Driving instructor at a driving school. Driving instructor - the essence of the profession, what a driving instructor should be

I learned to drive, like many village boys, when I was still a teenager. Having not yet received his license, he himself taught the boys on his father’s wreck in exchange for various little things. So I learned to explain patiently until the person gets it. In the army he was a driver, and in civilian life he became a taxi driver. When the child was born, I decided to do something calmer, and my friends advised me to look into a driving school. The path “taxi driver - driving instructor” is quite popular. But many become instructors “from the street.”

How to become a driving instructor?

There is a list of formal requirements for an instructor. It includes the presence driver's license; driving experience of at least 3 years; education not lower than secondary; certificate of completion of instructor courses. If you don’t have a certificate, but you have everything else, plus a specially equipped car, then you can become a private driving instructor.

To obtain this certificate, you must take a driving instructor course. They help refresh your memory of basic knowledge, and also provide information specifically for working with beginners, the basics of pedagogy and other little things. The courses are paid, about 10-15 thousand rubles.

Then you can look for vacancies on websites, but I would advise not to waste time, but to call schools directly and inquire. I called, and already at the third school I was invited for an interview.

What does a good driving instructor need?

First of all, experience. Not the number of years for show or tens of thousands of “known” kilometers, but good, strong experience. Of course, no serious accidents due to his fault, deprivation of rights, violations of rules traffic... in this case he will simply not be allowed to study.

And with experience comes a feeling for the car, the ability to make small repairs “on the spot” with your own hands, and knowledge of the secrets of moving around the city, legal ones, of course!

A desire to work in this profession is a must. Not because you like to turn the wheel - for this you can be a truck driver, a bus driver, and a courier. But because I want to teach people.

And here is the ability to teach. If you taught your wife, friend or son to drive, it doesn’t mean anything. You know your family and friends, but strangers are different! And girls who were bought a little red car, or boys who have been able to do everything for a long time and only need a piece of paper, and pensioners who want to catch up...

It is very important to have endurance. In a critical situation, do not scare the student with screams, but clearly and quickly solve the problem.

The instructor must also remember that he is a model of behavior for the student. Do not smoke in the car, do not look at your phone, do not yell obscenities at other drivers. Do not enter into conflicts - he is responsible not only for himself, but also for the student in the salon.

What does your work day look like?

I get up at 6 am, have breakfast, go to the garage, go through a medical examination, get a waybill, meet with the student - and it begins.... It all depends on the individual student. We can go to the city or practice the program at the race track. Then one shift ends and another begins, with a different student, based on his knowledge and needs.

If you tell it like this, then the working day looks dull and monotonous. In fact, I don’t notice boredom and routine: different people, there are both funny cases and acute situations, after which the adrenaline just boils (unfortunately!). I will never forget my student, a retired pediatrician, who decided to take up road trips around the region. Dashingly learned all the rules, mastered the car - and drove around the city, loudly and childishly swearing at all the violators.

Pros and cons of being a driving instructor?

New people, interesting – and sometimes useful! – acquaintances and connections. This is the biggest plus.

Minus - . In polite society they don’t talk about this, but I would like to warn novice instructors about the prevention of hemorrhoids. You also have to breathe in exhaust fumes, which also doesn’t add to your health.

What stereotypes about instructors have you encountered?

The most offensive is the supposedly huge salaries for simply sitting next to the student. You already understand that this is not just sitting next to each other. But salaries... In Moscow, an instructor is promised about 50 thousand rubles, in the provinces - about 20 thousand. Salary depends on the school. In large ones, well-stocked with clients, you can actually earn money (I just get 40 thousand), but in small schools or in unpopular categories, don’t expect anything significant.

What is the difference between a private instructor and a school one?

This is for those who already feel confident. Personally, I want to work as an instructor at a driving school for a few more years and only then switch to private training.

