A slight smile in the eyes will help. What does a smile mean? Different types of smiles

Swimming pools are one of the favorite things to relax in the countryside. This kind of entertainment is widespread because... Suitable for both children and adults. In addition, modern inflatable and frame pools are inexpensive, they are easy to install, they are simple and unpretentious in operation. However, PVC products have one big drawback: they are easy to puncture. But even a large hole is not a reason to throw away the structure, because there are many ways to seal an inflatable pool.

Finding a puncture

Suddenly the pool began to deflate. The first thing you need to do before sealing your inflatable pool is to find the hole. And she may not be alone. There are several ways to detect a puncture:

When damage is found, it is necessary to mark it with a contrast marker. Now you can start repairing.

Method number 1: emergency

In some cases, there is nothing suitable at hand. However, there is regular stationery tape. Adhesive tape should only be used for emergency pool repairs, as this method is not very reliable: the patch will last a maximum of a week. This is one way to seal a pool of water. Before sticking the tape, you need to treat the damaged surface with fine sandpaper. This will improve the quality of the grip. Then a piece is cut off the right size(it is advisable not to touch the sticky side) and seal the hole.

Method number 2: what you have on hand

An excellent answer to the question of what and how to seal an Intex frame pool will be second glue or “Moment”. First you need to find the puncture, then dry the surface. The patch can be cut from thin rubber. Before installing it, you need to clean and degrease the surfaces. Then glue is applied to both surfaces. You need to wait 3-5 minutes for “Moment” to react with rubber and PVC, and then just install the patch. Next, according to the instructions, you need to press the piece of rubber with maximum force and hold it there for several minutes. When gluing, it is necessary to squeeze out the air from under the patch and make sure that its edges lie flat against the wall of the pool. For maximum effect you need to press down a piece of rubber with something heavy and leave the patch to dry for 12 hours.

Method number 3: automobile

You can use a kit for cold vulcanization of chambers. Repairs using such material can be called major. To install such a patch, you need to clean the damaged surface with sandpaper. Then it should be degreased. Next, the protective layer is removed from the sticky side of the patch and it is pressed against the wall. It is advisable, as in the previous method, to fix it with something heavy for a long time.

Method No. 4: recipe from the manufacturer

But how does the company itself suggest how to seal an Intex pool? For repairs, the company produces special kits that include a PVC patch and a small tube of special glue. However, this set is not sold together with the pool; it must be purchased separately. The method of installing the patch from the repair kit is similar to the second method: glue is applied to the dry, clean surface of the pool. After a few minutes, the patch is pressed forcefully against the hole, and then fixed with something heavy until it dries completely.

Method number 5: professional

If you have difficulties with how to seal an inflatable pool, you can contact specialized companies. In many cities there are workshops that provide similar services. You can also try asking a tire shop for help.

There is no point in talking separately about how to seal a Bestway pool, because... it is made of the same material. Therefore, it can be repaired using any of the methods listed above.

Safety precautions

However the best remedy Eliminating all problems is prevention. If you comply simple rules, then the question of how to seal an Intex pool will not arise soon. What will extend the life of a PVC product?

That's all the rules. If you handle the product carefully, the question of how to seal an inflatable pool will not bother you for a long time.

Swimming in the pool during the hot season is the favorite activity of children and adults. Nowadays, purchasing an inflatable or frame container has become affordable for many. The choice of design, shape, color, size is varied. The main material of the products is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The vulnerability of the shell is that it can be punctured quite easily. It is always cheaper to repair it yourself. There are various techniques for sealing a swimming pool at home.

How to seal an inflatable pool

Experts say: it is more difficult to find damage than to fix it. In practice, a defect is found by deflating the air and identifying it by a characteristic sound. problem area. Another way to detect a defect is to apply soap solution on the surface of the material - the appearance of bubbles will indicate the damaged area. All that remains is to wipe the area of ​​the shell dry, mark it with a marker and begin the repair.

Method No. 1

This method can be called repair with a large degree of convention, but it is used in emergency situations, when you need to put off real repairs, but swimming in the pool cannot be canceled. The main material for temporarily saving the pool is stationery tape or pharmaceutical plaster. Any adhesive tape will last from a couple of hours to several days, then it will hopelessly fall off due to constant moisture.

