Border control at the airport. How to go through passport control at the airport

By Russian laws, if a person has debts, he may not be allowed to go abroad. This does not mean that holidays abroad are canceled for anyone who forgot to give a couple of rubles to a friend. Most often, drivers who have not found time to pay old fines, entrepreneurs who do not pay taxes, negligent fathers who “forgot” about alimony, or people who have fallen into arrears are among those not allowed to travel. utilities who missed loan payments.

How to find out about your debts in advance

In order for a person to be included in the “black” list of those not allowed to travel abroad, a special order of the bailiffs must be issued in his case. After this, a debt resolution is sent to the defaulter by mail, and if the person does not respond, his personal data goes to the border guards.

Not everyone lives at the place of registration, letters do not always reach the addressee. If you suspect that you may have debts, it is better to check your debts in advance, even before planning your trip. personal account on the tax police website (, information on outstanding fines can be obtained on the State Services website ( And you definitely need to go to the portal of the Federal Bailiff Service and look for your data in the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” ( If the search result is positive, it’s better for you to either pay for everything or refuse the voyage.

Try to pay off your debts as early as possible - at least a month before departure. Doing this on the eve of the trip is pointless, because the data will not have time to pass through the authorities. The employees at passport control are guided only by their base: even if you have a decree lifting the ban or confirmation of payment of debts, you still will not be released.

How debtors are checked at the airport

If you are blacklisted, you will be able to easily buy tickets, check in for your flight, and check in your luggage, but you will not be allowed through passport control. It is the responsibility of the border guards to check each departing passenger, enter his passport data into the computer and look for him in the lists of debtors.

There are cases when law-abiding citizens who do not have any debts are mistakenly included in the travel ban lists. Unfortunately, it will most likely not be possible to prove anything on the spot. If such a problem occurs, you have the right to go to court.

It's time to familiarize yourself with the procedure for entering the UK. To enter the United Kingdom, you must go through a number of standard formal procedures - as, indeed, in most other countries in the world. We tell you what awaits you at the British border.

Filling out the Landing Card

Before passing passport control At the UK border you will be required to fill out a Landing Card. Completing this card is mandatory for everyone who is not a British or EU citizen, including minor children. As a rule, the cards are handed out by flight attendants shortly before boarding. They can also be picked up at the airport in the arrivals area.

Landing Card is an A6 format form in which you need to enter personal data and travel details. Filling out the migration card is not difficult, but if you are not confident in your knowledge of English, it is better to read the instructions and example in advance.

The card should be filled out in capital letters. in Latin letters. Below are all the points of the migration card with examples and recommendations for filling them out:

  • Family name/Last name: IVANOVA
  • First name/Name: ANNA
  • Sex/Gender: M - male, F - female
  • Date of birth: 01/01/1993
  • Town and country of birth/City and country of birth: MOSCOW, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
  • Nationality: RUSSIAN
  • Occupation/Profession: MANAGER. If you don't know how to translate the name of your profession into English, write it Russian name Latin alphabet
  • Contact Address in the UK (in full) / Full residential address in the UK: 21 (house number) TRINITY TREES (street) EASTBOURNE (city) BN21 3LD (zip code) ENGLAND (country). You can find your accommodation address in your hotel reservation or invitation.
  • Passport no/Passport number: 121200000
  • Place of issue/Place of issue of the passport: FMS RF (indicate in Latin the authority and country of issue of the passport)
  • Length of stay in UK/Length of stay in England: 14 DAYS
  • Port of last departure/Place of last departure: MOSCOW, DOMODEDOVO (if you are flying with a transfer, indicate the last place of departure)
  • Arrival flight/train number/ship number: E111
  • Signature

White blocks at the very bottom of the map and its reverse side no need to fill out. If you suddenly missed any section of the card, the border control officer will ask you to fill it out on the spot or write it in necessary information myself.

Passing UK passport control

There are two queues at the UK border before passport control: for citizens of the UK and EU member states (UK/EU) and for all others (Non EU or All other passports).

At passport control, employees will ask you to present a passport with a British visa and a completed migration card. You must first remove the cover from your passport. You should have documents with you confirming the purpose of your visit (hotel reservation, invitation from relatives, letter from educational institution or company).

Depending on the nuances in each specific case, the entrant may also be asked to show other documents. If you got married, changed your last name, and now the last name on the visa is different from the last name on the center page of your passport, take a marriage registration certificate. If you and the child traveling with you have different last names, you will need a birth certificate. If you are accompanying a child who is not your own, you must have the appropriate documents in your hands (child's birth certificate and notarized consent from both parents).

