How to make a virtual reality helmet. DIY virtual reality glasses from a tablet and old glasses

I love the guys from Google. Well done they. Properly placed enlightened brains and good motivation can sometimes squeeze everything out of a person. brilliant ideas. Simple as 3 kopecks and at the same time absolutely stunning. An example of such a brilliant, stunning idea is undoubtedly virtual glasses Google reality Cardboard.

Everything ingenious is simple - a piece of correctly folded cardboard, two cheap lenses, a smartphone with a large screen and a set of sensors - here you have glasses virtual reality. Considering that many people already have such a smartphone in their pocket, the price of the issue is only 150 rubles and 2 hours of free time for assembly and gluing.

It would seem somehow simple... But it works! And how! Games in 3D, movies in 3D, educational applications and virtual travel - please! With the simplicity, genius of the approach and the price of the issue, the Googlers have outshone all the developers of all sorts of Oculus Rifts and so on. The same virtual reality, only almost free. It may look unsightly, but it works. And appearance, if desired, it can be plastic-licked, just look at the famous Chinese website - there are a lot of analogue options, price tags from 700 rubles onwards, with different functionality, adjustments and holes for air...

Any smartphone running Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and higher, iOS 7 and higher or Windows Phone 7.0 and higher, with a screen diagonal of at least 4.5 inches. The smartphone must have the following sensors: gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer (digital compass). IMPORTANT! The gyroscope and accelerometer are required for most applications to work, otherwise you will only be able to watch 3D movies. It is impossible to evaluate virtual reality without a gyroscope and accelerometer.

I recommend that everyone who has such a smartphone try this thing. Believe me, it's great. For those who don’t want to bother with cardboard and scissors, I can recommend buying Google ready Cardboard on For those who are not looking for easy ways, you are welcome here, I will tell you how you can do such a thing quickly and without pitfalls.

Currently there are 2 versions Google Cardboard. I will tell you how to assemble the second version a little later, in a separate post, but now we will talk about the easiest to manufacture - the first version. Google, like a real good corporation, did not skimp and posted general access all information on this invention.

So, what do we need to make this wonderful device:

1. Sheet of hard cardboard. It is best to use micro-corrugated cardboard, which is widely used for making boxes, containers, packaging, etc. It looks like this:

Personally, I used cardboard, from which a stationery box for papers is bent with cunning manipulations. This box is sold in office supply stores in the form of a flat cardboard sheet (it is suggested that you bend the box from it yourself). The cardboard is good, about 2 mm thick (I don’t recommend taking thicker), it cuts perfectly with a stationery knife and bends without much difficulty. Here's what it looks like:

However, you can use any packaging, even pizza. The box from motherboard, For example. The main thing is that the cardboard is dense and not thick (2-3 mm maximum), otherwise problems with dimensions will begin.

2. Cutting template points, printed on regular A4 stationery paper (3 sheets are needed). This template can be found on the Internet, or downloaded here:. This pdf file can be printed on any laser printer, the parts are cut out with scissors and glued onto a sheet of corrugated cardboard. Since the unassembled Google Cardboard is longer than an A4 sheet, the template is cut so that the cut parts need to be placed on top of each other when gluing. These parts are marked with a circle with a number. You need to superimpose a light (unfilled) circle on a filled one with the same number and make sure that the lines match.

3. Lenses in the amount of 2 pieces. This is the most difficult moment. The lens parameters are as follows: aspherical, diameter 25 mm, focal length 45 mm. The difficulty is precisely where to get such lenses. Let's consider the options:

