Games for families with small children. What to play with the whole family - TOP best board games for home

Play is the action through which a child receives information and develops. You can leave a child aged 3 years or older alone in a room with cars or give him a tablet or phone, and he definitely won’t touch you for a long time. Will such a game be beneficial? Sometimes yes, if parents need to rest, but if this is normal, then in the future it entails very sad consequences for a child. How to have fun with the whole family and be beneficial for your child? It's very easy to find games that will
It's fun for everyone to play. We have prepared our list and are happy to share it with you. Maybe there will be some among them that you will love too :)

Game "Black Petrus"
I bought this game by accident at Children's world"Already paying at the checkout. The cars from the cartoon “Cars” caught my attention. When I came home and figured out the rules, I thought that my child would not be able to cope with it. What was my surprise when, after two times, he played it so well that I couldn’t believe how quickly he thought. Although the game was written from the age of 4, and we had only just turned 3 then

The essence of the game

Don't be left with the 13th card. All cards have pairs and when collecting the same ones, they must be discarded. Only the 13th card does not have a pair, so whoever remains with it is “Black Petrus”. The game wonderfully develops attentiveness, and also allows you to visually remember the writing of numbers up to 13.


A well-known game. From 2.5 to 3 years old you can easily play with your child. Eat different options dominoes, for kids you can buy dominoes with fruits, and for children who can count - with dots. Firstly, this game develops attentiveness, and also teaches counting if you play by dots. It is known that the best way to teach a child to count is by dots, so learning takes place in the game. Our favorite domino is Djeco animals. On one side there is a traditional domino, and on the other side there is a puzzle. I love djeco games for their quality and besides, as for this game, you can play in two versions - it’s very convenient.

Also, this game is known and loved by many. For children over 2.5 years old, you can purchase a lotto with pictures. Eat different types lotto (fruits, vegetables, cars, etc.), I like our multilotto. There are sports and cars, vegetables, fruits, tools. A variety of objects allows the child to expand his vocabulary and horizons. If parents also comment on what and why, it generally turns out very interesting and informative. With older children you can play classic lotto and the child will remember the numbers at ease while playing

This is one of our favorites. The essence of the game is very simple, but it’s so captivating that mom and dad won’t be able to tear themselves away 😉 My husband and I play with pleasure.

The essence of the game

It is necessary to move the mice to the opposite side of the field, where her cheese is located. Other mice have the same mission and interfere with each other by placing partitions. The mouse that reaches its cheese first will win. A game of logic and attentiveness.

If you buy a game in a store, it will not be cheap, to put it mildly...although its quality is excellent. There is an alternative - to make such a game yourself. I accidentally found handicraftsmen on the Internet who brought this to life, by the way, for those who might be interested, there is a link under the photo. There are still a lot of ideas for homemade games, I advise you to take a look :) But the game “Labyrinth” on the left is a store version, and on the right is a hand made one.


Into battle woof woof

A game from your favorite brand Djeco. We met her from the “Infunt” surprise box, which I wrote a review about

The essence of the game

Whoever has the bigger dog takes the card. If the dogs are the same, it says “Woof-woof into battle” and the cards are placed on top again. The one who has more cards wins and bigger dog🙂 The game is very simple, but long. Parents need to be patient :)

"Bainka's Kisses"

Once again I am promoting games from TM Djeco, but this is not advertising, we really sincerely love these games, that’s why we have a lot of them :) So here is one of our favorite, kind and sincere games, which our son loves so much, “Bainka’s Kisses”

The essence of the game

Two characters are given: a boy and a girl. The task is to put them to sleep. Find a pillow, blanket and favorite toy among the cards. While the child opens the cards that the leader holds in front of him, he comes across various tasks that the leader himself, as a rule, is a parent, will perform. The most varied tasks are aimed at contact with the child and moments of tenderness: kiss, stroke, tickle, sing a song, etc. We love the game very much and often play it before bed or when the child asks.

