The image of a woman as a mother in poetry. Scenario of the extracurricular activity “Sweet image of a mother” (based on the works of writers and poets of the 19th-20th centuries)

Scenario extracurricular activity“A sweet image of a mother” (based on the works of writers and poets of the 19th-20th centuries) Purpose: - to recall the works of writers and poets, where a sweet image of a mother is described; - get acquainted with those works where there is an image of a mother. Educational goal: to develop a caring attitude towards the mother and love for her. Equipment: colored crayons, photographs of mothers, texts of works, drawings by students, wall newspapers. On the board (screen): poster: “A woman – a mother – is life, hope and love.” The prophet said: “There is no god but God!” I say: - There is no mother, except mother...! (R. Gamzatov) In Russian “mama” In Vainakh “nana” And in Avar affectionately “baba” From thousands of words of the earth and ocean This one has a special destiny. (R. Gamzatov, “Mama”) You knew the caresses of your relatives’ mothers But I didn’t know, and only in a dream In my golden childhood dreams, Mother sometimes appeared to me Oh, mom, if only I could find you, My fate would not be so bitter ( from the song from the film “Generals of the Sand Quarries”) Mom! Dear mother! How I love you... (from the song) All kinds of mothers are needed, All kinds of mothers are important. (S. Marshak, verse. “What do you have?”) Teacher’s word: The image of a mother, already in oral folk art, has acquired the captivating features of a keeper of the hearth, a hard-working and faithful wife, a protector of her own children and an invariable caretaker for all the disadvantaged, insulted and offended. These defining qualities of the mother’s soul are reflected and sung in Russian folk tales and folk songs. Mother... The most dear and close person. She gave us life, gave us happy childhood. A mother's heart, like the sun, shines always and everywhere, warming us with its warmth. She is ours best friend, wise advisor. Mother is our guardian angel. That is why the image of the mother becomes one of the main ones in Russian literature already in the 19th century. The theme of the mother sounded truly deeply in the poetry of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. The image of the mother is vividly represented by A.N. Nekrasov in many of his works (“Village suffering is in full swing,” “Orina, the soldier’s mother,” “Hearing the horrors of war,” “Who lives well in Rus'”). Presenter: And today we have an extracurricular event, the theme of which is “The Sweet Image of a Mother” based on the works of poets and writers of the 19th – 20th centuries. And we will begin our lesson with a poem by Nikolai Zabolotsky, dedicated to the sweetest and dearest image - the image of a mother. At night there is a hacking cough. The old woman fell ill. For many years she lived in our apartment as a lonely old woman. There were letters! Only very rarely! And then, not forgetting us, she kept walking and whispering: “Children, you should come to me at least once.” Your mother has become bent and aged. What can you do? Old age has approached. How nice it would be for us to sit side by side at our table. You walked under this table, got ready, sang songs until dawn, and then parted and sailed away. That's it, come and collect it! Mother is sick! And that same night the Telegraph never tired of knocking: “Children, urgently! Children, very urgently, come! Mother is sick! From Kursk, from Minsk, from Tallinn, from Igarka, Putting things off for the time being, the children gathered, but it was a pity At the bedside, and not at the table. Wrinkled hands pressed her, Stroked her silver strand. Did you really let separation come between you for so long? Was it really only telegrams that led you to fast trains? Listen, there is a shelf, come to them without telegrams. Host: Many prose and lyrical works are dedicated to the image of a sweet mother. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov wrote in his poem “Caucasus”: In my infancy I lost my mother, But I remembered that in the pink hour of the evening That steppe repeated to me a memorable voice. Presenter: And, overcome by pain and suffering, he put words into Mtsyri’s mouth (poem “Mtsyri”): I could not say the sacred words “father and mother” to anyone. Teacher's word: Nekrasov's traditions are reflected in the poetry of the great Russian poet Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin. Through the creativity of S.A. Yesenina passes light image the poet's mother. S.A. Yesenin can be placed next to N.A. Nekrasov, who sang “the tears of poor mothers.” They cannot forget their children, who died in the bloody field, nor can the weeping willow lift up its drooping branches. Presenter: The famous poet of the 20th century Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin in the poem “Letter to a Mother” wrote the following words, imbued with love for his mother: Are you still alive, my old lady? I'm alive too. Hello, hello to you! Let that evening unspeakable light flow over your hut. They write to me that you, with your anxiety, are very sad about me, that you often go on the road in an old-fashioned, shabby shushun... Host: Pay attention to the epigraphs written on the board. (Reads statements written on the board.) Different people, different times, but the thought is the same. Now listen to the poem by Rasul Gamzatov, our fellow Avar by nationality, who passed away in 2003.

1. Aitmatov Ch. Mother’s Field: a story.

2. Belov V. Danya: a story.

3. Berggolts O. Letter to the Kama: a poem.

4. Bunin I. Mother: poem.

5. Voronkova L. Girl from the city: a story.

6. Voskresenskaya Z. Mother’s Heart: Stories.

7. Georgievskaya S. Galina’s mother: a story.

8. Goncharov I. I will be moved by you. A word about the mother.- L.: Det. lit., 1988.-144 p.

9. Gorky M. Mother: a novel.

10. Dementyev A. Ballad about a mother; In memory of mom.

11. Yevtushenko E. Mothers leave: poem.

12. Emelyanov B. Mom’s hands. Mom's grief: stories.

13. Yesenin S. Letter to his mother.

14. Zakrutkin V. Mother of Man: a story.

15. Zvyagintseva V. To a portrait of a mother: a poem.

16. Isakovsky M. Mothers. In memory of mother. To a Russian woman: poems.

17. Kornilov B. Mom: poem.

18. Lukonin M. Mom: poem.

19. Lvov M. Poems about the mother.

20. Mother: Collection of poems by Russian and Soviet poets about mother.

21. Nekrasov N. Who Lives Well in Rus': Poem.

22. Paustovsky K. Telegram: story.

23. Rasputin V. Deadline: a story.

24. Rubtsov N. In memory of the mother: a poem.

25. Smelyakov Ya. I remembered you again, mom...: poem.

26. Khaustov L. Mothers: poem.

27. Shukshin V. Borya; Mother's heart; Mother's dreams; Suraz: stories, stories.

28. Yashin A. Alone with his mother. Mother's prayer: poems.

Goal: to introduce literary works that glorify the image of a woman-mother, to cultivate feelings of love and kindness, compassion and mercy. Form of delivery: literary hour.