The advantages of a driving school are the presence of a government-owned car, the management takes care of the supply of students, and a stable salary. Disadvantages: the salary is small, the students are different, and you can’t choose your boss either.

The advantages of private instruction - work on own schedule, the ability to set your own prices. Disadvantages - there is no flow of clients, you need to advertise yourself, look for students. You need to take care of your personal car in good working order, re-equip it (install duplicate clutch and brake pedals) and register it as a training vehicle. And don’t forget the letter “U”! Such modernization is expensive, plus remember the price of gasoline, the need to constantly maintain the “sales appearance” of the car, the costs of related little things, registration of an individual entrepreneur...

A private instructor can charge from 500 to 1,500 rubles per hour, or even more, but will you be able to withstand the competition, will you be able to properly advertise yourself and maintain a constant flow of clients? I doubt myself, so for now I work at a driving school.

You can combine private lessons and work at a driving school, but I’m not ready to spend 20 hours in a car, it gets boring.

What should novice instructors be warned about?

There is one little-known point that, unfortunately, some people encounter. There is always competition between driving schools, a struggle for new students. Dirty methods are also used - for example, “fake” reviews. The instructor's name is taken at random from the driving school's website and a devastating review is written about his incompetence, unprofessionalism, and if the review is from a girl, then about his attempts. Management begins to find out whether such a student actually existed, whether this instructor worked in those days, and it often turns out that the review is slanderous. But, as they say, “the spoons were found, but the sediment remained.”

Do not mess with dishonest instructors. “Experienced” colleagues may advise you on how to get additional profit - don’t fall for it! I will not talk about the moral side of the issue, I will only say that all these tricks are known to the managers, and sooner or later such an instructor will be kicked out. If you don't like your salary, resolve the issue with management or change schools.

Be very careful with students. This is funny only in staged videos, jokes or TV series; in reality, everything can end very sadly.

And – this is very important when you teach women! – immediately place emphasis on “teacher” and “student”. In a cramped car, you will often have to touch the student, take him by the arm or shoulder, touch his hip so that he places his foot correctly. If you do not immediately outline the boundaries and boundaries, misunderstandings may arise. Although there are now female instructors in driving schools, so girls are more likely to choose them.

Driving teaching has been my main job since 2002, I became a driving instructor after receiving my diploma Higher education, I think that I was not mistaken in my choice, huge amount grateful drivers is my calling card.

I have a huge practical experience driving lessons, as a current driving instructor at the Avtofactor driving school, I teach everyone who needs to obtain stable skills in accident-free driving: both from zero level and with the aim of restoring or improving driving skills with any vehicle of category “B”.

Driving experience since 1995, license categories “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”. Work experience from the driver of more cargo to the foreman of a truck repair shop. Since 2004 I have been working as a driving school instructor. I pass on my knowledge of driving cars of different brands, for everyone who wants to learn how to drive a car safely.

Driving experience over 25 years, categories “A”, “B”, “C”. I teach how to drive a car. I’ll tell you, show you, and explain the features and subtleties of driving in the difficult conditions of a metropolis. I professionally help restore lost driving skills different classes and categories.

Driving license categories "B", "C" and "D", driving experience from 18 years. I have been working as a driving instructor for more than 12 years. The main thing in the learning process is to teach the student not only to perform assigned tasks, but also to be aware of his every action. I think the most important thing in driving a car is Safety, not only yours, but also that of other road users.

Teaching experience in teaching driving a car for more than 15 years, driving for over 25 years. I create comfortable conditions for learning to drive that help overcome fear and uncertainty when driving a car in different conditions. I teach you to analyze and understand the situation on the roads in order to make the right (possibly the only) decision.

A native Muscovite, a resident of the Sokol district, I have a Nordic character and a noble sense of humor, and is a non-smoker. My goal is to teach accident-free driving of a car with any characteristics corresponding to category “B”. My approach to teaching is based on the individual abilities of each of my students, the main requirement on my part is your desire to learn.

