Otipax for dogs, can it be dripped, instructions for use. We used to treat our cats with them, and now we used them to treat our children.

Otodectosis can affect both cats and dogs, but ear scabies are more common in cats. Ear mites are generally not dangerous to humans, but you could be a carrier and infect your cat or kitten.

A sick cat can pose a danger to other pets; for example, ear mites can spread to a ferret or dog.

Otodectosis ( ear scabies) young cats (up to one year old) and kittens are especially susceptible. But adult cats and female cats can also become infected with ear mites. Usually, ear mites affect both ears at once, but if only one is affected, both ears need to be treated, otherwise the mites will simply change their place of residence.

Ear mites themselves are not very dangerous for cats and can be treated quite easily, but sometimes they may require some effort and persistence from the cat owner during treatment. Otodectosis must be treated immediately after the first symptoms appear in order to prevent complications, which are what pose a threat to the lives of cats and kittens. Due to intense scratching blood vessels the ear can rupture and a hematoma forms, which will require surgical intervention. In the absence necessary treatment the cat will develop otitis media, hearing will gradually disappear, the eardrum may rupture and the inflammatory process will spread to the middle and inner

how to give ear drops to a cat

Is it possible to give Otipax to a cat?

Otipax is combination drug, intended for local application in the form of ear drops. This drug, if Otipax is dripped correctly, has an anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic (local anesthetic) and antiseptic (disinfecting) effect. For effective and correct treatment with Otipax, you need to know how to drip Otipax correctly.

Otipax in the form of drops is prescribed medical specialists with barotraumatic otitis (otitis caused by a sharp change in air pressure), with otitis that appears as a complication after the flu, with acute otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear).

It is correct to use Otipax topically. To do this, the medicine is instilled into the ear, four drops at a time. The procedure is repeated two to three times a day. The duration of treatment with Otipax should not exceed ten days. To avoid irritation of the ear surface with a cold solution, properly warm the container with the drug in your palms before use.

There are practically no side effects observed with the drug Otipax. IN in rare cases possible hyperemia and irritation of the ear canal, allergic reactions. Contraindications for instillation of the drug Otipax: increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, damage eardrum.

Interaction with others medicines are missing. It is possible to instill the drug Otipax during lactation and pregnancy, but provided that the eardrum is not damaged.

It is correct to undergo an examination by an ENT doctor before starting to use Otipax. It should determine the integrity of your eardrum. With a perforated eardrum, complications may occur due to the effects of Otipax components on the system

Can I give eye drops to a cat?

Can a cat be given Otipax drops?

Otitis is an ENT disease - a disease that is an inflammatory process that can be localized in various parts of the ear. This disease is quite common in adults and children.

Only an otolaryngologist can prescribe the correct treatment method for otitis media. Local therapy otitis involves the use of special ear turundas, ear drops and warm compresses. Usually along with local treatment otitis, the doctor prescribes antibiotics that have wide range actions.

Anauran drops (281 rubles) prescribed for inflammation of the middle ear, acute and chronic otitis externa, they are used by instillation using a pipette into ear canal. These drops are used to treat adults (5 drops twice a day) and children (3 drops three times a day). Pregnant women and children are prescribed the drug only in extreme cases. Side effect Anauran drops: peeling of the skin of the ear canal, the appearance of itching and burning. System detection side effects unlikely due to the use of small doses of this drug.

Albucid eye drops belong to antimicrobials sulfonamide series. The bacteriostatic effect is achieved due to disruption of microorganisms sensitive to the drug (pathogenic cocci, chlamydia, coli, actinomycetes), the synthesis of substances they need to maintain life.

Albucid is used in the treatment inflammatory diseases eyes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other parts eyeball) caused by microorganisms sensitive to the action of the drug; in newborns for the prevention of blenorrhea.

How to put drops in a cat's eyes

Pets often suffer from the same diseases as us humans. As for cats, they have their own

Otitis in a cat: symptoms, treatment, causes, how to properly clean ears

Otitis media is a common disease in cats. These animals more dogs susceptible to the development of meningitis and deafness due to long-term development inflammatory processes in the ears, so it is important not only to be able to recognize the onset of otitis media in cats (symptoms), but also to be able to this state warn.

Feline otitis: general information and causes

The hearing organ of a mustachioed pet consists of 3 sections - the outer ear, the middle and the inner. Inflammation is classified according to the inflammation of a particular department.