Mom... This is the first word that a baby's mouth utters. And no wonder. There is nothing holier and more selfless than a mother’s love. From the first day of birth of a child, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. Love for a child is as natural to her as the blossoming of gardens in spring. Just as the sun sends out its rays, warming all living things, so does a mother’s love warm.

Literary hour script dedicated to the Day Mothers

"Woman with a child in her arms"

Purpose: to introduce literary works, which glorify the image of a woman-mother, cultivate feelings of love and kindness, compassion and mercy.

Form of delivery: literary hour.

Parable of the Mother

The day before his birth, the child asked God:
- They say that tomorrow I will be sent to Earth. How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?
God replied:
- I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.
The child thought for a moment, then said again:
“Here in Heaven I only sing and laugh, that’s enough for me to be happy.”

God replied:
- Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and be happy.
- ABOUT! But how can I understand him, since I don’t know his language? - asked the child, looking intently at God. - What should I do if I want to contact you?
God gently touched the child's head and said:
“Your angel will put your hands together and teach you to pray.”

Then the child asked:
“I heard that there is evil on Earth.” Who will protect me?
- Your angel will protect you, even at risk own life.
- I will be sad because I won’t be able to see you anymore...
“Your angel will tell you everything about me and show you the way to return to me.” So I will always be by your side.

The image of the mother in Russian poetry

Leading: Mom... This is the first word that a baby's mouth utters. And no wonder. There is nothing holier and more selfless than a mother’s love. From the first day of birth of a child, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. Love for a child is as natural to her as the blossoming of gardens in spring. Just as the sun sends out its rays, warming all living things, so a mother’s love warms the life of a child.

Leading: Do you often think about your mother? About the mother who gave you the great right to life, who fed you with her milk. Happy is the one who has known mother's affection since childhood and grew up under the caring warmth of a mother and the light of a mother's gaze.

Mother child from her breast

He won't give it up without a fight!

Will cover you in the midst of all worries,

With all my soul

Life is a wonderful light,

What is insulated by it!

(A. Maikov).

Leading: There is a holy page in our poetry, dear and close to anyone who has not hardened the heart, to anyone who has not been lost, who has not forgotten or abandoned its origins - these are poems about mothers.

Leading: Poets of all times have knelt before the holiness of maternal duty, before the mother’s patience, her devotion, her tenderness, caring, and warmth of heart. No one has expressed the role of a mother in a person’s life more powerfully and sincerely than Russian poets.

Leading: The image of the mother in Russian poetry has become the standard of female virtues.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Vividly marked in centuries:
The most beautiful of women
Woman holding a child
Conjuring from any misfortune
She really doesn't have any good things to do
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud, sublime mother
The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
And since then she has lived for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
Woman holding a child
Everything in the world is measured by footprints,
No matter how many paths you walk
The apple tree is decorated with fruits,
A woman decides the fate of her children
May the sun applaud her forever!
So she will live for centuries
The most beautiful of women,
Woman holding a child

Leading: The image of the mother in Russian poetry is continuously connected with folklore tradition. Already in folklore works the image of a mother appears. In spiritual verses, this image appears through the image of the Mother of God, especially revered in Rus'.

Leading: The theme of the mother truly and deeply sounded in the poetry of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Closed and reserved by nature, Nekrasov literally could not find enough vivid words and strong expressions to appreciate the role of his mother in his life. Both young men and old Nekrasov always spoke about mothers with love and admiration.

Excerpt from the poem "Mother"

In our mocking and impudent century

Great, holy word: "mother"

Does not awaken feelings in a person.

But I'm used to despising the custom.

I'm not afraid of fashionable ridicule.

Fate gave me this muse:

She sings on a free whim

Or is silent, like a proud slave,

I have been among labor and laziness for many years

He ran away with shameful cowardice

Captivating, long-suffering shadow,

For sacred memory... The hour has come!

Perhaps I'm acting criminally

Is your sleep disturbing, my mother? sorry!

But all my life I have suffered for a woman.

The path to freedom is denied her;

Shameful captivity, all the horror of a woman’s lot,

Left her little strength to fight,

But you will give her a lesson in iron will...

Bless me, dear: the hour has struck!

Sobbing sounds boil in my chest,

It's time, it's time to entrust my thought to them!

Your love, your holy torment,

Your struggle is an ascetic, I sing!..

Leading: The poem “Hearing the horrors of war...”, dedicated to Crimean War 1853 - 1856 This small poem, only 17 lines, succinctly and deeply conveys the meaninglessness of a bloody and merciless war, and still remains relevant:

Listening to the horrors of war,
With every new casualty of the battle
I feel sorry for not my friend, not my wife,
I'm sorry not for the hero himself...
Alas! the wife will be comforted,
And the best friend will forget the friend;
But somewhere there is one soul -
She will remember it to the grave!
Among our hypocritical deeds
And all sorts of vulgarity and prose
Some of them I looked into the world
Holy, sincere tears -
Those are the tears of poor mothers!
They will not forget their children,
Those who died in the bloody field,
How not to pick up a weeping willow
Of its drooping branches....