In our practice, there were cases when officers asked to show a return ticket, so we recommend that you have it with you in printed or electronic form.

Supporting documents can be provided either in original or in the form of copies, but they must be accompanied by translations into English. Find out how to properly perform and visit the United Kingdom.

Insurance is not required for a visit to the UK, however we strongly recommend taking out a standard travel policy with cover of at least €30,000.

Passport officers ask everyone entering the UK a series of standard questions. The most frequently asked questions are:

  • The purpose of your visit to the UK (note that the purpose must be the same as what you indicated when filling out the visa application)?
  • What is your visit to the UK?
  • Where are you planning to stay?
  • Who are you traveling with?
  • Rough plan your trip?
  • Do you have relatives or friends in the UK?

The officer's job is to prevent illegal immigration or border crossing attempts by intruders and criminals. Your task is to show that you have no such intentions. Therefore, calmly and honestly answer all questions and, if necessary, present the requested documents. Communication with an officer rarely takes more than a minute.

Customs control in the UK

Most Russians visit the UK for tourism, business or educational purposes, and therefore pass through customs control. However, there are a number of things that must be declared or are completely prohibited for import into the United Kingdom.

If you are carrying more than €10,000 in cash, the money must be declared.

Restrictions on the import of tobacco products:

  • cigarettes: no more than 200 pieces
  • cigarillos: no more than 100 pieces
  • cigars: no more than 50 pieces
  • tobacco: no more than 250 grams

Restrictions on the import of alcoholic beverages

  • beer: no more than 16 liters
  • wine (not sparkling): no more than 4 liters
  • alcohol up to 22% strength: no more than 2 liters
  • alcohol with a strength of 22%: no more than 1 liter

Persons over 17 years of age have the right to transport tobacco and alcohol products. Products transported in excess of the specified norm must be declared and customs duties must be paid for them. Goods worth more than £390 are also subject to declaration.

The following items and products are prohibited from being imported into the UK:

  • meat and dairy products (including eggs)
  • weapon (such as a switchblade)
  • aerosol self-defense products

If there is nothing interesting for customs in your luggage, go to the “Nothing to declare” sign. If you have products that are subject to declaration, go to the queue with the “Goods to declare” sign. To declare, you need to fill out a short form and give it to the customs officer. If necessary, pay the customs fee and present necessary permissions and licenses (for example, if you are carrying weapons).

As a rule, all checks at the British border do not take long. Prepare in advance necessary documents and don’t forget to fill out the migration Landing Card. If there are no queues, in just 5-10 minutes you will officially be in the UK.

A person planning a foreign rendezvous must be prepared to go through passport control. Sometimes this procedure can take a considerable amount of time from the passenger. To avoid troubles and annoying misunderstandings, the traveler should arrive at the airport 4–5 hours before departure.

Taking into account the fact that getting to Sheremetyevo Airport, Domodedovo or Vnukovo, for example, in traffic jams may not be easy, you need to leave home long before the plane takes off.

Many people are interested in the question of what is checked during passport control. First of all, the legality of departure abroad is checked. A person who has large debts to a bank or government.

The same applies to people who have serious problems with Russian legislation. It will not be possible to travel abroad or travel abroad.

You can go through passport control after completing the customs control procedure.

Subtleties of passport control

A person wishing to go through passport control must provide one of the following documents proving his identity:

  • international passport;
  • passport diploma;
  • service passport;
  • special seaman's passport;
  • certificate of return to Russia.

A citizen of any foreign power, entering the territory of the Russian state, as well as exiting, undertakes to provide valid documents to border guards. Special attention is given to the validity period of the passport.

Service passport of the Russian Federation

It is also important to remember that the passport should not have mechanical damage. If at least one of the pages contains handwritten notes, the passport must be replaced.

When problems arise, you need to act as calmly as possible. Excessive nervousness plays against traveler If a person knows for sure that his documents are in order, and he himself is not wanted, then all misunderstandings that arise can be quickly resolved.

Before planning a trip, you must. If a traveler has large debts to a financial or government organization, they will need to be repaid before the trip. Otherwise, the trip will be cancelled. you can do it yourself.


If a traveler is detained at customs control, he has no chance of receiving compensation for a failed vacation. In this case, the cost of the tour is not returned to the passenger even when he has it in his hands.