  1. - best option in price, but long in time. I ordered my second glasses there, they arrived in 19 days, this is a speed record, because usually everything takes a month or two or three. If this option suits you, look for “google cardboard lens” there
  2. Search for the same thing in the Russian segment of the Internet. The speed will be faster than China, but the price will be higher.
  3. Optical stores in your city. Yes, you can search there too. This is probably the most expensive option, I don’t know, I haven’t tried it. Optics salespeople will not understand if you say “aspherical lenses, diameter 25 mm, focal length 45 mm.” They need to speak differently. Since they measure everything in diopters, you will need to ask specifically for lenses with diopters. Now we will count them: there is a formula F=1/D, where F is the focal length in meters, and D is the optical power of the lens in diopters. Thus D = 1/F = 1/0.045 = 22.2222. In general, you need to ask for lenses “+22 diopters”. If any are found, then they can be turned there to the required diameter, or with a larger diameter, but then the template will need to be slightly changed.
  4. Stationery stores. In it we look for magnifying glasses of suitable size (i.e. magnifying glasses), the higher the multiplicity, the better. 10x lenses should be fine. This option the most unreliable, because it is difficult to find 2 identical magnifying glasses, especially so that they match the focal length. However, this option was the first one I tried.
  5. Various types of binoculars, children's toys, lenses, telescopes, peasant ragpickers in the markets, in general, we look where we can.

The first 3 options are ideologically correct, because they imply an exact match with the design proposed by Google. The remaining options provide inaccurate lenses, so they will require changes in the design of the glasses themselves. Shown more clearly in the figure:

From this picture it follows that the larger the focal length, the further you need to move the smartphone away from the lens. Thus, if you received non-original lenses, make changes to the design. This is exactly what I had to do the first time I bought lenses at an office supply store. It's not difficult, I'll describe the details in the next post, entirely dedicated to my first version of Google Cardboard.

What to do if the focal length of your lenses is unknown? Two ways: either make the design initially with adjusting the distance from the lens to the smartphone, as I did in my first version, or measure it. You can measure the focal length in a simple old-fashioned way:

Did you burn it with glass as a child? Yep, same thing. We take a lens and focus the sun into a small point on the surface. The distance from the surface to the lens is equal to the focal distance. The surface must be perpendicular to the optical axis.

So, that's all about lenses for now.

4. Magnets. This item is optional to begin with. The design uses 2 magnets that work like a button. One magnet, round flat, ordinary, made of ferromagnetic material, is inserted inside the structure, the second, ring-shaped neodymium, is molded on the outside and held there by the magnetic field of the internal magnet:

In order to control virtual reality, this non-button is used. When we need to somehow influence the virtual world, we must move the external magnet down with our finger and return it back. The smartphone must have a magnetometer (there must be a built-in compass, roughly speaking) to catch the change magnetic field and perceive it as pressing a button.

I’ll say right away - crazy idea and Google itself understood this, so the second version of the glasses already has a mechanical button, but more on that in the corresponding post. For now, I will say that you can do without these magnets, especially since this idea works so-so - people complain that not all smartphones correctly detect changes in the magnetic field of this quasi-button, and some smartphones do not have a magnetometer at all.

In general, I leave this up to your discretion; I did not install magnets for myself. When my first version worked, I made a mechanical button.

5. Clothes Velcro. Well, everything is simple here - we go to the studio and buy Velcro fastener there, they sell it in the form of a tape, by the meter, the price is mere pennies.

6. A utility knife and double-sided tape.

The process has begun!

So, we bought/picked/assembled everything. Let's get started.
1. Print the template and paste it onto cardboard.

2. Cut out the parts and make the necessary slots

3. We collect. To make assembly easier, I attach a video:

Good afternoon (evening/night optional).

Today I’ll tell you about how you can make virtual reality glasses with your own hands, no phones(Traffic!):


For now NO official standard for VR glasses/mask and the like. About Oculus, HTC, Samsung, Sony, etc. there is no point in talking and comparing. These are just devices with different functionality +/-, some gadgets. There is no point in arguing about what VR is, everyone sees it differently.

I've been wanting to play with this kind of thing for a long time, but phone glasses don't appeal to me, it's inconvenient, heavy and there are few applications, poor synchronization with the PC, phone battery, radio delay.

In the process of working on my experiment, 2 nuances that were important to me were highlighted:

1. Head tracking.
2. Display instead of a phone.

Based on these nuances, I started building the unit.

I’ll say right away that the thing is in itself and does not pretend to be of quality; anyone can repeat the production of this helmet based on the instructions received.


For the glasses I needed the following components:


The first thing is a warning:

All responsibility, namely independent penetration into the body of the finished product with subsequent violation of its integrity and performance, lies with the person who committed this action.


