Daytime dreams come true or are empty. What does a dream on Monday afternoon, morning or evening mean?

Many people analyze their sleep by day of the week. And that's right. Because every day is governed by the power of interacting planets. They, according to some, have their own strength and unique hidden properties. And this affects everything that exists on our Earth. Dreams are no exception, or so, at least, esotericists say. Well, the topic can be quite entertaining, so you can speculate about it.


The interpretation of dreams differs by day of the week, and it’s worth starting from the very first. Naturally, this is a “Monday-Tuesday” combination. What can you tell us about this? Tuesday is the day of fiery Mars, which revives all human aspirations and gives him a certain impetus to action. After all, Mars is the planet of individual strength. And the vision that a person had from Monday to Tuesday should be interpreted, focusing on his personal aspirations. Perhaps the interpretation will concern some goals, assigned tasks and something very important. Probably, the dream contains not only meaning, but also advice and guidance for the future.

Usually visions promise upcoming struggle and confrontation. And you will definitely have to go through them, moving towards your intended goals.

By the way, when explaining any dream by day of the week, it is necessary to take into account its nature. If the vision was calm, then you don’t have to worry - any obstacles can be overcome with ease. And right now is the period when everything will work out. So don’t be shy about using your strengths and luck.


What will the dream you have this night mean? The explanations for the days of the week are very interesting. So, they say that the environment is ruled by Mercury. It brings unusually varied, vivid and pleasant dreams. And usually they concern relatives, friends, acquaintances, relatives and loved ones. And they promise changes in life - albeit minor ones. If the vision seemed to be real, real, full of bright pictures, then you should expect new acquaintances, very pleasant ones at that. But when the vision turns out to be “dry,” gray, primitive, then, on the contrary, the dreamer will experience a lack of communication.

It is considered a good sign if a person or simply moves from Tuesday to Wednesday. This promises positive changes in life.


During this period, you may also dream interesting dream. According to the days of the week, one of the most serious visions that are worth thinking about is precisely these - appearing on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. Similar dreams They are almost always a subtle hint or even an explicit prediction regarding work. Often they indicate to a person the direction of his activities. Dreams can also symbolize superiors or embody subordinates in their images. It is worth paying attention to them, because often in them you can see the solution to issues that have long been of concern. By the way, it is considered a good sign to see yourself in a dream participating in a major event or activity. This is for success at work, in personal life and in social activities.


While talking about it, we cannot forget about this gap. These visions very often reflect the emotions and feelings of the dreamer himself. And, as everyone knows very well, they say that they are prophetic. In any case, they come true more often than others. Usually visions are associated with a person’s personal life and experiences. It is important to remember them in detail. If a person dreams of receiving money from Thursday to Friday, then this is to the satisfaction of all his feelings and desires. Very soon he will have everything he dreams of. However, if he lost something in a dream and is trying with all his might to get it, to return it, the dream was not good. Personal life will worsen, the financial situation - accordingly. Difficult, harsh everyday life will come, problems will arise, the solution of which will have to spend a lot of time, nerves and effort. It’s worth pulling yourself together even if the dream was black and white. It doesn't bode well either.


What can the dream book tell us about the visions that come to us during this period? Dreams by day of the week are very interesting, and they say that from Friday to Saturday we see something that we need not only to remember, but also to learn. You need to listen to what you see. Saturday is under the auspices of Saturn - the planet of trials, fate and fate. Visions dreamed this night can tell a person something very important. About what will happen in the near future, how certain events will unfold, what needs to be done to implement the plan. If the vision was bright, this means that everything planned will come true. There is no need to be afraid of obstacles. But seeing something gloomy, dull, black and white is not good. Plans may come true, but for this you will have to work, forgetting about everything. This insists, of course, that the topic is very detailed - and it will not be possible to define this or that vision unambiguously for each person. But everyone will know what to roughly focus on. By the way, in dreams that come from Friday to Saturday, you can often find out about your own destiny. You just need to correctly interpret what you see.


