Seeing change in your hands in a dream. Small coins found in a pocket or purse

Seeing small things in a dream is not a particularly emotional event. It is unlikely that such a dream will cause any violent reaction in the dreamers. It is customary to rather ignore such a dream, not considering it important or significant. However, in reality the importance of little things seen in a dream is often greatly underestimated: the real influence of such a dream is not comparable to its apparent simplicity. Why do you dream of small change, small money? What does it mean?

Having seen a dream in which the dreamer has to deal with small change, it is important to first of all pay attention to what kind of money it was.

  • Small paper money portends the dreamer a lot of empty troubles. His efforts will be spent on something completely useless, which will bring neither pleasure, nor satisfaction and pride from the work done, nor real income. The profit, if there is any at all, will seem so meager to the dreamer that he will try to get rid of it as soon as possible. This kind of “reward” hurts human pride and can have an impact on the dreamer. unpleasant effect, causing him to fall into depression or doubt his own abilities.
A dream in which small paper money appears also suggests that, having plunged headlong into everyday trifles and trifles, the dreamer does not notice something important and significant.

By focusing on the monotonous paperwork, he misses out on a valuable business proposition. Having seen small paper money in a dream, it is important to take a break, stop paying attention to details and try to look at own life a little more global.

  • Copper coins dream of a prudent, prudent and prudent person. The dreamer is firm in his convictions, he is not afraid of difficulties, and overcoming obstacles is life path is given to him with success and without much difficulty. A dream in which the dreamer has to deal with copper coins also foreshadows a lot of noise out of nowhere, a lot of attention to a meaningless circumstance.
  • Silver coins foretell the dreamer the imminent revelation of a secret plan one of his colleagues, friends or family members. Learning about someone's betrayal is always very difficult, and for the dreamer such an event can be a real blow, but there is no need to despair. It is important to remember that life does not end even with such unpleasant events. And a crime prevented is a crime that is twice or even three times less, therefore, the harm from it is also much less.
  • Gold coins in a dream prophesy the dreamer a comfortable existence. An unexpected but very noticeable improvement in his financial well-being awaits him.

How did the dreamer react to the money?

Having seen a trifle in a dream, it is also important to pay attention to exactly what situation the dreamer is in and how he reacts to what is happening. Why do you dream about small change?

  • If in a dream the dreamer counts the change and makes sure that he is missing quite a bit to make a purchase, it means that real life the dreamer knows the value of money and does not show that excessive wastefulness that is so characteristic of the vast majority of wealthy people.
  • If the dreamer has to collect small items scattered on the floor, in real life he most likely you will have to do small, boring and unprofitable things. Such work will bring nothing but disappointment and dissatisfaction.
  • Find change on the street, at home or in any other unexpected place - a very good sign. Such a dream promises the dreamer good luck and financial enrichment. The life of this person will be filled with pleasant surprises and surprises. If the coins are also of different denominations or even different currencies, such a dream can be considered one of the most favorable of all existing ones.
To summarize, we can say that a dream in which a trifle appears can generally be considered favorable.

Seeing a lot of little things in a dream means: you will have to work hard, there will be troubles, losses in business, financial problems. The dream book also gives positive interpretations of what the dream plot means: increased wealth, getting rid of troubles, a happy chance.

Dissatisfaction with affairs, various changes

Such a vision indicates: you will be dissatisfied with the way your affairs are developing. Perhaps your loved ones will complain about your inattention and neglect.

Did you have a lot of small coins in your dream? There are changes ahead that can be judged by the value of pennies. Large denomination coins promise profit, small denomination coins promise anxiety and sadness.

Don't give up, share your experience

Have you collected them in your pockets, bag, wallet to save for a purchase, and still found the required amount? The dream book is encouraging: in reality, in a certain matter, all is not lost - take action.

What did you do?

Remember exactly how you dreamed about the coins. You them:

  • received from someone - you will have to work hard for a very small salary;
  • believed that you can realize your intention if you show frugality and practicality;
  • found - business losses;
  • scattered - troubles ahead;
  • picked up from the floor - to tears.

Pleasant surprises, success

The dream book calls a lot of little things a harbinger of many unexpected events. Minor but pleasant events will happen.

Improved well-being

In a dream large number a brand new little thing promises an increase in family wealth. Have you seen old copper money? Happiness is ahead. Silver or gold? Trouble is coming.

