Notre Dame Cathedral. Notre Dame de Paris

In addition to admiring the building itself and its architectural solutions, we draw your attention to some significant elements of the monument.

In the eastern part of the temple there is an apse, which is visible from the Tournelle embankment. The symbol of the sunrise of the Resurrection with a gray-green vault and supporting arches is intended to receive divine energy.

On March 6, 2009, the Chapel of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, located in the very heart of the temple, opened. The crown of thorns of Christ is kept here, enclosed in a crystal ring with a gold frame. In the background stands a statue of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, holding in her hands the crown and nails that brought her son so much suffering. It is exhibited for viewing on all Fridays of Lent.

Nearby is the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. It is dedicated to the mother of the Savior. This is a place for sacred sacramental prayers and meditation.

On the central nave there is an altar, behind it you will see the sculptural composition “Pietà” by Nicolas Coustou. The Virgin Mary holds the body of her dead son. On both sides of her there are sculptures of kings: on the right - Louis XIII, offering Mary his scepter and crown, on the left - Louis XIV praying.

An unusual medieval altar can be seen in the middle of the central nave. Biblical scenes are depicted in stone on the altar barrier.

The northern and southern parts of the altar barrier are a presentation of the biblical story of Christ. Even those who have never taken scripture in hand, will be able to piece together the story of Jesus from the images on the barrier.

The treasury, or trezor, is located in the annex of the cathedral. In addition to the crown of thorns, the Palatine cross-reliquary, it stores jewelry, things made of gold and silver, church household items, priestly robes, ancient manuscripts, etc.

The cathedral contains 27 statues of the Virgin Mary. The most famous is the Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms, placed in the south-eastern part of the transept. The statue is called Notre Dame of Paris.

Turn your attention to the southern rose window with a diameter of 13 meters, located on the façade of the transept from the north. The stained glass rose window is considered a true masterpiece of High Gothic from the 13th century. Untouched historical events, the north rose window amazes with its mosaics of medieval masters.

Don't forget to see one of the largest musical instruments in the world - the organ.

And, according to one of the legends of the cathedral, ancient alchemists helped create the temple. The secret of the philosopher's stone is hidden in the geometric interweaving of the building. An ancient teaching is encrypted in the frescoes, by unraveling which you can gain immense power over the universe.

To avoid long lines, arrive at the cathedral early in the morning on weekdays.

To visit the towers, arrive 30 minutes early. The queue will be long, and only about 120 people pass per hour. If you arrive in a group, you can split up: some stand in line, others are still exploring the cathedral.

In bad weather and on holidays, entrance to the towers may be closed.

Please note that you will have to climb 422 steps (we warn pregnant women and those complaining about health).

If you want to attend the service, you need to arrive on Saturday at 5:45 or 18:15. Several services are held on Sunday. At 11:30 the international mass with an organ concert begins.

The most inexpensive souvenirs in Paris can be found in shops near Notre Dame.

Budget tourist cafes are located to the right of the cathedral in the Latin Quarter.

Every month in the first days, on all Fridays of Great Lent, the treasures of the temple are brought out for public admiration. To see this beauty, look into the cathedral around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Tourists can rejoice at the opportunity to capture the decoration of the cathedral on camera: photography is allowed on the territory of the temple and inside.

Visiting an architectural masterpiece, a true work of art, should definitely be on your list when planning a trip to Paris.

Each country has objects - associations. In Paris, in my opinion, there are two of them - and Notre Dame Cathedral. To visit Paris and not see (at least!) these two masterpieces of architectural thought is a real crime.

More than 14 million tourists annually visit this place, which holds unsolved secrets and mystical revelations.

A place of “incredible power”—that’s what Parisian guides call the cathedral when they introduce people to its history and architecture. And legends add a mystical spirit to the object.

Photos of the cathedral

  • Notre Dame is built on the site where in ancient times stood four different churches: Christian parish, Merovingian basilica, Carolingian temple and Romanesque Cathedral. By the way, it was the ruins of the last cathedral that served as the foundation for the current one.
  • Construction lasted 182 years (1163-1345). After 19 years of construction work, the main altar appeared, which was immediately consecrated; after another 14 years, construction of the nave was completed. Then construction continued on the territory of the central (western) facade, which is richly decorated with sculptures and bas-reliefs.
  • The western facade and two towers took 45 years to build (1200-1245). The different heights of the towers are explained by the fact that many architects worked on the construction, who mixed two styles - Romanesque and Gothic.
  • In the summer of 1239, King Louis IX brought the main shrine and relic into the temple - the Crown of Thorns.
  • The gargoyles on top of Notre Dame Cathedral were previously used as drainpipes - now they are one of the decorations of the building.
  • Instead of the usual wall paintings depicting saints, there are tall stained glass windows, which are both a decoration of the cathedral and a source of light. Stained glass windows separated the rooms, since at the end of construction there was not a single wall in the cathedral. Instead of walls there were columns and arches.
  • After completion of construction, the cathedral was the main spiritual center of France - royal weddings, coronations, funerals and other important events on a national scale were held here. Despite important role cathedral in the life of the country, its walls also welcomed commoners who received assistance.
  • The rich people trusted the walls of the cathedral and brought all their treasures for safekeeping. It was in this way that a treasury was formed within the walls of the temple.
  • During the French Revolution, the Jacobins wanted to destroy the cathedral, but the residents managed to save it - they collected money in support of the rebels and transferred it to the new government. Despite the agreement, the revolutionaries did not fully keep their promise - bells were melted into cannons, tombstones into bullets, sculptures of Jewish kings were beheaded. The cathedral building was used as a wine warehouse - it was during this period that Notre Dame lost its significance. The Catholic church was returned to the clergy only in 1802.
  • Thanks to Victor Hugo’s famous novel “Notre Dame de Paris” (1831), where the writer set out to awaken people’s love for French architecture, restoration of the cathedral began in 1841. The famous gallery of chimeras appeared on the upper platform in front of the towers. The sculptors created images of mythical creatures that embodied the character of man and the diversity of his moods. The restoration lasted 23 years, during which the restorers were able to replace all the broken sculptures, erect a high spire, and restore stained glass windows. The buildings that were adjacent to the cathedral were removed, thanks to which a square appeared in front of the main entrance.
  • In 2013, in honor of the 850th anniversary of the cathedral, new bells were cast, in the amount of 9 units. The largest church organ in France, which appeared here at the beginning of the 15th century, was also reconstructed. Now the instrument is fully computerized, and the body is made in the style of Louis XVI.
  • Today, Notre-Dame de Paris is a functioning church: services are constantly held here, during which modern video effects are used. Every day at 8:00 and 19:00 you can hear the ringing of bells.
  • Along with believers, tourists are also allowed into the cathedral. All visitors have unique opportunity examine the sacred relics, as well as valuable things that have accumulated in the cathedral over its long history.
  • (price: 25.00 €, 3 hours)
  • (price: 15.00 €, 1 hour)
  • (price: 35.00 €, 2.5 hours)


Here you will find more detailed information about the cathedral objects. This information will be useful for general information.

Apse – Chevet

From the Quai de Tournelle you can see the apse with its supporting arches and gray-green vault. It is located in the eastern part, symbolizing the sunrise of the Resurrection.

Traditionally, the apse side serves to collect internal rhythmic flows and the highest divine energy of the cosmos.

Thanks to the special design, the impression of the presence of God among people is created. After the restoration of the cathedral, the arches were replaced according to the design of Jean Ravi. Today the size of the arches reaches 15 meters.

From the south side you can see what the cathedral looked like in the 19th century. Previously, there was an archbishop's palace here, which was demolished along with the treasury and sacristy during the riots of 1831. They decided not to restore the palace.

Chapel of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher - Chapelle des Chevaliers du Saint-Sépulcre

At the heart of the cathedral is the Chapel of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher, which was officially opened on March 6, 2009. The ceremony was led by Monsignor Tual, Patriarch of Latin from Jerusalem. The restoration of the chapel took place in accordance with the wishes of Cardinal Lustige and his successor, Cardinal Ven-Troyes.

