Make virtual reality glasses at home. How to make virtual reality glasses yourself

Three-dimensional images have always attracted people with their unusualness and closeness to natural perception. When going to the cinema, many people prefer to go to a session with 3D technology, as this allows them to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the film as much as possible.

How to make virtual reality glasses with your own hands

Kit for Google builds Cardboard. Everything except lenses can be made by hand

Today there are many technologies for creating three-dimensional perception, but most devices are different high cost. Is it possible to make VR glasses at home, and what is needed for this? In principle, quite a bit: ordinary office supplies that are easy to buy in a nearby store. The situation with lenses is more complicated, but this part can be found if desired - the easiest way is to order it from the Chinese on Aliexpress.

First of all, it is important to understand that glasses virtual reality for a telephone should be done with the utmost care, in strict accordance with the drawing. If there is the slightest deviation from the diagram or the use of incorrect materials when making virtual reality glasses from cardboard desired effect will not be achieved.

What materials are needed

Many people ask whether it is possible to make full-fledged virtual reality glasses out of paper? In principle, yes, if the paper is very thick. It is better to stock up on normal cardboard for such purposes if you are not making the device for a couple of weeks. To make the device look more or less aesthetically pleasing, use double-sided cardboard - regular matte on one side, glossy white on the other.

It is not difficult to make a virtual reality helmet with your own hands. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • thick high quality cardboard
  • sharp utility knife
  • round lenses for a virtual reality device (it’s better to order on Aliexpress)
  • Velcro or other fastenings for cardboard

It is better to cut out the parts with a stationery knife, since it is difficult to work with thick cardboard with scissors without creating torn edges.

Virtual glasses made of cardboard will last much longer if the material is dense and uniform. It is not recommended to make a helmet from corrugated cardboard, as over time it will begin to delaminate and quickly become unusable.

Google Cardboard Drawing

To make a fashionable device, you will need an exact drawing of virtual reality glasses, which can be downloaded on the Internet by entering cardboard, VR glasses or something like that into the search bar. In the same way, you can later find the desired smartphone application in the store for your platform.

Schemes for virtual reality glasses made of cardboard, drawings and drawings are presented in convenient form. All you need to do is download them to your computer, print all the details on a printer (on plain paper), and then transfer the resulting patterns onto cardboard. Following the diagram and using the drawing, you will receive a device correct sizes in the right proportions.

Assembling glasses

In order to make a virtual reality helmet, you should carefully cut out all the parts of homemade VR glasses from cardboard, bend them in the designated places and assemble the entire structure together, according to the attached instructions. Pre-prepared lenses should be inserted into special holes and fixed.
As a result, you should get a neat and compact box, similar in shape and size to the original device for viewing 3D media.

Phone setup

In order to enjoy full viewing of media files in the new device, you will need special software for your smartphone - for example, Google Cardboard, which can be downloaded from mobile Internet markets. Once you have installed the application, launch it by selecting necessary materials, secure the phone well in a homemade helmet and start watching.

Things to do with a helmet

After assembling the device, most users have a logical question: how and what to watch, is it possible to turn on games, etc.? Download special application for Android or iOS, you can watch movies with 3D support, as well as play certain games.

In order not to keep homemade helmet in your hands, you can attach a pair of comfortable straps to it for a secure fit on your head. Do not forget about securely fastening the smartphone in the device - the cardboard cover into which it is inserted should be equipped with double-sided Velcro for clothing, buttons or other fasteners.


If you have minimal manufacturing skills homemade devices, the question of how to make virtual reality glasses will not take you by surprise. Having a minimal set of stationery and materials on hand, you can make 3D glasses for your smartphone with your own hands, and this device is not much inferior in functionality to its expensive analogues.

Regarding external characteristics- everything is in your hands. Paste over homemade glasses beautiful paper, color the gadget in bright colors, turn it into a monster of new technologies, and surprise your friends and acquaintances.

Virtual reality technology in lately is becoming more and more relevant and in demand. The only problem is that the current cost of devices is quite high level, which makes the technology not accessible to everyone. In this article we will look at basic information on how to make virtual reality glasses on your own, using only improvised means.

