Why dream of money in coins: it is possible to make a good financial profit. In a dream, count paper money, find it and give it away: interpretation of the best dream books

A dream in which you dreamed of coins is a good sign that speaks for itself, it is a sign of prosperity and wealth. But it is worth considering the fact that not every dream can be interpreted with positive side, and coins do not always mean financial well-being, since in a dream you can perform a lot of manipulations with them. Depending on their type and actions with them, the dream takes on a special color and meaning, which can be found in the dream book.

  • Why do you dream about coins? Such dreams may be a sign of changes in family life. These changes are directly related to finances; your family’s income will increase and relationships between household members will improve. , coins can mean your spiritual connection with old friends with whom you have not communicated for a long time.
  • Receive an old coin in a dream - problems of the past will fall upon you; in order to solve them, you will have to contact people with whom you have not kept in touch for a long time.
  • Why do you dream of money in coins? Such a dream is a harbinger of a number of unforeseen events that will greatly surprise you and bring new colors to your life.
  • Why do you dream of gold coins? Bright and unexpected events await you that will dilute your routine. After them you will feel rested and inspired. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about collecting coins? A series of minor problems and troubles awaits you in family matters. You think that your household demands too much from you, but this is not so.
  • , coins? Basically, such a dream warns that you are too focused on the financial side of your life. You should think less about it and prioritize correctly. Change your attitude towards money.
  • Dream Interpretation: counting change, coins - good sign, large cash receipts await you. This is a reward for living by the principle “a penny saves a ruble.”
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting coins from the floor - bad sign. This dream symbolizes that the efforts you are putting into achieving your goals are not working.
  • Why do we dream about commemorative coins? Such a dream indicates that you should change the climate and environment, get out of your comfort zone. Try to figure out where it would be better for you to relax, since you need a change of place to improve your general condition.
  • Why do you dream about old coins? You will probably receive an inheritance or an old debt will be returned to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: find coins in the ground - you have to find serious work, which will give you a good salary, but the search will be long.
  • Dream Interpretation: large coins – feeling unwell and failure in business.
  • Why do you dream of small coins? Such a dream is an unpleasant sign that warns that your dreams will remain dreams and cannot yet be realized.
  • A deceased husband giving coins in a dream is a very serious sign, because the offer that came to you is aimed at deceiving you and does not have good intentions.
  • Online dream book “coins” is a good sign of wealth and prosperity.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of coins? Such a dream marks the appearance in life large number good luck and pleasant changes in life.
  • Why do you dream of silver coins? The dream warns that you will have to face minor troubles and, conversely, minor changes that will ultimately lead you to your goal. Your life will be transformed by these small events. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of iron coins? This is a bad sign that foretells that decline and failure await you at work. You may even have to change jobs.
  • If you dreamed of a lot of gold coins, this is a harbinger that unexpected trips await you.
  • Why do you dream of small money and coins? Such a dream means that minor changes await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a 5 ruble coin is a sign that your plans will change due to the weather, so you need to think through everything in advance.
  • Stealing coins in a dream is a symbol of loss. These can be both material and spiritual losses.
  • Why do you dream of money in 10 ruble coins? The dream suggests that your finances are under mismanagement, and therefore you believe that there are always few of them.
  • Raising coins in a dream means you will need to solve the problems of others, but in the end you will be rewarded for your help.
  • Why do you dream of large coins? They are waiting for you good times, which will be successful for your endeavors.
  • Why do you dream of a chest with gold coins? This dream contains two symbols that are intertwined. The chest is a symbol of untouchability and secrecy, and gold coins are a symbol of money and wealth. Your savings will accumulate until you have an urgent need to spend them. Also, this dream can be interpreted not from the point of view of material wealth: your accumulated knowledge and experience will be useful in important matters.
  • Why do you dream of coins in water? IN at the moment your financial situation is in a difficult situation, and you will have to work hard to improve it. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about ancient silver coins? You should reconsider your attitude towards men.
  • Why do you dream about big gold coins? Such a dream indicates that you will be lucky to receive a large amount money.
  • Why do you dream of rare coins? This may be a sign that you will soon receive an inheritance or a large monetary reward.
  • Why do you dream about coins and money in your wallet? Such a dream suggests that you have hidden talents or abilities that need to be developed. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: change, coins - give away. Such a dream speaks for itself - you will have to repay a large debt.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a lot of gold coins” - a big increase in finances.
  • Dream Interpretation: throwing coins - expect big waste.
  • Why do you dream about ten-ruble coins? A conflict or minor quarrel awaits you at the everyday level.
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting change, coins - to tears.
  • Dream Interpretation: rusty coins are a sign that dirty, unpleasant, hard work awaits you, which will make you live in anticipation of more, but in the near future you will not have the opportunity to change it.
  • Why do you dream of metal coins? Be careful in your words and thoughts, as there is a risk of minor problems and gossip.
  • Why do you dream of finding a treasure with coins? This is a symbol of discovering something new and very valuable to you: you will discover a new talent in yourself, find a favorite hobby, maybe even discover a new character trait in yourself.
  • Why do you dream of a foreign coin? This dream indicates that your life will soon be full of travel.
  • Finding a treasure with gold coins in a dream means all your desired dreams will come true.
  • The dream of “looking for coins” means in reality you will find answers to questions that have been haunting you for a long time.
  • If you find a lot of coins in a dream, this is a sign that good luck will come to you.
  • Seeing commemorative coins in a dream means hitting the jackpot (not only monetary, but also in terms of good luck).
  • Seeing iron coins in a dream means expecting problems at work or school.
  • Coins in water - a dream promises you that it will be difficult to earn money, but it will be temporary.
  • coin - you will marry (or take as a wife) a stingy but very rich man.
  • Why do you dream about a big coin? A pleasant event awaits you in the form of wealth.
  • Why do you dream about 10 ruble coins? This dream is interpreted differently, depending on the day you dreamed about it. If on Monday night, then you will have to make a bold decision, the outcome of which is unknown; on Tuesday night - yours financial situation will worsen due to large waste; on Wednesday night - unpleasant news may await; on Thursday night - an argument with someone awaits you; on Friday night - the weather will change dramatically and this may affect your plans; on Saturday night - your finances will increase; on Sunday night - you will lose something valuable, be careful and careful.
  • Why do you dream about ancient coins? In the near future, you will have to hear a truth that you did not even suspect. Perhaps it will even be the revelation of old family secrets.

