Famous Belgians. What is Belgium famous for?

Hello friends. In this article I want to tell you about interesting facts about Belgium that became a discovery for me. And some were even a little shocked...

Belgium is not just a country, but a kingdom. There is a king and queen, castles, subjects, etc. Everything is as it should be! In addition, Belgium is the unofficial capital of Europe. The European Parliament, the European Commission and NATO headquarters are located here. Despite this, Belgium does not have its own national language, she borrowed them from her neighbors: Dutch, French, German.

Belgium is one of the main beer countries in Europe. Its arsenal includes more than 800,000 types of beer, can you imagine?! It’s simply unrealistic to try everything in one lifetime! We were in a pub that had over 2,000 varieties in its basement. When the bartender asked: “Which one do you want?”, we fell into a slight stupor.

French fries were invented in Belgium, and not in the USA, where they are eaten in tons. This is a wrong opinion!

During World War II, American soldiers heard French spoken and attributed the dish to French cuisine, calling it French Fries. The Belgians are offended by this fact. They never tire of reminding us that this is their find, not the French or Americans. Interesting fact about Belgium, isn't it?

Due to the fact that there are many kiosks in the country, there are very few MacDonald’s, Burger King and other restaurants here fast food.

Legalized in Belgium since 2003 same-sex marriage. “You can’t order your heart,” they said at a parliamentary meeting. Prostitution is also legal in Belgium, but unlike , it is not a tourist place at all. Tourists, naturally, visit the “hot area”, but just don’t gawk. Well, you understand!

Brussels is home to one of the most disappointing sights in the world - the Manneken Pis. In order to somehow attract tourists, more than 600 costumes were made for the baby for holidays and festivals.

There is also a pissing girl, but almost no one knows about her, although she has been in Brussels since 1984.

Belgium is one of the largest countries for the production of comics. In addition, the government is allocating tens of millions of euros to create graffiti with Belgian characters on city buildings. It is surprising that such drawings do not at all violate the integrity of the city’s architecture, but on the contrary, they combine harmoniously, making the city more fun.

Belgium allows euthanasia - the practice of ending the life of a person suffering from an incurable disease and experiencing unbearable pain. Since 2002 it is allowed for adults, and since 2014 for children.

Belgium produces more than 200 tons of chocolate per year, can you imagine?! This is heaven!

Audrey Hepburn, who was born in a commune in the Brussels-Capital Region, once said: " My father and mother had almost no time left for me. I remembered that no one needed me and all my life I doubted that it could be different. Chocolate was my only love and it never betrayed me».

In addition, the country is famous for its waffles: Belgian, Liege - all this is the property of Belgium.

An amazing relic - the blood of Jesus, is located in Belgium. The Church beats its chest with all its might and proves that the glass vessel really contains his blood. But for 2,000 years the flask was never opened. All attempts by scientists to conduct research were unsuccessful. All we can do is take their word for it!

Belgium has the highest standard of living in Europe. Citizens are socially secure, have their own housing and material benefits. This is a small country that is rich in cultural heritage. Belgium is famous throughout the world for its impeccable beer and unique chocolate. Middle age local residents are over 80 years old, which indicates success public administration in all spheres of human life. Next, we invite you to read more interesting and amazing facts about Belgium.

1,800 varieties of beer are produced in Belgium.

2. Belgium is considered the most densely populated country in the world.

3. Every year, every resident of Belgium drinks about 150 liters of beer.

4.Belgium has the fewest fast food restaurants.

5.Belgium is the first state to introduce electronic ID cards for citizens.

6.More than 24 million ecstasy tablets are consumed by Belgians.

7.The first European casino was opened in Belgium.

8.In 1840, the first saxophone was invented in Belgium.

9.Incest in the cities of Belgium is considered an unprohibited phenomenon.

10. A Belgian newborn was named the largest baby in the world.

11. Belgians are disdainful of their own clothes; they prefer to wear torn and dirty things.

12.Girls born in Belgium are not considered true beauties.

13.The key means of transportation in Belgium is the bicycle.

14.Men of Belgian origin do not marry until they are 30, considering their age to be young.

15.Approximately 220 tons of chocolate are produced in Belgium every year.

16. In Belgium, same-sex marriage was legalized in 2003, which is why there are many homosexuals there.

17.Drugs are treated with kindness in Belgium.