The body will have to be assembled separately for the matrix, due to the fact that the matrix is ​​quite voluminous and a different focusing distance is required. Lens replacement required. The part that will be applied to the head and nose will be taken from this body.


The main task is to synchronize the controller with the matrix, I knew that the controller and matrix would work, but whether I would get the required resolution is another question.

I’ll give you an excerpt from the datasheet:

My display has an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a resolution that falls within the 1920x1440 range.

The problem is that the controller has the wrong resolution and needs to be flashed.

Initially, when connecting the display, instead of a picture, I received a set of stripes. (I even thought that the display itself was covered).

But after a while (when connected to a computer) it became clear that the display was displaying something, but it was clear that it had a problem with synchronization and resolution.

When installing the firmware, I went through more than a dozen and settled on this version:

Now, when connected to a computer, the display displays information that an HDMI connector is connected and offers a resolution of 1024x600. In this case, the display actively tries to receive a signal from VGA, and the message “Connect the VGA cable” appears.

I had to scratch my head again. This controller is a direct analogue of boards with a large number connectors, for example:

This means you need to wire up buttons to your controller so that you can customize the display and switch operating modes. I have attached a diagram for the connectors, the buttons hang on the 53rd leg of the chip:

Just in case, I am attaching a diagram of the RTD2660 chip:

After flashing the firmware and switching the controller to HDMI mode. The display began to start under WIndows 7, my surprise was great when, in addition to the native, native resolution of 1024x600, I was able to set the resolution to 720p and 1080p. At 720p it works great without being distorted, but at 1080p the fonts are no longer readable, but it holds it just the same, surprise, running games at 720p is more fun than at 1024x600 (not all games support low resolutions).


I was already playing with glasses on my phone, the resolution was 960X540. I launched Half-life 2, Portal, but I didn’t like the fact that it was a phone and the fact that I couldn’t look around the space with my head, I rotated the mouse + Wi-Fi delays, they just infuriated me and didn’t let me play. In general, the pixels are visible, but I still liked it.

A 7-inch 1024x600 matrix, part number 7300130906 E231732 NETRON-YFP08, was removed from the spare parts box. Based on the available matrix resolution, we can conclude that for each eye the resolution will be 512x600, which is slightly more than the phone screen resolution and, most importantly, there will be no delays.

The matrix connector has 50 pins and is fully compatible with the display controller.

To achieve maximum contrast and image richness, you will have to remove the matte film from the matrix. Since the product will be closed, there is no risk of any glare.

Finalization of the matrix is ​​carried out in 7 stages:

1. disassemble the matrix along the edge of the frame;

2. place the module on the lining (here you can tape the edges of the module to the lining so that water does not damage the part);

3. Place a damp cloth on top of the display, preferably the size of a matte film;

4. Gently soak the napkin with a small amount of water at about 25 degrees;

5. wait about 2 - 3 hours, it all depends on the quality of the coating. (the glue of matte films is sensitive to water);

6. carefully pry up the edge and slowly, without jerking, remove the matte layer;

7. check.

If you want to collect glasses on a 2K display, then I will give you a link:

For this price on Ali you can buy a ready-made device with FullHD ->

Therefore, I did not spend money on the concept and decided to use what I had for testing.

Arduino and gyroscope:

The most important part Getting the effect of presence in a game, application or video is the ability to control your head, which means we will write head tracking.

Excerpt from the official source for Arduino Leonardo:

Unlike all previous boards, the ATmega32u4 has built-in support for a USB connection, this allows you to set how Leonardo will be visible when connected to a computer, it can be a keyboard, mouse, virtual serial / COM port.

This is exactly what I need.

The simplest and most common gyroscope was chosen - GY521, which has an accelerometer on board:

1. Accelerometer ranges: ±2, ±4, ±8, ±16g
2. Gyroscope ranges: ± 250, 500, 1000, 2000 °/s
3. Voltage range: 3.3V - 5V (the module include a low drop-out voltage regulator)

Gyroscope connection:

#include #include #include #include MPU6050 mpu; int16_t ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz; int vx, vy; void setup() ( Serial.begin(115200); Wire.begin(); mpu.initialize(); if (!mpu.testConnection()) ( while (1); ) ) void loop() ( mpu.getMotion6( &ax, &ay, &gx, &gy, &gz); vx = (gx+300)/200;

Based on the sketch, we can conclude that head tracking is essentially a gyro-mouse.