Djeco "Sardines"

A very exciting game to develop attentiveness and memory. For children from 5 years old, but we play from 4

The essence of the game

Each player is dealt 5 cards, he does not look at them. Then for a few seconds all players look into the “jar of sprats” - this large map, where 8 differently “dressed” fish are drawn. Then the “bank” is turned over again, the players look at their cards, and you need to find from memory whether you have such “fish” in the bank. If I guessed right, I took it into my count. If you don't guess correctly, give 2 free throws

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A little later we will continue our list of favorite games. Subscribe to blog updates and follow the news.

Hello, dear readers. The long-awaited spring has arrived. The sun is getting warmer and warmer, and it beckons you to go outside from the stuffy office space. Where is it from work? In addition, soon we will have a three-day weekend on the occasion of the most tender and most spring holiday - the International women's day. Probably many will gather for festive table to congratulate your mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Even the closest people who have something to talk about sometimes get bored at home gatherings. This is where the time comes for interesting and fun competitions that should improve everyone’s mood and make your celebration unusual. In this article I want to offer you my competitions that are suitable for people of all ages. You can also choose gifts for your loved ones using the tips from my new article

For the seed, I'm cooking some interesting gift, which I wrap in several layers of newsprint (the more, the better) and tie with a ribbon. I say that a package has arrived, but, unfortunately, it was not said who it is for, and I suggest that all guests take turns removing layer by layer of packaging. The one who removes the last layer from the parcel turns out to be the lucky recipient))).

And now the competitions:

Competition 1. Roll up a gift.

Two participants come out and stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder. The hands touching are tied, and with their free hands (one with the left hand and the other with the right hand), the participants must put a gift in the container, close it, wrap it carefully in newspaper, tie it with a ribbon and tie a bow.

2 or 3 pairs are called up and whoever ties the knot faster and more accurately wins. Required: 3 containers, the gift is taken from the table. 3 ribbons and 3 double sheets of newspaper.

Competition 2. Don't slam on Wednesday.

Any number of participants. Everyone is sitting at the table. The presenter begins to list the days of the week out of order and clap his hands for each name. The participants in the game repeat the claps after him. You need to clap every day of the week except Wednesday. Whoever slams the word “Wednesday” is eliminated from the game.

Competition 3. Plasticine nose.

Each participant is called in turn, blindfolded, and given a plasticine ball in his hands. The one who most accurately sticks a plasticine nose on a photo of a birthday boy or a kitten like this with his eyes closed (see picture below) is the winner.

Competition 4. Words from matches.

To conduct the competition, you need: at least two participants; depending on the participants, the same number of matchboxes with matches; host of the competition.

The presenter thinks of a letter, and the participants of the competition must come up with and lay out a word from matches for this letter, the one who completes the task faster wins, if it happens that several participants do this at the same time and the number of letters in the words coincides, then the number of matches determines the winner , spent to construct the word.

Competition 5. “Tailor”

To conduct the competition, you need: two presenters; four participants; 30 clothespins.

First, four participants are selected, from whom we form two pairs. One participant from the pair is blindfolded, and the leader pins 15 clothespins on the clothes of the second one. different places. The task of the one who stands blindfolded is to find all 15 clothespins in 3 minutes and remove them. The team that completes this task faster will become the winner.

Competition 6. “Where is the gift?”

To conduct the competition, you must:

  • prepare small notes on paper;
  • several participants (the more, the better);
  • balloons for each participant;
  • present.

To begin with, you need to write something funny on small pieces of paper, for example, “Look further” or “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne,” and on one write “Gift.” Then carefully place in each balloon a piece of paper and inflate them. Then we hang them on a thread. Participants must guess which ball contains the prize. Participants take turns choosing balloons and popping them together. Then they unwrap the piece of paper, if it says a gift, then the winner is given a gift.

Competition 7. “Colors”.

The players stand in a circle. The presenter commands: “Touch yellow, one, two, three!” Players, as quickly as possible, try to grab a thing (object, part of the body) of the hidden color on the other participants in the circle. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The presenter repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one remaining wins this competition.

Competition 8. Associations.

Everyone is given a piece of paper and a pen. One of the guests names a word from the women's and men's dictionaries. Then everyone writes associations from the first word to the second. Whoever comes up with the shortest and most logical association wins.

