The best quality cat food. Which cat food is best: the correct diet for a meowing pet

Feeding cats until recently fell on the shoulders of owners as a heavy burden.

Not everyone can correctly create a diet for a pet: this requires special knowledge and skills, and to provide your baby with the most better nutrition everyone wants it.

Today's cat food is a carefully formulated product based on the latest nutritional science.

There is still no clear opinion about which food is better. Some prefer dry food, others claim that best option– canned food

Types of cat food

Furry pets need to be fed high-quality food.

This applies to any breed, both large cats like, and, and medium-sized animals like, and.

You can get acquainted with other large breeds of cats in the article

In addition, to maintain a beautiful coat, and other long-haired beauties, their food must maintain a balance of microelements and vitamins.

The organization of feeding the purr depends on the capabilities of the owners and the availability of free time.

Typically, owners choose one of the following methods:

  • natural feeding;
  • feeding with prepared food.

If the owners of the meowing miracle have enough time and energy to prepare healthy dishes and care about the balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, then they can safely choose natural feeding.

But if you don’t have enough time, then you should think about ready-made food.

But how to choose the right food for your pet? What is the best cat food?

If purring owners have enough time, you can feed their pets natural food. But modern realities force us to resort to ready-made food

The problem of choice is a common problem for buyers. There are on store shelves different options feed Depending on the presence of water in their composition, they are divided into:

  • dry food;
  • wet food.

Owners are afraid to give dry food to their pets because of the risk of stones in the urinary tract. But it’s completely in vain. Manufacturers managed to create a dry food formula that is close to the ideal cat diet

Dry cat food

Many fears are associated with this type of nutrition.

They are absolutely groundless when it comes to high quality feed, but are completely justified when the owner regularly feeds his cat with cheap dry food.

The main advantages of high-quality dry food:

  • convenience - it can lie in a bowl for a long time without loss of quality;
  • most of the vitamins in the feed are preserved thanks to granulation technology;
  • high quality feed pellets cover digestive bacteria, which contribute to the normal functioning of the cat’s body;
  • Dry food is more concentrated and lasts a long time.

Owners, primarily of exotic breeds like and, are afraid to give dry food to their pets because of the risk of stones appearing in the urinary tract. But it’s completely in vain.

You just need to know which dry cat food is best. Manufacturers managed to create a dry food formula that is close to the ideal cat diet.

Dry food is supported by the fact that many well-known companies make its release a priority.

And owners of famous catteries are increasingly choosing dry cat food as a basis. Which one is better?

Reviews are unanimous on only one thing: economy class is the enemy of cat health.

Wet food

This type of food includes canned food and spiders.

Canned food is the first attempt to create an easy-to-use balanced diet.

They are pieces of meat, fish, vegetables and cereals in sauce.

Pack it all in a tin can. Pauchi are the same canned food, only their packaging is not tin, but made of foil and polyethylene.

Important! Wet food in open form Can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Before serving, it must be warmed to room temperature.

Cat food classes

All over the world it is customary to divide cat food into three large groups:

  • economy product;
  • medium product;
  • premium product.

In some countries, the classification is expanded to five categories and “Super Premium” and “Human grade” are added.

The latter also includes. A separate group is distinguished medicinal products and diets.

Economy class

Manufacturers depict happy cats on the packaging, but what's inside? Will this food really make a cat happy?

You can't rely on a cat's instincts in this matter - even spoiled purrs often eat cheap food with greater pleasure than better quality ones.

This is a kind of cat “fast food”. They smell good and contain few proteins, but many harmful substances. They are absorbed only by 30–50%.

As a result of such nutrition, animals get a whole bunch of diseases, and ready-made feed– the glory of junk cat food.

Medium class treats already contain natural meat, but its percentage is insignificant

Medium class

These products are not much more expensive. They are also sold in supermarkets, and they are also found in specialized stores.

This food is much less harmful to the health of your beloved cats, but there is also little benefit from it.

Such delicacies already contain natural meat, but its percentage is insignificant.

But the age of the animals and their need for vitamins and minerals are still taken into account.

