Take care of your eyesight from a young age. How does a person perceive the world around him? Eyes - organ of vision

Nomination "Children's project in primary school"

The eyes are the organ of vision. A person receives most information about the world around him through his eyes. Vision helps to distinguish the color of objects, the size of objects, their shape, to recognize whether an object is far or close, whether it is moving.

Today, the problem associated with decreased visual acuity is one of the most common diseases among both children and adults in our country.

Target works: find out why it is very important to have good vision and how to maintain it.


  1. Find out how important vision is for a person.
  2. Compare the color perceptions of humans, animals, birds and other inhabitants of our planet.
  3. Find out what damage computers cause to vision.
  4. Find out what helps improve vision.
  5. Conduct a survey to find out how much time classmates spend at the computer.

Hypothesis:Is it possible to maintain one hundred percent vision in modern living conditions?

Methods research:Studying information in the encyclopedia, in Internet sources.Conducting a survey among classmates.

To solve problems, I analyzed the literature and consulted with experts. Conducted a survey and analyzed the results.

Most of my classmates work on the computer for less than an hour every day. There are students who spend several hours a day at the computer. They play games at the computer, search for educational information on the Internet, draw, make presentations, format text, communicate with friends on social networks, and watch movies.

I found out What helps improve vision.

  • Carrot juice with honey: 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice + 1 tablespoon of honey. The course of treatment is 1 month. Improvement occurs within 2 weeks.
  • Eat fresh blueberries.
  • Sprouted wheat grains improve vision.
  • Make slow circular movements with your eyes, first in one direction, then in the other. Repeat 4-6 times.
  • Perform rapid blinks for 15-20 seconds. Repeat every day.

Conclusion: Vision is very important for everyone and therefore it must be protected from a young age, because it is much easier to lose it than to gain it again.

  • The eyes need rest when working on the computer every 20-30 minutes.
  • Write and read so that the distance from the book or notebook to the eyes is 30-40 centimeters.
  • Do eye exercises.
  • For eye diseases, see a doctor.

Appendix No. 1. Project “Take care of your eyesight!”

Appendix No. 2. Project presentation.

How does a person perceive the world around him? The eyes are the organ of vision. More The eyes are the organ of vision. A person receives most information about the world around him through vision. A person receives all information about the world around him through vision. Vision helps to distinguish the color of objects, their size, shape, to recognize whether they are far or close, moving or stationary. Vision helps to distinguish the color of objects, their size, shape, to recognize whether they are far or close, moving or stationary.

Experiment F. How many hours a day do you spend at the computer? How many hours a day do you spend watching TV? Is your workplace sufficiently lit? Do you do exercises for your eyes? No

Rules for working with a computer: 1. The workplace must be autonomous, i.e. 1. The workplace must be autonomous, i.e. Do not connect other devices to the computer outlet. Do not connect other devices to the computer outlet. 2.The computer should be in a corner, because... It is from behind that the radiation is higher than from the screen. 2.The computer should be in a corner, because... It is from behind that the radiation is higher than from the screen. 3.The monitor should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Working with a computer should not exceed 2 hours a day, with a break every 30 minutes. 3. Direct sunlight should not fall on the monitor. Working with a computer should not exceed 2 hours a day, with a rest break every 30 minutes. to rest. 4. The distance from the screen to the eyes is at least 50 cm. 4. The distance from the screen to the eyes is at least 50 cm. 5. In the room with computer equipment, wet cleaning should be carried out daily. 5. The room with computer equipment must be wet cleaned daily.

Hygiene rules when doing homework: 1. Doing homework should take place in a specially equipped place. 1.Homework must be done in a specially equipped place. 2.The light should come from the left side. 2.The light should come from the left side. 3.The light source should only illuminate the work surface, and the lampshade should hide the filament from view. 3.The light source should only illuminate the work surface, and the lampshade should hide the filament from view. 4.The power of the light bulb in the lamp must be at least 60 watts. 4.The power of the light bulb in the lamp must be at least 60 watts. 5. The distance from the eyes to the book should be 40 cm. 5. The distance from the eyes to the book should be 40 cm.

