Transmigration of souls - a deceased person into a living person. The souls of the dead come to their loved ones in a dream

A person whom you did not know during life and who has never been to your house will not be able to become attached to you after his death, becoming a restless spirit or ghost. No, this sometimes still happens, but it’s so rare that it’s not taken into account. Usually the spirit that has shared its presence in your home is someone you once knew well, or someone who knew your home well, or even considered it theirs. Therefore, with a mention of such spirits, we will begin the list of reasons that can attract this or that ghost to you.

Spirits of former owners of an apartment or house

- otherworldly spirits come into a home out of habit, because... Even though they died, they still consider him theirs. When they arrive, they are surprised to find new guests there, believing that they have invaded without having any rights to do so, and therefore are doing everything to ensure the survival of people. The methods can be incredibly different - from intimidation, to inflicting illnesses, chronic loneliness, poverty, failure.

Method of protection - sometimes it is enough to rearrange, change furniture, or make repairs so that the spirit of the previous residents of the apartment leaves, since it will no longer recognize the apartment, and therefore consider it its own.

Spirits returning due to love or strong affection

– such spirits, despite the fact that they come attracted by love or the inability to cope without another person, as a rule, are not as safe as they might seem.

  • Firstly, almost always, sooner or later, they turn into energy vampires who begin to mercilessly steal the energy of those for whom they stayed.
  • Secondly, considering the world of the living to be the only possible place for existence, they do everything so that their loved one moves there as quickly as possible, not realizing that by doing so they are sometimes depriving him of 10, and sometimes even 40 years of life, which he could have lived without they take him with them.

The method of protection is not to think of the dead as if they were alive. And if the deceased was loved by you, try to get rid of the feeling of love, transferring it to the level of gratitude or bright memories. After all, only in this case will you be able to, which still connects you with the spirit of the deceased, due to which you will not allow him to further influence your life, or steal your energies, or distort your destiny.

Spirits driven by a sense of responsibility

– responsible parents, spouses or relatives. They remain in the subtle planes of our reality because they believe that you will be lost without them. If the survivor is a good spirit of a higher order, then his posthumous help will be invaluable, since he will perform the same functions as your personal guardian angel. But if he is a being of a lower order, then sooner or later a classic ending awaits him - having forgotten about the sense of duty and responsibility, such a spirit will turn into an energy devourer who will begin to torment you and poison your life in order to force you to produce negative energies. He simply cannot eat anything else.

The method of protection is to show willpower, and immediately after the death of the person who cared for you, show that you can cope with everything on your own. Only by seeing this will he be able to calmly leave, knowing that you will not be lost without him.

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Often the dead remain for revenge

- and since they are all mentally and spiritually undeveloped beings of a lower order, it is not surprising that their revenge, as a rule, is very terrible. Capable of influencing your and the energies around you, such beings are easily capable of turning your life into hell, sending illnesses, destroying your relationships with children, spouses and parents, forcing you to do stupid and scary things, involving you in accidents of varying severity, etc. .p.

There can be only one method of defense - to change your behavior so much as to show that you do not deserve revenge. Only in this case, the Higher Powers will do everything so that the avenger ghost cannot do anything to you. A sincere request for forgiveness also works well; by passing it through your soul, you thereby break the connection with the person who is offended by you, allowing him to leave.

Ghosts can also remain due to unresolved conflicts

- or because they are afraid that you will offend those they love. As an example - a mother who stayed to protect her children from an evil stepmother or a drinking father. Despite the nobility of the goals that forced the ghost to stay, almost always the matter ends just as badly as in the cases described just above - the ghost turns into an energy vampire who begins to torment not only those from whom he was supposed to protect, but also those whom he sought to surround with his care.

The method of protection is a complete change in the relationship between the participants in the unresolved conflict, because of which the ghost remains, so that the latter sees that he can calmly leave and leaves. But remember that a temporary change or pretense will not give such a result, since a ghost can return a month or a year after its death, because... time in our understanding world of the dead does not exist.

Sometimes people bind spirits to themselves

- not realizing that they are thereby turning them into energy vampires and destroyers of their destinies. This happens when we cannot let go of the deceased, and we delay mourning for him for too long, or too

There are many facts that prove that some people have knowledge of their past life. Certainly, similar facts may serve as evidence of either reincarnation or possession.
For some researchers, the distinction between possession by the spirit of the deceased and reincarnation seems unimportant. They believe that reincarnation is actually a permanent obsession. However, in my opinion, the difference is colossal. In possession, a person's personality is forcibly expelled by another's spirit. During reincarnation, a person retains his personality: he only remembers his previous births.
The famous Russian healer and clairvoyant Nadezhda Anokhina has always reflected on the theory and phenomena of reincarnation.
Almost all of us are familiar with the theory of transmigration of souls. general outline. The ancient Hindus, the ancient Greeks, and the very ancient Egyptians believed in this doctrine. Of course, the idea that a person's personality continues to exist after his physical death seems incredible to many. Even more incredible is the doctrine that after the death of the body, the soul of a person can choose a new body for itself and begin new life. However, every nation believed in the transmigration of souls, although to this day this law human life arrived in a highly distorted form. Meanwhile, Jesus Christ spoke about the transmigration of souls (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 17):

10. And His disciples asked Him, “How come the scribes say that Elijah must come first?”
11. Jesus answered and said to them, “It is true that Elm must come first and arrange everything.”
12. But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but did to him as they wanted; so the Son of man will suffer from them.
13. Then the disciples understood that He was speaking to them about John the Baptist.

