Why do you dream of stealing your own or someone else’s car? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about your car being stolen, interpretation of the dream for men and women.

In any dream, on a subconscious level, we often see what we want to do or receive in reality. But this does not mean that buying a car will happen in real life. A dream can have a completely different meaning, and to interpret it, you need to consult a dream book. In our article we will look at why you dream about car theft. Let's try to interpret this dream depending on the details, actions and persons that occurred or were present in the dream.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

The interpretation of a dream about a car being stolen is directly related to the dreamer’s subconscious desire for something new. This person is clearly missing something in real life. Moreover, these can be both material benefits and new sensations or aspirations to achieve set goals. A sleeping person plans the future and looks for opportunities in his dreams to make his dreams come true.

An interesting interpretation of such a dream is given by the famous psychologist Miller in his dream book. What does he mean in dreams of car theft, in his opinion? Miller recommends remembering who the car thief was and what he looked like. If this person was wearing a uniform, then most likely you will face conflict and trouble at work. Try to analyze the situation to avoid this in reality. If the clothes were homemade or casual, then the sleeping person will probably have a reason for jealousy and a reason for a quarrel with his loved one. Timely interpretation of the dream will help him prepare for such a turn of events.

I dreamed about car theft: the meaning of the dream

Have you witnessed a car theft in a dream? If the object is a car, then this is a warning to the sleeping person about what may happen in the near future. In most cases, such an event carries negative energy. From this it is easy to guess why a careerist dreams of car theft. He will lose the respect of his colleagues and superiors and lose the chance of getting a promotion.

A dream related to the theft of a car, which was dreamed by a family man, may promise him a divorce or a break in the relationship. But most often it only means a quarrel with a loved one.

A businessman who sees such a dream will also not be very happy with its interpretation. Stealing a car means for him the disruption of negotiations or the signing of serious documents, as well as changes in his work schedule.

Why do you dream about your own car being stolen?

This is perhaps one of the most unpleasant dreams, which the car owner can see. Nobody wants to become a victim of theft, regardless of whether it happened in a dream or in reality. But according to the dream book, such a dream can only be interpreted as a reverent attitude towards one’s own movable property.

Why you dream of stealing a car that belongs to a sleeping person depends on the details. For example, if your friend was the hijacker, you will receive a lucrative offer or promotion career ladder. This is a very pleasant interpretation. The same dream can mean the appearance of prospects on the horizon, pleasant chores and positive changes in your life.

Thus, a dream that initially had a negative meaning brings positive changes in life and is not capable of leading to losses.

Stealing someone else's car in a dream

Have you witnessed a car theft? Such a dream also has a certain meaning and needs accurate interpretation. Now let's figure out why you dream about car theft if it is someone else's and you are just a witness to the crime?

Such a dream most likely means that you will become a mediator in real life. Perhaps you can reconcile your friends by acting as a peacemaker. Also, such a dream may mean that you will become an intermediary in the field of trade.

New acquaintances are promised by a dream in which a car was stolen during daylight hours. If at this time there was deep night, expect troubles from colleagues and the machinations of competitors. Such a dream will make you take a closer look at them. If the hijackers were your friends or acquaintances, then beware of them. They may turn out to be dishonest.

A dream in which you saw a car being stolen may also mean that in reality you envy someone’s talent. A dream is a sign to direct your strength in this direction and achieve the same success.

Who is the hijacker?

Have you ever stolen a car in a dream? If you happen to play such a negative character in your own dream, then this is a sign. No, there is no need to steal a car, because a dream is just our subconscious, a reflection of our other desires. If you see such a dream, start acting. Now is the time to repay all the grievances, to do what you have dreamed of for so long.

In general, a dream in which the sleeper is a hijacker indicates his domineering nature, the obvious qualities of a manipulator. This person is used to using his charm and ingenuity to achieve his goal in life.

An interesting interpretation has a dream in which the thief is a woman. This means that she will have the opportunity to steal her lover from a friend or another girl. Whether or not to commit such an act in reality depends on her.

Why does a girl dream about car theft?

The interpretation of a dream depends, among other things, on who happened to see it. For example, why does a girl dream about her own car being stolen? Such a dream promises her disappointment in her loved one. A car is a lover, and the fact that it can be stolen (taken away) is already a reason to think about his tendency to cheat. This means that it should always be kept in sight and not left alone, just like a car in an unfamiliar place.

Such a dream has a completely different meaning if you dreamed it married woman. The dream gives her a sign that she can again become weak and defenseless, continuing to enjoy her position. If such a woman in real life is strong leader with a strong character, then the dream interprets her as a sensual nature, which is vulnerable and weak, but does not want to appear like that in front of male and female competitors.