18. Residents of Belgium who have reached the age of 18 can carry about 3 grams of cannabis with them.

19.Upon reaching 18 years of age, all residents of Belgium mandatory must receive higher education.

20.The most famous type of chocolate is considered to be praline, which was invented by the Belgians.

21.Belgian people are used to wearing shoes all the time, even around the house.

22.93% of Belgian residents have a pet because they treat pets with respect.

23.Belgians are distinguished by their honesty.

24.Belja is a multilingual and multicultural state.

25.Forced marriages are strictly punished in Belgium.

26.Belgium is famous for its diamonds.

27.Euthanasia of both children and adults is not prohibited in Belgium.

28. In Belgium, controllers have every right not only demand a ticket from the passenger, but also search their luggage.

29.When opening a business in a Belgian city, further residence in this country is expected.

30.Belgium is the last state that was able to obtain permission for vacationers to appear naked on the beach.

32.The “pissing boy” is considered a significant property of Belgium.

33. Almost all women work in the Belgian parliament.

34. The Belgians are not considered true patriots.

35.The Prime Minister of Belgium is gay, and he is very proud of it.

36.In Belgium, windows are not curtained.

37.When married, Belgian women do not take their spouse’s surname and create their own personal bank account.

38.When children in a Belgian family become adults, they are not given any attention; parents begin to live for themselves.

39.Belgian girls on new year holidays receive gifts twice.

40.Beer marathons are held in Belgium several times a year.

41.French fries are considered the key dish of the Belgian people.

42.A huge number of Belgian residents do not eat at home; to do this, they visit restaurants and cafes.

43.The world's first pawnshop was opened in Belgium.

44.Belgium is also proud of its waffles.

45. In Belgium they can brew beer that contains up to 1.5% alcohol.

46.The dog waltz is called the “flea waltz” in Belgium.

47. Belgian Jean Joseph Merlin is the creator roller skates.

48.21 July is a public holiday in Belgium. Not a single Belgian knows what is celebrated on this day, but flags can be seen from every window.

49. Oil paints were first invented in Belgium.

50.Belgium is ahead of other countries in the number of holidays.

51.If you avoid talking about the government, the Belgians are very friendly and sociable people.

52.Belgian chocolate is served at presidential negotiations and at the Cannes Film Festival.

53.In Belgium there is a special museum where panties and underwear celebrities.

54. Belgians start drinking beer only from 10 am.

55. Residents of Belgium do not know what hockey is.

56.In Belgium it is prohibited to marry under force.

57.Belgium is the best large state among all comic book creators.

58.Every year 7 people in Belgium commit suicide.

59.The production of billiard balls is considered developed in Belgium.

60. To make the sights of Belgium more popular, approximately 600 different costumes were made for the “Manneken Pis”.

61.The Belgian motorway is visible even from the moon because there is good lighting.

62.There is no emigration in Belgium.

63.Serving oysters in Belgian cities is a whole ceremony.

64.Belgium is on the list of ten countries with the most high cost for gasoline.

65. Belgium is different from other world states high level life.

66. The Belgians are huge fans of discounts.

67.There is a mysterious blue forest in Belgium.

68.Collecting picturesque expensive things is considered a popular hobby of noble Belgians.

69.The most popular names for children in Belgium are: Lucas and Emma.

70.In Belgium there is an incredible hotel created in the shape of a human intestine.

71.The capital of Belgium is considered the most business-oriented European city.

72.In Belgium, girls drink just as much beer as guys.

73.Girls in Belgium do not wear high heels or skirts.

74. Belgians very often watch porn films because they don’t know how to approach this or that girl.

75. Gentlemanly qualities are unusual for Belgians.

76. In Belgium, those guys who have a girlfriend are considered cool, because a representative of the fairer sex there is a guarantee of constant sex.

77.The Belgians are a sports nation.

78. Residents of Belgium prefer to wake up early, even on a day off.

79.Belgians prefer traveling most of all.

80. As for Russians, the Belgians have an extremely negative attitude towards them.

81.Arabs and Turks also live in Belgium.

82.The inhabitants of Belgium are a frost-resistant nation; even in cold weather they can walk in ballet shoes on their bare feet.

83.Belgian taxes are higher than in other countries of the world.

84.The Royal Palace of Belgium is much higher than the English Buckingham Palace.

85.The richest girl in the world lives in Belgium.

