The meaning of a name in a person's life. Research project "what do our names mean"

Municipal educational institution "Pavlovsk secondary school"

Secrets of names and nicknames

The work was completed

9th grade students

Saprykina Rita and Shishaeva Yulia

Head: Goncharova N.M.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

Pavlovka village

1. Introduction. The importance of research direction in work on the Russian language.

2. About the meaning of a name in a person’s life.

3. New name creation.

4. Correctly chosen name.

5. Last name in a person’s life.

6. Altai region did not stand aside.

7. Your name (linguistic research).

8. Name in the history of our village.

9. Nicknames, their origin.

10.Name is the formula of fate.


12. List of sources and used literature.

13. Applications:

1. - All-Russian Agricultural and Land

1917 census (3 sheets);

3 - Kolomeets N.A. at a school reunion;

4. - photos from a family album

(Kolomeets Vera Vasilievna and Kolomeets Nikifor Afanasyevich);

5. - photograph from a family album (Ridel Karl Davydovich);

6. - Gergard Pavlovich Fischer with his violin (photo).

7. - photographs of works by Fischer Gergard Pavlovich;

The students of our school chose a research direction in the Russian language: they decided to write down and analyze proper names according to various parameters. Academician M.N. Skatkin wrote about the need for students’ research activities: “It is only important to ensure that during their time at school everyone gets involved in such search activities, exercises their cognitive powers in it, and experiences the joy of independent, even the smallest, discovery.”

The students' research interests included, first of all, the personal names of all school students, newborns in 2007 - 2009, and the old names of residents of the villages of Pavlovka, Zhuravlikha, Krasnoyarka. The study on schoolchildren's nicknames turned out to be fruitful. In addition, the origins of village names were studied. At the school conference dedicated to the Year of the Russian Language, students made presentations on the topics: “Your name”, “Name in the history of the village”, “Nicknames of schoolchildren”. Our schoolchildren are very interested in nicknames; we all have them or have had them. The students came to class and asked the guys to write down all their nicknames that they had. In addition, it was proposed, if possible, to indicate when they arose, how long they existed or exist, indicate the environment of use, and prevalence among others. 45 students were interviewed, and 63 nicknames were recorded. The students tried to find some patterns in the origin of nicknames. Students from our school presented their research at the regional scientific and practical conference “Language is the key to all knowledge and all nature.”

"What's in your name"

A.S. Pushkin

We live in a world of names. No wonder Homer wrote in his “Odyssey”:

There are no nameless people among living people

Not at all; at the moment of birth, everyone, both low and noble,

Receives his name from his parents as a sweet gift...

What he said remains true to this day. Every person has a name, and every name, whether the owner likes it or not, stores a huge amount of information about its bearer. After all, no one just calls a person that, they “name” him. And then the name begins to influence its bearer and shape it.

The origin and meaning of personal names interests every person. It has always been this way. As the epigraph of our research, we took the words of A.S. Pushkin “What is in my name for you.” The poet, like many of us, was worried about the mystery and mystery of the name.

Almost all personal names included in the Russian name book were brought by Christianity to Rus' through Byzantium. Therefore, they go back to Greek, Latin and some eastern languages. Before the adoption of Christianity in Rus', names were common that reflected the various properties and qualities of people. In Rus', from the 10th century, ancient Russian names began to be replaced by church names. In ancient times, Byzantium collected the best names from its language and the languages ​​of neighboring peoples and officially legalized them, making them church names. Thus, many of our names indicate their foreign origin. The sociality of the name was more pronounced in the 19th century, when names were given according to the calendar and behind each name there was the life story of a saint with specific forms of behavior, character traits, and attitude to the surrounding reality. “By name and life - said the stereotypical formula of lives, and the church and Orthodox people followed this formula when raising the future Christian. Saints - list church holidays and saints in calendar order - were formed as a separate book no earlier than the 15th century. They contained about 9 thousand names, most of which are completely forgotten. In Rus' several centuries ago there were more than three hundred male names (The Lives of All Saints for 1916 contain 863 male and 232 female names). Where did they go? All original names must live. Maybe then we will have more original people?

First there was a name. In primitive society there were no names and surnames. WITH early childhood people were called, firstly, by appearance (Mal, Bel, Chernysh), secondly, by character trait (Dobr, Brave, Nesmeyana), thirdly, by place in the family (Zhdan, Tretyak, Other). Our ancestors were superstitious. They were afraid of the evil eye. It seemed to them that calling a child a beautiful name meant attracting evil spirits to him. And who would covet Nekras or Fool? In a word, many offensive names were actually talismans - they protected the child from hostile and mysterious forces. In the good old days, the child's name was given in church. According to the calendar, in accordance with the days of certain saints, the child’s parents were offered several names to choose from. He was recorded in the church books of parishioners. After 1917, children began to be called whatever they wanted.

So, names designed to name and not signify can be extremely significant. The famous “even if you call it a pot, don’t put it in the stove” does not find confirmation in the world history of name use: Japanese artist-philosophers, for example, according to tradition, change their name three times in their lives in order to better know themselves and the world through a new “I”. It has been noticed that after changing names, animals change their character. Do we think about this, starting almost from toddler age to call children by their last names?

In L. Kuklin’s poem “Memorial”, with the help of names, the history of the state and society is recreated quite clearly and accurately:

Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, Alexander Svyatoslavovich,

Dmitry Ivanovich, Pyotr Alekseevich,

Elizaveta Petrovna, Ekaterina Alekseevna,

Pavel Petrovich, Alexander Pavlovich,

Alexander Nikolaevich, Nikolai Alexandrovich...

May you rejoice with the saints!

Pavel Ivanovich, Kondraty Fedorovich,

Georgy Valentinovich, Pyotr Alekseevich,

Vladimir Ilyich, Nikolai Ivanovich,

Sergey Mironovich, Anatoly Vasilievich,

Vasily Ivanovich, Mikhail Nikolaevich,

Georgy Konstantinovich, Konstantin Konstantinovich...

Eternal is my memory!

Mikhail Vasilievich, Alexander Sergeevich,

Mikhail Yurievich, Nikolai Vasilievich,

Mikhail Evgrafovich, Lev Nikolaevich,

Mikhail Ivanovich, Pyotr Ilyich,

Modest Petrovich, Ilya Efimovich,

Alexander Alexandrovich, Boris Leonidovich,

Dmitry Dmitrievich, Anna Andreevna...


Our new name creation began immediately after October Revolution, when the separation of church and state occurred and parents received the right to name the child whatever they wanted, bypassing church canons. In the names they created, people sought to reflect revolutionary events: Revolution, Revdit (revolutionary child), Iskra, Oktyabrina, Svoboda, Decreta. A number of names depict the first stages of industrialization: Marten, Tractor, Smychka. New names, however, appear much less frequently even now: Snezhana, Pravdina, Yumanita. In the 20s and 30s, a passion for foreign names began. The entry into our language was well prepared by the fact that many nobles were called in everyday life in a foreign manner. The free process of name creation, which fascinated my parents in the 30s, gave the Russian people Herman and Aelita, Violetta and Gemma. When giving a child a foreign name, one must not forget about its compatibility with the patronymic and surname. These processes are to some extent characteristic of our time.