Why else do you have a vision of her? The dream book suggests: justice always triumphs. Therefore, if you were unfairly offended or deceived, you cannot respond in kind.

Don't waste your energy, watch your behavior

Such a dream warns: the sleeper often spends his energy in the wrong direction and gets scattered. Perhaps this is an unprofitable business or an affair in which he gives more than he receives. You should think about your next steps.

Did you dream about a lot of small change that you used to pay? This plot foreshadows unpleasant consequences from your recent behavior.

Financial difficulties, conflicts

Did you collect it in a dream? Financial problems will soon begin. Try to find an additional source of livelihood.

Why do you dream of old, worn-out coins? There is a lot of trouble ahead that will not bring satisfaction. Were they dark? Prepare for hostility and conflicts.

Difficulties in work, unjustified costs

A lot of little things in a dream promise difficulties in making money, says the dream book. Achieving financial stability requires great effort.

The dream also indicates: you spend too much time and energy on solving minor, frivolous matters. It's time to reconsider this approach.

Find - improve well-being, lose - part with problems

The dream book interprets finding a lot of little things as a harbinger of an improvement in one’s financial situation. But for this you need to pay attention to your financial affairs.

Did you happen to discover in a dream a treasure of ancient coins that, even if small, have significant value? Soon you will feel an increase in efficiency and internal energy.

Losing change means getting rid of troubles. Perhaps they were not too significant, but they were very annoying.

Small money in a wallet - poverty, big expenses

Why do you dream of a lot of change in your wallet? Be careful, as some of your actions can lead to poverty. Plan your expenses, avoid unnecessary expenses and do not get involved in scams.

In a dream, you had to pay, but there was no required amount, and there were only pennies? In reality, you will allow yourself to spend much more than you can afford.

Achieve prosperity, earn wealth

Did you see that you received a large amount of change in change? The dream book promises: after hard work and prolonged hardships, you will achieve material well-being.

Did you pay for it yourself in a dream, acquiring something valuable? This great sign. In reality, enrichment awaits you, but wealth will not fall on your head, you will have to earn it.

Have you given small coins to beggars or beggars? Very soon, luck will smile on you and fate will give you several lucky chances.

Popular dream books will help everyone who is interested in figuring out why they dream about little things. You should only trust trusted sources. For example, the works of Miller, Tsvetkov, Loff and other experienced interpreters.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Gustav Miller in his book explains in detail what money (trifles) means in dreams.

The interpretation, in his opinion, depends on the details of the plot:

  • If the sleeper discovers a cache of coins, his business is in danger of ruin. The reason for failure will be some familiar woman. Sometimes a clue as to who exactly, or the culprit of the collapse itself, can be seen in the same dream.
  • Counting a large number of small coins in night dreams promises a man or woman financial problems. To prevent them or deal with them faster, you need to learn how to handle money carefully, namely, eliminate all unnecessary expenses from your life and start saving.
  • The unexpected discovery of a couple of coins in a dream is a hint that enviable prospects will open up for the sleeping person in reality. You definitely need to take advantage of the chance given by fate.
  • Was a small gold coin accidentally swallowed? The dreamer will have new opportunity good income, which he had not previously considered seriously.

Vanga suggests: if a person in a dream finds coins made of precious material and gives them to someone else, he will have a successful completion of a painful task that began long ago. True, for an excellent result you will have to spend a lot of money.

Unexpectedly receiving small money as a gift means renewal and restoration of internal strength. A person will be able to become cheerful and energetic again after a long “hibernation”.

Loff's works note that the loss of small coins in a dream indicates the sleeper's inability to manage his affairs and finances. In reality, he wastes not only his financial savings, but also his internal strength and emotions.

Tsvetkov suggests that counterfeiting precious coins in night dreams symbolizes favorable life changes. They will lead to an improvement in the financial situation of a man or woman.

Admit it honestly - we prefer to hold in our hands not small money, but substantial sums, right? Meanwhile, in a dream they turn out to be a calmer and more favorable symbol - they do not exclude the appearance of small joys and reduce the severity of failures. Do not find out what your dreams are about from your friends - their plots may reveal your secrets. Read dream books alone.

Miller's Dream Book: Do you value yourself little?

According to Miller, a person who dreamed of small money is used to being content with little. However, troubles at work and the habit of friends using his time will cause bouts of irritability.