Vanga’s dream book gives an interpretation of a dream in which a stolen car is returned to its owner. Such a dream means that the sleeper will receive gratitude for a previously rendered service. In another dream book, the return of the car is interpreted as a successful resolution of the upcoming problem.

What does it mean if a car is stolen in a dream? Maybe your car was stolen or you yourself stole someone else's car and are trying to figure out the meaning strange dream. Let’s try to clarify the situation and find out why you dream that a car was stolen according to dream books and basic interpretations.

A car is a means of transportation, transport. In a dream, transport is a way to achieve a goal.

The dream reflects your fears and most important dreams. At the same time, dreams are based on life realities. If you dream of a heavenly Porsche, but work as a turner or a security guard, your subconscious mind tells you that you can only steal the desired car. Even in a branded salon, arrogant clerks - managers will not allow you to take a test drive. A dream in which you steal a car has a positive meaning. You are stubborn, determined, and strive for speed and efficiency. In reality, you won’t have to steal anything, it’s your own personal qualities will help you realize your dreams and achieve your goals without any problems.

If you stole a car in a dream, this does not mean that you are ready for a criminal career. It would be stupid and too cheap. You just want to have the right tools to move towards your dreams. Carefully inspect the stolen car, and you will be able to guess a lot about yourself from its characteristics and appearance.

Car parameters in a dream

Appearance and technical specifications a car can say a lot about the dreamer’s habits.

  • A fast car means the habit of quick success in everything, however, such success is often fleeting and does not bring pleasure.
  • Simple operation - love for transparent and understandable operating schemes, manual gearbox - high need for personal control. Large quantity switches - deliberate complication of the ordinary, tricks, workarounds.
  • The presence of tuning, xenon, chandeliers on the roof, body kits, eyelashes, contours - the desire for cheap chic, dust in the eyes.
  • Tinted or mirrored glass - suggests the possibility of dark affairs. Replacing the engine with a more powerful one hides your real capabilities.
  • Tough kangaroos - ruthlessness, desire for aggression.
  • The size of the car matters. Small cars emphasize practicality, huge SUVs try to add weight to the owner. Long limousines are a caricature of a gangster on the road.
  • If in a dream you stole a car simply because of its location and accessibility, you should hurry up to carry out your plan. You feel the need to rush, but you should think carefully about your actions. Real life is not a picture from an action movie, where the hero can irresponsibly dispose of other people's property and lives, without thinking about the consequences and without worrying at all about the secondary characters.

According to the main meaning, to steal a car is to appropriate someone else’s property, developments, merits, to take a spouse away from the family.

Stealing a car in a dream shows the pursuit of a dream at any cost. In real life, you may be forced to pay the maximum rate.

What does it mean if your car is stolen in a dream?

  • If a dream in which you steal a car shows dreams and aspirations in moving towards a goal by any means, then a dream in which your car is stolen from you demonstrates secret fears. Sleep can happen even if you don't have a car.
  • The main meaning is that if your car was stolen in a dream, you are afraid that you will be scammed at work, your developments will be stolen from you and your progress will be made impossible. It is likely that you have enough serious ill-wishers and enemies pretending to be friends. Try to chat less, don’t show official documents to anyone, don’t brag about your involvement in secrets, and beware of flatterers.
  • If your car was stolen in your presence, try to see the attackers in your dream. In reality, these people should be feared.
  • Stealing a car - you are in doubt and are not ready to repel enemies. Perhaps you cannot believe the treachery of false friends and betrayal.
  • Looking after a car as it drives away means regretting missed and unrealized opportunities.

Authoritative interpretations

  • Freud's dream book associates a car with family and an unstable life situation. In reality, you are afraid that someone will take your wife or husband away. You may have to go through serious stress at work, but you will be able to solve the problem.
  • The women's dream book treats the dreamer's problem with poorly concealed malice. If a woman dreams that her car was stolen, it means that she has tired everyone with her power and desire for control. In a family, control may be annoying. But if a woman works for leadership position, control is a necessary part of the job.


Seeing a car stolen in a dream is an indicator of high anxiety. However, a dream in which you yourself stole a car does not signal peace of mind. Before you begin to act, you should calm down, collect your thoughts, and have a good rest.

It may make sense to see a psychologist if anxiety bothers you a lot. Put things in order, eliminate possible errors and stop being afraid. As for the car, it would be a good idea to take care of safety and leave the car only in guarded parking lots or in a garage.