Often during this period we see very pleasant and positive days of the week; as you may have already noticed, they are distributed for a reason. Everyone has their own meaning. And the dreams that appear to us on the night from Saturday to Sunday usually tell us about what can make us happy. If the picture is bright, colorful, pleasant, and has a positive character - this is a sign of good interesting acquaintances with unusual people or even to a new relationship. Perhaps the dreamer will even discover something new in himself - a talent, a hobby, a desire for something new. In general, a beautiful vision that appeared to a person from Saturday to Sunday is a call to start doing something creative and unusual. But if he was gloomy, you should save your energy. Perhaps in the near future they will start asking the dreamer for help and support. Perhaps the closest thing is coming best period in life.


It was described above on which days of the week which dreams occur. But there is one last gap left. And this is the night from Sunday to Monday. It is believed that Monday is a difficult day. It is ruled by the Moon. And all the visions that come to a person are a reflection of his emotional and psychological state. It is usually associated with everyday life, family, work and the usual troubles that accompany each of us every day. If the sleep turns out to be short and stingy, that’s good. This means that no special fuss is expected in the near future. The person will be able to be composed, focused and focused. But having a dream that is long and filled with various facts and pictures is not good. Usually it promises a lot of work, troubles and worries. Routine and boring.

That, in principle, is all - the topic, of course, is detailed, but in brief the essence can be understood. But already more detailed interpretation individual cases Each person will find it individually.

The interpretation of dreams using a dream book by day of the week is largely related to which planet controls the current day. In other words, on what day the dream will come true and on what day it will not depends largely on astrological characteristics patron planet a certain day weeks.

Will the dream come true from Sunday to Monday?

If you had a dream from Sunday to Monday, most likely it is prophetic. The likelihood that it will come true is high if you were born on this day of the week.

Other people should not pay special attention to dreams sent by the Moon that patronizes Monday. For them, dreams from Sunday to Monday do not predict anything specific, but only the usual household chores, useless fuss and housework.

Will the dream come true from Monday to Tuesday?

A dream from Monday to Tuesday should come true within about 7-10 days. Often dreams on this night under the sign of Mars are associated with clashes, quarrels, and unpleasant situations.

A bright and eventful dream from Monday to Tuesday foreshadows a successful start to any business, and a calm one means that you have already found a suitable activity. If the dream seemed unpleasant to you, you should not take on a new business.

Will the dream come true from Tuesday to Wednesday?

You need to pay special attention to dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday - they usually come true. Such prophetic dreams ruled by Mercury, in most cases they are connected with others.

Colorful, vivid, eventful dreams show your sociability. But boring, colorless and gray, on the contrary, indicate that your circle of friends is very narrow. You may not even have anyone to ask for help in a difficult situation.

Will the dream come true from Wednesday to Thursday?

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  • Psychology of life. Dreams and dreams

Life is bright, diverse and often unpredictable. However, many want to look behind the veil of obscurity and peek at least with one eye at the “beautiful distant one.” All sorts of methods are used, including common dream interpretations.

Sleep is an unexplored part human existence what happens to consciousness in a dream, whether there is at least some truth in dreams, whether to believe in what you saw in a dream - everyone decides these questions in their own way. There are skeptics who see dreams as just an analysis of life, and there are mystics who tend to interpret dreams and read signs and predictions in them. Today you can meet huge amount publications that promise to tell about future fate, while explaining the intricate twists and turns of the sleeping human subconscious.

It's interesting to note that different dream books can interpret the same dream in completely different ways. This circumstance suggests that the data presented in these sources? can hardly be called reliable.

Dreams and dreams

Despite the lack of information about dreams, science has managed to establish something. Night visions can be divided into types:
- compensation,
- creative,
- actual,
- prophetic.

Compensatory dreams are dreams that make up for the lack of something in real life. For example, a person feels depressed because he has not become what he dreamed of being all his life. However, he may have a dream where he is a completely successful professional in the field to which his soul so strives. When he wakes up, he feels a sense of satisfaction with life. Such dreams bring relief.

Not only a poet or an artist can have creative dreams. According to legend, the table was seen by the scientist while he was sleeping. This is not the only case of the birth of great works that originated in night dreams.

Daytime dreams are physical dreams, they do not come true.

Dreams seen on the 29th will not come true, they should not be given any significance, and dreams seen on the 30th have little chance of coming true, rather they belong to the realm of the fantastic.