86.Belgium is famous for its excellent bakeries.

87.Belgians do not know the anthem of their own state.

88.Belgium is European center.

89.Belgians get drunk from 3 bottles of beer.

90.For Belgium there is no concept of “sterility”; food there can be served directly from hand.

91.Feminism is noticeable in Belgium, because girls are considered equal to boys.

92.Belgians can blow their nose very loudly, no matter where they are. They do this even on crowded streets.

93. Residents of Belgium do not understand humor.

94.Every resident of Belgium has a diary; they live according to a plan.

95.Belgium is precisely the state where the rulers care about the welfare of the people.

96.Belgium has very affordable housing.

97.Belgians do not like to save money, especially when it comes to their entertainment.

98.On Sundays in Belgium practically nothing works, even the janitors have the day off.

99.Belgians do not like to meddle in other people's affairs.

100.In Belgium there is a square that is completely decorated with flowers.

It is more than 10 million people with a country area of ​​30,519 sq. km. The country is one of the most densely populated countries in the world - 320 people. per sq. km.
Urban population Belgium accounts for 97% - one of the highest in the world!

Average duration The life expectancy of the Belgian population is 79.22 years. Moreover, the majority of the Belgian population professes Catholicism (72%).

More battles took place in Belgium than in the whole of Europe.

Belgium has a high standard of living and very high taxes.

Belgium is the first country in the world to introduce electronic identity cards for its citizens (in 2003).

Belgium is in 2nd place in the world in the number of citizenships issued to foreigners (it has been occupied 1st place in the number of new citizens for several years).

The name of the capital of Belgium - the city of Brussels - is translated from medieval Dutch as “settlement on a swamp”.

In the Brussels-Capital Region there are two official language- Dutch and French, all main names (streets, metro stations, municipalities, etc.) are written in them.

Belgium wheat beer was recognized as the best in the world. More than 1,100 types of beer are produced here (among other things, beer can be chocolate, cherry, nut, peach...)! Moreover, the average resident of the country drinks almost 150 liters of beer per year.

Invented in Belgium chocolate praline- one of the most popular varieties of chocolate in the world.

Every year 220 thousand tons of chocolate are produced in Belgium, which is about 22 kg per capita per year. This means that the average person in Belgium eats about 60g of chocolate per day.

Interesting fact that Brussels National Airport (Zaventem) is largest chocolate selling point not only Belgium, but all over the world!

In 2002 it was legalized in Belgium euthanasia(voluntary end of life) for terminally ill patients over 18 years of age. And in 2014, the country’s Parliament voted to grant terminally ill minors the right to voluntary death (Belgium will become the second country after the Netherlands to legalize euthanasia for minors).

In Belgium, already in 2003, the government legalized same-sex marriage.

In Belgium they like to say: those who can cope with governing Belgium can govern Europe.

Every citizen over 18 years of age has every right to carry no more than 3 grams of cannabis.

Belgium is one of the few countries in the world where citizens are required to receive education until the age of 18.

An interesting fact is that all adult Belgian citizens are required to go to the polls and vote.

Interesting fact: Belgium has the fewest McDonald's fast food restaurants among all developed countries. European countries. In and 2 times more McDonald's than in Belgium, in Japan 4 times more, and in the USA - 7 times!

A must try on your Belgium tour oysters, in local restaurants it’s a whole ceremony.

In 1763, it was opened in the city of Spa the first casino in Europe.

At night, the Belgian motorway can be seen from the moon! This was made possible thanks to excellent lighting along all routes.

80% of the world's billiard ball production is located in Belgium.

Belgium ranks 3rd in the world in terms of the number of cars per 1 sq. km (1st and 2nd place respectively were taken by and). However, according to the density of automobile and railways Belgium remains the undisputed leader. Due to the number of lights, the Belgian highway system is the only man-made structure visible from the Moon at night.

Belgium is among the TOP 10 countries with the most expensive gasoline prices in the world.

In Belgium, more than 98% of households have cable TV - the most high percentage in the world.

Belgium is the world's largest diamond processing center and the second largest in the petrochemical industry.

Located on the Belgian coast the world's longest operating tram line– Kusttram (Coast Tram). Its length is 68 km.

In 2008, an interesting record was set in Belgium: Luc Broos and his team created tallest fountain of 43,680 crystal glasses arranged in 63 tiers.

