Photo of an East European Shepherd. East European Shepherd Dog How the European Shepherd Was Made

The first representatives of the East European Shepherd were bred during the existence of the USSR. These were fearless and loyal dogs, they faithfully served and defended the borders of our homeland. Shepherd enjoys in great demand and today, which significantly affects the annual increase in its numbers.

East european shepherd(VEO) are distinguished by powerful muscles and developed bones. Hind limbs located at right angles to the body. Males are always larger than females, they are taller and more powerful. The color of a shepherd dog does not have specific standards; it can be black, with red patches, gray, black-and-white, and so on.

Many fanciers closely associate the VEO and the German Shepherd, and some even believe that they are representatives of the same breed. To what extent this may be true, since the Germans are considered the direct ancestors of the Easterners. The latter were bred into a separate breed in the territory former USSR.

The difference between the German Shepherd and the Eastern European is as follows:

  • region chest the eastern one is much wider;
  • Germans are characterized by more active and playful behavior;
  • Orientals have a light background in color;
  • Easterners are several centimeters taller than Germans;
  • VEOs are used for official purposes, Germans can become faithful companions;
  • a strong support push is noticeable in the movement of the BEO.

Origin story

In the 30s of the last century, a decision was made to develop a new Soviet breed, representatives of which could guard the state border and fight crime. The universal dog had to adapt to different climatic zones, that is, it had to serve faithfully both in severe frost and in sultry heat.

They decided to base the new breed on the qualities of the German Shepherd known at that time, and closer to the beginning of the 40s, it appeared in the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs huge amount their representatives.

The war years caused the extermination of many pets; only a few nurseries of purebred animals were preserved within the Urals. After the war, at one of the Moscow exhibitions, experts noticed a large male dog, Ingul. From communication with him, offspring were always born that were similar to their father.

It is precisely the Ingula line that forms the basis for breeding the breed in the USSR. In the 60s, Germans of the Eastern European type changed significantly, as a result of which experts started talking about creating a new breed. The animals became noticeably taller, as evidenced by elongated limbs, their weight increased, and their gait and psychological characteristics also changed.

In the 90s of the last century, representatives of the breed went through a period of extermination; in most kennel clubs it was generally forbidden to appear with them. And only 10 years later, a gradual restoration of the Oriental population began.


The question of how long shepherd dogs live will definitely arise in front of you if a long-awaited pet appears in the house. According to standards, the Oriental lives up to 10-13 years, provided that there is proper care and quality nutrition.

Breed standard for East European Shepherd

Standard indicators include the following characteristics of VEO:

  1. The neck is muscular, widening closer to the shoulders.
  2. Saber tail.
  3. The ears are triangular in shape, set high, erect.
  4. The head is wedge-shaped and matches the proportions of the body.
  5. The body is stretched. There are insignificant differences in the height of the sacrum and withers. The shape of the back is straight.
  6. The nose and lips are black, the jaw has 42 teeth, and the cheekbones are not very prominent. The eyes are oval-shaped, medium-sized, dark brown in color.
  7. The paws are straight, the hind legs are slightly wider apart.
  8. There are sweeping movements in the gait.
  9. The coat is strictly straight.

The average weight of females is from 30 to 50 kilograms, males are 10-15 kg heavier. Males grow up to 76 cm, females are usually 5-6 cm lower.

Purpose and character of the dog

VEO is distinguished by its devotion to its owner. For him, she can do the most desperate things and sometimes is even ready to give her life. The pet shows a distrustful attitude towards all strangers, but due to its well-balanced psyche, it will never show its aggression.

The character of the breed is characterized by the following indicators:

  1. Great for training. The Shepherd will never try to dominate its owner; it is obedient and loyal.
  2. The Oriental is not aggressive towards other pets.
  3. Dogs have an innate guardian instinct. If a threat arises to the owner or his property, the dogs go from being friendly pets to the stage of combat readiness.

The breed's character is well developed in all respects. The pet is always cheerful, active view, he is devoted to his owner and is ready to protect him in any situation. Easterners adore children, are ready to play with them and will never harm them. But such indicators can only be achieved if proper education. If you don't train your dog, you won't be able to achieve the desired results.

Puppy selection criteria

If you decide to purchase a VEO puppy, study the breed standards to know what points you need to pay attention to when choosing a pet. The dogs are very similar to the Germans, so you need to know their main differences.

It is best to buy an animal from a well-known nursery. It is there that they will be able to provide you with full information about its origin, as well as show the necessary documentation.

It is best to pick up a puppy after he is 45 days old; this time is necessary for adaptation, as well as for identifying possible deviations. Pay attention to his behavior. The baby should be active and playful, have a healthy appearance and a good appetite.

The advantages of the oriental plant are that it does not require any special care skills. The only thing you need to pay due attention to is nutrition and regular active walks. Pets will feel comfortable both in apartment conditions and in a private home. If you put your dog in a kennel, make sure it is spacious, as shepherd dogs are large. It is not advisable to change the dog’s living conditions. If she initially lived in your apartment, then it is no longer possible to move her to a booth or enclosure.

It is enough to bathe your dog once every 6 months and then as needed. Try to comb the animal as often as possible, this will avoid contamination of the coat. During this process, you give your pet a kind of massage that can improve blood circulation.

Check your ears, eyes and teeth regularly. Ears cleaned twice a month with a cotton swab. Regular brushing of teeth prevents the formation of tartar. The eyes are cleaned only if there is discharge on them.