Not every dream is prophetic

It is believed that during the Holy Week, prophetic things are very common and their interpretation does not require interpreters. It is customary to approach dreams extremely carefully during this period. Legends say that from January 7 to January 19, deceased relatives visit the living, telling them about upcoming events, as well as warning them against possible misfortunes.

Generally, prophetic dreams dream on any night. Moreover, such predictions come true at the very short time– during the day.

It is also believed that a dream occurring on the night of the third day of any month has high chances to be prophetic. But a dream on the 25th, on the contrary, most often does not contain any meaning.

Days of the week of prophetic dreams

Truthful folk wisdom, which says that on the night from Thursday to Friday one has prophetic dreams. Of course, this does not apply to all dreams. But the chance to see the future on Friday night is really very great.

The period of fulfillment of such dreams has a very long time period - prophetic dreams dreamed from Thursday to Friday can come true within three years.

To determine a prophetic dream, it is also important to take into account the period of time. Thus, dreams that occur at the very beginning of the night are extremely rarely remembered and rarely come true in reality. The same applies to daytime dreams, which often describe everyday scenes and momentary experiences. Highest probability become prophetic in a dream that you had just before waking up. Dream interpreters note that during this period all everyday experiences associated with the physical world fade into the background and the human consciousness is ready to perceive subtle information waves that describe the future.

The nature of sleep can be determined by the influence of planets on specific days weeks. Thus, Monday is under the auspices of the Moon, a changeable and fickle satellite planet. As a rule, on Monday night you have dreams that reflect your inner experiences. Seeing a reflection of your inner self is sometimes much more important than a prophetic dream. Therefore, it is customary to treat dreams on Monday night with great attention.

The night of Tuesday can also give you a prophetic dream, since this day of the week is ruled by Mars, the planet symbolizing strength and will. The prophetic dream that I had that night is interpreted according to classical dream books.

But sleep on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday does not bring prophetic dreams. The changeable nature of the patron planet of this day of the week - Mercury - is not suitable for truthful predictions.

Another important night of the day of prophetic dreams is Saturday. Saturn, the patron of this day, often foreshadows not the most rosy events of the future. Therefore, you should be especially attentive to the alarming warnings that come in prophetic dreams this night.

You should treat the dreams you have with ease. This day of the week is under the protection of the cheerful Sun, so any bad sign, seen in a dream, is canceled under the influence of the patron planet. In turn, if a prophetic dream that you had that night promises joyful events, they will certainly come true.

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Incredible facts

For many years now, humanity has been interested in omens of the future that come in dreams. Many of us have learned to understand and correctly interpret our dreams, thereby receiving the necessary clues.

But why does it happen that alone dreams do they come true immediately, others - over time, and others never come true? It turns out that the day of the week on which we dream also plays an important role.

Before we begin to interpret each day of the week, it is important to note that the highest probability of prophetic dreams appears in the period of time between the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany of the Lord. This time, Christmastide, is surrounded by numerous signs and omens.

Prophetic dreams

They say that it was during this period that the souls of the dead wander among living people, and with them various other otherworldly creatures, evil spirits and angels. All these guests come, among other things, to tell a person about the future, and in a dream too.

All dreams during yuletide week prophetic, and every night of the week beginning after Christmas brings its own sleepy prophecies. For example, the night from January 7 to 8 may show you a dream about the plans of competitors or rivals. On the night of the 10th, you have dreams that tell about family and the fate of loved ones.

The next night will tell you about moral well-being and health. On the night of 11 to 12, dreams will show you possible prospects for the development of your business or career advancement. Before you go to bed on the 14th, ask any question, the answer should come in a dream.

A dream on the night of the 15th can show you the right way building relationships with a competitor or rival. And from 15 to 16, do not make any wishes, while a dream on the night of January 17 will tell you about the difficulties that you will have to face in the coming year.

A dream seen on the eve of January 18 carries a message about love relationships, about the likelihood of marriage and in general about family and children.

It is important to add that if you are telling fortunes at Christmas time, do not forget to repent, because in an attempt to predict fate, a person, willy-nilly, includes various evil spirits and forces of darkness in his work. And these creatures will definitely ask you to pay for their services.

