If a guy really likes cats. What can you say about the character of a person who doesn't like cats?

05.04.2014, 01:45


All of us - cat lovers and cat ladies - simply love to talk about our cats and cats: our cat this, our fat and lazy bastard that. But at the same time, we don’t even realize how much our pets can tell about us. And not just tell, but reveal to the initiate all the secrets of our soul and personality. And so as not to be unfounded, today I decided to talk about what can be learned about a single man by the gender and character of his cat, and therefore how a man treats his cat.

I'll start from the floor pet. Since it is he who is incredibly important when compiling psychological portrait a man - single, attractive in terms of a partner for marriage or romantic relationships living alone in their own or rented housing. So:
If a man gets a CAT, this means that he is internally not only ready, but also dreams of marriage. I’ll tell you below what his cat’s temperament says and the man’s attitude towards her. In the meantime, I am the witch Olga, I will draw only one conclusion - a man dreams of having a girlfriend or wife so much that he is no longer able to wait for the realization of his dreams, and therefore he filled the empty space next to him with a cat brought from the bird market.

Should you be jealous? Oh no, no need to be jealous! But still, be prepared for the fact that at first you will still have to fight for the heart of a man, in which even if he decides that you are his soul mate or destiny, the cat will occupy at least 50% of the space.

If a man has a CAT, it means he doesn’t have enough friends. And the bigger (fatter, if you will) the cat, the more he is allowed, the more alarming you should be. Because this means that friends will always be much more important to this man than you.

VICTIM OF WAR. Let me draw your attention to what is allowed to meow or purr. If an animal is forced to live under the sofa, treating the territory of the apartment as a jungle full of dangers or a place of street fighting, then in front of you (we mean the owner) is a hidden domestic sadist. Diffident, full of complexes, he chose an unfortunate animal for self-realization, treating him to such an extent that all evening he, without blinking, looks at you from the dusty, dusty darkness.

IF AN ANIMAL IS ALLOWED EVERYTHING - it jumps on the table, it tears wallpaper and furniture, it meows deafeningly at the first smell. delicious food, then this also characterizes a man far from the best side. Before you is a weak, spineless person, unable to withstand even the slightest difficulties. Such a man will always adhere to only one model of behavior - immediately give up, immediately bend, immediately follow the lead. And therefore, if you are looking for someone who will build a career, develop well, thanks to which he can then support his family, and at the same time allow you to wipe your nose with praise about his successes to your friends, then you have found the wrong one.

COMPANION CAT - he is allowed to go gray in a certain place, he is introduced to you (and not vice versa!), he has his own bowl, his own basket, his own post for scratching his claws, his own tray. What can we say? You got an excellent man who knows how not only to organize the reality around him, but also to achieve his own without suppressing anyone around him. He will also treat you with attention, respect and even care. But only until you start missing the tray.

"POOR LITTLE PUSSY." There are many men who treat their cats as if they are not able to digest food on their own and move around the apartment without the help of a miniature wheelchair. Having entered the house, they immediately grab the cat in their arms and immediately begin to lisp, talking about it (and they can talk about the cat all evening). Be sure to feed her several times. They check her ears, eyes and always under her tail several times. They ask hundreds of questions: “How did you live?!”, “Did you miss you?!”, “Glad I came?!”…

There is no reason for joy in such behavior. Here is a man who will love you only as long as you fake cancer last stage or spinal fracture. As soon as you show yourself as a strong, independent person, he will immediately leave you, since he is satisfied with only one type of love - safe - love for those who are completely and unconditionally dependent on him.

Before you is not a man, but a treasure! He will always be honest and will never betray. And if you can love him, then it is almost guaranteed that he will love you in order to stay with you until the end, and be just as caring, kind and sweet until the very end. old age.

THE SMELL OF CAT URINE. As soon as you smell it, immediately turn on the internal “DANGER!!!” signal. If the whole apartment, to put it mildly, smells like a cat, if there are leftovers of food and clumps of fur here and there, and the cat also sleeps where he wants, without leaving a single intact chair, then in front of you is an active or retired alcoholic (and I I'm talking about a man). Or a person who treats all aspects of life, including family, with the complete indifference of a drunkard or drug addict.