It all came down to the division into stages:

1. trying on head tracking;
2. writing tracker firmware;
3. ordering the required controller for the display;
4. setting up and launching the display with the controller;
5. fitting and general assembly.

This is what debugging a head tracker with a gyroscope looked like:

Video of the head tracker in action:

Running the display with a controller:

To run the display, I need the Tridef 3D program, which allows you to run games and applications with Side by Side images, which I used as a test.

The reason for use is quite clear, these glasses will not be recognized as Oculus DK1/DK2 glasses and in order for the device to be recognized as VR glasses of at least the first revisions of the oculus, it must be completely changed software display controller, which I can’t afford yet, it will also require either partial prototyping, or creating again a concept board based on the kind of gyroscopes that are used in oculuses -

But due to the fact that I decided not to spend a lot on this project and I’m not going to make money from it either, we’ll leave that for other people. (I know who makes sets with oculus firmware based on similar glasses for smart phones, but I won’t advertise them, the post is not about them)


Having played enough with a standard body, I decided to try the matrix on it and was very disappointed, the matrix turned out to be too large for the focal length, I saw everything but did not see the whole picture, it did not add up into one.
The assembly of the body began from scratch.

Having broken off all the protruding parts, as well as the fastening of the head strap, I got the following set:

Actually, like many prototypes, I chose corrugated cardboard, as the most flexible, easily accessible material:


During testing, the glasses performed extremely well; playing at 720p resolution is a pleasure. The gyroscope works great and follows head movements, the mouse does not float along the coordinates, I passed the cable through my head behind me, 3 meters was more than enough.

The glasses stick out quite a lot, although the mass is not very large, you have to get used to turning your head.

Disadvantages of such a system:

1. You need a smaller matrix in order to reduce the length of the body.
2. You need high-quality lenses (for mine, I took them from magnifying glasses at the nearest print shop).

In general, for myself, as an undemanding person, it will do.

Once I’ve played enough with it all, I’ll make an 8D projector from this matrix and controller. (Keep an eye on the reviews)

Thank you for your attention and patience, I will be happy to answer your comments.

Many smartphone users have heard, but due to their high cost, they could not afford such a purchase. However, quite quickly people realized that all the sensors that function in virtual reality glasses are also in ordinary smartphones, thanks to which you can easily make excellent VR glasses from them with your own hands, you just need to attach a very ordinary case and a few lenses.

In fact, all the designs of glasses that you can find on the Internet are made on the basis of drawings (from English “cardboard”), and the only difference is in the source materials. Some people are happy with cardboard of any thickness found at home, others go to a stationery store for thinner ones, and some craftsmen have distinguished themselves by making their VR devices from metal, polycarbonate, foam plastic and other foam materials.

The lucky owners of 3D printers immediately began printing the template. Using this pattern, it’s easy to understand how to make virtual reality glasses with your own hands, and we will help you with this by giving some tips.

Using a regular knife, a pair magnifying glasses and cardboard you can make with your own hands from an ordinary smartphone similar to it. However, many people don’t know how to make virtual reality glasses from a smartphone, which is why they buy expensive models or order cardboard kits, like Google Cardboard.

The design of homemade glasses has several advantages over a custom-made case, because the lenses in it can be moved along an axis that is located relative to the screen. Thanks to this, virtual reality glasses can be finely adjusted to the vision characteristics of any user.

To make 3D glasses for a smartphone with your own hands, you need to:

  1. Measure the diameter of the lenses you will need. To do this, you need to place your smartphone on a stable, flat surface and turn on the virtual reality application on it. Look at the screen through the lenses while adjusting the distance. This way you will not only understand what lenses you need, but also decide on the focal length.
  2. Next, try to either design a cardboard box yourself, which will serve as the body, or download a scan from the Internet. The main thing is that the bottom of the body is not as long as its top, because do not forget about the hole for the nose. Make ledges for your smartphone to rest on. Also, don’t forget about the cutouts for buttons on the sides of the phone.
  3. Paint the insides of the body black. Thanks to paint of this color, you can avoid various glare and reflections that will interfere with concentrating on viewing.

