Which clinic does the nephrologist see? What diseases does a nephrologist treat and for what symptoms should you contact him?

A nephrologist is a specialist who diagnoses, treats and prevents kidney disease. It makes sense to assume the relevance of kidney disease when symptoms such as lower back pain, cessation or slight reduction in urination, the appearance of blood or protein in the urine appear (in some cases, these manifestations are noted visually, in some - when taking tests, which is additionally confirmed directly by a specialist , studying their results). Meanwhile, in some cases and at some stages of kidney disease, symptoms may be absent, which is why their diagnosis is somewhat complicated.

If we dwell on what a nephrologist treats, then here, as the reader might have already guessed, we're talking about about kidney diseases, they, in turn, can occur traditionally in acute or chronic form.

What diseases does a nephrologist treat?

There are a number of diseases that are treated by a nephrologist. In particular, the following options can be distinguished:

  • urolithiasis;
  • glomerulonephritis (a pathology in which immune damage to the renal glomeruli occurs);
  • hypertension in combination with renal pathology;
  • nephritis;
  • pyelonephritis (an infectious-inflammatory process characterized by damage to the renal parenchyma and pyelocaliceal system);
  • drug damage kidneys (damage that develops while taking certain medications);
  • Kidney amyloidosis (a pathology in which a metabolic disorder occurs, provoking the formation of a substance such as amyloid, which, in turn, leads to organ damage).

There are somewhat related diseases, due to which patients mistakenly go to see a nephrologist. Although such diseases are related to the kidneys, they imply the need for surgical treatment, among them the following can be distinguished:

  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • abnormal position or structure of the kidneys;
  • the presence of large kidney stones;
  • kidney tumor.

The listed pathologies require a visit to another specialist; in this case, you need to consult a urologist who will conduct the appropriate diagnostics and determine further actions regarding treatment.

When to go to a nephrologist?

As already noted, some kidney diseases may occur without specific symptoms, on the basis of which one could assume their relevance. Meanwhile, manifesting itself in an acute or insignificant form, such diseases can lead to the development of complications, they, in turn, can be relevant not only for the urinary system, which in diseases of this area is considered as the basis, but also for cardiovascular system.

As an immediate reason to apply for medical assistance provided by a nephrologist, a number of symptoms are considered, on the basis of which such assistance is extremely necessary. These include the following manifestations:

  • Anuria is a condition in which the patient stops urinating completely;
  • oliguria – a condition characterized by a pronounced reduction in urination;
  • polyuria – a condition characterized by an increase in the volume of urine excreted;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • hematuria – the appearance of blood in the urine;
  • proteinuria – the appearance of protein in the urine.

Consultations and observation of a nephrologist are also important for previously identified diseases or acutely manifested conditions, these include the following types:

If there is a problem with hypertension (i.e. high blood pressure), then it wouldn’t hurt to visit a nephrologist’s office either - this disorder may indicate the presence chronic disease kidney

Consultation with a nephrologist: when is it necessary for a child?

The development of certain kidney diseases in children is becoming quite common, which, accordingly, requires the appointment of adequate treatment, which is ensured by visiting the specialist we are considering. A pediatric nephrologist is needed if the following symptoms appear:

  • swelling ( this symptom is considered even if there is only swelling of the child’s eyes);
  • an admixture of mucus and blood is detected in the urine;
  • urination has decreased to 1/3 of the normal age norm;
  • urination is characterized by an increase in the volume of urine produced;
  • the urine has an unusual smell;
  • the urine has changed in some way (becomes cloudy, saturated, its consistency has changed, its color has changed, etc.);
  • when urinating, the child experiences painful sensations, cries;
  • the external genitalia are red, this symptom is constant;
  • Nocturnal urination is observed in a child aged 4 years or older.

Nephrologist: what does this specialist do at the appointment?

Traditionally, at an appointment with a nephrologist, like any other doctor, the patient is interviewed about his current complaints. The features of the lifestyle are clarified, general type examination, special emphasis is directed at the reception to identify possible hereditary predisposition the patient to certain kidney diseases and, in general, to diseases of the urinary system.

