What is sleep in English? Foreign speech according to the dream book

Every day, very, very many people get up early in the morning, have difficulty getting out of bed, turn off the annoying alarm clock, make coffee, go wash and dream at that moment of only one thing - curl up in a ball under a warm blanket and sleep, sleep... What words can you say? there is no talk about sleep in the Russian language - doze, go to bed, wake up, rest, nod off, go to the side. I wonder if maybe English language boast of such wealth? Read our selection.

Go to bed

  • go to bed - just go to bed because it’s late/it’s early to get up tomorrow, etc., consciously falling asleep.
  • fall asleep - if you fall asleep involuntarily, something like our “eyes close” or “pass out.”
  • go straight to sleep – fall asleep immediately after something, for example: I go straight to sleep after long flight.
  • I"ll come tuck you in a minute - this is what they usually say to children, which means “tuck in a blanket”, “cover” - in general, it’s easy to help them fall asleep.


  • take a nap - a short nap during the day (how all office workers dream about this!)
  • (someone) got a good night"s sleep - sleep well at night
  • (someone) is passed out - accidentally, suddenly fall asleep.
  • a heavy sleeper - a person who sleeps soundly, as they say “you can’t wake him up with a gun”
  • (someone) sleeps like a baby - sleeps like a baby - peacefully, sweetly
  • (someone) sleeps like a log – idiom, equivalent to Russian “sleeps like a log”, “sleeps without hind legs”
  • (someone) snores – snores, snores in his sleep
  • (someone) sleeps on his/her back/stomach - sleep on the back/stomach

If you can't sleep

  • (someone) stayed up late - stay up late
  • (someone) was tossing and turning all night - toss and turn in a dream
  • (someone) is a restless sleeper – restless sleep in which you wake up in the middle of the night and spend a long time trying to fall back to sleep
  • (someone) has insomnia - insomnia
  • pull an all-nighter - stay up all night doing something (work, studying for exams)
  • a night owl – “owl”, a person who goes to bed late and wakes up late


  • (someone) gets to sleep in tomorrow - wake up in the afternoon, late
  • crawl back in bed - wake up and then go back to sleep
  • wake up to an alarm – rise by alarm clock
  • get up at the crack of dawn - wake up early, with the sunrise
  • Damn! I overslept! - oversleep
  • Rise and shine! - they say to a waking person, very similar to “rise and shine!”
  • an early bird – “lark”, early bird

Be sleepy

  • (some medicine) makes me drowsy – if drowsiness is caused by some medications
  • I can barely hold my eyes open – if you really want to sleep, but you are trying to hold on with all your might
  • I"m exhausted! - when a person is very tired.


Evgenia Adusheva

Very useful!

Alina Galieva

I live in Dubai. Is there anyone who also lives there and is looking for a personal trainer? :) I have work experience.

Alexey Arhipov

20 years ago, there lived in our yard a boy who was mentally disabled; he was nicknamed “Fakir.” In general, he was absolutely normal, like everyone else, but sometimes it came over him: he took a rope or a piece of cable in one hand and did exactly the same for about five minutes, still swung his legs back and forth, then became normal again. He did not explain his behavior in any way. All.


Somnus; quies; sopor; somnium (videre);

In a dream - per somnia;

Interpreter of dreams - interpres somniorum;

To see prophetic dreams - eventura somniare;

He dreams in reality - hic vigilans somniat;

Induce sleep - sopire (aliquem herbis);

To be engulfed in sleep - vinci somno (sopore);

Immersed in deep sleep- alto somno sopitus;

Sound sleep - quies sopita;

To spend the night without sleep - vigilare;

Nights pass without sleep - noctes vigilantur;

Russian-Belarusian dictionary 1



in different meaning dream, genus. sleep husband.

sound sleep- motsny sleep

to see something in a dream- bachyts something nebudz in a dream, dream of something nebudz