You can delay pool repairs further if you pre-treat the defect area alcohol solution and clean around a little with sandpaper. The sandpaper should be fine! A rough surface treated with vodka or alcohol will better hold a piece of tape. Solvent should not be used due to the risk of damaging the material itself.

A temporary fix will give you pause to find another solution to the problem. Repairing inflatable pools yourself can certainly be reliable if you use other methods.

Method No. 2

Check to see if the packaging is still intact after purchasing the pool. Perhaps the manufacturers included a special repair kit with the product, and it was preserved in the box. It's time to use the repair kit. It usually includes several ready-made patches with an adhesive side. Another configuration option: the factory kit contains a separate small tube of glue and clean PVC patches.

The repair algorithm is as follows:

  1. Empty the pool and bleed the air.
  2. The damaged area must be cleaned, degreased with an alcohol solution, and dried.
  3. Apply a patch with adhesive. If the glue is supplied separately, then apply it to one side of the patch and to the damaged area, then join it together.
  4. Press the repair area with a heavy weight and leave until dry.

Unfortunately, a repair kit is not always included with the pool. It can be purchased separately in markets specializing in the sale of swimming equipment and containers. The consultant will tell you what needs to be selected to eliminate the leak in the damaged reservoir.

Method No. 3

How to seal an inflatable pool if the above does not apply to your case of a pool puncture? You can safely opt for the popular Moment glue or other waterproof adhesive composition. The patch will need to be made of the same material as the pool itself, or similar in quality. You can find a similar fragment among the available tools. Inflatable containers are most often made from thin rubberized fabric, vinyl, or polystyrene. Such a base can be found in swimming mattresses, children's circles, and toys. If you can’t find old things, you can help out at an auto parts store or car service center. The patch can be a fragment of a damaged car camera, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger than the length of the damaged area.

The process for sealing a leak is approximately the same as described above. Glue is applied to the treated surfaces, the reaction with the material begins to react a little, then both sides are connected with force. There should be no air bubbles left under the patch. After 2-3 minutes you can put the press on the gluing site.

If the puncture is very tiny, 1-2 mm, then you can do without a patch: drop a good sealant or glue onto the resulting gap, and then secure the dried area with a second layer of adhesive.

Method No. 4

In a car service center for repairing a swimming pool, they can offer a kit for cold vulcanization of chambers. This is a patch version with an adhesive side. The preparatory work is the same as in other cases: cleaning, processing, drying the puncture site. Then you need to remove the protective layer from the patch and apply the sticky side to the wall of the container.

So, without specialists, it is quite possible to cope with repairing a “wounded” inflatable pool. After repairs, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • keep the damaged area under pressure for at least 24 hours;
  • ventilate the pool outside to prevent allergic reactions children to the smell of glue;
  • Before you start using the container, you need to check the quality of sealing the hole.

The country inflatable pool does not tolerate the claws of domestic animals and birds, or sharp branches of nearby bushes. Prevention of damage also involves reasonable inflation while maintaining free space. This reduces the load on the seams, the risks of air expansion in sunny days and increased internal pressure.

In practice, it has been observed that the seams - vulnerable spot for water seepage. The reasons lie in low-quality products or improper operation. You can seal the seam of the pool

  • rubber glue - the result is reliable, although the product dries very slowly;
  • special adhesive tape.

The process requires very careful application, since it is possible to seal the pool along the seam efficiently, but going beyond the boundaries will lead to the material tightening and subsequent deformation of the container.

How to seal a frame pool

Finding the leakage area in a frame container can be difficult. The coloring pigment helps to establish the movement of water flow. When the bottom is damaged, increased accumulation of contaminants around the hole begins. How to seal a frame pool and return the tank to working condition?

Method No. 1

After identifying the location of the defect, repairs must begin by emptying the tank of water. If you have a ready-made repair kit (sold together with the pool), you can follow the attached instructions. The set must include:

  • patches;
  • sealant;
  • vinyl glue.

