How to properly consecrate an apartment - with the help of a priest or on your own. How to properly sanctify and clean an apartment, house, office, office, workplace, car, store with holy water? Prayer for the consecration of an apartment, house, car with holy water

Consecration of an apartment and a car is perhaps one of the most common requirements these days. They ask to consecrate different people, By various reasons, With different attitude to what is happening. Some people want “everything to be fine,” others “get busy” or “dream about dead people.” There are also those who understand that the consecration of an apartment, as well as any thing, is not a universal solution to problems, but a blessing from God.

Something happened

This is a category of people for whom something happened, something, in their opinion, very important. Real case from priestly practice: a very worried woman calls and says that she has demons at home. I go to consecrate, internally preparing for something terrible. But I don't see anything special.

What is the problem? - I ask.

You know, the pipes burst at night, and it was so scary. There were clearly some demons involved here.

We talked, consecrated the apartment and explained that first of all we need to live a normal spiritual life - confess, take communion, and then the Lord himself will manage everything.

And there are many such cases. Once he blessed an apartment whose residents “dreamed of dead people.” So many occult items for one square meter I haven’t seen it for a long time: several brownies, a bunch of toads with money in their mouths, horseshoes and all this against the backdrop of “Fatima’s eyes” winking from the walls. And the residents themselves have not received communion for 15 years.

Before consecrating this housing, a serious “preventative conversation” had to be held, after which the brownies flew into the trash bin, and the residents confessed.

“Something that happened” are people who understand that there is God, that there is spiritual life, but resort to them only as a means of protection from something very bad in their lives. This is a category of people with a commodity-money attitude towards God and the Church: “You, Lord, give to us, protect us, protect us, and we will... well, light a candle for you.” Something like this.

This also includes people who need to “clean their apartment.” This category of people can be recognized by the very first question, be it a phone call or a conversation in church: “We need to clean the apartment.” They fight against damage, the evil eye, and bad energy.

By the way, these are the people who are trying to do everything possible ways Bless your apartment several times. That is why I check several times before the consecration to see if the apartment has been consecrated before. And it doesn’t hurt to look around - suddenly there are crosses hanging from a previous consecration.

To make it good

This is a category of much more joyful people. Typically they bought new apartment or a car and go to church so that the priest will bless their new acquisition. He consecrated it so that everything would really be good: the car would not get into accidents, the house would be a full cup, and so on.

It’s more pleasant to communicate with these people, if only because they are positive, unlike people who “had something happen.”

I consecrate to such people with joy. With joy and caution. With caution, because I try to emphasize in the sermon that sanctification itself is far from the most important thing. I say that the Lord sanctifies things and objects, but the most important thing that needs to be sanctified is yourself. And man is sanctified church life, life with Christ and in Christ, that is, with the help of the Church and the sacraments.

Sometimes they ask to consecrate it so that it will be good in the family. I also don’t refuse these people, but in this case I have to be in the role family psychologist- I tell you that family is patience and mutual understanding. It happens that I recall the words of the Apostle Paul, which are read during the Sacrament of Marriage. I sincerely hope that someone really “felt better” after the consecration of an apartment or car.

Because it's right

There are people who understand perfectly well that consecrating an apartment or car is the right thing to do. After all, if we - Orthodox people, then we must sanctify both ourselves and what surrounds us. Be it a house, car, apartment, and so on. But you need to understand that such sanctification is not a universal solution to all problems, but a blessing from God, and a person himself must go towards God.

Unfortunately, there are fewer people with such an understanding than, for example, those who consecrate an apartment after “something has happened” and “so that everything will be fine.” But there are such people, and these are, as a rule, churchgoers who participate in the sacraments and understand what and why.

These people perfectly understand the words of the saint righteous John Kronstadtsky, who wrote that the rites of consecration “are caused by the extreme need of nature itself or the nature of the elements and the need of the people themselves who live in the air and have an incessant need for the water element. All nature, all the elements are constantly desecrated and corrupted human sins and dark and crafty spirits living in the air and giving rise to all sorts of pernicious trends and diseases in it. There is an urgent need for church sanctification and healing of these elements.”