Fears about the safety of your car may be caused by your own behavior. If you leave your car on the sidewalk, footpaths, or on the lawn, you naturally irritate the people around you and test their patience. A car that bothers everyone can be stolen or damaged, and no one will take the owner’s side.

We are all well aware that today a car has ceased to be a luxury, but is nothing more than simple remedy movement. Why do you dream that a car has been stolen? The dream book says that, first of all, such a dream may indicate the car owner’s reverent attitude towards his equipment, namely the fear of losing it. In addition, if a car was stolen in a dream, this may hint to the sleeper about upcoming life changes, perhaps for the worse.

Dream Interpretations of the World. Interpretation of the dream: why do you dream of stealing your car or someone else’s (husband or dad)?

If a car was stolen in a dream, what does it mean? In order to constructively analyze this dream and give a competent formulation of its interpretation, it is necessary to carefully track all the moments of the dream and, if possible, remember the most important of them. Use our tips to remember all the details of the dream you saw and not miss a single important moment.

If a man or guy dreams of car theft

Why do you dream of your own car being stolen? For a specific interpretation of this dream, it is necessary to determine whether the theft was a success. If you fail to commit a crime in real life, you can count on unfavorable circumstances for new endeavors. You will need to slow down your professional affairs for a while, thereby giving yourself time to once again carefully consider every step of your future actions.

On the contrary, if your attempts to steal your own car are successful, this indicates that the time has come for your intended embodiments and desires. Cast aside all doubts, be full of confidence and set out on the path to achieving all your goals.

You should be prepared to cold-bloodedly and instantly make fateful decisions, perhaps even ones that you would never make. Psychological aspect This question is that the sleeper experiences fear on a subconscious level. Often this fear lies in the lack of the ability to make vital decisions and be the arbiter of your own destiny. The mind requires rest, put aside all your pressing matters and devote time to your self-purification, in the form of spending time with your loved ones. Having rested, your head itself will generate the prerequisites and solutions to existing problem situations that you need at this stage.

Disagreements in the family circle await the person who the day before had a dream in which an attempt was made to hijack him vehicle. However, it is worth noting that problems that arise between representatives of a family clan can be easily resolved if the sleeper puts his efforts into solving them. It is necessary to gather all your relatives together and just sit peacefully in an unobtrusive atmosphere, discussing some common points that could bring the whole family closer together. If the sleeper himself became the car thief, then such a dream is interpreted as the approach of troubles from those close to him.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep for girls and women

Why do you dream about your husband's car being stolen? Family life is often full of surprises and surprises. The happy faces of spouses do not always hide their spiritual harmony and unity as two loving halves. A woman who had a dream the day before in which her boyfriend’s car was stolen by a villain can expect things to get worse financial situation in the family. In this case, she should pay more attention to her spouse, support him and mentor him for high productivity professionally. Frequent conversations will also help your spouse open up and enter into a dialogue in which he will tell about all his mental torments.

And if the thief of your husband’s car in the dream was a woman, this means that your spouse is having an affair. And if the woman in the dream is your friend, then it is necessary to categorically prohibit your spouse from communicating with her, because her motives are not the most favorable. In simple words, the thief who appeared in a dream directly says that she also likes your man, and that she would not mind if you separated, therefore, she is ready to make every effort to achieve separation.

If you had a dream that your car was stolen. Why do you dream about your car being stolen?

Based on the above, we can answer the question of why you dream of stealing a guy’s car. A young girl who has a dream in which her boyfriend's car is stolen should be on guard with all her friends, as well as her friends. young man, since one of them has his eye on him and at any opportune moment they are ready to cast their charms in his direction. In such situations, dream books advise that all conflict situations should not be taken out in public, but rather try to resolve them within the family hearth, so as not to attract

Dream Interpretation: a car was stolen in a woman’s dream - what does this mean? Depending on the situation, the interpretation of these dreams has a different character.

A woman who bought an expensive car, having seen a similar dream, should understand that this is a residue from a recent purchase. Persecution mania, which indicates that a person is worried about an expensive item. In such situations, it’s worth getting your nerves in order, organizing a date with a young man, going to the cinema, and simply devoting time to yourself for your beloved.

If a similar dream occurs a long time after the purchase has been made, then it may indicate impending troubles in a financial matter. In the near future, it is recommended not to get involved in adventures with money, not to lend money and not to invest serious amounts in dubious projects.

The next point that this dream may warn about may be related to family life. Family troubles are not the best best event, so be vigilant, do not allow conflict situations with your spouse, and if they suddenly arise, they should be resolved immediately, through constructive conversations and romantic events.