Minor punctures can be repaired with a sealant mixture. Significant damage must be sealed with a special film or pieces of polyvinyl chloride. The area to be repaired should be dried, degreased and outside containers. Prepare two patches: glue one on the inside, the other on the outside.

The shape of the patch plays an important role. It must be round or oval. Corners are susceptible to water movement and cause the entire area to peel off.

Be sure to cover both patches with fixing glue, the breakout area outside the pool. After joining the sides, it is important to prevent air bubbles and ensure that the edges are pressed tightly. Dry the sealed area under pressure for at least 12 hours.

Method No. 2

There are special kits that allow you to seal a hole in the pool without draining the water. Application of the method is effective provided precise definition puncture

The kit should contain self-adhesive underwater patches. First you need to prepare one for fastening from the inside, then the other for a dry area outside. Next, apply glue to them and bend the waterproof patch in half for 3 minutes. This is followed by fastening on both sides of the damaged area.

The question often arises whether it is possible to seal a frame pool only from the inside. It should be noted that the method without draining the water is considered a temporary repair. If you use only one patch with inside, then the service life of the container will be even shorter.

There is one more way, it is quite original. Watch the video:

It is advisable for owners to protect their reservoirs from careless damage and ensure reliable operation. But high-quality DIY repairs can also extend the life of products and provide a comfortable stay.

You can spot Russian people in a crowd of foreigners very quickly: they rarely smile. Look at the gloomy faces in public transport, when, for example, you are going to work. There sits a gloomy man, wrinkles are imprinted on his face, emphasizing the constant sadness that is frozen on his face. And there is a rather attractive woman standing there, but she probably doesn’t know it. Her gaze is dull, her lips are compressed into a chicken tail. Who offended her this morning? Or is this an everyday mask to isolate yourself from others?

Today we will try to learn to smile with a “Duchenne smile.” This smile comes precisely from the eyes, and has a strong influence on others.You can improve your own smile by using your eyes and filling your head with happy thoughts.

Why is such a smile with the eyes called a Duchenne smile?

Actually, we owe this knowledge to Duchenne ( Duchenne de Boulogne ) - French physiologist. This was back in the 19th century. Duchenne, under the influence of the then fashionable physiognomy, decided to find out how and which muscles are involved in facial expressions, and their connection with facial expressions.

In his experiments, muscles were stimulated by electrical discharges and everything was carefully recorded. It looked very colorful. Duchesne found that a sincere smile is distinguished by the contraction of not only the zygomaticus major muscle, which raises the corners of the mouth, but also the contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle, which forms wrinkles around the eyes, or the so-called “crow’s feet.” This smile is named after its discoverer, the French physiologist Duchenne.

I advise you to take the following steps to learn to smile with your eyes.

1. Learn how to “create” a Duchenne smile

Scientists identify more than 50 types of smiles, but the most sincere of them is the Duchenne smile, and all because during it, the muscles located around the eyes contract involuntarily.

This is how our eyes smile. And the muscles contract only if we really, sincerely want to smile, and not do it out of politeness.

Try to “create” such a smile in front of the mirror by squinting a little and feeling the small pads under your eyes. If after such “creativity” you managed to see crow’s feet around the eyes, then Duchenne’s smile was a success.

After mastering the technique of creating such a smile, you will be able to turn your even very weak and frail smile into a sincere one for others.

But in fact, it's better not to do this. But just...

2. Stop trying to please everyone

If you constantly smile to be polite and pleasant, it means that you are in control of all your facial emotions. Thus, you give less and less chance for the Duchenne smile to manifest itself.

Additionally, if you focus on other people's happiness, you neglect your own happiness. A real smile comes from your own joy, not from someone else's.

People with martyr syndrome often say that their greatest joy comes from helping other people. This is often true, but in some cases it is an easy way to justify your position as a victim and unwillingness to leave your comfort zone.

If you, too, can count yourself among such people, then you should think about how to break some of the psychological chains that stifle the birth of a genuine smile in you.

3. Be happy

A sincere smile is inner happiness. And research into what makes people happy shows that happiness does not have as much to do as we think with high financial status and high social achievements.