These lines can be understood as follows: the soul of the prophet Elijah after death moved into John the Baptist, therefore Jesus speaks of them as one person.
The Bible originally taught more about the transmigration of souls. But in 325 the first Ecumenical Council in Nicaea. 318 bishops from all local churches gathered together for the first time to discuss the most important church matters. The Council established the time for the celebration of Easter, compiled 20 disciplinary canons and removed Christ's teaching on the transmigration of souls from the Bible. The new dogma stated that after death the human soul eternally resides in either Heaven or Hell. Therefore, many people do not even know that after death they have a chance to return to Earth again and correct all their mistakes.

- What do the Guardian Angels say about reincarnation?

Guardian Angels say that the human soul is eternal. Born on Earth, she experiences several reincarnations until she reaches spiritual perfection. After this, the soul moves to the next - higher - level, which is located far beyond the Earth, on another planet, on a different energy level.

Historical background

In the East, the belief in reincarnation dates back several thousand years. Even in the West, this belief was widespread before the Christian era. This is how the ancient Greeks believed in reincarnation: for Pythagoras it was a subject of religious faith, for Plato it was a subject of philosophical faith. For Plato, belief in innate knowledge (that is, knowledge acquired without learning while alive) and in reincarnation were simply explained by the fact that we have certain knowledge that we could not obtain through our senses.
Throughout the history of philosophy, belief in reincarnation has been undermined by difficult debates regarding the nature and limits of human knowledge. These discussions continued until the 16th century, when the entire modern philosophy of the West split over the question of whether to believe in the idea of ​​​​reincarnation or not. The debate about reincarnation continued until the present day, until it was eventually resolved in favor of the doctrine of innate knowledge and the doctrine of reincarnation.

- Can a sinner reincarnate into an animal or plant after death?

Transmigration of souls in the human world, in the animal world and in the plant world occur completely independently of each other. A person will be reincarnated as a human, no matter what sins he commits. He will be given another opportunity to improve.

- What will happen if he does not take advantage of this opportunity?

The number of rebirths is not limited. However, in the distant future, very soon, humanity will be forced to move to a different energy level. Individuals who were unable to achieve spiritual perfection will perish - disappear without a trace.

- By what principles does the soul choose a new body?

The higher angels are engaged in relocation. It is not possible for a person to comprehend their logic. However, we can say with confidence that the choice of angels is not random: each soul receives the body it deserves. However, the person knows nothing about this choice. People do not remember their past lives, but sometimes, at critical moments, this memory awakens.

Historical background

One of the mysteries of human memory is that sometimes after a strong shock a person remembers amazing pictures of the past. An indicative case occurred with Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, which he told about in a letter to a friend. He was chasing a hare along the first powder, when suddenly the horse stumbled and threw him out of the saddle. And, hitting the ground, Tolstoy was transported for a moment to another time. Only he was not around the world at that time famous writer, but a simple landowner. And the horse was different, and the clothes were old, but he also chased a hare and also flew out of the saddle, hurting himself painfully.
There are many such cases in history when people, at some extreme moments, were suddenly transported centuries ago, feeling like inhabitants of that era and acting accordingly. And many of our contemporaries, when they find themselves in a city for the first time, suddenly discover that everything here is familiar to them, that they know what square this street will lead to and what buildings stand on that square.

- When does the soul move into a new body?

This happens at conception. It takes her nine months to get accustomed to her new shell. At this time, he still remembers his past life. During all relocations, the character and mind of a person are completely preserved. That is why all children are born with a ready-made character, which you do not change throughout your life. This is precisely what explains the eternal mystery: why geniuses are born into families with the most ordinary, unremarkable parents. And how much; Sometimes geniuses give birth to such mediocre children. It's not so much about the genes of the parents, but about the previous lives of the child. There is no game of nature, no mistakes, no gifts of fate. Parents give the child a physical shell, and the soul is given by angels.

Historical facts

Many Indian tribes; They believe in resurrection, as well as in the transmigration of souls. They even call their children by the names they are supposed to have had in a previous life. There are known cases when a child, due to parental ignorance, was given the wrong name, and the child screamed until the mistake was corrected. The belief in the incarnation of souls is also widespread among the Eskimos. Quite often there were cases of killing old people in order to give the opportunity to incarnate a new member of the family.

- Why does a person stop remembering his past life as he ages?

Some children, up to a certain age, remember their past lives. However, as the brain develops, protecting the psyche, it blocks these memories. However, the majority of people still retain vague memories of their past death. This is where all phobias originate.

- Fear of heights, fear of hydrophobia, fear of enclosed spaces, fear of fire - is this a memory of a past death?

Memory very clearly preserves in a person’s soul the most important moments of his past life. For example, the moment of death. If in a past life a person died by falling from high altitude, then the very moment of the fall and all the horror associated with it will be firmly imprinted in his memory. Having been reborn, such a person will not remember all the details of the previous death, but when looking into the abyss, he will unconsciously remember the horror of the fall he experienced.
In the same way, hydrophobia occurs in those people who have drowned in the past. Unaccountable fear of fire in next lives experienced by those who have been burned alive. Those who were hanged or strangled in the past experience panic at the slightest lack of air. Those buried alive are now tormented by the fear of closed spaces. Someone who died in a battle in the past, was trampled in the heat of battle, now experiences discomfort at the sight of a large crowd of people - he has a fear open spaces. Delusions of persecution, delusions of grandeur... You can't list them all.

- Are you talking about mental disorders. Are illnesses related to memories of past lives?