In a calm environment, I teach safe and comfortable driving. Individual approach to each student. Training is possible at any level and at any time convenient for you. Resilient in stressful situations.

Impressive driving experience. Sixth year as a driving instructor vehicles category "B". Master of Sports in Greco-Roman wrestling. Experience working not only with adults, but also with children. The principle of learning from simple to complex.

The profession of a driving instructor is always in demand. Every day the number of cars on the roads is growing, and along with them the number of drivers who need help in learning to drive is increasing. Some people decide to start training new drivers on their own, while others find this profession on their own. It happens that regular clients ask a taxi driver to teach driving, after which the person decides to work as an instructor. It also happens that a person consciously wants to make a living in this way. So how to become a driving instructor at a driving school and what do you need for this?

We have to agree with the statement that really good instructors in cities can easily be counted on one hand.

Few people manage to masterfully combine excellent driving and the ability to convey their knowledge to a student, so those people who feel not just the desire, but also the ability to teach should become teachers.

What does it take to become a driving instructor?

To get a clear understanding of how to become a driving instructor, you need to study list of requirements for a future teacher, without which working as a driving instructor is simply impossible:

  • You must have a driver's license (starting from category B);
  • Car driving experience (at least 3 years of experience);
  • Impeccable knowledge of traffic rules;
  • Availability of a specially equipped car, as well as documents for it;
  • Certificate of completion of instructor courses.

If you have all the points in your driving record except the last one, then you can teach driving only as a private instructor (to persons who have a category B license, but have no driving experience). This good option income for those who study only from time to time.

Driving instructor training

To engage in teaching activities at a driving school, need to take courses driving instructor. At the end of the course, you not only receive a document, but also the knowledge of how to properly communicate with a beginner, as well as with students who have had driving experience in the past and now want to restore or refresh their skills. The courses also teach the peculiarities of driving during the hours of the most intense traffic, when even the most experienced driver makes serious mistakes.

A successful combination of theory and practice will allow the cadet to be competent in issues related to driving rules, regulations and documents, as well as teach his students “from scratch.” In addition, during the courses you can learn how to competently build your advertising campaign, which will help attract new customers, as well as learn how and where it is better to re-equip your car and register necessary documents for its refurbishment.

Prices for instructor courses start in 2019 from 12 thousand rubles for 1.5 – 2 months of classes. After completing the training, the easiest way is to find a new job in a driving school. To do this, you need to submit a resume or call several driving schools to get information about available open vacancies.

Options for working as an instructor

There are 2 options for working as a driving instructor: in a driving school or privately. Advantages of working in a driving school:

  • Providing the driving school with a specially equipped car;
  • Ensuring a constant flow of students;
  • Stable salary.

If you are inspired by the prospects of working for yourself, then you need to take care of re-equipping your car (install an additional pedal) and registering it, since traffic police officers, when stopping a training car, check for driver's license, registration certificates, insurance, instructor certificate and additional pedals.

Choosing between a driving school and own business, one should also take into account the fact that the private market cannot always to the fullest ensure a stable flow of clients. Agree, it is quite difficult to predict how many students and individual lessons will be this month. Driving school employees are free from such worries, since most often students try to pass full course classes to successfully pass exams. Choose for yourself which of the two types of teaching is closer to you, but do not forget that the main thing in teaching is maintaining constant contact with the student, the ability to interest him and set him up to get an excellent result.

Are you a good driver? Have you taught many of your friends and they were satisfied? Maybe it’s worth changing your profession to a more profitable one that is always in demand? Have you ever thought about becoming a driving instructor?

Of course, for such a decisive step you will need not only to draw up a whole package of relevant documents, become more disciplined and responsible, but also, most likely, to re-equip your car.

Doesn't it scare you? Are you ready to do all this to achieve your goal? Then let's start in order.

Section 1. How to become a driving instructor? What does it take to get your first students?