One of the most common questions in similar dreams is why you dream about your father’s car being stolen. Depending on the circumstances, certain future life situations. If the hijacker is a person you know, his further communication with your father is at risk. Controversial situations may arise in which the hijacker will behave with extreme negative side. Betrayal on the part of the villain is also possible.

The next interpretation of this dream will be your communication with your father. A similar dream may indicate insufficient attention towards the father and his possible financial difficulties. Each of us was born into the world thanks to our parents, then who we are at the moment this is only their merit. So support your father in difficult situation.

You dreamed that your car was stolen

Why dream that my car was stolen - such a dream is not necessarily prophetic. Most likely, you are thrifty and like comfortable conditions. As the dream book says, car theft portends an improvement in your financial situation. You may be offered a higher position or profitable cooperation. All changes in your life will be positive and will bring you joy.

According to other sources, dreaming about car theft indicates the end of family relationships. A divorce or a major quarrel awaits you. If a person who has his own business sees a dream, most likely the necessary transaction will not take place, or the signing of documents will be postponed for an indefinite period.

You should think about what means you have found to achieve what you want. Perhaps it is worth finding a less stringent option and not breaking generally accepted rules. After such a dream, you should not ask to borrow money, they will not give it to you, and you can ruin your relationship with the person you wanted to borrow from.

The interpretation of a dream about theft can be different, depending on whose car was stolen.

Were you able to find the criminals and return the car?

  • Why dream of stealing a car that belongs to another person - in reality you will be a mediator in resolving some issue. Perhaps you have to reconcile your acquaintances with each other.
  • According to other interpretations, dreaming of a car being stolen can mean that you are jealous of other people's successes and achievements. Direct your efforts to find own merits and talents and develop them. Maybe you should sign up for courses, start a new business, get carried away interesting hobby. This way you will smooth out any conflicts because you will be preoccupied with yourself and not with others.
  • As the dream book says, car theft at night advises you to be careful with colleagues and friends. Check them for integrity. If the theft occurred during the day, a new acquaintance awaits you, maybe more than one.
  • If the stolen iron horse is still found, you are worrying in vain, your worries are in vain. You can leave your job without regret and will soon find a new one, or make what you think is a profitable deal. Suspicions about personal life also have no basis. You shouldn't be jealous of your loved one. Most likely, your imagination is just running wild. Take care of your nervous system.
  • If your car was stolen with you and then released, in real life you will take a big risk, but everything will end well. If a hijacker hit you, the dream has a negative meaning. You may be falsely accused or lose valuables and documents. It is extremely rare that such a dream can warn of violence.

If you have seen yourself as a car thief

You dreamed that you stole a car. The dream tells you that now more than ever you need to start active actions. Proceed without delay to resolve all important issues. Don't put anything off until later. Don't miss out on your luck.

Dreams about car theft are usually typical of people who like to manipulate others. At the same time, they have charisma and special charm. The dreamer is very smart and knows how to use his strengths to get what he wants. If you steal a car in a dream, in reality you are hatching a plan for revenge on someone. Better give up your ideas. They won't lead to anything good.

Some dream books explain why you dream of your car being stolen as an approach interesting events in life. Something very exciting awaits you, you won’t break the law in real life, don’t worry about it. If you have stolen your own car, you are tired of the monotony of your life. You do the same things every day and want change. You just need good rest and a change of scenery, as well as the opportunity to be alone.

If you were being chased law enforcement agencies, in reality you will have envious people. If the hijacking fails and you are caught, your ideas will not find support and your plans will be ruined. A successful car theft operation indicates that luck will be on your side. Negative meaning will have a dream in which the hijacking ends. You will be arrested and have a serious clash with law enforcement agencies.

If a person had a dream who does not have a car in reality

Why dream of a car being stolen in a dream if in real life you are not the owner of the car: you worry a lot about the opportunity presented. She was very close, but you missed her. Worrying about this will not change the situation in better side, you will only waste your nerves. The dream in this case reminds you that you need to accept what happened and move on. Draw conclusions and don't waste any more time thinking about events from the past.

When a young girl dreams that her boyfriend’s non-existent car is stolen, there may be a loss of trust and sincerity in the relationship. For adult woman the same dream means that she will find herself in a very precarious situation and she will have to make decisions in a short time.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in different dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Car theft is a serious incident for any car owner. Of course, the dream must be interpreted based on modern ideas. In most dream books, a car is a symbol of plans and ideas. The dream of a car being stolen will talk about your real desires and needs, what you want to get in the future, and what suits you or not at the moment. Similar dream can predict whether your plans will come true, and what you need to do for this.

Miller's Dream Book - career problems

IN various dream books The meaning of the dream about theft is slightly different. Miller's dream book: why do you dream about car theft?