Why dream of losing coins? Miller's Dream Book warns: the source of failure lies in neglect own interests. Scattering means tears, collecting means hard work. Raking in coppers is a sign of possible bankruptcy.

Modest income

Seeing small change, according to dream books, portends poverty, and hearing the clinking of coins portends fun. If you dreamed of counting pennies, it means that frugality will save you from want. Why dream of counting revenue as small money and identifying shortages: to receive new unpaid receipts.

Financial takeoff

Dream books help you find good signs in your dreams. For example, you will get rich if you minted coins - in this case, a small change predicts great happiness. Counterfeiting copper coins represents the substitution of good for bad. A dream about a fake promises imminent grief due to one’s own fault.

The interpretation of a dream in which you dreamed of finding nickels or ten kopecks says the following: if they were new, shiny - to accidental profit, old ones - to pleasant troubles, paper bills- to improve well-being. Large paper bills in a dream bring home prosperity to a woman, and promotion to a man.

Cherish your friendship

Wasting other people's funds, even small ones, in a dream means that they will try to lure the dreamer into fraudulent schemes. According to another version, a friend will leave him.

A person who dreams of taking small money from someone, knowing that he will have to repay the debt, loses strength and needs a friend. Why dream of getting a solid loan and finding small bills instead of large ones - means loneliness.

Lending small money is a good sign indicating reciprocal help from friends. Giving away a large sum is also not bad, but in this case you won’t have to count on selflessness - you will receive support from a stranger, for some payment.

Changing small money in a dream means an empty quarrel. If you dreamed of giving torn banknotes to the bank and exchanging them for new ones, then there will be hope for long-awaited changes.

Symbolism of numbers

Dream books highlight small money of a certain denomination and reveal its meaning for the dreamer.

  • Seeing 1 kopeck means poverty.
  • Ten kopecks - to irritation.
  • One ruble means troubles and tears.
  • Seeing a patch means quick luck.
  • Fifty dollars - to search for additional income.

All good things go into the piggy bank

According to dream books, gathering in a dream illustrates dreams and the likelihood of their fulfillment. Why do you dream about a piggy bank? If full small money, then step by step you are closer to what you want, tempting prospects will open up before you. If it is practically empty, then all efforts will be in vain.

There is an opinion among people that seeing small things in a dream is bad, because such a dream symbolizes tears. In fact, a dream associated with coins can be interpreted in different ways. The interpretation of a dream depends on various small details associated with it.

The question often arises: why do you dream about a lot of little things? Usually such a dream symbolizes changes that should happen in life soon. If a person sees a lot of change or coins in a dream, this means that very soon he will become rich or will become famous. In addition, seeing coins in a dream is a sign of fun. A dream in which a person finds coins means that he will soon have to spend money on entertainment. If a person, on the contrary, loses coins in a dream, then this indicates that small incomes await him soon.

It is very important, when you see coins in a dream, to remember what they looked like: the material from which they were minted, appearance etc. These features will help in the interpretation of sleep. For example, good sleep the one in which a person sees gold coins means prosperity.

Gold coins in a dream are a good sign. The person who saw them in a dream will not only experience prosperity, but also be recognized by other people as an individual. If a person dreams of silver coins, then this indicates approaching family troubles. For example, a dream in which a guy gives silver coins to a girl warns her that she should be prepared for the guy to act dishonestly towards her. The only good sign is shiny silver coins, which symbolize the favor of fate.

Copper coins seen in a dream symbolize hard work and despair. If a person dreams of a bag of change, it means that soon someone will trust him with some important secret. To see in a dream how you receive wages a small thing can symbolize that management does not value you. If a person dreams of scattered change, then this may be a symbol of some troubles that will happen soon. A dream in which a person has lost a coin indicates that his child will bring him a lot of trouble.

A dream in which a person dreams of light coins is good. Dark coins in a dream mean conflicts and enmity, and the more clearly the patterns on the coins are visible, the stronger the confrontation in the struggle. Seeing small coins in a dream means the birth of a child.

A dream in which a person sees a lot of little things has different interpretations. He might be like good sign, and bad. A dreamed little thing can symbolize troubles, wealth, prosperity, income, fun, expenses, family problems, etc.

Dream Interpretation trifle Money

Why do you dream about small change Money in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dreamed of small change - there will be a waste of energy in an area from which there will be no proper return. A love affair is possible, from the participants of which you will not get anything good.