What do you need to understand before creating homemade VR glasses?

Before you develop virtual reality glasses with your own hands, you must be familiar with the principle of their operation. If possible, you should test a factory sample. This is quite simple to do - in shopping centers devices with virtual reality technology are beginning to appear en masse, providing a number of games for their visitors.

Homemade VR glasses and how they affect vision?

Having decided to make virtual reality glasses at home, remember - these types of devices are designed so that after a certain amount time the user thought that the virtual world was real for him. Accordingly, the natural principle of vision must be preserved. Although modern developments have virtually no effect on the quality of vision, after developing your own prototype, we recommend not to spend too much time using it. This can be bad for your eyes.

How to make VR glasses with your own hands?

Before you make glasses with your own hands, you must get all the necessary tools and materials that will be needed to complete the work. Then you can proceed to the following procedures.
Diameter measurement required lenses. To do this, the smartphone is placed on a flat (!) stable surface, and then the user turns on a program on it to recreate virtual reality. The master's task is to view the screen through the lenses, changing the distance until an ideally high-quality picture is achieved without blurry outlines and corners. This will allow you to understand what lenses may be required, what the focal length should be, and so on.
At the next stage of creating virtual reality glasses for the phone, the master must personally create a cardboard box that acts as a case. Alternative option will be a scan downloaded from the Internet. It is necessary to ensure that the body does not have such a long bottom as upper part. Don't forget about the hole for own nose. Having made a protrusion, the smartphone will fully rest on them. Don't forget about the cutouts for the buttons located on the sides of the smartphone.
To achieve maximum picture quality in VR glasses, you need to paint all the insides black. This will prevent reflections and glare that can negatively affect the viewing experience.

How to make lenses?

Many people wonder how to make lenses. You won't be able to create them yourself, but there is one life hack - you can use lenses from old unnecessary flashlights. The main thing is that they are the same. Accordingly, you will have to acquire two flashlights.
Two holes are created on the cardboard, which are just a little short of the diameter of the lenses themselves. In this case, they will be inserted as tightly as possible into cardboard or other type of thick paper. To prevent them from falling out, you should additionally secure the lenses with hot glue. A few drops will be enough.

If you don't know how to make VR glasses, you don't need to first look for instructions on how to make them yourself. You must first familiarize yourself with the list of materials that will be required to create a homemade product. Our virtual glasses will be made from the following materials:

  1. Smartphone with operating system Android;
  2. Pen;
  3. Scissors;
  4. A pair of lenses;
  5. Ruler;
  6. Cardboard box.

Step by step instructions

A chart of points is available online and can be found by searching Google Cardboard. If this seems too simple, you can make the design yourself. In order to use glasses without problems, cardboard sheets must be extremely durable. This is the only way to guarantee wearing safety.
Initially, all parts are cut out from a cardboard box. In the figure below you can see the diagram of the blanks by which all the parts are prepared:
Before you start cutting out blanks for VR glasses, you should make drawings on cardboard. To do this, use a pen and ruler.
Once the drawings are prepared, you can start cutting them out using scissors. If you make a mistake, you can eliminate it using a glue gun. Once all the parts are cut out, all that remains is to connect them into a single whole.

Sheet of hard cardboard

To make virtual reality glasses with your own hands, you will need durable material. As practice shows, virtual reality glasses made of cardboard would be a good option. But if the task is to create a durable structure, you will need corrugated cardboard to make glasses.

Glasses cutting template

Before cutting out parts, you need to download drawings with dimensions. Finding them is quite easy on the Internet. You should select a template for cardboard virtual reality glasses depending on the size of your device, or customize them individually. The main thing is to get a high-quality image in each eye.

Lenses in the amount of 2 pieces

You can't do without lenses. If you don't have flashlights with you, you should use educational lenses for school. They are also suitable for creating virtual reality glasses. The main thing is to give them the desired position and play with the distance in order to ultimately get a good resolution.