Very often the disease is associated with memories of past lives. Sometimes a person inherits health, illness, or injury from his past. Whatever he was sick with then, he will probably be sick with the same thing now. I'm talking about chronic diseases. If you have overcome the disease, then it will not affect you in your future life. Also special meaning has exactly how the person died, under what circumstances.
For example, drowned people, hanged people, strangled people in a past life - in this life they suffer from throat diseases and respiratory tract. Those who in the past died from cold steel or firearms now experience strange pain at the site of injury. If the blow was to the heart, the person is bothered by pain in the heart, if the wound was in the head, the head often hurts, etc. In some cases, the wound sites are marked with large birthmarks.

In the 90s, the relatives of a Moscow entrepreneur turned to me, who had a strange mental peculiarity: he could not stand it if someone was behind his back. He was horrified if he heard someone’s steps behind him, he constantly looked around, pressed against the houses, letting people pass. The further he went, the stronger this phobia became, so that his family began to fear for his sanity. I put him into deep hypnosis and established that in a previous life he had been shot in the back. It is significant that on the engineer’s back, in the place where the bullet entered, there was a large birthmark. So I referred him to a psychiatrist. As far as I know, the doctor needed many psychological sessions before entrepreneur Andrei M. got rid of his fears and became a normal person.

- Much depends on the personal qualities of a person. If in a past life a person was an egoist, interested only in himself, and did not pay any attention to other people’s troubles and requests, then in this life he must suffer a severe punishment - blindness, deafness or dumbness.

- Is it connected? sexual orientation with memories of a past life?

The human soul has no gender. The masculine and feminine principles in the soul are balanced, that is, it can exhibit typically masculine qualities: logic, confidence, determination - and typically feminine qualities: sensuality, craving for beauty, intuition, sophistication. But each soul, having experienced several incarnations, is alternately in both male and female. female body. Sometimes this memory is stored as sensations, and this has rather strange consequences.
For example, if a man vaguely remembers that in a past life he was a man, then the masculine qualities in him double. In this case, he becomes a rude, domineering, insensitive lout. If a man remembers that he was a woman, then the feminine principle wins: the man becomes pampered, flirtatious, and hypersensitive. If a woman remembers that in a past life she was a man, then her feminine side is suppressed and she becomes masculine.
In all these cases, memories of a past life bring only suffering, because people do not feel like who they are. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people walk the Earth who feel out of place in their bodies. These are ordinary people, it’s just that their character, inherited from their previous life, does not match their gender. This contradiction affects sexual orientation.

Historical background

Belief in reincarnation, after centuries of oblivion and denial, is beginning to reassert itself. The reason for this is that cases of reincarnation in the past were never taken seriously and therefore were never studied in depth.
Why weren't they taken seriously in the past? One can only guess about this. However, the power of the organized church with its rejection of the belief in reincarnation also took its toll. Moreover, any message from a person that he was reincarnated was perceived as either madness or witchcraft. If we keep in mind the strict control of the church in the West, it becomes clear why the belief in reincarnation could not take hold here. The strength of the church's denial of this belief greatly contributed to the development of the concept of reincarnation as a incurable disease, from which only a fire can save.

- For many people, the memory of a past life manifests itself only in the form of vague sensations. Are there ways to get accurate information about your past life?

One of the best ways establishing contact with the past and obtaining information from it is hypnosis. Whatever the nature of the phenomenon, repressed memories can be restored through hypnosis techniques. This does not always work out. The human brain is a powerful instrument. It protects the human psyche. However, in some cases, hypnotists still manage to return patients to the time preceding the moment of conception, into the world of memories relating to a previous life. Currently, the technique of hypnosis is used by doctors in cases where in the patient’s real life it is not possible to detect a single episode that could cause stress or phobia.


Modern hypnotists talk about hypnosis as a method for studying reincarnation: “People induced by hypnosis to a “former life” combine their real personality with elements obtained, probably through paranormal means. Moreover, patients in almost all studies of reincarnation, in addition to character traits and the memories of other, already dead people also had their own.”
Both modern and ancient philosophers are unanimous in the opinion that the sources of wisdom are hidden in the depths of the human soul. In one of Plato's dialogues, Socrates noted that learning does not consist in putting something into another person, but in extracting what is already there. He wanted to extract not those trifles, names and dates that we fish out during hypnosis, but “traces of knowledge preserved by the soul in its eternal wanderings.”
The idea of ​​reincarnation is present in Hinduism, Jainism, Sigh beliefs, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism; Zoroastrianism, Mithraic cults; Manichaeism, animism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Freemasonry and Theosophy. Only in Western philosophy does it make its way in the works of Hume, Kant and Schopenhauer as palingenesis, metempsychosis and transmigration. For example, Jung believed that “reincarnation is one of the original assertions of humanity that must be taken into account,” and that “these assertions must be based on psychic facts.”
No other concept has received such widespread cultural recognition. These views are so different origins and belong to such different cultures that it is difficult to deny them. The problem is finding evidence. Many psychiatrists who use hypnosis for a previous incarnation in their practice believe that “among those for whom it probably made sense to return to their previous personality, only a small part was able to remember at least one episode. It is possible that every person is the product of at least one previous life, but the facts at our disposal indicate that reincarnation is extremely rare."