Paying with small money - your recent behavior will not remain without consequences, although they will be insignificant. Jangling change in your pocket promises financial problems, damages, losses.

Collect small change in a dream

If you collected small change in a dream, a pleasant find awaits you, an improvement in your financial situation. The dream also indicates the need to pay attention to current affairs. Forgotten projects can bring real profits, the main thing is to take advantage of them in time.

Why do you dream of counting change?

Felomena's dream book interprets counting small change as impending losses. Your dissatisfaction with life will be aggravated by a streak of failures. The material difficulties experienced in reality will not go away; things may worsen.

Why do you dream about small change?

A trifle is a symbol of hassle, empty activities and burdensome conversations.

A dream in which you see a trifle warns of imminent changes in life. Moreover, the changes will be unexpected and quite dramatic.

It is possible that the coins indicate a large number of interesting and exciting events.

One way or another, in the near future your life will no longer be boring and monotonous.

Finding small things in a dream - financial situation will get better. This answer to the question “why do you dream about small change” is also possible: coins are a warning signal that indicates extravagance and waste of money. It is also possible that such a dream symbolizes a difficult financial situation in the future.

Copper coins are considered a sign of long-term absence and even poverty. Silver coins have long foreshadowed tears and disappointments. Sometimes such a sign warns of a cold. Gold promises you honor and recognition; you will be considered an authoritative person in society.

Did you dream about the little thing you found? Some minor issues that were unresolved will resolve themselves. If there are a lot of moments found, you should know that luck will soon smile on you and a promotion at work will not take long to arrive.

Scattering change means petty and constant quarrels and disputes. Get ready for the fact that you will have to prove something and, most likely, your arguments will be in vain. Such a dream may also mean that they want to slander you or deliberately put you in an awkward position.

Have you seen yourself asking for change in a dream? Such a dream indicates dependence on someone or something. If in a dream you steal coins, know that you are in danger.

These can be not only financial difficulties, but also health problems.

Receiving coins from a person you trust indicates the emergence of a successful idea and its successful implementation. If a change is given to you by someone with whom you have a strained relationship, beware of being deceived or finding yourself in an awkward situation at the mercy of someone else.

The Felomena dream book interprets small things as changes in real life. The dream has different meanings depending on the type of coins. Silver coins portend anxiety and sadness, copper coins promise long-awaited profits.

What did you do with the change in your dream? Who gave you change in your dream? How much change did you see in your dream? Where was the change in the dream?

What did you do with the change in your dream?

Collect change

Counting change in a dream

A dream about counting small change characterizes the sleeper as a connoisseur of every penny. This is a reminder of the basic rule - money loves counting, as well as those who know how to count it. Financial luck is on your side, the work started during this period will be completed successfully.

Give away change

Who gave you change in your dream?

I dream that a dead man gives change

If you dream that you receive change from a deceased person, the dream warns you against committing rash acts. It is possible that the business proposed to you is not only unprofitable, but may pose a danger. Give it up at the first opportunity.

Find small change in a dream

Finding small change in a dream is not a very good sign. In reality, the dream foreshadows some losses, and we can talk not only about finances and material wealth, moral values ​​can also suffer.

How much change did you see in your dream?

I dreamed about a lot of little things

A dream about a large amount of small change foreshadows sadness. Scattered coins are associated with tears. The more coins, the more effort you will have to put in to generate income. Be careful when spending money; don’t spend everything on entertainment.

Where was the change in the dream?

I dream of small change in my hands

The dream book defines a small thing in the hands as small troubles that can bring a lot of trouble. If in a dream you hold a handful of small coins in your hands, a period of hopelessness and poverty may begin in your life.

Dream Interpretation collecting Trifle

Why do you dream of collecting small change in a dream according to a dream book?

Collecting small change in a dream means excitement and anxiety are expected. Do not despair, everything will end well, and in some way it is possible to make a profit.

All worries and fears will be in vain, but before you realize this, you will have to worry a lot. Don't take problems to heart.

Where did you collect change from in your dream?

Why do you dream of collecting small change from the ground?

If you dream that you are collecting small change from the ground, expect financial income; you will experience success in money matters, and getting rich will happen without much effort on your part. You will be able to improve your material well-being and become richer in the near future.

Why dream of collecting small change from the floor?