VR content to check

Having created glasses for your smartphone with your own hands, all you have to do is go to the Android application market and download the programs you like. Make your choice according to your own taste.


Once you learn how to make VR glasses, you will notice that it is a fairly simple procedure. The hardest part to design is the glasses frame, but in the end you'll be happy with the work you've done.

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CRM (CustomerRelationshipManagement) translates as customer relationship management and is a well-known system for automating business processes.

Without such software today it is impossible to imagine the effective organization of the activities of real estate agencies and realtors. CRM for real estate agencies and realtors allows you to improve relationships with clients, which ultimately ensures positive dynamics in sales volumes and increased profits.

The modern market offers a variety of software products that allow you to solve the issue of interaction with the client. But any program is not enough. A system in which management principles and the specifics of business processes of real estate agencies and realtors are successfully implemented will be truly effective in practice.

Benefits from CRM in a real estate agency and the work of realtors

1) Increased sales of real estate agencies and realtors

CRM allows you to increase sales of real estate agencies and realtors by increasing the efficiency of attracting new clients and reducing the outflow of existing clients.

2) Savings on advertising and marketing of a real estate agency

3) Providing real estate agency management information

CRM in a real estate agency will allow you to obtain analytical and statistical information in real time on almost any piece of information (percentage of regular customers, their LTV, employee efficiency, failure statistics, etc.). Without an automation system, business processes are carried out chaotically, information is not recorded or is lost over time. And get data about current state Real estate agency affairs are problematic.

4) Reducing costs for document flow in a real estate agency

Automation of document flow of a real estate agency reduces costs and errors with orders, invoices, and acts.

5) Tips for a sales manager at a real estate agency

CRM for a real estate agency tells the sales manager what next step to take in working with a client, and when is the best time to make this communication.

6) Sales planning in a real estate agency

CRM helps to build sales plans for a real estate agency, analyze the duration of transactions and find bottlenecks in the sales funnel. CRM provides information about the progress of the plan.

7) Forecasting financial performance in a real estate agency

Data from CRM allows you to predict financial indicators real estate agencies, which can be especially convenient when raising borrowed funds.

8) Improves motivation of real estate agency staff

CRM helps to compare the performance of real estate agency employees, their KPIs, and reward them for good work.

9) Reducing the number of errors in real estate agencies

Automation of repeated manual routine actions in a real estate agency leads to a reduction in the number of errors due to the human factor.

10) Improving the quality of service in a real estate agency

CRM allows you to receive more feedback from real estate agency clients. This information will help you find bottlenecks, improve the quality of services and reduce the number of dissatisfied customers.

11) Improving the efficiency of real estate agency employees

CRM allows you to distribute as efficiently as possible working hours real estate agency employees, speed up the solution of routine repetitive tasks and reduce the number of errors.

Modern CRM for real estate agencies and realtors

Customized CRM for real estate agencies and realtors

  • Quartus- CRM system for automating the workflow of the head of a real estate agency, employees, and owners of companies for the sale or rental of real estate.
  • ReCRM- a service for partial or complete automation of the work of the owner of a real estate agency and realtors.
  • RRru- managing a real estate business by recording employee work, maintaining databases, a call center and automatic accounting.
  • Bizerra- real estate agency in your pocket on your smartphone or tablet.
  • GrandISRealtor- CRM system for managing clients or real estate.

Universal CRM that can be implemented in a real estate agency

  • amoCRM - cloud system customer management
  • bpm'online- CRM system for marketing, sales and service
  • Salesforce- CRM systems provided exclusively through the SaaS model
  • SuiteCRM is a fork of SugarCRM, supplemented by a number of modules
  • Zoho CRM- SaaS CRM
  • vTiger CRM- Open source CRM in PHP
  • Apek CRM- CRM system
  • FreshOffice- online CRM system, document management, financial accounting, warehouse management, business processes, communication tools
  • Highrise - simple CRM for small business
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM- a software package for customer relationship management developed by Microsoft and aimed at organizing sales, marketing and service delivery (help desk)
  • Pipedrive- sales management tool for small groups
  • SugarCRM- commercial open source CRM system
  • WireCRM- online CRM system for accounting clients and transactions
  • Yclients- service automation platform
  • Bitrix 24- CRM system for small businesses
  • Megaplan- corporate CRM system
  • RosBusinessSoft CRM- a universal software product for customer relationship management, comprehensive business automation, as well as the successful development of a corporate information system

Depending on functional characteristics The software will allow you to automate almost all work processes in a real estate agency, as well as certain areas, for example, maintaining a client base.