Some scientists claim that the name affects character and even health. A person's name is an emotional stimulus. Some names sounded affectionate, gentle and evoked a feeling of pleasant, gentle, sublime in those around them with their sound, others evoke unpleasant emotions, make you tense and shrink.

Our ancestors believed that the name determines fate. A name can sound like a request or an order, like a reproach or approval, like a slap in the face or a caress.

And you can rip your skin alive,

But the name is so firmly sealed on us,

That there is no strength to rename,

Even though each one is worn out and captured.

A name is a word that has a strong impact on the emotions of the owner. After all, a person often reacts painfully when others distort his name. They say that for any person there are no sounds more pleasant than pronouncing it own name.

A name is given to a person once, at birth, and accompanies him throughout his life. Once written down in his official documents, it becomes his personal name. We get used to considering our name as the closest word native language and a unique reflection of our personality. Personal names not only have meaning, but also their own history. They grow old and die, disappearing from the language of the people who created them. In the past, a name was treated as a talisman, and the very procedure of choosing a name was treated as fortune telling, an attempt to give the child a better life.

The path to the inner world of a person, the beginning of communication with him, begins with the name. When we want to convert special attention listener to certain words, we call him by name. Not only fairy tale hero the name foretells fate, but it also brings mental and physical traits into the life of every ordinary person.

Many parents, when choosing a name for their son or daughter, do not even realize that they are laying the foundation for his destiny. People with funny and strange names are predisposed to various kinds mental complexes, and the child is forced to fight for a normal attitude towards himself, which forms individual character traits. Therefore, you should think before naming your child Hercules or Cleopatra.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, an expert and connoisseur of the Russian language, wrote the poem “In Defense of Children.” The poet figuratively shows what everyday difficulties await those people to whom their parents give inconvenient, incorrect names.

If only you are smart

Let father and mother understand

What's with this nickname?

The century will have to last forever

To the ill-fated children.

Don't let the guys

So many fancy names

Like Proton and Atom.


Let father and mother understand

What's with this nickname?

The century will have to last forever

To the ill-fated children.

Psychologists have proven that a correctly chosen name has a beneficial effect on a person’s psyche, since he is called by this name many times within one day. What are adults guided by when choosing a name for their child?

1. Subconscious perception of the word through rhythm and melody.

2. Prevalence of the name.

3. Associations associated with the name.

4.Images that have entered the history and culture of the owners of this name.

Philosopher P.A. Florensky wrote: “The name itself does not give a good or bad person, it is only a musical form according to which one can write a work, both good and bad.”

Some people were asked to answer the question with which color they associate different names. It turned out that the name Tatyana evokes the idea of ​​the color red, Elena – blue. The color red evokes a state of anxiety and danger in a person; blue – a feeling of calm. We asked the same question to students in grades 8 and 9 at our school. Of course, the answers were different, and it is unlikely that any pattern can be observed in the relationship between name and color. But still... The students correlated the name Anya with green, Sasha - with blue, Vika - with lilac, Sveta - white, Rita - pink, Julia - green and pink, Ira and Kolya - yellow, Masha - red, Stas - blue. Masha Poleshchuk, an 8th grade student, said that she always feels herself through the color red: her character is unbalanced, she is hot-tempered like fire, and there is anxiety in her soul. But Rita Saprykina, a 9th grade student, writes: “My name is Margarita. I really like this name. I recently read in the book “What’s in your name” about the meaning and origin of the name Margarita. One of the articles says that since childhood, Margarita has been distinguished by her groovy character. I really have that kind of character. I love communicating with people, I love when people pay attention to me. Therefore, I speak quite often at school evenings and at regional events. I can be a good girl too, but rarely. I love red. I think that this color defines my character. I can be quick-tempered, harsh, capricious. My favorite flowers are daisies. They look like little fluffy daisies. I love these flowers for their name. Anya Nekrasova (8th grade) notes that her classmates correctly identified the color of the character - green. After all, she loves nature, reads a lot, writes poetry. But most students did not think about the connection between name and color. As they say, there is still more to come.

In history social development Every nation comes a time when a personal name alone is not enough. It is necessary to determine a person’s place in society. Different nations walked towards this goal in our own way. The Romans, for example, had four types of names: personal, generic, nickname and additional nickname.

The word surname appeared in the Russian language only in the Petrine era. The formation of surnames in Rus' dates back to the 14th-15th centuries. All surnames, according to the method of formation, can be divided into professional, geographical, given names, nicknames, and artificially formed ones. Thanks to surnames, thousands of words of the Old Russian language have reached us, old names and concepts. You just need to look at them. By deciphering surnames, you learn the customs, traditions, prohibitions of your ancestors, in a word, you look in the mirror of history. This is a very exciting activity!

People say:

It is not the name that makes a person, but the person that makes the name.

It's better to lose your eyes than your good name.

And in Japan, the sages say: A tiger protects its skin, but a man protects his name.

Of course, the connection between a person’s name and the events of his life, mental characteristics There is. A name affects a person's character. There is a sea of ​​names, thousands are known, listed in monthly books and calendars. Some serve us, live with us, some are forgotten, left on the yellowed pages of old books.

Fashions for names arise regularly. In some years there were many Seryozhas and Natashas, ​​in others there were exotic and solemn names in a wide front, such as Christina, Svetozara or Zhanna.

The Altai region did not remain aloof from general trends. The fashion for names changed along with people and the socio-economic situation. A certain level of conservatism was maintained in the Altai Territory. After the October Revolution, not only new attributes of power and rituals were introduced into the consciousness of people, but also new names of people. Polygraph Poligrafovich in “The Heart of a Dog” by M.A. Bulgakov could well have been, because at that time there were the names Traktor, Idea, Industry, Oktyabrina..

However, the new trends in naming in the Altai Territory were treated with coldness. So, in 1935, 588 children were born in the Slavgorod region - 301 boys and 287 girls. And the most popular names turned out to be: Maria, Nadezhda, Anna. And also Ivan, Nikolai and Vladimir. There were, of course, Stalins and Vladilenes (from Vladimir Lenin) - but in isolated cases. And in the numerous Kerzhak and Old Believer villages of the Altai Territory there was no fashion for new names. So, in the taiga villages of the Zarinsky region, even after the war, children were called in the old way: Feona, Petrovan, Demid. After the Great Patriotic War in connection with resettlement to the Altai Territory various peoples- Germans, Kalmyks, Lithuanians, Estonians - newborns also appeared with names unknown until that day: Ewald, Linda, Yugana. And after Gagarin’s flight into space, the name Yuri became popular. For example, in the Slavgorod region in 1965, in the ranking of the most popular names, it was second only to Victor and Vladimir, but ahead of the popular name Alexander. Girls at that time were called Irins, Tatyanas and Galinas. Since the mid-70s, the names Sergei and Alexey, Natalya and Elena have become extremely popular. Up to a quarter of all newborns were called this.