It's just your outlook on life. In other words, be optimistic, and a sincere smile will become your strong point. Think about those who have the most sincere smiles on our earth - children!

They never worry about anything because for them life is one big game. Follow their lead.

4. Find your happy place

This method will help you realize what really makes you happy. Look in the mirror and wrap your entire face, except for your eyes, with a scarf or piece of fabric.

Then start thinking or talking about your happiest memories. You will automatically want to smile at these memories.

You will notice a twinkle in your eye and the appearance of crow's feet. This is your Duchenne smile. The next time you want to smile with your eyes on command, just take a mental trip to happy memories and let your face do the rest.

Also look at your old photos and notice how you smile there. On candid pictures You can often see a Duchenne smile, especially if you are in the company of people with whom you feel comfortable.

You will almost certainly find your most sincere smiles in children's photographs.

5. Stop being shy about your smile

If you are constantly thinking about the color of your teeth or the direction of their growth, about your protruding gums, the freshness of your breath, etc., you are subconsciously stifling the birth of a smile because you feel self-conscious.

There are some ways that will definitely help you (for example, teeth whitening or getting rid of unpleasant smell from the mouth), but ultimately you must convince yourself that all sincere smiles are beautiful, including your own.

Initially, learning to smile will be difficult, but it is worth practicing regularly by standing in front of a mirror and raising the corners of your eyes, or at least trying to lift them.

Do not forget to mentally be in the place or with the person that makes you happy throughout the practice.

May your smile always be genuine. Don't let anyone tell you how to smile, and then you will create your own unique Duchenne smile.

» What does a smile say?

What does a smile mean? Various types smiles

A smile is a universal code built into the core of the human heredity program. The basis of a smile is complex biochemical process, which ends with the contraction of numerous facial muscles. How many muscles must contract for a normal smile? At least a dozen, when just one, paralyzed with Botox, is enough to give you a frowning look.

Experts believe that the smile existed among our closest ancestors - hominids, i.e., in an evolutionary sense, it appeared quite a long time ago. The conclusion suggests itself: if there were no smiles, our civilization would probably not be as developed as we know it today. Of course, the fundamental role of speech in the development human society no one encroaches, but the contribution of a smile, I readily believe, was decisive in the emergence of the most important feeling, the most powerful antidote to anger - compassion.

A smile is a signal of peacefulness and goodwill. Remember how newborns smile; this smile - in fact the first attempt at interaction - becomes a passport to civilized society. Few of us know that a smile is also the last interaction: very often those who die, especially those who have suffered for a long time, leave with relief. Noticing such a smile, believers say that the dying person is entering heaven.

A weapon of seduction in the broadest sense of the word, the smile is second only to the gaze, which remains the champion in all mixed categories. A smile creates a feeling of complicity or even collusion (it all depends on the circumstances) even between people who met only for a moment and will probably never see each other again. This empathic exchange allows for a moment of sincerity to be shared. In the blink of an eye, they moved from the level of introspective awareness, that is, they ceased to be prisoners of their own ego, to the extraintense level, freed from the ego.

Even a fleeting smile extinguishes the dominant ego in favor of a short energy metabolism between people. We can say that we resonate with another person. The momentary sincerity we experience is the antonym of a person's natural aggressiveness. The smile can be seen as a means of biological hypnosis, designed to paralyze the aggressive impulses that many feel around a stranger who enters personal territory without invitation.

The speed of a smile is equal to the speed of social light that brings us closer to each other. This simple, habitual movement is sometimes the only way that can reduce the distance between us. This is an indicator of sincerity and a normal climate in society. You could even say that a smile helps to establish smoother relationships between people from different ethnic groups, actually uniting entire nations. A smile brings us closer even when differences drive us apart. A society that has forgotten about smiling is experiencing a deep crisis.

There are various ways and types of smiles, but most often we only use one, maybe two. So, a smile is one of the most effective ways please your interlocutor. To please in the broad sense of the word, and not just to attract a possible sexual partner.

Open or closed smile

The most obvious classification of smiles is by lips; lips may be closed or open. This is a variable reflex gesture.

