Why don’t we fulfill our plans and what does excessive optimism have to do with it? On the way to a free life

What a person is guided by when choosing a current action is a closely guarded secret. Nobody really knows this, there are only theories and hypotheses. But some observations can definitely be made.

A situation where there is a clearly defined goal, but you cannot force yourself to move in the right direction, often becomes the subject of discussion in consultations. The most interesting thing is that this is not even a problem or a symptom. You could say this is a sign normal operation an internal safety valve that protects us from committing actions that lead to disruption of internal balance.

Behind every situation of such a stopper lies an unconscious internal conflict, which gives rise to confusion. And until it is brought to the surface of consciousness, there will be no progress in the desired direction, or it will be so strained that no results will justify the effort expended.

We can identify two main obstacles that block the implementation of the plan - the falsity of the set goal and the fear of failure. In the first case we're talking about about the contradiction between goals, priorities and principles that are behind the scenes. In the second, the progress of the business is hampered by doubts about oneself and one’s ability to achieve the desired result.

In both cases, we can talk about self-deception when the set goal runs counter to a deeper and more energetically saturated motivation. This contradiction must be de-energized, otherwise the plan will remain in limbo.

Internal contradictions

When the set goal is fully consistent with the entire internal mental order, its implementation occurs in the most natural way. To the point where the circumstances of the surrounding world seem to be playing along with you - they quickly find the right people, useful information comes from unexpected sources, and all the traffic lights are green.

On the other hand, when a desire contains an internal contradiction or comes into conflict with deeper motives, the same effects occur. A desire may seem important and correct, but “for some reason” time after time there are reasons to do something else, albeit less important. And the whole world seems to be taking up arms against you and tripping you up after tripping you.

Let's take morning jogging, for example. A person decides that running in the morning will be good for his health. The other day he read an article in a magazine about the dangers sedentary image life, and he was so infected by the author’s ardent enthusiasm that on an emotional wave he makes a vow to himself - to start running in the morning... from Monday.

What's going on here? The man lived and did not grieve, but having stumbled upon other people's reasoning about healthy way life, suddenly caught fire with a Purpose. In the article he saw a very reasonable argument that when sedentary work he simply needs jogging, so he bought it. He believed that this was exactly the case.

I draw your attention to the fact that he believed it. That is, the goal that he has just set for himself does not come from a mature necessity, not from a real own desire, but from other people's reasoning. Our reasonable and prudent person believes in logic so much that he completely loses sight of the artificiality of the goal set. Now he is seriously sure that he wants to run in the morning. “This is right, that means I want this,” such is the intellectual dislocation.

This is an example of an “alien” or “external” desire that has no significant basis. intrinsic motivation. This means that on Monday, when we need to get up two hours earlier, our unfortunate runner will conscientiously oversleep or find an excuse to postpone the run until... next Monday.

The goal must be born from within and flow from the current situation, otherwise it will be far-fetched and therefore hopeless. Achieving such a goal is not a matter of discipline. The ability to force yourself to perform decisions made will give nothing but wasted nerves and swelling of the Ego due to his exceptional discipline.

Let's take another example - the desire to buy a car. Let's assume that a person really wants to have a car. For example, he enjoys driving fast, but at the same time wants to stroke his pride by becoming the owner of a prestigious car.

The desire is quite understandable and well-reasoned in its own way, and therefore quite worthy of fulfillment. But another part of his soul calculates the situation in advance and understands that the car will entail a lot of additional expenses and problems. Garage, maintenance, insurance, technical inspection, risk of accidents and so on. The pleasure of driving and self-admiration, on the other hand, is not so great.

This is how an internal split occurs. One part of the soul says “I want a car!”, and the other says “I want to live without problems.” And if our potential motorist does not realize the second pole of his motivation, he may find himself in the same situation as in the first example - “I want a car, but for some reason I’m not doing anything for it.”

Here two goals come into conflict and the one whose energy charge is higher wins. But the trouble is that whatever the choice, part of the soul finds itself in a state of undeserved alienation. If the car is finally purchased, then the second part of the soul can easily “take revenge” by causing an accident or leaving the car unlocked in an unguarded parking lot. And if you don’t buy a car, then the unfulfilled desire will endlessly torment your soul, causing black envy and fierce hatred of successful car owners.