It will never matter to him whether you get pregnant or not, whether you have something to eat and what to wear, whether your children with him are fed and healthy. He will always live on his own, and his family members will live separately. Moreover, even if you spend your life under the same roof, you will never be able to get over the wall of spiritual indifference with which a man has surrounded himself, or drag him over this wall to yourself.

OWNER OF THE MEDAL CHAMPION. This man's cat will be a rare and (and they will definitely tell you this more than once) very expensive breed. The entire wall will be hung with orders sewn from bright ribbons. The pet's tray will stand almost in the middle of the room. And the refrigerator will mainly store his food. You will also be offered:
- I buy calf liver for the cat at the market. Should I fry a piece?

To refuse or not is your choice. Something else is important - before you is a boor, a hysterical woman and a complete egoist. The cat is just a thing for him that he can be proud of. The cat interests him only as long as it is capable of winning and producing kittens. He is not friends with her, does not talk or play. He even shows it off like a collar cut from rare fur. And in the same way, once you become his, he will show you off, provided that at least something in your appearance or position will allow him to be proud of you.

ROLLER COASTER. Men who make various funny, and sometimes even designer, things for their cats deserve undeniable attention. We mean various cathouses - pipes and shelves hung on the walls and under the ceiling, so that the animals can feel themselves among wildlife. As well as building houses, complex running wheels, mechanisms for throwing toys, claw sharpeners and much more. Such a man, oddly enough, is the most normal of all. Firstly, he takes care of the pet, and a priori will take care of both you and your children. And, secondly, and no less important, you will never be bored with him, since he will always come up with something to color your life with him.

“AND THIS IS MY CAT!” This man brings you to his place, the cat runs towards him, the man catches it with one hand, lifts it, shows it, and with a smile says the phrase I have already voiced, “This is my cat!” and immediately releases the cat. After that, he notices his pet only when it jumps onto his or your lap. And the rest of the man’s time and attention belongs only to you. At the same time, the apartment is clean, there is no smell, the furniture is intact, and there is no wool lying around anywhere. And if a man thinks about whether his pet is full, he does it silently, without interrupting you, most likely, just looking at the bowl in the corner.

Here is the healthiest attitude towards a cat that a truly full-fledged man can demonstrate. And he is self-confident, mentally stable, friendly and reliable, as if household appliances, released in the middle of the last century. With such a man you will feel calm, happy and happy. With one exception - if he wants to cheat on you, he will cheat on you. The truth is that he will definitely return home, because he never forgets about those who trust him and those who wait for him, without trying to limit his freedoms.

But purebred cat or a cat, or it’s a mongrel picked up at the entrance, you almost don’t need to pay attention. Although many psychologists argue that the breed of a cat can also tell a lot about the character and disposition of the owner. But if you are interested in the topic, I will continue it in a separate article.
© Witch Olga

“If a man doesn’t like cats, he won’t win the heart of a beauty.”

Curious facts about cats


The Egyptians considered the cat a sacred animal of the goddess Bast, personifying joy, fun and love of life. At Bubastis, the center of the cult of the Goddess Bast in Lower Egypt, cats lived in a temple. Caring for them was a particularly honorable task, passed from father to son. The Egyptians loved their domestic cats. In many drawings they are depicted under chairs or on people's laps. There was even death penalty for the one who deliberately kills at least one of the “sacred guards of the grain barns.” Accidentally killing a cat was punishable by a heavy fine. If a cat died a natural death, it was mourned, showered with gifts (in the form of dried mice) for life in the other world, and as a sign of mourning, people shaved off their eyebrows. The magnificent ceremony of her funeral was reminiscent of the ritual of the solemn burial of the deceased pharaoh. The Egyptians embalmed dead cats and were buried in tombs.

