    • update knowledge about the domestic animal – the cow;
    • automate the pronunciation of [r] in phrases and coherent speech;

Equipment: reproduction of a cow, pencils, erasers, checkered notebooks.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

II. Setting goals.

– Guess the riddle and find out who we will draw from the cells.

Red Dairy
He chews for a day and chews for two,
After all, grass is not so easy
Convert into milk.

Today we will learn how to draw a cow by cells.

III. Conversation. Looking at a reproduction of a cow.

- Let's remember what we know about the cow.

– Which group does a cow belong to?

– What animal is this? Why?

– Describe appearance cows.

– What actions can she perform?

– Find some kind words to call a cow?

-What is the name of a baby cow? Etc.

IV. Finger game.

A cow was walking across the bridge. (connect palms with middle fingers - bridge, form a fist, extend index finger and little finger)
She was carrying milk. (palms cupped)
Sparrow, tit, bunny, fox, (extend fingers in order)
A mustachioed cat, a striped tiger,
Squirrel and marten, hedgehog and lioness.
I fed everyone again. (pat belly)
And she went for a walk in the meadow. (fingers walk across the table)

Here is the left palm.
Here is the right palm.
We raise our hands up
And we do exercises.
Will strong right,
The left will be strong.
We will have fingers
Dexterous, skillful.
Down - up, down - up,
We draw better than anyone.

VI. Determining the starting point for drawing.

– Count two cells from the fields and place a dot at the intersection of the blue lines. Let's start drawing from there. (At the initial stages of training, the speech therapist puts the point).

VII. Dictation. Schematic illustration cows.

1 cell up, 5 cells right, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 9 cells right, 8 cells down, 1 cell left, 3 cells up, 1 cell left, 3 cells down, 1 cell left, 3 cells up, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 3 cells down, 1 cell left, 3 cells up, 1 cell left, 3 cells down, 1 cell left, 6 cells up, 1 cell left, 3 cells up, 1 cell left.

VIII. Finishing the drawing.

- Look, did you turn out to be such a cow that everyone would like it?

I think it's missing some details. Draw the eyes, nose, horns, tail, spots.

IX. Evaluation of results (mutual verification).

X. Dynamic pause. Pronunciation of pure phrases associated with movements.

Rowa - rowa - rowa (claps) - a cow is standing on the grass (hands on the belt, body turns).
Row - row - row (claps) - we look at the cow (bring your hands to your eyes with binoculars).
Rowa - rowa - rowa (claps) - a good cow (arms to the sides).

XI. Copying.

– Copy the same cow below (or on the right).

You had one cow, but will become... (two cows), we will all have... (many cows), a whole... (herd of cows).

XII. Checking the completion of the task.

XIII. Summing up the lesson.

A reminder for conducting a graphic dictation on line coloring of cells

  • Determining the subject (object) of drawing by isolating superimposed silhouette pictures;
  • Making a riddle about the subject (object) of drawing;
  • Examination of a natural object, toy or reproduction;
  • Conversation about the subject (object) of drawing (name of the group, properties, qualities);
  • Activation of small muscles through a set of finger exercises (5–6 exercises);
  • Updating spatial concepts “right”, “left”, “up”, “down”;
  • Updating the concept of “color”;
  • Familiarization with the working field, divided into cells arranged in lines;
  • Drawing attention to line numbering;
  • Indication of the direction and number of cells to be painted of a given color;
  • Intermediate control over the accuracy and precision of task completion, timely correction of errors;
  • Completing the missing details of the figure according to the instructions or sample;
  • Evaluation of the results of graphic dictation;
  • Dynamic pause with pronouncing phrases about the subject;
  • Independent copying of the received drawing schemes;
  • Grade independent work;
  • Exhibition of works, discussion;
  • Summing up.

Summary of a subgroup lesson - conducting a graphic dictation on line-by-line coloring of cells(preparatory group of kindergarten)

Subject: Bug.


  1. to form graphomotor skills:
    • continue to work on developing orientation on a sheet of paper in a square (update spatial representations: up, down, right, left.);
    • learn to carefully color the required number of cells of the named color in a given line;
    • develop visual-spatial perception: analysis, synthesis;
    • continue to work on the development of finger praxis: coordination of movements and strength;
    • improve hand-eye coordination by copying shapes;
  2. work on the development and correction of speech:
    • update knowledge about the insect - beetle;
    • automate the pronunciation of [zh], [h] in phrases and coherent speech;
    • work on the prosodic side of speech - rhythmization through pure phrasing;
    • activate auditory perception and memory.