Esoteric dream book

  • If you dreamed of coins, this may mean that entertainment and fun moments await you.
  • The dream “iron coins” promises disappointment and sadness.
  • Why do you dream of finding coins? This is a sign that you will have to spend a considerable amount of money on relaxation and entertainment, but this will benefit you.
  • Why do you dream of coins in your hands? This dream indicates that you will be lucky enough to find benefits in some event in which you will take part.
  • Why do you dream about 10 ruble coins? This dream suggests that an activity will appear in your life that will bring you pleasure and benefit.
  • Why do you dream about expensive coins? Such coins are a sign that you do not notice all the values ​​in your life, and therefore you need to think about them and appreciate them while you have them, reconsider your attitude towards everything that surrounds you.

Modern combined dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: finding silver coins means your destiny will be haunted by good luck and pleasant acquaintances.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding old coins means that you will reveal old secrets and secrets of people close to you.
  • Why do you dream of gold coins? The dream book interprets this as a very good sign. This is a harbinger of wealth and prosperity not only in material terms, but also in terms of gaining spiritual peace and balance.
  • Why dream of coins in the ground - you will be able to earn money without much difficulty.
  • Why dream of giving away change, coins? Such a dream tells you that you will have to share your joy or sorrow with someone.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

  • Dream Interpretation: a handful of coins - troubles and problems await you.
  • Coins in your pocket - the dream book interprets such a dream as an attempt to loved one hide your finances.
  • Collecting ancient coins in a dream means that somewhere nearby is exactly what you need.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding a coin in a dream means finding your happiness.
  • Dream of “giving coins” - you will be given a gift. Which will be very valuable to you and will give you a lot of valuable knowledge.
  • Seeing small change or coins in a dream - such a dream promises melancholy and disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

  • Dream Interpretation: dream interpretation of “coins” - a symbol of sexual relations.
  • Seeing coins in a dream, collecting coins, means your desire to experiment in intimate life, improve its quality.
  • Seeing “money, a lot of coins” in a dream - your desire to improve your skills in bed is very strong. This dream can also be interpreted as your ability to support good relationship simultaneously with several sexual partners.