Gymnastics for the eyes 1. Without turning your head, move your gaze to the lower left corner, to the upper right, 1. Without turning your head, move your gaze to the lower left corner, to the upper right, to the lower right, to the lower left corner. Repeat 5 – 8 times. to the lower right, to the lower left corner. Repeat 5 – 8 times. 2. With open eyes, slowly, in rhythm with breathing, smoothly draw a figure eight. 2. With open eyes, slowly, in rhythm with breathing, smoothly draw a figure eight in space horizontally and vertically. in space horizontally and vertically. 3. With open eyes, without turning your head, write your name, surname in space, first in small letters, 3. With open eyes, without turning your head, write in space your name, surname, first in small letters, and then in capital letters. and then big ones.
Take care of your eyes Read, write only in good lighting, Read, write only in good lighting, but remember that bright light should not but remember that bright light should not get into your eyes. get into your eyes. Make sure that the book and notebook are Make sure that the book and notebook are at a distance of 30 - 35 cm from your eyes. at a distance of 30 - 35 cm from the eyes. When reading, place a book on an inclined stand. When reading, place a book on an inclined stand. stand. When writing, the light should fall from the left. When writing, the light should fall from the left. Don't read while lying down, in public transport. Don't read while lying down, in public transport.

Take care of your eyesight Take care of your eyesight If you read, write, or draw for a long time, give your eyes a rest every 20 minutes. Never three eyes with your hands. If you read, write, or draw for a long time, give your eyes a rest every 20 minutes. Never clean your eyes with your hands, as this can introduce specks and dangerous microbes into them. Use a clean handkerchief, look out the window, into the distance, while you can introduce specks and dangerous microbes into them. Use a clean handkerchief, look out the window, into the distance, until you count to 20. It is very harmful if you do not count to 20. It is very harmful for your eyes to watch TV for a long time. for the eyes, watching TV for a long time. Don't be embarrassed to wear glasses. Don't be embarrassed to wear glasses.

Presentation "Take care of your eyes!" recommended as additional material for a class hour on the topic “Take care of your eyes!” The slides contain images about who is the most eagle-eyed; eye exercises; items that may pose a risk to the eyes; Recommendations on how to properly protect your eyes.



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Slide captions:

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4 of the urban settlement of Kukmor, Kukumorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan Class hour “Take care of your eyes!” Primary school teacher of the second qualification category Gulnara Gabdulkhaevna Mukhamedyarova, 2010

Hello! Today we will talk about eyes. Agree. Everything we see around us: blue – blue skies, spacious wide fields, fabulously beautiful flowers in the meadow, our loved ones. We can look into the eyes of our loved ones and family. This is all done with the help of the organ of vision – the eyes. So let's think about how to behave in order not to damage your eyes, to keep them healthy and beautiful until old age!

This is interesting! The eagle is considered the most vigilant of the animals in our area. He flies high and sees far. The eagle especially sees its prey well. And at night the owl sees best of all. The chicken sees the worst at night. Therefore, a disease when a person sees poorly or does not see at all at night is called night blindness.

Health is one of the most pressing problems of modern life. One of the organs that we must protect is the eyes. Take care of your eyes!

We see differently in our eyes... When there is fun in them, when there is a thunderstorm! When they are as bright as a summer day. When they are dark as the shadow of the night! what kind of eyes are there?

Look at the children's faces and in their eyes. Which eyes do you like best?

Conclusions: Indeed, eyes are different. They are different for each person. Eyes come in different colors, sizes, and expressions. And the expression of the eyes depends on the person’s mood. If everything is good in life, then the eyes shine, shine, sparkle. But if a person feels bad, then we immediately determine by his eyes that he feels bad, that this person needs help.