Case from the practice of Nadezhda Anokhina

Xenoglossy can be reciprocal or recitative. With recitative xenoglossy, a person begins to speak in foreign language, which he has not studied before, but at the same time he does not understand the meaning of the words and does not know how to answer in this language.
In this case we are dealing with obsession. In reciprocal xenoglossia, a person can respond, that is, he exhibits the ability to understand spoken language. In this case, we are dealing with either insight or reincarnation. The story of Lydia K. is a typical example of reactive xenoglossy during reincarnation.
In 1983, Lydia K. agreed to help a psychiatrist in his experiments in hypnosis. As it turned out, she was a brilliant subject for hypnosis, as she could easily fall into a trance. The doctor who conducted these experiments turned out to be a good friend of mine. His name is Vladimir Petrovich. He is a well-known and highly respected scientist. He took up hypnosis in 1971 to help two patients treat their illnesses. Since the first experiments with Lydia K. went well, he decided to try the method of hypnotic regression on her and suggest a return back in time. During a hypnotic regression session, Lydia K. suddenly screamed and grabbed her head. Vladimir Petrovich immediately stopped the session, but Lydia K. headache didn't stop for a long time. The doctor repeated the session twice, but the result was the same. Each time, entering a trance, Lydia K. said that she saw a forest clearing dotted with dead bodies. She felt that they wanted to kill her too, then she felt a blow, screamed, and a headache began.
During one of our meetings, the doctor told about this strange fact. He asked me to be present at the session and look at the aura of Lydia K. I readily agreed, because I immediately felt that I was faced with the phenomenon of reincarnation.
At the request of Vladimir Petrovich, I repeated the hypnosis session. But just before the moment of the expected blow, she said: “You are five years younger.” And then something unexpected happened: Lydia K. began to speak not in sentences, but in individual words and a set of phrases. Some phrases and words were in broken English, but mostly in some foreign language that neither I nor Vladimir Petrovich could understand. Moreover, she began to speak low in a male voice.
Then from the mouth of a forty-year-old woman came the words: “I am a man.” When asked what her name was, she replied: "Ke-wa-tin - North Wind."
Continuing to be in a state of deep sleep, she began, confusing English and foreign words, to describe her past life. During this (and other subsequent) sessions, she continued to talk in a low male voice about her life in the forest approximately two hundred years ago. All this was recorded on tape with detailed notes. During the last sessions she spoke almost constantly in unknown language, which was completely unknown to us. Experts were invited to translate the story "Ke-va-tina". To our surprise, it turned out that Lydia K. spoke the language of the Algonquian group, which is spoken by the Ottawa Indians. This Indian tribe once inhabited the area north of Lake Gour, centered on the Ottawa River, and gave its name to Canada's capital.
When Lydia K. was asked the question: “What do you do?”, she answered: “I am a hunter.” To the question: “Where do you live?” - she answered in the Ottawa Indian language: “In her wife’s house.” Questions were also asked in the Ottawa Indian language.
Based on the analysis of the records, it was concluded that "Ke-wa-tin" was a simple hunter, with features characteristic of the lifestyle he described. He knew little about anything not related to the life of his tribe and hunting. He was familiar with firearms, which made it possible to determine the time of his life - the end of the 18th century. He also set traps, stole horses, and sometimes took part in military campaigns against hostile Sioux tribes. He and his wife had children. When Lydia K. was still in deep sleep, I offered her various objects, asked her to open her eyes and say what these objects were. Being "Ke-wa-tin", she recognized the model of a canoe, two types of wooden utensils, correctly naming them in Indian, recognized an arrow and a bow, and distinguished beaver fur from otter fur by touch. However, she didn't know what more modern items like nail scissors were used for.
I should note that such memories of a past life can be awakened quite rarely. However, Lydia K. demonstrated a clear knowledge of practical skills that neither she nor we could have known about in this life. For example, I will never distinguish the tracks large dog from the tracks of a wolf, and Lydia K, being in a trance, named about eight differences. Moreover, neither I nor Vladimir Petrovich could even imagine that in the language of the Ottawa Indians there are twenty definitions for shades of black! Lydia named each shade and pointed out its characteristic differences.
Unfortunately, the historical chronicles of that period do not mention an Ottawa Indian named Ke-wa-tin. Further questioning by Lydia K. suggested that he probably died at the age of twenty-five in one of the skirmishes with the Sioux Indians.

- What conclusions can be drawn from the story of Lydia K.?

In the case of Lydia K., one could assume that we are all born with genetic memory and in a state of hypnosis, the memory of our ancestors awakens. With this explanation, Lydia K. inherited the memory of the Indian hunter and mistakenly mistook the memories of him for her own. That is, there is no reincarnation, just sometimes people remember events from the lives of their ancestors.
But that's not true. And all my geneticist friends categorically claim that genes do not contain this information.
Further research showed that Lydia K. does not belong to the same genetic line with the Ottawa Indian. We inherit not the memory of our ancestors, but the memory of our soul, which could live in any body at any time.

- Do modern people engage in scientists are a phenomenon reincarnation?

Certainly. For example, the reality of reincarnation is confirmed by the research of my friend, the Parisian psychologist Michel Lerier, author of the book “Eternity in a Past Life.” He wrote this book when he learned about our experiments with Lydia K. This story interested him extremely, and he conducted his own hypnotic sessions with more than two hundred patients who survived clinical death and brought back to life in intensive care units.
During sessions with Michel Lerier, patients said that during clinical death, before waking up in a hospital bed, they found themselves in a different time. Of the 208 surveyed, 205 ended up in previous centuries, living another life there - each their own. So the soul is immortal. But she will lose the ability to reincarnate if a person does not protect himself from demonic possession.
There are amulets for this: special actions, special objects and special prayers.

After passing away loved one our consciousness does not want to put up with the fact that he is no longer around. I would like to believe that somewhere far away in heaven he remembers us and can send a message.

In this article

The connection between the soul and a living person

Followers of religious and esoteric teachings consider the soul as a small particle of Divine consciousness. On Earth, the soul manifests itself through the best qualities of a person: kindness, honesty, nobility, generosity, the ability to forgive. Creativity are considered a gift from God, which means they are also realized through the soul.

She is immortal, but the human body has a limited lifespan. Therefore, at the end of earthly life, the soul leaves the body and goes to another level of the universe.