IN recent years the most popular female names are: Elena, Anastasia, Tatyana, Natalya; men's - Alexander, Maxim, Dmitry and Vladimir. In cities, boys are often given the name Daniil, and girls - Diana, Ilona, ​​Aksinya, Arina or Regina. But Sergeev and Petrov became noticeably smaller. There seems to be a growing interest in unusual names these days. The girl, born on December 2, 2007, was named Vyborina. Another child, a girl, was given the name Russia.

We conducted a study at school on the topic “Your Name”. We have 44 students, of which 28 are boys and 16 are girls. Pupils of all classes were given the task to study the history of their name, its role in the family and write a short essay. This work was very interesting and necessary. We read a lot of books and asked our parents. Almost all of the students at our school were born in the 20th century and now live in the 21st century. Therefore, it is so important to know with what name we entered life and will continue to live.

1st place among boys' names is occupied by: Andrey (3 students), Nikolai (3 students), Alexander (3 students).

In 2nd place are Egor, Sergey, Zhenya (2 students each).

The remaining names are 1 student each. Among these names are the following: Igor, Pavel, Ilya, Nikita, Alexey, Denis, Stanislav, Bogdan, Tolya, Denis, Vanya, Misha, Volodya, Vitya. Perhaps the rarest name in our village is Bogdan. Several decades ago, children were often called names such as Volodya, Misha, Vitya. Tolya. And in lately boys began to be given names such as Ilya, Nikita, Maxim, Daniil.

In 2007, 6 boys were born in the village. Their parents gave them the following names: Ilya, Nikita, Maxim, Vladimir, Alexander, Daniil. There is a tradition of naming. In 2008, children were born in the villages of Pavlovka and Krasnoyarka.

Among girls, the names Victoria, Alena, Yulia (2 students each) are in first place. They are followed by such names as Alina, Tanya, Ira, Masha, Anya, Rita, Sveta, Luda, Olya, Alla, Nadya.

In 2007, 3 girls were born in the village. Here are their names: Anastasia, Ksenia, Natalya. And in 2008, 8 children were born in the villages of Pavlovka and Krasnoyarka. The girls were given the following names: Natasha, Alina, Arina, Angelina; boys - Daniil, Nikolai, Nikita. These are the most common names in our time, especially Daniel and Nikita.

In our work, we also decided to compare names by year of birth (school students).

^ Boys: Girls:

1989 - Vladimir, Vitya Olya, Nadya, Alla

1990 - Kolya, Sasha-Vanya, Misha Margarita, Masha, Yulia

Seryozha, Tolya Sveta, Luda, Alena, Anya

Andrey, Sasha, Bogdan Yulia, Sveta. Victoria

1994 - Stas, Zhenya Tanya, Ira, Alena

1995 - Andrey, Nikolay, Sergey Victoria

1996 - Denis Alena

1997 - Igor, Egor

1999 –Pavel, Ilya, Nikita

2000 - Egor

2007 - Ilya, Nikita, Maxim Natalya, Anastasia, Ksenia

Anya Nekrasova, an 8th grade student, wrote in her work “My Name”:

“I like my name. It sounds beautiful. This is one of the oldest female names. Marina Tsvetaeva writes:

The child's name is Leo,

Mother - Anna.

There is anger in his name,

In the mother's room there is silence.

My mother gave me the name Anna in honor of my great-grandmother. The nurse's name was Anna, and my mother's best friend was also Anna. And dad said he liked the name.”

^ Vilkov Kolya:

“I like my name because it was popular in Russia - Emperors Nicholas 1 and Nicholas 2. My mother and father gave me this name in honor of my grandfather. In addition, it is consonant with the name of my sister Olya.”

^ Poleshchuk Masha:

“I like my name, and so do my parents. Dad always dreamed of a son, and I was born. Mom decided to name me Masha, because my great-grandmother’s name is also Maria. It seems to me that I am often rude, of course, I need to work on myself. The meaning of the name reflects my character: my mood often changes, I can be joyful and cheerful, or even sad. Mom and Dad call me Donya, Mashutka and simply Masha.

“Manya, Marusya, Musya, Maria.

There are a lot of mash not only in Russia.”

The search group of the Russian language and literature office conducted comparative analysis names that were given to children in our villages in the 20s and 30s. There were many names. But people like Efrosinya, Thekla, Paraskovya, Pelageya, Anisya, Akulina, Ustinya, Ustin, Prokofy are no longer to be found. The name Venus was rare even then. And a woman with that name still lives in our village - this is Venera Trofimovna Malikova. Her husband Ivan Aleksandrovich Malikov, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, wears Russian name Ivan, which has now become rare. No wonder this name has become synonymous with the Russian peasant. In the calendar it was found from 63 to 170 times and 25% of the peasants were truly Russian Ivans. The most common at that time female names were: Maria, Anna, Evdokia, Alexandra, Ekaterina Anastasia, Zoya. Male names are not as varied and more traditional. These are Nikolai, Alexander, Ivan, Pavel. Let's highlight the names Karl and Emma. Wonderful people wore them. They appeared in our village in the 40s, when there was a large resettlement of Germans from the Volga region. Love of work, respect for people, skillful hands helped Karl and Emma survive and become part of the village. At the beginning of 1942, the Riedel family moved to Altai, to the village of Pavlovka. At first, the Germans were treated with distrust, even hatred. But Karl and Emma were very kind and friendly people, so the village loved them. Baba Emma was a good housewife, she baked very tasty pies and always shared the recipe with her neighbors. The relationship with Fyokla Petrovna Kruzhkova was especially warm. Grandfather Karlush, that was the loving name of Karl Davydovich in the village, was a wonderful carpenter. He made beautiful and necessary things from wood. Tables, chairs, wardrobes, curtains made by Karlusha's grandfather still decorate the homes of fellow villagers. His latest hobby was birds, especially goldfinches. I caught them with a special trap, put them in beautiful cages, and could listen to birdsong for hours. And he knew everything about pigeons... People remember these people, their names Karl and Emma: they have a wonderful soul and a tragedy of the people.

Werth Adolf Adolfovich was born in 1929. Lived with his father and mother in the Volga region. Father Adolf Yakovlevich and mother Ada Aleksandrovna along with their children were exiled to Altai. The collective farm and good people did not leave us in trouble. Adolf Adolfovich married Maria Vladimirovna Solodovnikova. Concerned about the future, the children were registered under the surname Solodovnikov. Their son and daughter decided in 2000 to return the surname of their grandfathers and fathers: Vert. Adolf Adolfovich and Viktor Adolfovich worked conscientiously on the collective farm, they had many friends in the village, and they valued their name and surname.