Give dewormers regularly. Fleas must be removed twice a year - at the end of spring and in mid-autumn.

For an animal to develop properly, it needs a balanced diet. The emphasis should be on protein products, including meat. Don’t forget to include porridge with vegetables in your diet, and provide river fish (especially necessary for puppies). The fish must be boiled, this will help reduce the risk of infection with worms. You can also give your dog dairy products.

Please note that milk is only allowed until 6 one month old. It is contraindicated for adults.

If you don’t know how to properly prepare your pet’s diet, you can feed it dry food, which is sold in special stores. However, give preference only to trusted manufacturers.

How to train an East European Shepherd

As a rule, training VEO is a pleasure. Dogs love to learn. Sometimes it seems that they look into the eyes of their owner, thereby trying to understand what will be required of them. Such features allow you to train your pet at home without the help of a professional dog handler.

Easterners need to learn commands from a young age. First, the process should take place at home or in the yard, and only after the dog begins to respond to basic requirements, training can be transferred to the park. The latter is necessary so that the dog carries out all commands surrounded by stimuli, that is, in places with large crowds of people and a lot of turmoil.

The strengths of the breed include:

  • high level intelligence;
  • excellent defensive performance;
  • devotion to his master;
  • balanced psyche;
  • obedience;
  • excellent attitude towards children of any age;
  • ease of learning and training.

Minus of the breed:

  • needs constant long walks;
  • requires mandatory training;
  • quite expensive maintenance;
  • displays a distrustful attitude towards strangers.

VEO is an excellent guard, protector and companion rolled into one. The dog will demonstrate all its positive qualities with a competent approach to its upbringing.

The East European Shepherd is the personification of boundless devotion and enormous intelligence. Despite the fact that the breed is not recognized by world cynological organizations, in the countries of the former USSR it is still actively bred and valued. the smartest dogs. Such determination of domestic dog handlers and loyalty to the breed is due to the outstanding qualities of the breed: amazing endurance, extraordinary intelligence, high performance and sincere friendliness.

VEO is a universal dog that will faithfully serve in law enforcement agencies or become true friend and the constant protector of all members of the owner’s family. Before purchasing a cute East European Shepherd puppy, it is useful for the future owner to learn everything about the breed: history of origin, standards and character, features of care, feeding and training.


The VEO breed is a direct descendant of the widespread and internationally recognized German Shepherds, which were bred at the end of the 19th century in northern Europe. The Germans were considered herding dogs and were originally used only in cattle breeding. Shepherd dogs guarded livestock, chased predators, hunted game and served their master faithfully. Long marches with the shepherd at any weather conditions formed the breed's protective instincts, endurance, performance, courage and loyalty to humans. Thanks to these qualities, Germans around the world began to be used in intelligence work.

Veo was bred for guard, search and military service

The European climate is much milder than the harsh conditions of the former Soviet Union, so German Shepherds had a hard time withstanding the freezing cold of the Far North or the heat eastern borders. At the beginning of the 20th century, Soviet dog handlers, by crossing Germans, Caucasians and Laikas, created a new breed of shepherd dog, superior to its German counterparts in height and level of endurance. The East European shepherd dog breed was bred for use in various industries: for work in the guard, search and military services, the national economy and medicine.

History of the development of the breed

1904-1905– during the Russo-Japanese War, the first mentions of “Easterners” are found, who served in the communications and sanitary services. Besides higher level endurance and efficiency, the new breed was distinguished by unquestioning discipline, selfless devotion and high intelligence.

1922-1940- with the coming to power of I.V. Stalin continued work to consolidate positive qualities in a new breed. With increasing repression, the new government needed huge numbers of hardy guard dogs to guard prisoners. In 1924, the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery and clubs were created service dog breeding, carrying out control of matings, selection of purebred sires and registration of offspring. For the further work of dog handlers and breeders who developed a new breed, new purebred German shepherd breeders were required. “German” puppies from Germany were purchased exclusively for foreign currency, but due to a shortage of financial resources and the injection of fresh blood, the selection of VEO was suspended until the end of World War II. During this period, East European and German shepherds in the USSR were often considered the same breed.

1941-1945- during the Great Patriotic War about 60 thousand individuals of East European Shepherds were actively used on the front line and in the rear, thanks to which the breed earned recognition and received the name of the most patriotic breed. In honor of the brave and selfless front-line dog, a bronze monument was erected on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow, the prototype of which was VEO. After the end of hostilities, many adult trophy German shepherds remained on the territory of the USSR, which were used for further breeding of the breed and consolidation of outstanding qualities.

1964-1990– VEO officially became considered a subspecies of the German Shepherd and received recognized breed standards in 1964 and 1976. Before the collapse of the USSR, Soviet cynologists carried out active breeding work to improve and consolidate the positive breed qualities.

East European Shepherd Efa, winner of exhibitions in 1965, 1966 and 1967.

1991-2002. – after the collapse of the USSR, the German Shepherd received an international standard, and the “Eastern Europeans” were recognized as an illegal breed. Representatives of the New Soviet breed were not allowed to participate in exhibitions and were excluded from cynological associations. During this difficult time, the Association of Breeding Kennels VEO and the Union of East European Shepherd Lovers were formed, which are still involved in breeding VEO, controlling matings, preserving the purity of the breed, holding exhibitions and competitions.

In 2002, the Russian Canine Federation officially recognized the East European Shepherd as an independent breed with the approval of modern standards.