Most often occurs otitis externa– can be cured most easily, relatively quickly and mostly without complications. But if you contact the veterinarian late or not proper treatment inflammation easily spreads to the internal sections.

With otitis media, recovery occurs without complications only with timely diagnosis and proper treatment. Deep otitis media or otitis media inner ear– the most dangerous pathology, which has the most consequences and complications (deafness and meningitis), not excluding cases of death.

Cats of all breeds and ages suffer from otitis media. Special breed predisposition no, but there is a high incidence of cases in old and weakened animals.

Hypothermia. Rain and drafts are the clear enemies of cats. If water gets into the ears, it stagnates and becomes an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. When hypothermia occurs, the animal's immunity decreases.

Otitis in dogs and cats. Treatment methods for otitis media in dogs and cats (continued)

Treatment of otitis in dogs and cats depends on the severity of symptoms and the cause of the disease. As a rule, therapy comes down to general treatment and local processing. General treatment includes mainly correct selection antimicrobials(antibiotics) if necessary. Local treatment consists of sanitation of the auricle and ear canal and the use of a variety of anti-inflammatory drops. Let's give a few examples.

Treatment option for otitis media No. 1

Wipe with hydrogen peroxide 2 times a day - up to 14 days. Wipe inner side ear and ear canal, removing crusts, ichor and purulent discharge, up to complete purity. The cotton swab should be damp and nothing should get inside the ear canal.

Chlorhexidine 2 times a day - up to 14 days. We wipe the inside of the ear and ear canal, previously treated with peroxide. The cotton swab should be damp and nothing should get inside the ear canal.

Lubricate the inside of the dog's ear with Bepanten or Celestoderm or DE (DK) Cream (vet.) 2 times a day - up to 14 days. In more complex cases, you can use ointments such as Fluorocort, Cortomycetin, Lorinden, etc.

Otitis treatment option No. 2

Wipe with hydrogen peroxide 2 times a day - up to 14 days. We wipe the inside of the ear and ear canal, removing crusts, ichor and purulent discharge until completely clean. The cotton swab should be damp and nothing should get inside the ear canal.

Hello everyone!

We have been familiar with ear drops for a very long time. We didn’t have children then, but we had a cat. He still exists, but we took him to the village to live. So here it is. One day our Filya fell ill. Everything happened suddenly, we noticed that he began to make some inappropriate movements on one side. Then one day he tried to jump and fell. The fall was ridiculous and not like him at all. Then they noticed that he was fiddling with one ear and scratching it. All these observations were made within one day and we immediately realized that there was something wrong with the cat’s ear.

The next day we took him to the vet. The doctor looked and said that the cat had some kind of illness - I don’t remember exactly what it was and prescribed these drops. Then the cat and I went to the doctor several times for a procedure - he cleaned his ears and got him a lot of rubbish. In general, there seemed to be some kind of ticks. And the cat's ear hurt. I don’t remember if there was any other medicine, but at home we used these drops and the cat recovered.

Then, when our first son was born and at the age of three he was diagnosed with otitis media, he was also prescribed these drops. I was very surprised then, because we treated the cat with them. It turned out that it also benefits people. It both relieves pain and relieves inflammation. The drops helped my son a lot more than once. Literally the next day he no longer said that his ear hurt. Afterwards, I myself, at the child’s first complaint of ear pain, and this usually happened to us as a complication after a virus, I immediately gave him Otipax, and then we went to the ENT specialist. The ENT doctor always approved of my actions and prescribed him.
So I can confidently recommend these ear drops and not only for children!


best before date

Otitis media is a common disease in cats. These animals are more susceptible than dogs to the development of meningitis and deafness due to long-term inflammatory processes in the ears, so it is important not only to be able to recognize the onset of otitis media in cats (symptoms), but also to be able to prevent this condition.

Feline otitis: general information and causes

The hearing organ of a mustachioed pet consists of 3 sections - the outer ear, the middle and the inner. Inflammation is classified according to the inflammation of a particular department.

Otitis externa occurs most often and is cured most easily, relatively quickly and mostly without complications. But if you contact a veterinarian late or improper treatment inflammation easily spreads to the internal sections.

With otitis media, recovery occurs without complications only with timely diagnosis and proper treatment. Deep otitis or otitis of the inner ear is the most dangerous pathology, which has the most consequences and complications (deafness and meningitis), not excluding cases of death.