Within these walls, in a modern red glass reliquary, lies the most precious treasure - the crown of thorns of Christ, wrapped in a purple robe. The sacred crown is a bundle of woven thorny branches without thorns, which in ancient times were taken to various temples and monasteries, with additionally woven into it several branches of the aromatic jujube plant.

It is enclosed in a crystal ring with a gold frame. It is impossible to say with certainty that the crown of Christ is genuine, but the first mentions of it are documented in the 4th century.

Most of the time, the holy crown is kept in a special storage room and is not displayed. For the worship of believers, it is solemnly taken out every Friday during Lent and on Good Friday. The Knights of the Holy Sepulcher take part in the ceremony.

Behind the reliquary on the altar is a statue of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, who holds in her hands the nails and crown that wounded the feet, hands and head of her son.

Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament - Chapelle du Saint-Sacrement

Next to the Chapel of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, in the axis of the nave, there is another unusual chapel. It is called the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament and is dedicated to the mother of Jesus Christ, which is often found in churches from the era of Michelangelo.

Its construction began in 1296 on the initiative of the Bishop of Paris, Simon Mathias de Boucher. This chapel is also known as Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows. It serves for meditation and sacred prayers of the sacred sacrament.

On the right wall you can see an ancient fresco from the 14th century, which depicts a girl receiving her soul in the presence of Saint Denis and Saint Nicaise, the patron saint of the chapel.

On the altar of the chapel, crowned with a statue of the Virgin Mary, the Holy Gifts, that is, the bread that has become the body of Christ, are displayed throughout the day, symbolizing the presence of God himself. Adoration or adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is widespread in the traditions of the Catholic Church. People come here alone or in groups in order to silently contemplate God, just be in front of him, mentally talk to him in peace and quiet, detached from the everyday bustle.


In the depths of the temple, in the most prominent place of the central nave, there is an altar. Behind it, at a short distance, appears the famous “Pieta” - a sculptural composition created by Nicolas Coustou. At its foot there is a carved plinth made by Francois Girardon.

In the center is the Virgin Mary holding her dead son, who has just been taken down from the cross. The Mother of God’s gaze is turned not to the lifeless body of Jesus, but to heaven. Her face expresses sorrow and, at the same time, hope for the resurrection of Christ, promised to her from above. On either side of the Virgin Mary are statues of two monarchs: the right one is Louis XIII (sculptor Nicolas Coustou) and the left one is Louis XIV (sculptor Antoine Coyzevox).

At the same time, King Louis XIII seemed to offer the mother of Christ his crown and scepter, and his son Louis XIV bowed in prayer. This unusual ensemble is surrounded by six bronze angels holding in their hands the symbols of the Passion of Christ: a crown of thorns, nails, a sponge with vinegar, a scourge, a pike and the sign INRI (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews).

The background to the appearance of the statues also deserves attention. Passionately wishing for the long-awaited birth of his future heir, Louis XIII vowed to embellish the altar and the Pietà if God would send him a son. His dream came true in 1638 with the birth of Louis XIV, but 5 years later the king died without fully fulfilling his promise. His successor managed to implement his father’s will only 60 years later, when, as a result of large-scale reconstruction, the Gothic style was replaced by Baroque.

Outpatient clinic – Déambulatoire

In church terminology, the “ambulatory” is the semicircular circumambulation along the altar apse, which is the end of the central nave. It looks like a continuation of the side naves, smoothly turning into each other.

In Notre Dame Cathedral, the double ambulatory is divided by a colonnade and has access to the outer apse chapels (chapels). There are five of them in total, and they radiate around the altar ledge, forming a “crown of chapels”. All of them are dedicated to different saints and are decorated with beautiful sculptures and stained glass windows, which are real works of art. They also contain mausoleums, tombs and funerary monuments of many prominent religious figures and other famous personalities. For example, near the eastern wall of the initial apse chapel dedicated to Saint Guillaume (William), there is a mausoleum of Count Henri Claude d'Harcourt (1704-1769), who served as a lieutenant general in the royal army. The sculptural composition depicts the late count, who, having heard the cry of his kneeling wife at his coffin, rises and, freed from the shroud, stretches out his hands to his devoted wife.

But behind the back of the deceased stands Death himself with an hourglass in his hand, showing the Countess that her time has come. The entire image of the Countess expresses a passionate desire to immediately reunite with her beloved husband.

This architectural ensemble was built at the end of the 13th – beginning of the 14th centuries. During a full-scale restoration led in the 19th century by the famous Parisian architect Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, the entire ambulatory was decorated using original wall paintings, recreated with amazing historical accuracy. That is why there is an unusually inspired and enthusiastic atmosphere here.

Altar – Choeur

In the middle of the central nave there is an unusual medieval altar. On either side of it are carved scenes imprinted in stone, called the altar barrier. It appeared in the cathedral in the 14th century, when a master, presumably Jean Ravi, carved an elegant partition from stone that isolated the choir from the nave. The barrier consistently depicts scenes from the Gospel in sculptural execution. All paintings are made in polychrome tones. In the middle of the 19th century, restoration work was also carried out here under the leadership of Viollet-le-Duc, and then the color scheme was updated.

Behind the altar, on a significant elevation, are long lancet windows lined with 19th-century stained glass, replacing the original lost 13th-century mosaics.

The reconstruction of the choirs was conceived under Louis XIII, as a tribute to the Virgin Mary, who gave France the long-awaited heir to Louis XIV in 1638. From this period, every year on August 15th on the Assumption - the main church holiday, dedicated to Mary - a religious procession solemnly floats through the streets of Paris, as a reminder of the “royal vow”. Five years after the birth of his son, Louis XIII, on his deathbed, bequeathed to his successor to complete all renovations of the altar.

Restoration work was completed in 1723. It took three quarters of a century. The upper rows were then crowned wooden sculptures, which depicted scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary.

Northern part of the barrier – Clôture du choeur nord

The altar barrier, created at the end of the 13th century, covers 14 scenes from the Bible, visually telling about the birth and life of Jesus Christ, with the exception of the tragic events that happened after the Last Supper - the imprisonment, trial, scourging and crucifixion of Christ. Biblical scenes are depicted sequentially.

The storyline begins with the immaculate Virgin Mary meeting the righteous Elizabeth, then the Nativity of Christ follows and the good news to the shepherds, the wise men present their gifts. Next, the killing of infants and flight to Egypt is depicted.

Scenes from the life of Christ were selected, such as the meeting of the baby Jesus with the wise old man Simeon in the temple of Jerusalem, the story of how the young Jesus was in the temple among the wise men and among the teachers of the Jews, the Baptism and the wedding in Cana of Galilee. The final episodes are the Lord's entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper and the washing of the disciples' feet in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Three masters worked on these sculptural compositions for half a century - Pierre de Chelles, Jean Ravi and Jean Le Bouteiler. Most of the scenes have a reliable time sequence, verified according to the four Gospels. The color scheme of the altar screen was updated during the restoration of the 19th century.

Southern part of the barrier – Clôture du choeur sud

The altar barrier dates back to the beginning of the 14th century. It is composed of nine biblical scenes describing the appearances of Jesus Christ after the Resurrection from the dead. Each biblical story on the south side is clearly separated from the next one by a vertical line.

  • Meeting of Christ and Mary Magdalene.
  • The appearance of Christ to the myrrh-bearing women.
  • Meeting of Christ with the apostles John and Peter.
  • Meeting of Christ with his disciples on the road to Emmaus.
  • The appearance of Christ to the eleven apostles at the evening.
  • The appearance of Christ to the Apostle Thomas.

  • Meeting of Christ with his disciples on Lake Tiberias.
  • The appearance of Christ to the eleven apostles on a mountain in Galilee.
  • The meeting of Christ with the apostles in Jerusalem is the last phenomenon that ended with the ascension of Christ into heaven.

From 1300 to 1350, Pierre de Chelles, Jean Ravi and Jean Le Bouteiler worked on the creation of this unique sculptural group. The color scheme was subsequently updated by the restorers of Viollet-le-Duc in the 19th century.

