We think like an experienced driver. Getting ready for theory: how to quickly learn traffic rules

Ability to drive a car in modern world- a necessity that not only simplifies life, but also expands horizons, provides additional features. But how to master this skill and how to quickly learn traffic rules?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

  • pedestrians and cyclists;
  • cars and trucks;
  • motorcyclists and horse-drawn vehicles.

All of them must be guided by them while on the roadway or sidewalk. It is important to know and understand traffic rules everywhere. The traffic rules include all important and vital necessary knowledge, terms and concepts that have been collected, tested, and systematized over many years. They are designed to ensure the safety of all road users, protect them from accidents, breakdowns, conflict situations and unpleasant meetings with representatives of the traffic police.

Is it possible to learn traffic rules in 1 day?

In order to receive the coveted driver's license, you must pass an exam, which consists of a practical and theoretical part. While the first can still be dealt with somehow, the second evokes a feeling of fear in both experienced drivers and most driving school students.

Search engines often ask the question: is it possible to learn traffic tickets in 1 day and, in general, how long does it take to learn a theoretical course for a young driver? You can learn it in order to simply pass it and forget it in a day, overnight, or even in 3 hours, as some online resources suggest. But will it be effective? Will such a driver be able to behave correctly on the road in a difficult or critical situation? Does he have enough experience and knowledge? It's up to you to decide how to choose, easy and fast or effective way learn all 120 new traffic rules tickets.

Simple and in a fast way It is considered to be memorizing the rules, memorizing them without understanding the essence, without understanding. In no case should we forget that the health and lives of many people and their safety depend on the behavior of all participants on the road and their knowledge.

You can learn traffic rules in 1 day, but in this case they will be of very little use and benefit (unless, of course, you have the ability to remember and digest large amounts of information in a minimum amount of time).

How to effectively learn traffic rules?

You can effectively learn the rules of the road using a combination of several methods:

  • understanding the importance of the information contained in the textbook;
  • constantly attending lectures at a driving school;
  • independent study of theoretical foundations;
  • application of theory in practice.

It is the observance of all these points that can guarantee that you will successfully pass the exams in 2017 and master all 120 tickets.


Regarding practical classes, then this is an integral part of studying the road regulations. You will do your first skills together with an instructor. This is the easiest way to feel confident on the road, analyze your actions and find best solution V difficult situations. Important point: Don't be afraid to ask. Even if the situation seems as simple as shelling pears to you, ask again, test your skills, make sure your judgment is correct.

Passive practice - observing the actions of an experienced driver - will also be useful for you. If you are still using public transport, then try to take a place from which the actions of the bus driver will be clearly visible. Don't be afraid to go for a ride with some of your family or friends, observe their actions and reflect on different situations, which may be in the new 2017 exam papers. Even when traveling by taxi, do not be afraid to ask the driver about the points that interest you. It is he who will be able to explain even the most complex and lengthy theory in an abbreviated form in an accessible and simple manner.

How to quickly learn traffic tickets?

It is still possible to learn traffic tickets quickly and easily. The main thing is understanding the process, motivation and the ability to apply theory to practice.

Driving school teachers often hear questions: “I can’t learn all 120 tickets, what should I do?” “Is it difficult to remember such a volume of information?”, “How to easily and quickly cope with traffic rules?”, “What is the easiest way to pass a category B, C driver’s license?” To help in such situations, experienced teachers and drivers give some advice to beginners.

First of all, you need to understand general provisions traffic rules and learn the main participants and objects on the road. This:

  • traffic inspector and driver;
  • traffic lights and road signs(there are permanent and temporary);
  • road markings;
  • pedestrians.

You can easily learn road signs in game form. To do this, you should buy special toy signs or make them yourself and place them around the house. Constantly stumbling upon them, you can easily remember the necessary information and simulate many different situations.

Considered no less effective computer programs, which you can download for free or use online. They offer to answer many questions that are similar to those in the exam papers, resolve a traffic situation or find the culprit of an accident. Equally popular are simulators where you can try yourself as a driver and improve your practical skills. The advantages of such programs are that they are free and have several difficulty levels, which is perfect for an inexperienced driver.

Mnemonics or method of associations

Many people use this method of quickly and easily remembering information without even realizing what they are doing. The essence of the method is that in order to assimilate data, we need to build associative series, come up with abbreviations or rhymes that will lead us to the correct answer.


When studying the rules of the road to pass the exam, you can use the above methods and techniques and come up with your own approach to mastering knowledge. But you must remember one thing - not only your life and health or the condition of the car, but also the lives of other road users depend on the quality and effectiveness of what you have learned, so take this task very seriously. And even if it won’t be as fast as we would like, it will be safe and correct.

