Drive away a bad dream. What to do to prevent the dream from coming true? A dream, like a hint from above

A certain mystical component has always been attributed to him. Good rest is the key to success in business; poor sleep deprives you of strength and unsettles you. It is believed that prayer is the right remedy in such a situation: it will protect you from nightmares, help you relax, and prevent bad events that you dreamed of at night.

They say that only people with a clear conscience are able to sleep soundly. Therefore, we can say that night's rest is a kind of spiritual barometer. It directly depends on the spiritual state of a person. - this is a blessing from. In order for the night to pass peacefully, believers should read the prayer rule in the evening. If you don’t do this out of laziness or carelessness, it will be difficult to relax and drive away bad thoughts.

Many who come to the temple notice that the holy words are a good help against nightmares. Just as people nourish their bodies with food, so they must nourish their souls. And only the Word of God can satisfy it. Unfortunately, several generations of Russians grew up outside the faith and traditions of their ancestors. Therefore, they have lost the habit of correct spiritual life and are forced to learn it again. But everyone quickly remembers higher powers when trouble comes, or when something bad is imagined while on vacation.

How does the evening rule help?

  • Strengthens communication with God;
  • Calms;
  • Helps you focus on what’s important;
  • Drives away bad thoughts.

Before reading, you need to close the door to your room and stand in front of the images. If you have one, light a candle or lamp. Slowly read all the prayers and, where necessary, make the sign of the cross and bows. In the evening you can make prostrations (except on Sundays and major holidays, when they are not required).

Powerful prayer for bad sleep

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save the soul, shi is ours.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Three times, with the substitution of the cross and a bow from the waist.)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord, have mercy. (Thrice) Glory, and now:

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Few people know that there is also a short version for the laity, which was compiled by the Rev. Here are some prayers against bad sleep you can read in the evening:

  • - pronounced three times, this pays tribute to the Holy Trinity;
  • - also three times for the sake of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • - this is the very essence of Christian doctrine, compiled by the holy fathers.

Just these short praises will allow you to achieve spiritual perfection. The Lord's Prayer is the very foundation of Christianity. The song of the Virgin Mary came from heaven, because it was first uttered by Archangel Gabriel. Every Christian must know all these words by heart in order to pronounce them at any time, in any circumstances.

Prayer for a bad dream not to come true

To You, the Most Pure Mother of God, I, the accursed one, fall down and pray: You know, Queen, that I constantly sin and anger Your Son and my God, and although I repent all the time, I turn out to be a liar before God. I repent and tremble with fear that the Lord will strike me, and soon I do the same again! I pray to You, my Lady, Lady Theotokos, knowing all this, have mercy, strengthen and teach me to do good. For You know, my Lady Theotokos, that with all my heart I hate my evil deeds and with all my thoughts I love the law of my God; but I don’t know, Most Pure Lady, why I do what I hate, but don’t do what is good.

Do not allow, O Most Pure One, my will to be fulfilled, for it is evil, but let the will of Your Son and my God be done, save me, and enlighten me, and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that from now on I will stop doing bad things, and the rest of the time I would live according to the commandments of Your Son, to Whom belongs all glory, honor and power with His beginningless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Father Seraphim taught that you can read the rule at work, while traveling, even while lying in bed. Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved, as the Bible says. Are there better intercessors than Jesus Christ and the Mother of God? Let a brief appeal to them have a beneficial effect on your internal state and even on the external circumstances of life.

How to perceive dreams correctly

Not all people see dreams; many, when they wake up, simply cannot remember them. But for some, night visions are so realistic and vivid that they inspire very strong emotions, and not always positive ones. If the visions were filled with unclear images, it is no wonder to be afraid. Some experience quite realistic sensations; complex plots unfold before them, very similar to the truth.

What can you do to prevent the dream from coming true? There are several folk signs:

  • do not tell anyone about a bad vision (by the way, the holy fathers advise the same);
  • read the Lord's Prayer and cross yourself three times;
  • open the windows and ventilate the room;
  • write down your dream on paper and then burn it.