Before us is a list of residents of the village of Pavlovka according to the All-Russian Agricultural and Land Census of 1917, Tomsk province, Zmeinogorsk district, Pospelikha volost. We analyzed what names our fellow villagers had at the beginning of the 20th century. According to the list - 136 people, 62 different names.

The most popular names were Ivan, Vasily, Stepan, Fedor, Grigory, Maxim. Among the rare names there are such as Nestor, Lukyan, Leonty, Ilya,

Panteleimon, Milentius, Athanasius, Abraham, Luke and others. 30 male names are already lost for the modern villager. They began to call children names such as Yegor, Ilya, Nikifor, Daniil, Anton. In our village there live people with the surname Lukyantsev (from the name Lukyan), Leontiev (from the name Leonty), Markov (from the name Mark), Savelyev (from the name Saveliy). By the way, a resident of the village of Lukyantsev received the nickname Luka (after his last name).

A Russian proverb says: “It is not the name that makes a man, but the man’s name.” Indeed, a person is more beautiful by his good deeds and actions. I really want there to be more kindness, smiles and happiness on our planet. What does it mean to protect your name? Live with dignity so that your family is proud of you and your successes. You need to increase the good glory of your family, surname, and this is the glory of the Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland. By name is your life... Namely, by name is life, and not by name after life.

There is a wonderful family dynasty of the Kruzhkovs in our village. The family has five children: Polina, Vera, Valya, Nadya, Mikhail. Their parents: Yakov Kondratievich and Fyokla Petrovna Kruzhkov. And my homeland is the village of Zhuravlikha. Good people, real hard workers. And the children were raised to respect people. The names Yakov and Thekla are the most common ones for that time. The most reliable names were Faith and Nadezhda, because they contain hope for a better future. All the Kruzhkov children worked on the Zarya Altai collective farm: Mikhail is an engineer, now a farmer; Polina is a milkmaid; Valya - on different jobs; Vera – seller; Nadezhda is a teacher of Russian language and literature. These people are respected by the residents of our village. Children were given names according to the time and, to some extent, fashion: Victor, Vladimir, Ira, Sasha, Tatyana. But the name Vera is repeated in the family. Names such as Bogdan and Maxim also appeared.

Lives in the village good family Kolomeets Nikifor Afanasyevich and Vera Vasilievna. We raised 8 children to work hard and to respect people. They carried and continue to bear the glory of the family name: Andrey - agronomist, head of large farms; Tanya is a teacher, now the chairman of the village administration; Lyuba is an accountant; Sergey is a machine operator, now a farmer.

In a large family, the traditions of the name are preserved: there are Ilya, Nikifor, Roman, Katya. Lisa. The twin girls received iconic names - Lyuba and Nadya. So a connecting link was formed: mother Vera, daughters Lyubov and Nadezhda. In the family of Lyubov Nikiforovna there is daughter Anyuta, grandchildren Pavlik and Alena. Grandmother, mother, children and grandchildren are very kind, affectionate, caring, we think that their names contain many gentle sounds that caress the heart.

By deciphering surnames, you learn the customs, traditions, prohibitions of your ancestors, in a word, you look in the mirror of history. This is very

A fun activity! The name of our village Pavlovka is also connected with the man’s name. It goes back to history, to the beginning of the 20th century. And it was like this...

On a June day in 1908, land surveyor P.P. Ivlev. At a general meeting of citizens of Zagainovskaya Zaimka, he had a conversation about the borders between Novichikha and Pospelikha. Here he also raised the question of what the inhabitants of the villages would like to call their village. A.I. Petrov (the founder of the loan), after thinking, asked Ivlev: “Tell me, what is your name and patronymic, citizen land manager?” “Why is this?” - Ivlev asked. Petrov said it was necessary.” We are deciding the issue of land together, but we don’t know your names and patronymics.” “Pavel Pavlovich,” said Ivlev. Then Anton Pavlovich, addressing those gathered, said: “I am making a proposal to name our future village Pavlovka. “It’s a beautiful name,” the crowd boomed. And so, unanimously, in honor of the name of the land surveyor Pavel Pavlovich Ivlev, the village was named Pavlovka. This is what was written down in the documents.

By last name you can determine life path family. Surnames existed before, only they were called by nicknames, nicknames. For example, the head of the family was called Yasha, and the children were Yashkins, the father was a blacksmith, and the children were Kuznetsovs. And it happened that the surname appeared as a nickname given by fellow villagers. For example. Shcherbakov - Shcherbak - a nickname for those who found fault with the shortcomings of the product and did not pay the required amount; Koverchik - in the old days, those who amused people with jokes. They called it Coverey - people cover it.

N.V. Gogol wrote: “There is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, so bursting out from under the very heart, so seething and vibrant, like a well-spoken Russian word.”

These words of the great writer apply perfectly to such a language phenomenon as Russian nicknames. They were given to people by their relatives and neighbors. Moreover, the nicknames reflected some characteristic features, inherent in this particular person. Having become entrenched in surnames, these traits and characteristics of distant ancestors have reached our time. There is not a single name or surname that cannot tell its story. Individual, school, and family nicknames existed and continue to exist. They pass from generation to generation, from father to son, reflecting lifestyle, occupation, as well as historical changes in society and the state.

The schoolchildren's nicknames are of great interest to the children themselves. We collected materials by class. Students were asked to remember their nicknames and the reason for their appearance. The question was raised: are there any patterns in the origin of nicknames? It turned out that the following groups can be distinguished among them:

1) Derived from the names of bearers of nicknames: Vorobey (Vorobiev), Mole (Krotov), ​​Shishka (Shishaev), Kamen (Kamensky), Shanchin (Shanchenko),

Koshelka (Koshelev), Vilka (Vilkov), Polomoshka (Polomoshnova), Solodun (Maltman), Oak (Dubovik) and others.

By external signs person: Wick (long), Bear (clumsy), Firebird (beautiful), Makhno (disheveled hair), Chinese (narrow eyes), Petrosyan (laughs all the time), Eared ( big ears), Short (short), Barrel (round), Meat (thick), Silent (talks little).

From the personal names of the bearers of nicknames: Lenya (Alena), Gabriel (named Igor), Piekha (named Stas), Bear (named Misha), Tolyan (named Tolya), Anka the machine gunner (named Anna), Dionysus ( named Denis).

By character traits:

Professor (studies well), Petrosyan (laughs all the time).

5) Arising from a “foreign” name: Margela,
Saddam Hussein, Terminator, Toilet,
Marcello, Nikola (healthy nation kvass)

6) Diminutives: Nanny, Monkey.