Passport control is carried out using a foreign passport. If you are on public service, then you may need to present various other documents: seaman's passport, diplomatic passport and other documents. For those crossing the border with children, it is imperative to take birth certificates or foreign passports for each of the children. Children also require permission to travel from their parents. Some countries require this document even if the family is traveling to in full force.

Russian passport control

Passport control is carried out by immigration police and security officers. During the check, the officer first looks to see if your passport is genuine, and then finds out your identity and checks it against databases. Security personnel may ask additional questions, which in Russia differ from those asked abroad.

Passport control in Russia finds out your identity, checks your passport photo with your appearance, and also looks to see if there are any circumstances preventing you from traveling abroad. These may include a ban on travel due to duty, various orders from tax bailiffs, non-payment of alimony and others. The presence of stamps confirming the crossing of Russian borders during previous trips is also very carefully checked. Russian security officials usually don't care about visas or how you cross the borders of other states, but if you have something wrong with Russian stamps, this will raise questions.

Foreign passport control

Security officials in other countries, accordingly, are not interested in your affairs with Russian state. They only care about how correct you are towards their countries or commonwealths. For example, if you are entering the Schengen zone, the officer may count the days of your stay in Europe, and if there are more than required, deny you entry. It will also be checked whether you have any outstanding obligations for violations in the territories of other countries during previous visits. If you have broken the rules traffic, but have not paid the receipt, this may become grounds for denying entry.

If a migration form is required to enter a country, it must be filled out before going through passport control at the entrance to that country. Usually forms migration cards lie in free access in the same room where the inspection counters are located. It is not uncommon for people to fill out immigration forms while they are waiting in line, and cards are often handed out on planes, trains and buses shortly before arrival.

Passport Control will also check your visa. You may be asked to show return tickets, hotel reservations, reasons for staying in the country, and other questions to clarify the purpose of your visit. In case of suspicion, the passport control officer may take you to a separate room, where he will have a conversation with you, based on which he will decide whether to let you into the country. If this happens, don’t be nervous, answer the questions calmly and honestly. If everything is in order with your documents, then the employee usually has no reason not to give you an entry stamp.

Things to remember

Keep in mind that the passport control procedure can sometimes be delayed due to queues. In some major airports at peak times it can last 4-5 hours. This is rare, but you definitely need to set aside an extra hour or two to go through control.

A passport is a very important document that proves the identity of every person. Absolutely all citizens over 14 years of age should receive it. Citizen's passport Russian Federation has an individual number and series.
There are situations when it is simply necessary to check this data, for example, when you decide to purchase property. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, you need to check the authenticity of your passport. Banks may also need such information when applying for a loan. Such information can be obtained from the Federal Migration Service without leaving home.


To find out information on, you should contact the migration service department with your identity document, where you will be asked to fill out an application for this and indicate the reason that prompted you to make this operation.
After your application, within a few days, upon your request, information will be given to you personally.

Passport control is a mandatory procedure when crossing state borders. The process does not take much time. But in order not to miss your flight, it is better to know in advance how to go through passport control at the airport.

When crossing the Russian border

Passport control involves checking documents that give you the right to fly to another country. Depending on the visited documents may be different. The general requirement is to have a valid passport, but other documents may be required. For example, having a Schengen visa for Schengen countries.

If only the mother is traveling with her, the employee has the right to ask to see a notarized permission from the father to take the child out of the country.

The passport control officer may ask you for a return ticket confirming your intention to return to the country, or ask to see your hotel reservations.

Do not forget that at passport control they check whether the bailiffs are prohibiting you from leaving the country.

If everything is in order, you will be given a departure stamp.

More information about the documents can be found at the Russian embassies, the Russian Foreign Ministry, and travel agencies. Be sure to check latest changes in rules that happen quite often.

Upon returning to the territory of the Russian Federation, passport control is not so strict. You are simply given an entry stamp back without further questions.

When crossing a foreign border

What documents will be checked and what will the passport control officer in another country ask you upon arrival depends on the agreements between states. Find out all the requirements in advance. Some countries, for example, require a passport, which expires no later than six months after the trip. If there are even 5 months left until your passport expires, and you have arrived for 2 weeks, the airport employee has the right to refuse you entry.

Russia has concluded agreements on visa-free stay with many countries. This means that you can visit the specified country without obtaining a tourist visa. But you will be asked to fill out a special document, such as an immigration card.

If the visa is not a tourist one, you may be asked for a whole package of documents. For example, with a work visa, they will ask for a work permit. Or if the visa is for study, they will ask for documents from the educational institution.