Who to refuse

In church society, a discussion periodically begins on the topic of whether to sanctify or not to sanctify those people who are far from the Church. I think it is to sanctify. Consecrate and speak to them. After all, if a person comes to the temple and wants to consecrate an apartment or car, even for some strange reason, then he has already crossed the threshold of the temple, he has already arrived. And then it’s the job of the priest, who must talk to this person, explain to him, touch the strings of his soul and bring him to the temple.

Again, a story from priestly practice. Sanctified the apartment very much good people. But having crossed the threshold of this apartment, I immediately saw huge amount all sorts of esotericism. We talked for a long time, I explained the Orthodox understanding of damage and the evil eye, explained why various kinds superstitions are incompatible with Orthodoxy, and in the end they still removed it all. But it was at the consecration of the apartment that they first heard that being Orthodox means, as it turned out, going to church not just to light a candle, but going to church for Confession and Communion. They learned that being Orthodox means living a fairly intense spiritual life. I don’t know whether they became parishioners of some church, but I sincerely hope that at least part of what was said was deposited in their hearts.

And when not to consecrate? You cannot consecrate something that has already been consecrated before. You cannot sanctify if a person openly talks about his non-church views and if he openly says that his goal is the esoteric “receiving good energy.”

By the way, Saint Theophan the Recluse said this beautifully:

“All the grace coming from God through the holy cross, holy icons, holy water, relics, consecrated bread (artos, antidor, prosphora) and others, including most holy communion The Body and Blood of Christ has power only for those who are worthy of this grace through repentance prayers, repentance, humility, service to people, works of mercy and the manifestation of other Christian virtues. But if they are not there, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically, like a talisman, and is useless for the wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues).”


Sanctification, any grace from God, any shrine is a call from God to man. A call to meet Him halfway. When I consecrate cars, I always say that consecrating a car is always a call to show your Christian worldview. Don’t just hang up crosses and icons, but try where you can, give in to someone where you can, don’t cut them off, and so on. And the most important thing is to provide all possible assistance. They blessed the car, and then on an empty highway they saw a car stuck in a snow drift. Stop, take the rope and help the poor man. After all, you have consecrated your car, received grace from God, and now the time has come to implement it and meet God halfway.

Instructions for use

Modern society loves to write and read instructions. It’s probably more convenient and clearer this way. Therefore, I also decided to make a short instruction on consecration.

  1. Sanctification is not a universal solution to all the problems in your life. The sanctification of a thing is its dedication to God, i.e. we should strive to serve God with this thing. If it’s an apartment, then live in it like a Christian; if it’s a car, then try to help your neighbor, etc.
  2. The first thing you need to sanctify is yourself. All of us, Orthodox Christians, are called to holiness. Living a normal spiritual life: confessing, taking communion - this is main task an Orthodox person, and then the consecration of all material objects occurs.
  3. There must be consecration of material objects. Orthodox man should strive to sanctify your living space, of course, within reason.
  4. Any blessing is a call from God to man. The Lord sends His grace, sanctifies material objects, but calls for man to come to meet Him.
  5. Christian sanctification is incompatible with paganism in any form. In the house and in the car Orthodox Christian There can be no pagan symbols: no horseshoes, no brownies, no signs of the Zodiac. All this is incompatible with Orthodoxy.

Many of us very rarely resort to the help of religion in difficult situations, but when things get serious and there is no one else to rely on, we remember God. The priests claim that the very fact of conversion is already good step, no matter when it was made. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with asking for help from higher powers. One of the manifestations of protecting yourself and your family through prayer is the consecration of your home. According to all the rules, only a priest can do this, but if for some reason his visit is impossible, then you can find out how to consecrate an apartment, house, even an office and industrial premises yourself.