I dreamed that a car was stolen, what is this for? Miller's dream book will provide us with the answer to this question.

  • A young man who had a dream the day before in which his car was stolen needs to show increased attention towards his significant other, since such a dream speaks of an impending discord in their relationship, and possibly their final break.
  • Serious managers and bosses dreamed of a car being stolen - one should be careful when setting tasks in a team, since his further authority can be significantly damaged by his subordinates.
  • Such a situation will cause further stupor in the dreamer’s career, which means that, having seen this dream, under no circumstances let the entire working staff of your company go down.
  • If you saw who stole the car, remember the thief. If he was wearing a uniform, expect unpleasant events at work or in business, problems may arise with city services. If you wore ordinary everyday clothes, the dream meant family quarrels. Don't be jealous of your significant other, and you will be able to avoid conflicts.

Vanga's dream book - recognition of your merits

Vanga explains stealing a car in a dream as receiving a reward or recognition for a service you provided many years ago. If the stolen car was green, new opportunities will appear in your life. Don't miss them.

Freud's Dream Book - you are afraid of loss

Stealing your car may be a sign that you are actually afraid of losing your partner. According to Freud's dream book big role plays the color of the stolen car:

  • The white iron horse means that you will enter into a new relationship and start your life anew:
  • The color red symbolizes the appearance of a bright woman in your life with whom you will have an affair. Relationships will develop easily.
  • A black car speaks of temptation. Try to control yourself, otherwise you won't end up with problems.

Modern dream book - you can be deceived

A stolen car in a dream notifies you that a trap is being prepared. Perhaps you do not expect that those closest to you can betray you. Colleagues at work may take your place or steal great idea and ultimately receive your reward.

Any dream about the theft of property hints to you about the need to take a closer look at the people who surround you and be careful with them. Do not trust people you don’t know with important tasks.

If you personally know the person who stole the vehicle, most likely the threat will come from him. If in a dream you were only a witness to an incident, in real life you choose the role of a mediator.


To summarize, we can say that dreams of a car being stolen are intended to notify a person about possible adversity, therefore, their interpretation must be taken with full responsibility. Most often, a dream about theft brings negative value. The area in which you are most immersed at the moment will be under threat. For lovers, this could mean a break in relationships, for businessmen, unsuccessful deals, etc. Also think about what a car means to you. This is a symbol of prestige or freedom, or maybe you look after him like a family member.

A dream about a car being stolen can actually come true if you dreamed about it. If there were many characters in the dream and the whole picture is blurry, do not attach much importance to it. You should only worry and take additional protective measures if you remember all the details well and the dream was very vivid.

Video “Why do you dream about a car”

The car is playing important role in life modern man. Each of us has at least some connection to it.

The make of a car in a dream, depending on how you feel about it, determines your position at the moment.

If in life you are used to driving a Mercedes, and you have a dream that there is another car in your garage (say, a Muscovite), then the dream foretells you financial difficulties, big changes in life for the worse.

In this case, it will be a good sign if in a dream you see yourself in your car again, because this will mean that you will easily cope with difficulties and your life will get better again.

If in a dream you left your car somewhere and cannot find it, then in real life you will have difficulties at work and in your family, the cause of which may be your frivolous behavior.

If your car was taken away from you in a dream, then the dream foretells you that you will soon be out of work. Other people will use your ideas and make a lot of money from them while you drag out a miserable existence.

If in a dream you saw that you had another car - beautiful, new and expensive, then in life you will have a strengthened position in society, new acquaintances, exciting trips to distant countries, prosperity and happiness.

However, if this car breaks down for you, then unforeseen circumstances will interfere with your well-being. See interpretation: break.

Damage to the body of your car will mean that your business will be upset. If this damaged car is white, then your joy will be overshadowed by scandals, troubles, unpaid debts and problems with banks.

If it is completely new, but black in color and with damage to the body in the rear, then soon you will have to bury one of your close relatives.

The news of the death of a relative will take you by surprise, although he will die after a long illness. You will survive difficult time.

See interpretation: color.

If a new, but already damaged car is parked near your friends’ house, the dream foretells that you will receive bad news from your friends, who will most likely expect real support and help from you.

A dream in which you are driving a car and see a red light flashing on the dashboard warns you of danger and monetary losses that may be associated with the road or the car.

See interpretation: light.

If in a dream you see that one of the windows in your car is open, then beware of theft. Many obstacles await you on the way to realizing your plans if you suddenly see in a dream that the windows in your car are broken.