Equipment: insect overlays, beetle reproduction, colored pencils, checkered notebooks.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

The children are standing near the office door.

- Only the one who names any insect will go to his place.

(Children name the words and take their places.)

II. Setting goals.

Examination of overlaps, recognition, naming.

– Guess the riddle and find out which of these insects we will draw from the cells.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, I’m sitting on a branch,
And I repeat the sound [w].

Today we will learn how to draw a beetle by cells.

III. Conversation.

Looking at a reproduction of a beetle.

- Let's remember what we know about the beetle.

– Which group does the beetle belong to?

– Describe the appearance of the beetle.

– What actions can he perform?

– What beetles do you know?

– What do beetles eat? Etc.

IV. Finger game.

“Get your hands ready, we’ll play a little, stretch our fingers.”

The beetles ran along the path (fingers run along the table)
The silk backs sparkled. (stroking the backs of your hands)
The breeze knocked them over. (put your palms back side on the table)
Who would help those beetles? (quick finger movements)

V. Actualization of spatial representations (in the form of finger play).

Hand to the right, into a fist,
Let's open it to the side.
Hand to the left, into a fist,
Let's open it to the side.
Hands up, in a fist,
Let's open it to the side.
Hands down, into a fist,
Let's open it to the side.
The game ends - (hands in front of the chest - “motor” movement)
It's time for us to get down to business. (clench - unclench fingers)

VI. Updating the concept of color.

– What color of beetles did you meet? Where can you often see them?

We will need two colors: brown and green.

What is brown? What is green?

VII. Getting to know the work field.

(Looking at, naming the numbers that number the lines.)

VIII. Dictation. Schematic representation of a beetle.

  • 1 rub. – 3 green cells, 1 brown cell, 2 green cells, 1 brown cell, 3 green cells.
  • 2 r. – 4 cells are green, 2 cells are brown, 4 cells are green.
  • 3 r. – 1 brown cell, 3 green cells, 2 brown cells, 3 green cells, 1 brown cell.
  • 4 rub. – 1 green cell, 1 brown cell, 1 green cell, 4 brown cells, 1 green cell, 1 brown cell, 1 green cell.
  • 5 rub. – 2 green cells, 6 brown cells, 2 green cells.
  • 6 rub. – 2 green cells, 6 brown cells, 2 green cells.
  • 7 rub. - all cells are brown.
  • 8 rub. – 2 green cells, 6 brown cells, 2 green cells.
  • 9 rub. – 2 green cells, 6 brown cells, 2 green cells.
  • 10 rub. – 1 green cell, 1 brown cell, 1 green cell, 4 brown cells, 1 green cell, 1 brown cell, 1 green cell.
  • 11 rub. – 1 brown cell, 8 green cells, 1 brown cell.

IX. Finishing the drawing.

- Look, have you made a beetle that will please everyone?

I think it's missing some details. Draw the eyes and line of the wings.

X. Evaluation of the results of completing a graphic dictation (mutual check).

XI. Dynamic pause. Pronunciation of pure phrases associated with movements.

Chok - chok - chok (claps) - there is a bug sitting on the leaf (squat down).
Chka - chka - chka (claps) - we are not afraid of the bug (hands on the belt, turns the head).
Chka - chka - chka (claps) - we will look at the beetle (palm with visor to the eyes, turns of the body).
Chka - chka - chka (claps) - take the beetle on your palm (alternately, arms to the sides).
Chok - chok - chok (claps) - the bug flew away from the hand (waving hands).

XII. Exhibition of children's works, selection of the most accurate.

XIII. Copy.

– Copy the same beetle below (or on the right).

You had one beetle, but will become... (two beetles), you and I will have... (many beetles).

XIV. Checking the completion of the task.

XV. Summing up the lesson.

Reading time: 7 minutes.

Method for developing spatial imagination

Graphic dictations– one of the most effective methods for developing a child’s spatial imagination. They help to achieve precision in hand movements, teach them to deftly use a pen and pencil, and navigate in space. And the child’s free orientation in space is the key to successful mastery of educational material.

