Breed standard Chinese Crested Dog. Brief historical summary

USAGE : Dog - companion.


Group 9. Companions and lap dogs.

Section 4. Hairless (hairless) breeds

No operational tests.


Chinese crested dog has two varieties - hairless (hairless) and powder-puff (downy). A "naked" has a tuft of hair on its head that runs down its neck, "socks" covering its toes, and a plume on its tail. The rest of the body, as the name suggests, is naked. The downy variety is a dog that is completely covered with long, soft hair. While it is difficult to pinpoint the exact origins of these dogs, they are said to have been owned by the Han Dynasty in China. Chinese Crested Dogs were bred to be treasure keepers at home and, in a larger, heavier form, as hunting dogs. From 1885 to 1926 they were exhibited in America, but then for fifty years they were rarely seen.

GENERAL VIEW : Small, active and graceful dog; with medium and thin bones, with a smooth hairless body (hair only on the legs, head and tail) or covered with soft long hair. There are two various types this breed: deer type, graceful and fine-boned; And stocky type, heavier in body and bones - cobby type.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT : Happy people are never angry.

HEAD : With tight skin, no wrinkles. The distance from the base of the skull to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the tip of the nose. The head has a graceful appearance with a lively expression.


Scull : Slightly rounded and elongated.

Stop : Slightly pronounced, but not extreme.


Nose : Feature: The nose is prominent and narrow in comparison with the muzzle. Any nose color is acceptable.

Muzzle : Slightly tapering but not pointed, dry, without drooping lips.

Lips : Tight fitting and thin.

Jaws/Teeth : Jaws are strong, with a perfect, regular scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth tightly overlap the lower teeth and stand perpendicular to the jaws.

Cheekbones : Immaculately chiseled, dry and flat, tapering towards the muzzle.

Eyes : So dark that they appear black. The whites of the eyes are only slightly visible or not visible at all. Medium size. Widely spaced.

Ears : Set low: highest point the base of the ear is level with the outer corner of the eye. Large, erect, with or without fringe. The exception is the downy variety, where drooping ears are acceptable.

NECK : Dry, without dewlap, long, gracefully flowing into strong shoulders. When moving, the dog carries its neck high and with a slight arch.

FRAME : Moderately stretched.

Back : Direct.

Small of the back : Elastic.

Croup : Round and muscular.

Breast : Quite wide and deep, but not barrel-shaped. The front of the chest does not protrude. The sternum is lowered to the elbows.

Hemline and belly : The abdomen is moderately tucked.

TAIL : Set on high, carried vertically or at an angle when moving. Long and tapering to a point, fairly straight, does not curl or bend to the side, hangs naturally when the dog is at rest. The train (plume) is long and flowing, covering two-thirds of the tail. A rare plume is acceptable.



General view : Limbs long and slender, well set under the body.

Shoulders : Straight, thin, well laid back.

Elbows : Tightly pressed to the body.

Pastern : Sturdy, strong, almost vertical.

Front paws : Extended “hare” paws, narrow and long. Claws of any color, moderately long. The "toes" (wool) are ideally limited to the toes and never rise above the wrist. The paws are turned neither in nor out.


General view : Hind legs set wide apart. Angles hind limbs should be such as to ensure a straight back.

Knees : The knees are strong, the shins are long, blending smoothly into the hocks.

Hock joints, metatarsals : Hocks well defined, short metatarsus.

Hind legs : Extended “hare” paws, narrow and long. Claws of any color, moderately long. The "toes" (coat) are ideally limited to the toes and never extend above the hock. The paws are turned neither in nor out.

GAIT/MOVEMENT : Sweeping, smooth and elegant with good grip and strong drive.

LEATHER : Fine-grained, smooth, warm to the touch.


Wool : There are no large areas covered with hair on the body. A long and flowing crest is preferred, but a sparse one is acceptable; ideally it starts from the stop and ends at the bottom of the neck . Powder puffs (the downy variety) have a coat consisting of undercoat and soft, long outer hair. The veil-like coat is their peculiarity.

Color : Any color or combination of colors.


Ideal height at withers: males: 28-33 cm. Females: 23-30 cm.

DISADVANTAGES/DEFECTS : Any deviation from the above provisions should be considered as a deficiency and the seriousness with which this disadvantage must be assessed, must be proportionate to the degree of its severity, and its impact on the health and welfare of the dog.