Basic theories about afterlife

Myths and religious views of peoples offer their vision of what happens to a person after death. For example, the “Tibetan Book of the Dead” describes step by step all the stages through which the soul passes from the moment of dying to the next incarnation on Earth.

Heaven and Hell, Heavenly Court

In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, a person after death awaits a Heavenly court, at which his earthly deeds are assessed. Depending on the number of mistakes and good deeds, God, angels or apostles divide dead people into sinners and righteous people in order to send them either to Heaven for eternal bliss or to hell for eternal torment.

However, the ancient Greeks had something similar, where all the dead were sent to the underground kingdom of Hades under the guardianship of Cerberus. Souls were also distributed according to their level of righteousness. Pious people were placed in Elysium, and vicious people were placed in Tartarus.

The judgment of souls is present in different variations in ancient myths. In particular, the Egyptians had a deity, Anubis, who weighed the heart of the deceased with an ostrich feather to measure the severity of his sins. Pure souls headed to the paradise fields of the solar god Ra, where the rest were not allowed to go.

The souls of the righteous go to heaven

Evolution of the soul, Karma, Reincarnation

Religions ancient india look at the fate of the soul differently. According to traditions, she comes to Earth more than once and each time she gains invaluable experience necessary for spiritual evolution.

Any life is a kind of lesson that you go through in order to reach new level Divine game. All actions and deeds of a person during life constitute his karma, which can be good, bad or neutral.

The concepts of “hell” and “heaven” are not here, although the results of life are important for the upcoming incarnation. A person can earn better conditions in the next reincarnation or be born in the body of an animal. Everything determines behavior during your stay on Earth.

The space between worlds: the restless

IN Orthodox tradition There is a concept of 40 days from the moment of death. The date is responsible because By higher powers the final decision is made about the residence of the soul. Before this, she has the opportunity to say goodbye to places dear to her on Earth, and also undergoes tests in the subtle worlds - ordeals, where she is tempted by evil spirits.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead names a similar period of time. And it also lists the trials encountered on the path of the soul. There are similarities between completely different traditions. Two beliefs tell about the space between the worlds, where a deceased person resides in a subtle material shell (astral body).

In 1990, the film “Ghost” was released. Death overtook the hero of the film suddenly - Sam was treacherously killed on a tip from a business partner. While in the body of a ghost, he investigates and punishes the culprit.

This mystical drama perfectly outlined the astral plane and its laws. The film also explained why Sam was stuck between worlds: he had unfinished business on Earth - protecting the woman he loved. Having achieved justice, Sam gains passage to heaven.

Restless souls become ghosts

People whose lives were cut short in early age, as a result of murder or an accident, cannot come to terms with the fact of their departure. They are called restless souls. They wander the Earth as ghosts and sometimes even find a way to make their presence known. This phenomenon is not always caused by tragedy. The reason may be strong attachment to spouses, children, grandchildren or friends.

Video – a film about restless souls:

Is it true that dead people can see us?

There are many similarities in the stories of those who have experienced clinical death. Skeptics doubt the reliability of such an experience, believing that post-mortem images are hallucinations generated by a fading brain.

The famous healer Mirzakarim Norbekov talks about how he led a study of clinical death for four years. 380 out of 500 patients described the experience exactly the same, the difference was only in the details.

The person saw his physical body from the outside, and these were not hallucinations. Another vision was turned on, allowing one to observe what was happening in the hospital room and beyond. Moreover, a person could absolutely accurately describe a place where he was not physically present. All cases are carefully documented and verified.

What does a person see?

Let’s take the word of people who have looked beyond the physical world and systematize their experience:

  1. The first stage is failure, a feeling of falling. Sometimes - literally. According to the story of a witness who received a knife wound in a fight, he first felt pain, then began to fall into a dark well with slippery walls.
  2. Then the “deceased” finds himself where his physical shell is located: in a hospital room or at the scene of an accident. At the first moment he does not understand what he sees from himself. He won't know own body, but, feeling the connection, may mistake the “deceased” for a relative.
  3. The eyewitness comes to the realization that in front of him is his own body. He makes the shocking discovery that he is dead. Arises acute feeling protest. I don’t want to part with earthly life. He sees how the doctors are working their magic on him, observes the anxiety of his relatives, but can do nothing.
  4. Gradually a person gets used to the fact of death, and then anxiety recedes, peace and tranquility comes. A person understands that this is not the end, but the beginning of a new stage. And then the way up opens before him.

What does the soul see?

After this, the person receives a new status. Humanity belongs to the Earth. To Heaven (or more) high dimension) the soul is sent. In that moment everything changes. The soul perceives itself as a cloud of energy, more like a multi-colored aura.

The souls of loved ones who passed away earlier appear nearby. They look like living substances emitting light, but the traveler knows exactly who he has met. These essences help to move on to the next stage, where the Angel awaits - a guide to the higher spheres.

The path along which the soul is coming, illuminated by Light

People find it difficult to describe the image of the Divine being on the path of the soul in words. This is the embodiment of Love and a sincere desire to help. According to one version, this is a Guardian Angel. According to another, the progenitor of all human souls. The guide communicates with the newcomer using telepathy, without words, on ancient language images It demonstrates events and misdeeds past life, but without the slightest hint of condemnation.

The road passes through space filled with Light. Those who have experienced clinical death talk about the feeling of an invisible barrier, which probably serves as the border between the world of the living and the kingdom of the dead. None of those who returned comprehended beyond the veil. What lies beyond the line is not given to the living to know.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit?