Another option for making glasses for a smartphone with your own hands:

1). For thicker cardboard, it is better to take a stationery knife; it is more convenient for them to work directly on top of the sheet. If you want to assemble the glasses manually by inserting the keys, then you need to cut out the cardboard along with them, as in the picture. If your homemade glasses virtual reality will be subsequently glued together, then there is no need to leave such a reserve.

2). Next, you will need 2 lenses, preferably biconvex. Google recommends taking lenses with a diameter of 25 mm. Focal length The lenses should be 45 mm. Craftsmen even take lenses from hardware stores, and some video bloggers on Youtube, when making 3D glasses for a smartphone with their own hands, use improvised means instead of lenses.

So, for example, you can cut from a regular plastic bottle 4 identical circles, glue them together 2 pieces with a blowtorch, leaving a small distance at the top. Then water from the tap is drawn into the syringe, the space between the biconvex “lenses” made of plastic is filled with it, then the remaining gap is also sealed, and in your hands you find yourself with almost completed home-assembled virtual reality glasses.

3). Some smartphone models support magnetic switching, which allows you to control the device without removing it from the box. To implement such an idea you will need simple system magnets: neodymium ring and ceramic disk with a diameter of about 19 mm and a thickness of about 3 mm. But even without them, all control will be simple and convenient; it is enough to make a hole for your finger in the design of homemade virtual reality glasses on the bottom or side.

4). When almost everything is ready, the only thing left to solve is the problem of attaching the smartphone to the glasses. To do this, you can use a rubber ring and 2 Velcro strips (approximately 20x30 mm) to secure the cover.

DIY virtual reality glasses for smartphones: frequently asked questions

— Is it really possible to do it yourself? virtual glasses for a smartphone, which will be convenient?

For regular use, of course, it is better to purchase inexpensive but comfortable glasses with a factory mount, for example, or more expensive and high-quality ones, etc. Do-it-yourself VR glasses for a smartphone are more likely to be suitable as a device for the first acquaintance with virtuality.

— How to make virtual reality glasses from a smartphone if you have never done anything like this?

This is where the Google Cardboard drawing, widely circulated on the Internet, and our article come to the rescue. Even if you don’t succeed the first time, don’t be discouraged, because the materials are practically free, and homemade virtual reality glasses for a smartphone can be modified at any time. For example, follow the example of those who made them from ceiling tiles - light and invisible, they can easily withstand the weight of a smartphone.

— How to make virtual reality glasses for a phone that does not have an accelerometer?

Unfortunately, such glasses will not be able to support operation correctly.

So, we can say that making VR glasses for a smartphone with your own hands is quite simple; the whole question is the ease of use of such a device. Indeed, in addition to glasses, quite a lot of devices for more deep dive into virtuality, with which viewing photos and videos becomes a whole adventure, and games do not allow you to relax for a second, keeping you in suspense.

For example, virtual reality in controller gloves allows you to touch objects as if in reality, and some VR chairs almost instantly react to the movements of your head, turning your body in the same direction. The future is very close, you just need to feel it.

Perhaps this video will help you:

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This video tutorial will show you how to make cardboard 3D virtual reality glasses. To do this we need a phone, two lenses, a pen, a ruler and carton(thick cardboard). It is recommended to use lenses 5-7x, diameter 25 mm. The article consists of two parts. The first contains the basic steps for creating glasses, the second contains recommendations for improving the product and a description of applications for 3D games.

Buy ready-made cardboard glasses you can in this Chinese store.

From cardboard you need to cut out all the parts that will be needed to create the glasses. To do this, it is very convenient to use the diagram, which you can download from the link. It will make everything much easier to do. You can download this drawing for printing on a printer.

Now, according to this diagram, you need to draw out all the details on cardboard and cut them out using scissors. Next you need to collect it all, which is, in principle, not difficult to do. In all places where there are bends, you need to bend the cardboard and connect everything using hot glue. Next you need to insert two lenses.