Naturally, this classification is very approximate, because some nicknames were formed for several reasons. Some nicknames remain unclear in their origin.

“Nicknames are very common at school. My name is Volkov Nikolay. With a surname like that, I simply cannot help but have a nickname. When I was little, my name was Volchok. Now I'm in 11th grade, and my nickname has changed to Wolfhound. True, it is rough, but it sounds loud.”

At school, one student is called Stos. He got this nickname from his father. Only their son is called Stasyonok. There are nicknames that come from the names of relatives, for example, Mitya, for his appearance, which is very similar to his grandfather Dmitry. The origin of some nicknames is unknown: Onegin, Lemon, Broller and others. These examples testify to the diversity of the Russian language, full of secrets and riddles.

“A name is a formula for fate. It is believed that the name reflects a person’s life purpose. A person's name should correspond to the time in which he lives. The name should not offend the ears or attract undue attention. As a sign of love and respect, parents often give their children the names of their grandparents. So they named me after mine dear grandmother, Lyadgina Albina Grigorievna, my mother’s mother. My name is Alla. There is an assumption that descendants are able to repeat the fate of their namesakes, but I don’t want this, because I believe that a person is individual and must live “his own” destiny. My name is presumably of German origin. The exact meaning of this name has not been established. Alla attracts people, first of all, because she is different from other girls, she is energetic, does not waste time, makes only real plans and achieves their implementation. As a child, I didn’t like my name: I thought it was short and boring. But now my opinion has changed. Only now I realized that the name Alla is beautiful. Listen: Allah. Alka, Alchonok, Alek... Beautiful! A name is where a person’s life begins, so parents should think carefully before choosing a name: after all, they choose the fate of their child.”

Akishina Alla, 11th grade.

“A name is not just three letters. This is much bigger and more significant. We live in a civilized world. Gone hard times, when a person answered the question: “What is your name?”, he just lowered his head and was silent.

My name is Nikolai. It is not the first in our family. They named me in honor of my grandfather - Nikolai Fedorovich Volkov. When I was little I didn't

thought about my name. Mom and Dad love me very much, so they affectionately call me Kolyunka, Bell, Nikola. Now I'm an adult, which means only Nikolai. Nikolai is a common name, easy to remember, easy to communicate. Over time, I got used to the name, I like it: there is something strong and courageous in it. It is comparable to my character. No wonder its meaning is conqueror of nations. Of course, I’m not going to conquer peoples, but being in last place is not in my rules.

Olga Goncharova graduated from school with excellent grades. Now she works in Rubtsovsk in kindergarten, writes poetry. Her mother's name is Nina Maksimovna. Here is the poem Olga wrote:

Ninus, ruler of mighty Assyria,

I didn’t want to leave this world.

Yours ancient name beautiful

He bequeathed it to his youngest daughter.

Who will tell you what your name meant?

Unravel the hidden secret?

The time of time only takes her away,

I will try. What if I guess?

Nina - mountain river

Running down the slope?

No - the rustling of leaves?

The gentle whisper of lovers?

Ni-nna-nin! - ringing monist

On the happy bride's outfit.

No-no-n-na - the groan of two swords

In the combat crosshairs

This is what they called young Georgian princesses.

No-na-none-na - in the mountains a shepherd sang...

And, struck to death by the hand of a fanatic,

Griboyedov called his beloved...

Maybe I guessed it by accident?

The mystery has not ceased to be a secret.

The eternal mystery of the ancient name

My mother,

Goncharova Nina Maksimovna.

We would like to “say goodbye” to names with poems where we find deep thoughts about the embodied name:

What's in my name?

It will die like a sad noise

Waves splashing onto the distant shore,

Like the sound of the night in a deep forest.

It's on the memorial sheet

Will leave a dead trail like

Tombstone inscription pattern

In an unknown language.

What's in it? Long forgotten

In new and rebellious unrest,

It won't give your soul

Pure memories. Gentle.

But on a day of sadness, in silence

Say it in sadness:

Say: there is a memory of me,

There is a heart in the world where I live.

A.S. Pushkin

Studying the etymology of first names, last names, and village names often leads not to answers, but to questions. Why is the lake near the school called Kuliev? Why do the villages around Pavlovka have the following names: Zhuravlikha, Pokrovka, Gordyovka, Solonovka, Bald village, streets in Krasnoyarsk Babskaya, Mesho

Research work

"Name in a person's life"

Completed by: Alishcheva Asel

Head: Valeeva R.S.

Nagaibaksky village

1. Introduction.

2. History of names.

3. About the meaning of names.

4. Origin, history and meaning of the name Asel.

5. Character of Asel.

6. Famous people with the name Asel.

7. Name popularity and statistics.

8. Conclusions and observations.

9. Conclusion.

10. Sources of knowledge.

11. Applications.


Names, names, names -

It is no coincidence that our speech sounds:

How mysterious this country is -

So the name is a mystery and a mystery.

(A. Bobrov)

Many in their lives, sooner or later, think about what his name means, where it came from, what secret it conceals. This happened to me too.

Why do you need a name? Where do names come from? What do they mean? These and other questions regarding the person’s name prompted me to seriously take up this problem.

I guess It’s no coincidence that I was named Asel, this name should suit me.

Even in ancient times, people were faced with the problem of how to address each other.

Many people are sure that changing their name will lead to changes in their destiny, since a person’s name has enormous power over his destiny. A person's name is his symbol.

We are used to calling everyone by name, but the person’s name did not arise by chance, and I wanted to know:

When and how did my name appear?

Where did it come from in our language;

What does my name mean?

Is my name currently popular?

Therefore your research work I dedicated myself to learning my name.

Problem solved by work:

Guess the riddle:

“What is given to a person and used by others?” (Name)

My research work invites everyone to think about their names. After all, they are given to a person only once. And someone carries his name through his life in such a way that his descendants will remember him more than once and even name their children in his honor.

The purpose of my research:

Learn the meaning of the name

Analyze changes in the popularity of names,

Explore changes in fashion for names over the years.

Research objectives:

Study and analyze literary sources and Internet resources.

Collect name information.

Research the meaning of the name.

Research methods and T technologies:



Method of analysis and generalization,

Studying literature and reference books,

Comparison of the obtained facts,

Information analysis.

Equipment: literature, reference books, Internet resources, school alphabet books.

Relevance of the work is as follows :

The role of a name in a person’s life has always worried and will continue to worry people. There was a historical opinion that through a certain name one can convey to a person qualities of character and his destiny.

It is important for every person to know the meaning of his own name, its origin, why this particular name was given to him and how popular it is among his peers . After all, a name is given at birth and accompanies a person throughout his life, being a kind of business card its carrier.