Competition 9. Question - answer. I prepare cards with questions and answers in advance. The questions are tricky and interesting. I invite each guest to choose a question and answer at random (without looking), sometimes the combinations are simply hilarious. For your convenience, I have grouped the questions and answers into a text file. You can download it

DOWNLOAD: Questions and answers for FREE

And of course, one of the most important things is for the presenter to be in a good and cheerful mood. Then he will be able to infect everyone present with his optimism.

The blog also has a selection that is very fun! Tested on myself! Very fun competitions, especially when a fairy tale is played out by roles. You will find all this in the article.

Fun games and competitions for the whole family on family day and family holidays.


This game turns out to be active and fun. People have known her since childhood. At the same time, “Zhmurki” always turns out to be a popular and enjoyable entertainment at family holidays. Even adults will enjoy taking part in this game.

The essence of this game turns out to be truly simple. First you need to choose a driver. He needs to be blindfolded. The remaining players should stand around the driver, facing the center. After the signal is issued, the driver must catch the participants who will run away and evade in every possible way. The caught participant must be guessed by touch. If the leader managed to guess the person, the caught one will perform his duties. The winner will be only the participant who was practically impossible to catch.

It is important to note that at first the driver must be an adult, since in this case it is possible to show how existing duties should be performed. People need to understand how they can play at home without unnecessary risks and destruction. Children should run only within a certain area, which will comply with the rules and safety precautions. In fact, unwanted consequences can be prevented.

Stay in the circle

This game turns out to be fun and lively, active. Each participant must play only “for himself,” but at the same time, family time will definitely bring a lot of pleasant emotions.

You need to draw a circle on the ground large sizes. People playing (the number can be up to 10) stand in a circle on only 1 leg and cross their arms over their chest. Once the signal is given, all participants must push using their shoulders. The main task is the desire to push partners outside the circle. Do not use your hands when pushing. A participant is excluded from the game if he flies out of the circle or steps into it with both feet. As a result, only 2 people will remain in the circle, who will arrange a duel with a decisive result.


This game is suitable only for those families who love active entertainment. All participants should gather in a place with a wonderful view of the surrounding landscape. Ideally, a variety of plants should grow in this area. The leader must shout dashes to the count of one, two, three. In this case, you need to name the plant that grows on the territory. Participants must run to the named object, but at the same time they need to change their destination halfway. In order to play successfully, you need to quickly navigate. If a participant did not have time to turn or did not hear the team change, he is eliminated. So you need to play until the last player who turns out to be the winner.

Harmful ponytail

Participants must line up together, creating a chain-train. They will need to hold on to each other's waists. Then the participants all squat down together.

The presenter reports that they are a large caterpillar. He should ask to show a variety of actions, namely how she sleeps and wakes up, washes herself, exercises, walks, dances, reads, eats. The last person must interfere with the caterpillar, which will carry out all the actions in a coherent pattern. Most often, the child ends up at the end of the tail, but perhaps another family member will be more restless.


For the game you will need the following details: a large bag and different clothes. Try to use bright and unusual things. You can use underwear, national outfits, various accessories, leggings, evening dress. All clothes must be collected in 1 bag. Then a host is selected, who will also act as a DJ. The host turns on the music to which the participants must dance and pass the bag to each other. After the music is turned off, the participant who will have the bag will randomly pull out any item of clothing and put it on. The game can continue until all the items are worn by the participants. In fact, the effect of surprise will in many ways bring pleasure and determine the receipt bright emotions.

You must be prepared for the fact that the item that the participant receives may turn out to be unusual. Everyone will look unusual and funny.

Libmo or obstacle dance

Here you can offer traditional Latin American fun - walking under a rope with dance moves. The rope, if you remember, needs to be lowered by 10 cm after each passage.
On the contrary, the rope can be pulled at the bottom and gradually raised to the waist level of an adult. First 10 cm from the floor, then higher. Gradually, those participants from each team who can high jump remain. We reward!

Strongman with lemonade

Usually the competition is held with a five-liter barrel of beer, but we’re having a family holiday, so we’ll replace it with lemonade. Let dad get the sweet drink for the family. Men need to hold a bag with bottles or boxes of juice (5 liters in total) on their arm outstretched to the side for as long as possible. Winner takes all.