Tests prescribed by a nephrologist

  • tests, based on which it is possible to determine the current level of calcium, creatinine, phosphate, electrolytes and urea;
  • biochemical analysis urine and blood, based on the results of which the rate at which erythrocyte sedimentation occurs is specified;
  • analysis aimed at studying C-reactive protein.

Based on the data from these analyses, the following instrumental types of research may additionally be prescribed:

  • angiography (method x-ray examination kidney area);
  • Ultrasound (examines the kidney area, as well as the abdominal cavity);
  • Kidney CT ( computed tomography);
  • Kidney MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • scintigraphy (radionuclide examination method);
  • kidney biopsy.

As for such a question as treatment by a nephrologist, it is based on two main areas:

  • specific treatment aimed at eliminating a specific type of disease;
  • nephroprotective treatment ( this treatment is a universal treatment option for any pathology relevant to the kidneys).

Preparing to see a nephrologist

Making an appointment with a nephrologist is half the battle; the other part is preparing for a visit to this doctor, which is based on the following basic principles:

  • Eating is prohibited 12 hours before the scheduled time of visiting the doctor;
  • alcohol consumption and smoking are excluded (also within the above-mentioned period);
  • on the eve of the appointment, avoid consuming significant amounts of liquid;
  • the use of certain medications is excluded (if possible); if this is necessary due to health conditions, the doctor is informed which specific drug was taken.

A nephrologist is a specialist who deals with all pathologies of the kidneys and those organs that are associated with them, i.e. diseases urinary system. The name of this branch of medicine comes from the Greek word nefros, which means “kidney.” A nephrologist diagnoses all available methods(they are fully represented in the capital), makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

What do nephrologists do?

As everyone knows, in the body healthy person there are two kidneys located on the sides of the spine, in the lumbar region. This one is vital important organ removes from the body all unnecessary and harmful substances. If the kidney stops working, the body becomes polluted, and general toxicity begins.

Contact a nephrologist to get full diagnostics. Based on its results, you will be prescribed treatment, and in the future, prevention of relapses. Nephrologists study and treat pathologies:

Outpatient treatment is provided in Moscow chronic exacerbations, and sometimes acute diseases. Active drug prophylaxis. Sometimes phytoprophylaxis is enough. You will be prescribed a diet and appropriate individual treatment at:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • acute and chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • lupus, chronic interstitial nephritis;
  • kidney damage, including drugs;
  • vascular, urate, diabetic nephropathy;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • urolithiasis;
  • hypertension with kidney damage;
  • amyloidosis;
  • renal failure

What symptoms should you contact a nephrologist for?

You should contact nephrologists in Moscow with any suspicion of emerging pathologies in order to begin treating the disease early stage without leading to irreversible processes.

Symptoms of common nephrological diseases include:

  • anuria;
  • polyuria and oliguria;
  • protein in urine;
  • blood in urine;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • renal colic;
  • infectious lesions of the urinary system.

In addition to general tests of urine, stool, and ECG, nephrologists in Moscow can send the patient to additional examination using:

  • radiography of the kidneys, including radioisotope;
  • retrograde pyelography;
  • intravenous urography;
  • pneumoperitoneum;
  • chromocystoscopy;
  • scanning,
  • biopsies.

How to become a nephrologist?

In order to become a professional nephrologist, you need to graduate in Moscow from the Department of Nephrology and Hemodialysis at one of the major universities in the capital, such as:

  • MMA im. THEM. Sechenov;
  • North-Western State Medical University named after. I.I. Mechnikov;
  • MMSU;
  • MONIKA them. M.F. Vladimirsky;
  • RMAPO;
  • National Medical and Surgical Center named after. N.I. Pirogov.

Famous Moscow specialists

Nephrology as a science began to develop at the very beginning of the last century. Its founder is considered to be the Englishman Bright. It was only in the 60s that it was identified as an independent clinical specialty, but kidneys in Rus' have been studied since ancient times. Already in the 9th century they stood out among traditional healers"stone cutters" who recognized and surgically removed stones from the bladder.