Standard, description of appearance, color

The East European Shepherd is a fairly large, hardy dog ​​with strong bones and prominent, lean muscles.

Main characteristics of the breed according to the modern VEO standard:


The height of an adult male at the withers is 66-76 cm, females - 62-72 cm. Males are larger and more massive, so determine gender easy enough based on the dog's appearance.


The weight of an adult male East European Shepherd is 35-60 kg, females - 30-50 kg.


VEO has strong bones, prominent, toned muscles, an elongated straight body, rounded at the point where it becomes the tail. The neck is dense with pronounced withers, the chest is strong and wide. In the stance, the level of the chest is higher than the level of the croup.


The dog's head is large, proportional to the body, has the shape of a wedge with smooth transition from the wide frontal part to the elongated muzzle. The cheekbones are rounded and well muscled, the lips are dark and fit tightly to the jaw, the nose is black with wide open nostrils. The ears are straight, standing upright, the eyes are oval with dense eyelids.

Veo's head is massive and moderately long


According to the standard, the animal must have 42 white large teeth, developed jaws and a scissor bite.


The dog should have a saber-shaped tail, which in a calm state falls below the hock joint, and when in service or protection rises above the level of the spine.


VEO has high, strong paws with well-developed muscles in the upper part. The forelimbs should be level and parallel, the hind limbs should be at a slight angle back. The paws are round, compact, without dewclaws, the claws and pads are black.


The East European Shepherd is characterized by trotting and pushing with its hind legs.


The coat is hard, even, adjacent to the body, and the undercoat is well developed. The coat should be short and of equal length, with slight lengthening of the hair at the withers and hips allowed.


The breed standard defines several colors of the East European Shepherd. Black saddle against a background of light color from gray to fawn and rich black saddle are considered classic. Zone-red or zone-gray colors are allowed, but not recommended.

East European Shepherds of saddle-gray and saddle-black color

Comparison with the German Shepherd

It is recommended to bathe your dog no more than 2 times a year, and brush your teeth and treat your ears preferably 2 times a month. Unnecessarily, you should not touch your pet’s organs of vision again, but if watery eyes and redness appear, you should rinse and instill the eyes with special drops. It is recommended to comb the dog 2-3 times a week with a special comb; this procedure is necessary for the health of the pet’s coat and skin.

Or . When using factory-made food, it is necessary to choose a line for large breeds of dogs, taking into account age and physiological state animal. Many well-known companies produce separate lines for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches, and older large breeds. The daily dosage of feed is indicated on the manufacturer's factory packaging.

When using a traditional diet, the owner must prepare food for his beloved pet himself. This method is more energy-consuming, but natural food contain more useful nutrients. The diet of VEO when using “natural food” should consist of raw beef And sea ​​fish(30-50%), cereals (20-30%), vegetables (5-20%), fermented milk products (20-30%), offal, fruits and healthy treats.

Life expectancy, health

There is no clear answer to the question of how long Eastern European Shepherds live. The average lifespan of a VEO ranges from 12-16 years, but sometimes dogs only live up to 9-10 years of age. The life expectancy of a brave pet depends on heredity, the presence of chronic and acute diseases, quality of care and nutrition.

Veos were bred to work in the harsh climate of the USSR, so they are very hardy and rarely get sick

East European Shepherds have a genetic predisposition to the following diseases:

  • dysplasia of the elbow and hip joint - destruction of articular elements caused by genetic disorders, errors in feeding and excessive physical activity at a young age;
  • arthritis and arthrosis – inflammatory and degenerative processes in joints against the background of regeneration bone tissue or age-related changes;
  • volvulus of the stomach or intestines - twisting of the stomach or intestinal loop after eating during physical activity. The pathology for VEO is deadly;
  • rickets - a metabolic disorder due to insufficient feeding, manifested by a characteristic curvature of the limbs;
  • oncology – formation on a dog’s body during internal organs and benign tissues and malignant neoplasms which can cause premature aging and death of the animal;
  • injuries to bones, ligaments and muscles during training and service.

With proper upbringing and training, the East European Shepherd becomes an irreplaceable friend, protector and outlet for a loving owner. A person who has had the happiness of communicating with VEO in his life remains fascinated by this worthy and smartest dog for the rest of his life.

Video: all about the East European Shepherd

  • Height at withers: Male 66-76 cm, female – 62-72 cm
  • Weight: Male – 35-50 kg, female – 35-45 kg
  • Color: Black and black with mask and lightened background. Zone red and zone gray are acceptable, but not considered desirable.
  • Lifespan: 12 - 15 years
  • Other names: eastern, VEO, East European shepherd

Pros and cons

  • Ideal yard guard
  • Well trained
  • Hardy
  • Features a high rate of socialization
  • Sheds profusely
  • Prone to joint diseases
  • Requires proper training of a service dog

Description of the breed

The East European Shepherd, which outwardly resembles the old-type German one, is the result of long-term breeding of German shepherds that came to the territory of the Soviet Union, behind the Iron Curtain. The breeders themselves claim that the Germans were mixed with Great Danes, Caucasians, Laikas and other breeds that were available at Krasnaya Zvezda. However, such features of the breed as larger size, characteristic color and a more balanced character could have been introduced not only by crossbreeding, but also by long-term selection of dogs in the right direction.