Gaseous, liquid, solid and sharp objects: dangers around us

Say: Yes or No? when I read and write at the table I sit upright; I read lying down; when I read and write, I place the lamp on the left; when I read and write, I place the lamp on the right; I watch TV as much as I want; I watch TV no more than 40 minutes; I maintain the required distance when writing and reading; I run with sharp objects in my hands; I follow the rules of reading and writing; I throw sharp and hard objects at my comrades; rubbing my eyes with a dirty hand; I do eye exercises; I look at the bright light for a long time; I always wear dark glasses; I follow a daily routine. eye care

What to do when people are born with sore eyes? There is a science called “Eye Microsurgery”, where eye doctors work. Some diseases can be cured with the help of medical intervention. These are diseases such as strabismus, myopia, farsightedness, conjunctivitis, retinitis and other diseases. The eyes can be treated not only with medication or surgery, but also with glasses. When a doctor prescribes glasses for a person, there is no need to be embarrassed to wear them. I want to tell you a story that happened to my friend in childhood.

Judge for yourself why this happened? There was a girl. She grew up and started going to school. One day, eye doctors came to school to check my eyes. They told the girl that in order to cure her eyes, she needed to be prescribed glasses and wear them in class. The girl's mother brought her glasses. The next day the girl came to school wearing glasses. When she entered the classroom, her classmates started laughing at her and called her bespectacled. The girl ran out of the classroom, ran and threw her glasses into the hole. Because she thought wearing glasses was embarrassing. At home she told her mother that she had lost her glasses. Guys, did you like what your classmates did? Why?

Vegetables and fruits are full of vitamins! do you know?

Guys, take care of your eyes! Guys! Let's take care of our health!

Exercises for the eyes Exercises for the eyes. 1. Blink 15-20 times. 2. Look right, left, up, down. 3-5 times. 3. Rotate your eyes first to the left, then to the right. 3-5 times. 4. Blink 10 times. 5. Close your eyes tightly, pressing your eyelids onto your eyeballs. 6. Stand by the window. Mark a point on the glass opposite the eye. Cover one eye with your palm. For others, look at the dot for 5 seconds, then out the window. 6-8 times with each eye. 7. Raise your finger to eye level. Closing one eye, look at the finger with the other, then into the distance. 6-8 times. 8. Blink 20 times.

Performed to the music “Blue Car” We wish everyone today, Take care of your eyesight. Let your kind and clear eyes turn the world into miracles. Rules, rules of Reading and writing, Important companions in life forever. Kind, brave, important, wonderful. All kinds, all kinds We need eyes.


Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 4 of the urban settlement Kukmor

Kukmorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Class hour “Take care of your eyes!”

Primary school teacher

Second qualification category

Mukhamedyarova Gulnara Gabdulkhaeva


Objectives of the event:

to instill in children a sense of the need to maintain physical health and responsibility;

to form and contribute to the development of the motivational sphere of hygienic behavior of children.

Objectives of the event:

introduction to a healthy lifestyle;

development of children’s physical culture and positive habits;

development of vision hygiene skills;

expanding the active vocabulary and horizons of children;

developing a special opinion about a healthy person and rules for preserving health.

Equipment :

Questionnaire “Be healthy”, individual printout “Gymnastics for the eyes”, poster on OOM “Five human senses”, poster “Structure of the eye”, word card “I will save my health. I’ll help myself!”, images of an eagle and an owl, riddles about the eyes, proverbs about the eyes, a mirror, vocabulary work on the board.

Progress of the event:

How does a person communicate with the environment? What helps him with this?(Using the 5 senses - touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste). What external human organs are responsible for this?

In order to be healthy, you must know your body well and love it. Let's learn a few words, they will help us stay healthy.

I will save my health

I'll help myself.

And what we will talk about today, you guys will find out if you guess the riddle:

Two brothers live across the street and don’t see each other?(eyes)

Which animal do you think is the smartest? It is well known that the sharpest vision is in eagle . How do you understand the expression “sharp vision”? it soars at a high altitude and looks out from behind the clouds for its prey on the ground.(showing a picture of an eagle). Sees best at night owl. She can easily find a mouse in the dark(showing a picture of an owl). But what can we say about the mole? Why is he blind?