Treasury - Trésor

The temple treasury is located in a small building - an annex. There is an interesting collection of ancient gold and silver items, church utensils, priests' clothes, ancient manuscripts and other sacred relics from the 13th to the 21st centuries. But of particular value are the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ and the Palatine Cross-reliquary, where a nail is kept under glass in the lower part, and seven particles of the Life-giving Cross are kept in the upper part. A golden tablet in Greek states that these relics originally belonged to the 12th century Byzantine emperor Michael Comnenus.

Some treasures are brought out for display to the public on the first Friday of each month, every Friday of Lent, and Holy Week.

The collection of relics from Notre Dame Cathedral began to be collected from its very inception, and by the end of the 18th century the temple treasury was considered one of the most magnificent in Europe. During the French Revolution, some of the treasures were looted, but with the dawn of the Concordat, the collection was again restored and replenished with relics from the Sainte-Chapelle treasury.

Once again the vault was damaged during the riots of 1830 and 1831, and was restored in the middle of the 19th century according to the design of Viollet-le-Duc. But, despite all the difficulties, the treasury retained its original purpose for storing valuable items used in the liturgy.

Red door – Porte Rouge

This modest doorway on the north side of the choir is called the "Red Door" due to the bright color of its doors. It was erected under the direction of the architect Pierre de Montreuil in the second half of the 13th century and was used as a direct passage between the monastery and the cathedral. The red door connected the monastery, where the canons and choristers lived, with Notre Dame de Paris. In 2012, these gates were restored at the initiative of the Society for the Preservation of Historical Monuments of Ile-de-France.

On the tympanum above the door there is a scene of Christ blessing the Virgin Mary, while an angel places the royal crown on her head. The upper part depicts Saint-Marcel, Bishop of Paris in the 5th century. His remains are considered one of the most precious relics of the cathedral and rest on top of the cathedral choir in full view of all parishioners.

On the left side above the doorway there is a sculptural panel depicting how the bishop conducts the ceremony of baptism and holy communion - two of the most important sacraments for Christians of all denominations. On the right side, he sits in the pulpit, preaching. His face expresses spiritual triumph over the devil.

Statue of Notre Dame of Paris – Vierge à l’Enfant “Notre Dame de Paris”

At the southeast pillar of the transept or cross nave, to the right of the high altar, can be seen a statue of the Virgin Mary holding a child in her arms. She is called Notre Dame of Paris. The statue was brought in the 19th century from the Saint-Aignan chapel on the Ile de la Cité.

This is the most famous and revered sculptural image of the Virgin Mary of the 27 similar statues presented in Notre Dame. The period of its creation dates back to the 14th century. Installed in 1855 in place of the ancient sculpture of the miraculous Black Virgin, who disappeared without a trace during the revolution.

A bluish light emanates from the sculpture, and a large number of white lilies with which the Virgin Mary is decorated exude an amazing aroma. All this is arranged as a sign of deepest worship.


IN church architecture“transept” is the name given to the transverse nave in churches built in the shape of a cross or basilica, which intersects the central longitudinal nave at a right angle. The extreme boundaries of the transept form apses that extend beyond the main part of the building; the transept protrudes by 2 meters. They coincide in height with the main nave, but the transept differs in that it consists of four tiers.

The transept was built by 1258. Important landmarks here include the south and north stained glass rose windows, the statue of Our Lady and Child, St. Stephen's Portal, the Red Gate Portal, and the main altar. In one of the branches of the transept you can admire two female figures of the patron saints of France - St. Joan of Arc and St. Therese, the patroness of the baby Jesus, as well as a statue of St. Dionysius by Nicolas Coustou. Many statues were recreated already in the 19th century.

Near the statue of the Virgin Mary there is a sign that informs that the famous trial that acquitted Joan of Arc took place in this cathedral. A small bronze plate in the floor informs that the famous poet Paul Claudel converted to the Catholic faith here in 1886.

South rose window – Rose sud

On the south facade of the transept there is a huge stained glass window in the shape of a rose, the diameter of which is 13 meters. It was originally installed back in the 13th century. Some of the stained glass has survived to this day in its original form, the remaining parts were replaced during restoration work carried out in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The rosette itself consists of 84 stained glass fragments, which are laid out in form of four circles: 24 medallions, 12 medallions, 4-lobe and 3-lobe panels. It is known that during the reconstruction, which took place in the 19th century, Viollet-le-Duc turned the southern rosette by 15 degrees in order to secure it to a solid vertical axis. For this reason, many fragments are not in their original places, and now it is not easy to determine which area of ​​the window was originally occupied by this or that scene.

The stained glass rose depicts Jesus Christ surrounded by the apostles and other saints, martyrs and wise virgins revered in France.

In the fourth circle, twenty angels are drawn on different fragments holding wreaths, candles and censers in their hands, and events from the New and Old Testaments are also depicted.

The third circle invites us to get acquainted with nine scenes from the life of St. Matthew, which date back to the last quarter of the 12th century and are perfectly preserved to this day.

In the central medallion, the original stained glass fragment was not preserved, so Viollet-le-Duc replaced it with an image of the second coming of Christ: a sword was placed in the mouth of the Savior, symbolizing the Word of God, which is intended to separate truth from lies. At the feet of Christ lies the Book of Life, and around him are the symbols of the four evangelists: angel, eagle, lion, calf.

The two lower corner elements tell the story of the descent into Hell and the resurrection of Christ.

The rose rests on a peculiar belt of 16 lancet stained glass windows, together with which the total height of the stained glass window reaches 19 meters. These narrow plates depict prophets. It was created in 1861 by the artist Alfred Gerent under the direction of Viollet-le-Duc.

Portal of Saint Stephen - Portail Saint-Etienne

On the south side of the transept, facing the embankment of the Seine River towards the Latin Quarter, there is a portal that was consecrated in the name of the martyr Saint Stephen. It was built in the 13th century by architects Jean de Chelles and Pierre de Montreuil. In the past, this passage led to the residence of the bishop, successor of the holy martyr Denis.

The main decoration of the portal is the tympanum, on which episodes from the life and martyrdom of St. Stephen are depicted in stone, as well as scenes from the life of students at the University of Paris. Saint Stephen was the patron of the first Parisian cathedral.

Looking at the sculptural composition from right to left and up, you can see how Saint Stephen preached before the Jewish authorities and people, and subsequently stood trial, was stoned, buried and blessed by Christ. Noteworthy is the scene in which two clergymen carry a prayer book and blessed water after the traditional service. This serves as proof that the same holy traditions have been followed over time.

North rose window – Rose nord

On the left side of the main altar on the northern facade of the transept there is a stained glass rose window of amazing beauty. It can be called a true masterpiece of High Gothic of the 13th century. Unlike the southern rosette, this stained glass window has been preserved almost untouched, since 85% of the mosaic is an original work of art by medieval masters.

The northern rose window is located at a height of 21 meters, its diameter is 13 meters. The subject composition depicts the Virgin and Child surrounded by characters from the Old Testament. In the central part of the stained glass rosette the Virgin Mary is placed with the newborn Jesus in her arms, and around her there are medallions with images of judges, prophets, kings and high priests.

The predominance of lilac and violet shades in the color palette of the mosaic elements symbolizes the long, anxious night awaiting the birth of the Messiah.

The composition of the northern rosette is in a kind of movement: fragments of stained glass are not located along strict vertical and horizontal lines, thereby creating the image of a rotating wheel. Illuminated sun rays, the rose window of the north transept colors bright colors the dark walls of the nave, filling the interior of the temple with divine light.

Portal of the Red Gate - Portail du Cloître

The portal on the north side of the transept is called the “Red Gate”. Previously, it served as a passage to the monastery, located next to Notre Dame Cathedral.

The central pillar of the portal depicts the Virgin Mother, an authentic statue from the 13th century. It was here originally from the moment of its creation, but the baby, unfortunately, was destroyed. Reminiscent of the famous 14th-century statue of Our Lady of Paris installed inside the cathedral, the Virgin of the Portal is still more regal and majestic.