The use of medium-grade food is not advisable for cats with weak immune systems.

Super-premium class is the choice of owners of elite kittens. Such food is called professional. Their composition is thought out to the smallest detail, and specialists work on the recipes.

Holistic food

This is an innovative line of food. They are completely natural.

They contain Human grade elements, that is, products that are suitable for humans.

But cats need to be accustomed to such food. Manufacturers do not add flavorings or flavor enhancers to the feed at all.

And if a mustachioed gourmet is accustomed to strong-smelling food, he will not appreciate the benefits of premium quality. But does he have a caring owner?

Important! Owners of meowing pets should know that high-quality food is 80–90% digestible. Therefore they high price compensated by a small daily allowance.

Holistic food is an innovative line of food, it is completely natural. They contain Human grade elements, that is, products that are suitable for humans

Popular cat foods

What's happened proper nutrition, and which cat food is best?

Kitten food must take into account the shaping factor bone tissue, muscles, animal fur. Therefore, it is important to know which kitten food is the best and to provide your baby with adequate nutrition.

All baby food is divided into age categories. You should start with food intended for 1 age group. It includes the age of fluffies up to 4 months. The second category is from 4 to 8 months, the third is from 8 months. up to 1 year.

Experts do not recommend feeding kittens the usual food that the family eats. For the growing body of the mustache, the supply of all necessary substances is especially important., which will have a beneficial effect on the development of the animal - the formation of the skeleton, the normal functioning of all internal organs, muscle tissue, wool growth. Therefore, it is important to choose high-quality food for kittens.

Just like for adult cats, we produce a line of dry, wet food, and canned food.

Dry food for kittens

The specificity of dry food is that the food is in the form of pieces or granules, which have virtually no moisture. Therefore, the animal chews food, cleaning the surface of the teeth from plaque, sharpening the teeth, which is important for predators. In the case of children, this type of diet can hardly be called appropriate.

Digestion of kittens is not yet sufficiently established; teeth are just forming. Therefore, resorting to dry food is not advisable for them.

If there is a need to use dry feeding, then this should be done from the age of 8 months, when the fluffy coat has already formed, and the use of this type of food will be tolerated by the animal calmly.


Top 5 best holistic foods for babies:

  • Akana (Canada).
  • Chicken soup (USA).
  • Artemis (USA).
  • Eagle Pack (USA).
  • Felide (USA).

This is the highest quality food available in dry form.


Among super premium foods, the best foods, according to experts, are:

  • Brit Keir.
  • Bozita.
  • Gina.

They are somewhat inferior in quality of raw materials, but are quite suitable for a balanced diet for an older pet.


In the premium class, the most favored were:

  • Hills.
  • About the Plan.
  • Royal Canin.

Royal Canin Kitten

Such food is cheaper than super premium food, but is made from raw materials of satisfactory quality.

It is not recommended to feed your baby economy class dry food. In the production of this type of food, many chemical additives are used, which can cause significant harm to the developing body of a young animal.

Wet food

This type of food for kittens is divided by age and breed of animal. The marking on the product packaging indicates the age for which the food is intended. Some companies do individual species, focused on breed specificity. This approach satisfies the needs of strict breeders. Animal lovers with lesser requirements can feed their pets food based on age indicators.

Many cat owners who fed their kitten wet food with early age We were pleased with the result. The baby adapts well to the new diet, as it takes into account the needs of the growing body as much as possible.

Features of wet food in their composition. Such food includes natural products - meat, fish, vegetables. Jelly or broth, which contains soft pieces, makes it possible for young, still developing teeth to cope with food without effort. In addition, the food is packaged for 1 meal. This is convenient, since the contents quickly deteriorate during storage. Wet food does not contain preservatives, other chemical additives. This type of food is safe for the health of the animal.

The rating of wet food is no different from the rating of dry food. All companies produce separate lines of food for animals, designed for the age of the animals.. But still, the best wet food according to veterinarians is Akana. He has earned the most flattering reviews from breeders.