Vanga's Dream Book
The dream “many gold coins” warns you that you have ill-wishers among your friends.
Numerological dream book
Why do you dream about French coins? Such a dream promises you well-being and mutual understanding in your family, possibly joint trips abroad.
Slavic dream book

  • If you dream of coins, you will be offended or conflicted, be careful in your words and actions.
  • Why do you dream of finding gold coins? In reality, great success and good luck in business await you; you can safely begin to implement any plans.
  • Why do you dream of finding an old coin? You will be exposed to old family secrets that will change your impression of your relatives.
  • Seeing gold coins in a dream means you want to get rich at someone else’s expense.
  • The dream of “collecting coins from the ground” promises you good prosperity; you will not need to make efforts to earn money.
  • Why do you dream about iron money and coins? This is a sign that you need to be patient and wait, because now your dreams and goals will not come true.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Why dream of finding money, coins? This dream means that you have bad thoughts that are ruining your life. You should work on yourself and try to find yourself, live in the present, not in the past.
Why dream of finding gold coins? You are in for a serious profit, which will significantly improve your financial situation.
Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

  • Coins in a dream promise you happiness and prosperity in your family.
  • The dream of “finding coins” promises you to spend money on various entertainments.
  • The dream of “receiving coins” means that you will soon need financial help.
  • Collecting gold coins in a dream means that you will have to endure financial difficulties in reality.

Lunar dream book

  • Seeing coins in a dream is a bad sign, according to the dream book. Expects poverty and deterioration of financial situation, large waste.
  • Finding coins in a dream means that in reality you will find happiness and success in your endeavors and deeds.
  • The dream “rare coin” symbolizes that you have a strong emotional and spiritual connection with your chosen one.

General dream book

  • The dream of “gold coins” is a bad sign, which foretells that you will be deceived.
  • Two coins - a dream of this kind means that you have either already found your soulmate or are still looking.
  • Finding a treasure in a dream “coins” is a symbol of memories that are very dear to you, but you should not think about them too much, you need to live in the present and not return to the past.
  • The dream “coin in hand” means that there is a person in your life who can help you out at any moment.

French dream book

  • Collecting coins in a dream means you will face big losses not only financially.
  • Finding silver coins in a dream means that there is high probability that you will quarrel with a friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: “found a treasure, coins” - a good sign, promises good luck and prosperity.

Home dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “coins” such dreams promise wealth and prosperity.
  • Why do you dream of gold coins? The dream book interprets such a dream as meaning that you think very stereotypically, and you should reconsider your attitude towards life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of small change, coins - such a dream symbolizes that you will be overtaken by minor troubles that will prevent you from achieving your goals and implementing your plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding a coin in a dream means gaining great knowledge and experience.
  • Dream Interpretation: coins in your hands - people will appear in your life who can help you financially, or you will have to lend money to someone or repay a debt.

Islamic dream book
Islamic dream book: coins are interpreted as misfortune and failure that will haunt you.
Dream Interpretation: finding money, coins - sudden profits await you.
Jewish dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: dreaming about unusual coins means that you may be deceived. Be extremely careful!
  • Dream Interpretation: foreign coins are a sign that travel and short trips await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: coins in water are a sign that you will have to make efforts to earn big money.

Star dream book
Dream Interpretation: to see coins in a dream - in your life there will be an opportunity to benefit from some business in which you participated.
Dream Interpretation: collecting coins from the ground - money will flow to you like a river, and you don’t need to put any effort into it.
Magic dream book
If you dream of coins, you will suddenly become rich. An old debt may be returned to you, or you can find money and borrow it.
The dream “ancient coins” is interpreted as unexpected wealth, a sharp improvement in one’s financial situation for a long time.
Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn
The dream “money, coins” means that the time has come for the changes and changes that you have been waiting for for a long time.
The dream of “many coins” foretells you trips or even long journeys.
Chinese dream book

  • Silver coins in a dream are harbingers of an improvement in the financial situation, or a promotion awaits you. career ladder Try to work hard to achieve the desired result.
  • The dream of “giving away coins” means that soon your friend or acquaintance will need your help.
  • Large coins in a dream - the larger the coins, the greater the problem.

Autumn dream book

  • Counting coins in a dream is a bad sign; it foretells misfortunes and minor troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of “coin” a rich but very greedy person will appear in your life. You will have to come to terms with his character, as the feelings will be strong.
  • The dream of “finding money, coins” means that you are about to get rich.
  • Seeing old coins in a dream means that you are about to receive a special and unusual gift that will be very valuable to you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • A dream about coins is a symbol of troubles and problems that will darken your daily life.
  • Finding money or coins in a dream means finding profit and additional ways earnings.
  • The dream of “finding old coins” means that you will soon gain wisdom and experience.
  • Dream Interpretation: treasure, coins – auspicious sign. It promises an improvement in financial situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving away coins means that you will have to lend someone a large amount of money.
  • Dream Interpretation: small coins – failures and troubles.