In 1654, under the Apothecary Order, which existed in Moscow since 1654, the first Russian medical school was founded, where they taught techniques for bladder catheterization, circumcision, castration, and so on. Already in 1765, the treatment of kidney diseases completely switched to professional doctors after the opening of the medical faculty at Moscow University. It was led successively by Hildebrandt, Paul, Inozemtsev, who paid special attention to nephrology.

Pirogov made a major contribution to science in Moscow. Much credit for the development of nephrology belongs to Zablotsky-Desyatovsky, Matyushenkov, Sinitsyn, kidney surgeons Bobrov, Sklifosovsky, Kosinsky, Kadyan, Fedorov and many others. Nephrologists and surgeons Frumkin, Solovov, Bogdanov, Epshtein, Fronshtein, Topchan, Lezhnev, Abrahamyan, Pytel and others worked in Moscow.

Not all patients know why a nephrologist is in the hospital, what he treats, and what symptoms to contact him with. In fact, this is a very important doctor, responsible for the health of one of the most important human organs - the kidneys. After all, their refusal in most cases becomes the cause of death.

Scope of activity of a nephrologist

Nephrology is the science of the proper functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract. Therefore, a nephrologist is called upon to ensure that his patients do not have problems with this organ.

Its primary task is the prevention of any kidney diseases. He should also do early diagnosis diseases, so as not to bring them to a state that can only be cured by surgery. And this is already the competence of a urologist.

A nephrologist also cares for patients with congenital kidney defects and after surgery.

You should contact this doctor at the first symptoms of illness. genitourinary system. If it's not surgical problems, a nephrologist at the clinic will be able to diagnose correct diagnosis and cure the disease. His arsenal has quite a wide range of therapeutic methods capable of restoring health.

What is the difference between a pediatric nephrologist and an adult nephrologist?

In most cases, this doctor’s specialization allows him to observe and treat both adults and children. But it is still better to contact a highly specialized doctor.

The reason for this is that childhood diseases include quite specific changes in the functioning of the kidneys. This and congenital deficiency, and enuresis, and underdeveloped organs, and their abnormal prolapse. All this requires certain knowledge and skills.

At the same time, adult diseases are more acute and chronic. These are various inflammations of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, drug deficiency, hypertensive lesions. All of them require a completely different approach to diagnosis and treatment than childhood diseases.

Of course, babies can also be susceptible to inflammatory and bacterial diseases, but due to their development they rarely explain the symptoms correctly. Therefore, the doctor must know the specifics of the manifestation adult disease in children.

Symptoms of kidney diseases

To select the right doctor, you need to know the symptoms of the diseases it treats. Most likely, you will be taken to the nephrology department if your urine has changed in color and smell, and it has become cloudy. A general urine test should not show leukocytes, red blood cells or protein. All this will certainly be a reason to go to the doctor.

Any warning sign would be sharp pain lower back or when urinating. It indicates that not everything is in order with the genitourinary system.

Risk group diseases are considered to be increased blood pressure And diabetes mellitus. In most cases they lead to acute disorder kidney function.

The process of his recovery depends on how quickly the patient consults a doctor. A nephrologist who treats such diseases will prescribe more effective treatment if the disease is in initial stage. Neglected conditions cause chronic changes, which sometimes become the responsibility of a urologist.

Necessary primary tests

To make a correct diagnosis, laboratory diagnostics of diseases is developed in clinics where a nephrologist is seen. The first tests that patients with suspected nephrological diseases undergo are a general assessment of the composition of the urine. Any deviations from the norm indicate that there is cause for concern and further research.

A more complete picture of kidney function is provided by daily urine collection. It shows the state of these organs throughout the day, whether malfunctions occur in their work, and at what time this occurs.

Urine culture for detection harmful bacteria shows the nature of the disease. If microorganisms are detected, then we can talk about viral or bacterial inflammation, for the treatment of which special therapy is used.