In order to consecrate a home, you must have holy water collected on the night of Epiphany. It is necessary to sprinkle the house with it, all its rooms, all corners, windows, doors. At this time, the prayer “May God rise again” is read, then the 90th Psalm is read, and finally say “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” And the confessors also say that no damage or evil eye will remain in the house where they constantly pray, light candles, where there are icons and sincere words of repentance of Christians. The place needs to be prayed for, they say. If something important is about to happen in the house or with family members, then you need to light candles, ask God for help, and wait until the candles burn out. And if you just pray with candles, then you can extinguish it and light it again.

An ancient way to cleanse your home

If you have not yet decided how to consecrate the apartment yourself, then you can resort to this the old way. Count how many rooms you have in your apartment. The bathroom, hallway, kitchen, and pantry are also considered separate rooms. You need to buy as many candles from the church as you count the number of rooms. Then memorize one single prayer, “Our Father.” Start clearing your apartment front door, therefore, from the hallway. Light the first candle, bring it to each doorframe, to the doorway, walk around the perimeter clockwise. If somewhere the candle begins to make a strong crackling sound, then stand in this place until it stops making loud sounds. Then go to the next room. Extinguish the first candle, light the second. In the next room, do the same - go around all the corners, bring the candle to the jambs, to the windows, to the handles. So you need to go around all the rooms, each time lighting a new candle. The entire time you are performing this ritual, you must read a prayer. After it, you need to collect all the wax from the candles, all the remains, and take it to the church.

Cleansing the home for people of any faith

This method will tell you how to properly consecrate an apartment if representatives live under the same roof different religions. Buy a new broom and start the ritual on the waxing moon on Thursday. Start sweeping out trash from every room, from the back rooms to the front door. Say the words to yourself: “Garbage out of the house, troubles and troubles out.” Sweep the trash onto newspaper, wrap it tightly, take it with a broom away from the house and burn it.

In order to prevent negative energy from penetrating into your apartment, you need to lead a correct spiritual lifestyle. We must sincerely believe in God, not violate his commandments, not wish for other people what we would not wish for ourselves, not defile our thoughts with bad thoughts, our lips with dirty words, our bodies with bad habits. Then your life will become easier, troubles will recede.

Often, when moving to a new home, people have the following questions: “How to properly consecrate an apartment? Is it possible to do this yourself? How expensive is this service?”

You can find the answers to them in this article.

Why do believers consecrate their homes?

First we need to understand what sanctification means and what its role is in modern society.

Consecration is a special rite in Orthodox Christianity, which represents the cleansing of any place or object from the evil influence of the demonic world and the invocation of God's grace.

Since ancient times, patterns have been noticed between the morality of a people and their fate: people’s refusal of the Lord often led to inevitable and dire consequences(famine, tornadoes, floods, droughts, etc.), therefore, every believer is obliged to prove his faith that nothing happens without the will of God.

By consecrating an apartment, we have the opportunity to cleanse our home from the devil and his machinations, because in our time so many false ideas are introduced into our heads through television and radio. Thus, to the question “Do you need to consecrate your home?”, the correct and indisputable answer is “yes.”

How much does it cost to consecrate an apartment?

If you decide to invite a priest from the temple to consecrate your apartment or house, then you will most likely think about the cost of this issue. This topic is very sensitive.

The fact is that often a God-fearing church minister will be modest and will not ask for this procedure money, because for him to read a prayer and give advice is a joy.

But we should not forget that the church exists only through donations, and that is why the priest’s costs of consecration should at least be covered.

Rules for consecrating an apartment by an Orthodox priest

First, you need to prepare the house for the sacred ceremony: wash the apartment, put all things in their place, be sure to check if there are any pagan objects in the house (astrological calendars, figurines of other gods, etc.).

Please note: It is advisable to have a table with a clean tablecloth: here the priest will put holy objects.

Before the ceremony begins, the clergyman pastes several paper Christian crosses throughout the house (above the front door and in all rooms).

After reading the first prayers and the ninetieth psalm, the priest blesses olive (sometimes sunflower) oil and sprinkles the entire house with holy water, after which he anoints paper crosses with oil. These crosses serve as guardians of peace and grace in the apartment; even during renovations, they should be saved and then put back on.

The ritual lasts about half an hour, and is performed once.

How and when can you consecrate an apartment yourself with holy water?