The soul always strives for balance. If this person understood his desires and brought his internal contradiction to the surface, he would be able to consciously make a decision that would not leave any tails behind him. He could buy a car, soberly realizing and accepting all the difficulties that would follow. Or he could realize that the car is not worth the hassle and abandon the purchase without any regrets.

All goals and desires must be consistent with each other, otherwise their implementation will inevitably encounter many obstacles, and any outcome will leave internal anxiety that will not allow you to fully enjoy the result.

Now another example - from my own recent personal experience. It can be considered a special case of contradictory desires, but the shade is somewhat different, so I’ll tell you anyway.

When I first tried to launch my website, it didn't work out. Money was invested, a design was ordered, a copywriter was hired - everything was there, but “for some reason”, despite all the investments, work on the site soon stalled. At that moment I had no time for psychological investigations, and the project was frozen until better times. And things got off the ground a year later, when they found the time and energy to analyze their contradictions regarding the creation of the site.

As it turned out, the goals set for the site ran counter to my life principles and guidelines. An internal split occurred in two directions: “honesty - deceit” and “publicity - privacy”.

At that moment, I planned to make a purely commercial website, with advertising texts and use it only to lure potential clients into my network. This approach implied that I needed, firstly, to tell in detail about myself (publicity), and, secondly, that all materials on the site should contain manipulations and a hidden call to sign up for a consultation (slyness).

On the other hand, I prefer to stay in the shadows, doing what really interests me and putting my soul into every business. Therefore, it turned out that on all points regarding the creation of a commercial website, I tore myself apart. It was impossible to maintain honesty with oneself and privacy while trying to simultaneously engage in an activity that was disgusting to one’s soul and exposing one’s personality to public display.

The desire to create my own website came into conflict with the basic settings that generally determine my entire lifestyle. Moreover, I was perfectly aware of both poles, but before certain point refused to notice the contradiction between them. The situation was resolved only after detailed analysis the current situation.

As a result, the idea of ​​the site was modified to include all the requirements and conditions of my life principles. The site has turned into a space for creative expression, where I can put my soul into every line of text, while remaining honest to myself. And at the same time, now I can afford to maintain the level of incognito that suits me.

As a result, when the internal conflict was resolved, all work on launching the site was completed at an accelerated pace, and in two months a very good results by all indicators important for a new site. And this without any special effort - everything happens by itself. This is what it means to be in harmony with yourself and do what you love with your soul.

So, we have considered the main options for internal contradictions. As long as a conflict of desires, aspirations and principles rages in the soul, any business will endlessly encounter all sorts of obstacles. Exit from similar conditions There is only one thing - to sit down and figure out which poles of the soul have come into conflict. As a result, some kind of new option actions that take into account the interests of all stakeholders.

Fear of failure, etc.

Fear of difficulties or the fact that it will not be possible to achieve the planned result is a simpler and more obvious problem. But it causes no less trouble than other internal contradictions.

Setting a worthy and agreed upon goal for yourself is not that difficult, but often, actions to achieve this goal are still postponed until later. The fact is that every goal, every clearly defined boundary is a kind of test. From a self-assessment perspective, it is a test of competence. And if there is even a drop of doubt that one’s strength and abilities may not be enough, the psyche immediately installs a protective block that prevents passing this test.

Lack of confidence in one’s own abilities and, in general, in one’s own worth forces a person to be extremely careful about what tasks he allows himself to take on. Any failure is a blow to self-esteem, which is why the defensive logic comes into play: it is better not to do anything than to endanger an already shattered self-esteem.

Introverts suffer more from this problem, but to one degree or another it affects everyone. Introverts generally tend to talk beautifully about what should be done, while avoiding any practical actions V real world. But extroverts also often throw around loud slogans and promises, shrinking inside from horror at the fact that they will have to answer for every word.

As with any other fear, the easiest way out here is to look it in the face and step over it. Key Point in this situation - awareness of your fear. Until fears of possible failure are raised to the surface of consciousness, there will be nothing to overcome. Subjectively, it will seem that there is no fear, and the work is not being done for some other incomprehensible reason.