Cats of all breeds and ages suffer from otitis media. There is no specific breed predisposition, but there is a high incidence of cases in old and weakened animals.

Factors that provoke otitis are divided into:

This name of the pathogen, while maintaining the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes of the ears, does not provoke otitis in itself. They significantly complicate their course by changing clinical picture and significantly prolonging treatment. Otitis media and internal ones are not always a consequence of external complications. There are a number of completely independent reasons that provoke inflammation. internal departments directly.

Causes of otitis media and deep:

  • Injuries temporal bone or other parts of the skull near the ear canal.
  • Perforation of the eardrum due to external factors(blow, loud sound), and in the form of a complication of external otitis.
  • Cancerous growths with penetration into the ear.

In cats, the vertical and horizontal canals of the ear canal are almost on the same straight line, so any pathological discharge when inflamed, they easily flow to the eardrum. With purulent otitis, its perforation (rupture or dissolution) is observed, through the hole of which pus and other fluids can enter the head, affecting the brain. In addition to deafness, meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain) may develop, and in especially severe cases the animal may die.

Signs of ear disease

The very first sign that there is something wrong with the ears pet Something is wrong - this is the cat’s increased interest in the ears: she strokes them, scratches them, slightly covers them and tilts her head slightly towards the sore ear.

These signs indicate otitis externa, and this is a good reason to go to the veterinary hospital!

With otitis media and internal otitis observed:

  • sore ears (sometimes prevents you from even touching);
  • an increase not only in local temperature, but also in general;
  • for a long time purulent process signs of general intoxication - general depression, lack of appetite, vomiting;
  • the head is tilted towards the affected ear, slightly bent, the cat often shakes its head and meows at the same time;
  • obvious purulent discharge from the ear (especially if the integrity of the eardrum is damaged), a squelching sound is possible when massaging;
  • sagging of the eyelid and lip on the affected side if the inflammation affects the facial nerve;
  • in particularly protracted cases - purulent dissolution of the ear cartilage and auditory ossicles;
  • sudden jumps of the cat and fear due to unexpected painful shootings.

When the disease progresses to chronic stage the clinic may not be so obvious:

  • pet anxiety from periodic pain;
  • thickening of the skin around the entrance hearing aid, as well as near the auditory membrane (visible only during instrumental examination with an otoscope).

Specific symptoms:

  • allergic otitis is accompanied by hypersensitivity reactions in other parts of the body (urticaria, itching, swelling, etc.);
  • with otitis caused by ear mites, dirty brown discharge is noted, after cleansing of which bleeding ulcers and wounds may remain. Usually both ears get sick at once;
  • with otitis caused by the presence of excess moisture in the ear canal, the discharge will always have a liquid consistency, regardless of its characteristics (transparent or cloudy, serous or purulent);
  • fungal and bacterial otitis often have dirty yellow discharge with a specific odor. Ears are hot. The diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory cultures, when specific pathogens of the inflammatory process are isolated;
  • with otitis media caused by excessive hair growth, hair is found deep in the ear canal. Before starting treatment, the hairs are removed;
  • - in case of tumor inflammation or due to contact with foreign objects upon examination, the immediate causes are revealed - actually, neoplasms and foreign elements. Usually detected during examination using an otoscope.

Treatment of otitis media in cats at home

Self-treatment using “some drugs for otitis media” purchased independently from veterinary pharmacies can lead to irreversible consequences, so this is prohibited. You can treat ear inflammation at home only with prescribed veterinarian drugs. Improper treatment of otitis easily transforms its course into a chronic form.

Chronic otitis is periodically occurring pain, constant relapses, repeated courses therapeutic therapy and non-stop preventive measures. At the moment of exacerbation, the disease turns a kind and affectionate pet into an aggressive animal, often not even given in to hands. This form of otitis always progresses and in the most advanced cases sometimes it requires surgical intervention, which is not guaranteed to help. If you suspect that your cat has ear problems, it makes sense to immediately take her to the veterinarian.

What you can do at home:

  • carefully examine the ears to determine if pain is present;
  • carefully remove (cut) excess hair from the ear canal;
  • Wash the ear with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide and soak off any crusts. Lubricate the wounds with wound-healing antimicrobial ointments or a solution of brilliant green;
  • drip 2-3 drops of Otinum or Otipax: drugs from a human pharmacy that have an antipruritic and analgesic effect to eliminate possible discomfort in the animal;
  • gently clean the inside of the ears using the solution boric acid or furatsilin. Excess moisture is wiped off with gauze napkins or soaked with loose cotton swabs;
  • Apply anti-inflammatory ear drops for cats prescribed by your veterinarian.