In general, the type of smile depends on the temperament of the individual, general atmosphere and specific circumstances of communication. Some people never open their lips, while others do it all the time.

Pursed lips

Subjects who almost never open their lips when smiling belong to the huge family of those who keep themselves under control. They express their emotions extremely little and very sparingly, restraining or suppressing them to such an extent that emotions sometimes simply disappear. Such smiles are more like contemptuous grimaces than signs of sympathy.

These are unreliable individuals because they lack emotional intelligence. Never trust them a priori, and a posteriori too. Many U1P people smile with tightly compressed lips and generously make promises about a wonderful future, thanks to which they rise up the career or social ladder.

These spotlights always find sufficient quantity grateful listeners who voluntarily allow themselves to be robbed.

Open smile

Emotional people open their mouths slightly to relax the zygomatic muscles. These are mainly open, sensitive and likable individuals. You can trust them a priori, even if there is a risk of revising your view a posteriori. Of course, there are also fake smiles that show teeth. You just need to learn to distinguish a sincere and friendly smile from a smile on duty, completely fake and commercial.

In fact, the appearance of crow's feet in the corners of the eyes is the main criterion in determining the sincerity of a smile. In practice, everything is more complicated and simpler at the same time. The fact is that the radiance of the gaze and the size of the pupils are also important indicators. A natural smile increases the size of the pupils and illuminates the eyes with a feeling of joy.

Mechanical smile

Not relaxing at all bottom part faces, a mechanical smile convulsively compresses the lips, emphasizing the wrinkles and folds of bitterness at the corners of the mouth. The more often they resort to it, the more it becomes like a grimace. Sooner or later, a mechanical smile turns into a frozen mask, devoid of any charm.

A smile is the soul of your face, therefore a mechanical smile provokes unconscious reaction rejection from the one to whom it is addressed. Take a closer look at how the seller smiles. He never does this without a reason, his smile is an offensive weapon that is practically useless for defense. A characteristic smile that can easily turn into a real grin.

False smile

Whenever you instinctively smile, you relax your face. Whenever you smile mechanically or because circumstances require it, you lose your attractiveness and deepen your wrinkles. There are different types smiles, but only one of them is seductive - a real smile. The sincerity of a smile is often lost when childhood ends, and sometimes much earlier. Believe me, most of the smiles you see around you are false, false smiles designed to ease the fear of another, dry smiles that disappear as quickly as they appear.

To distinguish a real smile from a fake one, just watch the eyes of your interlocutor. One of the criteria for the sincerity of a smile is the degree of its radiance. If the right eye shines and the left eye is expressionless, then this is a contemptuous smile. If the left eye lights up and the right one remains expressionless, then this is a spontaneous smile based on the impermanence of feelings. If both eyes are at the same temperature, then this is a real smile, in harmony with the psychological state.

Smile with your eyes

Smile in dynamics

Perfect smile

A smile flaunting upper teeth, is a smile without a shadow of nobility. Smiling this way man walking right through; he is an egoist, confident in his rights and completely devoid of moral principles. All those who flash on television smile this way. A kind of trademark that confirms the authenticity of a public image.

Predatory smile

A smile that reveals only the lower teeth is the smile of a predator, greedily sinking its teeth into the endless pleasures of life. He is as generous as he is hot-tempered. A predatory smile sparkles a little less than that of an excellent student, and belongs to a person who lives not for his image, but for his knowledge or skills.

Smile with a zipper

The observed subject does not show teeth, as if the lips are zippered or zipped.

Such a smile betrays a little lack of self-confidence, perhaps a little depressed person. There is no need for him to boast about his knowledge, even if he knows more about the subject of conversation than everyone else present. This is the smile of a reserved and modest person.

All-encompassing smile

This is when your interlocutor smiles “with all thirty-two teeth.”

Such a smile at all thirty-two usually belongs to the star of the block or the prima donna of the office. An all-encompassing smile lives to appear, and its greatest fear is not to linger in your memory.

Half-smile: a constant, repetitive gesture

A half-smile is more often a sign of arrogance than contempt. It is characteristic of manipulators who are also seducers.

Try smiling from the left corner of your mouth. And now to the right. Which side comes more naturally to you?