Belgium, as well as France, are the only countries in the world that do not use a qwerty keyboard, instead they type on the azerty fold.

For Brussels' most popular attraction, " pissing boy» ( Manneken Pis), more than 600 different costumes have been sewn for various holidays and festivals:)

There is more than one Manneken Pis in Belgium. In addition to the world-famous statue in Brussels, a similar continuously peeing boy has stood in front of the Geraardsbergen town hall since the mid-15th century.

There is practically no emigration of the population in Belgium! This is due to a very high standard of living.

The survey showed that the vast majority of the Belgian population (92%) hardly eats at home: the main food outlets are restaurants and cafes. These figures for Belgium are the highest in the world!

Saxophone was invented in Belgium in the early 1840s. It was invented by the famous musician and designer Adolf Sax.

An interesting fact is that incest in Belgium is considered quite normal.

The first printed newspapers in the world were published in 1605 in the city of Antwerp, a famous tourist center in Belgium.

There is a city in Belgium with the name Huy(you can check: http://www.colvert.be/huy/hpd.htm). In Flemish it is pronounced accordingly.

In Belgium it is illegal to marry under force. Such marriages entail criminal liability.

Located in Antwerp 4th largest seaport in the world.

Interesting Belgium fact: 93% of families own a dog, cat or other pet.

Belgium is the birthplace of many famous breeds dogs. The most famous of them are all varieties Belgian Shepherds: Groenendael, Laekenois, Malinois and Tervuren. Miniature Belgian dogs are slightly less common: Belgian and Brussels Griffons, and Petit Brabançons.

One of the hobbies of wealthy Belgians is collecting objects. various types art and painting.

The Belgians are the most ardent users of discount coupons in the world (right ahead of the Americans).

In Belgium there is " Blue forest" Hallerbos- a fabulous beech forest 15 km south of Brussels. This picturesque 5.5 km² site is most visited when the bluebells are in bloom, giving the forest its nickname Blue.

The largest newborn in the world is a resident of Belgium, Samuel Timmerman. His weight is 5.4 kg, and his height is as much as 57 cm! And the most popular baby names in this country are Emma and Lucas.

The most tall man Europe is a Belgian citizen Alain Delanois with a height of 2 m 30 cm!

It is believed that the famous Belgian artist Jan van Eyck is one of the inventors of oil painting.

Belgian physicist and mathematician Ingrid Daubechies developed a mathematical model used by the FBI to take fingerprints.

Lambert Adolphe Quetelet - Belgian mathematician, known throughout the world for creating the formula " body mass index", also called " Quetelet index" This formula is used to calculate the degree of obesity to this day.

Belgium is the world's largest producing country comics(and comic book characters even live on the walls of buildings). Tintin (French Tintin), hero of the comic book series " The Adventures of Tintin" is the most famous comic book character in Europe. Over more than 70 years of existence, more than 200 million books of The Adventures of Tintin have been sold worldwide.

Located in Belgium a unique hotel in the shape of a human intestine, it was created by a famous architect, and one night in such an unusual hotel will cost about $154 (for this money visitors will be fed delicious breakfast and they will even arrange free entry to the nearby park of sculptures and art for 2 persons).

More interesting facts about Belgium

When was it fashionable to show blacks along with animals in zoos?

In the second half of the 19th century in Europe and North America The rapid development of zoos began. In addition to animals, zoo owners willingly placed people in enclosures - usually in the form of entire villages of “primitive” blacks, Eskimos, and Indians. Often individual blacks were placed in a pavilion with monkeys, representing them as a transitional link from animals to civilized to the white man. As the 20th century progressed, such exhibitions became fewer and fewer, but even in 1958, a Congolese village was represented at the World Exhibition in Brussels. Ethnic settlements in zoos can be seen in our time, for example, in 2005 in London, but now people settle in them on a regular labor or voluntary basis.

Where is a dog's waltz called a donkey's march, and where is it called a cat's polka?

Dog Waltz in different countries called differently. B, - flea waltz. B - cat march, and in Finland - cat polka. B is a donkey march, and for some reason it is called a chop cutlet.

Where does the expression “raspberry ringing” come from?

The expression “raspberry ringing”, which refers to the melodious singing of bells, has nothing to do with the robin bird or the raspberry, but comes from the name of a Belgian city Mechelen(or Malin in French transcription). This city is considered the European center of bell casting and music. The first Russian carillon (a musical instrument for playing a melody on several bells), ordered by Peter I in Flanders, corresponded to the Mechelen standard.