What not to do!

  1. Try to clean an animal’s ears if you have never done this before!
  2. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate!
  3. You can't brush a cat ear canal without pain relief obvious signs pain (one-time pain is enough to prevent further examination of the ears and their treatment).
  4. It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide to clean ears, because... it causes noise when oxygen foam forms, which will frighten the animal. This solution only suitable for external processing ears.
  5. Do not warm affected ears.

Cleaning your ears correctly

It is better to clean a cat’s ears together, so that an assistant holds the animal for easy access to the person who will be cleaning. If there is no assistant, you will have to restrain the animal by wrapping it in a thick terry towel or blanket.

Help from a veterinarian

The diagnosis of ear inflammation is made based on clinical examination using an otoscope and laboratory tests contents from the hearing organs to determine the cause and specifics of the disease. IN special cases X-rays may be needed, as well as urine and blood tests and, in some cases, an antibiogram (to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to certain antimicrobial agents).

Treatment of otitis media has some features, depending on the reasons that caused it:

  • in case of inflammation caused by mites, acaricidal (against ear mites) agents are first prescribed;
  • If a fungus is detected in a cat’s ears, ear fungicides (antifungal drugs) are used;
  • bacterial and purulent otitis require treatment systemic antibiotics and antimicrobial drops at the same time;
  • in particularly advanced cases it may be necessary surgery– artificial puncture of the tympanic membrane, deep cleaning and intensive antibiotic therapy;
  • Otitis caused by allergies or hormonal imbalances in the body is usually treated with antihistamines and corticosteroids.

List of drugs used to treat otitis media in cats

In therapeutic therapy ear inflammation The most commonly used drugs are:

Prevention of ear inflammatory diseases

Almost all preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the organ of hearing come down to the usual maintenance rules:

  • Periodically, but on an ongoing basis, inspect the ear canal of your pet and clean it of accumulated earwax by special means. There is no need to go deep into the ear canal. Preventative cleaning consists of cleaning only inner surface auricle;
  • Avoid keeping your cat in damp rooms for long periods of time, which may pose a risk of hypothermia;
  • try not to get water into your ears while swimming (if this happens, it is recommended to blot the inner ear canal with a loose cotton swab);
  • regularly carry out preventive treatment against fleas and ticks, and also exclude contact of your pet with yard and homeless people;
  • carry out tick and flea treatment for all surrounding pets, as well as items for the care and maintenance of the pet.

Otitis is very dangerous due to its consequences. It's unwise to practice self-treatment pet, literally risking not only its health, but also its life.

HELLO, dear readers!

I have been familiar with Otipax drops for a very long time.

She herself is about two years old, and the child and cats are older.

Just yesterday I had to buy them again, as I was faced with otitis media again.

Several years ago I treated my cats with this drug - the vet prescribed it for them. The drug helped the animals quickly. There were also cases when they purchased Otipax Gold and Otirelax, they also helped. But it is Otipax in lately somehow they began to prescribe it more often to both animals and humans. I even used it to cure a cat from very strong problems with ears, that’s why I remember it.

These drops cost about 300 rubles in our pharmacy. As a rule, you can find it for 200, but last time I had to buy it at a 24-hour pharmacy, and everything there costs much more. But when it’s really bad, it’s easier to buy more than to suffer.

The packaging is the most standard - a cardboard box with a bottle and instructions inside.

Some of the information from the instructions is also duplicated on the box.


For local symptomatic treatment and pain relief in adults and children (including newborns) for:

Otitis media in acute period at the time of inflammation;

Otitis, as a complication after the flu;

Barotraumatic otitis.


Perforation of the eardrum;

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Drops are instilled into the external auditory canal, 3-4 drops 2-3 times a day. To avoid contact of the cold solution with auricle The bottle should be warmed in your palms before use.

The duration of use of the drug Otipax is no more than 10 days, then the prescribed treatment should be reconsidered.

Side effects

Maybe: allergic reactions, irritation and hyperemia of the ear canal.


Data on overdose of the drug Otipax are not provided.

Drug interactions

Currently, there is no data on the interaction of Otipax with other drugs.

Special instructions

Before starting to use the drug, you must ensure the integrity of the eardrum.

