The most beautiful female name according to men. The sexiest female names that attract men

Nothing sounds so good to human ear, How given name. And what are the most beautiful female names that top the popularity ratings most often?

All diversity can be divided into several groups.

What name to choose for your daughter is a serious question, because fate largely depends on it. Popularity also matters a lot. Wanting to highlight their favorite child, parents give their daughter an unusual name, forgetting about its compatibility with the surname and patronymic.

As a result, the child is subjected to ridicule from his peers. Grown-up girl can't feel confident after getting used to negative reaction, even bearing the most beautiful female name.

The most beautiful modern options are determined annually. The list contains both domestic and English names, and French, and Muslim.

With the return of fashion for Slavic culture, Russian female names are becoming more and more popular. They are quite rare and beautiful to hear. According to Slavic beliefs, a child was given 2 “nicknames”.

Outsiders were allowed to call only the second, connected with the emotions, nature and sensations of a person.

So the leaders, according to men, are Snezhana - snowy, Vasilisa - regal, and Svetlana - light. The meanings are intuitive. This explains the growing popularity of Old Church Slavonic roots.

The next place is occupied by biblical options, according to the calendar. The child is named after the saint on whose day the children were born. Therefore, many excellent modern versions have biblical origins.

The undisputed leaders were and remain such female Russian names as Maria and Anna. There are more representatives of the beautiful part of the planet's population called this way. Few people think about the origin: they are more attracted by the sound.

The modern world owes a lot Ancient Greece: achievements and inventions, discoveries. He also gave the most beautiful names women's Sofia, Irina, Ksenia and Angelina are directly descended from that era. This list is far from complete.

Options can be either just gaining popularity in the world - for example, Kira, or already in great demand, like Sofia. Not all of their bearers think about the “name meaning”. But even just for fun, it’s worth finding out what “names” mean.

Sound and astrology: the “secret” of popularity

There are no boundaries for information. As a result, variations traditional in one corner of the world are recognized as the most beautiful in other countries. This happened to Isabella, Angela, Martha and Eleanor. English female names sound both beautiful and unusual to the Russian ear.

TV series have tried a lot to popularize foreign nicknames. Thanks to them, Adele, Regina, and Vivienne took root and became in demand.

The Italian language gave the world the enchanting sounds of Angelica, Silvia, and Bianca. With their unusual nature, such options attract parents who do not want their daughter to become another carrier of “consumer goods.”

It is possible to understand feelings, but in the absence of harmony with the surname and patronymic, dissonance is created. The English name Olivia in combination with the patronymic Petrovna and the surname Kozlyak is a reason to sympathize with the girl, and not to admire the elegant choice of her parents.

There are options for more exotic, unusual female names, which owe their appearance to favorite characters in books and films, and there are also more familiar ones. Selecting the compatibility of different sounds gives unique options. As a result, such “names” are recognized as the most beautiful in the world, and their owners need not fear becoming “one of many”: Irime, Ilven.

Astrologers have put a lot of effort into selecting “ideal nicknames,” since they often listen to the opinions of such professionals when choosing a name for a child. As a result, Alla, Marina and Margarita with Nadezhda were on the list of the most beautiful.

Muslim female names are named among the most beautiful. This is Yasmin, Aisha, Mariam. The popularity of international names is high. At the top of the list of “the very best” in Russia and abroad are Anastasia, Victoria, Ekaterina, Camilla.

Similar-sounding variants exist in other languages. And such names both have meaning and are good to hear, as the men surveyed believe.

Tenderness and femininity are always beautiful

The absence of harsh sounds makes any sound gentle. So the Russian female names Alena, Milena and Ulyana are recognized as the most beautiful.

Options vary by season. So, spring - Diana and Tatyana, autumn - Zlata and Eva. And they are guaranteed to be on the list of the most beautiful.

Since there is a tradition of naming girls “by gender,” it is likely that the Russian female name that the great-great-great-grandmother bore will become one of the most beautiful this year.

The parents decide what to name their newborn daughter. In many ways, the bearers of the most beautiful variations owe their stay at the top of the world rankings to them. But to predict with complete confidence which option will gain popularity in a few years - English name or Old Norse, very difficult. And often what is beautiful is not what pleases someone else’s ear, but what you like yourself.