Also, dreams that occur right before any church holiday are often prophetic, and their peculiarity is their rapid embodiment. They say that on the night of the 3rd day of any month a person can see prophetic dream, but dreams on the night of the 25th are always empty and unfulfilled.

When you have prophetic dreams

So, let's move on to the interpretation by day of the week.


This is the day patronized by the Moon, which rules the sensual and emotional life person. Therefore, everything that you dream about this night is in one way or another connected with experiences and emotions.

Dreams on Monday night reflect inner human thoughts and dreams. They are not prophetic, and you should not expect that what you see will be repeated in reality, because the Moon is very cunning and changeable.

However, on this night it is allowed to guess what a person will dream about. The moon can help solve important and difficult questions, which in reality worry the one who has fallen asleep. But still, if what you saw in a dream is remembered with great difficulty, then the dream is empty.

If the same symbols appeared throughout the dream, then it’s worth deciphering them to get important information, which can warn of trouble or a problem.

There is another aspect to dreams on Monday night. The heavier psychological state a person, the more conflicts he has with other people and with himself, the harder and more confusing his dreams will be. These dreams do not bring anything important to life, and if they can predict something, it is only minor household chores.


This day of the week is influenced by Mars and is ruled by courage and strength. Mars is the planet of aspirations and ambitions, so whatever the dream book foretells, it will be connected with your spirit. Everything favorable should come true within 10 days if you show character, determination and willpower.

If the dream book tells you about unpleasant events in the future, then you need to activate all your strength to avoid them. If after 10 days nothing comes true, then it will never come true.

Also, dreams on Tuesday night reflect a person’s creative potential; they are bright and futuristic. If the dream was bad, then you should not start a new business, and vice versa, if the dream is pleasant and positive, then you should act decisively. Pay attention to dreams in which you win; such dreams in some way can be prophetic, especially if you dreamed on the night of the 3rd day of the month.


The patron of the environment is Mercury, he is light, airy, calm and changeable. He shouldn't be trusted. On this night, people usually have dreams with colorful storylines, but, as a rule, they have a contradictory nature and opposite meaning. These dreams are just fantasies, hints, there is practically no truth in them, and it is very unlikely that the dream will ever come true.

But if the dream book promises very great happiness, then be sure to believe in it in order to attract what you want. Dreams on Wednesday night are almost always positive.

Prophetic dreams and days of the week


This day of the week is under the control of Jupiter, which controls everything related to activity, affairs and actions. Dreams on this day show possible prospects, the state of affairs, and they often come true.

When interpreting dreams on Thursday night, it is worth remembering that this day is associated with activity, so even if the dream book predicts romance, love and feelings for you (which happens extremely rarely on the night of Jupiter), then think twice and translate the interpretation into a business aspect.

Dreams often come with symbols or predictions for promotions and also indicate your role on the team. Dreams can also show ways to resolve disputes, conflicts and important problems. Moreover, a dream on Thursday night may offer a way to resolve your financial problems in a short time.


The owner of Friday is Venus, a sensual and loving planet.

It is well known that on the night from Thursday to Friday people see prophetic dreams, especially if they relate to love issues. Often dreamed events are repeated very accurately in reality.

If the interpretation points you to something related to work or finances, then know that this will come true, but will be in a certain way connected with love affairs.

These dreams have special meaning including because Jesus was crucified on the night from Thursday to Friday. They say that it is better not to plan to start important things on this day, because in most cases a person will face failure and failure.

Positive emotions and feelings that you experience in a dream portend you new period in life, full of victories.

However, Friday is also considered a mystical day that activates secret human strength. For example, intuition. Strong energy carry Fridays that precede some church holidays. Dreams on these Fridays can predict fate and other important events.

List of Good Fridays:

During the first week of Lent

Eve of the Annunciation

Eve of Palm Sunday

Eve of the Ascension of the Lord

Before Trinity

Before the Nativity of John the Baptist

Eve of the Day of Elijah the Prophet

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Before the day of the Archangel Michael

Feast of Saints Damian and Cosmas

Before Epiphany


The patron of Saturday is Saturn, which is associated with rock, trials and fate. Saturn sets rules and laws, often warning people through signs and symbols. Therefore, this night you may have frightening dreams, and something very scary and disturbing. Be sure to take note of the information from the dream book if it gives you a warning.