Names appeared at dawn human history, along with the appearance of speech. Although in modern understanding The term “nicknames” would be best suited to the personal names of primitive tribes. Nevertheless, the names came to people once and for all. A name is the first thing that is mentioned in a conversation when talking about a particular person. Each of us has a name. People address us by name, our names are registered in documents, and finally, we ourselves will name our children. What is this name? According to the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, a name is “a name, a denomination, a word that is called, means a person.”

People's names are part of history and peoples. Kazakh names interesting story. Some of them lived long life and have survived to this day, others appeared quite recently.


In recent times, fashionable names have become those that were forgotten, discarded as too simple or, on the contrary, too pretentious. The phenomenon of the concept of popular names has not been fully studied, and, moreover, is very mysterious. You don't know which name will become popular in the future, just like you don't know which song will become a hit.

Unusual name not only supports the uniqueness of a person, but also his difference from others.

It is important to remember that a name is not an outfit that can be worn on holidays, can be given as a gift, or even thrown away. The meaning of a name is part of a person’s personality; it is given only once and accompanies a person throughout his life. Therefore, before naming a person, you need to listen to the advice:

1) the name should be easy to pronounce;

2) must be correlated with the patronymic;

3) should be easy to remember;

4) from the name must be formed diminutively - endearments;

5) the name should not cause unpleasant associations in a person.

Sometimes the child is called:

According to family customs, often in memory or honor of a loved one loved one,

Because of the beautiful sound, combination with the father’s middle name;

Because it's rare;

On the advice of parents;

In the name of some celebrity;

Because it’s fashionable and relevant.


What do the names mean? First of all, I was very interested in all the data associated with the name Asel, because this is my name too. And this is what I found out.
A form of the name Asel, rare among the Russian population, came from Asian countries. It is widespread mainly among Muslims and, like all other names, has a certain influence on its owners. I’ll tell you what the name Asel means and what fate it portends for its owner. The roots of this name are ancient Turkic. Moreover, it is difficult to translate it literally, so as not to lose all the semantic nuances implied by the name Asel. The translation of the name, however, can be associated with the word “honey”, which should hint at some specific qualities: sweetness, beauty, desirability, fruit long waits and many efforts and so on. In the area where this form came from, it was customary to call it the long-awaited girls, about whom parents had dreamed for many years. Tradition has surrounded the name Asel with many beautiful legends. One of them tells about the Bashkir Khan Alyan, who had two wives. Nevertheless, he fell in love with a girl named Asel and unconsciously repeated her name day and night. Having lost the ability to think about anyone else, the khan abandoned his wives. The offended women decided to take revenge on the girl and killed her. As punishment for this, the khan imprisoned them in one of the caves on Mount Alyanka. Legend has it that their restless souls still reside there, instilling fear in travelers. And in their screams you can hear the name of the murdered girl.



The little girl shows herself to be a modest and shy child. Asel, the meaning of whose name in childhood is revealed with the best side, arouses admiration among others. She is very loved and pampered. But she can only reveal herself in a certain mood, and therefore rarely demonstrates her talents. He acutely senses injustice and in such situations reacts very vividly and emotionally. In general, sensitivity and vulnerability are what, by definition, the name Asel carries with it. The meaning of the name and the fate of the child will largely depend on the emotional atmosphere in which the girl grows up. If she often experiences grievances and faces injustice towards herself, this may result in the girl growing up distrustful and nervous person. Therefore, it is better for parents to worry about the emotional comfort of the baby. In this case, she will play the role of a peacemaker throughout her life. It is also necessary to say about the tendency towards isolation that Asel had in childhood. The meaning of the name in this regard is such that the girl alone experiences all her emotional problems and even joy, without completely trusting anyone. Therefore, her true mood or feelings cannot always be easily guessed and read. But calm on the outside, she can hide a storm on the inside. Accordingly, Asel has few friends, because she is very scrupulous about their choice and will only allow a hundred times proven and tested person to approach her. But even for them it will still largely remain a mystery. With the onset of school time, the intellectual qualities that are characteristic of Asel are revealed. The meaning of the name here is reflected in the fact that the girl is trying to embrace the immensity and thoroughly study everything in the world. Thanks to this, she has a very broad outlook, flexible mind, good memory, but at the same time, excessive dedication to science results in overwork. In addition, over time, the girl’s ambitions begin to awaken more and more, she thinks about the future and seriously thinks about the prospects for her independent life. For her it gains a lot great value a factor of independence in every sense of the word. For those who are interested in what the name Asel means, it must be said that girls so named have a very well developed sense of beauty. They are unselfish, but always strive to teach other people something, guided by their knowledge and experience. A lady named Asel expresses her commitment to great art by displaying her bright creativity. A girl’s house often resembles a small museum, because it contains various things that represent a wide range of interests of this woman.

Asel usually studies well and diligently. She is not one of those who considers studying an empty matter. The girl loves to study and has excellent inclinations for this. She has a good memory, and her hard work surprises many adults. It is also worth noting that Asel’s life interests do not end with studies. She usually finds a sporting hobby. The girl loves to dance and can take up sports dancing, acrobatics or something similar. She enjoys the aesthetic aspect of these sports.

Asel's health can be called strong. Of course, she is also larger and not even much smaller than the other children, but her vitality allows her to practically not notice it. She tolerates illness calmly and without any particular whims and recovers quickly. Of course, her passion for sports also has a positive effect. She is endowed with simply inexhaustible This name gives its owner the ability to adapt, which helps to get what she wants from life. She will have to learn to adapt to changes, other people's opinions, responsibilities and difficult situations.

Personal life

To the sphere of love and personal life The influence of the name Asel is also very great. The meaning of the name here is that the girl is very careful in choosing a partner, even more strictly than in choosing friends. Sincerity and devotion, harmony and regularity in relationships are important to her. But having met him, she will never betray him and will become loving woman in the world.


As for home, after marriage Asel forgets about everything in the world. And for the sake of the good, coziness and comfort of her family, she can sacrifice almost everything: career, prospects, and so on. It is very important for a girl to feel protected, but it is no less valuable to realize that her husband receives all the warmth and love he needs. Asel treats children with special love, but her educational methods are not without rigor. The girl doesn’t like to trust them to anyone, so she tries to avoid kindergartens and even has difficulty letting them go to visit relatives. So strong attachment towards children and sometimes excessive care creates for Asel quite serious problems with their offspring when they reach adolescence. The mother's total control suffocates them, and this provokes quarrels within the family. In addition, Asel's jealousy can seriously affect her relationships with her children's lovers. Therefore, most often the mother-in-law and mother-in-law are not very good, despite all their flexible character.


In relationships with people, moral principles come first for Asel, and therefore she will never play a dishonest game and go over her head. This is reflected in the fact that a girl’s career is not easy to build, solely through hard work, responsibility and intellectual qualities. This is what allows her to go up. However, the girl is devoid of purely career ambitions. It is more important for her to find her place in life, which would allow her to creatively reveal herself and realize herself as a person. But management and administration matters are not for her.