They may inquire about the purpose of the trip, also ask to see return tickets and hotel reservations, confirm availability cash sufficient to stay in the country. If you do not have documents, you may be denied entry. If everything is in order, they will take your photo and put an arrival stamp indicating the date of arrival and the latest departure date.

When flying back to Russia, they simply put a departure stamp in your passport, and also check whether you have exceeded your period of stay in the country. If yes, then be prepared to pay a fine.

Often passport control officers do not ask you to show everything necessary documents, but don’t rely on chance. It is at passport control that passengers are denied entry or exit. It’s better that you have a little more papers with you, and they won’t be useful to you, than that you miss your plane.

Finally, you have waited for your vacation and are flying off to relax. Only this will be your first time flying on an airplane... And then you have a million questions: what to do at the airport? Where to go? How not to be late for a flight?

We decided to make a small FAQ on terms and procedures that will help newbies feel a little more confident at the airport.

The order may vary slightly, since each airport has its own sequence of security checks and registration.

Once at the airport, the first thing you must do is check-in. Above the check-in desk there is a board with the airline logo, flight number and arrival city.

This information is duplicated on the information board, where the number of the counter where check-in for your flight takes place is also indicated.

Check-in begins 2 hours before departure and ends 30-40 minutes before departure.

When registering, you must present your passport and air ticket. If you have electronic ticket, then present only your passport. You must place your luggage on a transport belt, where it will be weighed, a special tag will be hung (so that the baggage handlers know which plane to put it on, and you can find it later) and sent to the baggage handlers. You will also be asked to present your hand luggage (things that you want to take with you on board the plane), and they may also put a tag on it.

As a rule, the weight of hand luggage should not exceed 7-10 kg. In addition, there are certain requirements for the dimensions of the bag, which you can check with the airline.

After check-in, you will be given a boarding pass and luggage tags (stickers that are placed on your passport or boarding pass, they will help you find your suitcase upon arrival).

You can register not only at the airport, but also at home. Some airlines practice online registration for the flight. You can register this way using a laptop, tablet, or even a phone. You can read more about mobile registration in the post “Mobile registration”. After that, you print out your boarding pass using a regular printer, and check your luggage at a special Drop off counter.

The boarding pass will indicate at which gate you will board the plane and your seat in the cabin. When checking in, you can ask the airline representative to seat you in a comfortable seat, such as by a window or near an emergency exit.
Gate (English: gate) is the gate to your plane.

Then, following the signs, you will need to proceed through pre-flight security. You will be asked to go through the gate and will be inspected for items prohibited for transportation. And border officials will check your passport and visa if necessary.

Please note that during security checks, when asked by security officers about the objects and substances you have, you should not make jokes, for example, “this is a bomb”, “this is drugs”, etc. Such answers are considered as a statement by the passenger about he has hazardous substances and items and may entail removal from the flight, and further investigation and prosecution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, up to and including the initiation of a criminal case under Art. 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Knowingly false report about an act of terrorism”).

On international flights, all passengers must go through customs control before check-in. During its passage you will see two corridors: “red” and “green”. They are indicated by inscriptions in Russian and English languages: “There are no goods subject to mandatory written declaration” (Nothing to declare) for the green corridor and “Goods to declare” for the red corridor.

Green corridor is intended for passengers who do not carry goods that are subject to mandatory written declaration.

Red- for passengers who have goods subject to mandatory written declaration, i.e. goods that are subject to customs duties, have cost and quantity restrictions, etc.

After completing these formalities, you will be taken to a waiting room where cafes and duty free shops are located.

When your flight is boarded, return to your gate and present your boarding pass and passport (not always required) to the airline representative. The boarding pass has a tear-off spine on the right, on which the basic information is duplicated. The airline representative will tear it off and give it to you. Keep your ticket until you receive your luggage upon arrival.

Boarding is announced several times over a loudspeaker; the same information is duplicated on the information board and above the gate itself.

If you get lost, go to any airport employee and they will help you find the right gate.

You will be put on a bus, which will take all passengers to the plane. Large airports have telescopic bridges that allow you to board the plane directly from the terminal.

What will happen on board the plane is no less interesting, so we advise you to read our article “Why and why on board the plane.” She will answer most of your questions, for example, why your ears clog during takeoff and landing, why turn off mobile phones and much more.

Upon arrival, you will be put on a bus again or across the bridge to the airport's arrival hall, where you will go through passport and customs control and pick up your luggage.

If you have a connecting flight, read our article “Transfer at the airport”. In it we will answer the most popular questions about transplantation.

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