I was overcome by sleep- I have a dream

see bad dream - this is a terrible dream

nature woke up from sleep- nature went to hell

it's just a dream- this is just a dream

fall asleep (sleep) eternal sleep- fall asleep (sleep) in eternal sleep

through a dream- Praz dream

like in a dream- like in a dream

sleep in not one (not a single) eye- no sleep in hell

what does this dream mean? joking - what does geta mean (mean)?

have a nice sleep- go to sleep, good night

for bedtime- at first, before going to bed

pine- while still awake

sleep dead asleep- sleep in a dead sleep

no sleep for him- sleep on Yago yama

sleep the sleep of the just- sleep in the sleep of the righteous

go to bed- sleep easier

and never dreamed of it- I didn’t dream about it

sleep in hand joking - the dream ends

Russian-Modern Greek Dictionary



1. (state) ὁ ὕπνος:

in a dream στον ὕπνο· through \~ μισοκοιμισμένος· with Sia ἀπ" τόν ὕπνο· it closes me to Sioux νυστάζω· sleep sound sleepκοιμοῦμαι βαθειά· awaken from sleep

2. (dream) τό ὅνειρο(ν):

see \~ βλέπω ὅνειρο· see in a dream Βλεπω στον ὕπνο μου· as in a dream σάν νά ὁνειρεύομαι.

Russian-Swedish dictionary



1. dröm

i natt hade jag en egendomlig dröm--tonight I had a strange dream drömmen om ett jämlikt samhälle--the dream of an equal society försjunken i drömmar--immersed in dreams

2. somn

falla i sömn--fall asleep gå i sömnen--walk in your sleep

Russian-Kazakh dictionary



plural dreams 1 . (state) ұйқы; - strong dream qatty ұyky, syrt ұyky; - easy dream Sergek uyky; - spend the night without sona otkіzu; - immerse yourself in dreamұyқyғa ketu; - see something in Sonya birdemeni tusinde koru; - I'm tempted to Sonuұyқym kelip tur; - wake up from sonaұyқydan oyanu; - with sona he didn’t understand anything ұykyly kөzben ol tүkti de ayyrgan zhok; 2 . (dream) tүs koru; - I didn't see dreams men tүs kөrgenіm zhok; 3 . trans. ( dream, daydream) kiyal, arman; - as in Sonya1 ) (about smth. extraordinary) tүste kөrgendey tamasha nәrse; 2 ) (O semi-conscious ) ұykyly-oyau; - through dreamұykyly-oyau; - sona not in one eye decomposition uykym kelmeidi; - fall asleep forever sleepy mangi ұyyktau, mangi ұyқyғa ketu ( Olu)

Russian-Kyrgyz dictionary



1. (state) uyku;

sound sleep katuu uyku;

Uikum kelip turat makes me sleepy;

awaken from sleep uykudan oigonuu;

2. (dream) tүsh, tush kөruү;

I didn’t see dreams men tүsh kөrgon zhokmun;

3. transfer (dream, daydream) tүshtogүdoy, sonun;

like in a dream

1) (about something unusual) tүshtogudөy, sonun;

2) (about a semi-conscious state) esi-uchun zhogotkondoy, uikudagydai;

through a dream uyku aralash, uyku-soonun ortosunda, (ichinde);

I don’t have it in either eye. menin uikum taptakyr kachyp ketti, uikum tuk kelbey zhatat;

fall asleep in eternal sleep tuboluk uktoo (duynodon kaytuu, olүү).