Leading: Nekrasov's traditions are reflected in the poetry of the great Russian poet S. A. Yesenin, who created surprisingly sincere poems about his mother, a peasant woman. The bright image of the poet’s mother runs through Yesenin’s work.

Leading: Endowed with individual traits, it grows into a generalized image of a Russian woman, appearing even in the poet’s youthful poems, as a fairy-tale image of one who not only gave the whole world.


Are you still alive, my old lady?
I'm alive too. Hello, hello!
Let it flow over your hut
That evening unspeakable light.

They write to me that you, harboring anxiety,
She was very sad about me,
That you often go on the road
In an old-fashioned, shabby shushun.

And to you in the evening blue darkness
We often see the same thing:
It's like someone is in a tavern fight with me
I stabbed a Finnish knife under my heart.

Nothing, dear! Calm down.
This is just a painful nonsense.
I'm not such a bitter drunkard,
So that I can die without seeing you.

I'm still as gentle
And I only dream about
So that rather from rebellious melancholy
Return to our low house.

I'll be back when the branches spread out
Our white garden looks like spring.
Only you have me already at dawn
Don't be like eight years ago.

Don't wake up what was dreamed of
Don't worry about what didn't come true—
Too early loss and fatigue
I have had the opportunity to experience this in my life.

And don’t teach me to pray. No need!
There is no going back to the old ways anymore.
You alone are my help and joy,
You alone are an unspeakable light to me.

So forget about your worries,
Don't be so sad about me.
Don't go on the road so often
In an old-fashioned, shabby shushun.


Leading: The 20th century is the century of a great and cruel war, the century of the Great Feat. The Second World War divided the life of the entire Russian people into “before” and “after”. The Mother suffered along with her sons.

Leading: The theme of the mother is present throughout the entire work of A. T. Tvardovsky. For example, in such poems different years. Very often, the image of the mother in the poet’s works goes beyond the dedication to one specific person - his own mother - and becomes the image of the Motherland.

Mother and son

For my own son
The mother watches silently.
Why would she care?
Wish it for your son?

I would like to wish you happiness -
But he's happy.
Wish you good health -
Young and strong.

Ask for longer
Stayed in the house -
Military man
He has no time.

Just ask
I didn’t forget my mother,
But he wrote her letters
I wrote from the pole.

So as not to catch a cold,
Give him some advice?
Yes, and it hurts so much
He is dressed warmly.

Specify the bride -
Where else! He will find it himself.
No matter what you say -
Clear in advance.

For my own son
The mother watches silently.
There seems to be nothing
To wish, to say.

Believes - not in vain
My son has learned to fly.
How should he take care -
He knows better.

It's easier,
Not a match for him.
Mothers, so that
Don't know this!

But with the enemy you will have to
Meet in battle -
He won't give it away for nothing
Your head.

Mothers - so that
Don't know this...
For my own son
The mother watches silently.

Leading: The mother lost her sons at the front, she survived the occupation and was left with small children in her arms without bread and shelter, she worked until exhaustion in the workshops and fields and, helping the Fatherland with all her might to survive, shared the last piece with the front. She endured and overcame everything, and therefore in our minds the concepts of “Motherland” and “Mother” have long merged together:


Aliyev phase

Mother! Dear, beloved! Listen!

Forgive me, mother, for the bitter torment,

Sorry for your tired black hands,

For taking away your sleep in the morning,

Because I was sick a lot as a child...

I take your hands in deep wrinkles,

I take your warm eyes into my lips.

And the transparent lines roll and flow,

And word after word fell to the pen.

Wounded by eternal suffering

Their all-maternal mind


to humanity:

"My son is still alive

everyone alive!”

Don't forget them

those naive

And forever young sons,

How not to raise

weeping willow

Its tear-stained branches.

Not poor old women

Tears feed evil sadness,

rising from ruin,

Living mother -

Holy Rus'!

Leading: The world is once again restless, “hot spots” are appearing in different parts of the planet, fires are flaring up, terrorists are destroying all living things, you hear it again and again baby crying. And above all this chaos the proud and unshakable image of the Mother rises

Everyone stand up and listen while standing

Preserved in all its glory

This word is ancient, holy!

Straighten up! Get up!..

Stand up everyone!

As the forests rise with the new dawn,

Like blades of grass rushing upward towards the sun,

Stand up, everyone, when you hear this word,

Because in this word there is life.

This word is a call and a spell,

In this word is the soul of existence,

This is the first spark of consciousness,

Baby's first smile.

May this word always remain

And, breaking through any traffic jam,

Even in a heart of stone it will awaken

A reproach to a muted conscience.

This word will never deceive you,

There is a being hidden in it,

It is the source of everything. There is no end to it.

Get up!..

I pronounce it: “Mom!”

Municipal secondary education budgetary institution

"Average secondary school No. 5"

Scientific and practical conference of students
"Steps to Success"

Nomination “Best research and abstract work”

The image of a mother through the centuries

The work was completed by: Koshel Alina,

Bryansky Artyom,

Yakovlev Denis,

students of 10 "A" class.,

Head: Babich

Elena Alexandrovna,

Russian language teacher and


highest qualification

Arsenyevsky urban district



The image of the mother is a national cultural symbol that has not lost its high value from ancient times to the present day. However, the image of the mother as literary category, despite the obvious significance and stability in Russian literature throughout its existence, remains essentially unexplored in Russian philology. Based on this contradiction and urgent need, we decided to turn to the study of the problem of embodying the image and theme of the mother in Russian literature. The chronological scope of the study is limited to the period XI X- XX century, however, in order to reveal the topic more fully, we were forced to also turn to the history of literature of previous periods.