Canned food

This is an expensive pleasure; rather, this type of food can be defined as high-quality bait for a kitten. Canned food is the most expensive type of food on the market. This is explained by their composition. Often, they include from 90 to 60% natural meat - animal origin or fish.

Pros of canned food:

  • High calorie content. It is enough for a baby to eat 100 g of such food to satisfy hunger for a long time.
  • High quality raw materials used in production.
  • Disposable packaging.
  • Well-thought-out composition - if vegetables and meat are included, then they complement each other as much as possible.

Disadvantages of canned food:

  • High cost.
  • Small list of components. Often the packaging may consist of 1 or 2 components. Such nutrition can hardly be called completely balanced.

Many veterinarians consider canned food to be a delicacy for animals. The top best canned food for kittens looks like this:

  • Almo Necher Alternative.
  • Leonardo.
  • Applous.
  • Evanges Signeisha Series.
  • Petite Couisin.

Almo Nature Alternative

Should I feed my kitten natural food?

This is not an idle question. For many generations, animal lovers have fed their kittens natural food. Now this approach also exists. At the same time, furry owners who prefer this type of food for their pet should take into account the specifics of the animal. Cats are natural predators, so they require meat and fish.. Besides important factor is the formation of wool. If not fed correctly, she begins to climb a lot. This creates a lot of inconvenience.

Not all owners can fully balance the nutrition of a small mustache. Even if you feed your baby homemade food, you need to take into account a number of nuances.

You cannot feed your kitten raw fish. It may contain worms, worm eggs, and worms.

Without heat treatment, all this “delicacy” will end up in the stomach and then it will be difficult to fight it. In addition, it should be taken into account that there are many small bones in the fish. A baby (and an adult cat) often suffers from bones digging into the throat, palate, etc. Therefore, feeding fish must be very careful.

You should not feed your kitten cow's milk. It is poorly digested by kittens' stomachs and can harm the baby's health.

Many experts advise feeding pet balanced food offered by various companies. The choice of food is large and designed for different financial capabilities. The best food for a kitten, according to veterinarians, is wet, selected depending on age and breed. It will help the baby transition normally from breastfeeding to denser food, develop, without damage to digestion.

Owners who have chosen natural food to feed their kitten must take into account the specifics of the growing organism. It is good to allow your pet at least occasionally special dietary food in the form of canned food.

The health of cats, like people, directly depends on what they eat. However, this does not mean that cats should be fed scraps from the human table. On the contrary, this can cause irreparable harm to their health, because the composition of the necessary nutrients for their life is different. Therefore, food for them should be separate, balanced for their body.

Which food is best for cats according to the rating - this question will no longer be difficult for you if you read this material.

About types of food

The ideal option is for you to prepare food for your pet yourself, calculating calories and the composition of nutrients according to his age and state of health.

However, there is not always enough time to do this even for your own menu, let alone animals.

Did you know? The life expectancy of people who have cats at home is increasing.

Therefore, we turn to the store for ready-made goods, the variety of which makes choosing good cat food problematic.

Let's start with the fact that all products in this direction are divided into types and classes.

Dry, wet, canned

First of all, finished products are divided into:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • canned.
Dry food is meat, vegetables, cereals and other products dried in a special way. Today, this type accounts for the majority of sales on the market.
Its advantage for cats is that by eating the granules the animal’s teeth clean themselves; dry food for owners the better, which may not deteriorate for a long time.

Important! When feeding a dry product, it is necessary to provide the cat with constant access to clean and fresh water, otherwise the animal’s body will become dehydrated.

There is an opinion that dry food can cause kidney or bladder stones in cats, but the manufacturers of the best modern products claim that they have gotten rid of this threat. Wet food is food for animals in the form of pieces of meat or fish (sometimes with vegetables) with gravy in foil bags. There is more moisture here than in a dry product, but less than in a canned product. The advantage is its portion size (1 sachet = 1 serving), but the disadvantage is the loss of nutrients if the cat does not finish the entire sachet, and the very limited shelf life of an open sachet.
Cats love canned food the most. They are meat in the form of pates or pieces with gravy with high content humidity, rolled into tin cans.

Animals consuming this type of product require less water. The disadvantage of this food is the short shelf life of an open can.