The reaction also depends on the person himself - not everyone will panic. Those who are inclined to see bad signs in everything should devote more time to prayer.

Not all people are superstitious; many will simply laugh and forget, like a scary movie.

How to ward off anxiety after a nightmare

Everyone has had a nightmare at least once. Some are being chased by wild animals, others are fleeing the elements and are attacked by bandits. In such cases, people wake up screaming in the middle of the night. There are no guarantees against scary dreams. Although there is a technique according to which you can “order” dreams, not everyone will be able to master it. And the author of this method himself warns that you may like the trip so much that a person does not want to return to his reality.

The first thing you should take care of if you are tormented by nightmares is a clear conscience. Only she is the key to a right relationship with God. After all, we have already found out that a good night's rest is his reward to a person. This means that when a Christian does everything that God wants from him, then unclear threats will not intrude on sleep. According to church tradition, it is believed that they are sent by evil demons.

Some people are so superstitious that they keep dream books near their beds. They interpret their dreams based on them, comparing the images that they remember and what the “experts” write. If the prognosis is unfavorable, they immediately lose all peace of mind, expecting the worst. In this way, people themselves invite bad events into their lives. After all, self-hypnosis is capable of a lot. So isn't it better to inspire yourself with something positive?

After the rule, you can add additional prayers, for example, this one:

And grant us, O Master, peace of body and soul as we go to sleep, and save us from the dark sleep of sin, and all dark and nightly voluptuousness. Calm the desire of passions, and extinguish the kindled arrows of the evil one, even flatteringly driven towards us. Quench the rebellion of our flesh, and put to rest all our earthly and material wisdom. And grant us, God, a cheerful mind, a chaste thought, a sober heart, light sleep, and all satanic dreams changed. Rise us up during prayer, confirmed in Your commandments, and holding the memory of Your judgments firmly within us. Grant us the all-night praise, to sing and bless and glorify Your most honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

It is specially designed to be read at night.

Many come to the priest complaining that they cannot sleep well at night. Here's what fathers usually advise:

  • Constantly (not only when something frightens you) adhere to the practice of prayer;
  • Before going to bed, sign the cross on your bed and pillow;
  • Drink Epiphany water on an empty stomach in the morning, eat prosphora;
  • Call on your Guardian Angel, your heavenly patron, for help more often;
  • If the apartment has not yet been consecrated, then call the priest to perform the ritual;
  • Attend services and participate in sacraments.

As is known from the biographies of the righteous, many monks went for long periods without food or sleep. But you should not think that this is the result of training willpower. No, he is the one who is sent by the Holy Spirit for zeal or other deeds (however, the Lord does not exchange His gifts for good deeds - He gives to whomever He wishes).

There is no need to exhaust yourself with fasting and prayer until you completely lose strength. Not everyone is called to become a great spiritual ascetic. Just remember - there is something more important in life than superstitious fears. Grow in the Spirit, and you will feel that you should not be afraid of dreams, because he is strong and always ready to protect you!

Prophetic dreams they predict fate, and sometimes in a dream you can see something that you don’t want at all.

What to do to prevent the dream from coming true?

Bad dream I need to forget it quickly. But it’s easy to say, but try to actually implement it.

...If in a saucepan burnt food , do not try to scrape it off with a knife. It’s better to boil water in this bowl, adding soda to it (2 tablespoons per 1 liter)...

Aluminum cookware wash with hot water and soap, and heavily soiled ones can be cleaned with a mixture of soap and vinegar and pumice powder, taken in equal parts...

… At long boiling Aluminum cookware becomes dark. To remove this defect, wipe the dishes with a soft cloth moistened with vinegar...

Glass glasses They will shine like crystal if you rinse them in cold salt water...

Burnt pan can be cleaned by filling it with salt water and leaving it overnight. The next day, boil a salt solution in a saucepan, after which the bottom will be easy to clean...