Cloud, boxed or custom CRM for a real estate agency?

Cloud CRM for real estate agency

Pros cloud CRM for real estate agency Disadvantages of cloud CRM for a real estate agency
(+) 24/7 support

(+) regular software improvements

(+) available via the Internet on computers, tablets, smartphones

(+) no need to rent/purchase hosting/server

(-) data security may be at risk: all information is stored on someone else’s server and there is no way to control the circle of people who have access to it

(-) it is impossible to restrict access via the Internet

(-) the need to pay a subscription fee

(-) quality and speed of support can be disappointing

(-) customizing for the specific business processes of a particular real estate agency can be problematic

(-) impossible to influence the speed of improvement

(-) if the provider’s servers/data transmission channels become unavailable, the work of the real estate agency will stop

Out-of-the-box CRM for a real estate agency

Pros boxed CRM for real estate agency Disadvantages of a boxed CRM for a real estate agency
(+) all information is stored on its own server and you can control the circle of people who have access to it

(+) can be tailored to your business processes

(+) no subscription fee

(-) support and updates must be taken upon yourself

(-) the cost of modification and implementation time can be much more expensive than if you order development for yourself from scratch

Development of an individual CRM for a custom real estate agency

Pros individual CRM for real estate agency to order Disadvantages of an individual CRM for a custom real estate agency
(+) 100% takes into account all the specific business processes of a particular real estate agency or network

(+) all information is stored on its own server and you can control the circle of people who have access to it

(+) you can restrict access via the Internet

(+) can be made available via the Internet on computers, tablets, smartphones

(+) you can quickly implement any necessary functionality

(+) can work without the Internet

(-) development cost

(-) choosing the wrong contractor can lead to problems

(-) you need to rent/purchase hosting/server

Errors and problems when implementing CRM in a real estate agency

The most common mistakes that lead to problems when implementing and operating CRM in a real estate agency are:

  • incorrect definition of the purpose of CRM implementation
  • illiterate definition and formulation of business processes
  • choosing the wrong CRM
  • inadequate assessment of implementation timeframes
  • incorrect estimate of the budget for implementation
  • non-compliance with the algorithm and implementation methodology
  • implementation “from above” without carrying out necessary preparation personnel
  • inertia of management towards the implementation process

Result: software doesn't bring desired result. Therefore, it is important to pay sufficient attention to staff training and their motivation to perform their duties efficiently. To solve this problem, trainings should be conducted regarding not only functionality, but also proper motivation. It is necessary to explain to employees what benefits they will receive from workflow automation. But it may not be possible to do without personnel decisions.

In what cases is CRM in a real estate agency useless?

Before deciding to implement an automation system, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Automation is pointless if there is no stable flow of clients.
  • There is no need to use CRM if there is no motivation for business development.
  • Expensive automation is not advisable with minimal turnover, since the cost of software may not be recouped.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of CRM for a real estate agency

To evaluate the effectiveness, it is worth deciding on the goals for which business process automation is carried out. If the goal is to increase the speed of customer service, then at the initial stage using CRM takes more time, but after that the time is significantly reduced.

Simple or multifunctional CRM in a real estate agency?

It all depends on the level of business. The simpler the implementation, the de facto the scarcer functionality and the less effective the software will be.

What indicators should be in a CRM report for a real estate agency?

The report must reflect the following indicators:

  • Degree of customer satisfaction on a 10-point scale
  • Description of common problems
  • Customer turnover shows the number and ratio of incoming/departing customers
  • Performance of advertising sources
  • Average check

Only on the basis of this information can you formulate the right strategy aimed at increasing profits.