Someone thinks: “What does a nephrologist treat? Only kidneys, he has a very narrow specialization.” In fact, his area of ​​expertise may also include more complex systemic diseases. Thus, blood tests show not only malfunctions of the kidneys or adrenal glands, but can also be evidence of serious cardiovascular diseases. Everyone knows that adrenaline affects the heart rate, and it is produced precisely in the adrenal glands, which are the competence of the nephrologist. That's why he's always looking general analysis blood and results special research on electrolytes and the presence of urea and salts in the blood plasma.

Diagnostic methods

In addition to tests, more complex ones can indicate the nature of diseases of the genitourinary system. diagnostic techniques. The first of these is palpation. Any nephrologist resorts to her. Children's first of all tries to find out the nature of the disease in this way. The reason for this is children's fear of hardware research methods. Although it is difficult to do without them.

Using ultrasound, you can assess the nature of disorders in the lobar kidneys, their location and size. This gives a more complete picture of the disease.

Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging have proven themselves well. They are without harmful influence x-rays provide not only a cross-sectional picture of the different layers of the organ, but also with their help you can recreate a three-dimensional model that shows all the features internal organ with its lesions and normally functioning areas.

To assess the microflora in urinary tract A smear is made from the urethra. To understand the nature of the functioning of the bladder, it is injected contrast agent and monitor how it behaves inside using ultrasound. For analysis general work Kidney contrast is injected into the blood, and throughout the day, ultrasound or MRI images are periodically taken to show how it is eliminated from the body.

Signs of kidney disease in children

Adults more or less adequately respond to the first symptoms indicating that their kidneys are not entirely in order. Things are worse with children. They won't always notice that something has changed, or they can't even tell about it yet. For this reason, parents need to be as careful as possible.

As mentioned earlier, changes in the color and smell of urine, its cloudiness are the first reason for the child to be seen by a nephrologist. We already know what the doctor treats. Delay in filing can be very costly.

Children often identify pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen as a sore stomach. Therefore, it is worth checking this by lightly pressing on the lower back, first on one side, then on the other side of the spine. If this causes pain, it means there is a problem with the kidneys.

A sharp, causeless increase in temperature of several degrees without other cold symptoms may indicate inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract. In this case, you also need to rush to a nephrologist.

A urologist is another doctor who treats the genitourinary system

People who are a little familiar with medicine and the specializations of doctors will quite logically ask the question: “What is the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist?” After all, both of them treat the human genitourinary system.

A urologist is a doctor with a broader profile. He deals not only with the kidneys and urinary tract. His areas of expertise include sexual disorders in men, prostate control, birth defects in boys.

In addition, the urologist only deals with radical treatment. His competence includes all surgical cases of treatment of the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system. While a nephrologist deals only with therapeutic treatment.

It is generally accepted that urology is an exclusively male branch of medicine. In fact, a urologist deals with both women's and children's problems, since his competence includes not only problems with the functioning of male organs.

What is the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist?

So, to summarize, a nephrologist and a urologist - how do they differ from each other? The first is a general practitioner. He only deals drug treatment and physiotherapy. Urology's arsenal includes only surgical interventions. Even if it concerns kidney problems. Although the same urologist will continue to provide postoperative monitoring.

It turns out that a nephrologist is a therapist narrow specialization, and a urologist is a surgeon who treats exclusively the genitourinary system.

At the first symptoms of kidney disease, you should go to a therapist. But if there is a suspicion that the problem is not in them, or the disease is something more than just inflammation, then it makes sense to first of all visit a urologist.

In almost every developed country, the Institute of Nephrology notes an increase in the number of patients with kidney problems. This is partly due to improvements in diagnostic methods. But also damaging factors V lately Quite a few also appeared. Therefore, doctors are starting to talk about enhanced prevention methods.

First of all, you need to avoid hypothermia and drafts. It is advisable to limit the amount of salt consumed in food, which increases the load on the kidneys.

Fried, canned and smoked foods are also unhealthy.

But low-fat varieties meat and fish, cereals and vegetables have a beneficial effect on the kidneys. That's why healthy eating- this is the basis wellness any person.