The modern Oriental is an excellent working dog, large, without exaggerated features. She has powerful jaws, a balanced character and high abilities to all types of service. There are no distinct varieties in the breed, but there are dogs with specific service qualities depending on the specialization of the kennels that breed them. The universal Oriental is a dog that works as protection and obedience, used in rescuing people on the water and in the mountains, in searching for drugs and weapons, and in border service. In the absence of such serious work, Easterners willingly learn various tricks and agility, and quickly master Frisbee, waitpulling or canicross.

For those who are thinking about purchasing an East European Shepherd, it is important to consider the availability of free time and the desire to exercise with their dog. Deprived of proper stress on the muscles and brain, the Easterner realizes his activity in various bad habits and his ingenuity in this is always impressive. Like all service dogs, Orientals are happy to please their owner and can move mountains for the sake of communication and praise. It is important to teach children how to properly handle a dog from childhood. This feature increases the owner’s responsibility for his dog and its upbringing.

Children are VEO's best friends. Dogs treat them very carefully, understanding that a child is a fragile protective creature, and adore joint games. True, puppies and young dogs should communicate with small children exclusively under the supervision of adults, since they do not know how to calculate strength and can drop or injure the baby. It is important to teach children from childhood how to properly handle a dog without causing it pain.

Breed standard East European Shepherd

The characteristics of Orientals, established by the breed standard, make it possible to evaluate the strength, endurance and temperament of these dogs, whose main job has always been a variety of police and military service.

Large stature, impressive strong bones without signs of coarseness, dense thick hair with pronounced seasonal molting, dry prominent muscles, pronounced sexual type - all this makes the Oriental a reliable and hardy working dog. Dogs of this breed are quite elongated (their elongation index is 110-117, that is, the length of the body is 10-17 percent greater than the height at the withers), moderately bony (the bony index is 18-19) and moderately long-legged (the high-legged index ranges from 50 to 53).

The VEO standard explicitly states that they should not be loyal to all people. Attentiveness and distrust of strangers is a characteristic feature of the breed. Signs of dampness, any pigmentation disorders (brown nose, light eyes, white spots), as well as bites other than scissors and incomplete teeth are undesirable.

There are two types of the breed - strong and strong dry. There is no preference for any of them. However, dampness, tenderness or coarseness of build are serious faults, as is the absence of a sexual type.

Character and characteristics of the East European Shepherd

The wool of the Easterners is their reliable protection from any weather and temperature changes. Its length depends on the conditions of keeping the dog and the climate zone. The spring shedding of VEO is very abundant, because during it the dog sheds its warm winter coat, which contains a lot of undercoat, and changes into a summer coat, in which awns and close hair predominate. At this time, the dog needs combing, which is best done using a furminator.

Orientals feel great when kept outdoors. Raising puppies and young dogs in an apartment leads to the development of rickets and mental disorders. The age at which a female dog should be transferred to a free-range enclosure is 1-1.5 months. Early socialization and the beginning of basic skills training in the kennel allows puppies to quickly fit into their new family.

Despite the fact that zonular colors are classified as undesirable by the standard, breeders willingly use these dogs for breeding, since this allows them to maintain a high level of pigmentation in the stock and, in addition, the zonular stock has a high working potential. It would seem that black VEOs would be more suitable for this. However, the black color in the breed is unique among dogs, as it is recessive. This gene is found only in a few breeds of shepherd dogs and, by its nature, is not capable of improving the pigment of black-backed dogs.

The Vostochnik is a dog of late formation. It acquires its final appearance at 3 years of age. At the same time, the formation of her character is completed. Dogs of this breed are among the serious acquisitions, as they have considerable weight and speed. The future owner must be sure that he can keep his dog on a leash during the occasional lunge toward another dog or person.

Care and maintenance of the East European Shepherd

Depending on where your orientalist will live - in the yard or in the apartment, you need to equip a convenient place for him. Convenience should be mutual - there is room for the dog on for many years will become its own inviolable territory, so its location should not interfere with the residents of the apartment.

You will need a bed in the apartment. The place for it should be quiet and secluded, not dark, not damp, not located in a draft. The best material for a bed is a coarse cloth folded in several layers and stitched, an old camel blanket quilted in several layers, or a mat. It will be difficult and uninteresting for a puppy to chew on such rugs and they will last longer. Faux fur is also a good option, however, you need to make sure that its material is not electrified, otherwise the dog simply will not sleep on it. The ideal material for the booth is a thick board. In regions with cold winters, the booth is insulated with foam plastic or fiber mats; in the winter, a thick mat or rubber is nailed to the entrance to prevent snow from getting inside the booth.

Those who have purchased a breeding bitch must take care in advance of where she and the puppies will be kept. Pregnancy and childbirth should occur in comfort for the dog and owners. Optimal place for raising offspring is a puppy breeder. In its absence, you need to prepare a place for the bitch in an insulated garage, summer kitchen or shed. In the summer, your bitch can and should give birth outside, in the cold maternity ward it will be necessary to equip the house or extension with heating, which is turned on as soon as the temperature outside drops below -5°C. The litter in the puppy house is usually straw or hay. As an option, you can use sawdust from wood that has not undergone chemical treatment.

Feeding the East European Shepherd

VEO is a breed that was bred as an unpretentious and efficient dog. Therefore, feeding these dogs usually does not cause any problems for owners. The only thing I would like to warn against is mixing dry and natural food in one bowl.