Where did the train accident happen that was caused by a language barrier?

In 2001, there was a train accident in Belgium in which 8 people, including both drivers, were killed as a result of a head-on collision between trains. Among other accidents, this one is unique in that it main reason there was a language barrier. When the driver of the first train left the station despite the red light, the dispatcher called the next station to warn him about it. However, the dispatchers did not understand each other, as one spoke French and the other Dutch. Both of these languages ​​are official in Belgium, and according to the rules of the railway company, staff must know at least one of them.

What happened to the inventor of roller skates at their first demonstration?

The Belgian Jean-Joseph Merlin is considered to be the inventor of roller skates. He demonstrated them at a London masked ball in 1760, riding among the audience in expensive shoes with small metal wheels and playing the violin. However, these videos were still so imperfect that Merlen was unable to brake in time and crashed into the wall, breaking a very expensive mirror.

Which famous Brussels boy was paired with a girl?

In addition to the world-famous Pissing Boy fountain, the Brussels residents installed the Pissing Girl fountain in 1987, and in 1999 the bronze statue of the Pissing Dog with its hind paw raised on a pole.

Where is the state border inside houses?

The village of Barle is located on the border of the Netherlands and Belgium. The Belgian part of the village consists of 22 enclaves surrounded by Dutch territory. Part of the Dutch territory of the village, in turn, falls on 7 enclaves located inside the Belgian enclaves. State border here sometimes takes place inside houses, the citizenship of whose residents is determined by the country in which the front door of the house is located.

Where did the expression "newspaper duck" come from?

“One scientist, having bought 20 ducks, immediately ordered one of them to be cut into small pieces, which he fed to the rest of the birds. A few minutes later he did the same with another duck, and so on, until one remained, which thus devoured 19 of its friends.” This note was published in the newspaper by the Belgian humorist Cornelissen to mock the gullibility of the public. Since then, according to one version, false news has been called “newspaper ducks.”

Who was in exile in Belgium?

Karl Marx (1818-1883) wrote his famous Manifesto with Engels while in exile in Brussels, between 1845 and 1848. Victor Hugo (1802-1885) lived in exile in Brussels in 1851-52, 1861 and 1866-1870. He completed his masterpiece, Les Misérables, while traveling to Waterloo in 1861. Brussels also became the temporary home of other famous French exiles, such as Jacques-Louis David (1815-1825), Alexandre Dumas (1851), Charles Baudelaire (1864-1867), Napoleon IV (1870), Auguste Rodin (1870-1886) and Paul Verlaine (1872-1873).

1. Many Belgians do not know the Belgian anthem and do not like Belgians from neighboring areas. Although in our eyes they are all the same, the Belgians themselves can easily understand which region a person is from by his speech and habits. Residents of any of the regions of Belgium consider residents of other regions to be a little stupid, they are all united by a common love of making fun of the Dutch.

2. Beer in Belgium is national religion. They don’t drink beer only for breakfast, but already from 10 o’clock in the morning they drink it constantly. If there is alcohol, then it is only beer. Everything that is not Belgian beer is urine, especially Dutch beer. The worst Heineken beer. The most respected Duvel. The coolest guys drink it.

3. Beer comes in two sizes - small 0.25 and large 0.33. You won’t find half a liter almost anywhere, not to mention our national bottles. After three “big” beers, the Belgians are already pretty drunk.

4. Girls drink beer as much as guys. And this is not bad manners.

5. The main thing national dish- These are French fries or French fries. Here it is called either Belgian fries, or simply deep fat. They eat it with mayonnaise and everywhere, in packages that look like a package, from which we used to eat seeds. Any Belgian will tell you that the Americans first tried French fries when they were in Belgium at the end of the Second World War and french fries are called from the verb to french - cut, and have nothing to do with France.

6. Sterility in Belgium is a dubious concept - any food will be served to you or placed on a plate with your hands. If you order, for example, shawarma, they will put the meat in it with their hands, then they will take the money with the same hands.

7. Things are treated with great disdain. They can easily throw their jacket on the ground or walk around in torn and dirty clothes.

8. The concept of style and fashion is very different from ours. Girls don't wear heels or cut-outs, they wear torn tights and combine colors in such a way that it looks like they are on LSD.