In addition, such tasks seem very interesting for children. They are like a game during which the child watches small miracle: before his eyes, thanks to his own actions, a certain hero or object appears in the cells, the page of the notebook comes to life.

While performing such graphic exercises, hard work, perseverance are cultivated, and imagination develops. Children experience pleasure and joy, which directly affects their emotional state.

Ordinary beautiful drawing Only a capable child can create, but anyone can! This inspires the child and gives him confidence in his abilities.

Graphic dictations are often used in diagnostic practice.

Using performance standards, the psychologist has the opportunity to conditionally divide children into 4 categories:

  1. Children who showed a good and sufficient level of test performance. It can be assumed that they will not have any special learning difficulties in the process of acquiring knowledge.
  2. Children who completed the task at an average level mostly correctly followed the verbal instructions, but made a few significant errors at the reproductive level when completing the work independently. Usually need individual assistance on initial stage, mainly adapt to perform educational tasks independently.
  3. Children who showed low level execution. Specific reasons are indicated and individual difficulties are analyzed. Such children require increased attention from the teacher and step-by-step control on his part in the process of mastering new knowledge. Difficulties noticed in a timely manner and the use of certain measures to prevent failure significantly increase the likelihood of correcting the situation.
  4. Children who hardly did any work. Individual reasons are analyzed in order to develop correctional and developmental measures to overcome the underachievement of specific children. These children require a more in-depth psychodiagnostic examination and psychological and pedagogical support.

Graphic dictations - how to work?

Graphic dictation can be performed in two versions:

  1. The child is offered a sample of a geometric design and asked to repeat exactly the same design in a checkered notebook.
  2. The adult dictates the sequence of actions indicating the number of cells and their directions (left, right, up, down), the child does the work by ear, and then compares his image of the ornament or figure with the example in the manual using the overlay method.

Graphic dictations are supplemented with riddles, tongue twisters, and tongue twisters. During the lesson, the child practices correct, clear and competent speech, develops fine motor skills of the hands, learns to highlight distinctive features items, replenishes your vocabulary.

The tasks are selected according to the principle “from simple to complex.” If you start studying these graphic dictations with your child, do the tasks with him in order: start with the very first simple dictations and gradually move on to more complex ones.

For classes, you need a squared notebook, a simple pencil and an eraser so that the child can always correct the wrong line.

For children 5–6 years old, it is better to use a notebook with a large square (0.8 mm) so as not to strain their eyesight.

Starting from an older age, for graphic dictation, all drawings are calculated at the usual school notebook(they won’t fit in a large squared notebook).

The following notations are used in the tasks: the number of cells being counted is indicated by a number, and the direction is indicated by an arrow.

For example, the entry:

An example of graphic dictation should read: 1 cell to the right, 3 cells up, 2 cells to the left, 4 cells down, 1 cell to the right.

During classes, the child’s attitude and the friendly attitude of the adult are very important. Remember that classes for a child are not an exam, but a game.

Help your child, make sure he doesn’t make mistakes. The result of the work should always satisfy the child, so that he wants to draw in the cells again and again.

Your task is to help the child in game form master the skills necessary for good study. Therefore, never scold him. If something doesn’t work out for him, just explain how to do it correctly. Praise your baby more often, and never compare with anyone.

The duration of one lesson with graphic dictations should not exceed 10 - 15 minutes for children 5 years old, 15 - 20 minutes for children 5 - 6 years old and 20 - 25 minutes for children 6 - 7 years old.

But if the child gets carried away, do not stop him and interrupt the lesson.

Pay attention to the child’s sitting position during the dictation and how he holds the pencil. Show your child how to hold a pencil between the phalanges of the index, thumb and middle fingers. If your child doesn't count well, help him count the cells in his notebook.

Before each lesson, be sure to talk with your child about what to eat. different directions and sides. Show him where is right, where is left, where is up, where is down. Pay attention to the baby that every person has a right and a left side.

Explain that the hand with which he eats, draws and writes is right hand, and the other hand is the left. For left-handers, on the contrary, it is necessary to explain to left-handers that there are people for whom working hand- right, but there are people for whom the working hand is the left.

After this, you can open the notebook and teach your child to navigate on a piece of paper. Show your child where the left edge of the notebook is, where the right edge is, where the top is, where the bottom is.