Dance battle or flash mob

We have no time to prepare and rehearse, so the musical composition should be a surprise for the team and the audience. Announce a competition and line up the whole family on stage. The task is to get involved in the music as quickly as possible and demonstrate to everyone together the dance elements characteristic of each occasion.

We carefully watch the dancers! If things go well, we give the opportunity to please ourselves and the audience. If everyone in the family is shy, turn off the music after 30-40 seconds and ask the audience to support you with applause.

The most common dances: square dance, lezginka, hip-hop, rock and roll, children's dance ducklings, macarena, gypsy girl, latina, tango, cancan, lambada, dance of little swans, oriental belly dance, etc.

The most active and cheerful ones win, of course.

Ten chairs and one egg

To conduct the competition you will need two people, one egg and ten chairs. Participants are blindfolded and must find an egg without using their hands on one of ten chairs (both are looking at the same time, but their hands are tied behind their backs, since they cannot be used). Whoever finds the egg first wins the competition. As a reward you can give the winner wooden egg, painted golden, almost like a pockmarked chicken.

Sculpture “Happy Family”

You give the families the opportunity to confer for a minute, then your assistants cover the family from prying eyes for a few seconds with a screen made of a beautiful blanket (they hold it at both ends). During this time, participants create a sculpture. When everything is ready, lower the “screen”, and all spectators enjoy hugging parents and children. Some show extraordinary creativity, building real living pyramids, where the smallest member of the family stands on daddy’s shoulders.


Each person is given 1-2 boxes of matches. The winner is the one who builds the highest well within the allotted time (1-2, max. 3 minutes, depending on the performance of the guests).

Pass the beat

For this game you also need to sit in a circle. Each player puts right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left one on right knee neighbor on the left. The one who starts the game beats out a certain rhythm with one hand on the knee of one of the neighbors. The neighbor must pass this rhythm further around the circle, in turn beating it on his neighbor’s knee. And so it is repeated until the rhythm goes around the entire circle and returns to the one who set it. Then you can go to reverse side. Believe me, as long as you manage to convey the rhythm without mistakes, you will laugh heartily!

Tie a handkerchief

This competition is aimed at adults, but children always like to watch them and sincerely root for them. You must prepare 2 neckerchiefs for a pair of adults, which consists of a woman and a man. First you need to tie the scarves around each other’s necks, and then untie them with your teeth. In this case, hands cannot be used. Children, no doubt, will be very interested in watching what is happening.

The most attentive

The game is played at the table, but at the same time it turns out to be interesting. The number of participants can be 2 – 3.

The presenter must tell a story in several dozen phrases, but when you pronounce the number 3, you need to take a prize. In this case, the text must include sufficient quantity various numbers, and 3 should be left at the very end.

On a plate

The game must be played during the meal, but on Family Day you can arrange family lunch. The presenter names any letter. The remaining participants must name the item by letter, but only if it is present on their plate. The person who completes the task first becomes the leader. The driver who said a letter for which there were no options receives a prize. It is important to note that prohibited are next letters: е, и, ъ, ь, ы.

Tags with ball

This game promises to be more dynamic and interesting than tag. Among the main tasks it is necessary to note the training of skills such as running, jumping, dodging. If desired, you can use a tennis or rag ball, because it is thanks to it that play activity becomes more active and saturated. The main task is to tightly tie the ball to a rope about 3 - 4 meters long.

The leader must guide the participants. He takes the ball and wraps the rope around his hand.

The participants scatter. The leader must hit the players with the ball. You cannot spin the ball by the rope, which significantly complicates the task and makes the game exciting. After the leader hits the participant with the ball, he changes places with him.

The game ends successfully only after everyone is tired.

What's in my name?

The game promises to provide a lot of fun for the whole evening. First you need to attach cards with the names of plants and animals, various objects. These “names” can be seen by anyone, but they must not be visible to the participant. Throughout the evening you need to ask leading questions to find out the name. The questions should be simple, but they should only require a specific answer, namely “yes” or “no.” People who violate current rules, come from the game. The one who guessed the “name” first wins a prize.

Games for a family holiday.

We offer games for a family holiday; they can be played with both children and adults.

Game "News".