Speaking about celebrities, it should be mentioned that Asia is the birthplace of the name Asel. The meaning of the name of Muslims, who today predominantly inhabit this part of the world, is approximately the same as in all other ethnic groups. But the position of women is somewhat obscured by male dominance. The fairer sex most often remains in the shadows, and therefore there are not so many celebrities with the name Asel.

Asel Omar (born 1973) - Russian and Kazakh writer, essayist, literary critic, candidate of philosophical sciences. Author of poems, stories, short stories, essays. Winner of the 2013 Gold Yesenin Medal for loyalty to the traditions of Russian culture and literature.

Asel Sagatova, who also positions herself as an actress.

Asel Isabaeva - winner of the Miss Kazakhstan contest, 1999.

For those who are interested in what the name Asel means, it must be said that girls so named have a very well developed sense of beauty. They are unselfish, but always strive to teach other people something, guided by their knowledge and experience. A lady named Asel expresses her commitment to great art by demonstrating her bright creative abilities. A girl’s house often resembles a small museum, because it contains various things that represent a wide range of interests of this woman.


In the village of Arslambaevsky from Asel I am the second, and in the school of the village I am the first.

Time of year: Spring, Winter

Personality: patient, understanding, selfless, extravagant, obsessive, suspicious

Zodiac sign: Fish, Virgo, Aries

Name abbreviations: Asya

Suitable middle name: Albertovna

Suitable for boys or girls: only for girls

Name pronunciation: soft

Nationality of the name: Arabic

Most suitable for zodiac signs: Aquarius, Twins, Lion, Capricorn

Good compatibility with names: Albert, Murat

Poor compatibility with names: Adam

Famous people with this name: Asel Omar, Asel Sagatova and Asel Isabaeva

The name was popular: the name is popular in at the moment in Arab countries.

Name features: popular, foreign, beautiful, sonorous, short,


I devoted my research work to studying the history of the origin of my name and studied its meaning. Having carried out this work, we can say that nowadays many Muslims have traditional names, although the fashion for names is changing.

While doing the work, I observed my actions and came to the following conclusions:

    If I'm interested in something, then I'm diligent about it.

    Mandatory, even if I don’t really like the job.

    I'm happy when it turns out what I had in mind.

    I like it when I am praised or win competitions.

    I don't like to lose.

    If I'm busy doing something, I don't notice anything around me.

    I always tell the truth, even if I know that I will be punished.

    I like performing on stage.

    I love it when people give me gifts.

    I like to show others what I can do.

While doing my job, I:

I found out which one famous people bore or bears my name;

I studied the origin and meaning of my name;

I found out that people with that name have not lived in our village since ancient times;

Observed her actions and identified her personal qualities;

Drew conclusions;

I will tell my classmates about my work.

The advantage of this work is that:

I changed my attitude towards my own name;

Other students can learn how to determine the meaning of their names;

It is interesting both to my classmates and adults.


I had never thought about my name before. But while doing this work, I realized how important it is for a person to know the origin and meaning of his name. During the research, I, together with my parents, read many books and articles, studied materials from Internet resources, and looked through volumes of alphabet books at school. Thanks to this work, I learned a lot of interesting things for myself.

It turned out that a person's name can tell a lot about himself.

I was named Asel at birth, not knowing what I would become. But as a result of the work, I realized that my name suits me very well. My guess turned out to be correct. Mom and Dad weren't wrong. Now I will treat my name with respect. My middle name suits me.

In my work I talked about my name.


    Vedina T.F.. Dictionary of personal names. M.:Ast, 1999

    Uspensky L.V. You and your name. The name of your house. L., 1972

    Alphabet book of Arslambaevskaya secondary school.

    Internet sources:


The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

Contents of the work:

1. Introduction page 3

2. Main part p.4

2.1.Onomastics as a science of linguistics p.4

2.2.Results of survey No. 1 page 4

2.3. Name Anastasia p.5

2.4. Name Alina page 5

2.5. Name Alexander p.5-6

2.6.Name Margarita p.6

2.7. Name Ekaterina page 6

2.8. Results of survey No. 2 pp. 6-7

3. Conclusion and conclusions p.8

4. List of information sources used p.9

5. Applications. pp.10-11

1. Introduction

Since ancient times, the human name has magical power, is the object of various theories and studies. The name is shrouded in secrecy. The role of a name in a person’s life has always worried and will continue to worry people. Historically, it was believed that through a certain name one can convey character traits and destiny to a person. It is important for every person to know the meaning of his own name, its origin, why this particular name was given to him and how popular it is among his peers. After all, a name is given at birth and accompanies a person throughout his life, being a kind of calling card. It turns out that every name means something, and often we have no idea about the meaning of some names.

Purpose of the work:

1. Find out whether the name and character of a person are connected.

Job objectives:

    Find out what science studies names

    Identify the most popular names among boys and girls in my class

    Conduct a survey.

    Find out the origin of the names of the students in the class.

    Compare the meaning of the name with the character of the person.

Relevance of the topic:

A name is given to a person at birth without his knowledge or consent. But how random is this?

There is an opinion that a person’s name is the result of universal forces. Parents, even before the birth of a child, know in their subconscious his future name.

I am very interested in this topic, because I want to find out how a name is connected with its owner and his character. I hope this is interesting to you too.

Subject of research:

I used my class data to create my project. There are 29 people in my class. Of these, 14 are boys and 15 are girls. Rare names: Predominant names: Sava, Semyon, Yakov. Anastasia, Vlad, Ksenia, Sofia.

2. Main part

2.1. Onomastics

Onomastics (from ancient Greek, the art of giving names) is a branch of linguistics that studies any proper names, the history of their origin and transformation as a result long-term use in language. Thus, the subject of the study of onomastics is he(given name).

2.2.Results of survey No. 1

To better understand the topic in my class, I conducted a survey to identify popular female and male names among peers. The survey was conducted with 27 people. Each student was given a card on which they wrote their favorite name.

After calculating the results, I made a diagram.

Eight people had a favorite name - their own, 9 people had a favorite name - a friend, 6 people chose fictitious names and only 4 people chose a favorite name - a relative.

2.3.Name Anastasia

I decided to start researching names with my own name. Anastasia (the name comes from the Greek language) is distinguished by well-developed intuition. She is kind and gentle. At times, you can notice daydreaming and deep intelligence. He studies well. Tends to seek the truth. She will be a highly moral person. Outwardly beautiful and calm. Often, the girl Nastya is her father’s favorite, he pampers her and indulges her in everything.

From the characteristics of the name, I chose several similar character traits that suit me:

    He is distinguished by well-developed intuition.

    He studies well.

    She is calm.

    Nastya is her father's favorite.