Large Russian-French dictionary



1) (state) sommeil m

restless sleep - sommeil agité

afternoon nap - sieste f

I'm getting sleepy - le sommeil me gagne, j"ai sommeil

to awaken from sleep - se réveiller

for bedtime - avant d'aller se coucher

sleep the sleep of the righteous joke. - dormir du sommeil du juste

2) (dream) rêve m, songe m

to have a dream - faire un rêve, rêver vi

to see someone or something in a dream - rêver de qn, de qch, voir en rêve qn , qch

like in a dream - comme en rêve

through a dream - à travers son sommeil

from sleep - encore endormi

Concise Russian-Spanish dictionary




sueño m; ensueño m (tk. dream)

heavy sleep - sueño pesado, sopor m

light sleep- sueño ligero

afternoon nap - siesta f

terrible dream - sueño terrible (terrífico)

I'm getting sleepy - tengo sueño, me rinde el sueño

sleep soundly - dormir a pierna suelta

sleep peacefully - dormir a sueño suelto

dispel sleep - espantar el sueño

lose sleep - perder el sueño

deprive one of sleep - quitar el sueño

fall into sleep - descabezar (conciliar) el sueño

to guard someone's sleep - guardar el sueño a uno

awaken from sleep - despertarse ( cont. )

to see in a dream - soñar ( cont. ) vt, ver en suenos

(as) in a dream - (como) en sueños

(like) through a dream - (como) entre sueños

he never dreamed of this decomposition- no podía ni soñarlo

fall into a deep (dead) sleep - dormir como un ceporro (como un leño)

and never dreamed of it decomposition- no pudo verlo ni en sueños (ni por sueño)

to bedtime - antes de dormir

neither in sleep nor in spirit is he to blame decomposition- ni en sueños (ni por asomo) tengo la culpa

rest (fall asleep) in eternal sleep - dormir el sueño eterno

Have a nice sleep! - ¡buenas nights!

there is no sleep in either eye decomposition- estar despabilado (en absoluto)

from sleep - aún adormilado

sleep in hand joking- sueño augural (aciago)

sleep the sleep of the righteous - dormir el sueño del justo

fall asleep in eternal sleep - dormir el sueño eterno

Russian-Swahili dictionary



1) (state) gonezi (-), ndezi (-), usingizi units. , usono units ;

shallow sleep - lepe la usingizi (ma-); deep sleep - usingizi pono (mzito, mnono) units.

2) (dream) ndoto (-), woto units. , ruia (-), naumi (-) poet. ;

scary dream - jinamizi (ma-)

Russian-Tatar dictionary



m 1.yoki; deep sleep tiran yoki; through the dream of Yoki Aralash; from sleep yokyly-yauly; to put yoki basu to sleep (kilү); lose sleep yoki kachu; light sleeper sak yoki; sleep eternal sleep... mәңge(lek) yokyda 2.tosh; to see a dream tosh kuru; believe in dreams toshkә yshanu; sleep in hand tosh ras kilde; and in a dream I did not dream of tөshkә dә kermәgan; like in a dream tөshtәgedәy; how to remember through a dream tөshtә kүrgәndәy genә hәterlәү; to bedtime yoki aldynnan; not even in dreams or in spirit know tөshkә dә kerep karamau; waking dream (ayagөste) tosh kүrgәndәay (gadәtәn tysh nәrsә tur.)

More meanings of the word and translation of SEEING A DREAM from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and the translation of SEEING A DREAM from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for SEEING A DREAM in dictionaries.