The main difficulty in selecting materials on the issue of the mother theme in Russian poetry is due to the fact that this topic is still practically not covered in the science of literature. In this regard, the work was carried out as a careful selection and combination of disparate information from various artistic and scientific sources.

Purpose of the research work: to trace how in Russian literature, true to its traditions, the image of a woman-mother is depicted, and to prove that this image will always be present in the Russian word.

In our research we turned to prose and poetry XIX- XX centuries. While working on the study, we set ourselves the following tasks:

tell what place the image of a woman-mother occupies in fiction;

show the immortality of the mother’s image in time; conduct a little research about the relationship of our peers with their mother.

Relevance of the problem: in this world there are words that we call saints. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate words is “mother”. This word carries within itself the warmth of a mother’s hands, a mother’s word, a mother’s soul. Every second three people are born in the world, and they too will soon be able to pronounce the word “mother”. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. The sun warms all living things, and her love warms the baby’s life. But most importantly, the mother introduces the child to her homeland. She puts it in his mouth native language, which has absorbed the wealth of the mind, thoughts and feelings of generations. Could anything be more relevant? Every year on November 26, Mother's Day is celebrated in our country.

Mother! The most dear and close person. She gave us life, gave us a happy childhood. A mother's heart, like the sun, shines always and everywhere, warming us with its warmth. She is our best friend, a wise adviser. Mother is our guardian angel.

Russian literature is great and diverse. Its civil and social resonance and significance are undeniable. You can draw from this great sea constantly - and it will not become shallow forever. It is no coincidence that we publish books about camaraderie and friendship, love and nature, soldier’s courage and the Motherland... And any of these themes has received its full and worthy embodiment in the deep and original works of domestic masters.

But there is another sacred page in our literature, dear and close to any unhardened heart - these are works about mothers.

We look with respect and gratitude at a man who reverently pronounces the name of his mother until his gray hair and respectfully protects her old age; and we will execute with contempt the one who, in her bitter old age, turned away from her, refused her good memory, piece or shelter.

People measure their attitude towards a person by the attitude of a person to his mother...

Mother... The dearest and closest person. She gave us life, gave us a happy childhood. A mother's heart, like the sun, shines always and everywhere, warming us with its warmth. She is our best friend, a wise adviser. Mother is our guardian angel.

That is why the image of the mother becomes one of the main ones in Russian literature already in the 19th century.

    Main part

    The image of the mother in oral folk art

The image of the mother, already in oral folk art, acquired the captivating features of a keeper of the hearth, a hard-working and faithful wife, a protector of her own children and an invariable caretaker for all the disadvantaged, insulted and offended. These defining qualities of the maternal soul are reflected and sung in Russian folk tales and folk songs.

The history of the mother theme dates back to the very emergence of Russian literature. We can observe the first appearances of the mother theme in literature in folklore works, in everyday ritual folklore, in wedding and funeral songs. At the same time, in works not related to the ritual, in the so-called spiritual poems, the high image of motherhood begins to be cultivated through the image Our Lady, especially revered by the people. A striking example The entry of the earthly concrete image of the mother into written literature is “The Tale of Uliani Osoryina.” The author’s mother appears in this almost hagiographical work as a saint, but the idealization of her image is already “on a reduced basis,” and her holiness lies in “economic service to the household.”

People have always honored their mother! In oral poetry since ancient times, her appearance has been endowed with the brightest features: she is the keeper of the family hearth, the protector of her own children, the caretaker for all the disadvantaged and offended.

It is no coincidence that people also have many good, affectionate words about their mother. We don’t know who said them for the first time, but they are very often repeated in life and passed on from generation to generation: “There is no dearer friend than dear mother,” “It’s light in the sun, it’s warm in mother’s time,” “The bird is happy about spring, but mother’s baby”, “He who has a uterus has a smooth head”, “My dear mother is an unquenchable candle.”

So many things have been invented and written about mother, so many poems, songs, thoughts! Is it possible to say something new?!

There are many examples when the heroism of a woman-mother saved her children and her relatives. One such example is Avdotya Ryazanochka from a folk tale about the courage of a simple woman - a mother. (Epic “Avdotya Ryazanochka”). This epic is remarkable in that it was not a man - a warrior, but a woman - a mother - who “won the battle with the horde.” She stood up to defend her relatives, and thanks to her courage and intelligence, “Ryazan went to full strength.”

The image of the mother in Russian poetry of the 20th century is also continuously connected with the poetry of the X I X century, primarily with the names of Lermontov and Nekrasov, in whose work this image played a prominent role.

In Lermontov, the theme of the mother, which is just beginning to enter into classical high poetry, has an autobiographical beginning, which is confirmed by the poems "Caucasus" (1830), as well as "Angel" (1831). Tendencies of realism, gradually increasing in Lermontov’s poetry, approaching female image to a more earthly one, they lead to a different way of embodying the theme of the mother - an objective one (“Cossack lullaby” with its image of a simple mother from the people).

In early Russian literature, which according to known reasons at first was the lot of only representatives of the upper classes, the image of the mother for a long time remained in the shadows. Perhaps the named object was not considered worthy of a high style, or perhaps the reason for this phenomenon is simpler and more natural: after all, then, noble children, as a rule, were taken for education not only by tutors, but also by wet nurses, and children of the noble class, in contrast to children of peasants were artificially removed from their mother and fed with the milk of other women; therefore, there was a dulling of filial feelings, albeit not entirely conscious, which could not ultimately but affect the work of future poets and prose writers.

It is no coincidence that Pushkin did not write a single poem about his mother and so many lovely poetic dedications to his nanny Arina Rodionovna, whom, by the way, the poet often affectionately and carefully called “mummy.”