… White mark on a polished surface , which appears from a hot object, can be removed by wiping it with alcohol and vegetable oil. You need to rub with a woolen rag in a circular motion...

The color of the carpet will become brighter , if you sprinkle it with fine white salt in the evening, and the next day remove the salt with a soft, clean, damp cloth...

How often does it happen that we wake up in a cold sweat, not understanding what it was - an ordinary nightmare caused by frayed nerves and old phobias, or a bad and at the same time prophetic dream.

Or, on the contrary, we smile and do not want to open our eyes, so as not to frighten away the beautiful vision-dream. And I really want everything good that I dreamed to come true. And what scared me has sunk into oblivion.

Today we’ll talk about how to do this. Just remember that you must truly believe in any action, then it will be the way you want. And one more thing. If the same negative dream comes to you several times, then you should not try to get rid of it; it is much more important to write it down and try to analyze it, so that you not only know where to expect trouble, but also how you can get rid of it in real life.

How to prevent a bad dream from coming true

If a dream frightens you, then immediately after waking up say: where the night goes, there goes the dream. Then get up and repeat the same phrase into the open window. Then, without talking to anyone, go into the bathroom, run cold water, wash your face with it three times and hold your hands under the running water, repeating these same words three times.

Then go to the kitchen, pour a glass of water and dissolve a teaspoon of salt in it. At the same time say: Just as this salt has melted, so my dream will not come true. Then turn your back to the sink and throw this water over your left shoulder.

You can also, waking up, without getting out of bed and without looking out the window, say: resurrect the good, and crack the bad in half.

If you are a deeply religious person, then in order to prevent a bad dream from coming true, read the prayer in the morning: Give me, Lord, for this day of the Lord a great defense - the Life-giving Cross. I am afraid of the cross and I will preserve myself by the cross, I will wash myself with spring holy water, I will dry myself with the towel of the cross, I will be swaddled in the shroud of the Lord. May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and sign the sign of the cross. Amen. Amen. Amen. And cross yourself three times.

Under no circumstances tell anyone the meaning of what scared you. You can do this only in one case - if the person you are going to trust is a dream interpreter and can explain to you what this dream means and how you can avoid its consequences. True, there is a completely opposite opinion on this matter - some believe that a bad dream must be told to three people, then the dream will supposedly lose its power. However, one should not discount the fact that fears and troubles, clothed in words, seem to be consolidated in real life, they gain the right to exist and begin, in some way, to “grow in flesh”, only to materialize later at the most inopportune moment. So it’s better not to experiment and keep your bad dreams under your own control, and not “give them to the real world.”

Sometimes we wake up from the horror that has gripped us, and do not understand that it was a nightmare born of old phobias and frayed nerves, or a bad prophetic dream.

Preventing bad dreams from coming true

If you were frightened by a dream, then immediately after waking up, say the following plot: “Where the night goes, there goes the dream.” Then go to the window and say the same words into the open window. Then, without communicating with anyone, enter the bathroom, open the tap with cold water, wash your face three times, and then hold your hands under running water and repeat the spell three times again.

After that, go to the kitchen, fill a glass with water, dissolve a teaspoon of salt (teaspoon) in it and say: “As this salt melts, so my dream will not come true.” Next, turn your back to the sink and throw water into it over your left shoulder.

There is another ritual that will prevent a bad dream from coming true. After you wake up, without getting out of bed and without looking out the window, say: “Rise up the good, and crack the bad in half.”

By the way, you should not tell anyone the plot of the dream that frightened you. A bad dream can only be told to a person who knows how to interpret dreams and can explain to you what it means and how to avoid the troubles it can bring. However, there is a completely opposite point of view on this matter. Some people believe that a bad dream must be told to three people, otherwise it will not come true. However, one should not neglect the fact that the retold troubles and fears seem to take root in real life. They gain the right to exist, and in some way begin to “grow in flesh”, only to then come true at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, it is better to keep bad dreams under your own control, without releasing them into the real world.