  • TO SEE A DREAM - To dream
  • TO SEE A DREAM - to dream, to have a dream
  • TO SEE A DREAM - to dream, to have a dream
  • SEE - see v. see
    Russian-English Dictionary of the Mathematical Sciences
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • SEE - See
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  • SEE - see* (d.) do you see anything there? - can you see anything there? to catch a glimpse - catch* a glimpse...
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  • SLEEP - 1. (state) sleep; slumber poet. in a dream in one`s sleep; I am sleepy i am sleepy; he is from sleep...
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  • SEE - see see* (smb., smth.) good ~ see* well; I see him as alive i can see him before me now; ...
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  • SEE - sight
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  • DREAM - Dream
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  • SEE - To see
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  • SLEEP - sleeping
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    Russian-English dictionary
  • SEE
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  • SLEEP - m. 1. (state) sleep; slumber (also translated) in a dream - in one's sleep through a dream - ...
  • SEE - see (internal; in different meanings) see* (d.) do you see anything there? - can you see...
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  • SEE - v. see, perceive with the eyes; discern; witness; hold
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  • SEE - (someone/sth.) imperfect. - see; Sovereign - see see this must be seen! - it's worth seeing! you see, you see...
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  • SLEEP - Sleep Trap
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  • SEE – Show
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  • SEE - See
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  • SEE - Look at
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  • SEE – Behold
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  • DREAM - see All life is a struggle...; see. And for a long time I will see in my dreams...
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  • SLEEP - 1. (state) sleep; slumber poet. in a dream in one`s sleep; I am sleepy i am sleepy; he didn’t understand anything from the dream he...
  • SEE - see see* (smb., smth.) good ~ see* well; I see him as alive i can see him before me now; see the light see* ...
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  • SEE - see also. easy ~ that. From (A2) we observe (or see) that ...
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  • SLEEP - SLEEP Sleep disturbances are caused by most psychoactive drugs, i.e. influencing mental activity, means. These include central nervous system stimulants (for example...
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  • SLEEP is a condition that periodically occurs in humans and other warm-blooded animals, in which motor and sensory activity is interrupted. During sleep it decreases...
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  • SEE - see we hear you, we see you; see also the inscription is visible I saw the Earth, the horizon and the black sky.
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  • SEE - imperfect. - see the sovereign. - to see (someone/something) see it must be seen! - it's worth seeing! You see, you see...
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  • DREAM - sleep dream
  • SEE - see see
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  • SLEEP - 1. noun. 1) sleep to get/have a good night's sleep ≈ sleep well at night to induce sleep ≈ induce sleep...
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  • LOOK - 1. noun. 1) a) look to have/take a look at ≈ to look at; get acquainted with to steal a look ≈ ...
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  • LAST - I 1. adj. 1) excellent from late 1. 2) a) last to come in last ≈ to come last (at the races) ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary

In this article we talk about sleep and everything connected with it, in English.

Friends, hello everyone! Do you like to sleep? Of course yes! I think everyone likes to sleep. Isn't it amazing to get a good night's sleep over the weekend? I don't know about you, but I really love it. Sleep helps us recuperate and prepare for the new day. It’s not for nothing that they say sleep is the best healer.

The article is quite funny, I know. To be honest, I really wanted to sleep, so I decided to write about it :)

So, the article is dedicated to sleep and everything connected with it!

We talk about sleep in English.

First of all, “to sleep” in English will be like “to sleep”. If you are talking about a noun, then the same goes for “sleep”. Just don’t confuse it with the dream you see when you sleep. Well, or you don’t see it, it depends on your luck :) Such a dream in English will be “a dream”. I'll tell you about it later.

So, examples:

How long did you sleep last night?

(How long did you sleep last night?)

Did you have a good sleep?

(Did you sleep well?) verbatim - Did you have a good dream?

If you've had enough sleep, you can say:

I had a good sleep, thanks.

(I slept well, thank you)

I’ve slept very late this morning, so I’m full of energy.

(I slept a lot this morning, so I'm full of energy)

I got enough sleep.

(I got enough sleep)

And vice versa, if you slept poorly:

I slept bad last night.

“To fall asleep” in English would be “to fall asleep”:

(Yesterday I fell asleep at 11)

"Asleep" is translated as "sleeping". For example:

Where are the children? -Where are the children?

They're asleep already. - They are already asleep.

If you want to sleep, you can say:

I feel sleepy. I should go to bed.

(I feel drowsy/sleepy. I should sleep)

I want to sleep, I’m off to bed!

(I want to sleep, I'm going to bed!)

“Short nap, doze” is translated as “nap”. Verb - to nap doze.

I was very tired and napped right at work yesterday.

(I was very tired yesterday and dozed off right at work)

It’s dangerous to nap when you’re driving.

(Dozing behind the wheel is dangerous)

Now about dreams.

The dream we have is “a dream”.

I saw a dream last night. You were there!