The apartment is not consecrated with one’s own hand, but on the feast of the Epiphany, Orthodox believers sprinkle their homes. Then even tap water will be suitable for this purpose.

Also, water is often left in churches for parishioners who were unable to attend services for some reason.

Is it possible to cleanse an apartment of negativity on your own?

In order for a Christian’s life to proceed in safety, prosperity, and to bear saving fruits, it must be pleasing to the will of God.

Orthodox Christians should under no circumstances fall into magic, as this is a grave sin.

First of all, you need to cleanse your life, your soul. How can this be done?

Come to church, prepare and go to confession, especially during the evening service, when the priests are in no hurry and can devote as much time as needed to communicating with parishioners. Next, take Holy Communion Christ's Mysteries at Sunday service.

Even in Rus', Christians cleansed their houses with incense and asked for God's blessing on their homes. Nowadays, you can also buy a censer with a handle and incense in a church shop.

You need to go around the whole house or apartment, create sign of the cross censer and recite psalms No. 90 and No. 100, as well as the prayers “Our Father”, “It is worthy to eat”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”, “May God rise again”, “ Chosen Voivode Victorious."

You can also often sprinkle the place where you live with Holy water. At the same time, you need to say: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. By sprinkling this sacred water, let all the evil demonic action be put to flight.”

Every evening, reading prayer rule and the prayer “May God rise again,” cross all four corners of your room, and when going to bed, cross the bed.

Coming to the priest's house is a great holiday for many believers. Many are excitedly awaiting this event. After the consecration of the apartment, there is often a tea party and intimate spiritual conversations.

At such a meeting, you can ask the priest a lot, ask questions that concern you at the moment, consult and ask for blessings.

The consecration of one’s own home is a whole ritual that must be done if a person is a believer. This is the most best protection from bad and unfavorable energy, devilish forces, real involvement in the church, true faith in the Lord God. It is popularly accepted that it is necessary to consecrate an apartment or house after moving to this place or if renovations have been completed. In any case, this is a blessed ritual that does not make anything bad, but only internally comforts each person. For those who do not know how to properly bless an apartment with water, you should call Father or, having learned about all the rules, try to walk through the entire house yourself.

How to properly sanctify a house with Epiphany water

This tradition is quite ancient, as it dates back to the moment Christianity was born. Even then, all Orthodox Christians knew that holy water was one of the main protections for the people. Today this ritual is performed by a priest, since he is the one who knows exactly how to bless an apartment with water. You just have to go to any church or chapel to talk with knowledgeable people, at what time you can consecrate your house.

They say that only a servant of the Lord can perform the ceremony correctly. Why Father? The fact is that all clergy have undergone the sacrament of the Priesthood, therefore each of them is endowed with divine rights that allow them to carry out this church ceremony. But the main rules for a believer who wants to sanctify his home still exist. Here's what you need to do before inviting Father into your home:

  • create perfect order, remove all those things that are in bad shape;
  • try to throw out everything unnecessary and useless;
  • the apartment should have an icon and several candles from the church;
  • the priest will come with his personal belongings, for which it is necessary to make some space.

The time spent consecrating a house with holy water, as a rule, takes Father a little more than an hour. You don’t have to watch his every move, you can just watch from the side. And the most important thing is not to be distracted.

How can you consecrate your apartment with holy water?

If it is not possible to contact a priest, then you can consecrate the apartment with holy water yourself. True, in this case, it is important to visit the church and receive a blessing, because without it the ritual will not work. It is necessary to stock up not only with icons and the necessary candles, but also with a prayer book, which contains all the most important sacred texts that are usually read during the ceremony. Such literature is purchased only in the temple; it is not available in any other store. Detailed preparatory instructions before consecrating each room with holy water:

  1. When reading a prayer, the believer always turns to God, to the Mother of God, who constantly protects man, to all the Guardian Angels and other Saints. You cannot think about anything extraneous during the consecration of the apartment. You need to tune in and clearly say your prayers (you can also silently) and see the true meaning in them.
  2. It is also important that the lifestyle be close to the spiritual. For example, you should not let negative energy into your home, or swear in your apartment every day. It is worth attending church at least on weekends every week, and even better, attending Saturday and Sunday morning and evening services.
  3. A person needs to sincerely believe in the Lord God and never wish harm on anyone, even the most sworn enemy and ill-wisher. You should always rejoice for the happiness of those around you, even for those who have done something painful and bad.
  4. Do not defile your thoughts with bad thoughts, do not say bad words out loud, avoid all bad habits, do not violate the Bible commandments.