If you made the hole a little smaller than the lenses themselves, then you can simply place them very tightly and they will not fall out, but just in case better a couple drops of hot glue.

Now we need to download an application called cardboard to our phone. There's a lot in it different games for 3D glasses and videos. You can download the demo version from the Play Store.

Let's finish the 3D glasses. We insert the cardboard with lenses and we are all ready!

Go to the cardboard program. There are two sections here. There are many different games and videos here. We launch the one we like and insert it into our 3D glasses and enjoy virtual reality.

Since the phone has a built-in accelerometer, we can move our heads and the picture will also move.

There are many applications for these 3D glasses on the play market. Make these glasses or buy ready-made ones. In general, this cannot be explained, it’s very cool! Until you try it yourself, you won’t understand what it all looks like.

How to make a reality simulator for a personal computer

Next, we will show you how to make a reality simulator for a personal computer, these are virtual reality glasses like the Oculus Rift. To do this, we need straight hands and a well-functioning head and motivation to create homemade products. If you do not have any of these qualities, but have money, then it is better to immediately buy ready-made virtual glasses.

We will need a virtual reality helmet, which you could make using the video tutorial above. The current version adds larger lenses, head mounts, and Velcro to help the phone hold better. In general, this craft is assembled more carefully.

Where can I find lenses? You can take from the magnifying glass which contains two lenses that are perfect for these virtual glasses.

We will need a more powerful computer and a telephone with good characteristics so that all programs work stably and do not freeze.

You need to download a program called droidpad to your computer or phone. This application will help us use our phone as a virtual joystick. Namely, use the phone’s accelerometer itself. This application supports two types of connecting your computer to your phone: using USB and WiFi. We don't need it using usbi, because the phone will be inserted into the virtual glasses. Therefore, we will use the wi-fi method. It is desirable that the Internet speed be good and stable.

Now we have the most difficult work ahead of us. We need to calibrate the accelerometer of the iPod phone to our computer. After installing this program, the phone will be used by default as a virtual phone in games. Certainly not all games will be supported. Instructions for calibrating a phone with a computer are available on the 4PDA website.

After we have carried out the calibration according to the phone instructions for the computer, you can go into any game and test your magic glasses. The mechanism of this application is that using the phone's accelerometer, when you turn it, the screen rotates. It turns out to be a replacement for a computer mouse. Additionally, we need a program called cardboard. This program is needed to make the phone screen split in half. There is a special function, be sure to find it and configure it correctly so that everything works for you. Check that the phone screen is correctly divided not only on the desktop, but also in other programs.

Finally, download the latest program called Splashtop. This is a program so that we can view the computer screen through the phone. How to set up the program, instructions are also available on the 4PDA website.

After we have downloaded the program to the computer and phone, we need to launch the droidpad program to control the accelerometer, the cardboard program to divide the screen in half. These two programs must be running in the background. You need to open the Splashtop program and check if everything works. Launch the game on your computer and enjoy.

There is one caveat - the higher the pixel density on the phone, the clearer the picture will be. Besides games, of course, you can watch movies.

Everything voluminous is becoming fashionable, and many people want to have it in their home for creativity.

At the latest I/O conference, Google showed off its version of cardboard virtual reality glasses. In principle, schemes for such glasses have been circulating on the Internet for a long time (for example, FOV2GO). However, the scheme of the guys from Google turned out to be simpler than their analogues, and they also added a chip with a magnet that works as an external analog button. In this post, I will share my experience in assembling virtual reality glasses based on a smartphone: Google Cardboard from cardboard, OpenDive from plastic and glasses cut on a laser cutter from acrylic.