Man is not as vigilant as these birds. Can we call the eyes the main assistants of a person? Prove it. The eyes help to see everything that is around, to distinguish and recognize objects, their color, shape, size. Turn to face your neighbor and look at how beautiful the person’s eyes are. How do they talk about eyes to convey their beauty?(beautiful eyes, clear, clean, huge, cheerful, keen-sighted, etc.)What is the color of a person's eyes?(brown, blue, green, gray, blue). What size are the eyes? Where and how are the eyes located?(Display of the poster “Structure of the eye”)

What can you find in the eye when you look at it up close? Yes, this colored ring is called an “iris”. The color of our eyes depends on it. The iris is covered by a transparent thin film - the “cornea”. In the center of the eye we see a black dot. It expands and contracts. This is the "pupil". It regulates the amount of light. Rays of light pass through the pupil and lens and are collected on the retina of the eye. Then the signals are transmitted along the nerves to the brain, and the person sees what he is looking at.

Conducting an experiment with a mirror

Bright light causes the pupil to contract, weak light dilates. The tissues of the eye are very delicate, so human eyes are naturally well protected.

What parts of the eye help in protection?(Eyelids, eyelashes)

Guess the riddle:“Under the bridge - the bridge, under the sable - the sable, two sables played out”(eyebrows and eyes) . We have eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids not only for beauty. They protect the eyes from dust, wind and sweat. Why does a person need tears?(children’s reasoning, conclusion – protection from dust). I suggest opening your workbooks and drawing a diagram of the structure of the eye, don’t forget to point out all the parts of the eye.

Proverbs about eyes

The cat gets fat from the owner's eye. In its nest, the crow will peck out the eyes of the kite. Dashing eyes and children are numb. Pig eyes are not afraid of dirt. He who has no desires has no eyes. True knowledge is not apparent. It's better to be blind with your eyes than with your mind. Open your eyes quickly, open your mouth slowly. Don't praise to your face, don't reproach behind your eyes. The eyes are for seeing, the mind is for recognizing. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. The eyes are burning, the eyes are listening. Your eye is sharp, you don’t need forty. The eyes look, but the hands do. Your eye is a diamond, and someone else's is glass. You can see a person in his eyes. One eye can see far. Brown eyes are brave people, gray eyes are brave people. Some eyes both cry and laugh. The tooth is rare, but the eye is marked. The eyes are eagle, and the wings are mosquito.


On everyone’s desk there is a reminder “Gymnastics for the eyes.” Review the suggested exercises carefully. Why do you think you need to do eye exercises? Correctly, daily gymnastics will strengthen not only the muscles of the body, but also the eyes.

We perform a set of exercises for the eyes while standing at the desk

In the end, was it difficult? Did the gymnastics take a long time?


Let's play the game "Helpful - Harmful." If you think the phrase is correct, clap your hands; if it is not correct, cross your arms over your chest. So,

  1. read while lying down, at dusk;
  2. look at bright light;
  3. protect eyes from impacts;
  4. watch TV close;
  5. wash your eyes in the morning;
  6. rub your eyes with dirty hands;
  7. read while sitting;
  8. eat healthy food, vitamins;
  9. contact an ophthalmologist;
  10. perform eye exercises during lessons, at home;
  11. follow the daily routine.

What can cause a person to lose vision? Is life easy for blind people? How will you feel if you see a blind person? What should I do? What do people with visual impairments wear?

Scene: “Galya – student”

Participants: mother, student Galya, doctor, author.

Student 1. Our Galya has grown up. She went to first grade. Little Tick began to study. A good girl should not be lazy. Little Galochka tried her best, bending low over the new notebook. Little Galochka brought out the sticks - she leaned sideways and helped with her tongue. Curved like a question, as if Galina’s nose was writing!

Student 2. Galya's mother says: - Who, Galya, is sitting like that? Sit up straight, breathe evenly, and don’t plow the book with your nose. Don't bend, do you hear? Keep your head up!