On the tympanum above the gate there is a sculptural scene of the coronation of Mary in the presence of King Louis IX the Saint and Queen Margaret of Provence. Just above are scenes from the childhood of Jesus Christ: the Nativity, his appearance in the temple, the killing of infants and the flight to Egypt.

The archivolts show episodes of miracles that happened to Saints Theophilus and Marcel. In one of the scenes, Saint Marcel extracts the devil in the form of a dragon from the body of a deceased sinner. The other shows Mary's divine power contained in her savior son. An impressive story is how Theophilus, having sold his soul to the devil in order to secure his place as the bishop's successor, subsequently repented and began to pray to the Virgin. And she broke this agreement, saving Theophilus from the devil’s embrace. At the very top above the portal is a bishop telling a story for the edification of believers.

Separate parts of the original statues that adorned these gates - figures of the Magi and Virtues - are exhibited in the Cluny Museum.

Main altar – Autel principal

At the entrance to the choir there is a raised liturgical platform with a modern bronze altar placed on it by the French sculptors Jean and Sebastian Toure. Its consecration took place in 1989.

Following the model of the Cathedral in Chartres, on the sides of the main altar there are figures of four biblical prophets - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.

The four evangelists are depicted in front - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. According to the creators, this sculptural group symbolizes the connection between the Old and New Testaments.

Since the Second Vatican Council, Mass has been celebrated near the entrance to the choir, with the priest facing the congregation, as the Pope always did in St. Peter's Church in Rome.

Side naves - Bas-cotés

Notre Dame Cathedral, in an architectural sense, is a basilica with galleries and double side naves, which are divided in half by longitudinal rows of giant columns. These additional rows of pillars transform the three-nave basilica into a five-nave one. This feature makes the cathedral a much more valuable architectural monument. In the Middle Ages, Gothic cathedrals with double side naves were not often built; tapestries were simply hung in the openings of the arcades.

On each side of the naves there are seven chapels, running from the fourth to the tenth bay. These chapels contain paintings and sculptures on religious themes, which were created to order by the best masters of France. They are presented to the cathedral every year on the first day of May, following a centuries-old tradition associated with Parisian jewelers. And in one of the chapels you can see a historical model that clearly demonstrates the progress of construction of Notre Dame Cathedral.


The central nave is an elongated room of ten bays, bounded on both longitudinal sides by a number of columns separating it from the side naves. The vaults of the nave rise to a height of 33 meters, and its width is 12 meters.

The nave of Notre Dame Cathedral has three levels in height:

  • In the lower tier there are round, polished columns with capitals in the form of elaborate wreaths of acanthus leaves.
  • In the second tier there are arched openings separated from each other by thin columns.
  • On both sides of the third tier there are rows of elongated lancet windows necessary for the penetration of daylight.

Thanks to this, the ceiling, built in the form of a six-lobed stone vault, is clearly visible.

The interior space of the nave appears much larger than in an ordinary parish church. The creators of the cathedral, thereby, tried to recreate the image of heavenly Jerusalem, which is described in detail in the Bible. Architectural elements of the Gothic style add sophistication and grace to the interior, creating a feeling of touching the heavens, which was not always inherent in earlier Romanesque architecture.

On both sides of the nave, carved wooden benches have been preserved in the choir. early XVIII centuries, which depict scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary. They were made specifically as a tribute, in honor of the royal vow of Louis XIII.

A large number of parishioners gather here for services every day. A mysterious twilight reigns inside the cathedral. During the large-scale restoration, for better lighting, new windows were additionally made in the side walls of the nave.

Grand Organ - Grand orgue

Under the west rose window is the famous organ of Notre Dame Cathedral. It is not only the largest organ in France, but also one of the largest musical instruments in the whole world. Today the organ consists of 109 registers and about 7800 pipes.

The organ was first installed in the cathedral in 1402. A new building in the Gothic style was specially designed for it. Since this instrument could not completely fill the entire vast space of the cathedral, in 1730 Francois-Henri Clicquot completed its construction. At the same time, the organ acquired its current body in the Louis XVI style. In the 1860s, the famous French organ builder of the 19th century, Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, carried out a complete reconstruction of it, and the baroque instrument received an unusual romantic sound. Subsequently, the large organ underwent various reconstructions and replacements several more times, but in 1992, the control of the instrument was computerized, and a fiber-optic cable was installed to it.

Many famous names have accompanied this organ for centuries, among them Perotina, the inventor of polyphonic music in the 13th century, Campra, Daquin, Armand-Louis Couperin, Cesar Frank, Camille Saint-Saëns, and more recently Louis Vierna and Pierre Cochereau. The position of titular organist of Notre Dame Cathedral is considered one of the most prestigious in France.

Listen to the sound large organ completely free every week during Sunday Mass.

West rose window – Rose ouest

The West Rose Window is the central stained glass window in Notre Dame de Paris. It was created in 1220 and is the oldest rosette in the cathedral. The stained glass rose appears huge, but its diameter is only 9.6 meters, making this mosaic the smallest of the cathedral's three rosettes.

Situated harmoniously in the center of the western façade, it consists of three circles around a central medallion depicting the Mother of God and the baby Jesus. In the first belt from the center there are twelve “small” prophets, followed by 12 agricultural works according to the seasons, which correspond to the 12 signs of the zodiac.

IN top circle The medallions show how the twelve virtues in the form of warriors armed with spears oppose the twelve vices.

To this day, most of the original fragments of the mosaic of the western window have not survived, and the stained glass window itself was almost completely changed by Viollet-le-Duc in the 19th century. It is also impossible to fully examine the rosette on the window, since it is partially covered by a large organ.

Western Façade – Façade occidentale

The construction of this facade began under Bishop Ed de Sully in 1200, the third architect who worked on the construction of the cathedral. This work was continued by his successors, in particular Guillaume d’Auvergne, and after 1220 the construction was continued by the fourth architect. The North Tower was completed in 1240 and the South Tower in 1250.

The western facade is the embodiment of grandeur, simplicity and harmony. Its strength and power is based on the relationship between vertical and horizontal lines. Four powerful buttresses rush to the tops of the towers, raising them to the heavens. Their symbolic meaning is that this temple is dedicated to God. And two wide horizontal stripes seem to return the building back to our mortal earth, being proof that this cathedral belongs to people too.

The dimensions of the western façade are also impressive: 41 meters wide, 43 meters to the base of the towers, 63 meters to the top of the towers.

In the center, next to the Gallery of the Virgin, there is a large rose with a diameter of 9.6 meters, created in 1225, which forms a halo above the head of the statue of the Virgin and Child, which is flanked by two angels. On both sides of the stone rose there are statues of Adam and Eve, which remind us of original sin. They were placed here on the initiative of Viollet-le-Duc in the 19th century.

Below the balustrade is a wide horizontal frieze called the Gallery of the Kings. Here are 28 figures of Jewish kings, the ancestors of Christ. The height of each figure is more than three meters. This sculpture indicates that Mary was a mortal woman, a member of the human race, and gave birth to Jesus, who was both man and God. During the revolution of 1793, the stone figures were beheaded, so 19th-century restorers had to restore them. Most of the original surviving heads of the kings are now on display in the medieval museum of Cluny.

At the lower level of the facade there are three large portals, which differ significantly from each other. The central portal is known as the Portal Last Judgment, he is taller and wider than the others. To the right of it is the Portal of St. Anne, and to the left is the Portal of the Holy Virgin. The gate leaves are decorated with an amazing wrought iron pattern, and the façade of the portals is decorated with images of many characters. There are 4 statues on the buttresses: on the south side - the figure of the deacon of St. Stephen, on the north side - the Bishop of Saint-Denis, and on the sides of the central portal there are two allegories depicted - a synagogue and a church.

Portal Sainte-Anne

The south aisle on the right side of the west facade is called the Portal of St. Anne, she was the mother of the Virgin Mary. It refers to XIII century and is the earliest among other portals.

On the tympanum, in its upper part, the Madonna Maesta is depicted, seated on a throne under a canopy. By to different parties From her were angels and the builders of the temple - Bishop Maurice de Sully and the kneeling King Louis VII. These statues were created for the Church of St. Mary, which was previously located on the site of the cathedral, and then they were moved to the portal. The lower part of the tympanum depicts scenes from the lives of Joachim and Anna.

