Human nervous system structure and functions presentation. Presentation on biology: "Structure and functions of the nervous system in diagrams"

The endocrine and nervous systems ensure the regulation of vital processes in the body. Nervous system complexly organized and highly specialized, the structural unit is the neuron. The nervous system connects all cells, tissues, and organs into a single whole. The activity of the nervous system is carried out by reflex.



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Comparison of nervous and humoral regulation Feature Endocrine Nervous Mechanism regulation Chemicals, entering the blood Nerve impulse through the cells Reaction speed Slow, 0.5 m/s, partially destroyed along the way High speed, from 0.5 to 120 m/s Evolutionary age More ancient mechanism Young mechanism Economy of the process Does not provide an accurate and fast reaction the body to the stimulus; long answer Minimum costs energy, turns on and off instantly, short-term response

Classifications of the nervous system 1. By location: Central nervous system CNS - brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system - roots of spinal and cranial nerves, their branches, plexuses and nodes located in various areas human body.

2. Anatomical and functional classification A. somatic, which provides innervation to the body, namely the skin, skeletal muscles; B. vegetative, (autonomous) which innervates all the viscera, glands, including endocrine, non-striated muscles of organs, skin, blood vessels, heart, and also regulates metabolic processes in all organs and tissues. The autonomic system is divided into parasympathetic and sympathetic. In each of these parts, as in the somatic nervous system, there are central and peripheral sections.

Reflex Unconditioned, congenital Conditioned, acquired

Structure reflex arc Receptor - perceives irritation and responds to it with excitement. Located in the skin and in all internal organs, clusters of receptors form sensory organs (eye, ear, etc.). Sensory neuron(centripetal, afferent) transmitting excitation to the center. Interneuron in the central nervous system, a synaptic connection occurs between the sensory and motor neuron. Motor (centrifugal, efferent) neuron. Approaches the working organ and transmits a signal from the central nervous system to it Effector - the working organ carries out a reaction in response to stimulation of the receptor

Test yourself 1. The basis of thinking and speech is the work of: A. Respiratory system B. Nervous system B. Circulatory system 2. The white matter of the brain is formed by: A. Axons B. Dendrites C. Neuron bodies 3. Impulses from the neuron bodies pass along: A. Axons B. Dendrites B. Receptor endings 4. Conversion of external stimuli into nerve impulses occurs in: A. Brain B. Receptors C. Spinal cord 5. Neurons that conduct impulses from the central nervous system to working organs are called: A. Sensitive B. Intercalary B. Motor 6. The accumulation of neuron bodies outside the central nervous system is called: A. Nerve nodes B. Nerves C. Receptors 7. The part of the nervous system that innervates skeletal muscles and skin is called: A. Autonomous B. Somatic C. Central 8. The part of the nervous system that innervates internal organs is called: A. Autonomic B. Somatic C. Central

Answers. 1 – B 2 – A; 3 – A; 4 – B; 5 – B; 6 – A; 7 – B; 8 – A;

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The structure and significance of the human nervous system

reveal the meaning and structure of the nervous system; systematize knowledge about the structure of a neuron; deepen the concept of reflex; establish the meaning of all links of the reflex path....

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Autonomic nervous system (autonomic nervous system), involuntary nervous system, visceral nervous system) - part of the nervous system that provides activity internal organs, regulation vascular tone, innervation of glands, trophic innervation of skeletal muscles, receptors and the nervous system itself. Interacting with the somatic (animal) nervous system and endocrine system, it ensures the maintenance of constancy of homeostasis and adaptation to changing conditions external environment. An unconditioned reflex is a reflex that is always realized when certain stimuli act on the body on the basis of a genetically determined nervous connection between the organs of perception and the executive organs. Simple ones stand out unconditioned reflexes, providing basic work individual organs and systems (constriction of the pupils under the influence of light, coughing when it enters the larynx foreign body), and more complex underlying instincts.

Medulla oblongata The so-called pons adjacent to it contains centers for respiratory, chewing, swallowing movements, cardiac activity, regulation of metabolism, as well as a number of protective reflexes of sneezing, coughing, blinking, lacrimation, constriction and dilation of the pupils, elementary protective reflexes.

Midbrain Consists of the quadrigeminal peduncle and cerebral peduncles. The functions of the midbrain include: a) ensuring uniform distribution of muscle tone; b) static reflexes; c) statokinetic reflexes arising in connection with the acceleration of a rectilinear or rotational movement; G) orientation reflexes to light and sound and stimuli, expressed in eye movements, turns of the head towards the stimulus, etc.; e) alert reflexes that arise from strong sudden irritations and are controlled by the quadrigeminal region.

STRUCTURE OF A NEURON STRUCTURE OF A NEURON Neurons have different shape and size, they form processes of two types: axons and dendrites. A person has approximately billion. Nerve cells

Treatment Treatment It is necessary to eliminate the source of infection It is necessary to eliminate the source of infection Prescribing antibiotics in therapeutic doses Prescribing antibiotics in therapeutic doses Pathogenetic therapy Pathogenetic therapy You need to contact a neurologist.

Neurosis (signs) This is a condition caused in most cases by long-term, difficult experiences stressful situations 1. High sensitivity to stress 2. Tearfulness 3. Anxiety 4. Sensitivity to loud sounds 5. Sleep disorders 6. Sweating, palpitations

Treatment: Complete rest, strict bed rest, measures aimed at eliminating cardiovascular disorders, preventing and eliminating breathing disorders, improving blood supply to the brain and combating cerebral edema. The choice of treatment methods depends on the type of Stroke!!!

CONCLUSION: The result of the activity of the nervous system is one or another activity, which is based on the contraction or relaxation of muscles or the secretion or cessation of secretion of glands. It is with the work of muscles and glands that any way of our self-expression is connected. Incoming sensory information is processed through a sequence of centers connected by long axons that form specific pathways.