If you dream that one of your close friends or relatives is deliberately damaging your car, then no matter how your relationship with him develops in the future, he will help you a disservice and as a result, it will cause a quarrel with your loved ones, which will subsequently lead to a complete break with them.

If in a dream you see strangers crashing your car, then the attackers are plotting against you.

The speed of driving, the quality of the road and the duration of the trip in a dream mean the components of your success.

Driving a car fast on a dangerous and slippery road, if everything ends well, portends you success in a risky business.

If the traffic police wanted to detain you, but they failed, then you will successfully avoid danger in a difficult and risky undertaking.

See interpretation: speed, police.

If in a dream you see that your car easily overcomes a difficult section of the road, then in real life you will successfully cope with troubles and difficulties.

It is especially good to see in a dream that, having passed a dangerous area, you have safely reached a wide and flat road. If at that moment it was light outside and the weather was clear, then you will miraculously be able to get out of the difficult situation in which you find yourself, and your business will go uphill.

If in a dream you turn off a big road onto a small and narrow one, then unpleasant changes will occur in your life, for which you will only blame yourself.

See interpretation: road, ice.

Driving in a circle in a car in a dream is a sign that your business will stall, you will lose heart and become confused.

Usually, how you behave in a dream will determine how your circumstances will turn out in reality. Therefore, try to get off the circle in your sleep, and with minimal risk to yourself and to the car.

A dream in which you are driving with friends in their car, looking out the window and seeing beautiful picturesque pictures, means that you will be closely associated with these people in work that will be beneficial for everyone. Together with these friends you will also spend a lot of free time, which will give you great joy and pleasure.

If your car has a flat tire and you cannot drive further, then obstacles and troubles await you in the business you are currently engaged in.

If you repaired or changed a tire in a dream, then your enterprise will be successfully completed and you will receive a good income.

To suddenly slow down in a dream is a sign of obstacles and troubles that you will accidentally encounter in your work. If you managed to brake in time, then you will be able to avoid the danger hanging over you.

If you pressed on the brake with all your might, but the car did not listen to you, then the dream foreshadows a sharp change in all your affairs due to circumstances that do not depend on you. On the contrary, you find yourself highly dependent on other people, and the dream warns you that you need to think carefully about your future now, before it’s too late.

Try to give up a frivolous lifestyle and extravagant habits that can ruin you.

If you turned it on in the car reverse, then in life you will suddenly change your mind and abandon your idea.

A dream in which you want to drive forward, but the car suddenly starts going backwards, means that soon your affairs will change for the worse and fortune will change you, no matter what you do.

Getting into an accident on the road in a dream and not getting hurt is a sign that you, as they say, were simply born in a shirt and you will be able to successfully avoid the danger that threatens you.

See interpretation: accident.

If in a dream you drive a car easily and quickly, then your plans will be successfully realized.

A dream in which you were driving a car and hit a bird means that you will receive unpleasant news that will greatly upset you.

If you crushed an animal, then you need to pay attention to which animal you crushed (by name).

If after the collision you have unpleasant feeling, then victory over the enemy will not bring you joy, and if you are afraid, then troubles, grief and great trouble await you.

To dream that someone crushed a large red dog and blood is splattered all around, then some time will pass and a person close to you, perhaps a husband or a very close friend, will become the victim of a ridiculous accident and die.

The news of his death will shock you. The dream predicts you a long illness, suffering and tears.

See interpretation: animals, dog.

If in a dream you stopped at a red traffic light, then obstacles will arise in your business that will be difficult to overcome due to bureaucratic obstacles or bad laws.

If you drove through a red light without stopping, and were not detained by traffic police, then you will succeed in a risky business and you will be able to successfully avoid danger.

Stopping in a dream at a green traffic light is a sign of your stubbornness and intractability, because of which you are constantly marking time and cannot complete anything.

To dream that someone broke off the steering wheel of your car means that you are completely at a loss and do not know what to do because of mistakes made by other people.

However, if in a dream you know how to fix it, or fix it, then fate will favor you and you will successfully get out of a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see that your car is all dirty and ask your relatives to get out of it because you are going to clean the car, foretells that you will sell your car soon.

Driving a car, breaking the rules, is a harbinger that you will play unfairly with your partners or relatives.

Driving in oncoming traffic is a bad omen, meaning that resentment or insult will force you to commit a vile and dishonest act, and your family or partners will have a hard time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream about car theft - special sign, which should not be ignored. It contains many symbols and warnings. Before interpretation, it is important to recall the plot of the night vision. In dream books they will find out why you dream that a car was stolen, the meaning and interpretation of the dream.