If all these four points are present in life and observed, then blessing an apartment with water will be a great blessing. Holy water can be brought from the church absolutely on any day when it is convenient for the believer to perform the ceremony. To do this, on the porch of the temple or in the hall, holy water in bottles is usually prepared for everyone to take away, the price for which is symbolic.

You can also use other water - the one that Father consecrates during a church holiday: you just need to bring a container and wait for the priest to go around, substituting your water. In order to perform the ritual yourself, you need fresh water, just blessed.

You cannot use a stagnant one, as it takes on all the negativity in the apartment. So:

  1. In his left hand, the believer should hold a bowl of holy water, and with his right hand, sprinkle the drops in front of him on all the walls of the room.
  2. It is customary to start the ritual from the eastern corner, the movement should be clockwise.
  3. It is important to read the “Our Father” prayer, which everyone knows from an early age. If there are prayers such as “May God rise again” or Psalm 90, then they will also need to be read.
  4. It is not necessary to carry out the church ritual of consecrating the apartment on Thursday or Sunday. You can choose any other day convenient for this. But, of course, Friday is best avoided.

Blessing an apartment with holy water - what is it for?

If a believer has consecrated an apartment, this does not mean that now there will be no sins in his life. We are all partly sinful people, and sometimes we don’t even notice that we are not doing the purest and best things. Having consecrated each room, a person becomes a little closer to the Lord, entrusts his home and the roof over his head to the Almighty, and promises to maintain peace and tranquility in his family. Yes, in a place whose walls are sprinkled with water, fewer illnesses occur and swearing is much less common. But everything depends only on the person, since the consecration of an apartment is only a small step towards ensuring that everything will be fine in the future.

There is one remarkable example that happened relatively recently in real life. The family lived in ordinary apartment, previously unconsecrated. Between the spouses there were constantly scandals, squabbles and even assault. It seemed that these two people loved each other and respected each other, but for some reason in this particular room everything did not go as usual. In any other place, a real idyll could be seen between the spouses.

Having consecrated the apartment, the husband and wife began to swear less, listen to each other more and respect the opinion of their loved one. The consecration of each room helped the family find peace, harmony and take all that accumulated devilish negative energy beyond the threshold of the family world. This is the most shining example and the fact why it is still worth consecrating your apartment with holy water.

Which house or apartment is considered unclean?

Firstly, this is a place where they often drank, used illegal substances, swore a lot, hurled dirty words, fought, and engaged in debauchery. Secondly, this is a room where people who do not believe in the Lord God live. It is precisely such dwellings that are usually considered unclean, and they should be illuminated with holy water at the most convenient opportunity.

It is believed that such houses are not only shrouded in negative energy, but also full of demons. It’s true, everyone who is present in an apartment where there is constant scandal becomes the center of conflict. Anyone who lives in such conditions will never feel true happiness, will always face problems and troubles, and there will be no peace in their souls.

Many people moving to a new place do not even know that astrologers, psychics, fortune tellers or sorcerers once lived here. All these groups of people are not from God, there is nothing Holy about them. And the apartments in which people associated with magic once lived and spent their lives must be consecrated immediately. Under no circumstances should children be allowed into a house where Father has not yet been with holy water. Especially if a witch or any other person associated with magic and extrasensory perception once lived in this place long ago.

Even if everything depends on the person - after consecrating the house with holy water, living in a clean room becomes much simpler, easier and more enjoyable. You won’t want to make trouble anymore, you won’t want to resort to bad habits, constant harmony will reign between people. Many believers can confirm that after the ritual of consecration with water, even breathing indoors becomes much easier than before. Let every home have only peace, pleasant thoughts and constant children’s laughter, and let there be as little negative energy as possible. Bless your apartment - this is the most right decision for everyone, if faith in God is strong and unshakable enough!