Modern canine nutritionists admit that the best diet for any dog ​​is meat. We are not talking about tenderloin; beef trimmings, offal, tripe, fish, dairy products, horse meat with the addition of rice or other cereals that your dog tolerates well, as well as vegetables and fruits are much more suitable for dogs. The meat is given raw, gradually increasing the size of the piece so that the dog cannot swallow it whole and learns to use its teeth and paws. If the origin of the meat is not credible, it is scalded with boiling water. The fish is boiled and must be combined with sources of B vitamins (for example, brewer's yeast). In winter, they introduce into the diet vegetable oil one tablespoon per serving. Be sure to introduce 1 fasting day per week. This will help maintain the health of the pancreas and meet the natural needs of the dog.

The first feeding of puppies is carried out on the 21st day. By the way, only those bitches that are capable of feeding puppies up to this age on their own should be kept for breeding. Problems with milk healthy dogs can begin over the age of 6 years, before which a good breeder should be able to raise her puppies on her own for up to three weeks. For the first complementary feeding, milk is used (preferably goat's milk), to which 2 quail eggs are added per glass. Milk porridge with oatmeal or rice is gradually introduced. Semolina, although it gives puppies a marketable appearance, however, has a negative effect on the puppies’ pancreas, causing regular digestive problems in the future. The first complementary food can also be scraped beef with sour low-fat kefir or dry food soaked in natural yoghurt.

At the age of a month, puppies are fed 2-3 times a day, and the bitch is allowed to feed them another 2-3 times. By two months, the starter food is changed to puppy food and reduced total quantity feedings up to 4-5. Gradually, the bitch is allowed to see the puppies less and less, focusing on the presence of milk and general condition. New types of food are introduced into the diet gradually, monitoring the condition digestive system puppies.

By 4 months, puppies are fed 3-4 times a day. A signal to reduce the number of feedings is poor eating of daily portions. The daily volume of feed is not reduced, but the portion size is increased. At the age of 9 months, dogs are transferred to two feedings a day. This schedule is also optimal for adult dogs. First fasting days administered at 6 months, half a day every week.

East European Shepherd puppies

East European Shepherd puppies are very different from adult dogs of this breed. Their ears are still soft, their faces are round, and only a competent breeder is able to make any assumptions about their working and breeding future. All future owners have a good idea of ​​what they dream of seeing their adult dog. Few of them dream of a frail creature on thin legs, vaguely reminiscent of one or several breeds at once, and huddling in horror in a booth when strangers come into the yard. Therefore, it seems very strange that people are able to buy puppies for themselves “just to be cheaper.” Those 10-15 years that you spend next to your dog can become a happy time of life for the owner or turn into a bad dream. It depends on what kind of puppy you choose.

    Be sure to read the breed standard and look at the photos of the breed dogs that come with it so you can evaluate your puppy's parents.

    Do not be intimidated by the breeder’s detailed questions and his doubts about your worth as an owner. Such breeders -best friends their owners and will help you with useful advice at any time.

    The presence of documents for your dog is a guarantee of its purebred behavior and pedigree behavior. No matter what they tell you at the market, when selling a puppy that looks like a shepherd, purebred breeding involves strict rules and selection. A puppy with documents has parents who have not only a pedigree, but also an exhibition grade, and have also passed a mental health test. This is the systematic work of a nursery that selects all the best dogs for breeding, taking into account their origin, health, working qualities and exterior.

    If you want a working dog, don't get a puppy with poor pigmentation or white spots. In general, the best service dogs among VEOs are dogs with zonal coloring. Ask the breeder to show you the work of the mother bitch, choose the most confident puppy, and do the Campbell test with the kids.

    If you dream of a family dog, feel free to take the puppy who came to you first to meet you. Puppies sitting sullenly on the sidelines may be unhealthy, distrustful of people, or simply waiting for other owners.

BEFORE your puppy arrives, secure the place where he will live. Fill holes, cover the basement and cellar, cover the inspection hole in the garage, remove wires and hanging hoses. Let your puppy out into the yard under supervision for the first few days to identify any weaknesses in your preparations and address them. Don't neglect preventive vaccinations and the fight against fleas, ticks and helminths. Give the puppy the opportunity to move freely in the apartment or house - this will allow him to properly form joints and ligaments.

Training an East European Shepherd

Training an Oriental is a fascinating activity for its owner. The desire to please the owner, focus on contact with him, interest in play or food reinforcement makes VEO one of the best service breeds.

Distrust of strangers makes it possible to use such dogs to protect private property or departmental territories, excellent sense of smell and balanced character - at the border, customs and as rescue dogs. Being human-oriented makes it possible to train them in the difficult profession of a guide dog.

Each Easterner is a set of innate abilities and inclinations. In order for your dog to please you not only with show results, but also with working (sports) results, it is important to start training him as early as possible.

Training to a collar and leash usually takes 1-2 days. Often the breeder's puppies already wear collars and do not worry about it. It is enough to fasten a leash to the collar and let the baby walk with it around the house or apartment until he stops noticing the “tail” trailing behind him. If the dog tries to chew on the leash, you need to distract it with a treat or game.

You can start going to the playground or individual lessons with VEO as early as 4 months. Strong obedience skills are developed by about 9 months. Protection training begins only if the dog is completely controllable.

History of the breed

Reading some breed websites, you might think that the history of the breed began at the beginning of the last century. In fact, at the indicated time, German shepherds began to arrive in Russia - reliable police army dogs of the old type. They showed unique working qualities and began to be bred for police and military service.