The religion condemns the practice of spiritualism. This is considered a sin, since a tempting demon may appear under the guise of a deceased relative. Serious esotericists also do not approve of such sessions, since at this moment a portal opens through which dark entities can penetrate into our world.

The Church condemns seances for communicating with the dead

However, such visits can occur on the initiative of those who left Earth. If there was a strong connection between people in earthly life, then death will not break it. For at least 40 days, the soul of the deceased can visit relatives and friends and observe them from the side. People with high sensitivity sense this presence.

The deceased uses the dream space to meet the living. He may appear to a sleeping relative to remind him of himself, provide support or give advice in a difficult life situation.

Unfortunately, we do not take dreams seriously, and sometimes we simply forget what we dreamed at night. Therefore, the attempts of our departed relatives to reach us in a dream are not always successful.

Can a deceased person become a guardian angel?

Everyone perceives the passing of a loved one differently. For a mother who has lost a child, such an event is a real tragedy. A person needs support and consolation, because the pain of loss and longing reign in the heart. The bond between mother and child is especially strong, so children feel suffering acutely.

Children who die early can become guardian angels

However, any deceased relative can become a guardian angel for a family. It is important that during his lifetime this person is deeply religious, observes the laws of the Creator and strives for righteousness.

How can the dead contact the living?

The souls of the deceased do not belong to the material world, therefore they do not have the opportunity to appear on Earth as a physical body. In any case, we will not be able to see them in their previous form. In addition, there are unspoken rules according to which the dead cannot directly interfere in the affairs of the living.

  1. According to the theory of reincarnation, deceased relatives or friends return to us, but in the guise of a different person. For example, they may appear in the same family, but as a younger generation: a grandmother who has passed on to another world may return to Earth as your granddaughter or niece, although, most likely, her memory of the previous incarnation will not be preserved.
  2. Another option is spiritualistic seances, the dangers of which we discussed above. The possibility of dialogue, of course, exists, but is not approved by the church.
  3. The third communication option is dreams and the astral plane. This is a more convenient platform for those who have passed away, since the astral plane belongs to the immaterial world. The living do not end up in this space either. physical shell, but in the form of a subtle substance. Therefore, dialogue is possible. Esoteric teachings recommend taking dreams involving deceased loved ones seriously and listening to their advice, since the dead have greater wisdom than the living.
  4. In exceptional cases, the soul of the deceased may appear in the physical world. This presence can feel like a chill down your spine. Sometimes you can even see something like a shadow or silhouette in the air.
  5. In any case, the connection between the departed people and the living cannot be denied. Another thing is that not everyone perceives and understands this connection. For example, the souls of the departed can send us signs. There is a belief that a bird that accidentally flies into a house carries a message from the afterlife calling for caution.

This video talks about communicating with the dead through dreams:

Scientists' opinions on the soul and the afterlife

Representatives of science took the position of materialism, and the church always condemned atheists.

In earlier times, scientists believed that there was no soul. Consciousness and psyche - the activity of the brain and nervous system. Accordingly, with the end of life physical body consciousness also dies. Scientists also did not take the afterlife seriously. They were convinced that in church they talked about heaven and hell in order to achieve obedience among parishioners.

About a century ago, Albert Einstein put forward general theory relativity that turned upside down scientific views on the structure of the Universe. It turned out that such categories of matter as time and space are unstable. And Einstein questioned matter itself, declaring that it was more reasonable to talk about energy in its various manifestations.

The development of quantum physics has also made adjustments to the worldview of scientists. A theory has emerged about many variants of the Universe. And it has been experimentally proven that consciousness can influence processes in the world of microparticles.

This video talks about the view of modern scientists on the phenomenon of death:

What individual scientists say

As they moved into outer space and immersed themselves in the processes of the microworld, scientists pushed the boundaries of perception and came to the idea of ​​the existence of a Universal Mind, which religions call God. They became convinced of the animation of the Cosmos not through blind faith, but during numerous scientific experiments.

Russian biologist Vasily Lepeshkin

In the 1930s, a Russian biochemist discovered energy emissions emanating from a dying body. The bursts were recorded on ultra-sensitive photographic film. Based on observations, the scientist came to the conclusion that special substance, which in religions is usually called the soul.

Professor Konstantin Korotkov

Doctor of Technical Sciences has developed a method of gas discharge visualization (GDV), which makes it possible to record fine-material radiation from the human body and obtain an image of the aura in real time.

Using the GDV method, the professor recorded energy processes at the moment of death. In fact, Korotkov’s experiments gave a picture of how a subtle component emerges from a dying person. The scientist believes that then consciousness, together with thin body are sent to another dimension.

Physicists Michael Scott from Edinburgh and Fred Alan Wolf from California

Adherents of the theory of many parallel Universes. Some of their options coincide with reality, others radically differ from it.

Any living creature(more precisely, his spiritual center) never dies. It is simultaneously embodied in different versions of reality, and each individual part is unaware of its doubles from parallel worlds.

Professor Robert Lantz

He drew an analogy between the continuous existence of humans and the life cycles of plants, which die in the winter, but begin to grow again in the spring. Thus, Lanz’s views are close to the Eastern doctrine of personal reincarnation.

The professor admits the existence of parallel worlds in which the same soul lives at the same time.

Anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff

Due to the specifics of my work, I observed people on the verge of life and death. Now he is sure that the soul has a quantum nature. Stewart believes that it is not formed by neurons, but by the unique substance of the Universe. After the death of the physical body, spiritual information about the personality is transmitted into space and lives there as free consciousness.


As you can see, neither religion nor modern science do not deny the existence of the soul. Scientists, by the way, even named its exact weight - 21 grams. Having left this world, the soul continues to live in another dimension.