Is it possible and how to properly sanctify an apartment with water?

Question No. 419

How to consecrate your home yourself?

Tamara Obazumova, Daugavpils, Latvia

Hello, dear Father Oleg.

Could you give practical guidance on how to properly consecrate your apartment, house, workplace, candles, etc. When you light a candle, does it have to burn out completely? If you put out a candle, can you light it again?

Answer from Father Oleg Molenko:

Hello, Tamara!

A dwelling can be completely sanctified only by a true Orthodox priest. If one is not available or is absent due to the circumstances of the retreat, then any faithful can consecrate his home and things, incl. candles, sprinkling the Holy Epiphany ( Epiphany water). At the same time, to consecrate the house, you can read the prayer “May God rise again...”, Psalm 90 and “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, by sprinkling sowing holy water, let every evil demonic action be put to flight, amen.”

You can also read the following prayer: “Lord...

You can consecrate your home absolutely free on one of the coming Thursdays.

Wonderworker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out demonic power from it. So be it. Amen."

You go back.

I clean the corner, I clean the floor, I clean the ceiling and walls. I drive away demons, I drive away envy. I burn a candle for illness, illness and misfortune. Amen."

This a short prayer You can write on a piece of paper, holding it in one hand, and with the other hand cross the corners of the apartment, the room itself and the walls.
Do this 3 Thursdays in a row, not forgetting to go to an Orthodox church on these days and ask Nikolai...

Many of us very rarely resort to the help of religion in difficult situations, but when things get serious and there is no one else to rely on, we remember God. The priests argue that the very fact of conversion is already a good step, regardless of when it is done. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with asking for help from higher powers. One of the manifestations of protecting yourself and your family through prayer is the consecration of your home. According to all the rules, only a priest can do this, but if for some reason his visit is impossible, then you can find out how to consecrate an apartment, house, even an office and industrial premises yourself.

In order to consecrate a home, you must have holy water collected on the night of Epiphany. It is necessary to sprinkle the house with it, all its rooms, all corners, windows, doors. At this time, the prayer “May God rise again” is read, then the 90th Psalm is read, and finally say “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” And the confessors also say that there is no...

How to consecrate an apartment yourself? Of course, this issue becomes relevant after moving from one place of residence to another and in the case when a family has purchased housing in a new building. For what reasons does the above need arise? There are a lot of them: for example, the previous owners of the living space were quarrelsome people and constantly quarreled; it is possible that they had a lot of sinful vices. That is why, after moving into the purchased apartment, the new owners may feel worse, experience a loss of strength, or experience depressive state. What could this mean? Only that the apartment is charged with negative energy due to regular scandals, abuse, swearing, and assault that previously took place here. What to do in this case? There is only one thing left: with the help of holy prayer, cleanse the room of “filth.” However, this ritual must be performed by a priest, but there are times when it is not possible to invite a representative of the church to perform the ritual...

LEGINA Master (1780) 5 years ago

You need a church candle, you don’t need to take expensive ones for this, it will be enough average size and cheap, they work best. Cleansing always starts from the front door. Be sure to read a prayer during the entire cleansing, I use the Our Father. And so you stand facing the front door, cross the door, you need to cross it in mirror image, i.e. from left to right. Then you move clockwise, which means to the right. Run the candle along all the walls, corners, run the candle through all the nooks and crannies. Cross doorways on both sides at the entrance and exit, and cross windows in the same way. In those places where the candle smokes and cracks, you need to clean it until all this disappears. Moving to the right you need to go around the entire apartment, every room in the house. Mirrors also need to be baptized. In general, mirrors in the house should be washed regularly with water, this removes from them all the negativity that they absorb. When you have walked around the whole house, you will return to...