Galya does not agree with her mother:

Student 3. - I see everything perfectly! If you sit differently, you won’t be able to read the tasks.

Student 2. Galya is going to fifth grade... I ran through the year after year. Then the relatives saw: Galya often squints her eyes. And, sitting on the first desk, Galya can barely see the board.

Student 3. “I can’t understand what they write there; I can’t make out the words.”

Student 4 . Galya has trouble seeing in the distance, and the doctors said: “It’s a pity, this is your own fault. This is the reason for your troubles: you held the book close, you leaned low towards the letter. You were bending over your notebook at the table with your crochet hook. So I became nearsighted -

All together : This is science for others too!

Let's come up with some rules for taking care of your eyesight:

* wash your face in the morning;

* watch TV no more than 1-1.5 hours a day;

*sit no closer than 3 m from the TV, away from the computer monitor;

*protect your eyes from foreign objects;

*when reading and writing, the light should fall from the left;

*eat vitamins, carrots, onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes, parsley;

*do eye exercises daily;

*strengthen your eyes by looking at the sunrise or sunset.

· don't worry. Over time, vision can improve with glasses;

· take care of your “second eyes”, wash and wipe them often;

· store glasses in a case;

· do not place the glasses down;

· take pictures while playing sports;

· don't pay attention to fools who tease.

Lesson summary

What were we talking about today? What interesting and important things did you learn? What new words did you come across? (eyes, iris, eyelids, pupil, cornea, ophthalmologist). What do they mean? What will you talk about at home?

Physical exercises to relax your eyes


Such exercises relieve spasm of the ciliary muscles.

Close your eyes, place warm palms on them, but do not put pressure on your eyelids. Relax and, peering into the darkness before your eyes, imagine that you are looking at the dark sky. (30-40 sec.).

Open your eyes, smile widely and joyfully (up to 5 seconds)


Close your eyes, squint tightly for 15-20 seconds.

Open your eyes, look into the distance, i.e. think about it.

With your eyes open, massage two points (the inner end of the eyebrows): stroke the points (up to 5 seconds) and then press on them (20-30 seconds).

Close your eyes, inhale through your nose: noisy, powerful, short; exhale - with the sound “ah”, “uh”.

Relax your facial muscles, i.e. release your lower jaw and breathe calmly.

"Draw eyebrows"

Close your eyes and use warm fingers to “draw” an arc under your eyebrows. “Draw” from the nose to the temples. Do not press on the temples (10-15 times).

“Draw” in the same way, but above the eyebrows.

Open your eyes, look into the distance.

“Tired eyes” (performed standing or sitting)

Close your eyes and squeeze your eyes shut. Open your eyes, look into the distance. Breathing is rhythmic. The exercise is performed 3 times.

Without turning your head, look: to the right for 1 second. – into the distance 3 sec.; left 1 sec. – into the distance 3 sec.; down 1 sec. – into the distance 3 sec.; up 1 sec. – into the distance 3 sec.;

Look at the bridge of your nose for 2 seconds; look into the distance for 3 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Without turning your head, slowly look up, right, down, left and in the opposite direction - then into the distance.

Look at the finger of an outstretched hand for 2 seconds. - then into the distance for 3-4 seconds.

Close your eyes. Inhale noisily. Exhale noisily.

"Let's breathe"

Sitting, leaning back in a chair. Take a deep breath. Leaning forward towards the table, exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

Leaning back in his chair. Close your eyelids, close your eyes tightly, then open them and look into the distance. 4-5 times.

Hands on the belt. Turn your head to the right, look at the elbow of your right hand. Return to the starting position, turn your head to the left, look at the elbow of your left hand. 6 times.

Head straight. Raise your eyes to the top, make circular movements with them clockwise, then counterclockwise. 5-6 times. Then close your eyes for 8-10 seconds.

Stretch your arms forward, look at your fingertips, raise your arms up. Watch your hands without raising your head. Inhale. Put your hands down. Exhalation. 4-5 times.