9. Very strong feminism in society. Girls are absolutely equal to guys, which is why they themselves suffer; guys don’t even know how to approach girls, which is why they watch a lot of porn.

10. If you have a girlfriend, then you are cool. Because a girl is a guarantee that you have sex and she is viewed in much the same way. Sometimes it seems that relationships in Belgium are just companionship for sex and that’s it, although of course there are exceptions.

11. Belgians are very scary. And those who don’t seem to be very scary try to seem scary and dress even worse. If you met on the street beautiful girl, then she is either Turkish or ours.

12. The concept of a gentleman is missing here. Letting a girl go ahead, open a door or help carry weights is something impossible. There is a company of girls and boys, and the girls are carrying a case of beer - this is the norm.

13. A bicycle is normal remedy movement. Here everyone rides them, from grandfathers over 80 to children from 2 years old. All large centers and train stations have parking for bicycles; there are thousands of them. If you rent an apartment, it will be written whether there is parking for a bicycle near the house.

14. The Belgians are a very sporty nation. Running, cycling and bandy are popular; if you say “hockey”, then everyone thinks about summer look sports on the grass.

15. Speaking of weed: the picture of young people sitting in the city center on the embankment and smoking a joint in a circle is absolutely normal. Although soft drugs are prohibited.

16. Belgians get up very early. On weekends at 8 am, queuing at the bakery for fresh bread is a normal story.

17. Belgians are very narrow-minded; if there is a law or tradition, they will follow it - no matter how stupid it is. Creative or out-of-the-box thinking is rare.

18. In general, Belgians are very polite and friendly, but sometimes they are obviously too much. For example, they will never directly send you away, but will say something like this: “I would in no way want to offend you or hurt your feelings, but it seems to me that it would be better for you to go to hell, of course, if you don’t want to, you can don't go. But I think you’ll be comfortable there.”

19. Belgians usually get married late, at about 30 years old; before that, for the most part, they consider themselves young and live quite carefree.

20. They love to travel. They hold Asia in special esteem.

21. Awareness of Russia is good, but the idea of ​​our country is, of course, ridiculous. I was extremely surprised that when I said that I was from Russia, the first reaction was - great, I have long wanted to travel along the Trans-Siberian Railway and only then vodka, Putin, communism.

22. In general, the attitude towards Russians is rather negative - if a man, then a bandit, if a girl, then of easy virtue. And it is extremely difficult to break this stereotype in their heads.

23. There are a lot of Turks and Arabs in Belgium. The attitude towards them is completely cool, but if you ask the Belgians how they feel about them, you will hear a rote tirade about how happy they are and don’t see the difference. But if you approach drunken Belgians with the same questions, the answer will be completely different.

24. There are a lot of lesbians and gays in Belgium. And exactly in that order. I associate this with not the most courageous men, although there may be a different reason.

25. By the way, the Prime Minister of Belgium is also gay.

26. Belgium is divided into two large parts: Dutch-speaking Flanders and French-speaking Wallonia. The Flemings treat the Valonians with disdain and consider them something like servants.

27. Most Flemings speak English, Dutch and French. The Valonians speak only French and, according to the Flemings, it is bad.

28. All Belgians will tell you that they speak Flemish, not Dutch. In fact, they are the same language.

29. Residents of Antwerp are considered the most arrogant snobs.

30. No one ever curtains the windows; even on the first floors you can always see what is happening in someone else’s apartment.

31. At home no one takes off their shoes, not even their boots. They will sit and sweat, but will not take it off.

32. Belgians eat hot food once a day. Usually lunch or dinner is just a sandwich.

33. Belgium, like France, are the only countries in the world that do not use a qwerty keyboard; instead, they type on the azerty layout, which I must say is an extremely inconvenient and illogical thing.

33. They blow their nose very loudly in any environment. Sometimes you get the feeling that a howitzer shell exploded next to you, but no, it was a miniature girl who blew her nose.

34. It’s hard to have a sense of humor here; the concept of sarcasm is missing as a class. Therefore, if a person jokes, then after the humor itself he adds the phrase - it was a joke, otherwise many people may not really understand.

35. The boundaries of decency are quite low. Everyone undresses very simply and everything, absolutely everything, saunas, spas and relaxation pools are adjacent - and it is forbidden to wear swimsuits or cover up in them.