(I had a dream last night. It was you!)

Nightmare is translated as “nightmare”:

I had a nightmare yesterday!

(I had a nightmare yesterday!)

Prophetic dream - prophetic dream.

Well, to summarize, I’ll put everything in a table.

Vocabulary about sleep in English.

sleep, sleep to sleep, a sleep
get enough sleep to get enough sleep, to have a good sleep
drowsy, drowsy, lethargic sleepy
fall asleep to fall asleep
go to bed (go to sleep) to be off to bed
short nap, doze, doze a nap, to nap
sleep (dream) a dream
nightmare a nightmare
prophetic dream a prophetic dream

“The amount of sleep required by the average person is five more minutes,”(“The average amount of sleep a person needs is five more minutes”), noted one British comedian.

We live in such a rhythm that there is less and less time for sleep, everyone around says that sleep is overrated(the importance of sleep is greatly exaggerated), but every morning I still want to curl up under the covers and fall asleep.

In the Russian language, sleep has a special place: you can take a nap, rest, go to bed and nod off, sleep can come and go, you can not sleep enough and oversleep. In terms of the variety of “sleepy” expressions, English is not inferior to Russian - today we’ll talk about sleep in English.

  • ImsogoodatsleepingIcandoitwithmyeyesclosed.
    (I'm so good at sleeping that I can do it with my eyes closed.)

"Sleep" in English - tosleep. Or todream when you dream ( dreams). If you suddenly have a nightmare ( tohave anightmare), and you will wake up in horror in the middle of the night ( inthemiddleofthenight), remember how small children who woke up from a nightmare are calmed down by saying: “ Itwasjustabad dream”.

The essence of dreams has not yet been fully solved: many believe that one can see a prophetic dream ( aprophetic dream), someone has a recurring dream ( arecurringdream) and tries to unravel its symbols ( tointerpretadream) using a dream book ( adream book). To attract good dreams and protect yourself from bad dreams, many people hang a special talisman called a “dream catcher” over their headboard - in English adreamcatcher.

Some people seem to continue to daydream and have their head in the clouds even when they are awake - they are called daydreamers, and the verb todaydream means “to fantasize, daydream, daydream”:

I drifted off in a daydream during the lecture.- I was daydreaming during the lecture.

I spent the whole day daydreaming about my new motorbike. - I spent the whole day dreaming about a new motorcycle.

  • I slept like a baby last night - woke up every three hours crying in the dark.
    (Last night I slept like a baby - waking up every three hours and crying in the dark.)

How did you sleep last night? Let's remember what the sleep process can be like:

fitfulsleep - interrupted sleep when you constantly wake up abruptly and have difficulty falling asleep

heavysleep- heavy sleep with unpleasant or disturbing dreams

troubledsleep- restless sleep

restfulsleep- a restful sleep, after which you feel rested

sound sleep- sound, deep sleep

beautysleep- sleep until midnight, which has a beneficial effect on metabolism and improves appearance

tosleeplikealog/ dog/ rock- sleep like a log, sleep soundly/deadly, sleep without hind legs

to sleep like a baby- sleep like a baby's sweet sleep

to be a light sleeper- sleep very lightly

tobeaheavysleeper- sleep like a dead man, so that “you can’t wake him up with guns”

tobearestlesssleeper- sleep restlessly, toss and turn, wake up

I was tossing and turning all night.- I tossed and turned in bed all night.

Want to know what the position you sleep in says about you? Watch the video of our beloved Ronnie:

  • There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.
    (In life there is enough time for both long conversations and sleep.)

To go to bed And to go to sleep- is this the same thing? Let's figure out what the difference is.

Togotobed means “to go to bed”, it is a conscious action, a decision to go to bed and get ready for sleep, which does not necessarily mean that you will immediately fall asleep:

Last night I went to bed and read a book for a little while. - Last night I went to bed and read a little before going to bed.

I usually go to bed at 11:00 p.m.. - I usually go to bed at 11 pm.