Since 1924, the newly created departmental kennel “Krasnaya Zvezda” began to engage in planned breeding of German shepherds. The requirements for bred dogs differed significantly from those that were imposed in the homeland of the breed. The dogs had to work in the harsh conditions of Stalin’s camps, enduring severe frosts and heat Central Asia. At the same time, crossbreeding of German shepherds with local aborigines took place - in the north with huskies, in the south - with herding dogs. The dogs grew larger, their backbone increased, and malice and distrust of strangers were cultivated. At the same time, German Shepherds in Europe were developing in a completely different direction. They were required to be increasingly social, the ability not to cause inconvenience to city residents during work, contact, the ability to work with different conductors, mobility, and jumping ability. It is not surprising that after the Iron Curtain fell and canine organizations of the former Soviet Union applied to join the FCI, it turned out that the existing German Shepherds in the USSR were completely inadequate German standard breeds

Many breeders at this time got rid of their old-type Germans and imported new sires from Germany. And only true enthusiasts continued to improve their favorite dogs within the new breed. In 1964, the first BEO standard was released. The dog population was divided into five groups, differing in appearance and origin. Breeders worked from St. Petersburg, Riga, Kharkov. The new breed had to be different from the German Shepherd both in appearance and in temperament.

Currently, the VEO standard is not recognized by the FCI, but the breed is bred within breed clubs. The standard is regularly revised and improved, increasingly removing the “Easterns” from the “Germans”. Specialty exhibitions are held, tests of the strength of the nervous system are carried out, and the type is improved, which should not be similar to the old-type BUT. Many modern VEOs are successfully used for work and sports.

Prices for East European Shepherd puppies

When you go to the poultry market in search of a puppy, you can find a huge selection of different “shepherd dogs”, some of which will be presented to you as VEO. Of course, for an affordable price and, of course, without documents, because “it’s very expensive, and our dad and mom have documents.” I would like to clarify the situation, which will protect potential owners from hasty decisions and unsuccessful purchases.

The cost of registering a puppy is actually very low. But it is preceded not only by obtaining a pedigree, but also by passing an examination at an exhibition, and if the dog belongs to a member of a special breed club, then by a mental examination. Market sellers, of course, don’t bother with anything like that, which they will tell you about in a rude manner if you start asking questions that are uncomfortable for them.

Therefore, take your time, visit at least 2-3 exhibitions with the participation of VEO and only then buy your dog. It is clear that you will do this already in the nursery. Prices for puppies in kennels range from $200 to $600. The low cost of dogs is due to the fact that the breed is not recognized by the FCI and cannot be exhibited abroad. But the demands that serious breeders place on pedigree producers are very high, since they understand their responsibility and want their favorite breed to be recognized. Prices for puppies can greatly depend on the territorial distance of the nursery from the capital, the breeder's expenses for mating and the title of the parents.

It has been very popular with us for a long time. Films, TV series, books, stories, photos by Veo, the memories of employees - all this brought to the fore the intelligence, intelligence, obedience, devotion and incredible courage of dogs of this breed. But is this really so?

In our country, until recently, Orientals prevailed over all other breeds. People took these because they could easily master many professional areas, although its main purpose was faithful service to man. Veo, This dog with an excellent psyche, a stable nervous system and a sanguistic type of character.

If from puppyhood nervous system the dog is not torn; if the owner competently approaches the upbringing and maintenance of this pet, then as a result the owner will have a calm, balanced pet.

Veo dog won't bark in vain, they don't even make her nervous unforeseen situations, a dog of this breed is self-possessed at any time, confident and unquestioningly follows the owner’s commands.

Other animals living with veo shepherd, they are perceived by her quite peacefully, this one does not express aggression, it can play with children for a long time or calmly sit nearby. A striking feature of this breed is its strong attachment to a person. Only when the owner is nearby, this dog for real happy.

This breed tolerates loneliness very poorly, although the pet can easily wait for its owner as long as necessary (for example, waiting from work). If her person is next to her, then the pet tries in every possible way to attract his attention, although importunity is not characteristic of the veo. She wants and knows how to work, she can easily learn even very complex tricks.

The appearance of the Eastern European is harmonious. There is hardly a person who denies the beauty, strength, dexterity and intelligence of the Oriental. Compared to the “Germans,” Orientals are larger, which is why Veo puppies mature a little later.

Description of the Veo breed (standard requirement)

VEO is expected to have a lean body structure, well-developed muscles and strong musculoskeletal system. Males veo noticeably larger in size than females, that is, all representatives of this breed have a well-defined sexual type.

Height, weight and other body parameters must comply with the standards confirmed by the Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia. So the height at the withers of males should be from 65 to 76 cm, and for females from 62 to 72 cm. The weight of males should be from 35-60 kg, and females 30-50 kg.

The head of the Oriental is elongated, a short muzzle is not welcomed and is considered a disadvantage. A small head is not allowed; there are clear parameters - the size of the head must be at least 40% of the height of the shepherd at the withers.

Eyes black or brown. The teeth are strong, healthy, without defects, Veo has 42 teeth. Ears have triangular shape, are standing. Other ear shapes are not permitted.

The body is flexible, harmoniously developed, and has a slightly elongated shape. It's with strong bones. The back should be straight and not arch - this is an indicator of insufficient physical development.

The chest is deep, reaching down to the elbow of the foreleg. Moving dog veo easily, without straining, movements are not constrained. The coat is black, black or zonular in color.