A couple of years ago, I finally decided to fulfill my dream and learn to drive a car. The most difficult thing was finding a suitable teacher. Of course, there are plenty of driving schools in my city. But, nevertheless, very often, unfortunately, we hear about what torture turns into practical exercises, how would-be teachers yell at their already grown-up and long-established students. This, to be honest, was very frightening. I pathologically cannot stand it when people raise their voices at me and I prefer to enjoy everything I do, especially for my own money.

I asked my friends and, in the end, they recommended a private teacher. Dozens of newcomers sought to learn from him, and given the fact that an individual driving instructor receives a salary depending on the number of students, it means, you know, to be good specialist profitable.

Who can become him? According to the requirements put forward, such a person must have no less than three years of driving experience, then, of course, he must have a car equipped with any gearbox (although sometimes cars are rented by the driving school administration). No less important are (better, of course, the presence special education), good diction and the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly.

Section 2. How to become a driving instructor at a driving school?

If you decide to work as an instructor in some nearby driving school, then the task is greatly simplified. The only thing you will need to decide is how exactly you are going to teach, i.e. in a government car or in your own car. No matter what you choose, there will be both advantages and disadvantages. As we know, there is no perfect job.

  • By car driving school. You will be faced with the fact that the salary will be quite modest, but, according to experienced ones, it is usually made up for due to insignificant theft of gasoline, unnoticed by the management, as well as additional, already individual, classes during overtime, or rewards for trying to “slightly a little help when passing the traffic police exams.
  • On own car. Here, in addition to the funds allocated for gasoline, the driving school will also financially cover all costs of repairs and re-equipment. It turns out that the salary will be higher. Again, private lessons and “help” have not been canceled.

Section 3. Self-employed private instructor. How profitable is this?

Now this is more interesting, right? It seemed, well, what could be simpler than submitting an ad like this: “ Experienced driver offers private driving lessons. I’ll teach you how to drive your own car, feeling the clutch and feeling the dimensions!”

It is guaranteed that even if you yourself don’t really know how to drive, 3-4 clients (and most likely, these will be women) a month will still call you back and inquire about such lessons, the main thing is to present yourself more beautifully. It seems that everything is quite simple, however, it is illegal. Those. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, even if you ask your neighbor to weld you additional pedals so that you can brake at any second, and attach the “U” badge, you will still face a significant fine.

Section 4. How to become a driving instructor and register everything correctly?

  1. You will need a special certificate giving you the right to engage in this type of teaching activity. To obtain it, you must contact ROSTO (DOSAAF).
  2. Modify your car properly. And don’t forget to take the entire package of documents from the service. You will need it in order to register already
  3. At the regional traffic police office, we fill out a form for making changes to the design of the car and certify it with the seal of the chief.
  4. We receive a certificate stating that your car does not pose a threat to road safety.
  5. And finally, we register with the city tax office as

That's probably all. Now you can safely look for students and sincerely rejoice at their successes and the results of the work you do.

In conditions of a budget deficit and the freezing of many socially significant payments, rising prices and unemployment, citizens are looking for options for part-time work. One of them is providing car instruction services, but for this you need to work for a company. And if you want to earn extra money on a freelance basis, you will have to open an individual entrepreneur and go through several more procedures for preparing a car and documents, as well as actively advertise your services and monitor demand.

What are the options?

There are actually 2 ways to work as a driving teacher:

  • get a job at a driving school;
  • work for yourself - privately.

Of course, receive teacher education It is not required to teach other people to drive.

But there are a number of requirements without which you will not be able to instruct future drivers:

  • you yourself must have the category of license that you are going to teach (read also what it depends on): if you are a motorcycle trainer, you must have a category “A” driver’s license, if passenger cars- “B”, etc.;
  • You must have at least 3 years of driving experience in this category;
  • It is mandatory to take driving instructor courses and receive a certificate of successful completion;
  • the car on which you will train drivers must be equipped with additional pedals - clutch and brake;
  • As a teacher, you must have an excellent knowledge of the current legislation in the field of traffic - the rules themselves and the sanctions for violating them.