Depending on the quality of feed, they can be divided into:

  • economy class;
  • premium class;
  • super premium class;
  • holistic class.
Economy class is the cheapest, most advertised and most popular. There is probably no person who has not heard of him.

Here is a list of products in this class:

  • Pankit;
  • Darling;
  • Felix;
  • Allcats;
  • Vaska;
  • Friskies;
  • Sheba and others.
These are low quality foods, although advertising convinces us that they are balanced and consist exclusively of meat, vitamins and minerals. However, instead of meat, bone meal, feathers, horns, hooves, etc. are used here.
In addition, the percentage of meat is reduced in favor of grains, which should be present in small quantities in the cat’s menu.

Important! The danger of such feeds lies in the content of chemical dyes and preservatives that can cause various diseases in animals.

At their core, these foods can be equated to hot dogs, pizza and other fast food: the stomach is full, but there is no benefit to the body.

Some people might argue: it can't be that if things were that bad, my cat wouldn't eat these foods so happily. The answer to this objection is simple - cat flavor enhancers are added to such products.

Compared to the previous one, the premium class of food contains a larger percentage of meat, but not enough, and by-products are also present. There are more useful substances here, less content preservatives and dyes.

Here is a list of premium cat foods:

  • Nutro Choice;
  • Regal;
  • Pro Pak (PRO PAC);
  • Karma Organic;
  • Guabi;
  • Happy Cat;
  • Matisse;
  • Flatazor;
  • Advance;
  • Natural Choice;
  • Brit;
  • Iams;
  • Belcando;
  • Doctor Alders;
  • (Hills) and (Royal Canin) made in Russia.
If the financial side of your pet's nutrition does not concern you, buy super-premium products.
These are balanced feeds containing meat, essential vitamins and minerals, small quantity cereals, vegetables, fruits.

It’s not scary to feed a cat with such a product, but unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.

This product can only be purchased in veterinary pharmacies or hospitals. Below is a rating of super-premium cat foods.

Important! Most likely, your cat will refuse to eat this food at first, especially if she previously ate cheap food - this is due to the lack of flavor enhancers in the composition.

Holistic class food contains high quality meat without dyes and other harmful substances, a small amount of grains and best vegetables or do not contain them at all.

People can eat products from this class of goods without fear, since animals for slaughter (calves, lambs, chickens, turkeys, rabbits) are kept in environmentally friendly conditions, and vegetables and grains grow in specially designated areas and are watered only clean water without nitrates.
There are no preservatives or other chemicals here.

The composition of the feed is clearly described - the specific type of meat, grains and vegetables is indicated. They are often produced separately for each cat breed or taking into account behavioral characteristics.

Buying holistic food is not so easy. Due to their high cost, they are almost not in demand, so the number of stores selling them is very limited.

Buyers often order it online and wait a long time for delivery.

The complete absence of flavorings in products contributes to poor appetite cats at first.

Important! Such feeds are digestible by almost 90%, therefore daily requirement they are much lower than ordinary ones.

List of holistic products:

  • NOW and GO Natural Holistic;
  • Chicken Soup;
  • ANF ​​holistic;
  • Innova;
  • Golden Eagle (N&D) and others.

How to make a choice

If you want to choose the best food for your cat, but don’t know which one is the healthiest for her, ask the opinion of veterinarians.

Selection criteria best product the following:

  1. The inscription on the packaging is AAFCO (stands for American Association for Food Quality Control).
  2. Indication of a specific type of meat containing more than 25%.
  3. Additionally, the composition contains liver or fish.
  4. Availability of vitamins E, C.
  5. A small amount of food consumed per day.
  6. Absence of bone meal and by-products.
  7. Contains no products of animal origin.
  8. No preservatives propyl gallate, ethoxyquin, BHT, VNA.
  9. Cereals and vegetables make up less than 30%.
  10. The composition contains protein, fats, taurine and, preferably, lactobacilli.
  11. No sugar.
  12. The cat doesn't have unpleasant odor from the mouth and from the toilet, the coat is shiny, good playfulness.