Every year there are more and more drivers on the roads. But before getting behind the wheel, a person must pass several exams, one of which is theoretical. How to learn traffic rules faster? Most likely, many people are concerned about this very question before the exams begin.

To truly feel professional driver, you should study the traffic rules. Rules that are learned and known can help a lot on the road. In addition, in order to move on to the next stage of exams, it is necessary to pass the theory. You should know that there is no need to “cram” tickets by heart - it will be enough to simply understand their essence, delve into the problem itself and understand its solution.

At the very beginning, you will need a specific ticket out of forty offered. Each of them is supposed to have twenty questions. There is no need to look for any patterns in order, since they simply do not exist. All you need to know in order to answer the question of how to quickly learn traffic rules is traffic regulations. There will be no other third-party issues on the tickets. And you don’t have to wait for tasks that you haven’t taken. In addition, each ticket will have pictures and several answer options from which you must choose the correct one. If there are more than two mistakes, you will fail the exam.

So, in order to understand how to learn traffic rules faster, you need to be guided by several rules.

Firstly, you need to fully learn the signs, signals given by traffic controllers and traffic lights. In addition, you can answer first those questions to which you already know the answers. And only after solving them will it be possible to move on to more complex tasks. You shouldn’t rely on luck, because at the very last moment it can let you down. If you want to get a positive mark, you need to study the tickets often to know the supposed essence of the task.

Secondly, you must remember that if there is a picture on the ticket, then the question will be asked based on it. One of the answers to the question of how to learn traffic rules faster is to carefully study the task and the image. You should not rush and answer without thinking, since in most cases haste and fuss do not lead to anything good. Only after the picture has been carefully studied and all the facts have been compared can you safely answer the question.

Thirdly, sometimes resolving traffic tickets can be complicated due to the complexity of the situation. But in this case, you just need to correctly understand the whole meaning of the question. And you shouldn’t forget that you’ve already studied it.

And do not forget that you should approach any part, including the theoretical one, with all your responsibility. The more carefully you understand issues related to driving, the easier it will be for you to pass the test itself. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s driving or theory. At the right approach The tasks being solved will not cause you any difficulties. Therefore, study the rules and know that everything will work out for you.

Every year the number of cars Russian roads is growing steadily. Accordingly, the number of students in driving schools is increasing. Nowadays, no one is surprised by teenagers sitting at desks next to women of about 50. It’s good if a future driver can devote everything free time studying tickets. Otherwise, the question of how to learn traffic rules faster will become one of the most pressing.

Here are some tips to help you cope with this difficult task.

What topics are included in the ticket?

No matter how trivial it may sound, in order to learn something, you need to teach it. There is no magic pill with which you can pass the exam without even looking at the tickets. It takes at least a day, or even better, two days to consolidate the material.

How to learn traffic rules faster with a minimum of time? First, you should understand the essence of the tasks. All tickets are divided into several topics (there are 24 of them in the rules). The ticket includes 1-2 questions from each topic, and some, for example, the use of special signals, may not be there at all. General provisions will necessarily be included: who is a participant in the movement, what a road is, and others. As a rule, it is enough to read these questions once; they are quite simple and do not require memorization. Be sure to touch on the topics first first aid or actions in case of an accident. They don’t require anything fantastic - before you can easily learn the traffic rules related to this topic, it’s enough to remember the school life safety course to get your bearings on the topic of how to stop bleeding, apply bandages or transport the victim.

Traffic controller signs

There are a number of topics that do not need to be taught, but simply understood and taken apart. These include traffic controller signs and intersections. If a person is puzzled by the question of how easier it is to learn traffic rules, they should start with them.

The basic principle of movement according to a signal from a traffic controller is from sleeve to sleeve. Remembering this simple rule, the student will always answer correctly when returning the ticket. If the traffic controller is standing with his back, consider that he is standing as a “wall” - movement is prohibited. If sideways or in front, then you need to imagine the trajectory of movement, conditionally entering one sleeve and leaving the second. For example, a traffic controller stands in front of the car with his right arm extended, his left at his sides. We draw a mental line: arm-shoulder line, arm. The imaginary line will go to the right, which means the car can turn right.