It can be explained that previously there were slanted desks at school, which is why the top edge of the notebook was called the top edge, and the bottom edge was called the bottom edge. Explain to your child that if you say “to the right,” then you need to point the pencil “there” (to the right). And if you say “to the left,” then you need to point the pencil “there” (to the left) and so on. Show your child how to count the cells.

You yourself will also need a pencil and an eraser in order to mark the lines you read. Dictations can be quite lengthy, and to avoid getting confused, put dots with a pencil opposite the lines you are reading. This will help you not to get lost. After the dictation, you can erase all the dots.

Each lesson includes graphic dictation, discussion of images, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles and finger gymnastics. Each stage of the lesson carries a semantic load.

Activities with your child can be structured according to different sequence. You can first do finger exercises, read tongue twisters and tongue twisters, and then do a graphic dictation. On the contrary, you can do graphic dictation first, then tongue twisters and finger gymnastics. It is better to make riddles at the end of the lesson.

When the child draws a picture, talk about the fact that there are objects and there are their images. Images can be different: photographs, drawings, schematic images. Graphic dictations are a schematic representation of an object.

Talk about how each animal has its own distinctive characteristics. Schematic illustration shows distinctive features by which we can recognize an animal or object.

Ask your child what the distinctive features of the animal he or she has drawn are. For example, in a hare - long ears and a small tail, an elephant has a long trunk, an ostrich has a long neck, a small head and long legs, and so on.

Work with tongue twisters and tongue twisters in different ways:

  1. Let the child pick up the ball and, rhythmically tossing and catching it with his hands, say a tongue twister or a tongue twister. You can throw and catch the ball for each word or syllable.
  2. Let the child say a tongue twister (pure tongue twister) while throwing the ball from one hand to the other.
  3. You can pronounce a tongue twister by clapping the rhythm with your palms.
  4. Suggest saying the tongue twister 3 times in a row and not getting lost.

Do finger exercises together so that the child sees and repeats the movements after you.

And now that you have become familiar with the basic rules for conducting a graphic dictation, you can begin classes.

I have selected several options for graphic dictations for preschool children. I hope your baby can handle them easily.

Source: Gamezo M.V., Petrova E.A., Orlova L.M. Developmental and educational psychology: Textbook. a manual for students of all specialties of pedagogical universities. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003. - 512 p. (p.118).

Age: first grade school students.

Target: study of voluntariness as a component of a child’s psychological readiness for school.

Work progress.“Graphic dictation” is carried out simultaneously with all students in the class on one of the first days of school. On a notebook sheet (each student is given such a sheet indicating his first and last name), retreating 4 cells from the left edge, three dots are placed one below the other (the vertical distance between them is 7 cells).

The teacher explains in advance:

“Now you and I will learn to draw different patterns. You need to try to make them beautiful and neat. To do this, you must listen to me carefully - I will tell you in which direction and how many cells to draw the line. Draw only those lines that I will dictate. When you draw a line, wait until I tell you where to point the next one. Every new line start where the previous one ended, without lifting the pencil from the paper. Does everyone remember where the right hand is? This is the hand in which you hold the pencil. Pull it to the side. You see, she points to the door (a real landmark available in the classroom is given). So, when I say that you need to draw a line to the right, you will draw it like this - to the door (on a board previously drawn into cells, a line is drawn from left to right, one cell long). I drew a line one cell to the right. Now, without lifting my hand, I draw a line two cells up, and now three to the right (the words are accompanied by drawing lines on the board).”

After this, it is proposed to move on to drawing a training pattern.

“We begin to draw the first pattern. Place the pencil at the highest point. Attention! Draw a line: one cell down. Don't lift your pencil from the paper. Now one cell to the right. One up. One cell to the right. One down. One cell to the right. One up. One cell to the right. One down. Then continue to draw the same pattern yourself.”

While working on this pattern, the teacher walks through the rows and corrects the mistakes made by the children. When drawing subsequent patterns, such control is removed, and he only makes sure that the students do not turn over their leaves and start a new one with desired point. Long pauses should be observed when dictating to allow time for them to complete the previous line, and they should be warned that it is not necessary to take up the entire width of the page. You are given one and a half to two minutes to independently continue the pattern.