    Mother in the works of the great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasova

The theme of the mother truly and deeply sounded in the poetry of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Closed and reserved by nature, Nekrasov literally could not find enough vivid words and strong expressions to appreciate the role of his mother in his life. Both young and old, Nekrasov always spoke about his mother with love and admiration. Similar attitude for her, in addition to the usual sons’ affection, undoubtedly stemmed from the consciousness of what he owed her:

And if I easily shake off the years

There are noxious traces from my soul

Having trampled everything reasonable with her feet,

Proud of the ignorance of the environment,

And if I filled my life with struggle

For the ideal of goodness and beauty,

And carries the song composed by me,

Living love has deep features -

Oh, my mother, I am inspired by you!

saved me living soul You!

(From the poem “Mother” by N.A. Nekrasov)

How did his mother “save the poet’s soul”?

First of all, being a highly educated woman, she introduced her children to intellectual, in particular literary, interests. In the poem “Mother,” Nekrasov recalls that as a child, thanks to his mother, he became acquainted with the images of Dante and Shakespeare. She taught him love and compassion for those “whose ideal is diminished grief,” that is, for the serfs.

The image of a woman - mother is clearly presented by Nekrasov in many of his works “The village suffering is in full swing”, “Orina, the soldier’s mother”, the poem “Hearing the horrors of war”, the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”...

“Who will protect you?” - the poet addresses in the poem “Mother”

He understands that, besides him, there is no one else to say a word about the sufferer of the Russian land, whose feat is irreplaceable, but great!

She was filled with sadness

And yet how noisy and playful

Three youths played around her,

Her lips whispered thoughtfully:

"Unfortunate ones! why were you born?

You will go on the straight path

And you cannot escape your fate!"

Do not darken their fun with sadness,

Don't cry over them, martyr mother!

But tell them from early youth:

There are times, there are whole centuries,

In which there is nothing more desirable,

More beautiful than a crown of thorns...

(From the poem “Mother” by N.A. Nekrasov)

He happened to see another grief “in the golden time of his childhood” - grief in family of origin. His mother, Elena Andreevna, a dreamy, meek woman, suffered greatly in her marriage. She was human high culture, and her husband was ignorant, cruel and rude. All day long she remained alone in the estate, and her husband constantly traveled to neighboring landowners: his favorite pastimes were cards, drinking, and hunting hares with dogs. There were days when she played the piano for hours and cried and sang about her bitter captivity. “She was a singer with an amazing voice,” the poet later recalled about her.

You played and sang a sad hymn;

That song, the cry of the long-suffering soul,

Your firstborn will inherit later.

She treated the peasants belonging to her husband with sympathy and often stood up for them when he threatened them with violence. But her attempts to curb his rage were not always successful. There were cases when during these attempts the husband attacked her with his fists. One can imagine how his son hated him at such moments!

Elena Andreevna knew world poetry well and often retold to her young son those passages from the works of great writers that were accessible to his understanding. Many years later, already an elderly man, he recalled in the poem “Mother”:

Filled with melody and caress,

To whom you told me fairy tales

About knights, monks, kings.

Then, when I read Dante and Shakespeare,

It seemed that I encountered familiar features:

Those are images from their living world

You imprinted on my mind.

It seems that there was no other poet who so often, with such reverent love, would resurrect the image of his mother in his poems. This tragic image was immortalized by Nekrasov in the poems “Motherland”, “Mother”, “Knight for an Hour”.

“Bayushki-Bayu”, “Recluse”, “The Unhappy”, etc. Thinking about her sad fate in childhood, he already in those years learned to sympathize with all powerless, oppressed women.

Nekrasov argued that it was his mother’s suffering that awakened in him a protest against the oppression of women (see the poems “Troika”, “Village suffering is in full swing”, “Frost, Red Nose”).

    Nekrasov traditions in the poetry of the great Russian poet S. A. Yesenin

Nekrasov's traditions are reflected in the poetry of the great Russian poet S. A. Yesenin, who created surprisingly sincere poems about his mother, a peasant woman.

The bright image of the poet’s mother runs through Yesenin’s work. Endowed with individual traits, it grows into a generalized image of a Russian woman, appearing even in the poet’s youthful poems, as a fairy-tale image of one who not only gave the whole world, but also made her happy with the gift of song. This image also takes on the concrete earthly appearance of a peasant woman busy with everyday affairs: “The mother cannot cope with the grips, she bends low...” (Poem “Letter to the Mother”)

Loyalty, constancy of feeling, heartfelt devotion, inexhaustible patience are generalized and poeticized by Yesenin in the image of his mother. "Oh, my patient mother!" - this exclamation came out of him not by chance: a son brings a lot of worries, but the mother’s heart forgives everything. This is how Yesenin’s frequent motive of his son’s guilt arises. On his trips, he constantly remembers his native village: it is dear to the memory of his youth, but most of all he is drawn there by his mother, who yearns for her son.

The “sweet, kind, old, gentle” mother is seen by the poet “at the parental dinner.” The mother is worried - her son has not been home for a long time. How is he there, in the distance? The son tries to reassure her in letters: “The time will come, dear, dear!” In the meantime, “evening untold light” flows over the mother’s hut. The son, “still just as gentle,” “dreams only about returning to our low house as soon as possible out of rebellious melancholy.” In “Letter to a Mother,” filial feelings are expressed with piercing artistic force: “You alone are my help and joy, you alone are my unspeakable light.”

It seems to us that the idea of ​​the poem “Letter to a Mother” is, first of all, to show the Russian people that they need to love, always remember about their Motherland and set them in a patriotic mood. Indeed, at first glance it may seem that all the hero’s feelings are addressed specifically to a specific person, and in part this may indeed be the case, but there is no evidence that the “mother” here is not a collective image of the Motherland. Of course, some episodes are quite difficult to compare specifically with Russia. For example, “you often go on the road.”