Aggression or cowardice.

Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral deviations, should be disqualified.

Note : Males must have two apparently normal testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

Recent changes are highlighted in bold.

Photo: Chinese Crested Dog (hairless variety)

General characteristics: The Chinese Crested Dog is a small, active, charming dog with medium to fine bones.

Type of deer: full-blooded dog with thin bones.

Typehorses: more compact build, with a heavier body and bone structure.

Head: The skull is slightly rounded and elongated.

Muzzle: dry and flat, tapering towards the nose. The transition from forehead to muzzle is easily marked. The length of the head from the occipital protuberance to the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is the same as from the transition to the nose. The muzzle is slightly tapering, but at the same time should not be pointed, dry, with close-fitting thin lips. The nose is well developed, the same width as the end of the muzzle. Any color of the nose is allowed. The crest begins from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle and goes down further along the nape of the neck. It can be of any length; a long flowing tuft is preferred.

Eyes: so dark that they appear black. The white of the eye is invisible or barely noticeable. Eyes average size, located at a great distance from each other. Pigmentation of the eyelids is required, brown or black. A dog that does not have a line cannot qualify for titles.

Ears: set low - in line with the outer corner of the eye. Quite large, erect, with or without fringe, the downy type of the breed is allowed to have drooping ears.

Teeth: Jaws are strong, with an absolutely regular scissor bite. The lower canines of hairless dogs are tusk-shaped, so if there is any doubt as to whether a dog is downy or overgrown hairless, this can be easily determined by the shape of the canines. A downy individual must have a full set of teeth.

Neck: dry, without dewlap, long, flowing beautifully to strong shoulders. When moving it is carried high and slightly arched.

Body: stretched format. Flexible. The chest is fairly broad and deep, but not barrel-shaped or with prominent ribs. The breast bone does not protrude. The chest reaches to the elbows; the stomach is moderately tucked.

Forelegs: long and slender. The elbows fit snugly to the body, the pasterns are thin, strong, almost vertical.

Hind limbs: The thighs are elastic, the shins are strong and long, the hocks are low. The set of the hind legs is wide.

Paws: hare-shaped, narrow and long, with elongated carpal bones, this is especially pronounced on the forelimbs. The long hair on the limbs ideally covers the fingers but does not extend onto the wrists. The paws should not be turned in or out.

Tail: set high, long and tapering towards the end. Should not be bent or twisted. In a calm state it is lowered down. The tail tuft should be long and flowing, covering approximately two-thirds of the tail's length. A sparse brush is allowed, but a lush and thick one is preferable.

Coat: There should be no large areas overgrown with hair on the body. The leather is fine-grained, soft and warm to the touch. The hairless form of the breed has a smooth body with hair on the head, tail and feet, and is divided into the deer type and the horse type. The coat should not rise above the wrist and hock joint. The downy form of the breed has a coat consisting of poorly developed undercoat and outer coat of quite long length. A characteristic feature is the veil-like appearance of the coat.

Height at withers: 28 - 33 cm - males, 23 - 30 cm - females. Deviation of no more than 2 cm is allowed.

Weight: should not exceed 5 kg.

Color: any color and any color combination.

The Chinese Crested has an attractive variety of shades, ranging from blue to brownish-red. The darkest blue color can come in different shades. Brown-red can be rich, lightening to honey. These solid colors often fade in areas with pink, unpigmented skin: the chest, abdomen, limbs. This produces a mottled effect known as "patterned" which is very attractive. Spotted and marbled colors are also found in this breed.

The density and richness of color change seasonally. In summer, the Chinese Crested Dog sunbathes. Her skin, depending on its original color, becomes either bronze or graphite.

Movements of the Chinese Crested: free, flowing and graceful with good reach of the forequarters and good drive of the hindquarters, without a stilted or stiff gait. Very energetic. The characteristic gait is trot.

Character: Boundless love for people is a characteristic feature of this breed. The Chinese Crested has an extremely developed maternal instinct.

VICES: Any deviation from the above conformation should be considered as a fault, the severity of the fault depending on the degree of its severity.

Features and benefits: Odorless. Puff puffs have weakly expressed molting. Possesses good health and whelps easily.


Aggression or cowardice.

Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

Note: Males should have two apparently normal testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

Main characteristics of the breed:


Group 9. Decorative and companion dogs
Section 4. Hairless (hairless) breeds.
No operational tests.


The Chinese Crested Dog has two varieties - hairless (hairless) and powder-puff (fluffy).

A "naked" has a tuft of hair on its head that runs down its neck, "socks" covering its toes, and a plume on its tail. The rest of the body, as the name suggests, is naked.

The downy variety is a dog that is completely covered with long, soft hair.

While it is difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of these dogs, they are said to have been owned by the Han Dynasty in China. Chinese Crested dogs were bred to be treasure keepers at home and, in larger, heavier forms, as hunting dogs. From 1885 to 1926 they were exhibited in America, but then for fifty years they were rarely seen.


The dog is a companion.


A small, active and graceful dog; with medium to fine bones, with a smooth hairless body (hair only on the legs, head and tail) or covered with soft long hair. There are two different types of this breed: the deer type, graceful and fine-boned; and a stocky type, heavier in body and bones - the cobby type.


Happy people are never angry.


With tight skin, no wrinkles. The distance from the base of the skull to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the tip of the nose. The head has a graceful appearance with a lively expression.


Scull: Slightly rounded and elongated.

Stop: Slightly pronounced, but not extreme.


Nose Characteristic feature: the nose is protruding and narrow compared to the muzzle. Any nose color is acceptable.

Muzzle: Slightly tapering, but not pointed, dry, without drooping lips.

Lips: Tight fitting and thin.

Cheekbones: Immaculately chiseled, dry and flat, tapering towards the muzzle.

Jaws/Teeth: The jaws are strong, with a perfect, regular scissor bite, i.e. The upper teeth closely overlap the lower teeth and stand perpendicular to the jaws.

Eyes: So dark that they appear black. The whites of the eyes are only slightly visible or not visible at all. Medium size. Widely spaced.

Ears: Set low: the highest point of the base of the ear is level with the outer corner of the eye. Large, erect, with or without fringe. The exception is the downy variety, where drooping ears are acceptable.


Dry, without dewlap, long, gracefully flowing into strong shoulders. When moving, the dog carries its neck high and with a slight arch.


Moderately stretched.

Back: Straight.

Small of the back: Elastic.

Croup: Round and muscular.

Breast: Quite wide and deep, but not barrel-shaped. The front of the chest does not protrude. The sternum is lowered to the elbows.

Hemline and belly: The abdomen is moderately tucked.


Set on high, carried vertically or raised at an angle when moving. Long and tapering to a point, fairly straight, does not curl or bend to the side, hangs naturally when the dog is at rest. The train (plume) is long and flowing, covering two-thirds of the tail. A rare plume is acceptable.


General view: The limbs are long and slender, well located under the body.

Shoulders: Straight, thin, well laid back.

Elbows: Pressed tightly to the body.

Pastern: Sturdy, strong, almost vertical.

Front paws: Elongated “hare” feet, narrow and long. Claws of any color, moderately long. The "toes" (wool) are ideally limited to the toes and never rise above the wrist. The paws are turned neither in nor out.


General view: The hind legs are widely spaced. The angulation of the hindquarters should be such as to ensure a level back.

Knees: The knees are strong, the shins are long, smoothly blending into the hocks.

Hock joints: well defined

Metatarsus: short.

Hind legs: Elongated “hare” feet, narrow and long. Claws of any color, moderately long. The toes (coat) are ideally limited to the toes and never extend above the hock. The paws are turned neither in nor out.


Sweeping, smooth and elegant with good grip and strong drive.


Fine-grained, smooth, warm to the touch.


There are no large areas covered with hair on the body. A long and flowing crest is preferred, but a sparse one is acceptable; ideally it starts from the stop and ends at the bottom of the neck. In powder puffs (the downy variety), the coat consists of an undercoat and soft, long outer hair. The veil-like coat is their peculiarity.


Any color or combination of colors.


Ideal height at withers: males: 28-33 cm. Females: 23-30 cm./p>


Any deviation from the above provisions should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be assessed should be proportionate to its severity and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.


Aggression or cowardice.

Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

Note: Males should have two apparently normal testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

Petite, cheerful, elegant. She is strongly attached to her owners, friendly to strangers, but does not lose her vigilance.