Each participant is given pre-prepared cards with sets of words (4-5 words). Each participant must think of an event that happened in the world using these words. For example, these words could be:

North, hippopotamus, hurricane, Eskimo, strike;

Moscow, aboriginal, chocolate, field, birch.

Africa, minister, penguin, action, elephant.

America, crocodile, stock exchange, snail, skyscraper.

Kyiv, mountain, bird, barrel, money.

Space, chess, boat, bear, sushi.

Find the item

Give all the guests who come to you small objects that they will have to hide in their clothes. During the evening, everyone must look for objects from each other.

Post a list of all the items and mark those you find.

At the end of the evening the one who found more items, receives a prize.

The game will help you get to know each other better.

Dress up your partner with your eyes closed

Participants are divided into pairs. They are given clothes in a bag.

One of them is blindfolded. The blindfolded participant must take clothes from the bag and put them on his partner.

The couple that does it the fastest wins.

Wish to the music

Guests stand in a circle and dance to the music, while they pass each other a ball or soft toy. The host suddenly turns off the music.

As soon as the music stops, the one who has the toy in his hands must say a wish to the birthday person or if it New Year- New Year's greetings.

Guess the fairy tale hero

For this game, you need to prepare the attributes of fairy-tale characters in advance.

For example, Pinocchio's striped cap, little red riding hood, boots (Puss in Boots), slipper (Cinderella), beard (Santa Claus), etc.

The presenter takes out an object, and the participants must guess fairy tale hero. The one who guessed correctly says a wish to the birthday boy in the voice of the guessed fairy-tale character.

Slow Motion

Guests are invited to depict a situation in slow motion. For example:

skydiving, fishing, putting on pants and a shirt, pulling a turnip, diving into a pool, playing basketball, picking mushrooms.

Guess what's written on the back

Each guest is given a piece of paper with the name of the animal or object on their back.

Questions can only be answered “Yes” or “No”. The one who finds out first is the winner.


The music turns on. Guests sit at the table and pass a glass to each other. Everyone pours a little drink into it. The host turns off the music.

Whoever has the glass at this moment must drink the resulting cocktail. If you play with children, use only compatible drinks!

Write a fairy tale

The presenter comes up with the beginning of a fairy tale. For example: “Little green men lived on one planet...”. The next player comes up with the next sentence, and so on.

The presenter can help by asking leading questions. It should be an interesting complete story.

Crocodile (guess by gestures)

One of the players asks the other a phrase.

He, with the help of gestures and movements, must depict what he was told.

The rest of the players must guess. The player who depicted says a new phrase to the one who guessed correctly. Using his fingers, the player shows how many words they have guessed for him, for example, two fingers - two words. A noun is indicated by a horizontal movement of the hand (one line), a verb by two, an adjective by a wavy line, a conjunction by a circle...

Drawing a fairy-tale animal

The first player draws the animal's head.

Then he folds the piece of paper so that only the ends of the drawing are visible or puts dots where he needs to continue drawing.

The second player draws the front legs and torso, folding the sheet in the same way.

The last player finishes the rest.

Then the sheet unfolds, everyone laughs merrily at the resulting “miracle beast” for which you can come up with a name.

To have a fun and unforgettable time at any family holiday, use more fun and interesting games.

When it’s cloudy and dreary outside, and everyone stays at home, you don’t have to be bored!

To while away a rainy evening, arrange happy holiday For a group of different ages or just to have fun for no reason, family games for children and adults will help.

The whole family is at home: what to do?

Family games not only bring together little and friendly team, but also develop individual abilities - ingenuity, logic, memory, observation, speed of reaction, imagination.

They are very useful for kids, but no less important for older ones.

After all, it is at such moments that people feel truly family and friends, turning into a strong family from advertising posters.

An ideal option for spending time together at home is a game whose rules are clear and accessible to all participants, grandmothers and toddlers alike.

Below we will present you the most popular family games for children and adults.

Some require props (game board, chips, cubes, cards, outfits, pencils, paper), which should be thought about in advance. Others are completely spontaneous and require no preparation.

Floor and board games for the whole family

It’s great when you have a magical shelf in your arsenal with treasured boxes, purchased on occasion or without.

“Monopoly”, “Settlers”, “Operation”, “Family”, “Scrabble” (aka “Scrabble” or “Wordmaker”), “Activity”, assorted adventure games with chips and dice...