If you suspect a particular disease, you must promptly consult a specialist. It is important to know what it is called correctly, so as not to get into an awkward situation during the initial examination. For example, not everyone knows who a nephrologist is, what pathologies of the body he deals with, and which patients are more suitable - women or men.

Who is a nephrologist

A visit to the clinic begins with a visit to the local doctor. This generalist doctor medical indications redirects to a highly specialized specialist, who may be, for example, pediatric nephrologist. He's doing detailed diagnostics, treatment and preventive measures kidney diseases, which is important for patients of any age.

What is the difference between a urologist and a nephrologist?

Since the urinary system is closely connected with other systems of the body, the work of a nephrologist is very often intertwined with the activities of other highly specialized specialists. For example, one of the most frequently asked questions goes something like this: “What is the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist.” For example, the focus of pathology in urolithiasis can be not only the kidneys, but also the ureters. In the first case, it is recommended to contact a nephrologist, in the second - to a urologist. This is the main difference between these two doctors.

According to this principle, nephrology and urology are closely related, both highly specialized specialists collaborate to diagnose final diagnosis with subsequent appointment intensive care. Adult men often turn to a urologist, while in most clinical cases, patients with a nephrologist are sick children and women.

These specialists may differ in diagnostic methods and determination of treatment regimens. A nephrologist is a general practitioner, a urologist is more of a surgeon. The patient’s path to recovery also differs: the first treats with pills, the first is narrow specialist; the second – combines drug therapy And surgery, is considered a general practitioner.

What does a nephrologist do?

In the field of view of this highly specialized specialist is such a vital organ as the kidneys, which, under the influence of provoking factors, can disrupt their usual functioning and fail. There are many diseases, most often they are classified according to their nature - inflammatory, infectious. So this highly specialized specialist has plenty of work to do. So, a nephrologist deals with the following diagnoses and pathological processes of the body:

  1. Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of one of the kidneys that is of bacterial origin.
  2. Glomerulonephritis – damage to both lobes with distribution pathological process to glomeruli.
  3. Amyloidosis is a disorder of carbohydrate and protein metabolism, which is preceded by the formation of amyloid in the kidneys.
  4. Kidney stones (urolithiasis) are a common ailment at any age, accompanied by acute pain.
  5. Drug-induced nephropathy is a dysfunction of this paired organ because of long-term use certain medications.
  6. Lower urinary tract infections, for example, this can happen with progressive cystitis.
  7. Arterial hypertension, progressing against the background of kidney damage.
  8. Toxigenic hemolytic anemia With pathological disorder chemical composition blood.

If we talk about diagnostics, this highly specialized specialist offers a series of clinical examinations to clarify the suspected diagnosis. Among these are the following instrumental methods, invasive and non-invasive:

  • angiography;
  • kidney biopsy (to obtain a tissue diagnosis);
  • computed tomography;
  • dermatovenereal tests;
  • excretory urography(fluoroscopic diagnostic method);
  • scintigraphy (detects kidney cancer, cell carcinoma);
  • Ultrasound (to detect stones in the urinary tract);
  • radionuclide medicine (diagnostics);
  • row laboratory research.

Nephrologist - what treats children

If signs of hematuria appear, you should urgently contact pediatric nephrologist. Blood in urine is dangerous symptom for a child, indicating acute renal failure, which can be treated. Something needs to be done, and the ideal option is to make an appointment with to the specified doctor. If you are interested in knowing what a nephrologist treats in children, the official pediatric diagnoses are presented below:

  • kidney dysplasia;
  • dismetabolic nephropathy;
  • physiological abnormalities of the urinary tract;
  • tubulopathy;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis.

Nephrologist - what treats men

Male representatives also turn to this highly specialized specialist, for example when systemic diseases connective tissue or for preventive purposes. It is useful to know what a nephrologist treats in men. This is important to avoid delay, aggravation clinical picture and complete cessation renal function. This doctor does everything possible and successfully treats the following diseases:

  • diabetic nephropathy;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • urolithiasis;
  • nephrogenic hemolytic anemia;
  • extensive lesion vessels.