Egregors are global communities of thought forms. The essence of the concept and magical application

Many of those who pay attention to their spiritual development We have come across stories that talk about such a phenomenon as the rebirth of the soul after death.

After the death of the body, the soul immediately or after some time incarnates in another. The ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Pythagoras and Plato believed in it.

Reincarnation is spoken of in Kabbalah. Many

They describe cases where people remember their past lives and identify themselves with a specific person.

Over the past decades, the number of people who believe in reincarnation has increased significantly.

The souls of children return

Often mothers who have lost their children for some reason see their souls in the newly born.

The small North Ossetian town of Beslan in 2004 turned into a territory of sorrow. 186 children died. In the first three years after the tragedy, seventeen children appeared in the families of those killed in Beslan.

Zarina Dzhampaeva, who lost her son Zaur in that tragedy, was categorically forbidden by doctors to become a mother for the second time. Even after the birth of her first child, she received a transfusion of contaminated blood, which resulted in cirrhosis of the liver, chronic hepatitis and disability. Three years were a real nightmare.

One morning, Zarina approached her mother in a completely different way - she was unusually cheerful, saying that a swallow had begun to build a nest above one of the windows of the house - which meant that they would soon have a child.

Lidia Dzampaeva: “ I saw Zaurik in a dream, and he was such a cheerful boy. He came, stood next to me and told me - Granny, I was born again, I am yours again. I told this dream and say, Zarina, don’t be afraid, this child will be born.”.

After another examination, it became clear that Zarina was carrying a child under her heart. How one doctor tried to persuade her to terminate her pregnancy. Having given a receipt, expectant mother refused this. Doctors called the birth of an absolutely healthy boy, Alan, a miracle.

Zarina believes that she has already met the soul of her dead son. The soul was reborn after the death of Zaur. For Zarina they are obvious. The boy is most drawn to his deceased brother's favorite toys, and when he looks at his photographs he becomes indescribably delighted.


Along with Zaur, 14-year-old Sonya Arsoeva died on that fateful day. Exactly to his mother, promising to return. Fatima Arsoeva, the mother of the deceased Sonya, endured the pregnancy surprisingly easily, carrying depending on your age. The girl was named Anastasia, which means “resurrected.”

Every day I find something new from Sonechka in my daughter. Nastya can play with Sonya's favorite toys for hours.

The girls are very different only in appearance. In her habits, character and even her first words, little Nastya exactly repeats the deceased Sonya.

My first daughter, Sonya, and I were a very strict mother - both in clothes and in everything. I really regret this“says Fatima Arsoeva. - " If the soul of the deceased Sonya really incarnated in her sister Anastasia, this time her childhood will be happier«.

Conscious rebirth of the soul after death

Would you like to? It is believed that the conscious rebirth of the soul after death is within the power of a few enlightened Tibetan lamas. On the eve of their death, they can name the date and place of their future birth. Which greatly simplifies their search in the future. This is what happens with the line of the highest Tibetan lamas of the Karma Kagyu tradition - the Karmapas.

Back in the twelfth century, the first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa, left a letter before his death indicating the exact time, place and family into which he would next be born. His followers just had to go there, find him and start teaching him. Since then, he has been dying and being reborn to continue his mission. Conscious reincarnations help preserve the traditions of this religious teaching. The chain of reincarnations from the 12th century was not interrupted until today never.

In the last century, the sixteenth Karmapa was born in 1924 in one of the provinces of Tibet, where the monks found him thanks to a letter from his predecessor. After his death in 1981, the search was on for his next reincarnation. For the first time in many centuries, a successor was not immediately discovered. This time they helped find him ordinary people. They said what they know unusual child, who has called himself Karmapa since childhood.

The seventeenth Karmapa, Thaye George, was found at the age of eleven. The monks carried out a check - they showed the boy several personal belongings of his predecessor, and the child unmistakably chose them. After which he was recognized as the next reincarnation of the Karmapa, which allows us to talk about the reality of conscious reincarnations.

Now, looking at Thaye George, it’s hard to imagine that he survived more than one life. One day the day will come when he will leave a letter of prediction with information about where and when he will be reborn next time.
While the Tibetan Karmapas are reborn once every century.

How does organ transplantation affect the soul experience?

But what happens when a person in real life suddenly receives a memory of the experience of another soul? As happens with organ transplants and blood transfusions.

Doctors have noticed that organ transplant patients experience personality changes. They develop character traits that patients did not possess before the transplant.

The concept of reincarnation is closely related to knowledge about human cellular memory. Memory of the soul, And from life to life the soul transfers all its experience, entering a new physical body at each incarnation.

An organ entering another body can lead to changes in psychosomatic reflexes that are not

controllable by the brain. In other words: Together with donor organs, a person receives a piece of the donor soul.

Jewish girl Yael Aloni underwent a heart transplant at the age of nine, after which she began playing football. The donor for Yael was a thirteen-year-old boy, Omri, who was covered with sand while playing.

Despite all the efforts of the doctors, the miracle did not happen. The boy died without regaining consciousness. Doctors persuaded the parents to donate their son's organs to other people in need. So, after his death, the boy was able to help seven people.

In order for rehabilitation after the operation to be successful, the girl needed to take many medications. She took them while snacking on chocolate - with a new heart, she gained a strong love for sweets.

Passion for active species rest was also a new “acquisition” for her - immediately after the operation she went on an excursion with her classmates.

I have much more strength now. I now put more effort into fulfilling my desires. If before I had no serious hobbies, now I am seriously involved in dancing. I really like hip-hop because it has a lot of sports elements.“says Yael.