Detective, strategic, economic, card, humorous and serious, all these family board games will add a unique flavor to your everyday evenings.

Unusual card games(classic “Uno”, its humorous analogue “Svintus”) require a special deck of cards and knowledge of the rules.

For “Twister” you will need a branded set consisting of a floor covering with multi-colored circles and a spinning “drum”, and also the remarkable flexibility of the participants (it’s almost like yoga!).

Don't forget about your favorite classics, especially if you're playing with elderly relatives.

The older generation will be happy to join such quiet family games, like lotto, dominoes, backgammon, checkers or “Battleship”.

The whole family can collect puzzles of increased complexity with their favorite landscapes or characters. And also, train your memory and manual dexterity with the help of the Memory game.

The most creative companies can conduct experiments and show tricks - there are a lot of thematic sets for this.

Contact games (creative, with elements of communication and guessing)

If you are tired of everything you have and want to get some fresh inspiration and creativity (and the right team has gathered), play creative or theatrical games.

1. "Associations"
Participants are divided into teams. Cards are prepared in advance, on each of which 8-10 words (objects) are written.

The player’s task is to use associations to explain the meaning of each word so that his team can guess.

The more points from the card are solved, the more points your group has. Adjectives with the same root cannot be pronounced.

2. "Crocodile"
A similar game, only the word guessed by the host or the opposing team must be explained using gestures and pantomimes (without uttering a sound).

At small quantity a person can play without dividing into teams - then the one who guessed goes “to the board” to show a new word.

3. "Who am I?"
Another guessing game for which you will need adhesive stickers and felt-tip pens. Participants come up with pseudonyms (“code names”) for each other.

Selected real people or movie characters (from Carlson, Kolobok and Batman to Madonna and Michael Jackson). Names are written on paper and pasted on the participants' foreheads.

The hero, destined to find out who he is, asks simple questions, participants answer “Yes” or “No”. Example: “Am I a cartoon character?”, “Am I round?”, “Do I like honey?”

4. “We have contact!”
The chosen leader thinks of a concept or object and names the first letter (for example, “T”).

All other participants come up with words starting with the letter T and try to describe them to each other, but without the leader guessing.

If someone in the team understands what his friend is trying to communicate, he says: “There is contact!” From this moment on, within 10 seconds the presenter must also guess this word.

Don't know? Then the participants pronounce it simultaneously on the count of three, after which the presenter is obliged to give out the second letter of the hidden word. Now “Contact” includes items starting with two letters, and so on.

The dialogue goes something like this:
– I have my word. This is a delicious dessert made from cream cheese and eggs.
- There is contact! (count to ten, the host does not know the answer)
- One, two, three - Tiramisu.
- Okay, the second letter is O. Now you need to come up with words starting with “TO.”

5. “Make up a fairy tale”
A game that requires a minimum of paraphernalia - just paper and pen. The team needs to compose a fairy tale.

The difficulty is that each participant writes only one sentence on a piece of paper, completely unaware of what his previous colleague came up with.

Then the page is folded and passed to the new participant, and so on in a circle. At the end, the fairy tale is solemnly read aloud: as a rule, it’s never boring!

6. “What’s missing/changed?”
A game to develop memory and attention. The participant must remember as accurately as possible everything that is on the table or in the room.

Then he goes out and the team makes changes to the interior. The player must guess which item is missing or has changed its place.

7. "Masquerade"
Trying on unusual images is a favorite pastime for children, but adults will not be bored at your costume ball.

The game options vary - you can come up with outfits from scrap materials (paper, beads, glue, fabrics, ribbons, felt), or use those prepared in advance.

Based on the results of dressing up, you can arrange a costume procession, a competition for the most best image or put on a play for grandparents.

8. “Fanta”
At major holidays, the adventurous game “Fanta” remains the most favorite pastime of guests.

IN magic bag cards with assignments are folded, and each participant with the question “What should this phantom do?” takes out one at a time.

To add excitement, some versions of the game include valuable collateral (a banknote, a phone, a toy).

The most important thing is that tasks for forfeits are humorous, decent (we play with children!), safe and not offensive!