If you realize the fear, then it becomes clear that it only warns against the fact that self-esteem may be under threat, then it becomes not so difficult to step over the fear. Yes, you can face failure, yes, you can make a mistake, so what? In the end, there is risk in any enterprise, and this is not a reason to refuse it.

I will illustrate another problem again with my own example. I started writing this article on Wednesday. Since I try to publish at least a couple of things a week, I was going to finish the article by Thursday. But it turned out that all my attempts to sit down and concentrate on work for three days led to nothing. My mind kept drifting somewhere to the side, and my attempts to squeeze some text out of myself gave rise to something completely indigestible.

The fact is that at the same time, an unresolved question hung in my head. And although it was completely unrelated to writing the article, the internal tension due to the need to make some kind of decision did not allow me to focus on anything else. It is for this reason that there have been no updates on my site since Monday. I even had to forcefully respond to comments. But, as soon as the decision on controversial issue was accepted, I immediately found the strength and enthusiasm to continue working on the planned article.

Your reality is built by your thoughts. Literally, and on the go. Right now and every moment, you yourself are building your reality with the power of thought. You just need to see it. There is no objective known world, with already ready-made templates and laws. There is no one who would look at you and decide whether to fulfill your cherished desires or not. This is your world. And you are an ideal machine for controlling reality with the power of thought.
You are building reality. And right now. You yourself are the creator of everything that happens to you. Take a look around. Everything you see is reproduced as a holographic picture directly from your mind. And what you see in front of you is directly and absolutely dependent on what ideas and thoughts fill your mind at the moment. Repeat this again for yourself.
To realize the fulfillment of desires with the power of thought, you must switch from your usual way of thinking to a new one. To begin to change, to transform your consciousness, your mind and your reality, you must get up and lie down, trying to open up to this thought.
So what should you do to fulfill any desires with the power of thought? How to force reality to change in the right direction?
Mentally imagine what you would like to achieve or what character traits to acquire, assume for a moment that all this is possible. Awaken within yourself a strong desire to achieve the fulfillment of your desires, become infected with enthusiasm, again and again thinking about the subject of your aspirations. After all, your current negative beliefs were formed under the influence of thoughts and feelings. So, call on yourself bright emotions And strong desires, and new thoughts and ideas will cross out the old ones.
If you carefully consider the above, you will remember that we are not talking about something completely new to you. You have been worried and worried about the outcome of your plan before! The only difference is that you change a negative goal to a positive one. When you are anxious, the first thing you do is to very vividly picture in your mind a picture of a possible unfavorable outcome. You don't make any effort, you just keep thinking about the “end result.” You think about it, imagine a vividly similar probability, admit the idea that something like this “could happen.”
By continuously replaying the picture of only a possible unfavorable outcome, it begins to seem more and more real to you. After some time, the corresponding emotions automatically arise: fear, anxiety, despair, which match the unfavorable outcome of the case depicted by your imagination. Now, by changing the picture of the “goal”, you can just as easily evoke positive emotions.
Mentally drawing what you want end result and by thinking about it for a long time, you also make it more and more likely, and again the corresponding emotions are automatically generated, but only this time you are overcome with inspiration, cheerful mood, confidence and joy in anticipation of victory. “Overcoming my own inclination to negative emotions, we develop a habit of positive sentiments“says Dr. Knight Dunlop. As a person thinks, so is the result.
And for the rest of the parable, which shows the power of desire. A young man once came to a sage and asked: “Sir, what should I do to gain wisdom?” The sage did not deign to answer him. After repeating his question several times with a similar result, the young man finally left, only to return the next day with the same question. Again he did not receive an answer and returned on the third day, again repeating: “Sir, what must I do to become a sage?”
The sage turned and headed towards the nearby river. He entered the water, nodding for the young man to follow him. Having reached sufficient depth, the sage took young man by the shoulders and held him under water, despite the young man’s attempts to free himself.
When he was freed and his breathing evened out, the sage asked him: “My son, when you were under water, what did you desire most?” The young man answered without hesitation: “Air! Air! I only wanted air!” - “Wouldn’t you prefer wealth, pleasure, power and love to this, my son?
Have you thought about these things? - the sage asked. “No, sir, I wanted air and thought only about air,” came the immediate answer.
“Then,” said the sage, “to become wise, you must desire wisdom with the same intensity with which you just thirsted for air. You must fight for it to the exclusion of all other goals in life. If you pursue wisdom with such passion, my son, you will definitely become wise.”