If you dreamed that you were collecting small change from the floor, your plans would fail, and losses were expected in your business. It is better not to start important projects, postponing the solution of serious issues until later.

And PLEASE tell me why I dream about a lot of little things???


Arina Mak

To dream that you have found money means minor worries, but great happiness. Changes will follow. Paying money means failure. Receiving gold means great prospects and unclouded joy. Losing money means that you will experience unlucky hours in your home and troubles await you at work. Counting your money and finding a shortage is a sign that you will have troubles with payments. To dream that you have stolen money means that you are in danger and should watch your actions more carefully. Saving money is a sign of wealth and comfort in life. To dream that you are swallowing money foretells the emergence of selfish interests in you. Counting a large amount of money means that your well-being and happiness are within your reach. To dream that you have found a wad of currency, but a young woman is laying claim to it, means that you are in danger of losing your business due to the intervention of a person close to you. The person who has this dream may find that he is spending his money and living beyond his means. This dream is a warning! Do not irritate your mind with fruitless fantasies, for a collapsed house of cards also bitterly depresses the heart. Seeing small coins in a dream means dissatisfaction in business. You should expect troubles at work, and loved ones and friends will complain about your lack of attention. If you lose small money in a dream, you will experience slight self-neglect and failure. Found money promises favorable prospects. If you count coins in a dream, it means that you will be practical and thrifty. To dream that you have borrowed money predicts an ambivalent situation for you: you will seem better to others than you are, but this will not give you satisfaction. Spending other people's money promises that you will be caught in a petty deception and you will lose a friend. Counterfeiting money in a dream is a very bad omen. Asking for a loan means the emergence of new worries with an imaginary feeling of well-being.


To tears(((


copper - a nuisance,
silver - futile efforts,
gold - important and unprofitable matters


Money is empty. In general, I want to talk about dreams. A dream is something that you did not imagine in reality. For you, your body thinks out, evaluates and advises you how and what to do, and also urgently demands the fulfillment of its desires and aspirations. If you don’t hear him, he begins to rebel, even to the point of the most serious illnesses, and he may even refuse to do so, even to the point of death. Mother Nature still demands her realization, and whoever resists her will not be treated well: failure, lack of success, mental and physical trauma, DEATH from incurable disease. If not removed cause - illness will transform or move into another form until a person realizes his origins and follows them.


They say you dream of shit in relation to money, and vice versa (tested from my own experience).

I knit to order Almaty

To minor troubles and minor troubles, the bigger the money you see, the better. If you wake up and think you had a bad dream, be sure to spit through it. left shoulder with the words - where is the night and sleep, repeat this three times in a row, believe me, it helps a lot - it’s been tested!

Anastasia Grigorieva

coins - to tears

A lot of change money

Dream Interpretation A lot of change money dreamed of why in a dream there is a lot of change in money? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on initial letter characterizing the dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of change money in a dream by reading below free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Change, money

I admit, I often collect money, change in my dreams. And as soon as I wake up, I’m not at all happy, because small change, money in a dream does not promise anything joyful.

Alas, collecting change in a dream means trouble. The more little things you collect in a dream, the more serious your troubles will be.

Even worse, if in a dream you walk and pick out small change, money from the mud or water, getting your hands or feet dirty, this is an extremely unpleasant form of the problem.

Try not to collect change in your sleep, and if you do, throw it away! A trifle in a dream means small, but ugly and disgusting troubles.

There are also paper money in dreams. This is also bad. It’s especially bad when someone hands you a pack in a dream paper money(a “slip the pig” situation).

Or, initially, paper money, say, suddenly ends up in your pocket in a dream. In this case, you should get rid of them, for example, throw them away, or make some purchases in the store, preferably “for everything.” So that nothing is left in your pockets.

One way or another, money in a dream means trouble. How more money it ended up in your pockets or in your hands, which means even more trouble;

A trifle - to minor troubles; paper money, large sums = big problems.

If, on the contrary, in a dream there is a process of embezzlement, giving away money, then this is a good dream, which means “getting rid of” problems.

It’s even better when in a dream you manage to give money to someone or lose it, for example, here is a very good scenario when, due to the fact that there is a hole in your pocket, the money is suddenly lost, this is a very good dream, a solution to all current problems at once. It’s also a good option when your money burns in a fire in a dream! Very good news(that’s exactly how it’s interpreted). Those. In this case, some problem suddenly resolved itself.