If you are more comfortable smiling from the left corner, you are more of a mocker than a cynic. A half-smile on this side also indicates that socially you will be more susceptible to spontaneously arising feelings of sympathy or antipathy. And this is generally logical, since the left half of the face depends on the right hemisphere of the brain, the emotional one. Irony is more benevolent than cynicism. However, the mocker does not have good resistance to frustration; this is his Achilles heel.

If you are more comfortable smiling from the right corner, you are more of a cynic than a scoffer. Observing shortcomings, the cynic draws his feelings from deep bitterness. He knows how to move away to a sufficient distance, while a mocker is able not to notice something right under his nose. The cynic is much tougher. He builds barricades against enthusiasm, not allowing himself to be drawn into pleasures or pleasures that he will regret in the future. The cynic has excellent resistance to frustration. This is both his strength and weakness.

Anyone who does not give in to frustration does not forget that pleasure can weaken the protective barrier and this weakening can be fatal. And the cynic hates to feel weakness - it in no way fits with the image that he forged for himself.

Tight smile

The motionless, if not frozen, smile of your interlocutor is more like a grimace than a friendly smile.

A forced smile belongs to the family of stereotypical smiles. It conveys the degree of skepticism of those who use it, and especially those who abuse it.

Naive smile

Your interlocutor, sitting opposite, sends a smile, which is at least exciting.

This smile retained the imprint of the child's soul. Take a closer look at the baby's delighted smile. It is no coincidence that children learn to smile before they speak. Such a smile with the scent of childhood is quite capable of neutralizing stress and reducing the intensity of passions. An excellent remedy for a wide variety of anxieties.

Distracted smile

The interlocutor gives you a slightly distant smile.

This type of smile indicates a certain distance; you are clearly considered lower in rank, which is communicated condescendingly.

triumphant smile

Clearly satisfied with the conversation with management, your colleague smiles with undisguised pride.

In addition to the expression of satisfaction, which is written in huge letters on the face, a triumphant smile is often accompanied by a turn of the shoulders. Even if the feeling of satisfaction is completely justified, it is better not to overuse such a smile, because it irritates those who find it difficult to achieve success or even are simply unlucky in life. lately. Sometimes a feeling of justifiable pride in oneself is confused with arrogance.

Cold smile

Your interlocutor smiles coldly, pursing his lips.

Such a gesture indicates that your interlocutor is afraid of wasting time in your company completely in vain.

Bitter smile

The smile of your interlocutor is more like an overturned soup bowl.

The transformation of our smiles reveals how much our thoughts own and control our consciousness in the most literal sense of the word. It's about about a sad and at the same time damn romantic smile with a certain admixture of doom and resignation to fate.

A fleeting smile

The smile of your interlocutor disappears as quickly as it appeared.

The effect such a smile has on an inexperienced person can be amazing. It causes instant stress that can unsettle anyone. A smile that barely appears and instantly disappears indicates that you missed the mark.

You should be extremely careful about these types of smiles. It is for this reason that it is better not to take your eyes off the interlocutor to whom you are about to reveal your cards. His every facial movement will be recorded in your memory and will come up when you analyze the results of the meeting. Unless, of course, you spare a little time and effort.

Stereotypical smile of a fashion model

The interlocutor smiles at you, as if posing in front of a photographer.

Not all smiles are an expression of relaxation or relief. Traditions require greeting a stranger with a smile, which has turned the smile of a hospitable host into a stereotypical grimace. Representatives of some professions have become real experts in depicting a stereotypical smile: actors, fashion models, politicians...

To distinguish a real smile from a stereotypical grimace, you must observe the eyes of your interlocutor. The glow should match the smile; the eyes smile at the same time as the mouth, otherwise such a smile is worthless.

A welcoming smile

The smile that the owner sends you under the guise of being welcoming is more like an overly cheerful smile from a commercial.

Another look at the friendly smile, which is quite accurately called the toothpaste advertising smile, confirms that a welcoming or even simply polite smile, both close and distant, instinctively attracts another person, even if you have nothing formally connecting you. It does not violate the boundaries of personal space, but simply addresses what you have in common. “Smiling touches something important in us: our innate sensitivity to kindness,” emphasizes the 14th Dalai Lama in Ethics for the New Millennium.