Dream Book of David Loff

  • The dream “found gold coins” promises you good mood and joy.
  • Finding ancient coins in a dream means that you will have to use your savings.
  • Why do you dream of gold coins in your hands? Such a dream promises you good luck and success in all your endeavors, which you have long planned but did not dare to implement. Now is the time for this.
  • The meaning of the dream “coins”: you did not miss the opportunities that fate presented to you.
  • Seeing a silver coin in a dream means expecting a quarrel and misunderstanding.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Dream “small coins” - problems and troubles await you in the service; your relationships with people (both in the family and in society) will begin to deteriorate and lose mutual understanding.
  • Seeing a lot of coins in a dream means that in order to earn money you will have to put in a lot of effort.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of coins? This is a sign that you have great potential to earn more, and life gives you such opportunities. Miller’s dream book also interprets coins as the appearance of minor problems in your life.
  • Why do you dream of ancient coins? Miller’s dream book says that secrets and secrets will be revealed to you.
  • Why do you dream of a chest of coins? This is a good sign, which means that your wishes will soon come true. But for this to happen, you need to put in the effort and work hard.

Eastern dream book

  • Seeing coins in a dream means expecting well-being, development and prosperity both in the family and in one’s personality.
  • If you were given a coin in a dream, it means a person will appear in your life who will help you financially in difficult times.
  • In a dream, giving coins means waste.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding ancient coins promises you that in real life you will have the opportunity to get rich.
  • Why do you dream about unusual coins? This dream means that very good news awaits you in the near future, after which you will be inspired and happy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of coins means that your finances urgently need to be streamlined, you need to properly distribute expenses.

Gypsy dream book

  • Why do you dream about copper coins? This dream is a harbinger of great happiness and good luck.
  • Why do you dream about money in a lot of coins? This means that you will have financial difficulties.
  • Dream Interpretation: receiving a coin means that you will need help, which you will receive from loved ones.
  • Why dream of collecting coins from the ground? This dream means that minor troubles and problems await you in life.

Eastern women's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: copper coin - you will have to work a lot and hard physically, but such work will be well paid.
  • Dream Interpretation: rare coins are a symbol that you will be given the opportunity to earn money with almost no effort.
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting gold coins promises you hard work.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of coins? In reality you will find an addition to the total family budget on an ongoing basis, significant improvement in financial condition.
  • Seeing old coins in a dream means that you will have to experience an unusual event in life that will change your attitude towards your family.
  • The dream “commemorative coins” means that you need to change the situation and atmosphere. Perhaps take a vacation.

American dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a trifle, coins mean that you have unlimited opportunities in life, and you have the power to achieve your desires yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: gold coins - your inner world is very rich, you constantly strive for self-improvement.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding coins means that you need to pay attention to your financial situation.

Newest dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: coins symbolize that there are unresolved matters in your life that you are worried about. In order for the alarm to go away, they must be completed.
  • The dream “big coin” promises a deterioration in health. The larger the coin and the more significant it is, the more serious the disease.
  • Finding gold coins in a dream means that you will soon go on a trip to a place you have long dreamed of.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • The dream “old coins” promises you minor problems and unpleasant chores that will interfere with your daily life.
  • Interpretation of dreams “coins” - this dream is a sign that an unexpected increase in money will come into your life.
  • Why do you dream about gold and silver coins? Such dreams promise poverty and lack of happiness.
  • Why do you dream of collecting a lot of coins? Luck will turn to you in small matters.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding coins is interpreted as a sign that your wallet will soon receive a big increase.
  • Seeing gold coins in a dream promises adversity and lack of joy.

Dream book of health

  • Dream Interpretation: money, coins - this dream means that you will soon be rewarded for your work.
  • Why do you dream about paper money and coins? Such a dream means that you have pure and good thoughts.
  • Dream Interpretation: commemorative coins are a sign that you will be very lucky in some matter.