On the central pillar of the portal between the doors is a statue of Saint Marcel, bishop of Paris in the 5th century. Saint Marcel was the predecessor of Saint Genevieve. These two figures were very revered among the faithful Parisians before the revolution. They became famous for their courageous, inventive and effective work aimed at charity. Moreover, like all true fighters for justice, they were highly spiritual individuals who sacredly observed all sacraments and prayers.

Portal of the Last Judgment - Portail du Jugement

This portal was built in 1220–1230. It is located in the center of the western facade, striking with its magnificent sculptural design. The Last Judgment is presented here as it is described in the Gospel of Matthew.

In the center of the tympanum is Christ seated on a throne in glory, on both sides of him are angels with instruments of the Passion and kneeling figures of John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary, who pray for sinners. Under the figure of Christ is depicted the heavenly city - New Jerusalem. To the right of him are figures of the righteous, headed by the Archangel Michael with scales for human souls in his hands. On the other side, devils take sinners to Hell. At the very bottom of the tympanum the scene of the Resurrection is shown.

The archivolts depict various saints, women and men, who make up the hierarchy of the Heavenly Powers. On the side pilasters near the gates themselves there are figures of maidens, five on each side, personifying the “Parable of the Ten Virgins.”

On the pilaster dividing the portal into two gate leaves, there is another statue of Christ. He is surrounded by twelve apostles, six on each side. At their base, on the base of the portal, virtues and vices are represented in small medallions.

Many of the statues that adorned the Portal of the Last Judgment were destroyed during the revolution and were subsequently recreated by Viollet-le-Duc, who returned the western façade to its original appearance.

Portal of the Holy Virgin – Portail de la Vierge

The northern portal on the left side of the western façade of Notre Dame Cathedral is called the Portal of the Holy Virgin. It is decorated with statues from the 12th – 13th centuries.

On the central pilaster there is a figure of the Madonna and Child. The tympanum depicts scenes of the Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin Mary.
On one of the sculptural compositions you can see how the completion took place life path Mary on earth. The term "dormition" in the Christian dictionary means death. The dead will fall asleep, but on the Last Day Christ will awaken them for the general resurrection, just as the Lord raised him on Easter morning. Symbolizing the connection with the Old Testament, twelve apostles were located at Mary’s deathbed, who laid the Ark of the Covenant, where the tablets of the Covenant are located, which serve as a prototype of the Holy Virgin, in whom the word became flesh.

Another storyline depicts the coronation scene of the Virgin after her resurrection into heaven. She sits solemnly on the royal throne, and her son Jesus blesses her while an angel places a crown on Mary's head.

Allegorical figures of the twelve months are placed on the side pilasters, and various saints and angels are located on the archivolts.

Legends of Notre Dame Cathedral

For many, Notre Dame is a universal reference book of esotericism. And it is not surprising that the majestic structure, which has a centuries-old history, is wrapped in countless legends, like a shroud.

Legend of the Blacksmith

Legends of the famous cathedral greet Parisians and thousands of tourists right at the gates. The expression “sell your soul to the devil” is used not in a figurative, but in the literal sense of the word when it comes to the master who forged the gates for the cathedral.

Thousands of years later, people admire with joyful admiration the magic of the intricate patterns on the gates. I can’t believe that man could create such perfect, incomprehensible beauty.

At the beginning of the 2nd millennium, Bishop Maurice de Sully conceived the idea of ​​​​building a grandiose cathedral, which was supposed to outshine everything that had existed before in beauty and grandeur.

The future cathedral was assigned an honorable role: to become the spiritual stronghold of the nation and accommodate the population of the entire city. The blacksmith was entrusted with an important mission - to create a gate that would match the beauty and craftsmanship of the greatness of the building being erected.

Birskone fell into anxious doubts. The task that stood before him seemed so important to him, and his own skill was so insufficient, that he called upon supernatural forces to help.

It was not even clear how the master managed to create this masterpiece: whether he used forging or casting to create such complex openwork patterns. But the master himself could not answer anything.

When he came to, he was gloomy, thoughtful and taciturn. When the gates were installed and the locks were secured on them, it turned out that no one, including the blacksmith, could open them. Suspecting something was wrong, the castles were sprinkled with holy water, and only after that the gates were allowed into the temple by amazed servants.

The brilliant master himself soon became speechless and quickly went to his grave. They never had time to extract the secret of creating the gate from him. Some logically assumed that the master simply did not want to reveal the secrets of his professional skill.
But rumors and legends reported that there was a deal with the devil. This is exactly the kind of deal the blacksmith was forced to make: to sell his soul in exchange for talent.

Be that as it may, the incomprehensible beauty of the main gate of the temple may indeed raise doubts that they were created without any intervention from extraterrestrial forces.

The Legend of the Nails of the Holy Cross

Of the four nails of the cross that were used during the crucifixion of Christ, two are kept in France. One of the nails is located in Notre Dame itself. The other is in the Church of St. Siffredios, which is located in the city of Carpentras. All sorts of miracles are attributed to this nail.

The miraculous nail was found in Jerusalem by the mother of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine and transported to Rome. Helen, the mother of the emperor, is not in vain revered by Orthodox Christians around the world: she saved and preserved many holy relics associated with the life and death of Jesus and the Mother of God. In particular, with her help, the cross was found on which the Lord was executed.

Believing in the miraculous power of the nail of the cross, Elena ordered a bit to be made from it for her son’s horse. She believed that the power contained in the nail would protect the emperor on the battlefields. In 313, Constantine, having defeated Lucinius, put an end to the persecution of Christians and himself converted to Christianity.

Centuries later, the bit ended up in the Carpentras Cathedral. The nail from this cathedral was a mystical symbol and amulet of the city during the plague.

The sick and crippled were healed by touching it; the nail helped drive out demons from the possessed. The Vatican has officially recognized cases of unexplained medical point sight of miraculous healings.

The nail, despite its centuries-old age, does not oxidize or rust. Even attempts to gild it came to nothing: the gilding came off the nail.

All these miracles, however, do not apply to the nail kept in Notre Dame. This nail has long been covered with rust. However, the authenticity of the French relic from Carpentras is still disputed by the Roman Church.

Legend of the Knights

After the destruction of the 1st Temple of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, the trace of the most revered relic by the Jews, the Ark of the Covenant, was lost. The Ark of the Covenant was shaped like a chest and was made of pure gold. It allegedly contained divine revelations that shed light on the laws of the universe.

Among other things, the casket contained the secret of the “golden ratio”. The “golden number” 1.618 in proportion to 1 was ideal for the construction of architectural structures, when creating sculptures and paintings. The “Golden Number” was the key that unlocked the divine secret of the harmony of all things.

According to some versions, the Order of the Knights Templar was considered involved in the discovery of the golden casket. When the first French Templars went to the East to protect pilgrims going to the Holy Land, they did not limit themselves to this task.

Their mission also included searching for the treasured casket. The rumor that the casket was either found by them, or given to the Templars by the secret guardians of the relic, spread throughout France.

In any case, after their return to their homeland, the construction of Chartres Cathedral began. It was destined to become the most majestic and mysterious cathedral in the world.

Altar - " holy place"is located between the second and third columns of the cathedral. If you count 37 meters down from this place, you can find the ancient well of the Druids (lowest point). And at the same distance from the altar is highest point cathedral - the spire of the main column.

This place with points located symmetrically at the same distance from the main shrine has some kind of magical power. Those who have been there will have indelible impressions. It seems that the cathedral transmits double energy to a person.

The energy of the Earth rises from the lowest point of the temple. The energy of heaven descends from above. A person receives such a portion of concentrated pure energy that he is instantly transformed, both physically and spiritually.

The Legend of the Symbol of Heaven

For a medieval resident, everything he saw was just a reflection upper world, invisible to the human eye. Therefore, all the architecture of the Middle Ages was encrypted in symbols. It is not easy to unravel all this symbolism of geometry, symmetry, mathematics, astrological symbols hidden in the architecture of Notre Dame.