How to consecrate an apartment yourself with holy water and candles Author: Site Administrator | 02/15/2014

How to consecrate an apartment

Orthodox Christians and those who live righteously believe in the evil intentions of their ill-wishers.
As practice shows, not everyone understands that negative information can be concentrated inside the confined space of their own apartment.
If you feel unwell and sick, then try to bless your home yourself with holy water and candles.
Of course, you can invite Father, who, for an appropriate fee, will consecrate the apartment, reading the necessary prayers without hindrance.
But you have to pay for it, and the clergy these days... are very busy.

In order to consecrate your apartment yourself, you will have to strictly follow the following instructions:

1). Go to the church shop and buy candles. I recommend first putting 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, exactly the same number to the Image...

It is impossible to insure yourself against disaster, and there is no need to do this, so as not to live in eternal fear. Sometimes, as it seems, nothing has happened, however, something is clearly “wrong” at home, and every day this feeling intensifies. If you remain an inactive observer, you will soon be forced to take part in the negative outcome of the accumulation of unfavorable energy. There are ways to solve this problem and dispel the negativity of the apartment, one of them is consecration. A reasonable question arises: how to consecrate an apartment yourself? Luckily, this article answers that question.

In what cases is lighting necessary?

It is not always the case that a room needs church lighting and cleansing of energy. But, as practice shows, if you are reading this article, then in most cases your home needs consecration. To be sure, it is better to check the list of signs that clearly indicate improper energy at home:

Dishes break frequently. Households have become more frequent...

How to consecrate an apartment yourself?

There are times when a person, being in his home, feels uncomfortable and unhappy. Sometimes people complain that they feel the presence of some spirits and creatures. In this case, to restore the normal energy background, it is recommended to properly consecrate the house or apartment, since holy water destroys all negativity and scares away evil spirits. To do this, it is not necessary to invite a priest, since the ritual can be performed independently.

How to consecrate an apartment yourself with candles?

“Wonderworker Nicholas, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out demonic power from it. So be it. Amen".

Buy some candles for home. When you come home, light a candle and walk around the house, approaching all corners. This must be done clockwise. Properly consecrate the apartment...

To sanctify your home is to let the holy spirit into your home and protect it from evil spirits and negative information that acquaintances and friends can bring even inadvertently. It is believed that in consecrated housing there are fewer illnesses and quarrels, and harmony reigns between relatives. Inviting a priest from church can be quite expensive, and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, we will tell you how to consecrate an apartment yourself.

Start by visiting a church where you buy at least 6 candles. Place three of them near Christ the Savior, Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (can be placed to the Blessed Eldress Matrona). Ask them for their blessing to perform the ceremony. Take the remaining candles home.

If you come to any church holiday- don't forget to take water! If this is not possible, holy water can always be purchased at a church store.

When you cross the threshold of a house or apartment, take off outerwear. As for the headdress, women should leave it on....

How to consecrate an apartment yourself with candles and holy water Author: Site Administrator | 06/12/2014

From this article you will learn how to bless your apartment yourself with candles and holy water.
This question worries many ordinary people.
Orthodox Christians are accustomed to the fact that an apartment is consecrated only by a minister of the Temple, and not by a lay person.
In fact, you can consecrate your home absolutely free on one of the coming Thursdays.

To do this, go to Church and buy several candles for your home and 3 for the Orthodox image of St. Nicholas.
Lighting 3 candles for him, cross yourself and say these prayer lines:

Wonderworker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out demonic power from it. So be it. Amen.

You go back.

When you come home, light one candle and walk with it through all corners of your apartment without exception, while reading the prayer for consecration, which I inherited:

I'm cleaning the corner...

We've come to the end new year holidays. Tomorrow is Epiphany. And although the weather outside my window is not Epiphany weather at all - there are puddles on the asphalt from the night rain, which means that

the temperature outside is above zero - for me Epiphany remains one of the most mysterious and enigmatic holidays. On this day, the Universe lifts the curtain and we can find out our future, solve seemingly insoluble problems, and get answers to questions that concern us.