The subsequent text of the instructions is as follows:

“Now place your pencils on the next point. Get ready! Attention! One cell up. One to the right. One cell up. One to the right. One cell down. One to the right. One cell down. One to the right. Now continue to draw this pattern yourself.”

Before performing the final pattern, the teacher addresses the subjects with the words:

"All. This pattern does not need to be drawn further. We'll work on the last pattern. Place your pencils on the next point. I start dictating. Attention! Three cells down. One to the right. Two squares up. One to the right. Two cells down. One to the right. Three squares up. Now continue drawing this pattern.”

Diagnostic results:

When analyzing the results of completing a task, you should separately evaluate actions taken under dictation and the correctness of independent continuation of the pattern. The first indicator (dictation) indicates the child’s ability to listen carefully and clearly follow the teacher’s instructions, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli; the second indicator is about the degree of his independence in educational work. In both the first and second cases, you can focus on the following levels of execution.

High level. Both patterns (not counting the training one) generally correspond to the dictated ones; In one of them there are individual errors.

Average level. Both patterns partially correspond to the dictated ones, but contain errors; or one pattern is made correctly, but the second does not correspond to what is dictated.

Below average level. One pattern partially corresponds to what is dictated, the other does not.

Low level. Neither of the two patterns corresponds to what is dictated.

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Preparing for school is a long stage in your child's development. You should start classes no earlier than a year before this moment. Teachers and parents have a huge selection of a wide variety of exercises and tasks in mathematics to achieve this goal. Among them, graphic dictations on cells for preschoolers are of no small importance.

Fun or challenging?

For many children, such pictures in the cells in a notebook are interesting game and exciting entertainment. It is important for an adult not to turn this activity into a boring, tedious task, where the child is scolded for failures. And then the child will always be happy to study.

But many kids may have difficulties. Most often, they are due to the fact that the child has not yet mastered counting within 10, he confuses the concepts of “right-left”, “top-bottom”. In this case, adults need to help the baby not make mistakes, correct him, and praise him for a positive result.

Age at which you can start training

You can start drawing in boxes with your child as early as 4 years old. The first homework at this age should be easy. At first, you can complete the task with your child on a board or piece of paper so that he can see how to move. For beginners, drawing simple geometric shapes is quite suitable. You can start with an image of a square, rectangle, or simple patterns. You can learn to move diagonally from drawings of a triangle, trapezoid, or rhombus.

At 5 years old, a child can easily draw simple pictures from dictation without visual support.. For example, you can invite him to draw a flower on paper. Also, a five-year-old preschooler can easily cope with drawing a house or an airplane.

For children 6-7 years old, tasks can begin to be complicated by introducing more lines diagonally. An example of such a task would be drawing a rocket.

Methodology for conducting the lesson

The lesson should begin with preparing the workplace and necessary materials . Drawings are done in a checkered notebook with a simple pencil. In order for the child to have the opportunity to correct the mistake, he will need an eraser that can be used to remove incorrectly drawn lines. An adult should prepare or print out instructions with a sample of how to complete the task. You don’t have to tell the child which drawing will be the goal of the graphic dictation. After correct execution, he will see the result on his sheet.

As a rule, the instructions offer digital symbols with arrows, such as 2, 3←. The numbers in this case indicate the number of cells by which it is necessary to move in a given direction. It is indicated by an arrow, which is drawn next to the number. So, in our example it should read: move 2 cells up, 3 cells to the left. They begin to move from a starting point, which for younger children the adult sets himself, and older preschoolers can already be asked to set it themselves.

Before starting a lesson for preschoolers, you need to repeat with them counting within 10, the concepts of “right-left”, “top-bottom”. You can ask the baby to show what it means to “move in right side, moving up, to the left of, moving down.”

Try to diversify the graphic dictation itself by including tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, finger gymnastics, physical minutes, discussion of the results obtained and a conversation or story. It is advisable that everything included in the lesson be on the same topic as the drawing.

Before conducting a graphic dictation, instruct your child that he must try to draw straight, neat lines and be very careful when completing the task.

After the dictation is finished, be sure to praise your child for achieved result, if necessary, together with him, find the place where he made a mistake and correct it. If the child has a desire, you can invite him to color the finished picture or shade it. If the child is not tired yet and wants to continue the lesson, then you can ask him to independently come up with a drawing according to the cells, and then together with him make a graphic dictation based on his figure.