Did you know? Young kittens love milk, but in older cats it can cause vomiting or diarrhea due to lactose intolerance.

Rating of the best


Orijen has been on the market for over 20 years and has never been filled with corn, bone meal or organ meats. It is not available in canned form and is sold only in specialized stores.

Innova Evo

Highly nutritious hypoallergenic products Innova Evo is manufactured by Natura Pet Products in the USA. They contain only selected meat, probiotics, and no chemical additives.

It is very expensive and is sold mainly by ordering online.


The company from Germany “Aras” has been on the market for more than 27 years and produces dry and wet food. The meat content is at least half of the product, and in some types - up to 98%. The composition does not contain lactose and gluten, as well as chemical dyes and preservatives.

Farms supplying products for the company's feed production have received the appropriate certificate.


The Canidae company (formerly Felidae) is located in the USA and produces products that mainly include meat, as well as essential amino acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, vegetables, herbs, and fruits.

Low allergenicity is due to the absence of chemicals, gluten and corn flour. The product is expensive and not easy to find on sale.


Eukanuba is available for animals of different ages and with various diseases in dry or canned form. This balanced and easily digestible food does not contain harmful substances.

Did you know? The cat door was invented by the famous scientist Isaac Newton.


To ensure that cats receive a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, a special variety of potatoes is included in the composition. Meat and fish are not used for production after freezing.

The following products are produced under the Acana brand:

  • Wild Prairie Cat & Kitten "Acana Regionals" - COBB chicken, turkey, snapper, apples, pumpkin, spinach, pear, cranberry, blueberry;
  • Acana Pacifica Cat - flounder, hake, herring, seaweed, cranberry, medicinal herbs;
  • Acana Grasslands Cat - lamb, duck, wild bass, chicken eggs, prebiotics.
Champion Petfoods, the company that produces the line, also produces Orijen.

Almo nature

The Almo Nature company from Genoa has been on the market for 15 years and produces the following products:

  • Rouge Label - hypoallergenic;
  • Tradition - canned;
  • Orange Label - for castrated cats;
  • Azul Label - unfortunately, includes offal and flour;
  • Green Label is a specially prepared wet food.


Pronature food is produced in Canada and is considered one of the best because it includes high-quality meat and vegetable ingredients and is suitable for sick animals. However, some types contain tomato, cellulose and high ash levels.


Bozita is a Swedish product in the form of dry and wet food. The production of goods takes place under state quality control. Cats eat it with pleasure. However, not all owners like the fact that it contains pork and corn flour.


Josera consists of products that are certified as suitable for human consumption. Harmful substances and little healthy supplements are missing. Produced according to age categories. However, this product is expensive and not easy to find.

Did you know? In terms of the number of domestic cats, Australia is in first place, where only 10% of the population does not have them, but in Gabon and Peru, domestic cats are very rare.

If you choose dry food for your pet, follow a few feeding recommendations:

  1. Change the water in the bowl daily.
  2. Feed the animal 2 times a day.
  3. Store the product in a closed container.
  4. Do not combine with feeding natural products, this may lead to an imbalance of microelements.
  5. Buy products with small pieces.
  6. An ash residue of 6 percent or more can lead to kidney or bladder stones.
  7. Buy a product that is appropriate for the animal's age.
  8. Cats are guided by their own taste - one may love veal food, while another, refusing to eat it, loves liver food.
  9. Stick to one brand when choosing a product because different manufacturers form different composition feed, and the animal may not easily tolerate changes.
  10. Pay attention to the absence of constipation.

Cats are domestic animals and are highly dependent on their owners for food. Of course, not everyone can afford to buy them expensive food, but buying cheap ones is not recommended.

If you do not want or cannot buy an expensive product, it is better to switch the animal to natural products, then you can avoid many health problems for your purr.

our “smaller brothers” has a positive effect on their health and, accordingly, appearance. The primary task of a cat owner is to find the best food for his pet. After all, this is the key to her health and longevity.