Its central round stained glass window (rosette) depicts the zodiac signs and zodiac symbols are carved in stone next to the figure of the Virgin Mary. This composition is interpreted as a symbol of the annual zodiac cycle.

But the zodiac cycle begins with the sign of Taurus, while on the stained glass it begins with the sign of Pisces. And this corresponds not to Western, but to Hindu astrology.

Venus corresponds to the sign of Pisces, based on Greek traditions. But the fish was also a symbol of Jesus Christ. The Greek word "ichthus" (fish) contained in its first letters the phrase: "Jesus Christ, son of God."

Gallery of 28 kings of Judah reproduces lunar cycle. But - again the mystery of Notre Dame: there were only 18 kings, whereas the lunar cycle consists of 28 days.

Legend of the Bell

The bells on the towers of the cathedral have their own names and voices. The oldest of them is named Belle. And the largest one, Emmanuel, weighs 13 tons.
All bells, except the last one, ring daily in the morning and evening. Emmanuel, due to its gravity, is not so easy to swing. Therefore, it is used only on the most solemn occasions.

But, if you believe the legends, the cathedral once served as a haven for a man who could single-handedly rock this gigantic structure. His name was Quasimodo, he was the bell ringer of Notre Dame.

There is also a beautiful legend relating to the creation of this bell. When at one time they wanted to cast it in bronze, Parisians in love with Notre Dame threw their gold and silver jewelry into the molten bronze. That is why the voice of the bell had no equal in beauty and purity of sound.

The Legend of the Philosopher's Stone

Esotericists consider Notre Dame to be a kind of body of occult knowledge. Various occult researchers have been trying to decipher the architecture and symbolism of the cathedral since the beginning of the 17th century.

They say that the famous architects of the cathedral were helped by ancient alchemists with their knowledge. And somewhere in the geometry of the building the secret of the philosopher's stone is encoded. Anyone who can unravel it in countless sculptural stucco moldings will be able to transform any other substance into gold.

And, if you are able to decipher the ancient teaching, which, according to followers of occultism, is encoded in the frescoes, then you can comprehend all the secrets of the universe and gain unlimited power over the world.

Tower ticket prices:

  • Adult: 8,50 Euro
  • Persons from 18-25 years old: 6,50 Euro

Entrance to the cathedral: for free

How to get there

Address: 6 Parvis Notre-Dame - Pl. Jean-Paul II, Paris 75004
Telephone: +33 1 42 34 56 10
Metro: Cite
Opening hours: 8:00 - 18:45

Musical "Notre Dame de Paris"

What does the musical “Notre Dame de Paris” mean to you? This most popular work left few people indifferent; it has an extraordinary mesmerizing power. What is his secret? Maybe it's all about the spectacular production, the extraordinary story of love and betrayal, told by the brilliant Hugo? Or is it all about the amazing music, which intertwines French chanson and gypsy motifs? Just imagine, because this work contains 50 songs dedicated to the brightest and most strong feeling– love, and almost all of them became real hits.



Esmeralda a beautiful gypsy who captivated the hearts of several men at once
Quasimodo an ugly bell ringer who was raised by Frollo
Frollo Archdeacon of Notre Dame Cathedral
Phoebe de Chateaupert Captain of the Royal Fusiliers infatuated with a dancer
Clopin Clopin
Clopin young bride Phoebe de Chateaupert
Gringoire the poet who was saved from death by Esmeralda


Interesting facts

  • "Notre Dame de Paris" is considered to be Hugo's first and most significant work. Moreover, his publisher immediately set strict conditions - the manuscript must be completed in exactly four and a half months, and it was conceived in the spirit of Walter Scott. For comparison, Hugo worked on his next work, Les Miserables, after the first novel, for seventeen years.

  • A record number of applicants came to the casting held for the Russian version of the musical - about one and a half thousand, and only 45 of them were accepted into the troupe.
  • About 4.5 million dollars were spent to stage the Russian version, and 15 million were collected during the entire run of the show in the Moscow theater.
  • By 2016 total quantity Spectators who watched the performance around the world amounted to more than 15 million people.
  • It is worth noting that the author of the famous “Notre Dame” also wrote a musical on a rather unusual Russian theme. He called this work “The Decembrists”; the libretto was developed by the poet Ilya Reznik.
  • Currently, a shortened version of the musical by Alexander Marakulin is touring our country. The troupe's artists even became involved in a criminal case for copyright infringement.
  • A parody of the play was staged in Nizhny Novgorod with almost identical scenery.
  • The French production of the musical was not without some blunders. Thus, it was noticed that there was anarchy written on the wall, although a different word was originally intended - ananke, which means rock. Already in the new Mogadorian version of the play this word was corrected to the correct one.

Popular numbers:

Belle (listen)

Dechire (listen)

Vivre (listen)

Le temps des cathédrales (listen)

History of creation

Surprisingly, this musical became popular even before its premiere due to the fact that a disc was released with recordings of some singles (16 songs). The presented compositions created an unprecedented sensation and quickly began to win the hearts of the public. The premiere, which took place on September 16, 1998 in Paris at the Palais des Congrès, was a resounding success. Party main character performed by Noah (recorded), and then by Helen Segara, the role of Quasimodo went to Pierre Garan (Garou) , Phoebe - Patrick Fiori, Gringoire - Bruno Peltier, Frollo - Dariel Lavoie. The director was the Frenchman Gilles Maillot, who at that time was known to the general public for his productions. In general, the performance turned out to be a little unusual, because it differed from the established format of musicals by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Claude-Michel Schonberg: minimalist stage design, modern ballet choreography, unusual format.

Songs from the musical immediately began to top various charts, and the most popular of them, “Belle,” became a real worldwide hit. After its success in France, the musical went on its triumphant march to other countries of the world.

In 2000, the composer created the second edition of the musical, and this version was already presented at the Mogador Theater. It was this option that was used for Russian, Spanish, Italian, Korean and other versions.

The Russian premiere was successfully held on May 21, 2002 at the Moscow Operetta Theater. The production was directed by director Wayne Fawkes, invited from the UK. When they first started working on the score, Yuliy Kim, who was responsible for translating the libretto, admitted that it was quite difficult to do. Moreover, not only professional poets were involved in such a painstaking process. That is why the author of the translation of the composition “Belle” was Susanna Tsiryuk, she also owns the lyrics to the songs “Live”, “Sing to me, Esmeralda”. But the translation of the single “My Love” was done by schoolgirl Daria Golubotskaya. It is worth noting that in our country the performance was also promoted according to the European model: about a month before the premiere, the song “Belle” was launched on the radio station performed by Vyacheslav Petkun (Quasimodo), which immediately became popular. Elements of Western style are also present in the choreography.

In 2011, it was decided to organize an international troupe, which included artists from different countries, and made a world tour. Each time she was greeted by an enthusiastic audience and thunderous applause. Until now, this musical has been successfully performed on various stages around the world. Since its inception, it has been shown in 15 different countries and translated into seven languages.

In the heart of Paris is the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral. For many centuries, the Catholic church has amazed people with its grace, splendor and monumentality.

Construction of the cathedral began under the reign of Louis YII in 1163. Bishop Maurice de Sully initiated the construction. Historians believe that the foundation was the destroyed St. Stephen's Basilica and other buildings:

  1. Romanesque Cathedral
  2. Carolingian Cathedral
  3. Paleo-Christian Church

The work lasted for almost two centuries, which suggests that there were many participants in the construction, but almost no information about them has been preserved. The names of the architects who began construction are known: Jean de Chelles and Pierre de Montreuil. Construction of the temple proceeded slowly.

Despite the fact that parishioners, rich and poor, noble and common people, tried to help the construction by donating whatever amounts they could, there was not enough money. Construction proceeded in stages: the walls were completed by 1177, the altar was built (and consecrated by Cardinal Albano) in 1182. By the end of the 12th century, a lead roof was installed, towers were erected in 1245, and interior decoration was completed in 1315. The year 1345 is considered to be the end of construction.