Many people take part in choosing the most beautiful names on the planet. Russia is far from the only country, the male population of which took part in the survey. There are also many reasons why they name their options.

As a result, it turns out that those previously recognized as the most beautiful are little popular after a year. But this does not mean at all that there is an urgent need to change English female names to Old Slavonic ones.

Even the most unimaginable options are good in their own way.

And if the name completely suits its bearer, her beloved man is satisfied, then there is no point in changing the usual sound to a super beautiful one.

Often the list of “best” is headed by the same leaders. But everything changes, and after some time the former outsiders may be recognized as leaders.

Choosing a name for a child is an extremely difficult and responsible matter, requiring the most meticulous approach. After all, according to the popular saying, whatever you name a ship, that’s how it will sail. But some parents, starting from this same saying, strive to choose not so much a beautiful female name that emphasizes the girl’s individuality, but rather a winning one, a leadership one, or one famous for other glory - for example, related to female happiness. Psychologists and other researchers of the secrets of the human soul strongly do not recommend limiting the choice of name only to leadership or militant options. After all, there is such a thing in the world huge variety names that can emphasize the depth of a girl’s nature, her powerful energy, or indicate her incomparable femininity and attachment to family ideals.

Popular beautiful female names

Is it possible to name the most beautiful female name objectively, without relying on life experience or having good friends with the same name? It’s unlikely, and it’s probably not worth it. After all, there is simply no one name that absolutely everyone would like. Perhaps, on this basis, quite often occurring family quarrels and conflicts are brewing, in which not only each of the parents has his own point of view and his own personal idea of ​​​​what to name the future daughter, but also the parents of the parents, that is, grandparents complement and so heated passions. How to choose beautiful women's names in order not only to please everyone, but also to “lay” truly happy soil for the life of the future baby?

In some families, it is customary to use Orthodox calendars or calendars characteristic of any other faith. So, if the day of a saint or great martyr is celebrated on the baby’s birthday, then the child is given that name. It's quite practical and convenient. But in some cases, church calendars “produce” are completely inappropriate or are no longer current options. For example, the names Avdotya or Efrosinya are unlikely to appeal to a girl in the very near future. With such names there can be endless conflict situations in kindergarten or school, complexes or self-doubt develop, problems with self-determination and self-knowledge in adolescence. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to give such, albeit unusual, originally Russian and in its own way beautiful female name to modern girls. It's another matter if we're talking about about such options as Svetlana, Olga, Maria, Sofia and so on. But, in turn, parents who are predisposed to non-triviality are unlikely to be ready to settle on these names, wanting to name their daughter something special.

Today, the culture of our country actively includes a wide variety of beautiful female names from different parts of our planet. And this unique opportunity choose a truly original, not overused, memorable and bright name for your future baby. But as the choice expands, the process of finding a suitable name also becomes more complicated. Therefore, below are some tips with which every parent can choose the most suitable most beautiful female name in the world for their long-awaited daughter .

How to choose the most beautiful female names?

First of all, there are several ways to choose the name of your future daughter, depending on the preferences and interests of the parents themselves:

  • For believers. As mentioned earlier, you can use church calendar, each day of which is marked and honored by the memory of one or more saints. According to the most ancient Russian beliefs, a name should be chosen either on the baby’s immediate birthday, or on the eighth or fortieth day from the birth of the baby. At the same time, there is no need to transfer the life of the great martyrs and the trials that befell them onto your child. According to religious canons, there will be no parallel line between these life paths. Rather, on the contrary, the baby will spend her life without the difficulties that the woman once faced, now canonized.
  • You can choose the most beautiful female names, guided by the science of numerology. At the same time, parents, independently or with the help of specialized specialists, need to accurately and competently calculate the correct comparison of the baby’s date of birth with the expected name. Only when you obtain a harmonious relationship should you give preference to the chosen name. This will provide the baby with a bright, eventful, positive life path, which will be full of pleasant acquaintances, events and only positive, kind and safe incidents.
  • According to the time of year. IN lately complaints from children according to ancient tradition, based on the choice of name depending on the time of year when the baby was born. The theory is to achieve balance through contradiction. For example, for those born in winter, it is recommended to choose soft, melodic and warm names that will be able to make the winter temperament more calm and affectionate. And children born in the spring can be called a name that is tougher and harder to pronounce. It is believed that in this way parents will be able to fully restore the balance between an indecisive, overly soft and weak nature and a firmly pronounced name.