It is important to note that dreams on Saturday night often carry symbols not only for the person who sees them, but also for people close to him.


Sunday is under the power of the Sun. This star gives life, strength, energy and joy. Sunday dreams are wonderful in all respects, because they are created by the planet of life, happiness and love. Dreams on this day quickly come true, most often on the same day.

These dreams have one interesting feature: if you dreamed of something good and positive, then it will probably come true, and negative dreams can be safely canceled in the case of Sunday night. Dreams on Sunday not only convey the truth, they are also very happy and do not promise anything bad.

Days of prophetic dreams

What to do to ensure that your prophetic dream comes true?

Surprisingly, while we sleep, everything is clear to us. We are not surprised by the most incredible transformations, actions and conversations. And only when we wake up do we understand all the illogicality and absurdity.

For this reason, it is not always possible for everyone to describe or tell in detail what they dreamed. In most cases, only fragments are remembered. But it is important to know that only those dreams that are stored in memory come true.

If you are faced with the task of remembering a dream, then you can use ancient folk methods:

Place a small pebble under your pillow;

Try to sleep on your right side, not on your stomach;

After waking up, do not look out the window or look at the flames;

In the morning, bite the corner of your pillow.

Many people think about what to do if they had a dream on Wednesday morning, whether it will come true. Is all this actually true, or is it just unfounded prejudice? In fact, you need to take into account all the factors, what exactly you are dreaming about and at what time of day it happens.

In general, it is believed that a dream on Wednesday morning will not come true, since this dream falls on the period from Tuesday to Wednesday. At this time, mostly empty dreams foreshadowing nothing. Although, there are exceptions to the rules, only dreams that foreshadow bad events do not come true, but if a dream promises happy changes, then it may well come true in the life of the sleeper, you just need to believe in it. For example, if you dreamed of crying, quarreling with your loved one, or fighting, then you should not be upset.

These are so-called shapeshifting dreams, which should be interpreted the other way around (especially if you dream on Wednesday morning), crying means fun, a quarrel means reconciliation, a fight means a wonderful relationship. Bad sign to see yourself laughing or dancing in a dream, but if the dream occurred from Tuesday to Wednesday, then it loses its power and is considered untrue.

Therefore, you should not pay special attention for such dreams. In addition, if in the morning a person has difficulty trying to remember what exactly he dreamed about and cannot, or only remembers small and unclear fragments, then there is no need to try to interpret such a dream at all, it is definitely empty. If events in a dream repeat what recently happened to the sleeper, then such a dream cannot be considered prophetic, these are just impressions.

It’s interesting to know that in order to correctly solve a dream you need not only knowledge, but also psychic abilities. Even prophetic dreams are often solved only after the events that they foreshadowed. Therefore, there is no need to try to penetrate the unknown on your own. It is interesting to know that folk wisdom considers dreams on the night from Wednesday to Thursday to be prophetic. But there is no precisely confirmed data on this matter. In addition, dream books pay more attention to the dream itself, and not to the time when exactly it occurred.

A dream on Wednesday afternoon is rarely prophetic. At this time, a person relaxes or falls asleep from fatigue, so day dreams are quite strong and often pass completely without dreams. Also, daytime dreams do not have the same mystical meaning as night dreams; in most cases, they can be considered empty. Although there are exceptions, this is the so-called doze, when a person seems to fall asleep and does not realize that he has fallen asleep. At the same time, they are trying to warn him of imminent trouble.

Such dreams are often seen by mothers at the moment when misfortunes happen to their children. Moreover, it may not be the dream itself, but only a voice or a cry for help. If a subtle dream is accompanied by foggy and unclear events, then this is due to fatigue and you should not focus on this. But dreams on Wednesday evening are a completely different matter. As everyone knows, dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are considered prophetic.