A knowing smile

“I love seeing knowing looks and smiles when I photograph strangers on the street,” says Steven, 25, a Taiwanese photographer who travels the world. The smiles he captured are often the best memories of these travels.

This peculiar smile expresses complicity. It gives a subtle understanding, without which true complicity is not possible. An understanding smile disarms, inspires confidence, conquers or excites; it allows you to approach or push away without unnecessary offense.

Bold smile

Your exit. Quite unexpectedly, I have to come out in defense of the project. Lacking a clear plan, you decide to start with a smile.

The effort we make to make ourselves smile provides an opportunity to maintain confidence and highlight successes rather than failures. Smiling helps us cope better with stress and face change with greater calm. A smile precedes a laugh.

Protective smile

When you walk into a room where you don't know anyone, you instinctively smile defensively.

A smile can protect us from others or bring us closer to them, blame or forgive. A smile is a kind of concession designed to nip the impulses of our own and others’ aggression, so to speak, in the bud. Probably the only sign of calm known to all cultures without exception.

Shy smile

An intern in your department smiles sheepishly: it just turned out that he had the wrong address when sending an urgent order.

While not always expressing pleasure, a smile can also indicate a desire to smooth out awkwardness: an embarrassed smile may appear on the face if we have made a mistake and are filled with shame.

Provocative smile

In this case, the head is slightly lowered, and the gaze... It can most accurately be called flirtatious. For women it is a sensual smile. But she, of course, is not as lustful as some men. A business smile is not a real smile; it lacks expressive wrinkles around the eyes, but a flirtatious smile addressed to you personally can very well show real interest.

How to learn to smile

Your smile is not only a social grimace, but also a powerful weapon necessary to achieve certain life goals.

If you want to attract or seduce someone, you will have to learn to smile again by working with your zygomatic muscles through special exercises. Believe me, it's not too much high price for a real smile. The fear of losing is noted precisely at the level of the movable jaw. The deeper the doubt takes root, the more the smile freezes.

So, a smile conquers failure and secures success. A real smile illuminates the face, is read on the face, is noticed on the cheeks and is even visible under the waves of the eyebrows. A beautiful face is not a frozen mask, but the ability to express feelings and impressions. A smile is like the icing on the cake: if it turns out to be tasteless, then the cake is no better.

There are plenty of obvious examples and analogies. You are able to notice when it is necessary to start regular exercise in a fitness club in order to restore muscles that have practically atrophied in the concrete jungle; that you need to train your abdominal muscles in order to tighten your belly, which is hanging over your trouser belt... It’s the same with a smile. There are special exercises isometric gymnastics for smile programming.

We are talking about psychotonic gymnastics, which is a set of exercises to contract the muscles around the eyes and mouth, muscles of the cheeks and nose. In general, this technique resembles a facial muscle trans. Most people learn gymnastics without much difficulty, since it does not require achievement special conditions consciousness, as opposed to, for example, hypnosis.

Prepared from: Messinger J. C. Ces gestes qui vous trahissent - Paris: France, 2013

A Duchenne smile is a game of facial expressions in which joy is expressed not only by your lips, but also by your eyes. Seeing her, it is very difficult not to be imbued with positive feelings for a person; you are immediately infected with the warmth and tenderness that she conveys.

Visual communication of feelings

Awaken the light in your heart

Many have simply forgotten what it’s like to laugh from the heart and smile with their eyes, they are squeezed and constrained, and this is certainly not the path to happiness and good mood. It is impossible to fake such a state; you can only allow yourself not to hold back at the moment when feelings take over your soul.

People often try to be positive not because they consider themselves to be so, but in order to win over those around them. But this is the wrong approach. Such an individual becomes an electric light bulb, attracting insects to the bright light, attracting people whose company is supposed to make him happy. With this approach, you will never be able to experience genuine joy, because you adjust yourself to the world around us, expect a return from him.