Combined dream book

  • Why do you dream of finding coins? Such a dream may be a sign that your relative will interfere with your work, and because of this, your business may go downhill.
  • Why do you dream about collectible coins? At work, your colleagues do not appreciate you, there is envy.
  • Why do you dream of finding ancient coins? Such a dream foreshadows that you will meet with your old friend or acquaintance.
  • The dream of “copper coins” means that you will have to work for a small salary, this activity will probably bring you pleasure, and the financial side will not bother you.
  • Silver coins - the dream book interprets such a dream as meaning that at the moment it is a very good time for your plans and undertakings; good luck will accompany you.
  • Dream Interpretation: “counting coins” foretells you strength and inspiration to implement your plans and intentions.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding gold coins means you will have the opportunity to easily earn big money.

Dream interpretation horoscope

  • What do coins mean in a dream? Unexpected profits await you.
  • The dream of “money, collecting coins” means that circumstances will force you to work very hard to earn money.
  • The dream of “collectible coins” means that your relationship with your chosen one is very good and open, you both sincerely love each other and have no secrets.
  • Dream Interpretation: collect coins - expect a lack of financial resources.
  • Dream Interpretation: ancient coins are a sign that inspiration will soon come to you and your moral strength will rise.

Dream book for a bitch
Finding ancient coins in a dream means that an inheritance or sudden profit will befall you.
Seeing money or coins in a dream means money that will solve your problem.
Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing coins in a dream is interpreted as your desire to reconsider your life and values, and set priorities.
  • Why do you dream of finding money and coins? A joyful event that you have long guessed about will soon happen in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: old coins - such a dream suggests that you need to delve into yourself, in your past, most likely there you will find answers to the questions that interested you; Meetings with old friends or acquaintances are possible, after which you will resume communication.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large coin is a symbol of a promising future; your plans will come true, but not immediately. If you put in enough effort, all your plans will come true.
  • Why do you dream a lot? small coins? Such a dream promises you tears and sadness, but these disorders will be temporary.
  • Why do you dream of yellow coins? Some of your loved ones or friends think that you are a greedy person. You probably need to think about your attitude towards money.

A dream in which you see coins does not require much effort in interpretation, as this is a good sign of wealth and prosperity. Such dreams can occur if you think too much about money or complain about its lack. You should reconsider your attitude towards them and focus less on material things, pay more attention to the spiritual, or get ready for a good increase in salary.

Seeing or receiving a beautiful piece of land in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life.

Well maintained land with beautiful gardens in a dream is a sign of great family happiness.

Land covered with greenery or moss in a dream means money or a profitable marriage.

A barren land is dreamed of by those who face failure and bitter losses.

If you dream that the land is sown with wheat, then your hard hard work will help you become rich.

Kissing or eating the ground in a dream means humiliation and loss.

Vegetables growing on the ground are a sign of grief and trouble.

To see fertile, black soil terrain means your opportunities that you are missing due to laziness or weakness of character. Sometimes such a dream warns of excessive gullibility. The larger the plot of land that you see in your dream, the more wealth, joy and happiness awaits you in life.

If you dream that you are desperately digging the ground, then you should moderate your selfish appetites so as not to repent of it later.

Plowing, sowing, fertilizing, planting seeds in the ground in a dream means profit and growth in prosperity. For those getting married, such a dream predicts a strong family and healthy children.

Wet soil that has turned to slurry predicts illness. If you get dirty with it, then expect shame and strife. See interpretation: slurry, dirt.

Measuring out a plot of land in a dream is a sign of discord with relatives. Measuring a plot of land in a dream foretells that your situation will be desperate and your loved ones will begin to feel sorry for you. Place markings on the ground - for divorce or division.

Seeing the dug up earth is sometimes a sign of a funeral. Especially if you see it under the window of your house or near the house of your loved ones.

The ruined earth is dreamed of by those whose life is not settled. Such a dream does not bode well for them soon.

If rods, sticks, or pieces of wire stick out from the ground, then expect delays in resolving your case. In addition, you have enemies who are trying in every possible way to harm you. And this dream also means that you have made a lot of mistakes in your life. Try to correct errors if possible.

Seeing the earth from a ship in a dream is a sign of imminent success that will follow long experiences and searches.

If you see a foreign country, they will soon make you an interesting offer related to the trip.

The earth opened up under your feet in a dream - a sign that a collapse awaits you in business and in love. Such a dream predicts long suffering, disappointment and humiliation. See interpretation: earthquake.

Getting stuck in muddy ground in a dream means that your business will stall. If in a dream you are lucky and you get out of the swamp, then fate will generously reward you for your hard work. See interpretation: swamp.

Seeing diggers in a dream means that your enemies are waiting for your death.