Many of us are afraid to start a new business because of the fear of failure. Conspiracies for success will help you cope with negative attitudes.

Negativity comes from ourselves. The reason for its appearance is poor energy and incorrect settings. One of the best ways The use of affirmations will fix everything. Previously, we wrote about affirmations for success, money and love. These techniques will help you think positively and change your life as you wish.

Conspiracies for success

Not only affirmations, but also conspiracies can be the key to happiness. Conspiracies work differently than affirmations. Affirmations need to be used every day to improve your thoughts and attitude. Conspiracies increase the chances of success instantly, but they last a relatively short period of time. You turn to nature and the Universe for help, and they help you with a quick surge of energy and a favorable combination of circumstances. This property of conspiracies is especially useful in new beginnings and in the morning, when you need self-confidence or when the day has suddenly gone wrong, and you intend to turn the tide of events.

Quick conspiracies are very simple and help you gain self-confidence in the most different situations. They are focused on any area of ​​life and will help you not to be left without the support of higher powers.

Quick spells for every day

If the day is not going well in the morning:

  • Failures will leave me, but they won’t find anyone else. Let it be like this today.
  • May luck come to me now, like rain comes with the wind, amen.
  • I will calm down, like the surface of water on a windless day.

For success in your business:

  • I will feel success, like a predator feels its prey.
  • The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength (crossing the threshold of the building where you have an important assignment).
  • Let everyone who fights me know my strength.

For luck in love, if you want to win someone's heart:

  • Love me, (name), the way I love you. As bees love flowers, as the earth loves rain.
  • I hear you, and you breathe me (when you hear the voice of a loved one).
  • Heaven sees, I miss, Heaven knows, I wish. Be with me always, forever. (Name).

Love spells are difficult to implement because they require a lot of energy. Strengthen your luck with Love">love horoscopes to quick conspiracies enhance the luck along the path you will follow.

For monetary success:

  • A ringing coin fell into my pocket - I won’t be at all afraid of being deceived (when purchasing, so that they won’t be deceived, and the money spent will be returned).
  • Nickel, copper, come back a hundredfold.
  • Mother Nature, help. Give me freedom, give me strength, give me a vein of money.

If you want to be listened to:

  • Let my words become your thoughts, hear them and submit to me.
  • Think like me, do like me, I conjure you (3 times).

Conspiracies must be presented. They need to be spoken with the right thoughts in your head, because this is the only way they will have power. This requires maximum concentration. The forces of nature are great, so they require correct settings. We advise you to ask with your thoughts, not demand. Wait, don't insist. But at the same time, firmly believe in the truth of your plan, because if you doubt, the Universe doubts with you.

Success in any area of ​​life directly depends on your energy level, so all leading experts in the field of esotericism advise starting with cleansing the energy of your home. Once your home is clean of energy pollution, you will feel that your conspiracies have become stronger. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.05.2016 07:09

Not everyone can get rich. But knowing the secret of success and having a strong money talisman, you can place...

From time to time I receive letters asking why, as soon as you tell someone about your desire or plans, how incredibly everything collapses and nothing comes true? What is this, the evil eye or the intrigues of the people you tell? What's going on?

I recently found an excellent, complete answer in two places at once: a video from Derek Sievers and an article by Ivan Pirog. The video and article should clarify all the nuances.

Derek Sivers: Keep your plans to yourself

Ivan Pirog: Boasting is the enemy of motivation

“Isn’t it clear to you? - Don Juan said dramatically. - Your personal history constantly needs to be preserved and updated. So you tell your friends and family everything you do. And if you didn’t have a personal story, the need for explanations would immediately disappear. Your actions would not anger or disappoint anyone, and most importantly, you would not be bound by anyone’s thoughts.”

Certain actions and behaviors can create an insurmountable barrier to achieving personal goals. And you should know about them.

What are these actions and why do they prevent you from finishing what you started?

Have you ever found yourself in an awkward position when someone asked you: “ How is the project you talked about going??”, while interest in this project has long since disappeared? No motivation. I don't want to do anything. And friends are interested in how things are going.

If this situation is familiar to you, then we speak the same language. This has happened to me a thousand times!