She is exactly that - a Chinese Crested dog.

These dogs got their name thanks to Chinese sailors, who kept two or three individuals on ships to exterminate rats and breed offspring for trade.

Initially they were simply called Chinese hairless, and their ancestors were African hairless dogs. Also, there is a version that the Chinese Crested was the result of crossing and blue color.

The peculiar appearance helped to gain popularity in European countries, but it only happened in the second half of the 20th century. The breed received official recognition in 1981 from the English Kennel Club. in 1987 from the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

The Chinese Crested Dog appeared in Russia in 1990 and its representatives worthily represent the breed at prestigious international exhibitions.

Description of the breed: hairless and downy dog

FCI Standard No. 288 dated 02/16/2011 “Chinese Crested Dog”
Group 9 “Toy and companion dogs”
Section 4 “Hairless dogs”

Ideal height at withers: males 28-33 cm, females 23-30 cm.

The Chinese Crested Dog has two varieties:

  • naked (hairless);
  • powder puff (down).

The "naked" has a tuft of hair on its head that runs down its neck, "socks" covering its toes, and a plume on its tail. The rest of the body, as the name suggests, is naked. The downy variety is dogs completely covered with long soft hair.

In the photo of the Chinese Crested Dog you can see characteristic features both varieties.

Classic Chinese Crested and Powder Powder

Body. First of all, the Chinese Crested breed is distinguished by its modest body size, and its structure is divided into two types:

  • deer- light skeleton and long limbs;
  • stocky- heavy, bulky skeleton and body as a whole.

On a flexible body medium length ribs should not be visible, breast bones and belly. The narrow shoulders laid back are positioned evenly. The elbows of the long, straight forelimbs are pressed close to the body. Thighs with strong muscles have rounded outlines. The back has a level position, which is typical for most

On narrow and long paws, covered with “socks”, there are claws of moderate length. The movements are smooth, graceful, but at the same time very energetic. The high-set, tapering tail is of moderate length and is raised when moving.

Head. Gives an aristocratic look elongated, slightly round shape with smooth, narrow and flat cheekbones. The transition from the frontal part to the muzzle is poorly defined. A crest begins to grow from it, which falls down the neck; its length is not limited by the standard.

The description of the Chinese Crested Dog includes a protruding and tapering nose in proportion to the muzzle; its color can be very diverse. The eyes are dark brown, medium size, the whites are practically invisible.

You need to wash it once every one and a half to two weeks. using special shampoo or shower gel. After this, you need to remove the hair on the face of the hairless species with a special machine.

If your pet's skin is covered with a rash or cracks appear on it, then the amount water procedures increases. After taking a shower, your dog needs Gently dry with a towel and treat the skin using a hypoallergenic cream.

This breed constantly there is an excess of energy, so you need to play with it often. If this is not possible, then it is recommended to provide her with an extensive set of toys with which she can frolic on her own. Non-sharp objects, balls of thread, etc. are suitable for this.

According to the owners' reviews, the Chinese Crested Dog is really friendly, loyal and affectionate. She gets along well with both adults and small children. Despite its miniature size, it will always defend its owner. At the same time, she is friends with cats.

FCI Standard No. 288

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: A small, energetic and graceful dog; medium to fine bone structure; with a smooth, hairless body and with hair only on the limbs, head and tail, or covered with soft, hanging hair.
DEER TYPE: full-blooded dog with thin bones.
HORSE TYPE: more compact build, with a heavier body and bones.
TEMPERAMENT: Cheerful, never angry.
HEAD: The cranial part is slightly rounded and elongated.
MUZZLE: dry and flat, tapering towards the nose. The transition from forehead to muzzle is easily marked. The length of the head from the occipital protuberance to the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is the same as from the transition to the nose. The muzzle is slightly tapering, but at the same time should not be pointed, dry, with tightly fitting thin lips. The nose is well developed, the same width as the end of the muzzle. Any color of the nose is allowed. The crest begins from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle and goes down further along the nape of the neck. It can be of any length; a long flowing tuft is preferred.
EYES: so dark that they appear black. The white of the eye is not visible or barely noticeable. The eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped, located at a great distance from each other.
EARS: set low - in line with the outer corner of the eye. Quite large, erect, with or without fringe, the downy type of the breed is allowed to have drooping ears.
TEETH: The jaws are strong, with an absolutely correct scissor bite. /
Figure 1/. Puff-puffs should have a full set of teeth, while hairless ones have partial teeth, which is normal.