Since that time, there have been no major restorations, the building has deteriorated, and there was especially a lot of destruction during the revolution. The figures of the Jewish kings were removed and beheaded, the stained glass windows were broken, and the artistic carvings were also damaged. At the very end of the 18th century, the Convention issued a decree according to which believers were obliged to pay money for the needs of the revolution, otherwise the temple would be destroyed. The residents managed to defend their shrine, but Robespierre declared it a stronghold of obscurantism and renamed it the Temple of Reason.

Interesting fact: sculptures of the kings were discovered during construction work at the end of the 20th century. As it turned out, the former owner of the house, who lived at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, purchased the statues and buried them with honors. In 1802, the cathedral was returned to the Catholic Church and reconsecrated. In the 19th century, they began to repair the building, led by the architect Viollet-le-Duc - they restored stained glass windows, sculptures, erected a new spire, and installed sculptures of chimeras. The Catholic church was the site of royal weddings, burials, and parliamentary meetings. Here the destitute found lodging for the night and criminals found protection.


The Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris is individual and unique. The cathedral took about two hundred years to build, many architects took part in the work, so the building styles are different - Gothic and Romanesque. The temple is a basilica with double aisles on the sides, a design that was almost never used before. The height of the temple is 35 m, length is 130 m, width is 48 m. The weight of the bell tower, located on the south side, is 13 tons. The façade is divided vertically into three parts, horizontally divided into three rows by galleries, and the façade is crowned by two towers.

The first tier has three portals, they depict the Virgin Mary, Saint Anne and paintings of the Last Judgment. Above the entrance there is a panel with scenes from the Gospel, and statues of saints are installed above the arches. Above is the Gallery of Kings with 28 figures of the kings of Judah. The beauty and brightness of the structure is given by stained glass windows, almost entirely recreated in the 19th century. The main stained glass window (rose) remains from the Middle Ages and has been partially restored. It depicts the image of the Mother of God and other pictures, including virtuous and sinful actions of people. The two roses on the sides are considered the largest in Europe, their diameter is 13 m.

The cathedral is crowned by a 96-meter spire covered with lead plates. Nearby are sculptures of the apostles, divided into four groups. An animal was placed near each saint, which is a symbol of the evangelist. The statues are installed facing Paris, and only Thomas, who is considered the patron saint of builders, looks at the spire.


A striking decoration of the façade, gargoyles, were installed in the 13th century. These are demonic creatures that look like large dragons. They are well preserved, as they are made of durable limestone quarried in the Seine River basin. Translated from Old French it means “throat”. In Gothic style, gargoyles were intended to drain rainwater; gutters made of stone or metal were installed in them to hide their unattractiveness.

Chimeras are evil demonic creatures, usually depicted as demons, fairy birds or animals with wings like bats. embody human sins. The architect Viollet-le-Duc decided to install them during a major restoration. He himself made sketches of the monsters and sculptors under the direction of Geoffroy Dechaumes embodied them in stone. One of the popular chimeras is Strix, a half-woman, half-bird who, according to legend, fed on the blood of babies. It’s interesting that if you take a picture with them to a living person, they seem like stone sculptures, while gargoyles and chimeras look full of life.

Interior decoration

The internal space of Gothic architecture is created thanks to transverse and longitudinal naves, forming the shape of a cross. There are no internal walls supporting the structure in the room; they are replaced by two rows of columns. The walls of the cathedral are decorated with artistic carvings. One part of the cathedral contains sculptures, paintings and other works of art, which are presented by parishioners on May 1, a Catholic holiday dedicated to Our Lady.

Under the high tier there are sculptures of the rulers of the Old Testament. The original figures were destroyed and replaced with copies. The organ is famous - it was equipped in the Middle Ages during the construction of a temple, the largest in Europe. It was reconstructed and rebuilt many times. Along the spiral staircase you can get to the South Tower of the temple, from which a grandiose panorama of the city opens up; it’s convenient to see the bell, gargoyles and chimeras from a close distance.

The center of the long nave is decorated with compositions telling scenes from the Lives of the Saints. The interior of the temple is made of steel-gray stone. Since, according to Gothic canons, walls are not decorated with wall paintings, it enlivens a somewhat gloomy picture sunlight, entering through colored stained glass and lancet windows, giving the temple color and brightness. The chapels located on the sides tell about the earthly life of the Mother of God. The central stained glass window contains several dozen scenes from the Old Testament.

The novel that glorified the cathedral

TO 19th century The cathedral had become so dilapidated that it was about to be demolished. The publication of the novel “Notre Dame de Paris” by the French writer Victor Hugo in 1831 contributed to his salvation. The novelist wrote about good and evil, love and hate. The idea did not arise by chance - Hugo was an ardent defender of ancient architecture and his activities were aimed at protecting it. The chapter of the novel “The Cathedral of Our Lady” talks about the structure, describing its beauty. The writer expresses concern, rightly believing that humanity may lose a unique structure.

The heroine is a gypsy named Esmeralda. The clergyman Claude Frollo, the bell-ringer Quasimodo, a pupil of the archdeacon, and the captain, Phoebus de Chateaupert, became infatuated with the beauty. Frollo fell passionately in love with the girl, tried to seduce her, but was refused. The enraged priest orders Quasimodo to kidnap Esmeralda, but Captain Chateaupert prevents this. The young people liked each other and had a date. During the meeting, Frollo, blinded by jealousy, wounds Phoebus and accuses the girl of the crime. She is sentenced to death.

Quasimodo hid Esmeralda in the cathedral ( God's temple, according to the laws of Catholicism, is a refuge where a person can hide from any offense) in order to save it from the gallows. Esmeralda could not fall in love with the ugly hunchback, but she developed friendly feelings towards him. The ending is tragic - Esmeralda dies, the unfortunate Quasimodo takes the girl’s body to the temple and also dies of grief.

Hugo's novel is stunning with its tragedy, vivid images, and description of Notre Dame Cathedral. They no longer talked about destroying the temple; they decided to restore it. Restoration of the building began in 1841 under the leadership of Viollet-le-Duc. Finished in 1864.

Museum and treasury

The museum tells about the history of the appearance of the temple, about interesting facts Associated with this place, there are interesting exhibits here - art objects, utensils. Through the museum you can go to the Treasury, which houses one of the main Christian shrines - part Life-giving cross and the Savior's Crown of Thorns. Church vestments, utensils, paintings, manuscripts, and other items of artistic and historical value are exhibited.

Opening hours and ticket prices

  • Monday - Friday from 08:00 to 18:45
  • Saturday - Sunday from 08:00 to 19:15


  • Monday - Friday from 09:30 to 18:00
  • Saturday from 09:30 to 18:30; Sunday from 13:30 to 18:30

Cost of visit (euros):

  • adults - 4; from 6 to 12 years - 1; children under 6 years old - free; up to 26 years old - 2.

There are always a lot of people in this legendary place, so you will have to stand in line before entering the cathedral.

Where is it and how to get there

The cathedral is located on Place Parvy Notre-Dame, in the eastern part of the Ile de la Cité, 75004, Paris, France.

You can get there:

  • by metro - to the stop “Chalete”, “Isle de la Cité” or “Hotel de Ville”;
  • by bus, routes 21, 38, 47, 85 and 96.

If you are lucky enough to visit France and its beautiful capital, you cannot help but admire the Notre Dame Cathedral; it is a majestic and unforgettable sight, the impressions of which will last a lifetime. This is not only beautiful architecture, but also the spiritual center of Catholicism.

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on the map

Altar of the North-Dame with kneeling statues of Louis XIII and Louis XIV

Temples have been located in this place since time immemorial; even in the era of the Romans, there was a temple dedicated to Jupiter. Later, the Merovingians, who ruled Gaul in 500-571, built the Cathedral of St. Etienne here.

Notre Dame Cathedral was founded in 1163 by Maurice de Sully, Bishop of Paris, and cornerstone was founded by Pope Alexander III. Its construction lasted until 1345, that is, it took almost two centuries. During this time, the project was led by dozens of architects, which did not stop them from erecting a beautiful and organic ensemble. According to historical data, several other churches, both Christian and pagan, previously existed on the same site.