When communicating by phone, a real estate agency employee clarifies where exactly the client found the real estate agency’s phone number. With dynamic call tracking, this is done automatically. This information allows you to track the performance of advertising sources and more competently plan your marketing budget.

Having your own virtual reality module has been the dream of many since childhood, and progress is already very close to the creation of such devices. In 2014, Google developers presented the world with a stunning invention that uses the capabilities of regular smartphones on the Android platform. Right at the conference, any participant could assemble a virtual reality helmet from cardboard and a few simple parts and appreciate the delights of three-dimensional graphics and atmospheric video with the ability to view a full 360-degree view.

Virtual reality on the cheap

Google Cardboard was not a technological breakthrough; virtual reality helmets have been around for quite some time; moreover, many are familiar with children's devices for viewing three-dimensional images. Nowadays, few people can be surprised by the ability of smartphones to navigate in space; no, the public was surprised by something else. The simplicity and accessibility of the design is what really deserved attention, and besides, the developers have now released many applications that use this device to immerse themselves in virtual reality.

The developers of Google Cardboard opened up all the technical documentation for the device, refusing to trade their invention, and manufacturers instantly picked up the idea. On at the moment There are many different models made of plastic, cardboard and even leather products. For around $20, you can purchase cardboard kits like those that were first presented at the developer conference in June 2014. Also, instructions and diagrams are available to anyone, and it will not be difficult to assemble Cardboard with your own hands.


The prices for a cardboard box are, of course, quite significant, but before you make Cardboard yourself, you should know where to find or purchase the rest of the materials. We will need:

Electronic component - a powerful smartphone

Let us now analyze all the components point by point, starting with the models suitable smartphones. Anyone can find the drawings invented by the developers for assembling Google Cardboard with their own hands. Phone sizes suitable for these versions of glasses 2.0 are limited to a width of up to 83 mm and a diagonal of up to 6 inches. For other sizes, you will have to think through your own design, selecting the distances to the lenses experimentally, or look for an option from ready-made products in the store. 3D glasses also place additional demands on the device’s screen. Remember, you won't just be looking at your phone screen from very close, but you'll be getting magnification through the lenses. Of course, the better the screen, the less discomfort. At the moment, it is possible to use smartphones based on or higher (from 4 iPhones) or Windows Phone 7.0 and higher, but initially the entire system was designed specifically for Android 4.1. Download any VR application and check your smartphone for compatibility by rotating it and watching the picture.

Housing material

It is not difficult to select cardboard for the base of our glasses; a large pizza box has suitable parameters. You can also purchase cardboard in craft stores or disassemble some ownerless box from household appliances. Cardboard that is too thick will be inconvenient to cut and bend, while thin cardboard will most likely not hold the lenses and smartphone in a rigidly fixed position on the head.


With lenses, perhaps, it will be the most difficult, but this is the most important material for 3D glasses. Google recommends using Cardboard lenses with focal length 45 mm, respectively, the dimensions of the virtual reality glasses themselves on the site are designed only for lenses with this focus. Thus, the desire to use different lenses, or perhaps a system of two or more lenses per eyepiece, will inevitably lead to a readjustment of the distance to the eyes and the screen, thus changing the entire design. If you feel confident enough, it's worth experimenting, but it's much easier to order lenses.


As an attachment to the head, you can use a fabric elastic band or a Velcro strap. It’s not difficult to find rubber bands for the case, and even easier to replace. After assembling the entire structure, it is only needed to hold its shape. You can simply glue the 3D glasses at all joints after adjusting the lenses with glue or tape. Two Velcro strips measuring 15x20 mm will be needed to secure the closed cover with the smartphone inserted. In the absence of one, there are many options for fixing the cardboard cover; the main thing is to make sure that the smartphone does not fall out while using 3D glasses.