Owners who wish to show their pets at shows should be aware that there are some factors due to which the dog may not achieve excellent diplomas or, even worse, the dog may be removed from the show and not allowed to be bred.

Many of these factors can be corrected with exercise, but there are also some that cannot be corrected. And yet, even with such deviations they can work great or be pets.

Care and maintenance of veo

Care and maintain shepherd veo not quite difficult. The main thing is regularity and patience. The Oriental's luxurious coat requires combing, but you should not constantly wash and bathe your pet.

The owner must ensure that the dog has a place, proper feeding, timely walking and training. The place should not be in a draft, not next to a radiator and, preferably, where the traffic of residents is not too high.

Proper feeding, this is ready-made, purchased food or food cooked only for a shepherd dog, with well-balanced ingredients. Feeding your pet leftover human food can lead to serious illness.

VEO must be walked at least twice a day. It must be remembered that it is not enough for an animal to just fulfill its physiological needs, prolonged exposure to air is necessary for the health of the pet. Walks should be long, with games, training, and sufficient physical activity.

It is better to train under the supervision of a specialist. Easy commands can be learned independently, however, it is the dog trainer who will be able to advise how, when and with which command to introduce the pet in order to ensure their obligatory execution.

Price and reviews from owners about the Veo breed

The color of the Veo is not at all rare among outbreds, so it is too easy for an unknowing buyer to confuse a purebred Veo puppy with a mongrel. Because of this, it is highly recommended to purchase puppy veo exclusively in trusted nurseries or from responsible breeders. It is better if the owner chooses the baby with a dog handler. When choosing, you need to ask to see your parents and present all documents.

By the time puppies go for sale, ideally, they have already been treated for fleas, helminths, and have had their first vaccination. Also, the puppy must be microchipped or branded. Therefore, it is worth asking for the puppy’s veterinary passport, which indicates the date of vaccination and other procedures.

It is very important that the puppy is healthy, for this you need to examine the eyes, ears, the belly is clean, the baby must be playful, mobile and active. Price VEO available, you can find a puppy for 10,000, although it is very difficult to say specifically.

It depends on how rich the pedigree is, on the breed qualities and even on the region where the pet will be taken.

But, I want to say, no matter how much this one costs, it will be worth the money spent. Oriental dog owners write about their pets only positive reviews. Many owners have tested the Oriental as a working dog and, according to them, a more perfect and versatile veo for serving humans has not yet been invented.

It’s hard to disagree with them, because the Eastern European is a dog whose reliability, endurance, devotion and intelligence have been tested for decades.









Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


Security and guard qualities


Representatives of the East European Shepherd breed are not just a pet and a devoted friend to man. Such dogs are capable of real feats, at the cost of their own life ready to save people and their property, find ammunition, and accompany the blind.

They make reliable defenders and accompanying persons with disabilities. Initially, the mission of VEO was only security and watchdog activities and military service. Nowadays, shepherd dogs are very popular as a companion and pet.

History of the breed

The birthplace of the East European Shepherd is the USSR. The formation of the breed took place in the twenties and thirties. To be precise, in 1924, in the capital of Russia, a decision was made to seriously engage in breeding work on a breed whose representatives would be ideal watchdogs, guard dogs, and military dogs. For this purpose, a special nursery was created in Moscow, where dog handlers were engaged in breeding and improving VEO.

The breed that is the direct ancestor of the East European Shepherd is the German Shepherd. These animals were exported from Germany and became the base breed for the creation of service dogs, which were used for service in the army. The differences between the German and East European Shepherd are that the VEO is less active, agile and aggressive. Easterners could serve as guides, watchmen national economy. Only pedigree purebred German shepherds were used in the selection work.

Breed standard

The Eastern European is distinguished by its large size, its muscles are extremely developed. Males are much more powerful than females. Adult weight 30-60 kg., height 62-76 cm.

A massive head rests on a strong neck. The ears are triangular, not too large, erect, pointed at the ends. They are considered a distinctive feature of the breed. Dark eyes oval, not very large. The bridge of the nose has a slight hump. The nose is big. Lower jaw powerful, scissor bite. The fangs are large.

The croup is long, the loin is slightly convex, powerful. The back is long, the stomach is tucked in a beautiful line. Legs are straight. The hips are wide and muscular. Profitable fingers are removed. The movements are a typical gait. The tail is saber-shaped.

The coat is medium length, dense. The undercoat is well developed. There are not too luxuriant fringes on the hips. The color is saddleback and black. With the first color there is a mask on a lightened background.

Such a dog can be kept in an enclosure, in a private house or in an apartment. Wherever the pet lives, it is necessary to create certain conditions for it. For example, when living in an apartment, the dog must have its own place with a bed, the same applies to a private house. This place is arranged away from drafts and heating appliances. Also, it should not be passable. Under no circumstances should you forcibly pull a dog out of its place.

When kept outdoors in a spacious enclosure, a large and warm booth with bedding. It is advisable to make the floor in the enclosure made of wood. In any case, the shepherd dog needs daily walks outside the house or enclosure so that it can run outside the fence.

During walks, even in cold weather, you do not need to dress your shepherd in clothes; its dense coat reliably protects the dog from cold and precipitation. Under the scorching heat sun rays You can't walk the dog. If the VEO was trained as a bodyguard and protector of the owner, the pet is muzzled in crowded places. The fact is that an overly vigilant dog may react incorrectly to sudden movements of people passing by. Just walking at a slow pace is not enough. Shepherd needs physical activity. Therefore, try to give your pet the opportunity to run around as much as possible, for this purpose come up with active games using a ball and other toys.