Knowing the attitude of the Egyptians towards cats, the insidious foreigners decided to take advantage of this one day. In 526 BC. e. The Persian king Cambyses, conquering the Egyptians, resorted to monstrous cunning. He ordered to catch as much as possible more cats and distribute it to your soldiers. They tied them to shields and entered into battle with the enemy. The Egyptians did not dare to attack the army of hissing and screaming cats and meekly surrendered. Cambyses won an easy victory.


The cat’s useful and selfless service in protecting food supplies has earned her recognition among many peoples of the world. The cat was respected for its independent character and enviable appetite. However, in the Middle Ages, attitudes towards cats changed dramatically. Church announced crusade against the devil in the form of a cat. Cat hatred has become a cult. These unfortunate animals were subjected to terrible torture. They were thrown out of windows, walled up in four walls, and burned at the stake. People who continued to love cats had a much more difficult time - they were considered sorcerers associated with evil spirits. The lucky one was the one who managed to escape the fire of the Inquisition. In Germany, England and even America, women were tortured simply because they sheltered and fed a cat.

The prejudices associated with black cats are deeply rooted in the hearts of people. The English King Charles I had such a cat, which he believed had a beneficial effect on his destiny. He was so afraid of losing his beloved animal that he forced the guards to guard it jealously. But one day the cat died. “I won’t have any more luck in life!” - exclaimed the king. The future confirmed his fears: the day after the death of the cat he was arrested, and a few months later his head was cut off.

King Louis XV was not only a desperate womanizer, but also a great friend of cats. At the risk of losing his popularity with the people, he personally put an end to the sinister tradition of throwing cats into the fire in closed bags on the feast of St. John.


By the beginning of the 18th century, the official persecution of witches, and therefore cats, had ceased. Gradually, when reason began to take precedence over superstition, the cat lost its association with the other world and became simply a pet.

IN Ancient Rus' domesticated weasels protected grain from rodents. But I liked cats more because they had better personalities. It is interesting that in Rus' the purely economic qualities of cats were the first to be appreciated by clergy and placed under the protection of church law. How much did the cat cost? The answer can be found in “Metropolitan Justice,” a famous law book of the 14th century. A fine was set for a stolen animal: for a pigeon they paid 9 kunas, a duck, a goose, a crane - 30 kunas each, a cow - 40 kunas, but for an ox, a dog or a cat - 3 hryvnias. The price of a cat was equal to that of an ox! Three hryvnia was money, and a lot of it. (Hryvnia is a silver ingot weighing 205 grams, divided into nogat (20th part) and kuna (50th part).


Cats have long been America's idols. Homely or regal, adored or despised, barn mouse hunters or lazy house bums, they have captivated Americans and become a national passion. They have already surpassed dogs in popularity, and in number... Over the past few years, the number of animals that are “adopted” from shelters has increased by 30%, this is especially noticeable in New York and Washington. Shelters for the elderly and homeless cats are becoming increasingly expensive, as are cemeteries. At a cat cemetery in suburban Chicago, burial costs from $39 to $139, with granite monuments costing $79 and up.

In 1973, then-Governor of California R. Reagan, at the initiative of the Cat Protective League, signed a law punishing anyone who kicks a cat with imprisonment. 60 million Americans chose cats.


Among the passionate cat lovers were the famous American writer R. Chandler, English Prime Minister Sir W. Churchill, educator and humanist A. Schweitzer and the prophet Mohammed. R. Chandler talked to his Persian cat Taki as if she were a person, jokingly calling her his secretary, because when he wanted to look at his manuscript, she immediately climbed on him.

While working in Africa, Schweitzer (he was left-handed) sometimes wrote recipes right hand so as not to disturb his cat Sisi: she loved to sleep on his left arm.

Mohammed considered dogs “unclean” and greatly favored cats. Once he even cut off the sleeve of his shirt so as not to wake up the cat sleeping on the sleeve - the prophet was going to pray.

The composer A.P. Borodin unacceptably pampered his many pets, who during his meal allowed the cats to walk on the dining table...