Lying on the ground in a dream is a sign of the unsettled nature of your life and the collapse of your plans for the future. After such a dream, it may well be that you will lose your livelihood.

If you dream that the earth has collapsed before your eyes, or see an earthly failure in a dream, then your plans will fail completely, troubles or misfortunes await you. They say that such a dream predicts good luck for those who owe money or are going on a journey, since it promises to the first that they will not have to pay debts, and to others that their journey will be successful.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Even in ancient times, people tried to unravel dreams and gave them special meaning. People observed events, as a result of which dreams acquired a special interpretation. To this day, many are interested in dreams and think about why they had this or that dream, whether it portends good luck or, conversely, sadness. For example, why see money in coins in a dream?

Why do you dream of money in coins?

Quite often people dream of money as paper bills, and coins. What does this dream promise?

Many people know that money is a symbol of wealth, prosperity and prosperity, but does everyone know that coins can also warn of troubles, talk about work, happiness and love? The interpretation of dreams in which you see coins can be different, it all depends on the actions with the coins, their type and type.

Gold coins in a dream foreshadow wealth, prosperity and pleasure (for example, an exciting journey through an amazing beautiful places). Gold coins also tell us that business is thriving and you are boldly moving forward.

Seeing silver coins in a dream promises failure and discord in the family.

If you love silver, then a dream in which you saw yourself as the owner of brand new, shiny silver coins will be happy for you.

If in a dream a girl dreams that her lover brings her a silver coin as a gift, then in reality the young man will undeservedly insult her.

Why do you dream about ancient coins?

Ancient coins that no one has used for a long time, entering your dream, will push you to think about what holds you and what will direct you to achieve new life goals.

Small coins, which you can also meet in a dream, will tell you that you are a diligent person, and if you collect small coins, do not rush to despair, the amount of small coins can be quite large! The dream will also remind you that if you wish, you will receive decent income and for this you need to make every effort.

Copper coins in a dream foreshadow grief, and nickel coins foretell work unworthy of you.

Why do you dream of money in coins that you collect?

Collecting coins in a dream means that you are looking for the most suitable options to fulfill your dreams.

If in a dream you collect coins from the ground, you will experience great excitement. You collect a lot of coins and at the same time you bend down to the ground for each one - such a dream promises a successful ending to a matter for which you were very worried, your financial situation will change for the better.

Collecting coins from the floor promises tears and grief.

Coins collected from the sand symbolize that high profits You can't expect it anytime soon. But coins in water, on the contrary, portend you material well-being and tall financial profits.

Coins in the snow indicate excitement: learn to save money and you will achieve success.

If in a dream you collect coins in the sea, then a reward for your work awaits you.

Money picked up on the road will tell you that everything you have in mind can be brought to life without obstacles.

Find coins in a dream

Finding coins in a dream foretells good luck as well as profit. An unlucky sign will be coins that were found dirty; such a dream promises failure.

A dream in which you found gold coins will give you the chance that you will be able to improve your financial situation.

Finding a lot of small coins in a dream promises anxiety and various matters.

A dream in which a stranger pours coins into your palms indicates an increase in prospects.

Losing coins portends troubles that are not so easy to deal with.

A person who counts coins in a dream indicates problems with the law.

Seeing an uncountable number of coins in a dream promises wealth, which will so unexpectedly come to the dreamer’s house.

The ringing of coins in a dream promises you great prospects and prosperity.

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according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you have found money means minor worries, but great happiness. Changes will follow. Paying money means failure. Receiving gold means great prospects and unclouded joy. Losing money means that you will experience unlucky hours in your home and troubles await you at work. Counting your money and finding a shortage is a sign that you will have troubles with payments. To dream that you have stolen money means that you are in danger and should watch your actions more carefully. Saving money is a sign of wealth and comfort in life. To dream that you are swallowing money foretells the emergence of selfish interests in you. Counting a large amount of money means that your well-being and happiness are within your reach. To dream that you have found a wad of currency, but a young woman is laying claim to it, means that you are in danger of losing your business due to the intervention of a person close to you. The person who has this dream may find that he is spending his money and living beyond his means. This dream is a warning! Do not irritate your mind with fruitless fantasies, for a collapsed house of cards also bitterly depresses the heart. Seeing small coins in a dream means dissatisfaction in business. You should expect troubles at work, and loved ones and friends will complain about your lack of attention. If you lose small money in a dream, you will experience slight self-neglect and failure. Found money promises favorable prospects. If you count coins in a dream, it means that you will be practical and thrifty. To dream that you have borrowed money predicts an ambivalent situation for you: you will seem better to others than you are, but this will not give you satisfaction. Spending other people's money promises that you will be caught in a petty deception and you will lose a friend. Counterfeiting money in a dream is a very bad omen. Asking for a loan means the emergence of new worries with an imaginary feeling of well-being.