If the drug is used with a perforated eardrum, the drug may come into contact with the organs of the middle ear and lead to complications.

Information for athletes

The drug contains an active component that can give positive reaction during doping control.

Pregnancy and lactation


  • Angina
  • Sore throat
  • Sinusitis
  • Ear diseases

It is possible to use the drug Otipax during pregnancy and lactation according to indications, provided that the eardrum is intact.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Shelf life - 5 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

After opening the bottle, the drug should be used within 6 months.

The bottle is very convenient - it initially has a regular cap on and an ear tip is included in a special bag, which you need to put on instead of this very cap.

The nozzle is very comfortable - thin, it fits well even into a child’s ear.

The bottle is thick, made of dark glass.

The drops are used quite economically. Usually, for otitis media, we were prescribed to drip into both ears for 5-7 days, 3-4 drops in each ear, even if one hurts.

The drops themselves are transparent, oily, similar in consistency to regular vegetable oil. They do not have a pronounced aroma. The child tolerates this instillation normally.

I have used Otipax more than once for myself and for my child.

He always helped very quickly and effectively, from the very first instillation.

The ears immediately stop "shooting". I like this speed, the drug works instantly, and immediately brings visible relief to both large and small sufferers.

There is only one thing I don’t really like - this drug can sometimes cause temporary hearing loss. Not in every case - for example, this happened to me once, but in other cases it was not observed. The child’s experience went well once, but on the second occasion of treatment with Otipax, this temporary hearing loss occurred, when there was a feeling of plugs in the ears.

This goes away approximately a couple of days after the end of treatment.

But, nevertheless, a very unpleasant and unnecessary side effect. So Otipax helps both adults and children quite quickly and very effectively, but you need to be as careful as possible in this regard and use it strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

It was constantly prescribed to us by an ENT specialist, and to cats by a veterinarian

Just in case, I’m attaching a photo of the instructions to the review, in case it helps someone:

This is not a lot, but not so little either - in the case of many eye drops The period is generally two weeks after opening the bottle.

So, in general, this is normal.

I like the drug for its effectiveness in relation to both children, adults, and animals.


I wish you and your loved ones the best health!

The article discusses basic information about what constitutes this problem with cat health and how you can deal with it at home, but you need to understand that the article is for informational purposes only and only a veterinarian can help your pet.

Otitis media in cats: types, symptoms, signs and complications, consequences, whether it is contagious to other cats and humans or not

There are three types of otitis in cats: internal (the most complex), middle and external. Signs of otitis may include strange behavior in your pet: head shaking, scratching, refusal to eat. There is also a discharge of pus, redness of the ears and a build-up of black deposits in the ears.

The consequence of otitis media is the destruction of the tissues of the ear and eardrum, which subsequently leads to deafness. Also, the accumulation of pus may not go outside, but inside, which can cause death.

When it comes to the transmission of the virus that causes otitis media, we can say that relatively yes, it is transmitted, but only under certain conditions. If cats feed from the same bowl or sleeping place, then infection is quite possible.

In humans, transmission of the disease is very rare. But even in a small percentage of cases, you should protect yourself and your children from close contact with a cat suffering from otitis media.

Ear otitis in cats, what to drip at home and what antibiotic is effective, folk remedies

Treatment of otitis media in cats different stages a little different. If otitis has not yet fully developed and has only affected top part ear, then you can use lotions like Otifri, rinse the ear, but under no circumstances heat it, this can lead to deafness.

At the middle stage of otitis, washing the ear should only be done with saline solutions; cleaning is done with tampons, but not with cotton wool, so that cotton particles do not remain in the ear. However, rinsing is not enough, so you need to give drops to combat inflammation and prevent the spread of infection - Aurikan, Otonazole and others.

Among folk remedies There are many that will speed up your cat’s recovery from otitis media. Zelenka, boric alcohol, hydrogen peroxide - will perfectly cope with the development of the disease.

Otitis in a cat treatment with otipax, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Otipax is a drug in the form of drops that can be used to treat otitis media in cats. After examining your pet’s ear, veterinarians will give precise instructions for using the drug. Usually drop 2 drops 2 times a day for 10 days. The price for Otipax reaches 250 rubles.

According to customer reviews, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which is very important in the treatment of otitis media. It also acts very quickly on the cause and relieves the disease in a short time.

Otipax has analogues that are suitable in composition: Oticaine, Otibru, Ototon and others.