At the same time, you can give lessons to drivers who already have a license, but want to gain experience or polish their habits without having a certificate of completion of special courses. But the driving school only accepts applicants with completed courses.

How to get an instructor's certificate

You need to enroll in a course of classes that provide various educational institutions, incl. the driving schools themselves. Often driving schools, when publishing a vacancy, report that training will be provided at their own school.

During lessons they give information:

  • teaching methodology;
  • correct communication with the student for his better mastery of the material;
  • learning various figures with the student - turning around, climbing an overpass, parallel parking, driving into a garage, etc.;
  • correct behavior when traveling with a student to the city, especially with heavy traffic;
  • current legislation in the field of traffic rules and traffic police.

As a rule, the program lasts no more than 1 month - depends on the number of classes per week. The cost varies across Russia, but averages 5,000-15,000 rubles, depending on the duration, scale of training, the center’s place in the market and other factors.

Options for working as a driving instructor

The salary of practical driving masters in driving schools depends on the number of students and hours of driving per day.

Some institutions provide their own car park, and then you do not have to worry about the car and its conversion. But at the same time, the salary may decrease, since the owner bears the costs for the car.

Some schools hire instructors with a personal car, and the repair and maintenance of the car is also the responsibility of its owner. The advantage of this method is that, as a rule, the driving master pays the driving school a certain amount every month for providing students, and that’s all. All income from the classes remains with the teacher himself, and the monthly contribution is usually small - for example, you pay 1,000 rubles to the school, which distributes the students among its teachers, and they then independently receive money for the classes.

If work in an institution is structured on the principle of a fixed salary and interest for students, then anyway, students themselves often ask to study with them outside of class, and this becomes additional income for the teacher.

Self-paced learning

If you want to work as a private teacher, then you need:

  • re-equip the car and register the changes with the traffic police;
  • obtain a certificate yourself;
  • create an individual entrepreneur and choose a tax regime.

How to convert a car? The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Visit the traffic police department at your place of residence and submit an application addressed to the boss to make changes to the design of the car in the form of installing additional pedals opposite the front passenger seat.
  2. After the application is approved, select a car service that will carry out the modification. The procedure takes several days and costs about 15,000 rubles on average across the country.
  3. Request from the car service center all the repair documentation that you need to submit to the MREO.
  4. Purchase student signs and install them on your car.
  5. Re-register with MREO. Receive a new STS and PTS based on the result.

You can obtain a practical driving master's certificate at various training centers, also on a paid basis.

How to open an individual entrepreneur? It's simple:

  1. Pay the state fee of 800 rubles at any bank. You can do this via the Internet - in the “office” of your bank or through an electronic wallet. Be sure to save the electronic receipt and then print it out.
  2. Take form P21001 and fill it out - you need to indicate your passport details and select a code economic activity according to OKVED-2.
  3. With all the documents, visit the tax authority at your place of residence and submit an application at the accounting and registration window. The registrar will accept the papers and issue a receipt with the expected date of completion of the result.
  4. Appear on the appointed day and receive a OGRN certificate or refusal. A refusal is issued if there are errors or inconsistencies in the documents.

Taxes and registration

Now you need to choose a tax regime, otherwise the Federal Tax Service will automatically transfer you to common system taxes, and you will have to pay personal income tax, VAT and property tax.

The following modes are available for instructors:

  • patent system;
  • simplified system.

Of course, it is more profitable and easier to use patent system. To switch to it, immediately after registration you need to apply for a patent and select its validity period - from one month to 12 months.

You can also register an individual entrepreneur remotely:

  • on the portal "State Services";
  • through " Personal account taxpayer" on the Federal Tax Service website.

In both cases you need to have account, and its registration is possible in the department itself or in the MFC. You can also submit an application to the MFC without contacting the Federal Tax Service directly if visiting it is difficult.