Togotosleep or tofallasleep translated as “to fall asleep”, you move from the state awake in a state asleep, this is an unconscious action that often happens against your will:

Last night I went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.- Last night I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

IamsoexhaustedIcould fallasleeprightnow. - I'm so tired that I could fall asleep right now.

Tosleepin- this is lounging in bed and getting up later than usual:

Imofftomorrow, soI thinkIllsleepin. - I have a day off tomorrow, so I’ll sleep longer.

Tooversleep- oversleep. This most often happens if you made a short-sighted decision the previous evening. tostayuplate (intothenight) - stay up late, stay up late at night:

Don"t stay up so late, you have to go to work tomorrow. Andmakesurenottooversleep. - Don’t stay up late, you have to work tomorrow. And try not to oversleep.

Tosleepover- stay overnight with friends. Asleepover- a party popular among American children and teenagers when guests stay overnight until the morning. You can also organize aslumberparty- a kind of “hen night party”, when friends stay overnight in the house of one of them - or apajamas/pyjamasparty- pajama party.

Can I sleep over at my friend's house?-Can I stay with a friend overnight?

Tocryoneselftosleep- cry into your pillow until you fall asleep; fall asleep in tears. A very popular line in romantic songs about unrequited love:

I cried myself to sleep every night.- Every night I fell asleep in tears.

Tolosesleepoversomething- lose sleep due to anxiety, worries or thoughts about something:

It" snotworthlosingsleepover. “It’s not worth losing peace and sleep over this.”

To sleep on it- take the night to make a decision, think about it and give an answer in the morning with a fresh mind. The translation of this idiom correlates with the Russian proverb “the morning is wiser than the evening”:

CouldIsleeponitand letyouknowtomorrow? “I could think about it overnight and let you know tomorrow?”

  • A day without a nap is like a cupcake without frosting.
    (A day without sleep is like a cupcake without frosting.)

If you regularly go to bed not at night, but rather at dawn ( atthecrackofdawn) or early in the morning ( intheweehoursofthemorning), you must be - anightowl, that is, a “night owl”, a person with a special sleep-wake cycle. Unfortunately, this world is designed for early risers, and if you... an early bird And amorningperson, you are very lucky. You are probably unfamiliar with the desire to take a nap during the daytime - totakeanap: totakeacatnap- sleep for half an hour or totakeapowernap- take a nap to gain strength ( togetyourenergyback, torechargeyourbatteries). If you suddenly decide to take a sneaky nap ( tosnatch/ tostealanap), try not to be caught off guard ( tobecaughtnapping).

If you didn't get enough sleep ( nottogetenoughsleep, nottogetagoodnight" ssleep), you have every chance of yawning all day ( toyawn), nod off ( tonodoff), accidentally doze off ( todose off) or even “pass out” ( tocrash).

  • I've got a date with the Sandman.
    (I have a date with the Sandman.)

There is a lot in English interesting ways to say that the time has come to go to the side and depart into the arms of Morpheus:

I’m going to bed/I’m off to bed- I went to bed

Imgoingtoturnin- I'm going to the side

Itspastmybedtime- I should be in bed by now

I'm going to hit the hay/sack- I'm going to the side

I'm going to get forty winks- I'll go take a nap

I'm going to get/catch some Zs- I'll go and sleep a little

I’m going to get/catch some shut-eye- I'll go take a little nap

  • Nighty-night!

How to wish sweet words in English?

Good night!- Good night!

Sweet dreams!- Sweet dreams!

Sleeptightanddon" tletthebedbugsbite! - literally “sleep soundly and don’t let bed bugs bite you.”

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, so why not use those 25 years to improve your English? Unfortunately, it is impossible to learn English in your sleep - nothing can replace active language learning while you are awake, but good sleep necessary for new knowledge to be well absorbed.

As a lullaby ( a lullaby) we leave you alone with the legendary track of The Beatles called "Good Night".