NECK: dry, without dewlap, long, flowing beautifully to strong shoulders. When moving it is carried high and slightly arched.
FORE LIMBS: long and slender. The elbows fit snugly to the body, the pasterns are thin, strong, almost vertical. The fingers are turned neither inward nor outward. / Figure 2, a - correct position, b - narrow rib cage, paws turned outward, c - too wide stance, barrel-shaped chest, d - paws turned inward, stiffness in the shoulders, elbows turned outward /

HINDQUARTERS: The hips are elastic, the shins are strong and long, the hocks are low. The angles of the hind limbs should
be such as to ensure their extension back. The set of the hind legs is wide. / Figure 3, a - correct position, b - incorrect position - hock joints turned outward, c - incorrect, cow position - hock joints turned inward /

PAWS: hare-shaped, narrow and long, with elongated carpal bones, this is especially pronounced on the forelimbs. Extended
The fur on the limbs ideally covers the fingers, but does not extend onto the wrists. Claws of any color, moderately long. The paws should not be turned in or out. / Figure 4 /

TAIL: set high, long and tapering towards the end. Should not be bent or twisted. In a calm state it is lowered down.
The coat is long and flowing over the lower 2/3 of the tail. A rare plume is acceptable. / Figure 5, a - correct, b - irregular twisted, c - incorrect, in the form of a teapot handle, usually short /

COAT: There should be no large areas overgrown with hair on the body. The leather is fine-grained, soft and warm to the touch. Naked
The (hairless) form of the breed has a smooth body with hair on the head, tail and feet, and is divided into the deer type and the horse type. The downy (woolly) form of the breed has a coat consisting of undercoat and outer hair of quite long length. Veil-like wool - hallmark breeds
MOVEMENTS: Sweeping and elegant, with good reach and a large number speakers.
HEIGHT AT WITHERS: 23 - 33 cm. Males up to 33 cm. Bitches up to 30 cm.
WEIGHT: from 2 to 5 kg. (from 2 to 5.4 kg).
COLOR: any color and any color combination.
NOTE: Males have two seemingly normal testes, completely descended into the scrotum.
FLAWS: Any deviation from the above points should be classified as a deficiency, and its seriousness depends on the degree of its severity.
COLORS OF HAIRLESS DOGS: APPROVED BY THE BREEDING COMMISSION OF THE RKF on October 16, 1997 - The breeding commission considered the issue of unifying the colors of hairless breeds of dogs for indication in pedigrees and puppy cards and adopted the following:
Chinese Crested: white; white-black; white-bronze; white chocolate; white-blue; black; black and white; bronze; bronze-white; chocolate; chocolate white; blue; blue-white; 3-color; murugiy.

Brief Features breeds:

In all litters of hairless dogs, some puppies are born with fur and are called "powder puffs." “Powderpuffs” of the Chinese Crested Dog receive a pedigree and participate in exhibitions along with hairless individuals.
“Powder puffs”, like hairless individuals, have practically no characteristic dog odor. After the first change of puppy coat, they no longer shed, and the complete formation of their coat lasts up to 18 months.
Hairless individuals of the Chinese Crested Dog with a thick, abundant tuft often have a belt of rudimentary hair running along the back along the spine, which is removed before the exhibition. Completely naked specimens are also acceptable. In addition, naked individuals with an extreme degree of hairiness can be found - semicotes, which look like “puffs” lightly covered with hair. Anatomically, “powder puffs” and naked individuals are no different from each other. In order to check whether a dog is genetically hairless or a “powder puff”, you just need to look into its mouth. If the dog is hairless, then it has an incomplete set of teeth, some premolars are often missing, the incisors are often not complete and the canines are pointed
forward, and the “puff puffs” have a full set normal teeth.