  1. Cardboard. I used an unwanted laptop box. Another option is to order your favorite pizza or buy cardboard in a special store (search for micro-corrugated cardboard E).
  2. Velcro. Can be purchased at any sewing store. I took a strip of adhesive Velcro for 100 rubles. This tape will be enough for pairs of 10 points.
  3. Magnets. In principle, this thing is optional if you do not plan to use the Google API. Google itself recommends taking 1 nickel magnet and the second a ferromagnet. On our Internet there are plenty of such magnets in specialized stores, but I was too lazy to wait for the order. As a result, in the same store I bought a set of magnets for fasteners, however, they did not work quite perfectly for me. Cost - 50 rubles for 3 magnets.
  4. Lenses. In general, it is recommended to take lenses 5-7x, 25mm diameter, aspherical. The easiest way is to buy a magnifier with two lenses, like the Veber 1012A, which is cheaper than buying 2 identical ones. I only had a 30x magnifying glass with two 15x lenses on hand (I bought such a magnifying glass on the market for 600 rubles). Despite the excessive magnification, it turned out well.
  5. Elastic band and carabiner. You will need them if you plan to use the Cardboard as glasses and not hold them with your hand all the time. I bought 2 meters of elastic and a pair of carabiners at the same sewing store for another 100 rubles.
  6. Foam rubber. To prevent glasses from cutting into your face, you should cover the contact points with foam rubber. I used window insulation tape. Another 100 rubles on the construction market.

Final price of materials: 400-1000 rubles depending on the lenses.


  1. Stationery knife.
  2. Hot-melt adhesive (with a gun). Small is better.
  3. Stapler or thread with a needle.


Here, in general, everything is trivial.
  1. Go to the Google Cardboard website and download the cutting diagram. If you happen to have a laser cutter on hand, you can cut on it. If not, then print it on a printer and cut it out along the contour.
  2. We attach Velcro. In addition to the two Velcro in the original, I added one to left side so that the structure does not move apart. I also glued two Velcro strips on the sides, onto which we will later glue an elastic band for attaching to the head.
  3. We insert the lenses, a magnet and fold the structure.
  4. We attach 2 pieces of elastic to Velcro. At one end we insert a carabiner at a fixed distance (I fixed it with an elastic band with a stapler :)). On the other side we take an elastic band with a reserve and attach the second part of the carabiner with the ability to adjust the length.
  5. Success!

However, after installing the application, I discovered that my button did not work in this form. To activate the click, I had to take the magnet in my hand and move it directly along the left side of the phone, however, even this way it works only once. A sign that you are doing everything right is that when you touch, there should be a feeling of a magnetic field that slightly pushes the magnet away from the phone.

Perhaps the reason is that I took too weak a magnet. Perhaps it's because my model (Galaxy Nexus) is not declared supported by Google. Nevertheless, the demos work, the button is pressed, hurray!

Plastic model

If you want to worry about assembling as little as possible and you have a 3D printer (or enough money to order printing), then this option is for you. :) I printed a model from the Thingverse website. There on request " virtual reality"There are several more similar options.

I ordered a print from the 3D Printing Laboratory, it cost about 3000 rubles.

All materials from Cardboard are relevant for these glasses, so the final price tag reaches almost 3,500 rubles.

Assembling a plastic model

We insert the lenses, glue the foam, and use regular office rubber bands to secure the phone. You can also cover the entire surface outside the lenses with foam rubber, then the light from your smartphone will not disturb you. Larger lenses can also be inserted into these glasses.

Another option: insert lenses from a Soviet stereoscope. To do this, you will have to slightly modify the mount, replacing the round holes with rectangular ones. The option with a stereoscope is quite convenient, but it has a disadvantage - the working area is smaller, the image is cropped at the top and bottom.

Model made of acrylic (or plywood)

Even before collecting virtual reality glasses became a trend, a wonderful design of glasses cut on a laser cutter appeared online. Without thinking twice, I decided to order their cutting in the same laboratory. They didn’t have plywood at that moment and they offered me to cut it out of black acrylic. The cost of cutting together with the material was about 800 rubles.

In addition to lenses, rubber bands and foam rubber, for assembly you will need about 20 screws with 3-4mm nuts (the author of the model suggests using 4mm, but they were difficult for me to fit in and I took 3mm).

Oddly enough, the final version turned out to be even better than the 3D printer. Firstly, the glasses are lighter and more compact. Secondly, the material is smooth and more pleasant to the touch. The downside is that acrylic is a fairly fragile material, and such glasses may not survive a fall.


Unfortunately, there is still very little content for such glasses. You can try playing with streaming, as described in a recent