Beautiful appearance, healthy body and good mood- the dog will have all this, provided that it is properly cared for. The owner must carry out the following procedures if he wants the pet to feel comfortable and look well-groomed:

  • It is not difficult to care for a shepherd's coat. The coat of this type of animal quickly cleans itself. It is recommended to comb with a comb and a natural bristle brush. This procedure is carried out 2 times every 7-8 days.
  • We bathe our pet once every 6 months. Such water procedures using detergents, intended for dogs with hard coats, are recommended in spring and autumn, when the period of heavy shedding passes. In the summer, try to visit bodies of water with your pet more often; in hot weather, the shepherd dog will happily splash around in a river or lake.
  • A service dog's teeth should be in perfect condition. Dental health depends on heredity, maintenance and care. They must be cleaned regularly using pastes. It is also recommended to give your pet natural sinew, carrots, apples or special rubber bones.
  • Wipe your eyes if discharge accumulates, make sure there is no inflammation.
  • Clean the ears and inspect them for excessive discharge or inflammation. If you notice such symptoms, consult a doctor; this may be the beginning of an infectious disease.
  • In most cases, the shepherd dog wears its claws off on its own on the road surface during walks. But if they are too long, they need to be cut.

The VEO diet should contain about 60-70% protein foods. Meat is vital for a large service dog. The food is balanced, portion sizes are determined depending on age and health status. As they grow, the diet increases; adults are fed twice a day. It is important that the shepherd eats both dry and wet food alternately. The food should be warm, and the dog should rest after feeding. Cool water in clean containers is always available.


At proper care and adequate nutrition, an East European Shepherd can live 12-14 years. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by good health and strong immunity, but there is a predisposition to certain diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis- This is a fairly common inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye in dogs. It is difficult to treat, which often leads to a complicated chronic form.
  • Hip dysplasia– problems with joints cause severe pain, if no action is taken, the dog can become immobilized.
  • Obesityserious illness in the modern world, therefore, if the dog is fat, then you should resort to changing the diet and proper diet.
  • Arthritis– inflammation of the joints causes severe pain to the animal. This disease is more common in older animals.
  • Eczema– one of the most common skin diseases. Because of the coat, especially if the coat is thick, eczema in dogs goes unnoticed for a long time. The owner must be attentive so that the disease is noticed and stopped in time.


By nature, the East European Shepherd is cold-blooded, self-confident and balanced. These qualities are essential for a service dog. VEO is very devoted to its owner; if he or his property is in danger, the dog instantly reacts and rushes to defense. Due to distrust, the shepherd dog does not allow familiar relations with strangers and with dogs of other species. VEO can completely relax and frolic to his heart’s content only with the owner, with family members or with dogs of his own breed.

A special character trait of the European Shepherd is its ability to adapt to any living conditions. Representatives of this species are distinguished by their attentiveness, efficiency, endurance, ability to learn, and guard instinct. They get along well with children and with the animals they grew up with.

The East European Shepherd is used during rescue and search operations, during military operations, and as guide dogs for people with disabilities. disabilities. These dogs make ideal guards. Also, in many families, VEOs are simply loyal, pets, and wonderful companions. For their services in the army, shepherd dogs have been erected a monument, and more than one.

Training and education

A serious service dog requires serious training. The East European Shepherd is one of these breeds. From the first day, as soon as you bring a little puppy into your home, you need to educate him. The pet must learn the rules of behavior in the house, in the yard, and in public places. Also at an early age, socialization is carried out, introducing the young dog to the outside world.

VEO is very smart and quick-witted, the main thing is to establish a trusting relationship with her pupil. The first commands that you need to teach a puppy are the simplest: place, sit, no, come to me, etc. Then the shepherd must undergo a serious training course, preferably under the guidance of an experienced dog handler. If you plan to make a service out of VEO, guard dog or a guide for a blind person, you will need an additional, special course in the chosen area.

The shepherd quickly remembers commands and tries to carry them out conscientiously. Serious training of such a dog should begin from the age of six months. The owner must achieve complete obedience from the pet during training. At the same time, physical punishment is unacceptable, only consistency, calm and perseverance. Be sure to reward your dog with treats for success. kind words, stroking. It is worth noting that VEOs are not afraid of heights, attacks of the person involved, walking on the boom is not a problem for them.

  • East European Shepherds often become movie actors.
  • A beautiful sculpture of a border guard with a shepherd dog of the specified species was created in Moscow. Local residents have come up with a belief that if you just rub the nose or paw of a shepherd dog, after such a ritual life will only follow a white streak.
  • The VEO breed is recognized as one of the patriotic breeds.

Pros and cons of the breed

Have you decided to buy an East European Shepherd puppy? First, familiarize yourself with the main pros and cons of this breed. To decide if this breed is right for you or not:


1. Devotion, fearlessness.
2. Endurance, performance.
3. The ability to quickly get used to any conditions.
4. Ideal security guard qualities.
5. Loves children.
6. Easy to train.


1. Excessive aggressiveness, if the shepherd shows it unreasonably, it is very difficult to correct such behavior.
2. Expensive maintenance.
3. Stubbornness and willfulness. They like to show character and disobey.
Prejudice towards strangers.