36. By our standards, the level of permissibility in humor among the Belgians is low. In a fairly formal setting, you can easily hear selected vulgarity and smut.

37. Belgians are very frost-resistant. A girl at minus one in ballet shoes on her bare leg and a guy in shorts is an everyday occurrence.

38. The Belgians have everything according to plan. Each person has a diary, and all meetings are scheduled approximately two weeks in advance. It’s unlikely that you’ll just drop by a friend’s house drunk at 1 am.

39. Belgium has strong trade unions, so strikes are very common. Over the past two months I have not worked three times public transport, schools and others government agencies. The reasons for strikes, by our standards, are simply ridiculous.

40. The Belgians are very honest people - and everything here is based on your word of honor, receipts, checks, etc. no one here gives.

41. Belgians are very fond of consensus, because they are afraid of offending anyone. When you tell them that it is impossible to please everyone, they will not understand this and, most likely, will make, in their opinion, a fair decision. Which will not really suit anyone.

42. All stores are open until 5-6, after which time you can shoot. If you are buying furniture, delivery only works from 9 to 5 and only on weekdays. It’s not fair that some people will work late and others won’t.

43. In Belgium, taxes are very high, about 45%, the government has repeatedly tried to lower them, but the majority of the population is against this, since the majority of the population in Belgium does not work, but lives on benefits.

44. Do you know that Belgium is the only country in a world where about 400 (and according to some sources 800) different types of beer are produced?

45. The Port of Antwerp is considered the fourth largest seaport in the world, in addition, Antwerp is one of the most famous art cities in Belgium. Among other popular cities of art, it is worth highlighting the cities of Bruges and Ghent.

46. Official languages Belgium - French, German and Dutch. Ordinary people Most often they communicate in French and Dutch.

47. In 496 AD, Belgium was part of a kingdom founded by King Clovis.

48. Ancient Belgium was inhabited by Celtic tribes called Belgae.

49. In 1555, Maximilian's grandson, Duke of Burgundy Charles the Bold, gave Belgium to his son, Philip II.

50. In 1713, Austria captured Belgium from the French. The Utrecht Agreement was signed between the French government and the Austrian Habsburg government, according to which the French were removed from governing Belgium.

51. In 1815, the Congress of Vienna defeated Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo, Belgium. After this defeat, 124 cities around the world were named Waterloo.

53. After the end of World War II, Belgium played important role in laying the foundation of the European Economic Community. Today, the capital of Belgium, Brussels, is also the capital of the European Union (EU).

54. In addition, NATO headquarters is located in Brussels.

55 One of the remarkable facts of Belgian life is the annual production of chocolate. Belgium produces approximately 220,000 tons of chocolate per year. The Belgian national airport in Brussels is the world's largest point of sale for this sweet product.

56. Belgium is one of the countries in the world where homosexual marriage and euthanasia are legal, but forced marriage is prohibited. In Belgium it is illegal to marry under force. Such marriages entail criminal liability.

57. Belgium became the first country in the world to ban cluster bombs. The Belgian Parliament has the largest number of female ministers in the world.

58. Belgium is one of the countries that gives great value education. Getting an education - prerequisite for all citizens under the age of 18.

59. The Belgian motorway system is the only man-made structure visible from the Moon.

60. Did you know that oil paints were invented in the 15th century in Belgium? The famous Belgian artist Jan van Eyck is one of the inventors of oil painting.

61. Like Americans, Belgians love to collect discount cards.

62. Belgium is a world diamond center, and diamonds are not only sold here, but also polished. The city of Antwerp is considered the world capital of diamonds.

63. The saxophone was invented by the Belgian Adolphe Sax. Another interesting fact is that Herge, the author of the famous Tintin comic book series, is also from Belgium.

64. Residents of Belgium love animals, so every Belgian house has at least a cat or a dog.

65. An interesting fact is that this country is one of the most densely populated countries in the world - 320 people. per sq. km

66. The average resident of Belgium drinks almost 150 liters of beer per year.

67. An interesting fact is that Brussels National Airport is the largest chocolate selling point not only in Belgium, but in the whole world!

68. The world's first beer academy was opened in the city of Herk de Stad (province of Limburg) in 1999.

69. Belgium has the fewest McDonald's fast food restaurants of any developed European country. In France and Germany there are twice as many McDonald's as in Belgium, in Japan there are 4 times more, and in the USA there are 7 times more!