Visions of a car being stolen are often seen by people concerned about the safety of property and attached to material wealth. For them, dreams are just a subconscious expression anxious thoughts. Sometimes the interpretation of images is indirect, since they reflect the worries of the day. In reality you have big plans, and in your dreams their implementation.

Events often happen in dreams that you don’t want to encounter in real life. One of them is car theft. To find out the meaning of this unpleasant vision, you need to turn to dream books. IN different sources gives its own interpretation of the plot.

English dream book

The source interprets car theft as good sign, meaning quiet life no shocks. I dreamed that I lost my own car, which was left open - troubles in the near future that arose through the fault of the dreamer. They can happen in any area of ​​life; you need to be careful and prudent.

If the dreamer now has doubts about personal relationships, then they will not be in vain. Soon the secret will become apparent, and the person will understand that his sublime feelings were not appreciated. The betrayal of your chosen one will make you worry and suffer.

Freud's Dream Book

Stealing a car is associated with the loss of a loved one. Such a dream is often dreamed by jealous people; others are warned about the possibility of breaking off relationships. When a person sees an expensive foreign car being stolen, career growth awaits him. There is a high probability of receiving a salary increase or bonus. Sometimes a dream only reflects the desire to buy a new car. It is so strong that thoughts do not leave you alone at night.

The psychiatrist believed that the car in the subconscious is connected with the image of a loved one. The interpretation of the dream depends on whose property was the victim of the thieves:

  • a man who sees his wife’s car being stolen does not trust his wife and suspects her of cheating;
  • A woman who witnesses the theft of her husband's car will find herself in a difficult situation in the future; she will have to quickly make a difficult decision.

Getting into an accident with a stolen car and breaking it foreshadows a stormy showdown. The culprit of the scandal will be the dreamer, and the reason will be an unintentional action. Only prudence will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations.

For Freud great value has the color of a stolen car:

  1. white - you will start life from scratch, a new promising partner will appear;
  2. black - the appearance of temptations that are difficult to resist; if you succumb, you will have to solve the problems that arise later for a long time;
  3. red - meeting a passionate lady; a sudden romance will not last long.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a stolen car means you will soon have to face unforeseen circumstances that require a quick response to what is happening. If you quickly get your bearings and figure out how to act, you won’t be able to miss your luck. The initiative will come from an outsider, but the dreamer will influence the course of events.

A plot in which you have been seen stealing a car, and another person is desperately trying to catch up with it, predicts concern about an important work issue. The assigned project turned out to be complex; the dreamer has not yet decided how he will implement it. Don’t worry in advance, the result will be positive and will exceed all expectations.

Modern dream book

Prevents changes for a person who sees a car being stolen in a dream. According to the book, a car symbolizes prosperity, so dreams mean that financial well-being is important to the dreamer. He hopes for the implementation of plans, but worries that what he planned will be impossible to achieve. If your girlfriend was driving, this symbolizes worries about unrequited passion.

Dream Interpretation Horney

For a woman, she interprets a dream in which they are trying to steal a car as a desire to completely control everything that happens. She wants to be aware of events, to know everything that happens to loved ones.

For a man, a dream indicates fear of competitors both in his personal life and at work. A hijacker dressed in a service uniform portends quarrels at work. Ordinary everyday clothing hints that there is a reason for jealousy, a conflict with a loved one is possible.

Vanga's Dream Book

Interprets the plot, when the stolen car was returned to the owner, as receiving gratitude from the dreamer for a service once rendered. In the future, a problem will arise that will be quickly and safely resolved. The symbolic meaning of the car is a task, a project that takes a lot of effort and time. The efforts spent will more than pay off; you will receive a worthy reward.

If the dreamer became the hijacker, then he lacks vivid impressions, life seems boring. A dream in which a friend stole a car warns of betrayal. She can seduce your husband and take him away from the family.

Miller's Dream Book

Stealing a car is interpreted as a subconscious desire for change. IN real life you don’t have enough money, sensations or strength to implement your plans. A dream in which a stranger’s car was stolen means that you will help resolve someone else’s dispute by supporting right point vision.

If attackers stole your car, this means that envious people will appear. They will cause many problems, which will be difficult to get rid of. The plot in which the dreamer turned out to be the hijacker predicts that he is planning to take revenge on his ill-wishers. You should not cross reasonable boundaries, otherwise you yourself will suffer.

Car theft

For a dreamer who witnesses a theft, this is a warning about problems at work. There is the possibility of losing the respect of colleagues and the chance to take a higher position. For family people, the dream foreshadows divorce or problems in relationships with a partner. Important negotiations may be disrupted for entrepreneurs and their work schedule may have to be adjusted.