The construction of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris took place with the participation of many architects, but its main creators, who made the greatest contribution, are considered to be Pierre de Montreuil and Jean de Chelles. The building was founded during the reign of Louis VII. It was then that the Gothic style in architecture became popular, which was used by architects. This direction was successfully mixed with the Romanesque style from the traditions of Normandy, which gave the cathedral a unique look.

Painting "Coronation of Napoleon I" (December 2, 1804), painted by Jacques-Louis David in 1807

The history of France and Notre Dame cannot be separated, because it was here that the knights offered their prayers when going to Crusades, the coronation of Napoleon, the celebration of the victory over Hitler's troops and many other events took place.

North Dame is shrouded in an atmosphere of mysticism and dark romance West façade of Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral suffered greatly from inept reconstructions during the events of the late 18th century, and later due to popular neglect. Thus, the French Revolution almost deprived the world of this unique architectural monument; they even wanted to burn it. Many sculptures were broken or beheaded, stained glass windows were destroyed, and precious utensils were looted. The building was declared the Temple of Reason, then the center of the Cult of the Supreme Being, and later simply turned into a food warehouse. The architectural ensemble was saved from complete destruction by Victor Hugo’s novel “Notre Dame de Paris,” which occupied a central place in the story of the hunchback’s love for a beautiful gypsy. The publication of the work not only made the writer famous, but also drew the attention of the general public to the exceptional historical as well as aesthetic value of the ancient building.

This is where the “Zero Kilometer” is located - the starting point of all distances in France

It was decided to reconstruct Notre Dame according to all the rules of ancient technologies. Viollet-le-Duc successfully coped with such a difficult task, since the architect had knowledge of the construction methods of the ancient masters who worked on the construction of the temple. The restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral lasted more than a quarter of a century. During this time, the facades and interior decoration were restored, the sculpture gallery and part of the gargoyles destroyed by the revolutionaries were reconstructed, and all the remaining infernal “guards” were returned to their rightful place.

Additionally, a spire more than 95 meters high was built and installed on the roof. In subsequent years, Parisians treated their shrine with extreme reverence. It is noteworthy that the temple was practically not damaged during the period of two World Wars. At the end of the 20th century, another restoration was initiated, which made it possible to completely clean the building from city dust and return the sandstone from which the façade is made to its original golden hue.

View of Notre Dame Cathedral through the arch

Facade and gargoyles

The most popular attribute of the external decoration of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris remains stone demonic creatures. Gargoyles are present here in large numbers and are intended not only for decoration, but also to drain water from the numerous drains on the roof. The point is that it is unusual complex design roofs contribute to the accumulation of moisture due to precipitation, since it cannot drain as freely as from ordinary houses. This can lead to the development of mold, dampness and destruction of the stone, so high-quality gutters are a must for any Gothic cathedral.

Traditionally, unattractive pipe exits were disguised with figures of gargoyles, chimeras, dragons, and less commonly, people or real animals. Many see hidden meanings in these demonic images, so there is a lot of scope for imagination here. It is noteworthy that at the time of construction there were no stone demons on the cathedral; they were installed at the suggestion of the restorer Viollet-le-Duc, who used this medieval tradition.

Gargoyles of Notre Dame

The main façade is decorated with stone statues and has three portals. The main one is located in the middle, its arches support seven statues on each side, and the main decor is relief scenes of the Last Judgment. The right portal is dedicated to Saint Anne, where the Blessed Virgin and Child are depicted, and the left one is dedicated to the Mother of God, with the signs of the zodiac and an image of the coronation of the Virgin Mary. The huge doors are decorated with forged relief images.

The already mentioned spire on the roof replaced the one that was dismantled in late XVIII century. The design is decorated with four groups of apostles, as well as animals corresponding to the evangelists. All the statues face the French capital, with the exception of the patron saint of architects, St. Thomas, who seems to be admiring the spire.

Almost all the stained glass windows are quite modern, made during the restoration of the temple in the 19th century. Only in the central compass rose are some medieval parts preserved. The pattern of this large-scale structure (9.5 meters in diameter) made of colored glass depicts Mary, as well as rural works, the signs of the Zodiac, human virtues and sins. The northern and southern facades are equipped with the largest roses that exist in Europe. Each of them is about 13 meters in diameter.

Facade of Notre Dame, including 3 portals: the Virgin, the Last Judgment and St. Anne, as well as the Gallery of the Kings from above

Interior of Notre Dame Cathedral

North Rose of Notre Dame Cathedral

The design in longitudinal section is a cross, in the center of which there is a complex of sculptural images of various gospel scenes. Interestingly, there are no internal supporting walls here; their function is performed by multifaceted columns. Large quantity artistic carving is filled with unearthly light, which is painted in different colors, passing through the glass of several roses. On the right side of Notre Dame, tourists can admire the wonderful sculptures, paintings and other works of art that are traditionally presented to Our Lady every year on the first of May. The majestic central chandelier was made according to sketches by Viollet-le-Duc; after reconstruction, it replaced the chandelier, melted down during the French Revolution.

Interior of Notre Dame

Stained glass window of Notre Dame. Due to the abundance of biblical scenes in the Middle Ages, the cathedral was called the “Bible for those who don’t read.”

Between the portal and the higher tier is the Gallery of the Kings, where sculptures of Old Testament rulers are exhibited. The revolutionaries ruthlessly destroyed the original statues, so they were made anew. At the end of the 20th century, fragments of individual sculptures were found under one of the Parisian houses. It turned out that the owner bought them in troubled times in order to bury them with honors, and later built his own home on this place.

It is impossible not to mention the majestic organ installed in Notre Dame Cathedral. It was equipped during the construction of the temple, and was rebuilt and reconstructed many times. Today, this organ is the largest in France in terms of the number of registers and the second in the number of pipes, some of which have survived since the Middle Ages.

Organ in Notre Dame Cathedral

South bell tower

South tower of Notre Dame Cathedral

If you want to enjoy Parisian panoramas that are as beautiful as the views from Eiffel Tower, you should definitely climb the South Tower of Notre Dame Cathedral. A spiral staircase of 387 steps leads here, climbing which you will see the main bell of the cathedral, Emmanuel, and you will also be able to see the gargoyles in close proximity. It is believed that they look so carefully to the west because they wait for sunset, after which they come to life every night.

Museum and treasury

There is a museum in the cathedral, where every visitor can learn about the history of the temple in detail, listen to many famous and little-known stories associated with this place. Various exhibits that directly relate to the centuries-old life of Notre Dame are stored here.

In the Treasury of the North-Dame de Paris

From the shrine you can go to the underground Treasury, located under the square in front of the cathedral. It contains historical and religious relics: utensils, precious art objects, and so on. But the most important exhibits are the Crown of Thorns of Christ, one of the nails with which Jesus was crucified, and a fragment of that same cross.

Gargoyle of Notre Dame

Procedure and cost of visiting

To get inside Notre Dame Cathedral, you will have to wait in a long line. According to statistics, every day, depending on the time of year, from 30 to 50 thousand people cross the threshold of Notre Dame. Entrance to the cathedral itself is free, but to climb the bell tower each adult will have to pay 15 euros. Those under 26 years of age can enter for free. The cost of visiting the Treasury is 4 euros for adults, 2 € for young people 12-26 years old, 1 € for visitors 6-12 years old. Children under 6 years old can enter free of charge. In addition, on all Fridays of Lent, as well as on the first days of each month, treasures are brought out for public viewing free of charge. Such exhibitions usually begin around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Each visitor has the opportunity to use an audio guide in English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese or Japanese. The cost of this service is 5 euros.

How to get there

The full address of the shrine is: 6 place du Parvis Notre-Dame, Ile de la Cit, 75004 Paris. The Chalete, Isle de la Cité and Hotel de Ville metro stations are a five-minute walk away. In addition, you can use bus routes No. 21, 38, 47 or 85. On weekdays, Notre-Dame Cathedral is open from 8.00 to 18.45, on Saturdays and Sundays from 7.00 to 15.00. Every Saturday services are held here at 5.45 and also at 18.15.

Notre Dame Cathedral illuminated