Seeing money in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

In a dream, money can be lost, received or spent. Dreams about money actually imply power, control over others, and competence. Hence, important element To interpret a dream, you need to take a closer look at the people involved in commodity-money relations, as well as at the role you play in them. The life of many people who see money in their dreams is dominated by the desire to get it - such people are upset by the lack of money and the inability to control themselves when handling money. The latter is most clearly seen in money dreams that come to people who are bogged down in debt. If you receive money in a dream, try to remember who you receive it from and under what circumstances this happens. Perhaps this is a dream about a blessing. Receiving money in this case indicates a revival of emotional strength or renewal through the settlement of relationships that no longer gnaw at your soul. You may have a dream in which you have great wealth and distribute it to others. Often such a dream is a symbol of the need to convey blessings to others. The real need behind this rarely has anything to do with money, but rather the need to help others. Losing money without apparent reason reflects your inability to control yourself. This trait may relate to the area of ​​money relations, or may indicate an inability to restrain oneself from excessively wasting emotional or other resources. How do you assess the influence of money on your life? In some families, money is taken for granted. For others, it is a symbol of influence, control, and an indicator of status. Depending on whether you have problems with money, money dreams can also indicate your feelings towards power, whatever that may be.

Why do you dream about money?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

copper - sadness; luck is not what you wanted; silver - tears; paper - news, deception; gold - grief; to distribute - to unexpected wealth; repay the debt - to recovery; pick up - luck; see Borrow.

Why do you have a dream about money?

according to Vanga's dream book

Finding money in a dream is evidence that someone around you is preparing great evil against you. Do not take other people’s things, even if they lie unattended in a remote place, for it is through them that unclean people send damage to good people, believers. If you dreamed that you were receiving money, then people around you see you as generous, kind person, who is always ready to help in difficult moments of life. Seeing torn money in a dream is a bad omen. Torn money symbolizes poverty, hunger and robbery. Perhaps in the future you will lose all your savings as a result of a robbery committed on your home. If in a dream you counted money, then in real life you are a very petty person. You need to reconsider your attitude towards money, because it will never replace human relationships. Handing money to someone in a dream means that you will soon need a lot of funds to successfully complete the business you have started.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If you received money in a dream, then this speaks of prosperity. If you dream that you are giving money, then the dream reflects your ability to borrow money.

Why do you dream about the ruble?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

trouble to tears.

Why do you dream about a wallet?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

find with money - success in love; stolen - (for a woman) - casual connection or an unwanted meeting; (for a man) - getting rid of something or someone; empty - disappointment; betrayal in friendship or love; lose - you will become dependent; your secrets will be known; see Bag.

I dreamed about a wallet

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that your wallet is full of diamonds and banknotes, - this means that from now on you will find yourself in a circle where you will be greeted with words of approval, and harmony and tender love will turn the earth into a paradise for you.

Why do you dream about paying?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

according to accounts - acquisition; for a purchase - an unexpected gain instead of an expected loss; salary to someone - service; they pay you - it’s a scam; duty - to take revenge; getting rid of illness; compensation for damage; they lend you - see lend.

Why do you dream of wealth?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

beware of frankness with a stranger; being rich means illness.

Dreamed of wealth

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you have wealth, it means that you will rise through career ladder to ever greater prosperity thanks to constant diligence and attention to one’s affairs. Fate will not present you with an opportunity to reproach her, unless you yourself ruin your happiness by deceiving your wife. A dream about wealth foreshadows successful, albeit risky, ventures in business life. Seeing others rich is a sign that in difficult times there will be many friends next to you. For young women, this dream is an encouragement to more attentive attitude to your parents.

Why do you dream about a banknote?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


I dreamed about debt

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing debts in a dream is a bad omen; such a dream predicts failure in matters of love and a struggle for lack of property. But if you fulfill all your debt obligations, then in reality your affairs will take a favorable turn.

Why do you dream about debt?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

return - to recovery; pay - settle scores; free or recover (for the sick); you are being paid - beware of addiction or revenge.