Relatively recently in Russia and in some prosperous countries they learned about the advantages of the rare and once exotic breed of Chinese
Crested dog. The breed has created an unusually strong sensation in the world, everyone who has at least once seen and touched the delicate velvety skin of a hairless dog, or rather who has managed to see purebred delightful exhibition representatives, dreams only of this dog in the house, since the sensations received are both visual and manual ones cause uncontrollable admiration. The breed is very ancient, but few in history have had the privilege of owning such a dog. Only the strongest of this world in ancient history, had hairless dogs, not many sources of information are known to history. The dog was almost iconic and few hands felt the warmth of its skin, and few could please their eyes with the outlandish
the beauty of the mane falling and developing as it moves, marveling at the bizarre movements during the dog’s games. Dogs are simply created to surprise and amaze a person, they seem to push you to communicate with them and attract you with the warmth and tenderness of their skin; you just don’t want to let go of this warm, amazing creature.
Chinese Crested Dogs are amazingly impressive high intelligence aimed specifically at communicating with a person, they instantly find an approach to a person and can win over anyone, not only with affection, but also with cunning, the ability to tactfully invade a person’s space. Their extraordinary mobility and flexibility of the body, alertness of mind, insight and logic are surprising. One of the breed distinctive features dogs are able to manipulate their front paws, their paws have elongated toes, and dogs often surprise their owners with their ability to use their paws in the most unpredictable situations. They can simply come up to the owner during sleep, or while drinking tea and simply knock on the owner’s knee with their front paws, or even push the sleeping person in the side and wake him up for work in the morning, while standing on hind legs, while the tremors will intensify and become more frequent if the dog is ignored. Thanks to these phenomenal abilities, the dog will never cease to amaze and pleasantly surprise its owner throughout its life; it will easily brighten up leisure time and bring joy from communication to all family members. The breed difference is the complete absence of aggression towards people and animals, while Chinese Cresteds always distinguish between “friends” and “strangers” and bestow an innate sociable, playful disposition only on familiar people, and greet strangers with wariness and distrust. This property makes the dog exceptionally picky and loyal, incorruptible true friend, the dog shows a logical mind and will never run headlong into the arms of strangers, which is typical for many ornamental breeds. Outlandish exotic appearance, the alluring tenderness and warmth of the skin, combined with the unusual color and shape of the pigmentation pattern, and the extraordinary property of the breed - the cleanliness of the dog - makes this dog in demand for keeping in an apartment. In addition to all the listed advantages, hairless dogs are famous, and medicinal properties exerted on a person, which will be mentioned below. Exotic Chinese Crested Dogs on at the moment are one of the most expensive breeds in the world and are becoming increasingly in demand due to their
numerous advantages. The breed is very specific in breeding, sometimes the most unexpected results are obtained, the variations in hairlessness and coloring of dogs are almost unpredictable, and therefore a hairless dog with its unique color features, which changes from season to season, the length and quality of the groomed hair, is the pride of the owner who owns such an unusual and an individual dog in every way.

Breed Features:

A small active and graceful dog with a smooth hairless body, with hair only on the paws, head and tail. There is also a downy variety of this breed - a dog covered with soft outer hair, similar to a miniature, spectacular Afghan hound. The Chinese Crested Dog has many advantages. She convenient size, clean - does not have a characteristic dog smell and does not shed. Rarely needs veterinary care and whelps easily. It can adapt to both cold and hot climates. This is the uniqueness of the breed. This is a breed for every taste!
The skin of naked individuals is soft and delicate to the touch, just like human baby. U
This breed has smooth and warm, and sometimes hot to the touch skin, used both before and now in medicinal purposes"pet therapy, as an analgesic and sedative for headaches, stomach pain, rheumatism, asthma, insomnia. Undoubtedly, the soft warmth of a dog's skin has a calming effect. They effectively relieve stress, are distinguished by a cheerful disposition, deep intelligence, courage and kindness , vigilance, when complete absence aggressiveness.
By the term “pet therapy” (pet in English means “pet”), doctors mean a method of treatment in which animals act as therapeutic agent. These can be cats and horses, chickens and goats, parrots and guinea pigs. Communication with these animals using specially developed methods helps a person to effectively combat various diseases. Leadership in this area, of course, belongs to dogs. And among dogs, the best “doctors” are representatives of the exotic hairless family.