Also, the idea of ​​the poem can be considered the poet’s desire to draw our attention to the fact that we should not forget our mothers. We should visit them more often, look after them and just love them. The lyrical hero regrets that he did not do this and wants to change.

A. Yashin wrote the poem “Alone with Mother” in 1964. Even its title is quite similar to “Letter to Mother.” However, A. Yashin’s idea cannot be interpreted ambiguously. This is precisely an appeal to people, a call to ensure that they listen to the opinions of those who gave them life and love them. The situations described in these two poems are also similar. In both cases lyrical hero- this is a person from whom “nothing came of” (as A. Yashin says). Also in “Letter to Mother” and in the poem “Alone with Mother” it is noted that “After all, there is still nothing in the world dearer than your simple shelter.” With this example we want to prove that, indeed, the theme of love for mother belongs to eternal themes. However, it is the poems of S. Yesenin, who by 1924 had already honed his skills, that seem to us the most understandable and pleasant for every Russian person. Because it was this author who, like no one else, knew how to penetrate himself and convey to his readers that very “Russian spirit” that is so dear to us.

Yesenin was 19 years old when, with amazing insight, he sang in the poem “Rus” the sadness of maternal expectation - “waiting for gray-haired mothers.”

The sons became soldiers, the tsarist service took them to the bloody fields of the world war. Rarely, rarely do they come from “scribbles, drawn with such difficulty,” but “frail huts”, warmed by a mother’s heart, are still waiting for them.

    The mother's bitter cry in the poem by A.A. Akhmatova "Requiem"

They will not forget their children,

Those who died in the bloody field,

How not to pick up a weeping willow

Of its drooping branches.

(From the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Hearing the horrors of war)

These lines from the distant 19th century remind us of the bitter cry of the mother, which we hear in Anna Andreevna Akhmatova’s poem “Requiem”. Here it is, the immortality of true poetry, here it is, the enviable length of its existence in time!

“Requiem” is a complex poem; at first glance, there is no integrity in it, there is no single hero, no common storyline. It’s as if she’s all assembled from fragments of a mirror, each of which contains a new heroine, new destiny. And the woman from the poems either merges with the personality of the author, then opposes herself to others, or unites her fate with the fates of many. But always, in any case, the heroine of “Requiem” is a woman, mother and wife.

Already in the first poem “They took you away at dawn..” the picture is given a broad generalization. There are no personal motives here; the lyrical heroine compares herself to the “streltsy wives” howling “under the Kremlin towers.” The meaning is clear: shed blood cannot be justified by anything.

The personal theme appears in verses 3,4,5. These are very precise temporal details (“I’ve been screaming for 17 months”), and affectionate address (“white nights looked at you, son, in prison”), this is also a description of the lyrical heroine herself - “the cheerful sinner of Tsarskoye Selo.” But behind the mother and son there are thousands of similar victims, so she stands, “three hundredth with transfer,” in the prison line.

The image of the mother becomes cross-cutting and central in the poem. Akhmatova, talking about her fate, about her suffering, implies general character such a fate:

I've been screaming for seventeen months,

I'm calling you home

I threw myself at the feet of the executioner,

You are my son and my horror.

Moreover, the title of the poem (requiem - funeral service in catholic church), Christian symbolism allows us to compare this image with the image of the Virgin Mary. It is this idea that is directly expressed in the tenth poem of the poem:

Magdalene fought and cried,

The beloved student turned to stone,

The suffering of a mother who loses her entire child is too great. Nothing can compare to this grief.

Akhmatova spent 17 months (1938 - 1939) in prison queues in connection with the arrest of her son, Lev Gumilyov: he was arrested three times: in 1935, 1938 and 1949.

I've been screaming for seventeen months,

I'm calling you home...

Everything's messed up forever

And I can't make it out

Now, who is the beast, who is the man,

And how long will it be to wait for execution?

But this is not the fate of only one mother. And the fate of many mothers in Russia, who stood day after day in front of prisons in numerous lines with parcels for children arrested by the bearers of the Stalinist regime.

Mountains bend before this grief,

Doesn't leak great river,

But the prison gates are strong,

And behind them are “convict holes”

And mortal melancholy.

Mother goes through the circles of hell.

Chapter X of the poem is the culmination - direct appeal to evangelical issues. The appearance of religious imagery is prepared not only by the mention of saving appeals to prayer, but also by the whole atmosphere of a suffering mother giving up her son to the inevitable, inevitable death. The suffering of the mother is associated with the state of the Virgin Mary; the suffering of a son with the agony of Christ crucified on the cross. The image of “The heavens melted in fire” appears. This is a sign of the greatest catastrophe, a world-historical tragedy.

Magdalene fought and cried,

The beloved student turned to stone,

And where Mother stood silently,

So no one dared to look.

The mother’s grief is boundless and inexpressible, her loss is irreparable, because this is her only son and because this son is God, the only savior for all time. The crucifixion in “Requiem” is a universal verdict on an inhuman system that dooms a mother to immense and inconsolable suffering, and her only beloved, her son, to oblivion.

Thus, Akhmatova goes beyond the expression of personal experiences. The poem is polyphonic, it merges the voices of those women who stood in endless prison lines waiting for the “stone word”, with timid hope for a miracle. And the poetess cannot, has no right to forget this. She is obliged to convey all the horror of those days to posterity. “Requiem” became the cry of a tormented soul, hundreds of souls. I will never forget something like this:

Once again the funeral hour approached.