For example, a few years ago I told everyone that I was going to start a programming blog. After that, the desire to write completely disappeared. Or I promised readers a continuation of a story that they liked, but something prevented me from turning my promise into reality.

Disclosing personal goals kills motivation to achieve them. But what motivates us when we share our plans for the future? And, most importantly, WHY Does boasting about unfinished tasks destroy motivation? Let's talk about this.

I want you to pay very close attention to this article. It will help you avoid a common mistake that people make, thereby keeping you motivated.

“The desire to gain recognition and approval”

“Let’s put it this way: if you want to study plants, you must, among other things, erase your personal history.
- But how? – I asked.
“Start with something simple – don’t tell anyone what you’re really doing.”
Carlos Castaneda. “Journey to Ixtlan”

Desire to gain recognition and approval pushes people to achieve personal goals: write a book, become a big boss, open their own business, become famous and famous.

I won't hide it. In most cases, I am also driven by the desire to surprise others and gain recognition. I would like people to praise and evaluate me positively through the result of my work.

As soon as I finish a new piece of music or a fresh story, I immediately want to show the result to my friends.

But it happened that I showed unfinished projects. He gave unfinished music to listen to, showed unfinished stories, or showed unfinished computer game. At these moments I wanted to be praised and said: “ Cool, well done! We look forward to the continuation!" I wanted to reinforce the positive feedback BEFORE the completion of the case, in the hope that it would spur me to work, but...

The motivation to finish what I started evaporated. This is what bragging about unfinished business led to!

Because what pushes me to achieve my goal is an unconscious desire to surprise others. Let’s say I showed a “raw” project and thereby surprised my friends. That's it, the goal has been achieved. If I show the completed project, I won’t surprise anyone. I've become predictable. What's the point of finishing the job if I don't show anything NEW?

This is one of the reasons for the loss of motivation of a person who reveals his cards ahead of time.

Agree, real admiration and respect is caused by the work of people who silently created their masterpiece. For example, you communicate with a friend every day on the most different topics, and then it turns out that all this time he was writing his novel. And now the novel is finished. He publishes it and those around him are surprised: “ Wow! And all this time you were silent?! Well done, I was so surprised...

So, conclusion number 1

Maintain unpredictability for others until you complete the task. Boasting “on credit” cools your ardor.

“Features of the brain”

“I used to think that my brain was the most main body. But then I thought: wait a minute, who’s telling me this?”
Emo Phillips

One day scientists made an amazing discovery: The brain practically does not distinguish between physical movements and imaginary ones. When a person visualizes body movements, their motor cortex activates as if they were actually moving!

The same effect is observed when a person “plays” a melody in his head. Despite the fact that he is in complete silence, the encephalograph shows the activity of the brain areas responsible for actually listening to music.

This leads to conclusion No. 2:

The brain does not see the difference whether a person boasts about a completed task or a task that has not yet been completed.

Let's say your goal is– make a personal website and fill it out interesting material. The site is not ready yet. He's just in the project. If you start telling everyone about the site, zones in the brain that correspond to receiving satisfaction from a completed task are activated.

There is no difference for the brain, whether you are talking about a completed project or just sharing plans for the future. He perceives it as if the goal has already been achieved. Why bother making a website if it’s already “ready”?

I want to make a reservation right away. There is a big difference between visualization ultimate goal and a public statement of their intentions. In the first case, you program the conscious and subconscious mind to complete the task and provide a clear picture of the destination. In the second, you share with your friends an already accomplished fact - this is how our brain perceives it.

Intentionally visualizing the end goal is necessary in order to actually achieve it. He who does not know the end point of the movement will never reach it.

“Vanity is a powerful driving force”

“Vanity - terrible power, acting within us and against ourselves”
Victor Hugo

Let's say you have an idea for a new business. As soon as we think about the ultimate goal, a special emotion immediately arises - the desire to turn the idea into reality. For the purposes of this article, for simplicity, we will call this emotion special kind energy - energy of motivation.

The energy of motivation is released by the body's resources upon request. As soon as we want to achieve a goal, the necessary amount of energy appears to realize it. To achieve desired result, us it is necessary to use one hundred percent of the allocated energy. No less.

Motivational energy is the fuel with which the body fills its tanks to get to its destination. It is necessary for specific physical and mental actions.