But if a person takes a nap in the early evening, at about five or six o'clock, then such sleep does not have the same power as night sleep. Although it has high probability come true than daytime. But you shouldn’t think that all dreams from Wednesday to Thursday will certainly come true, this is not the case at all. There are only such dreams that a person lives as if in reality, remembers everything that he dreamed in the smallest detail. Only in this case can the dream turn out to be prophetic.

It is important to remember that it is unacceptable to fall into mysticism and try to interpret any dream you have, frantically remembering in the morning what exactly you dreamed about and what it was for. This behavior will inevitably lead to mental disorder.

The interpretation of dreams depends on many factors, including the time at which the dream occurred. But recognize all the subtleties to an ordinary person I just can't do it. Therefore, you can fantasize about anything you want, it’s in vain to wait bad events, which will never happen.

It is believed that dream interpretation is a special area of ​​predictions based on certain observations. And a dream that is dreamed on Thursday morning may differ from a dream that a person sees on Thursday, but in the afternoon, in terms of the degree of “come true”.

This is in to the fullest refers to dreams that occurred on Thursday throughout the entire day. It is believed that a dream on Thursday morning will come true, without any doubt. The daytime dream will come true, but not as soon as we would like, although completely. Evening sleep must necessarily find its embodiment in later life.

With night dreams, things are also not so simple. Dreams that occurred on the night before Thursday are classified by the compilers of dream books as empty or physical. These are dreams about a person’s past, and they have nothing to do with his future. But those dreams that managed to come before midnight before Friday are most directly related to the future. It is believed that their “sales” period is three years.

There are interpretations according to which daytime dreams also fall into the category of empty dreams. According to some dream books, evening and night dreams are considered exactly the same from the past, since, they say, at this time the soul is just beginning its journey outside the body. But according to these predictions, morning dreams are the most accurate!

In general, Thursday, among other days of the week, is not considered particularly significant. Some dream books classify dreams that come on this day as having no chance of coming true. According to this method, it doesn’t matter whether you had a dream on Thursday afternoon or it happened in the evening: all the same, they say, it’s not destined to come true!

It is interesting that night dreams between Wednesday and Thursday are considered to be dreams that come true, but very rarely. Those of them (moreover, successful ones, predicting excellent prospects) that relate to career and business, since they are under the “patronage” of Jupiter, have a greater chance of coming true. It is interesting that a lot in the dreams that came the night before Thursday depends on the “extras”.

If present in a dream large number people, this means that success in the professional field is guaranteed! And if there are few people, then business at this stage of life is not particularly important, you cannot expect victories here, and part of the effort may be worth transferring to your family or loved one.

It’s a completely different matter if a person’s dream came at night between Thursday and Friday, but, of course, only before midnight. Interpreters advise remembering such a dream in the finest detail. After all, it is precisely such dreams over which Venus rules that can surely come true. As a rule, these are dreams full of feelings, emotions and desires. Pleasant dream, associated with the acquisition of an object of desire, comes true one hundred percent. But loss, and even in black and white perception, does not promise the best better times in the dreamer's life.

As a rule, the dreams that Thursday night brings with it have a pronounced social character. This may be related to both career and position in society as a whole. What they don’t have: production team, sponsors, business partners, mentors, work activity. Apparently, the turn of the work week to the weekend makes it known, and the subconscious begins to “let off steam” in the form of such “industrial” dreams.

As for the time of day, individual dream books give the following diagram: a dream on Thursday afternoon has no chance of coming true, a dream from 8 pm to midnight will come true, but not as soon as we would like, a dream from midnight to three in the morning has the period of “salesability” is up to three months, sleep from three in the morning until the onset of a new day is the most reliable!

Having a dream on Thursday, it is important to understand that, as a rule, it concerns exclusively a career. It’s good if ancestors appeared in a dream, it means that their work will be continued by the dreamer. They say that one day a young man saw his grandmother in a dream. She took him to some workshop and explained something for a long time. A year later, this young man suddenly entered a university that he had no intention of entering and became a tailor - just like his grandmother, as it turned out later.

In conclusion, you should pay attention to the pace of dream vision. If all the events in a dream happen quickly, this means that the dreamer has a lot of rational ideas. And, apparently, all of them should be implemented soon. Boredom and monotony of sleep indicate little prospects for career growth.