Return to the purity of emotions

The time when we are most sincere and pure is childhood. If you remember what your mother’s smile looks like, you can get some impression of what true love and tenderness is like. And the mother’s face doesn’t look like this when we got an “A” in school or cleaned the room. It looks this way simply because she loves us unconditionally, sincerely.

Likewise, adults should tie their own feelings not to numbers or material benefits that they managed to achieve. Yours should depend only on you. You are the regulator of your own mood.

Collecting information about how a sincere smile can be created is meaningless if real feelings are not hidden behind the external facade. It's like building a house without a foundation. Sooner or later it will collapse.

How to learn to smile with your eyes

In order for happy sparkles to appear in your eyes, you cannot simply remember the position of the facial muscles, and why is this necessary? So that you yourself feel sick of your own insincerity?

A bright smile appears automatically when your mind is not filled with dark thoughts and suspicions. Seeing it, people will gain confidence in you. But first, you yourself must learn to treat others well, then you won’t have to fake facial expressions.

When your thinking works correctly, you will throw off all the shackles from your soul and feel true joy. Mom's smile is the thing that made us feel love loved one, still not really able to think and analyze, they simply read information on an intuitive level from facial features. These skills do not go away, so even at a conscious age, a lot can be said with just one look.

Use your imagination

In total, scientists have studied 50 different B in nature. human face there are many muscles, with the help of different states of which you can convey your feelings and sensations without words.

A sincere smile is unique in that it cannot be faked. Even the most skilled actor cannot do this. It occurs involuntarily. If you are a rather modest and constrained person who does not show your emotions clearly, you will need to remember how simple-minded and free your soul was in childhood. Surely there are photographs from New Year trees and matinees in kindergarten. Even if you were very serious child, there is a high probability that there will be an image that will show your sincere smile. Of course, a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, and you are already a completely different person, but still this is your image. The happy child on it is you.

Feel the difference

Think about something positive, experience all the accompanying emotions, take a selfie, look at yourself. If your feelings are pure, the photo will capture a smile full of sincerity, light and tenderness. It may be different from many photos in which you look tense or forced. This is what you get when you are asked to smile in group photos and they promise that a bird is about to fly out. You don’t really believe that some kind of bird lives in the cell, so you open your teeth without much enthusiasm, and your eyes are completely bored.

A sincere smile is one in which you actually believe in the existence of a certain bird, and not when a photographer waves his hand and calls you to in the right order actions. Of course, such facial expressions are better than complete absence emotions, but if you want your images to really catch on and make you feel sympathy for you, not to mention live communication, do not forget to work not only on your appearance, but also on your inner state.

Algorithm of actions

When the lens is pointed at you, remember an event that really made you happy, friends, loved ones, even an infinitely cute and funny pet that you like to pet, a walk under the gentle spring sun. Most people like these things. This works flawlessly when you need to disperse the clouds on the horizon of your own soul in a short period of time.

Such a mimic game is not a theatrical performance, it is only a consequence of the true events unfolding in your heart. They appear under conditions of purity of feelings. Remember this state well and the tools you used to achieve it. Not just to pull them out like a trump card from the deck of their masks in order to cast a fog on the public. First of all, you need this in order to be able to rejoice and enjoy both current moments and memories.

Also remember the feelings you get when using a fake smile, stop it every time you notice signs of it.

Bring your skill to automaticity

In any business, practice is important, and the ability to convey tenderness through a glance is no exception. Fortunately, such activities are extremely pleasant. Over time, they will become part of your habits, and it will become easier for you to express emotions.

When you walk in front of the mirror at home, remember something positive and smile, look into your eyes. Do you believe in yourself, do you feel that bright and kind thoughts are spinning in the head that you see in front of you? If yes, you are definitely making progress.

You can, of course, squint. Then rays will appear around the eyes, which are a typical sign of a Duchenne smile. But it is much better to go directly, and not around, and create the right mood in the soul, and not to contrive and pretend. So you yourself will benefit from it much more.

A slight squint really creates a nice visual effect, especially if you're looking the person straight in the eyes. It often happens that a person does not find a bright soul common language with others due to excessive tightness. Everyone should know what a good person you are, do not hesitate to show the best that you have. Smile more often!