And what is the result? Fleeting satisfaction. How often do you manage to elevate yourself in the eyes of your friends by telling them about something that doesn’t yet exist? It's unlikely that anyone will praise you.

“It’s very easy to waste motivational energy!”

“The best motivation always comes from within!”
Michael Johnson

So, initially we have 100% of the necessary motivational energy. We came to our friend Petya and told him that we were going to open an unusual online store. Subtract 10% from the allocated fuel. Now you came to Comrade Vasya and described your idea to him in every detail. Subtract another 10%, or better yet, all 20%. Then you told your work colleagues that free time are going to devote to a new idea. Subtract another 20%. Did you tell your friend Masha? Do the appropriate calculations again.

What percentage of motivation fuel is left in the end? 30? 5? -60?

The point is that we need 100%! Otherwise, we will not reach the final destination. We simply don’t have enough “gasoline”. But what if you've already used half of your allocated fuel? Then you feel a loss of interest. You stopped halfway. Now you will either abandon the goal or wait and accumulate fuel again. It’s sad, considering the fact that you have already told your friends about your desire to definitely end this damn online store.

Thus, we come to conclusion No. 3:

Use your desire to brag to achieve your goal.

Grit your teeth and take a drink of water! Let the desire to show off push you forward! This is what adds fuel to the fire. If you want others to see your masterpiece as quickly as possible, remain silent! Then you will do everything possible to make it really happen as quickly as possible.

Be silent like partisans during the Second World War. These are your trump cards. Stop wasting precious fuel. Chat with your friends as if nothing had happened, as if you have nothing to tell them about. Actually, in essence, that’s how it is!

Thus, we kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, we do not waste our motivational energy, and secondly, even if we stop halfway, no one will know about it.

“Let’s sum it up”

  • Maintain unpredictability for others until you complete the job. If you break this rule, you will no longer want to move towards achieving your goal because you have played your cards and become predictable. Getting the job done won't surprise anyone.
  • The brain doesn't feel the difference whether you share real achievements or your plans for the future. When you talk about your ultimate goal, your brain automatically checks the “goal achieved” box. Proven by scientists, tested by electronics.
  • Don't confuse intentionally visualizing an end goal with making a public statement. about your goals. These are two different things. Intentional visualization can and should be used in everyday life. She gives commands to our subconscious, and it, in turn, always finds ways to implement our plans.
  • When we set a goal, the necessary amount of fuel is released to achieve it. This fuel is so powerful that one strives to realize oneself in any way in an accessible way. Don't let it be realized only in conversations with others.

That's all dear friends. Thank you for your attention. I hope this article has explained what vanity and the desire to boast about unfinished projects are. And also how to use this powerful force for your own good.

I wish you success in achieving the most secret desires!

Read also:



Indeed, as everything is correctly noted. As they say, forewarned is forearmed. This happened, I will be aware in future. And I was still wondering why I was losing interest in the matter. Thanks for the valuable article.



Thanks a lot! Very informative!


I honestly myself prefer to remain silent about my plans. But I noticed that some people set a goal and do not hesitate to talk about it, and sometimes even declare it, as if, on the one hand, they are giving themselves a challenge in front of people, on the other hand, they are informing the world around us about their intention and often they come up with some solutions for this. Let's say you told a friend that you are planning to launch a project, you are looking for an investor, and he tells you, let me talk to my friend, he is just investing in business. Do you know what I mean?
Could you comment on this fact?
Answer: Look how.. (this is my opinion, not the author of the article). If you are just thinking about a project, have an idea, then there is no need to talk about it. If you are already moving towards your goal and taking specific actions, then the process has begun. You can talk, but carefully, not with everyone and not in too much detail. Because you can actually get useful advice or help.


What if you just talked about what you intended, but you continue to pursue your goal?
Answer: Well, go ahead.


For me, too, something that absolutely has to happen gets disrupted if I share it with someone. But for my friend, it’s the other way around; what she tells others about comes true. This is a mystery to me...Why does this happen?
Answer: I don’t know, ask her. Maybe the energy is very strong.


Very interesting article. Unfortunately, I have already shared my plans...