All of the above applies to jewelry, furs, and gifts. In a dream, gifts and riches always mean trouble. So... Give it yourself, or get rid of what was given in a dream!

Dream Interpretation - Trifle

"trifle" (about money).

"little things in life" insignificant, transitory.

Dream Interpretation - Trifles

Little things - buy - the heart will grieve - see - monetary expenses.

Dream Interpretation - Trifle

Dream Interpretation - Trifle

A trifle dreams of tears.

Dream Interpretation - Trifle

Seeing in a dream how you take change out of your wallet to pay the seller - all is not lost.

Dream Interpretation - Trifles

Buy - the heart will grieve; see - cash expenses

Dream Interpretation - Little things, small things

If you dream that you are sorting out or seeing many different small things in one pile or placed somewhere, then everyday chores, shopping, and wasting money on trifles await you. Such a dream usually warns of the need to be more thrifty and not throw money away. A dream in which you saw that you bought or someone gave you many different small things portends grief and worry.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

Many snakes - indicates matters related to the afterlife.

Many people dressed in white clothes indicate matters related to service.

Many people dressed in blue clothes- indicates separation from family, separation from loved ones.

Lots of people wearing purple or purple clothes - indicates abuse.

Stabbing a person repeatedly with a knife brings joy and benefit.

Many people gathered around the stove in the house - portends harmony in relationships and happiness.

Many people dressed in red clothes indicate great happiness and good luck.

A lot of fruit on fruit trees means that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

There are a lot of fruits on fruit trees - this indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

You lift a basin or a bucket, and the bottom falls off - foreshadows ruin.

Dream Interpretation - A lot

If you dream that you have a lot of something, then do not expect your hopes to come true. This is a dream in reverse. He encourages you to be thrifty and appeals to your common sense. If in a dream you have a lot of food, then you will have to starve; if there is a lot of money, then a long period of need and deprivation awaits you; if there is too much health, then you should save it in life without wasting it.

Why do you dream of a lot of change in your pocket?)


To Myself

give your change today to the first beggar you come across.. (only all that will be with you today).
By doing this you will avoid the minor troubles that this dream prophesies.

svetik sam

To minor troubles.


to tears and troubles


the heart will grieve - see - monetary expenses

Anyutka Zelenskaya

To my loss!

Ivanov Ivan

usually money is the dreamer’s strength and energy... maybe you’re tired? after all, strength is like money - you just had it, but it’s all spent, one little thing remains...
Now the news is good - there are a lot of little things!!!


Sevil Evteeva:

I dreamed that I was in some building and the water in it was about 10 cm deep and I saw a drop of water, I took it in my hands, washed it in the water and put it in its place, and not much further away another drop of water lay in the water, I also took it, washed it in the water and put it in its place, I left it there, that is, I didn’t take it


This afternoon I had a dream that I brought two three liters of money to the Russian Post Office. In order to transfer them to donate to the victims in Donetsk. Many in line understood and approved of my intention. (That is, I sent what I could) Woke up with tears in my eyes


I was at work and when we started to leave my jacket was not there, then I went to my work friend Vera and asked if she had any jacket, she said no, then I looked at my hand and there was some change in it.


I dreamed that I clearly remember fresh white bread, I buy it for small change. I remember giving nickels and tens in iron change.


I don’t remember how I got them, but I know for sure that it was a bucket full of change from a co-worker. I still have it, or maybe I hid it... It’s a small detail, they didn’t count it, I didn’t even understand why I needed it....


I have small coins of various coins in my piggy banks at home, I had a dream that while my boyfriend and I were sleeping, some small coins were stolen from a box. It was stolen by a man I know. I discovered the theft and went to this man, but he did not admit that he had stolen this little thing. Why would I dream about this?


It was like a slot machine into which I threw money in small change, but at another time, it was like some kind of casino and there was a man standing behind the bar counter and I threw change in some window and seemed to be waiting for a win.


He took out a handful of change from the back pocket of his jeans and, without counting, threw it all into glass jar half full of coins.


in a dream, I was walking somewhere with a friend, I began to notice that the pocket of the bag was overweight and was about to come off, I stuck my hand in and pulled out a whole handful of change, and a couple of coins fell out of my hand.