For those parents who do not consider themselves either believers or followers of numerology, there are other ways to choose the most beautiful female names for their daughters. One has only to think about how first you, and then her friends, lover and husband will address her affectionately. After all, the strict and official name written in the documents must somehow change into a more personal and homely, cozy and kind form. For example, among her family and friends, Anastasia is usually called more affectionately - Nastenka, Nastyusha, Nastyushenka. Official Yulia turns into Yulenka, Yulechka, Yulyashenka and so on. Therefore, think in advance about how your daughter will be called in the future by people who will forever enter her life, bringing happiness and love.

The most beautiful female name according to men - world and domestic rankings

In every country, in every culture and religion, individual preferences have formed when choosing names for future guardians of the hearth. But international surveys were still conducted, during which they found that the most beautiful female name, in the opinion of men, was divided into the following options: Anastasia, Alexandra, Stella, Elvira, Milena, Ekaterina, Olga and Maria. The following female names are somewhat inferior to them in popularity among representatives of the stronger half of humanity: Victoria, Zhanna, Diana, Snezhana, Carolina, Rosa, Eva, Natalya.

Similar surveys were repeatedly conducted among men - our compatriots, as a result of which the most beautiful female name in Russia was named - Ekaterina, with Anastasia and Victoria somewhat inferior in popularity. But still, it is this trio, as you can see, that firmly holds leadership positions not only in our country, but also abroad. For those who highly respect their own culture, history and traditions, for those who strive to support the Fatherland in a rather difficult period and give future generations native Russian wealth, of course, the most beautiful female name is Russian, precisely the one that has long been used to name representatives of the fair sex, was famous among our ancestors.

Choose the most beautiful female names with a sense of sense and prudence - create a reliable foundation for a happy and bright life your daughter. And this will guarantee that she will steadfastly endure any adversity, obstacles and tricks of fate, proudly bearing her name and surname, illuminating her path with sincere light and warming everyone around her with a warm, radiant heart.

Incredible facts

Our name has a special energy. When we say our name, many people subconsciously draw conclusions about the characteristics of our personality.

A woman’s name can also tell a lot about her nature, emotionality, temperament and other qualities.

Psychologists believe that the combination of sounds in a name evokes certain emotions in people around him, which is reflected in the person who has this name.

The most attractive for men are female names that sound melodious and soft.

But even if your name sounds firm and assertive, like Alexandra, it can always be softened with the diminutive Sashenka.

Also, names with sounds that give the word a certain roundness are especially attractive.

If your name contains the following sounds, then you have a special charm and sexuality:

L - gives the name softness and speaks of restrained but violent emotions.

M - speaks of deep feelings and experiences

Ch, C, Z - indicate the gambling nature of the owner of the name

KS, X - reflects spontaneous nature and quick reaction

Sha, Sho, Shu - speaks of the mystery of a woman

F, J, NN, LL, MM, BB - indicate a woman’s passion

AI, EO, IA and other combinations of two vowels are characteristic of artistic natures

Here are 15 female names considered the sexiest for men:

The most beautiful female names


The owner of the name Alla, as a rule, is distinguished by a bright, memorable appearance, sexuality, energy, but some impulsiveness.

This woman will be faithful only as long as the man answers her in kind. Although she cannot be called very romantic, she knows how to attract men. She is confident in herself, even if she is not very beautiful.

She will never go unnoticed, wear expensive perfume or dress flashily.

Alla is passionate by nature and therefore is looking for a partner who is equally sexy, strong and experienced.


Angela has a special attractiveness, sensuality and a beautiful figure. For her, love is inseparable from passion, and physical intimacy is the highest manifestation love.

Such a woman is very popular among men, and she usually has many admirers. It is difficult for a man caught in her network to leave, and he becomes dependent on her charms. Angela knows where to be sensitive and where to show her passionate nature.

Her emotions are natural, she is capable of broad gestures and nobility. All this allows her to easily win the hearts of men, although it can be very difficult for her to find her ideal due to conflicting desires.