If you are often bothered by bad dreams, then before going to bed, you should place an open container with clean water at the head of the bed, or better yet, with holy water. Water will absorb all negativity and protect you from bad dreams. The water should be changed every day, empty the container with “used” water in the morning, and fill it with fresh water in the evening before going to bed.

Transforming a bad dream into a good one

If you can change the course of events in your dreams, then you can neutralize a bad dream. As soon as you realize that some image or symbol frightens you, that it promises you trouble, try to immediately “intervene” and “free yourself” from it. So, if you dream of a black cat, and you understand that this promises big trouble, you should not be scared, try to “imagine” that in the dream you had a brush with white paint in your hands. Make a white cat out of a black cat. Plus, tie a huge bright bow around her neck. Then in real life you will easily cope with the blow, moreover, you will be able to turn an unfavorable situation for yourself into a winning one.

And if you dream that you are flying into an abyss (a symbol of trouble), then imagine that you have wings and you are flying above it. Then in real life you will be able to rise above a dangerous situation, look at it differently, and find a non-trivial way out of it. They will later say about you: “There would have been no happiness, but misfortune helped.”

If you dream that you are sick or one of your relatives is ill, then try, without waking up or not fully awakening (balancing on the edge of sleep and reality), to imagine yourself or a person close to you as energetic, healthy and cheerful. Do the same with other dreams that frighten you.

And most importantly, when you finally wake up, do not look for coincidences with your dream in real life, do not be afraid of similar details - in this way you attract bad things and give a chance to a bad dream to come true. The more often you remember a bad dream, the more it will materialize. Abstract yourself from it, forget about it and never remember it!

People often wonder: “If you had a bad dream or nightmare. How to make sure it doesn’t come true in reality?” Today we decided to answer this question and tell you how to prevent a bad dream from coming true.

Firstly, you should not confuse just a bad dream with a prophetic one. Our dreams are almost always connected either with the events of recent days, or with annoying disturbing thoughts. All this is deposited in our subconscious, and then comes in dreams. How to distinguish an ordinary dream from a prophetic one?

Prophetic dreams are usually very bright and colorful. We wake up immediately after such a dream and remember all the events that took place in it. Another sign is the logic and completeness of the dreamed story, as well as the message of some numbers. They may indicate the date when certain events will happen to us. Usuallyprophetic dreams occur from Thursday to Friday .

This is how you and I are structured - about any dream we begin to think: “What is this for?” We look into dream books, which, by the way, sometimes provide completely different information. Therefore, let’s not think too much about whether we saw a prophetic dream or an ordinary one, but immediately, just in case, we will take measures to prevent it from coming true.

Our ancestors advised: “If you see something bad in a dream, don’t break your head, drive it away from yourself.” To prevent a bad dream from coming true, it is best to immediately look out the window onto the street when waking up and simply say: “Samson-Samson, where the night goes, the dream goes,” and not think about it anymore.

But if this method of protection does not seem very reliable to you, you can advise, as soon as you get out of bed, look out the window and say: “Whose dream is coming true, but this does not concern me. The Lord is with me, the bad dream is not mine.”

You can also fill a mug with water and, slowly pouring it onto the ground, tell your dream to the water in a few words. The water will be absorbed into the ground, and all the bad things will go away with it. If you live in the city, go to the bathroom, open the tap with cold water, tell her everything, and then take a shower or just wash your hands and face with the words: “Water, take away my troubles and sorrows, take away bad dreams!”

There is such a belief: if you had a good dream and you want it to come true, you cannot tell it to anyone. Well, with bad dreams it’s the opposite: tell them to someone before lunch. The more people you tell, the better. By the way, it’s a good idea, after having a bad dream, to remove the pillowcase from your pillow in the morning, turn it inside out and shake it several times - on the street or on the balcony. If after this fear has not left you, when leaving home, step through the threshold with your left, not your right foot.