If anyone doesn’t know, Epiphany as a holiday was established in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. The ritual of baptism itself implies repentance, deliverance from sins. And although Jesus had nothing to repent of, he, showing humility, accepted Baptism from John and thereby sanctified the watery nature. Since then, on the day of Epiphany, all the world’s waters, the waters of the entire Earth - from a small stream to the oceans - become holy on this day. This also applies to tap water. You don't have to go to church to get holy water...

Of course, the consecration of an apartment is the job of a clergyman, therefore, if you want to consecrate your apartment and cleanse it of demons, you need to come to the Church and negotiate with the rector for the clergy to come to your home and consecrate your home. But, if you have no opportunity to invite a priest to your place, then God allows you to consecrate your home yourself. Priest Nikadim answers how to illuminate your apartment with the help of holy water. Familiarize yourself with HOW HOLY WATER IS MADE?


1: Holy water.
2: Container for holy water.
3: The Bible or excerpts from it.
4: Oil.
5: Church Candle.
6: Pectoral cross.
7: Holy water brush.
8: Chalk.
9: Compass.
10: Censer.
11: Incense.


How to properly sprinkle with holy water?

Each of us, to the best of our ability and ability, tries in everyday life to maintain cleanliness in our homes and neatness in our clothing. And there are some especially clean people who zealously maintain cleanliness and order. And how concerned is such a person if, for some reason, this order and cleanliness is violated.

Likewise, a person who is accustomed to monitoring the purity of his heart and the neatness of his soul cannot live without repentance. Such a person waits and longs for another confession, like a parched land awaits life-giving moisture. Imagine for a moment a person who has not washed off bodily dirt all his life! So the soul requires washing, and what would happen if there were no Sacrament of Repentance, this healing and cleansing “second Baptism”! When taking care of your home, don’t forget to take care of your soul!

If you are going to sprinkle your home, then before that you need to clean the house, wash all the floors, wipe off the dust, ...

If this thing it is not used sinfully, it can be sanctified, but if it is sinful, then it is not necessary.

O. Valentin Mordasov

Church rituals

The Slavic word “rite” itself means “outfit”, “clothing” (you can recall, for example, the verb “to dress”). The beauty, solemnity, and variety of church rituals attract many people. But the Orthodox Church, in the words of St. John of Kronstadt, does not occupy anyone and does not engage in idle spectacles. Visible actions have invisible, but completely real and effective content. The Church believes (and this faith is confirmed by two thousand years of experience) that all the rituals it performs have a certain sanctifying, that is, beneficial, renewing and strengthening effect on a person. This is an act of God's grace.

Conventionally, all rituals are divided into three types:

1. Liturgical rites - sacred rites performed during church services: anointing of oil, the great consecration of water, the carrying of the holy shroud to the Great...

Orthodox Christians elevate the rite of consecration of their home to the category of obligatory sacraments. Symbolism of this action in the fact that the premises will be protected from demonic forces, you become closer to the church and the blessing of God. Most often, Christians consecrate a new home either after overhaul. The priest in the church very often recommends consecrating an apartment if people live in it seriously ill people, small children, a family on the verge of breaking up.

According to Christian canons, the consecration of a home should be carried out by a clergyman. If you have such an opportunity, I would advise inviting the priest from the temple. As a rule, priests go to your home with their necessary attributes: censer, oils, lamp, candles, holy water. But, just in case, you can buy candles at the nearest icon shop. Also keep holy water on hand. The blessing of water is carried out once a year at the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, it is taken from any source, mainly from an ice hole. You can also dial...

In the process of moving into new housing (whether it’s a barely completed apartment in a new building or a typical one-room/two-room apartment in long-constructed buildings, already belonging to secondary market real estate) the question inevitably arises: what rituals should be carried out to energetically balance this space and customize it “for yourself”? Today there are many methods and techniques that belong to different traditions, but the ideal option with which to start activation is positive forces space, cleansing the apartment with a candle.

General principles of fire purification of living space

The use of candles in the energetic improvement of a house or apartment is a completely new invention, historically dating back to the times when people performed complex rituals when laying the foundation of a house, when moving into it and living in it. They believed that they needed to carry a purifying substance (either fire or water) around the perimeter of the house that would eliminate everything potentially...