Driving through intersections

Crossroads pose considerable difficulties for students. Here, too, there is a set of rules, once you understand them, you can click difficult questions on this topic like seeds. The most famous of them is the right hand rule. It states that when driving through an equivalent intersection, you need to give way to vehicles on the right. Accordingly, there is no need to let cars on the left pass; you can pass first. True, this rule applies if all participants in the movement are in an equal position. If one of them is prohibited or allowed to move by a traffic light or road signs indicate the priority of one of the roads, they should move according to the instructions of the signs.

If a person is wondering how to learn traffic rules tickets, then he should remember one more simple rule concerning such a traffic participant as a tram. It says: the tram is large and iron - we let it pass. He is skipped if he is on the right, he is skipped if he is on the left, he is always skipped.

Road signs are a priority

Novice drivers should also understand that the direction of movement and the order of passage of intersections are primarily regulated by road signs, then by traffic light signs, and only then by the right-hand rule. For example, a traffic light allows you to move in a given direction, but there is a “brick” hanging at the entrance. Since the sign takes precedence over the traffic light signal, traffic in this direction will be prohibited.

A person who doesn’t know how to learn traffic rules faster and wants to get an answer to his question should understand that he still can’t do it without cramming. There are topics in which there is little help life experience and the ability to think logically. First of all, these are the rules of stopping and parking, starting to move and maneuvering and, of course, road signs.

Making a training plan

How to learn traffic rules faster? A plan should be made. Determine for yourself the most difficult moments and start with them. Secondly, understand exactly how you best perceive information. By ear? Rewriting the answer to a question? Looking at the picture? Having determined for yourself the most effective way of learning, you should focus on it. It is best to start well rested and well-slept, taking 10-minute breaks every half hour. The next day you need to consolidate what you have learned by repeating it. On the Internet you can easily find sites offering to take the exam online. Such tests are useful because they give an idea of real level preparation, and also allow you to identify problem areas. In some major cities There are 3-D simulators that help to recreate a real picture of traffic, but they are not available to everyone.

The rules change too

It should also be remembered that in our world everything is constantly changing, including traffic rules; 2014 was no exception in this regard. The changes introduced in April primarily concern cyclists and regulate the rules of conduct on the roads for them. Therefore, when using an online check, make sure that it is compiled taking into account the latest changes.

Studying theory before practice

Training in a driving school takes place in 3 stages: studying the theoretical part, training the basic elements of driving on the site and going to the city. As a rule, the first two stages take place simultaneously, but the last one requires at least minimal knowledge Traffic rules If the student missed a lot at the very beginning, then already at this stage he will have to wonder how to quickly learn the traffic rules before his first trip around the city.

In this case, everything is much simpler - the instructor will not immediately take a novice driver to difficult junctions or highways. For the first time, it will be enough to learn the priority signs, rules for driving through intersections, and instructional signs. In addition, nothing terrible will happen if the student honestly admits before the first trip that he is not strong in theory. This is why training exists, to understand unfamiliar issues.

Good knowledge of traffic rules, first of all, is a question of the safety of you, your passengers, and other road users, secondly, a question of the integrity of your precious vehicle, and, perhaps, only then, an argument for getting the coveted driver's license. Therefore, seeing the situation on our roads, it would be worthwhile to replace the question “how to quickly learn traffic rules” with the question “how to learn traffic rules well.” But, nevertheless, with desire and certain mental efforts, these questions can still be combined.

Before moving on to direct recommendations on how to quickly learn traffic tickets, I’ll share personal experience. The very first rule that my father taught me when he put me behind the wheel of a car, and the rule that over the course of 20 years has saved my health, nerves and, possibly, life more than once - the “3 D” rule, that is, “Give Way to a Fool” . And there are enough of them on the roads... And, in the event of an accident and, God forbid, your injury, it is unlikely that life will somehow be made easier by the realization that you were right and he was wrong. Moreover, in the traffic rules there is a clause about “the need to take all measures to prevent an accident,” which unscrupulous representatives of the traffic police like to manipulate, even if you are 100% right. That is, when driving into any more or less uncertain and dangerous area, be it an intersection (even if you are driving along the main road), a road near playgrounds, educational institutions, beer establishments, etc., you need to be in a state of heightened attention in order to prevent possible problems.

Now let's move on to the traffic rules themselves.

Basic principles of the Rules of the Road
First of all, you need to understand that traffic rules are very logical and even where you have not learned something or forgotten something, your “on” head and logic will save you. Therefore, if you are faced with the question of how to learn traffic rules in a day, then, first of all, get to grips with the signs and road markings.