In a dream, I took money from a hole with a face value of 50,100 tenge and put it in my pocket. I tried to put more in all my pockets


I don’t remember the beginning of the dream. I remember my aunt said that my grandfather died (supposedly there was something wrong with his intestines), although in reality he had no problems with his intestines. Then I ended up right at their house (they live outside the city), but I had to go to the city, there was another person with me, I don’t remember who. I remembered that I had no money, I was upset, I was afraid that I would be late for the funeral, but my companion said that the bus was not expensive, then we began to count the change. And that’s it, I apparently already woke up.


In a dream, I wanted to give copper money to the children, the children were 2 girls, and send them to the store for groceries. but that’s where my dream was interrupted.


I dreamed that I was opening my bag, and there was so much small change in the inner pockets that it was about to spill all over the bag. I remember that I was surprised, I took all the small change in my hands, and then it was a failure. I don’t remember what I did with it ( (


Hello. My name is Andrey. Today I had a dream about how I buy from young guy In a Jewish bakery, I try to pay for bread (some kind of pastry with something) with a ten-ruble note, but they are all either torn or stuck together with tape. The seller does not take them. I’m trying to count small coins - they seem to be enough for a loaf of bread (apparently more than 10 rubles). But when I start counting the denomination of coins, it seems that the number of coins becomes smaller and I cannot complete the counting, I get lost. And so on several times. Then I take out 3 rubles from my shirt pocket. royal (black gold color) ISSUE 183...WHAT YEAR!!! The seller immediately agrees to sell me bread, but I understand that the old coin is expensive... and I leave. The action takes place in a modern city. Snow, as if the beginning of winter, but there is no cold. The dream colors are real, the bread smells delicious.


with strangers, he packed metal money into boxes with denominations of 10 rubles and 5 rubles and gave them away.


I don’t remember exactly, I just needed some change to give and suddenly I see that the money is quite old, from 1800, and I started choosing it




Colleague with former job he puts some change in my hands, supposedly they still have mine, but I deny and throw this change on the floor, because... she refuses to take it back.


I just saw a handful of change in my dream. And they were all the same color. Silvery in color, but not silver. The handful was full. Very complete.


Hello, my girlfriend had a dream
in a dream some old scary grandmother cursed her and threw change at her
she cried and I calmed her down (in a dream)
woke up crying - in reality
he says I don't remember anything else


Today I dreamed of a lot of little things, that I was collecting pennies from everywhere in the house, I have a lot of them in my hand, I’m trying to count them, I don’t know why, as if for something, and I just can’t collect them and concentrate…….


I dreamed that I was walking along the road and small change was scattered along it. Coins of 10 rubles. I wanted to collect it, I even picked up one coin, but then threw it away, because the thought arose in my head that there was a conspiracy on the coins for damage.


I saw money in a dream; I found gold coins worth 10 rubles, and I collected 50 rubles from the floor with some woman.


the man poured a handful of change and said, take something for your joints


Good evening, Tatyana! On the night of Wed-Thu I dreamed strange dream: ....I don’t remember what happened before that moment, but for some reason my fur coat was wet and I supposedly went into a store to buy something fabric and blot off the moisture...I was advised to use a soft terry towel of white and pink color...I got wet they got a fur coat and it became dry and even the pile didn’t wrinkle... I paid for the towel with one thousandth bill. In change I received a handful of small change, white and yellow. And when I began to count it, I discovered that it was old-style money and among it I found a small black button, like on men’s trousers. I was about to give this change back... I didn’t see the face of the woman who gave me the change, only her rough hands, workers, villagers... and then I woke up. What does this mean? Thank you Irina.( [email protected])


Hello! I'm ex-husband threw change on the ground, and he collected them


I didn’t have enough money for travel, I took out 3 10 rubles and some change from my pocket, and the ticket costs 23 and there were two of us, then I got some more change and I scolded her, and I saw all this little change. It was winter and it was long way to get to the station


Hello, Tatyana!
I dreamed that my stepson came to us and repaid a monetary debt to my wife (his mother) in coins ranging from one hundred rubles, there were various coins, including white and yellow (ten-ruble ones), and turning to me, he said that I The debt will be repaid later, one of these days somewhere.


Hello!!! This is the second time I’ve been dreaming about a lot of iron money, as if I’m walking around the store and want to buy something, I open my wallet and there are only iron coins. As a result, I don’t buy anything and don’t pay with them.