Elena is incredibly attractive and charming. She is quite emotionally balanced, and she does not tend to rush to extremes.

Such a woman always strives for perfection and everything beautiful. She is quite restrained, caring and at the same time tries to look at everything with optimism.

This is a sincere nature that men find very attractive. Many fans are ready to go to great lengths to fulfill all her wishes.

Elena's love is calm, and she is not familiar with strong passions, but with her cheerfulness she manages to conquer many representatives of the stronger sex.


Zhanna is a woman with a strong temperament, sensual and impulsive. When she loves, she is ready to do anything and do any reckless things.

However, she has a changeable mood and can be either calm and balanced or authoritative and straightforward.

IN intimate relationships she can take a dominant position, but she knows how not to show her strength to her partner.

Zhanna's energy sometimes seems inexhaustible, which turns on many men, but not many are able to withstand her assertiveness.


Ksenia is sociable and attractive. She is very susceptible and can react violently to certain events or take the comments of others too seriously.

Once she has set a goal, she can be very persistent and patient. In her person you will find a wonderful and devoted friend.

She loves to experiment, is spontaneous, and has no complexes. Men are captivated by her charm, which she skillfully uses when necessary.

Ksenia quite often falls in love and sometimes has her head in the clouds, so she needs a strong and experienced partner who will give her the necessary protection.


Lily has a capricious, amorous and flirtatious disposition. She is a person of mood, sensitive and inquisitive.

She always has a lot of admirers, but she herself is quite picky in choosing a partner.

She skillfully uses her feminine charm, sometimes showing weakness where necessary, or using a smile or tears.

Men see in her a real woman who needs a strong shoulder, which they try to offer her at every opportunity.

Lily needs affection and love and is looking for an attentive partner.


Lolita has a very impressive appearance and personality. At the same time, by nature she can be very restrained and delicate.

Great strength lurks inside her, she is not afraid of difficulties and tries to remain reasonable.

She can be quite ambitious, independent and self-confident. Lolita always craves new experiences, strives for luxury and attention.

Although Lolita is very popular among members of the opposite sex, her demanding nature can scare off many men. Often sophisticated and sensitive men are drawn to her, while she needs a partner with a strong character.


Marianna is a charming and emotional woman who easily achieves the love of those around her.

Thanks to her sociability and cheerful character, she often gets married quite early. She always takes care of her appearance and loves to pamper herself with shopping and fashionable things.

She has a wayward disposition, and she has a hot temperament, and sometimes loves to argue.

Marianne tries to restrain her emotions, although a volcano of passion boils inside her.

She will find her happiness with a balanced and experienced man.

Energy of female names


Marina is distinguished by her ambition and high opinion of herself.

This woman has amazing charm and attractiveness that men cannot resist.

This is a brave, intelligent nature that does not tolerate restrictions and loves attention.

Since her youth, fans have always crowded around her, ready to fight for her affection.

She herself falls in love with handsome and prominent men, but she will find happiness with a calm partner who will provide for her.

Sometimes Marina is prone to loneliness, and can be very worried and suffer due to some vicissitudes of fate.


Maria is a reliable, gentle, but vulnerable nature.

Outwardly, this woman may seem a little distant, but in fact, she is responsive, caring and a little impulsive.

She is able to stand up for herself, is hardworking and enterprising. She also values ​​freedom and does not like to be tied down by anything.

Maria knows how to keep the man she likes, but the man himself quickly becomes dependent on her.

Her feelings and the physical side of relationships are closely intertwined, and the stronger her feelings, the more passionate she will be.


Natalya has a proud and stubborn character. She can be too straightforward, does not like criticism, but at the same time she is cheerful and friendly by nature.

This woman is charming and cheerful, and at the same time knows when to use these qualities.

Natalya takes a long time to choose a man, she is ready to open up only to someone she trusts, she can test his strength and check how sincere he is.

Natalya can take the initiative into her own hands, is responsive to her partner’s wishes and knows how to build harmonious relationships.


Olga is an emotional person who is capable of experiencing strong feelings.

Along with this, she is very sexy and sensitive, has high intelligence and strong will.

This woman pays attention to her appearance, knows how to dress beautifully and stylishly.

She experiences relationships deeply, so she can suffer greatly in the event of separation.