But cats also had their ill-wishers, including Alexander the Great, the great Napoleon Bonaparte, composer Brahms and the 34th President of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower. When Brahms wasn't sitting at the piano, his favorite form of relaxation was hanging out with open window unsuccessfully trying to kill the neighbor's cat with a bow and arrow. Eisenhower's hatred of cats was so great that he ordered his staff to immediately shoot if any of the animals appeared near his home.


IN extreme situations cats often come to the rescue of their owner. Many cases have been described when, during a fire, the Murkas woke them up and even tried to help them get out to a safe place. Naturalist Natalya Orlova talks about her friend, whom a cat saved from death during the Ashgabat earthquake. A quarter of an hour before the shock, she climbed onto the pillow, which she had not done before, and began, meowing anxiously, to wake him up - pulling him by the collar of his shirt with her teeth. He threw it off, but the cat jumped onto the bed again. In the end, the selfless Murka finally forced him to run out into the street in the middle of the night. A minute later the house collapsed.

In general, cats express love for their owners in different ways. For some, it literally flows like a fountain: jumping on the chest or shoulder, and loud, eloquent purring, and even biting an arm or leg from an excess of feelings. Others are more restrained in expressing their feelings. But if the cat is happy, you can see it right away; she sits calmly next to you, her mustache is loose, her ears stick out above her serene muzzle, her eyes are wide open, her irises are glowing. However, half-constricted pupils in combination with purring express highest degree cat happiness.


There is a belief that cats heal their owner. As soon as, say, radiculitis or a cold, we put him to bed, and Murka is right there: he jumps onto the bed, lays down exactly on the sore spot and warms him up no worse than a compress. Many cat owners can attest to this. Moreover, some, based on their experience of recovery after “cat therapy,” even claim that purring healers have no less healing abilities than psychics. By the way, Anton Palovich Chekhov jokingly wrote to his friends that he used his mug as a heating pad. Today there is no longer any doubt that cats provide very effective help to their owners psychologically, although they themselves do not understand this. Thus, American doctors have found that owners of cats and bugs have a better chance of surviving a heart attack than those who do not keep cats at home, for example. This phenomenon proves that the point is not at all that those who have dogs spend more time on fresh air, walking them at least twice a day. Cats don't need this and the results are the same.

The secret of the beneficial effects of murk is explained simply: they provide people with emotional support, which can rightfully be considered real psychotherapy, which has its own mechanism of action. It is no coincidence that it appeared in medicine new method psychotherapeutic assistance - “animotherapy”, that is, a system of human treatment, when, along with medications, the patient is assigned to communicate with animals.


If a man doesn't like a cat, he can't win a heart beautiful woman- states an old Chinese proverb; research by German and Austrian psychologists confirms the wisdom of the ancients.

This study, commissioned by the Hamburg Amateur Society, was carried out at the Vienna Institute for the Study of Human Behavior. And now, what is empirically known to each of us has already been scientifically proven: cats and women are psychologically sisters, they are equally characterized by sensuality and vulnerability, mystery combined with sudden outbursts of anger. And also - amazing stubbornness, the desire to assert oneself and achieve at any cost the implementation of one’s own decisions.

During surveys, psychologists found that as a result of communicating with cats, women develop a stronger sense of empathy for the grief of others and develop flexibility of thinking. Ladies, psychologists say, envy their “indoor tigers” who maintain ideal physical shape, have natural grace and are ready to bask in the sun for hours. But men who keep cats at home do not change their habits thanks to them - they still do not particularly take care of their appearance, do not have refined taste and do not like to bask in bed.

And yet, communication with four-legged animals does not pass without a trace for the stronger sex. How? Remember the old Chinese saying...