I see, I hear, I feel you:

And the one that was barely brought to the window

And the one that does not trample the earth for the dear one,

And the one who, shaking her beautiful head,

She said: “Coming here is like coming home!”

“Revkiem” is a brilliant fusion of the fate of the country and the fate of Akhmatova herself. And we are grateful for this great woman, who created the poetic chronicle of the era.

5. The tragic nature of the image of the mother in works about the Great Patriotic War.

The image of the mother has always carried the features of drama. And he began to look even more tragic against the backdrop of the great and terrible in its cruelty of the past war. Who suffered more than a mother at this time? About this are the books of mothers E. Kosheva “The Tale of a Son”, Kosmodemyanskaya “The Tale of Zoya and Shura”...

Can you really tell me about this?

What years did you live in?

What an immeasurable burden

It fell on women's shoulders!

(M. Isakovsky “To the Russian Woman”)

Mothers protect us with their breasts, even at the cost of their own existence, from all evil,

but they cannot protect their children from war, and, perhaps, wars are most directed against mothers. Our mothers not only lost their sons, survived the occupation, worked until exhaustion helping the front, but they themselves died in fascist concentration camps, they were tortured, burned in crematorium ovens.

Why are people, to whom the woman-mother gave life, so cruel to her?

In Vasily Grossman’s novel “Life and Fate,” violence appears in different types, and the writer creates vivid, piercing pictures of the threat it poses to life. It cannot be read without shuddering and tears. Horror and a feeling of fear are overwhelming. How could people bear these inhuman tests that befell them. And it’s especially scary and uneasy when the mother, the most sacred creature on earth, feels bad.

And the mother is a martyr, a sufferer, she always thinks about the children, even in last minutes life: “How can I finish my letter? Where can I get strength, son? Are there human words that can express my love for you? I kiss you, your eyes, your forehead, your hair.

Remember that always on days of happiness and on days of sorrow, mother’s love is with you, no one can kill it. Live, live, live forever. A mother is capable of any sacrifice for the sake of her children! Great is the power of mother’s love!” (Novel by V. Grossman “Life and Fate”)

Vasily Grossman's mother died in 1942 at the hands of fascist executioners.

In 1961, 19 years after his mother's death, his son wrote her a letter. It was preserved in the archives of the writer’s widow.

“When I die, you will live in the book that I dedicated to you and whose fate is similar to your fate” (V. Grossman)

And that hot tear shed by the writer for his old mother and for the Jewish people burns our hearts and leaves a scar of memory on them.

The story “Mother of Man” by Vitaly Zakrutkin - heroic poem about the unparalleled courage, perseverance and humanity of the Russian woman - the mother.

The story about everyday life, the inhuman hardships and adversities of a young woman deep in the German rear grows into a story about mother and motherhood as the embodiment of the holiest thing in the human race, about endurance, perseverance, long-suffering, faith in the inevitable victory of good over evil.

V. Zakrutkin described an exceptional situation, but in it the author saw and was able to convey the manifestation of the typical character traits of a woman-mother. Talking about the misadventures and experiences of the heroine, the writer constantly strives to reveal the public in the private. Maria understood that “her grief was only a drop invisible to the world in that terrible, wide river of human grief, black, illuminated by fires in the river, which, flooding, destroying the banks, spread wider and wider and rushed faster and faster there, to the east, moving away from Mary is what she lived in this world for all her short twenty-nine years...”

The last scene of the story is when the regiment commander of the advancing Soviet Army, having learned the story of the heroine, in front of the entire squadron, “knelt down in front of Maria and silently pressed his cheek to her limply lowered small, hard hand...” - gives an almost symbolic meaning to the fate and feat of the heroine.

Generalization is achieved by introducing into the work a symbolic image of motherhood - the image of the Madonna with a baby in her arms, embodied in marble by an unknown artist.

“I peered into her face,” writes V. Zakrutkin, “remembering the story of a simple Russian woman Maria and thought: “We have a great many people like Maria on earth, and the time will come when people will give them their due...

Yes, such a time will come. Wars will disappear on earth... people will become human brothers... they will find joy, happiness and peace.

So it will be, “...and maybe then grateful people will erect the most beautiful, most majestic monument to the non-fictional Madonna, and to her, a woman worker of the earth, white, black and yellow brother people will collect all the gold of the world, all gems, all the gifts of the seas, oceans and bowels of the earth, and, created by the genius of new unknown creators, the image of the Mother of Man, our incorruptible faith, our hope, our eternal love will shine over the earth... People! My brothers! Take care of your mothers. A person is only given a real mother once!” (From the story “Mother of Man” by V. Zakrutkin)

Truly beautiful words, good instruction. But in real life everything is much more complicated, and sometimes the relationship between children and mothers is strange.

We wondered how the boys and girls in our class developed relationships with their mothers.

We conducted a survey in which 20 people participated. (Appendix No. 1)

As a result of the study, we came to the conclusion that all respondents had a friendly relationship with their mother. (Appendix No. 2). But sometimes they arise conflict situations, as a result of which we ourselves are to blame. 70% of eleventh graders believe that both children and parents are the culprits of conflicts. (Appendix No. 3)

And to the question: “Do you often say kind words to your mothers?” - 80% answered “rarely.” (Appendix No. 4)


Thus, we believe that in order to improve our relationship with our mother, we ourselves need to be sensitive and attentive to her.

We urge everyone: take care of your mothers, let their eyes always shine with joy, happiness and warmth!

No matter how the rush of events beckons you,

No matter how you attract me into your whirlpool,

Take care of your mother more than your eyes

From insults, from hardships, from worries...