Look straight ahead at the chalkboard for 2-3 seconds, move your gaze to the tip of your nose for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times.

Close your eyes, stroke your upper eyelids from your nose to your temples, and your lower eyelids from your temples to your nose. 20-30 seconds.

1 slide

Take care of your eyesight The presentation was made by the teacher of the MKS (k) educational institution boarding school in the town of Demyanovo, Kirov region

2 slide

The meaning of vision We distinguish the objects around us. Movement of living and nonliving bodies. Graphic and color signals (letters, numbers, portraits). Important for work. We perceive the experience of our ancestors through books and written language.

3 slide

What our eye is made of The optic nerve, which transmits impulses to the brain The lens focuses light onto the retina The retinal cells convert light into nerve impulses The blood vessels supply the eye with nutrition The colored iris changes the size of the pupil The cornea is the “window” of the eye The pupil is the opening that lets light in eye

4 slide

How the pupil reacts to light Normal pupil size In dim light, the pupil dilates to let in more light. In strong light, the pupil contracts to protect the retina from damage.

5 slide

As we see, the transparent cornea allows light into the eye, which then passes through the pupil and falls - after focusing by the lens - onto the retina. The retina is the film that lines the back of the eyeball and contains light-sensitive cells. When light hits these cells, they send signals to the brain. There these signals are converted into a picture.

6 slide

Why the eye needs tears Lacrimal glands produce tears Tears can flow down the cheeks The eyelids protect the eyes Tear ducts drain tears into the nose The canal leads to the inside of the nose Tears collect in the nose and can begin to drip from there

7 slide

Washing the Eyes Above each eye are lacrimal glands that continuously secrete tears. When we blink, they wash our eyes. Tears eliminate dust, kill pathogenic bacteria and constantly wet the surface of the cornea. They drain through the lacrimal canaliculi into the nasal cavity. When we cry, tears flow down our cheeks and may even drip from our nose.

8 slide

Causes of visual impairment A person sees objects at close and far distances equally well. This is due to the property of the lens to change curvature and become more convex. Visual impairments are common: myopia and farsightedness.

Slide 9

Myopia In myopic people, images of distant objects blur. The cause of congenital myopia may be the elongated shape of the eyeball. Myopia can develop in a person due to poor visual hygiene.

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Farsightedness In farsighted people, images of nearby objects blur. With congenital farsightedness, the eyeball is shortened. The cause of farsightedness may also be a decrease in the ability of the lens to change curvature, which is most often observed in older people.

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First aid for eye injuries Negligence and inability to use household appliances can lead to serious eye injuries at home. Careless hammering of nails or chopping wood can also cause eye injury. Since wounding objects are usually contaminated, the injury can be complicated by an infectious disease with the threat of partial or complete loss of vision. If an accident occurs, you need to be able to provide first aid.

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First aid for eye damage If a speck gets into your eye, rinse it and remove the speck from the eyelid with a clean, damp cotton swab or a clean handkerchief. You need to wash your hands first. If there is a bruise, apply cotton wool or a clean handkerchief moistened with cold water to the eye. In case of severe eye injuries, do not wash the eye or try to remove the foreign body. In this case, you need to apply a clean bandage to the eye and send the victim to the hospital. If alkali, acid, or toxic substances get into the gas, you should immediately rinse your eyes with clean running water for 15-20 minutes, then immediately consult a doctor.

Slide 13

Visual hygiene Do not look at printed or written text at close range. In such cases, the lens remains in a position of increased convexity for a long time, which is associated with visual strain and leads to the development of myopia. When reading, writing, drawing or other work, you should place the object at a distance of 30-35 cm from the eye. It is also important to monitor the lighting. When writing, the light should fall from the left. Reading while lying down or in public transport harms your eyesight. Visual disturbances can occur due to a lack of vitamin A in the body. Smoking has a harmful effect on vision. Nicotine and other tobacco poisons sometimes cause severe damage to the optic nerve.