In the morning you got up, and the cat was already right there - waiting for a welcoming word, kind affection, and then... breakfast. After washing herself after eating, she will settle down comfortably and will carefully watch your every move. "Talk" to the cat. She knows some words, but responds more to intonation. Play with your cat at least once a day - this is not a whim, but an urgent need. Cats that are not played with become lethargic, gloomy and neurotic. If you don't have time to play with her, get a dog. The cat and dog in our house enjoy playing with each other. But as soon as the cat sharpens its claws on the forbidden chair, the dog shrilly shames it. Well, if a dog growls at its owners, the cat will immediately paw it on the nose - a harsh tone with people is unacceptable.

Place a sacred animal in your home - little hassle, but so much warmth, comfort, joy. Just don’t find out who is the boss in the apartment (you or the cat), all cats believe that they are our masters. Better take into account their morals - and friendly communication, affection and love are guaranteed to you.

Prepared from press materials by Renata KALINOVA

It is often said that there are two types of people: cat lovers and dog lovers. After all, these furry animals have completely different temperaments. Cats are traditionally considered more independent, while dogs are more friendly. Let's find out what kind of people love cats, and are you such a person?

Busy people

If you live in a hectic, chaotic life and are always in a hurry to get somewhere, then you may be a cat lover. Although cats, like any pet, require care and attention, they generally require a lower level of maintenance than dogs. Because cats use a litter box, they don't require going outside multiple times a day - unlike their canine counterparts. If you have time to regularly clean the litter box and also snuggle with your kitty at night, you probably truly love them!

Lonely people

If you live independently and know what loneliness is, then what could be more convenient than having a calm and serene cat? If you're feeling blue, petting your cat's fur and cuddling can quickly dispel any sad feelings!

Quiet people

Although there are exceptions to the rule, you can enjoy the company of cats if you have a calm and contemplative personality. There are also noisy cats, for example, Siamese, but meowing, as a rule, is much quieter than barking. Cats are considered self-sufficient animals, so calm people love calm animals!

People with high stress levels

Life can be demanding and stressful, especially in big city, even if you are caring for a child or working as a manager in a noisy restaurant. A cute cat can help you relax and de-stress at the end of the day - whether it's while playing or with affection while watching evening TV.

Some people dislike cats, and they cannot explain the reasons. Psychologists say that this is a reason to think seriously and change something in your life.

Most people treat cats very well and positively. And there are those who don’t like them, try to drive them away, the animals make them nervous, irritate them, and it’s difficult for them to even be near them.

And, what is noteworthy, for some reason people do not have a transitional state, that is, indifference to cats: either love or hostility, sometimes even turning into hatred.

Scientists have long tried to solve this mystery. It has long been proven that the purpose of a cat in a person’s life is not at all the extermination of mice and rats.

This animal has a unique bioenergetic system that resonates with the human biofield and is capable of restoring it.

It’s not for nothing that cat owners claim that their pets can relieve headaches, reduce blood pressure, calm them down, normalize sleep, and cure other diseases associated with disorders of the energy aura.

But it turned out that in addition, the cat living in the house is accurate indicator how good the situation is and the positive energy at home.

If everything is fine in the family, the cat eats well, sleeps a lot, washes itself often, and is very clean.

In the event of scandals and difficult relationships in the family, the cat begins to get nervous, annoy the culprit of the problem with its screams, stops caring for itself, and will do dirty tricks and spoil personal belongings.

Surely you have noticed more than once that if you offend a child, the cat will definitely come up to him to caress him - in this way she restores peace of mind.

And if a quarrel occurs, the cat will definitely react to it and will always take the side of the one who is right, and not the one who screams more.

Psychologists have discovered the main types of people who cannot tolerate cats.

More than 90% of people who are addicted to alcohol or had alcoholic parents do not like cats.

Hostile relationships with cats in women with a difficult fate, undeservedly offended by men, in people who were subjected to physical and moral violence in childhood.

People who have karmic sins - criminals, rapists - are simply afraid of cats. thieves and deceivers. They feel that the cat knows about these secret sins on an energetic level, so they drive the animal away from them.

Negative emotions towards cats are also experienced by people who consider themselves underestimated; on a subconscious level they understand that this is not in vain, but they consciously want the whole world to admire them. But cats feel exactly what is subconscious, that is, the truth, and this causes rejection in such people.