How incredibly important it is in our computer-emancipated age not to lose the highest purpose of a woman. After all, for little man entering life, where love, goodness and beauty are forever at war with betrayal, evil and ugliness, where it is easier to make mistakes and get confused than in any physical problem, the first teacher should be, first of all, the mother. And as Jean-Jacques Rousseau once correctly noted: “Initial education is most important, and this initial education undoubtedly belongs to the woman.”

They say that our time has added complexity to difficult relationship“fathers and sons.” This is probably so, because personal contacts between people are narrowing, culture is decreasing human communication. These and other costs of progress undoubtedly affect the family. There are many indifferent, cold sons and daughters for whom their mother is no closer than their “roommate.” There are many reasons for this, and, unfortunately, children are not always to blame for difficult relationships; a lot depends on the parents, and in particular on the mother, because the mother plays an important and, perhaps, the main role in raising a child. It’s as if she herself is creating a new person, forming the world around us child. It is no coincidence that they say that a mother’s eyes are the eyes of her child, and a mother’s words are the words of her child. And when the baby first steps on earth, he sees the world as his mother sees it.

And no matter how old we are - 5, 15 or 50 - we always need a mother, her affection, her attention, her love, and the greater our love for our mother, the more joyful and brighter life. Isn't that right?!

Indeed, works about mothers are one of the sacred pages in our literature. This is not only the embodiment of love, happiness, but also inspiration. And poets next generation will definitely take up this topic for research.

The image of the mother will live for centuries.

    List of information resources

1. A. Akhmatova. Collection of poems. Publishing house Moscow 1998

    V. Grossman. Novel “Life and Fate”, Moscow publishing house 1987

    3..B. Zakrutkin. The story “Mother of Man”, Moscow publishing house 1991

4. Yesenin S. A. In poetry and life: Poems. – M.: Republic, 1995.

    Lermontov M. Yu. Complete collection of poems in 2 volumes. T. 2. Poems and poems. L., Sov. Writer, 1989.

    Nekrasov N.A. Complete works in 15 volumes. T.2 – L. “Science”, 1981.

    Russians folk proverbs and sayings. – M.: Education, 1990.

    The taste of Yamal berries: poetry, prose. –M.: OJSC “Vneshtorgizdat”, 1999.

    “Mommy, beloved, dear”, Collection of poems, proverbs, sayings, sayings. Gubkinskaya Central Library, 2002.

    M. Tsvetaeva. Collection of poems. Publishing house Moscow 1998

Appendix No. 1

Questionnaire “My relationship with my mother”

    Can you call your relationship with your mother friendly?



    How often do you have conflicts with your mother?



do not arise

    Appendix No. 3

    Appendix No. 4

Mom... Close your eyes, listen. And you will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar, dear. You can't confuse him with any other! Even when you become an adult, you will always remember her gentle voice, gentle hands, gentle eyes.
Mom gave us a gift, taught us to speak and lit the eternal light of song in our hearts. Therefore, everything dear to our soul is connected with this image. This parents' house, apple and cherry trees in the garden, a sad river, a fragrant meadow - everything that is called Motherland.

Love for a mother has inspired many writers to write. T.G. the highest and purest beauty I saw peace in a woman, in a mother. a woman-beloved, a woman-mother is often represented by the poet in the form of a star. When a woman is humiliated and mocked, a decent person cannot remain silent. He was not silent either.
The fate of the serf in Shevchenko’s works is always tragic, since this is what it was like for the women in the poet’s life. This is his own mother, whom “need and work put into a premature grave,” these are his sisters: Ekaterina, Irina and Maria, those “young doves” whose “tears turned white in labor.” So, the woman’s unfortunate fate was not only a national, but also a personal tragedy for the Great Kobzar.

For Shevchenko, mother and child have always been the brightest image, the aesthetic personification of beauty, tenderness and nobility. Mother's love Anna from the work “The Maid” is so powerful that this woman endures the greatest torment for her mother all her life - she lives next to her son and does not dare admit to him that she is his own mother.

From Shevchenko, the Ukrainian for centuries sang the majestic song of the mother. Since the mother is the embodiment of the beauty of the world, its sunshine, infinity, life-giving, incomprehensibility. Mother taught and teaches us! For every person, it is the beginning of life’s journey, the beginning of kindness and conscience.

Malyshko dedicated “The Song of the Towel” to maternal love and devotion, maternal sadness and greatness. A mother accompanies her son on a long journey. In her gaze there is anxiety and sadness, hope for a happy future for her son, wishing him well in an unknown land. The mother “didn’t get enough sleep at night,” and “fortunately, she gave the towel to her son for fate.”
The mother is sad when parting with her son, but believes in his bright destiny, and the poet embodies this faith in the image of an embroidered towel, which symbolizes life path human and maternal blessing.

Baby loved his mother, and in her - his origin, family, gift, homeland. This love was probably the main source of his creativity, it provided him with inspiration and reminded him of what he was working for, was the essence of his thinking.
No matter who we become in life, no matter what height we rise to, we always remember our mother’s fair science, her heart given to her child.

In the poem “Swans of Motherhood” V. depicts the image of a mother. Eternally absorbed in worries, always concerned about her children, for whom her care seems like a magical vision:

Looks into the window glass with gray eyes,
A mother's kind affection is behind her.
We see how swans dance in the house on the wall, how they babble “with their wings and a pink feather,” we hear a prayer for quiet stars to descend on our son’s eyelashes. The whole world in the eyes of the mother is fantastic. We feel maternal affection and care for our little son. Years will pass, life will set new demands, new troubles will arise for a person. But behind the son “the mother’s eyes and the blond house will always wander.” And wherever you are, your mother’s love will always accompany you.

I am grateful to my mother for all the best that is in my soul. She taught me to value bread and salt, to pick up accidentally dropped crumbs from the floor, to be honest and hard-working.
Man does not live by bread alone.