Today in any store you can see a huge selection of these products, but before choosing any product, the cat owner should know what useful substances A cat needs them for full development. Of course, these are protein, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, enzymes. Now you need to figure out what kind of food there is. Perhaps then it will be easier for you to choose the best option.


Do not under any circumstances think that these are products from your table. Every cat owner should firmly remember that feeding their furry friend food intended for humans is strictly prohibited. According to many famous veterinarians, the best food for cats is pieces of meat or fish. But you must remember that periodically the cat should receive mineral or vitamin supplements if you prefer natural food. The veterinarian will tell you about them and recommend which ones are best to give to your pet.

When inexperienced pet owners ask: “Recommend a good cat food,” many experts recommend natural products.

What are the benefits of meat and fish

Lean lamb, veal, and rabbit are the main supplier of protein to the animal’s body. It is better to avoid pork or reduce its consumption to a minimum, and even then only in boiled form. Poultry meat - turkey and chicken - must also be heat-treated first. From time to time, your cat can be given beef liver as a source of vitamins D, H, A, B. In limited quantities, you can feed your cat raw fish, as it can become a source of helminth infection. It is much safer to give it boiled.

Should I give my cat milk?

A small amount of dairy products is necessary for your cat. Veterinarians do not recommend giving your pets milk - it is practically not absorbed by the cat’s body, but sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, and low-fat cheeses will be very useful. The best food for cats (we are talking about natural products) must be supplemented with plant ingredients. These are cereals: oatmeal, corn, rice, semolina. Vegetables: cauliflower, carrots, greens. They need to be boiled and wiped.

Canned food

Pet owners, going into a store and stopping at the shelves with these products, cannot find an answer to the question of what good cat food to choose. For cats, canned food is a treat. It is rare to find an animal that would refuse it. Owners speak of canned food as an excellent “substitute” natural products. They are attracted by the sealed packaging of these products, which significantly increases their shelf life. In addition, using canned food saves the owner a lot of time.

Wet food

Wet (good!) cat food is a cross between dry food and canned food. Appetizing pieces of fish or meat are drenched in a sauce that cats love. As a rule, one bag is designed for one feeding. According to reviews from owners, such food is very helpful, especially in the evenings, when after a working day there is neither time nor desire to cook.

Good cat food (reviews from owners and veterinarians confirm this) today are products from companies such as Leonardo, Hill's, Jams, Sheb. It would be unfair not to mention good, inexpensive cat food from domestic manufacturers. This trademarks“Four-legged gourmet”, “Zoogourmand”, “Vaska”.

Remember the so-called “black list” of food of this type - Darling, Wiskas, KiteKat, Gourment, EdelCat, MonAmi, Oscar, Friskies. This cat food (reviews from veterinarians confirm this) should not be present in your pet’s diet!

Dry food

The most controversial type of feed. Experts debate a lot about the possibility of its use. Although even adherents often give it to their animals natural feed. It is believed to have a beneficial effect on animal teeth. In addition, good dry cat food is used to prevent urolithiasis. They are periodically given to adult animals that constantly eat low-quality food of this type.

According to the owners, the advantage of dry food is the ability to leave it in a bowl for a long time (in case the owners leave) - it does not spoil or dry out. Adherents of this type of cat nutrition should be aware that veterinarians allow this choice, but strongly recommend choosing products from well-known and well-established companies.

These include EVO Turkeyand Chicken Formula. Many pet owners say about it: “What good food.” It is completely harmless for cats. It does not contain any preservatives or other by-products. It contains chicken and chicken products, turkey. It is rich in protein (about 50%) and contains a small proportion of carbohydrates (about 7%). This is a product of Natura petfoods, which was acquired by Procter & Gamble in 2010. This is a quality cat food. Reviews from veterinarians indicate that it contains the entire complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for cats.

California Natural is another brand of the same company Natural P&G. According to veterinarians, this food deserves attention, although it does not contain large quantity squirrel. Ingredients: chicken, chicken bone meal, rice - regular and brown. Experts note the high quality of food from From Family Foods, Onjen Cat&Kitten, BlueBuffalo Spa Select Chicken and others.