But cats are needed by a person in order to restore his energy, change his aura and karma. Therefore, those who do not like cats should seriously think about and change their lives to make it harmonious and bright. And then the connection with cats will improve.

“A cat is an animal that walks on its own”, “cats love everyone who feeds them” - these phrases are very often heard in conversations about representatives of the cat family, because many people are still sure that cats, unlike dogs, do not capable of feeling love for their owners. But those who have these fluffy purring animals at home clearly refute the claims that cats have no attachment to people, since on own experience They were convinced that their pets are quite capable of love, but they don’t experience it for everyone.

And they happily meet and play with all the guests and friends of their owner, but cats are more picky. When meeting a new person, an adult cat may hiss, refuse to be stroked, and even scratch an overly annoying animal lover, and the cat, as a rule, treats members of the owner’s family differently - some are constantly caressed, while others are he can barely bear it. Let's try to figure out what kind of people cats love and how an owner can earn the sympathy of a purring pet if he initially dislikes it.

What kind of people do cats like?

The answer to the question of what kind of people cats love lies in the psychology of these animals, namely, in the peculiarities of their lifestyle and preferences. Cats love comfort and warmth, they can bask in the sun for hours and sleep up to 20 hours a day, and also spend a lot of time taking care of themselves - licking their fur and paws, “washing themselves,” etc. Most of the time cats behave independently , leisurely and measured, and only sometimes they want to run, jump, sharpen their claws and chase each other or live or toy mice. That's why family members love cat people, in habits reminiscent of themselves. And vice versa, cats treat with distrust and wariness those people who are very different in behavior from purrs - they fuss, make a lot of sudden movements, are in constant tension, etc.

Animal psychologists, observing, have established that cats show love and affection for people who seem understandable to them and at the same time do not pose a danger to them. And cats determine this very degree of similarity and human safety by the following criteria:

From all family members the cat will most likely choose himself as his owner and favorite calm person who feeds and cares for the animal, but at the same time does not impose his love on it– does not try to constantly cuddle and stroke him, does not bother him during sleep and rest, etc. And vice versa, cats are often indifferent to children and do not like to play with babies too much, since these independent animals do not like to be carried for a long time in their arms , squeezed, dragged by the tail, and even more so - dressed up like a doll.

Domestic cats are capable of becoming attached to their owner almost as strongly as dogs, but in order to become friends with a cat, it is not enough just to feed and stroke the purr from time to time. According to animal psychologists, it is much easier to achieve love and affection from a kitten than from adult cat, since kittens perceive anyone who takes care of them as their mother. But in order to win the heart of an adult animal, in addition to the direct responsibilities of caring for the cat, the owner needs to do the following:

  1. Do not do anything that may be perceived by animals as aggression. (for a cat, do not wave your arms near her, do not grab her in your arms when she is sleeping, do not throw her up or crush her during play, etc.)
  2. Under no circumstances should you show aggression towards your cat or take it out on it. negative emotions – many felines are vindictive and can for many years remember the insult caused by a person
  3. Behave calmly and evenly in the presence of an animal , do not raise your voice in front of the cat or towards the cat
  4. Show respect for the animal - don’t disturb him while sleeping, don’t suddenly grab him, don’t pull him by the tail even as a joke, don’t take away his food, etc.
  5. Find a way to bring joy to the animal - from time to time, in addition to the main food, give him special treats, play with the cat with her toys, allow her to sit on your lap and, without squeezing or tugging the animal, take the cat for a walk outside, etc.

These simple measures are aimed at ensuring that the animal always experiences calmness, pleasure and joy in the presence of the owner, and begins to associate these positive emotions with him. And when the right approach to keeping and communicating with a cat, sooner or later this independent animal will definitely change its anger to mercy and fall in love with its owner. And it’s very simple to find out when this moment comes - the cat will respond to your gaze with a direct gaze, blink several times, and then, without looking away, come up to be stroked and caressed.