Methods for conducting graphic dictations

You can conduct a graphic dictation in different ways.

  • For those guys who are just starting to study them, the simplest method is suitable - under the dictation of an adult. In this case, the teacher or parent dictates to the child how many cells and in what direction he needs to move.

An example of such a dictation is the “Dog” dictation. The task is completed by the child under the dictation of instructions from adults.

  • The second way is to offer the child a piece of paper on which instructions for completing the task are written and a starting point is set from which the child needs to move. The child himself looks at the number of cells and the direction of movement.

As an example, look at the graphic dictation

  • "Car"
  • "Horse"
  • "Ship"

  • The third way is to draw by symmetry. In such dictations, the child is given a sheet on which half of the drawing is depicted and a line of symmetry is drawn. The child completes the drawing by symmetrically counting the required number of cells.

Here an adult draws half of the Christmas tree and draws a line of symmetry. Children are asked to complete the second half symmetrically.

  • The fourth method is suitable for older children. Here the child is offered a sheet with a sample graphic dictation. The child must draw the same picture on his sheet as in the sample, independently counting the required number of cells and determining the direction in which he needs to move. Such dictations can be not only in the form of drawing lines along the cells, but also with completely coloring the required number of cells with colored pencils. As a result, the baby gets a colorful, beautiful picture in his notebook.

A simple option could be the “Elephant” drawing. Offer your child only finished image and set a point from which he needs to move.

In the same way, you can invite the child to draw a “Snake”, which is also easy to follow (the instructions should be removed, offering only the finished version) or “Squirrel”.

More difficult tasks are

And the following schemes will be even more difficult to implement:

Benefits of completing tasks

Positive results benefits from working with graphic dictations can be seen within 2-3 months if you regularly offer them to preschoolers, at least several times a week. There is even diagnostic technique D.B. Elkonin, which is called “Graphic Dictation”. Its purpose is to determine the level of development in older preschoolers of the prerequisites for educational activities. After all, they are the ones who provide good help in preparing the baby for school.

By performing graphic dictations, the baby prepares his hand for writing, reinforces the concepts of “right-left”, “up-down”, learns to navigate in space and on a notebook sheet, and consolidates counting within 10. Children learn to focus on what an adult says and understand him and work in accordance with the instructions he offers. Without this skill, school will be very difficult for them.

We invite you to watch a video of how a child writes graphic dictation in practice.

Graphic dictations contribute to the development of the ability to maintain attention on a specific task, develop spatial imagination, thinking, imagination, creativity, and perseverance. The baby learns to coordinate his movements.

Drawing by cells helps to overcome such frequently occurring problems. initial period Many children have learning difficulties, such as undeveloped spelling vigilance and absent-mindedness. They also help to broaden the child’s horizons and increase his vocabulary. Children become familiar with different ways of depicting objects on a piece of paper.

Important points

Doing graphic dictation is an exciting game for a child. This is the leading activity for preschoolers. Adults who decide to work with a child should always remember this.

  • Praise your child for a well-executed drawing.
  • Don't scold your child for doing a job poorly.
  • Help him find and fix the error.
  • Do not rush your child during the drawing process.
  • Do not rush to move on to more complex drawings, especially if the child still makes mistakes in simple ones.
  • Encourage your child to take the initiative to compose such a dictation on his own.
  • Allow him to color or shade the finished work, but don't insist on it.
  • Remember that children cannot study for long periods of time. For older preschoolers, the maximum duration of a lesson should be no more than 25-30 minutes.
  • Don't insist on continuing to work if your child is tired.
  • Keep your classes varied. Tell your baby interesting stories about the depicted object.
  • At first, help your baby by completing the task with him on your sheet or on the board, so that the child can see how and where to move and learn to count the cells in the right direction.
  • Menu

Teaching a child to navigate a notebook sheet, while developing handwriting, accuracy and, most importantly, teaching him to write, is very difficult. Repeated and lengthy writing leads to a reluctance to learn and robs the child of all the joy from learning. But in kindergarten, where the classes have a lot of time and there are no strict requirements for the child and no limits to academic performance, you can teach children not only to navigate the notebook sheet and not be afraid of the notebook, but also to hold a pencil and pen correctly, strengthen the small muscles of the hand and develop fine motor skills.