For inexpensive dry food, veterinarians recommend Nftura lBalance Ultra PremiumDry. True, it uses rapeseed oil. This is a rather controversial ingredient. The food contains no preservatives and synthetic additives. Protein content of 34% is a good indicator.

The advertised Purina Cat Chow product has a very unappealing composition: poultry by-products, corn meal, corn gluten, beef tallow and soy flour.

Feed classes

Many cat owners are interested in what the division of food into classes means. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Economy class

These foods are intended to satisfy the animal's hunger. They have very low nutritional value, and therefore veterinarians do not recommend feeding cats these products on a regular basis. The best option- use mixed feeding, combining natural food with dry food. This class includes products such as “Darling”, “Whiskas”, Sheba, “Meow”.

Middle class

These feeds are made from more quality products. They contain less grains and soy than their economy class counterparts. Such feeds are more nutritious and less of them will be required to satiate the animal. This class includes products from Karma Organic, Acana, Royal Canin, PRO PAK and others.

Premium class

This food is quite expensive. But a pet’s health is more important, isn’t it? After numerous studies, Chicken Soup Adult Cat food, a dry hypoallergenic food, became the undisputed leader in this class. The protein content in it is more than 30%. It is based on natural meat and poultry. It contains no more than 35% grain ingredients. The grain-free product Innova EVO Dri Cat Food was highly appreciated by veterinarians. It contains more than 42% protein. The ingredients are vegetables and fruits, chicken and turkey meat, herring and potatoes - what a good food, it contains all the necessary nutrients for cats.

Is it possible to switch a cat from one food to another?

Yes, you can. But it is necessary to do this correctly so that the change goes smoothly and does not harm the animal. Gradually, over 10-14 days you in small portions add new food to your usual food. During this period, the cat's digestion may be impaired. To prevent this, probiotics should be added to the animal’s diet - special preparations that stabilize the intestinal microflora. This could be a chamomile decoction or the drug “Smecta”. Pick up necessary drug Your veterinarian will help you.

Quite often, pet owners ask: “How often can you change your cat’s food? How can I diversify her diet? We hasten to reassure you. Cats are great at eating a monotonous diet. The owner himself is more worried about this, and for some reason he begins to feel guilty that his pet is not receiving something special. According to experts, than longer cat If she receives monotonous, but completely balanced food, the less problems she has with digestion. If you are satisfied with the condition of your cat, its fur and skin, then it makes no sense to change its diet.

How to feed a sterilized cat

Unfortunately, there are situations when animals need such surgery. After sterilization, serious changes occur in the animal’s body that can disrupt not only its physiology, but also its way of life. Your pet is changing hormonal background, she no longer takes part in mating games, having previously notified the entire district about this. Her attitude towards food also changes. It becomes the cat's only pleasure, so very often she begins to gain weight very quickly.

The owner’s task is to distract his four-legged beauty from such an exciting activity as eating. Spend more time with her, keep her busy with active, fun games. If the efforts made do not have an effect, and the weight continues to increase, it is necessary to switch your cat to low-calorie food.

So what is a good food for sterilized cats? If before the operation you fed your cat natural food, you can remain on it, but with some adjustments. The animal's diet should contain the following products:

  • beef or poultry meat;
  • offal;
  • milk porridge;
  • vegetables;
  • fermented milk products.

Attention! Fish should be completely excluded from the diet of a sterilized cat due to great content magnesium and phosphorus.

If before the operation you fed your cat with ready-made food, then it makes no sense to radically change the feeding system. Let her continue to receive ready-made food, but with some adjustment - it should be products for sterilized cats. Nowadays, many manufacturers are expanding this group of their feeds. First of all, we are talking about premium and super-premium products.

Such companies produce food based on the developments of their own research centers. These are Iams, Royal Canin, Purina, Hills. It is better to purchase special food in pet stores, where a sales consultant will be able to advise you on a special dietary food for the prevention of urolithiasis, taking into account the age, weight and physiological characteristics of your cat.

I would like to advise all animal lovers - do not hesitate to seek help and advice from veterinarian. On all nutrition issues he will become the best nutritionist. He will tell you which good cat food is best for your pet.