I don't agree. For me it’s always exactly the opposite. Only what I trumpet on every corner comes true. Maybe it's a matter of inner confidence in success?? After all, I don’t tell anyone about what I’m not entirely sure of, not 99% of the time. And she told me about her plans - they will have to come true, there is no choice


But I don’t think this works for everyone. I know a man who talked about his plans for the future - what to do, where to get a job. This passion of his has not left him since the 9th grade. And he told everything to his loved ones only so as not to deviate from the indicated path. Those. Once he blurted out, it means he has to fulfill it - be responsible for his word. And indeed, everything worked out for this guy and his interest did not dry up (and you can take the example of famous businessmen who recruited friends into their business). So here you need to choose your goal more accurately, and not get scattered on fleeting hobbies.

The Savior said “Ask, and it will be given to you.” These words of Christ often encourage us to think that God is a kind of sorcerer and wizard who will fulfill all our desires: now we will just read the holy prayer for the fulfillment of a desire in the near future. However, a situation often happens to us when we set a goal for ourselves, try to do everything to achieve it, pray for a wish to come true in the near future, but there is no result. Why does this happen? There may be several reasons. The first and most obvious is that we ourselves do not know what we are asking. How often does a person ask for wealth, and only the Lord knows that big money will harm him. Asks for a soul mate, but he himself is not yet ready for serious relationship, repels all potential grooms/brides with his behavior, and blames others for this. Asks for children, but not because he is ripe for great mission paternity/maternity, but to be “like everyone else.” And there are many such examples. That is why you should not grumble; you can read a strong prayer to God asking for the fulfillment of a desire in one day, but do not forget to always add “Thy will be done” at the end.

When reading a prayer for the fulfillment of a cherished desire, specify it

The second reason is that you yourself don’t know exactly what to ask for in prayer for the fulfillment of your desire. For example, the prayer “Lord, let everything be fine” is incorrect. What is “everything” and how is it “good”? You should ask for a specific need. For example, about health, about the successful resolution of childbirth, about profit in business, about the successful sale of a house, etc.

It should be noted that there is no Orthodox prayer that guarantees the fulfillment of your desire. Prayer differs from a conspiracy in that in it we ask without knowing in advance whether what we ask will be given to us, and a conspiracy, as it were, sets us up for a positive result in advance.

But is it possible to force God to fulfill a desire with a strong prayer? This kind of practice has nothing to do with Orthodoxy, these are occult actions, which ultimately result in great harm soul. It is very simple to distinguish conspiracies from prayers - there is no request in them, but an installation, almost an order, and besides, conspiracies often need to be combined with different actions(buy ten candles and light them on the full moon, read a prayer forty times and send them to forty people, etc.).

How to correctly pray for the fulfillment of a desire?

The Orthodox Church teaches us that in prayer to the saints the most important thing is repentance and humility. If your request pleases God and does not harm you or others, then God will certainly fulfill it, although perhaps not as quickly as you would like. In addition, do not forget to contribute to the speedy fulfillment of your desire yourself; do not expect obvious miracles from a strong prayer to God (remember gospel parable about buried talents): for example, asking for high paying job, strive to improve your skills, learn languages, be active in sending out resumes.

Listen to the video of the Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of St. Martha's wishes

Read the text of a very strong prayer to Saint Martha for the quick fulfillment of your desire

“Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous! I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! Humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, tearfully, take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me, (hereinafter precisely speak your wish). I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, to overcome hardships just as You defeated the snake until it lay at Your feet!”

Text of a prayer to the Lord God for wishes to come true soon

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Fulfill my cherished desires and do not deny their sinless achievement. Bring good luck to wise actions and ward off success in sinful ambitions. May all good desires certainly be fulfilled, and bad deeds banished. So be it. Amen.

Listen to the video of the Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Orthodox prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the quick fulfillment of desires

Wonderworker Nicholas, help me with my mortal desires. Do not be angry at the impudent request, but do not abandon me in vain matters. Whatever I wish for good, do it. If I want something bad, turn away adversity. May all righteous wishes come true, and may my life be filled with happiness. Thy will be done. Amen.

A strong prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to Saint Matrona of Moscow

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Help me fulfill all my bright desires - innermost and cherished. Save me from vain desires that destroy the soul and wound the body. Ask the Lord God to protect me from nasty rottenness. Thy will be done. Amen.