Graphic dictations, conducted in an interesting, playful form, have the opportunity to contribute to the development of all of the above.

Fragment of a mathematics lesson in 3rd grade (VIII type school):

Working with children of senior preschool age in preparatory group, I used several techniques and forms of graphic dictations that I developed while still working at school and where they brought tangible result and essential support in the development of writing, numeracy, motor skills, etc. My goal was, first of all:

  • development fine motor skills hands;
  • development of the concepts “left / right”, “top / bottom”;
  • strengthening numeracy skills;
  • development of attention;
  • development of imagination;

Along the way, we observed the position of the sun in the sky throughout the day, which means the children also:

  • developed powers of observation;
  • expanded knowledge about nature.

Stage 1. Preparatory work. Consolidation of left and right hand knowledge

Let's take it album sheet and fold it in half in height, bending the sheet from left to right (the next day - from right to left), aligning the edges. We bend the sheet folded in this way again, but from top to bottom (then from bottom to top). The result is a rectangle. Let's expand it. We have a sheet of 4 rectangles. Draw along the folds with a pencil. In the future, we will begin to use a ruler for this. We count the rectangles, paying attention to the fact that we have two rectangles on the right and left and two rectangles at the top and bottom.

Stage 2. Tasks

Draw a circle in the lower right rectangle, a triangle in the lower left, a square in the upper right, and a triangle in the upper left.

Stage 3. Observations of the sun

Where is the sun in the morning? Show me. Name (bottom left rectangle). During the day? Show me. Name (top left). After sleep? Show me. Name (top right). Let's go for a walk. Show me. Name (bottom right).

Stage 4. Complicating tasks

Place a red dot in the middle of the lower left rectangle, and a blue dot in the upper right corner of the lower right rectangle. We carry out this work in stages: show the lower right rectangle with your finger, now find the upper right corner in it, put a dot there with a blue pencil.

Stage 5. Observations of the sun

Drawing the sun in different times days, looking out the window. The window is also divided into rectangles.

I note that this work was carried out by me for only 4 months almost every day, in different forms complexity. But, nevertheless, 2 weeks after the first lesson we began doing work in checkered notebooks. By that time, the children already had the concept of a cage and were able to navigate a little on a piece of paper.

We draw the lines “by hand”, along notebook lines according to my samples. I drew samples for everyone. You can use entertaining game moments of preparation: large colored cells, various figures that children traced with pencils different colors etc.

Before starting work with graphic dictation, draw a large visual sample on the board, put a large red dot in each notebook. Start working: 3 cells down, 3 cells to the right - this is an auditory sample, a landmark of the point from which we begin to “dance” and build a figure.

First graphic dictation.

The figure is a cage. I say place the tip of your pencil on the red dot. Without lifting the tip of the pencil from the sheet, draw a line to the right 2 cells. Without lifting your pencil, draw a line down 2 cells. Without lifting your pencil, draw a line to the left 2 cells. Without lifting your pencil, draw a line up 2 cells. Connected the lines. What did we get? Square. Well done.

Take a red pencil, trace the square along the lines you drew and color it in.

We performed simple figures every day until the children stopped being afraid of the sheet. I took the material to get started from the manual “Developing our hands - to learn and write and draw beautifully”, authors S.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina, I.G. Toporkova, S.V. Shcherbinina. (Yaroslavl, “Academy of Development”, “Academy and K”, 2000).

  • Do not put a red dot to indicate the start of work.
  • Perform not one, but 2-3 figures.

What was the result on the part of the children? The children began to confidently navigate the notebook sheet. They tried to strictly follow my instructions and listened to me carefully. They were very interested to know what would come out of the dictation, what shape it would be.

We have already marked the path of the sun as follows:

And they told it like this: In the morning the sun is in the lower corner of the lower left rectangle, then it rises to the upper right corner of the upper left rectangle. After lunch, the sun begins to sink down to the middle of the upper right rectangle. Before the evening walk, it descends further down to the lower corner of the lower right rectangle.

The result of such work with a group of preschoolers was that almost all of the graduating children were not afraid to do work in a notebook, they began to understand that in a notebook it is necessary to work not in an arbitrary place on the sheet, they began to confidently hold a pencil and pen, and did not confuse the right and left side, learned to note the weather. Their attention also improved, their imagination began to develop, and they became interested in studying at school.