1. Traffic signs. They are divided into 7 groups:

  • warning signs (mostly on a white triangle with a red frame + road turn signs with red and white arrows + warnings of approaching railway tracks with red and white stripes and crosses);
  • prohibiting (on a white circle with a red frame + signs of lifting restrictions - a white circle with a black frame crossed out by five lines);
  • prescriptive (on a blue circle with a white frame);
  • priority (there are 6 in total different types— it won’t be difficult to learn, especially since these are one of the most common and important signs);
  • signs for signs (on white rectangles with black frames, usually paired with signs from other groups, clarifying them);
  • informational and signposting (mostly on a blue rectangle with a white frame + on a yellow or green rectangle + white or blue signs with city names);
  • Service signs are signs informing about the presence of any services nearby (white squares with information inserted into blue vertical rectangles).

Why did we focus so much on the general appearance signs? Because understanding by appearance, the direction of the sign (it prohibits, warns, etc.) and seeing the drawing, you can easily guess what it wants to tell us.

But it’s still worth going over the text of the rules for each group: there are, at first glance, very unexpected nuances that can later, at a minimum, keep the contents of your wallet more intact when meeting with a representative of the road inspection.

2. Road markings. At first glance it may seem very tricky, but in fact everything is very simple: you cannot cross solid lines, and you can only change lanes between broken ones. Very often duplicated appropriate signs. One careful, thoughtful reading of the section is enough for everything to become clear.

3. The most difficult sections of the road are intersections - this is where troubles most often occur. Therefore, understand the rules for their passage:

  • If there is a traffic light, the rule familiar to us from childhood applies: we drive only when it is green (constantly lit!, not blinking).
  • If the traffic light is in “flashing yellow” mode or is not there at all, we act in accordance with the instructions of the signs (see paragraph 1).
  • If there are no signs, then there are two options: a) you are leaving from an obvious side road, for example, from a dirt road onto the highway - in this case, you need to let all traffic pass along the main road and only then, after waiting for a safe moment, leave;

    b) the roads are equivalent - in this case the “interference on the right” rule applies, i.e. you must let all the traffic on your right pass, and then move in the right direction.

  • If there is a traffic controller at the intersection, then regardless of the presence of traffic lights and signs, we only obey him. You can only leave your place if: a) the inspector is standing with his side to you (either side), his arms are out to the sides or both arms are down - in this case you can only drive straight and to the right;

    b) directed at you right hand with a stick, the inspector is facing you, and his second hand is directed to your right - movement only to the right;

    c) the traffic controller stands with his left shoulder towards you, and his right hand is directed to your left - in this case you can drive in any direction.

Please note special attention on the rules for regulating the movement of the tram - they are slightly different, but in any case, if your trajectories intersect, you are obliged to give way to it.

As you can see, it is enough to learn and understand a few fundamental points and all the answers in traffic tickets will become clear and self-evident. The main thing: ask yourself the question in which case an accident will not occur.

But, in addition to solving the question of how to quickly learn traffic rules, you need to learn how to apply them in life and quickly navigate situations on the roads - and this is practice and practice again.

Good luck to you and “neither nail nor rod”!

The human brain is a very practical thing. He remembers only what, for some reason, seems important to him, and discards what is unimportant. The brain considers abstract numbers and obscure phrases informational garbage, which should be, if not gotten rid of, then put into the farthest memory closet. Therefore, attempts to memorize traffic rules from a book will most likely be futile.

In order for numbers and clerical language to be interesting and memorable, they need to be made less abstract, more alive.

1. Add a little personal touch

A rough example: if you were once fined for jaywalking in the wrong place, you will remember for a long time when you can cross the roadway and when you shouldn’t.

However, you don’t have to face fines. Just try to try on the points set out in the traffic rules for yourself.

For example, if you currently travel by tram rather than by car, find this an advantage: the tram is always right. This is an accessible, personal presentation of one of the basic principles of traffic rules: when equal rights the tram has priority over others when traveling vehicles regardless of the direction of movement.

By relating the theory to personal experience, you will be able to crack the tram problems in the exam without any difficulty.

2. Laugh

Laughter reduces the level of cortisol, a stress hormone that inhibits the functions of the hippocampus. And this area of ​​the brain is responsible for translating information into lasting memories. In addition, when we laugh, the level of feel-good endorphins in the body increases.

The net effect is that if you laugh, you will remember the information that made you laugh better than any other information. Tales, jokes, caricatures about traffic - great way record traffic rules in memory.

In Russia, new highway markings have been introduced - three solid lines. They mean the same thing as two or one, but something must be done!


Unlike the traffic police test, you will have an unlimited number of attempts. Bring solving traffic rules problems to the point of automaticity - and your driver’s license is almost in your pocket!