Car theft is an alarming symbol indicating unfavorable circumstances. The dreamer is uneasy in his soul. You should be more attentive to everything that happens around you. An unpleasant plot may reflect internal discomfort, the fear of losing a car.

Personal car theft

This is the most unpleasant dream that a car enthusiast sees. It only means that you really value your car and take care of your property. If a close friend turns out to be a hijacker, you will receive an interesting offer and have a chance to advance in career ladder. Pleasant chores are coming, thanks to them life will change for the better.

The theft of a car that does not actually exist indicates lost opportunities, failure important plans. Search for a stolen car and find its good sign, you will be able to cope with all the problems at work. Well-wishers will help with this, the situation will have a positive impact on your career.

Someone else's car

If you witness the theft of someone else's car, you will have to play the role of a mediator in order to reconcile quarreling friends. The dream has another meaning - mediation in the trade sphere. Event that happened in daytime, promises new acquaintances, and theft late at night foreshadows the machinations of ill-wishers and difficulties at work. In the case where your friends acted as hijackers, you should take a close look at them. They may well turn out to be dishonest and deceive you.

The dream of someone else’s car, not mine, being stolen has another meaning. In reality, you are tormented by envy of other people's successes and talents. A dream is a sign advising you to direct your energy in the right direction in order to achieve your goals, and not suffer at the sight of a successful person.

Personality of the dreamer, the thief

If you dreamed of being a hijacker, this is a sign that it’s time to take decisive action. It's here favorable time, to pay off all the grievances and do what you have long dreamed of.
When a person sees how he breaks into and steals a car, this means the onset of a favorable time for revenge. Soon you will be able to take revenge on your competitors and enemies, higher powers will help with this.

Sleep has a good meaning if you crashed a stolen car. Providence gives a sign that the right moment has come to restore justice. There's no point in wasting it; there won't be a second chance like this in the near future. To avoid the feeling of unfinished business later, take on it now.

The meaning of the dream changes depending on who the hijacker is. If it turns out to be a woman, she will have the opportunity to take her loved one away from her friend or a stranger. The dream books do not say how this will end for her. For a girl, theft of a personal car is a harbinger of disappointment in her partner. A car acts as a loved one, so a dream about theft gives reason to think about its fidelity. If you dreamed of a car being stolen, then this vision for girls means that a fan or chosen one will not live up to expectations and will have to be disappointed in him. Carefully hidden shortcomings will still reveal themselves.

The young man will turn out to be a dependent egoist, capricious and not taking into account the interests of others, or a frivolous person, for whom another novel is just a small, insignificant episode in life. It is useful to pay more attention to the choice of candidates for spouses, so that the man’s intentions are serious, and not waste best years on unreliable partners.

If a married lady saw a dream, then it signals the possibility of continuing to remain weak and tender. For strong women with leadership habits, the dream signifies that they are trying to hide their sensual nature from others.

Stealing a car in front of strangers predicts mediation in a major deal or participation in resolving a family conflict. Receive a generous reward.

If your father's car was stolen, the dream warns that you may lose his trust. Don't be too upset, the relationship will be restored quickly. This situation will not affect them in any way in the future.

Stealing a friend's car is a bad sign. A person you completely trust is ready to betray you and is preparing a trap. The situation will end in a minor quarrel, but the relationship will completely deteriorate. There is no way to return the friendship.

A car stolen from a guy promises separation. An unexpected situation will throw you into confusion. different sides. Relationships will go wrong, love will not stand the test of distance.

A car stolen from a husband, men - plans will fail. To avoid this, you will have to assess the situation from all sides and quickly make a non-standard decision.

How did the dream end?

If the situation was resolved successfully and the stolen vehicle was returned to you, then in real life the problem will make you worry, but everything will end well. Don't panic, the situation will turn out to be simpler than it seemed at first. Vanga predicted that this plot promises gratitude for a selflessly rendered service.

For a correct interpretation, all the details of what is happening are of great importance, including how it all ended. Interpretation:

  • jump out of a stolen car full speed ahead– wants to escape from his problems;
  • another person was driving - there is a desire to shift worries onto someone else’s shoulders;
  • stealing an old car - getting rid of accumulated problems and the emergence of new prospects;
  • smashed a stolen car - financial losses are possible;
  • a car with money was stolen - worries about material well-being associated with problems at work, salary delays;
  • theft of a car with documents - unforeseen complications will arise when signing an agreement with partners, worries about the upcoming major transaction.

If a person in a dream participated in the return of a stolen car, then it is possible to participate in a dubious risky transaction. Dream books promise to make a profit without much hassle, with the participation of trusted people in the fraud.

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