Additional controls

Magnets are needed to make an optional 3D headset control button on the case, and are only suitable for smartphone models with a built-in magnetometer. When creating a helmet for testing, you should not waste effort and money searching for suitable magnets. Such a button can be attached to virtual reality glasses separately after full testing of the device or not installed at all. For long-lasting 3D glasses, you will need a neodymium magnet ring and a magnetic ceramic disc, both measuring no more than 3x20mm. You can also cut holes and operate your smartphone with your fingers.

An NFC sticker is glued to the inside of the glasses, which allows the smartphone to automatically launch the necessary applications. You can probably find it in communication shops or in online stores; it is also not mandatory, and you can install it later.

Tools and safety precautions

The simplest tool you will need is:

  • Google Cardboard template. The drawings are in the article.
  • A sharp knife, a durable stationery knife will do. The cardboard needs to be cut clearly along the lines of the template, especially the grooves and holes, so scissors won’t do the job.
  • Scotch tape or glue.
  • Hard line.

Google claims that scissors are enough for the job; don’t delude yourself; thin slits and fixing grooves are much more convenient to cut with a blade.

The design is reinforced with stiffening ribs from the inside, so there is not much difference between cutting out a whole pattern from a long piece of cardboard or assembling it from 2-3 parts, connecting them with tape. When cutting with a knife, be careful not to scratch the surface of the table or floor; take a special board for this purpose, for example, a cutting board from the kitchen. Particular care must be taken when cutting out holes for lenses, so that subsequently the lenses lie in the same plane, perpendicular to the view.

Assembling the device

Assemble according to the drawings, strengthen the frame with adhesive tape and carefully monitor the location of the lenses. In a fixed position, the cardboard will firmly press the lenses so that they do not move relative to each other. Next you need to glue Velcro as fasteners along the edges of the top side and on inside covers, and also install magnets in place. At this stage, you can already try on the 3D glasses on your head to determine areas of possible skin chafing. When watching a movie for a long time, for example, these points can be very irritating, so you can additionally pad them with thin strips of foam rubber.

Is the game worth the candle?

The 3D glasses are ready, all you have to do is secure them on your head with an elastic band or strap of your choice, insert a smartphone with a 3D application and enjoy virtual reality. As for the cost of the resulting device, there are many offers of ready-made kits priced under $10. You can save money only if all the parts are on hand or within easy reach. If you order spare parts, taking into account various expenses For shipping and order fulfillment time, it turns out to be somewhat more expensive than buying the entire set. Naturally, if your dog bites the 3D glasses because you sat in virtual reality instead of feeding or walking the animal, you can easily assemble new ones using the instructions above and the remaining parts. In the meantime, you are looking for cardboard to replace the damaged one, in order to restore the Cardboard with your own hands, you can also walk the dog and feed it.

Device capabilities

At the moment, there is already a significant number of applications optimized for Google Cardboard and several films. Paired with headphones, virtual reality glasses can easily replace a good 3D cinema, and games, according to users, despite their primitiveness, can add a strong sense of presence and atmosphere. For craftsmen and lovers of various technical tasks, it can be noted that it is possible Cardboard glasses connect to a computer to use the virtual reality module in games. This is where the truly immersive experience comes in.

Google Cardboard - assembly instructions

When making a cardboard yourself, you can also attach an NFC chip to the glasses to ensure more reliable pairing with your smartphone. Smartphones with a built-in magnetometer have the ability to respond to changes magnetic field. The application, in turn, analyzes data from the smartphone camera, accelerometer, magnetometer and simulates the effect of virtual reality in Cardboard. Google Play has created a whole section of cardboard applications from Google and third-party developers.

Download official application Cardboard for Android smartphones You can scan the QR code below or follow the link to the application page on Google Play.

But in reality, if in reality you want to assemble a cardboard with your own hands, you will be a little disappointed in its availability. For example, the only materials at hand can be called cardboard and a pattern drawing, but the main components such as: 2 convex lenses (with a focal length of ~45 mm), 2 magnets (neodymium ring and ceramic disk) and an NFC chip are unlikely to be lie on your nightstand. Therefore, if you don’t want to bother too much, it’s better to buy a ready-made Google Cardboard and try out the available virtual reality.