I dreamed about a loan

according to Miller's dream book

Borrowing is a sign of loss and lack of help. For a banker to dream that he is borrowing from another bank, foretells that the influx of demands on his bank for the return of deposits will lead to his complete collapse, unless he heeds this warning. If someone borrows money from you, you will get help when you need it. True friends will visit you.

I dreamed about my salary

according to Miller's dream book

The salary you receive in a dream will bring unexpected luck to people entering into a new business. Paying a salary means that dissatisfaction awaits you. Seeing that your salary has been reduced is a warning that unfriendly actions may be taken against you. An increase in salary seen in a dream suggests extraordinary profits in any enterprise.

Why do you dream of borrowing?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

(money or things) - to troubles or illness; for some - to receive protection; for a dead man - an unexpected gift; gain in a lost cause; demand duty - danger; for patients - deterioration; unknown to whom - anxiety and troubles; clothes - illness and troubles in the service; borrow on your own - a mistake, a mistake.

I dreamed of borrowing

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are lending money foreshadows difficulties in paying financial bills or other troubles. Lending some things promises you that you will take the path of generously helping other people and thus come to the idea of ​​the need for self-improvement. If in a dream you refuse to borrow things, the dream foretells that you will awaken a great interest in your affairs, the conduct of which will arouse respect for you from those around you. If someone offers you a loan of money or lends you things, then this dream is a harbinger of the beginning of a strong friendship.

If you have a dream in which you cannot pay off your debts and feel bankrupt, then in real life do not be afraid of the threat from this side. On the contrary, your energy and self-confidence allows you in the best possible way organize your affairs. However, other worries can confuse your soul. If you see others bankrupt, this means that in reality you will meet noble people who are honest in their affairs, although perhaps they can harm you with excessive frankness. For a young lady, this dream promises a small quarrel with her beloved, which is to blame for the difference in their views.

Expert answers


In a dream, my friends ask for some money for travel at the end of the day. I’m already reaching into my wallet and telling them that yesterday they took it and haven’t given it back yet, which means yesterday is 20 and today is 20 and they will have to give me 40. I open the wallet, there are different bills, I take a green one - 20, but I don’t remember further, so that she gives it to them, either morning has come, or the dream has changed. I myself am trying to put on someone’s shorts, but they are too small for me, only to the knee. What is all this for? (K, Svetlana)

Lending money in a dream means that financial difficulties may await you in reality. Judging by the fact that you can't fit into shorts, there will probably be problems with the family budget.


Hello, today is my birthday and I dreamed that I came across a wad of money at home and counted it, then my mother and aunt were in the dream (they died), and then I saw a spider on the table, tried to brush it away, it jumped on the sink and I I tried to wash it off with water, but it jumped out and I woke up. Why is this dream? (Nuria Volueva)

The appearance of deceased relatives in a dream is always a warning about something. Judging by the description of the dream, in reality you will experience an improvement in your financial situation, however, you need to be careful so as not to accidentally miss the chance.

Anchor points:

Money on earth

Collect from the ground- not the most positive sign: he portends losses. For the most part they will concern financial sector– loss of money, thoughtless spending, etc., but deprivations are also possible that will affect other areas of life.

Collect from the floor

From the floor - to failure. At the workplace, you will expect some kind of trick from people who treat you unkindly. You yourself give them a reason to laugh at you; you should be stronger and not pay attention to any difficulties that await you.

Money and graves

From whom you collected money - to troubles, illnesses. Pay attention to your health - now you feel slightly unwell, but do not consider it necessary to visit a specialist. The more carefully you monitor the health of your body, the fewer difficulties will arise during the treatment process.

In the water

If you succeed in this, then you serious troubles or danger pass. There is a threat hanging over you, but you can get around it. If failed to get money out of the water, - on the contrary, expect a streak of failures that will not pass you by.

Put it in a piggy bank

To the piggy bank- to material difficulties. You will really need money for important event, but there will be absolutely nowhere to take them from. You should not borrow funds, otherwise it will be very difficult to pay off and you will have to regret your indiscretion.

Money for funeral

Collect for funerals– the interpretation of such a dream depends entirely on exactly how much money you were able to see and collect. A lot of money means wealth, unexpected financial growth, a small amount of it means difficult life struggles and problems, including in material terms.

For car

Collect for car- to the ambulance long journey. This dream does not promise the purchase of a car, but the possibility of traveling does. It won’t necessarily be long and eventful; you may just have to go to a neighboring city for interesting event for you.