- A dog without hair, by its nature, most fully meets the requirements of this branch of medicine. For centuries, the purpose of hairless dogs was not hunting or home guarding - they were iconic dogs, in whose supernatural qualities the ancient Incas and Aztecs certainly believed. The very appearance of hairless dogs suggests that people needed them in order to bring them joy and heal their souls and bodies. This is evidenced not only by numerous stories about the supernatural bioenergetic and healing abilities of hairless dogs, which have recently appeared quite often on the pages of various periodicals, but also by the data of modern medicine. A hairless dog can please its allergic owner without causing him to have attacks of illness. It will not provoke an asthma attack or eczema. Like a living heating pad (its body temperature is 40.5 degrees), it will ease the suffering of a patient with radiculitis. It is believed that these dogs have a positive effect on hypertensive patients, are a guardian talisman for the home, and have healing properties.
In almost every litter of hairless dogs, along with hairless dogs, one or two “wool” puppies are born - they are called “puff puppies”. Later, when mated with “naked” ones, they produce hairless offspring. Geneticists and dog experts believe that mating hairless dogs with “puffs” strengthens the breed. The Argentine scientist Carlos Rusconi, who studied the characteristics of hairless dogs and drew attention to the absence of some teeth, came to the conclusion that this anomaly characterizes hairless dogs. Dental abnormalities in hairless dogs are not a disqualifying feature. In the breed, quite often there are dogs with reduced canines, which differ little from incisors; in the shape of a blunt wedge, they are more reminiscent of human canines.
*** The “hairless variety,” with a luxurious crest, may have excess hair on the upper back, shoulders and hips. As a rule, this hair is removed to the limits prescribed by the standard. A hairless variety with a rich crest looks more impressive than the same dog with sparse hair on the top of its head. Although the standard does not stipulate the priority value of the Ukrainian. The color can be absolutely any, both variegated and plain. Blue - from almost black - to steel gray or even lilac. Mahogany - from dark liver to honey. The color intensity depends on the season. The skin of hairless dogs, like human skin, is sensitive to the effects of sun rays it tans, acquiring different shades. When sunbathing, their skin reaches its richest tone.

*** · Down jackets can have different wool textures. There are both soft and more elastic hair. Like very long 7-15 cm,
and an average length of 4 -7 cm, and short ones growing only 3 - 4 cm. Regardless of the coat, the dogs must have the correct build. Downy wool is similar in structure to human hair, does not shed or cause allergic reactions. The color of the puffballs changes with age. Yes, from black and white dog blue may grow, and bronze may grow into white. There is also a shading effect. It is produced by darker outer hair that grows until the coat reaches maturity. Moreover, the nose and eye color always harmonize with the color. And if the nose should be completely colored, then the pigmentation of the eyelids may be absent or partially absent.

The desired size is a height of 23-33 cm and a weight of no more than 5 kg. Both large, heavy and excessively small dogs not desirable.
The teeth of this breed are not like all the others - hairless dogs may have premolars completely absent. The incisors are usually not complete, and the lower canines are inclined forward, like small tusks.
The hairless gene is dominant - this means that when mated to a hairless dog, any shaggy dog You can get hairless puppies.
Chinese Cresteds should never be angry or aggressive. However, they are wary of strangers, but this should not be confused with timidity or aggressiveness.
The ease of maintenance makes this breed more and more popular. People who suffer from allergies, asthma and dream of owning a dog can finally make their dream come true.
Chinese crested dog needs frequent washing- once every 7 - 10 days as pollution occurs; her skin sometimes has to be lubricated with baby creams so that it does not crack and is smooth to the touch. In addition, non-pigmented pale skin should be protected from sunburn. Facial hair and whiskers are usually removed.
*** And yet, as pleasant as it is to keep a Chinese Crested as a pet, you will certainly enjoy participating in various dog shows with your pet. When buying a puppy, people often say: “I’m for myself, I don’t need exhibitions.” But time passes, and if you
After consulting with well-known and experienced people in the breed, you spared no expense and purchased a dog from well-known, titled producers. If you conscientiously and carefully followed all the recommendations of your breeder, you will see for yourself that the miracle that has grown in your hands is impossible not to show to other people. And the first victories will encourage you to participate in subsequent exhibitions to achieve new victories. Your pet's success in the ring will bring you great pleasure. Don't we rejoice at the success of our children? But dogs are often the same as children. By the way, lately actively developing new look tourism - trips with a dog to various foreign exhibitions. Often people travel with entire families with children - and you can see the country and show your dog. As a rule, during such trips there are sightseeing tours, and most importantly, you can see with your own eyes what high level reached dogs of our breeding.