Even though she always has admirers, she may constantly compare them to her first love, making it difficult for them to pursue her feelings in return.


Svetlana is attractive, and many men are able to discern a zest in her that she herself may not be aware of.

This woman is quite energetic, kind, persistent and diplomatic.

She can be cautious in relationships, but is quite selfless and unobtrusive when she finds the right person.

Svetlana does not look for external beauty in a man, but values ​​experienced and passionate partners. Despite some mistrust, she likes male attention, without which she languishes.


Ulyana is a fair, strong and open person. She is not characterized by selfishness or high conceit.

Such a woman remains soft and tender, but is sometimes indecisive. It is unthinkable for her to offend another person, and her femininity attracts many men.

She has many creative talents and a well-developed imagination.

As a rule, these are the owners of a beautiful and slightly mysterious appearance. Behind her outward restraint she often hides a vulnerable and sensitive nature.


Julia is a fickle, energetic and purposeful woman.

She is capable of experiencing the whole gamut of emotions and is quite loving.

Julia is trusting, tries to see the good in others, and does not like to conflict.

This woman is popular with the opposite sex, but she is not ready to enter into a relationship with everyone.

Her kindness attracts many suitors to her, but Julia can be fickle in her feelings, and can break up with a man without looking back.

According to the survey results, it turned out that men give the greatest preference to the female name Anastasia. Second and third place went to the names Victoria and Ekaterina. These are the top three who scored greatest number votes. Immediately behind them are Tatyana, Natalya and Ksenia. And although during the survey representatives of the stronger sex named the most different names, these six names received the most votes.

1. Anastasia

From the Greek "resurrected". Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with such a name is, as it were, destined to be the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most tender. Everyone loves her as a child, and Anastasia will not disappoint expectations - she will never be either angry or vindictive.

2. Victoria

From Latin "victory". Victoria takes a long time to choose her husband. The reason for this phenomenon is not Victoria’s bad character, as they might think, and not her high demands on her future husband, but indecision. She, Victoria, is always like this when it comes to some significant step in her life.

3. Ekaterina

From the Greek “purity, spotlessness.” In the minds of most people, it is a “royal” name. It seems that even his sound contains a certain majesty and authority. Catherines are dreamers, they have a well-developed imagination. They usually get along well in life, although they are far from exemplary housewives.

4. Tatiana

The name, according to one version, is of ancient Greek origin and means “organizer.” Tatyana is quite stubborn and domineering, knows what she wants, does not like objections and will always try to insist on her own. Will cope well with any job, especially if it happens in front of his immediate superior.

5. Natalia

From Latin "native". Proud, stubborn, hardworking, straightforward nature. She can be quick-tempered and touchy, but outwardly she is modest and meek, even slightly frivolous. Natalya always strives for leadership and loves to be the center of attention.

Constantly needs praise and approval of his actions. This increases her strength and energy, gives her self-confidence, which Natalya often lacks.Sometimes she is exalted. She is naturally endowed with many abilities. Achieves professional success in music, painting, exact sciences and humanities, and medicine.

6. Ksenia

From the Greek "hospitality", "foreigner". Sensitivity and receptivity are characteristic of Ksenia. She definitely lacks poise and stability. Ksenia is more interested in the humanities than in technology, she has a great ability for languages, but most of all nature has endowed her with musical talent, and if she seriously begins to study music, she achieves great professional success in this area.

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Psychologists Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima dedicated one of their books to revealing the secrets of the name. They believe that the sounds of a woman's name on a subconscious level awaken a man's interest in its owner. The names of women who appeal to the stronger sex should contain many vowels and “soft” consonants (L, M, N). These sounds give the word melody and smoothness.

If a woman’s name has a masculine name (Alexandra, Evgenia, Valeria), guys unconsciously perceive such a girl as a friend or a rival, but not as a beloved woman. The presence of many “hard” consonants in a name makes it sound harsh and asexual: Varvara, Gertrude.

Exotic, foreign names (Marianna, Angelica, Isabella) are considered by men to be very sexy, and their owners are considered suitable for a short-term romance. But they prefer to marry girls with simple names, so they feel more confident and reliable.