2.4.Name Alina

The next name is my name best friend Alina. Alina (from the ancient Germanic language) - the color of the name is black or purple. We can say that Alina, along with her name, receives everything in order to be successful and happy. Alina usually receives a good education, she is erudite, reads a lot, and is often endowed with musical talents. She is very dependent on fashion, always tries to look impeccable, cannot stand criticism and comments addressed to her.

In fact, the characteristics of the name Alina very much coincide with the character and habits of my friend:

    Favorite color is purple.

    Addicted to fashion.

    Always tries to look impeccable.

    Does not tolerate criticism and comments addressed to him.

2.5 Name Alexander

Alexander (from the Greek language) has a developed sense of care and guardianship over loved ones. This quality is expressed in the protection of parents. One of Alexander’s main goals in life is to provide a decent future for the people close to him. Character traits such as perseverance and determination help him in this.

There were few coincidences, but they still exist:

    Persistence and determination.

    A sense of care and guardianship has been developed.

2.6.Name Margarita

My next classmate has a beautiful name, filled with history and mystery. Margarita (from Latin language) grows up as a quick-witted and intelligent girl, she has a thirst for learning and knowledge. She studies diligently and is interested in many things. She knows how to overcome difficulties, she has a fairly strong and persistent character. Margarita develops and grows into a very independent girl, with her own opinion. Initially, the company of boys of the same age is more attractive to her. They like her courage and ability not to give up and to defend her interests.

The character of Margot completely coincides with this characteristic of the name:


    She is not afraid to be different from others.

    She is growing up to be a smart girl.

    She is interested in many things.

2.7.Name Ekaterina

The name comes from the Greek language. Ekaterina is already a child in her mind. She is thrifty and a little greedy. If Katya has been visiting, there will definitely be candy or an apple in her pockets when she returns home - there will probably be someone who will be touched by Katya’s intelligence and intelligence. Katya is proud, painfully tolerates someone's superiority, is one of the best students in the class and strives to be friends with those who make up the elite of the class, enjoys power and authority. Has an indecisive character. Extravagance in behavior and clothing is not such a rare phenomenon for Katya, this is especially evident in extreme situations.

I had to think for a very long time about what character traits are similar to a person. I asked Katya herself, and she said that she was very thrifty.

2.8.Results of survey No. 2

The purpose of the second survey is to find out whether the students in my class agree with the statement that a person’s character traits depend on the name given to him at birth. The results were as follows: 98% voted that they agree. But 2% of students voted the opposite.

Results Questionnaire-2

3. Conclusion and conclusions

There are many words in the world - good and bad, but for each person there is only one word that more than any other evokes various emotional experiences, the word that is most favorable to his soul - his own name.

No matter what names we bear, no matter what our names predetermine for us, we always remain the masters of our destiny. It depends only on us what mark our name will leave on earth.


Having considered this topic and studied the relevant literature, I came to the following conclusions: The qualities of a person’s character, at least slightly, coincide with the meaning of his name, which he received at birth.

4.List of information sources used

Petrovsky N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names, " Soviet encyclopedia", M.: 1966.

Nikonov V.A. Name and Society, M.: Nauka, 2006.


Questionnaire No. 1

Who owns your favorite name?

Relative name

Friend's name

Fake name

Andreev Vladislav

Bakaldina Natalya

Golubeva Anastasia

Groshev Artyom

Grekova Sofia

Gorbunova Sofia

Danilova Ekaterina

Duryagin Yakov

Zhdanovskaya Milana

Zaitseva Yulia

Ignashev Ilya

Karpova Elizaveta

Kropinov Semyon

Kudryavtsev Vladislav

Kukushkin Nikita

Kudrinskaya Alena

Makeev Alexander

Mokhnatkina Ksenia

Menemchiadis Ksenia

Ozerov Daniil

Rakutin Mikhail

Saburov Nikita

Stolyarov Saveliy

Fomicheva Alina

Khudyakova Margarita

Sheveleva Veronica

Shter Konstantin

Questionnaire No. 2

Do you agree with the statement that a person’s character traits depend on the name given to him at birth?


I don't agree

Andreev Vladislav

Bakaldina Natalya

Golubeva Anastasia

Groshev Artyom

Grekova Sofia

Gorbunova Sofia

Danilova Ekaterina

Duryagin Yakov

Zhdanovskaya Milana

Zaitseva Yulia

Ignashev Ilya

Karpova Elizaveta

Kropinov Semyon

Kudryavtsev Vladislav

Kukushkin Nikita

Kudrinskaya Alena

Makeev Alexander

Mokhnatkina Ksenia

Menemchiadis Ksenia

Ozerov Daniil

Rakutin Mikhail

Saburov Nikita

Stolyarov Saveliy

Fomicheva Alina

Khudyakova Margarita

Sheveleva Veronica

In ancient times it was believed that the name predetermines fate. Until the 17th century in Rus', the real name of a child was hidden by his parents until a certain age. To address children they used affectionate names and nicknames. This was done with the aim of trying to deceive evil spirits and the Angel of Death, who sometimes came to the kids.

It was not customary to give a child the name of one of the inhabitants of the house. People believed that this could lead to the death of the living, vitality which in this case will be transferred to the newborn. If a person died early, then no one in the village gave their children the name of the deceased, since it was believed that someone else’s unhappy fate could be passed on to the child.

If a person changes his name, he changes his destiny. Therefore, a person who decides to go to a monastery and take monastic vows also refuses worldly life, and from a worldly name. A person’s surname is his connection with his clan, his patronymic is with his family, but his name gives him a protector and patron.

According to English psychotherapist Trevor Weston, there is a direct connection between a child’s name and his fears, complexes, and developing character. For example, people whose names are rare or dissonant are more likely than others to be ridiculed and attacked by their peers in childhood. And American researchers have found a pattern in how college teachers evaluate students with certain names. Girls with beautiful names, as a rule, do not achieve success in career advancement and in business in general, but they have a great chance of breaking into show business.

It is known that each name has its own meaning, which determines the character of a person. For example, according to the results of the study, most people subconsciously associate the name “Tatyana” with the color red, with danger, anxiety and aggression. Therefore, the bearers of this name are often shown aggression, which often leads to the fact that “Tatyana”, growing up, has an imperious, rude, assertive character. But the name “Elena” evoked associations among the subjects with blue, with femininity, humility and softness. Therefore, the reaction of behavior towards them was appropriate, and as a result, girls with that name grew up in more comfortable psychological conditions.

The perception of a name is also influenced by its phonetic sound. For example, in Russian names you can rarely find the letter “CH”, but the letters “Y”, “Y” and soft sign spoil it. However, such phonetics are inherent specifically in Russian names - for example, in English traditions, children are often called “Charles” or “Richards” and, as a rule, nothing bad happens to such children.

In any case, if for some reason the name given to you does not suit you, then, according to the legislation of many CIS countries, you can change your name. However, think twice - Jews believe that by changing your name you are breaking ties with your parents.