70. Belgium is the first country in the world to introduce electronic identity cards for its citizens. This decision was made in 2003.

71. Every citizen over 18 years of age has every right to carry no more than 3 grams of cannabis with him!

72. More than 24 million ecstasy tablets are consumed annually in Belgium.

73. An interesting fact is that all adult Belgian citizens are required to go to the polls and vote.

74. Belgium ranks second in the world in the number of citizenships issued to foreigners. Canada has been ranked first in terms of the number of new citizens for several years.

75. In 1763, the first casino in Europe was opened in the city of Spa.

76. At night, the Belgian motorway can be seen from the moon! This was made possible thanks to excellent lighting along all routes.

77. 80% of the world's billiard ball production is located in Belgium.

78. Belgium ranks third in the world in the number of cars per square meter. km. The Netherlands and Japan took first and second place, respectively.

79. However, in terms of railway density, Belgium remains the undisputed leader.

80. In Belgium, more than 98% of families have cable television- the highest percentage in the world.

81. More than 600 different costumes for various holidays and festivals were sewn for the most popular attraction of Brussels, the “pissing boy”.

82. Belgium's urban population is 97% - one of the largest in the world!

83. The average life expectancy of the Belgian population is 79.22 years

84. An interesting fact is that in Belgium there is simply no emigration of the population! This is due to a very high standard of living.

85. Interesting fact: A survey showed that the vast majority of the Belgian population (92%) hardly eat at home. The main food outlets are restaurants and cafes. These figures for Belgium are the highest in the world!

86. The majority of the Belgian population professes Catholicism (72%).

87. An interesting fact is that incest in Belgium is considered quite normal.

88. The first printed newspapers in the world were published in 1605 in the city of Antwerp, a famous tourist center in Belgium.

89. The largest newborn in the world is a resident of Belgium, Samuel Timmerman. His weight is 5.4 kg, and his height is as much as 57 cm!

90. In Belgium they invented praline chocolate - one of the most popular varieties of chocolate in the world.

91. The tallest man in Europe is Belgian citizen Alain Delanois. His height is 2 m 30 cm!

92. Belgium is the world's largest comics producing country.

93. Near the city of Thieu, in the Belgian province called Hainaut, there is the world's largest elevator for lifting ships (its height is 73.15 meters).

94.Belgium has the highest income tax among countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

95. Brussels Royal Palace is larger than Buckingham Palace

96. Belgian founded the Holy Roman Empire. Charlemagne, King of the Franks and founder of the Holy Roman Empire, was born and raised in Wallonia near Liege. He founded the capital of his empire nearby in Aachen, 30 km from Liege.

97. New York was founded by a Belgian

98. The Belgians believe that they invented French fries, and indeed, almost all cities and villages have their own fryers

99. There are 3 main types of Belgian waffles: Liege waffles (the most common), Brussels waffles (they are larger, lighter, rectangular, and are often eaten with strawberries, ice cream, etc.) and biscuits (they are thinner, softer, and are usually eaten for breakfast, sometimes with jam - they have nothing in common with the French biscuits from Brittany).

100. Belgium is famous for its bakeries. Local delicacies include cramique (bread baked with egg yolk and raisins), cougnou (Walloon delicacies usually eaten in winter), gozettes (filled pies) and cakes. The most typical cakes are cherry, plum, apple, sugar and, especially, rice cakes (originally prepared in Verviers, near Liege).

101. The largest agricultural, food and forestry fair in Europe is Foire de Libramont.

102. The world record for acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h (3.266 seconds) belongs to the Vertigo, the only Belgian sports car.

103. The first modern health resort in Europe was opened at Spa in the 18th century.

104. Galerie St Hubert in Brussels, opened in 1847, is the oldest shopping gallery in Europe.

105. The Palais de Justice in Brussels is the largest palace of justice in the world with a ground floor area of ​​26,006 sq.m. - more than St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

106. The European Airports Association reported that in 2006 Brussels National Airport Zaventem was the most punctual among the 27 largest European airports.

107. The richest girl in the world lives in Brussels (Athina Onassis Roussel de Miranda, granddaughter and only heiress of the Greek shipowner Aristotle Onassis).

108. Durbuy considers itself the smallest city in the world. Despite the fact that today its population is less than 500 people, it received the status of a city during the Middle Ages and retains it today.