Names of women that men like

Elena - since the times of Ancient Greece, this name has been associated with beauty and charm. Modern Elena is a sincere, open, sociable girl whom men find very attractive. She is flirtatious and slightly capricious, but this only gives her additional charm in the eyes of her fans.

Elena is a symbol of femininity; she is mysterious and changeable, which is what attracts men. The owner of this name does not hide her feelings, but directly expresses them. Love occupies an important place in Elena's life, but often becomes a consequence of compassion. She marries a man who evokes her sympathy.

Angelika (Angela) is a sociable, charming girl. She doesn't try to stand out from the crowd - it happens involuntarily. Angelica is sentimental, melancholic, as if detached from reality, thereby intriguing and arousing the interest of men. As she grows up, she becomes more temperamental and sensitive.

Her appearance truly shows angelic features, attracting many fans. Angelica's popularity among men is due to her kindness and gullibility. But it is dangerous to underestimate her: she will never forgive deception, and can take sophisticated revenge.

Olesya is an energetic, cheerful, cheerful girl, distinguished by some eccentricity. Feels comfortable when she is surrounded by universal love and worship. Olesya is characterized by the desire to stand out from the general background, to be different from everyone else. Naturally, such a girl enjoys increased attention from guys.

Olesya's impulsive nature leads to her making many mistakes in life. But the girl does not worry about failures for long, because she is filled with optimism. Easy character contributes to her popularity among men. Gets married great love. Her husband sincerely considers her an unsurpassed beauty and an exemplary wife.

Lily is a charming girl, surrounded by universal love, over time she turns into a flirtatious girl who loves to flirt. Even at school, she has many fans who are captivated by her charm and ability to have carefree fun. Her classmates are jealous of her popularity and do not miss the opportunity to slander her.

Lily is amorous, but fickle; she skillfully uses her beauty to keep several men near her. She approaches the choice of a spouse seriously and thoroughly. As a rule, she marries successfully.

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Lyudmila is a gentle, kind, graceful girl. Her character combines severity and gentleness, sincerity and some isolation, efficiency and a tendency to laziness. Sensitive, sophisticated men are drawn to her, while she prefers partners with a strong character. She needs encouragement, approval, admiration.

Women's intuition helps Lyudmila to get married successfully. She plays in the family main role, her husband considers her the perfect housewife. He maintains exemplary cleanliness in the house and knows how to create comfort.

Marianna, the owner of an exotic name, is distinguished by an extraordinary charm that representatives of the stronger sex cannot resist. A passionate, emotional girl from her youth learns the art of charming men. It is created for fun, pleasure, a beautiful life.

Marianne is able to simultaneously turn the heads of several fans, convincing each one that he is the only one. Even after getting married, she sometimes runs away on a date in order to arouse her husband’s jealousy and inflame his feelings.

Julia – endowed sharp mind, prone to adventure, subject to mood swings. The owner of this name is beautiful, graceful, and has good manners. Her gentleness and goodwill endear her to men who fall in love with her at first sight.

Julia adores male company and thrives on compliments and attention. At the same time, she is well versed in psychology and, if necessary, manipulates men.

Catherine is a graceful, majestic woman with the behavior of a true lady. She gives the impression of being proud and unapproachable, but underneath this cold exterior hides a passionate nature. The men around Catherine are vying for the right to conquer the strict beauty.

The girl attaches great importance to fidelity and dreams of finding reliable support in marriage. Despite the abundance of gentlemen, she does not marry for a long time and is looking for a person close to her psychological make-up. As a rule, intuition allows her to choose a suitable partner.

Galina is a balanced, calm, friendly girl. WITH early childhood realizes that she belongs to the fair sex: she loves to dress up and spends a lot of time in front of the mirror. With age, she develops refined taste and knows how to make an impression in society. Galina does not lack male attention.

She has no doubt about her influence on men, and most often chooses her husband herself. He becomes the most handsome, economical guy from among her fans. He recognizes Galina's leadership in the family and is content with a subordinate position.

Alice is persistent and principled, unpredictable. Her main feature is sensuality, which she tries to hide under a mask of indifference. But men subconsciously sense Alice’s passion and surround the girl with their attention. Over time, she begins to enjoy flirting and her power over the opposite sex.

She gets married quite early. Alice's husband is sure that he has got a real treasure and surrounds her with love and care.