The girl’s mother noticed that from a withdrawn, uncommunicative child, her daughter became the life of the party. Any injustice could cause Yael to have an attack of aggression.

She became bolder - in a good way, she began to answer me in a way that she had not answered before. She began to show more clearly that she didn’t like something. I don’t know where she gets her character.”

According to the boy's father, Ofer Gilmore, his son was cheerful, active child. He was respected by his peers for his fairness and honesty. He never let himself be offended and always defended the weak.

Yael Aloni's mother wanted to meet the parents of the boy, thanks to whom her daughter is now alive. The meeting was tense, because the boy’s parents were in mourning. To defuse the situation, the girl turned on music. The boy's parents were shocked when, out of all the disks, Yael chose the one that their son liked best.

At that moment I realized how similar they are, says Omri's father, Ofer Gilmore, Even their manner of speaking and remaining silent is the same. Yael reminds me a lot of my son”.

One day, when Omri came across information about donation in a cafe, he read it and for some reason said that he could become a donor. Remembering this incident, his parents decided that it was a kind of testament to their son.

To date, Yael Aloni has also filled out the donor card - lifetime consent for transplantation internal organs those in need in the event of her death.

Heart transplant helps solve crime

Several years ago, in one of the US cities, residents were shocked by the murder of a ten-year-old girl. There was no evidence, no witnesses, and the case was about to be closed. But a girl called the station who was in... The narrator had the heart of a girl killed by a maniac transplanted.

After the operation, the child began to have nightmares in which she was killed. She told her doctor about this. After listening to the smallest details of his patient’s story, the doctor was convinced that we're talking about about the circumstances of the death of the donor girl.

The phenomenon of the rebirth of the soul after death allows traditions to continue and gives people hope for the revival of their loved ones and a meeting with them.

[email protected] 04.02.2014

The soul enters the body of the child (fetus) - approximately at the end of the third month, give or take a couple of weeks.

Those. This is where it came from that abortion before 3 months is not murder and a sin.

[email protected] 08.02.2014

I actually read that the soul of a child generally flies over a woman a couple of months before conception and looks closely at her, as if deciding whether she is worthy of becoming his mother or not.

This is absurd. The soul does not choose the body, everything depends on the parents. What state of thoughts were the parents in at the moment of conception, what desire did they have for the unborn child? The purer the parents’ intentions for action, the higher the emotional and energetic surge, and, accordingly, the higher in spiritual development the soul will move into the conceived child. It is not for nothing that drunks give birth to defective children with one or another mental disorder.

Isn't it murder? But it’s okay that the heart has been beating since 6-7 obstetric weeks, i.e. from 3-4 weeks from conception? It is clearly visible on ultrasound. For those who perform abortions on themselves (women), others (doctors) or push them to do so (men), you can console yourself, of course, that there is nothing there until 3 months, but the truth is the truth and everything will be exacted later. We need to think earlier so as not to be faced with a difficult choice later. However, for many it is easy, businesslike, I went and cut a piece of clot out of myself...

In fact, all participating souls know what will happen and how it will happen even before the formation of a pair of fetal producers ("parents") - there are only slight variations associated with the loss of memory of these preliminary agreements.

It is quite strange that the author represents the soul (something immaterial, after all) in the form of some kind of physical object, that the energy from the soul can be “drained, turned off, withdrawn”... Energy is energy because there are no limits for it: can fill the Galaxy, can fit in a zirconium atom...Orthodox theologians claim that the soul is infused at the moment of conception...And it is not clear why the topic of abortion causes such a stir? Killing the unborn is a terrible sin! Wow!, but killing an adult is a terrible sin! in the order of things!? For some reason, no one is foaming at the mouth when discussing the topic of murders in general. It’s somehow inconsistent and illogical. Remember the same Mowgli children. If, until a certain age, such a cub does not end up with people, then it’s an animal (who picked up and fed: a goat or a wolf) and remains. And the only thing about a person in him is that he belongs to the biological species “homo sapiens”. In general, it is necessary, of course, to define in terms what a “soul” is. So as not to confuse it with the “spirit” ". And if we proceed from the idea that the soul chooses its earthly experience in advance... And also for those who forgot “for a minute” that there is no death

There is no death, guys! There is only an endless chain of transformations from one body to another! The soul is immortal and indestructible! Only our body dies and only in the 3rd dimension, because the 3rd dimension of the Earth is mortal. In other dimensions they live forever, there is no death there.

I wonder where and who says (what culture and/or country) that killing an adult is okay? The fact that this happens, like abortions, is not the norm. And everywhere this is punishable by law. The fact that there is no parallel in this with abortion is illogical.

And here, understandably, a harmonious chorus of defenders of the freedom to control one’s own body, destiny, etc. intervenes. Like, it wasn’t enough not only to tell me whether to have an abortion or not, but also to punish me! All this is understandable, there are different situations and double standards are inevitable - for medical reasons or from a rapist, pregnancy can be terminated.

But when this is put on stream and a woman’s internal attitude towards this is as simple as going to wash her hands (mostly in Soviet times due to the denseness and downtroddenness of women + the lack of contraceptives) - it’s sad.

I don’t undertake to discuss issues of karma and fate, we don’t know this. But “destined” is very closely related to the free will of the one who realizes this fate for the victim - the executioner. This is at the same time a game - who will choose what. And then everything is weighed...

What is not the “norm” is giving birth to an unloved, unexpected, unnecessary child. He already senses in the womb whether they are waiting for him, wanting him... And if a woman listens not to herself, but to the “civilized” society and gives birth, stepping on her own throat, but by pleasing uncles and aunts (especially uncles who are far from the topic a priori), suggesting that this is “bad”, then you also cripple your life and life child. He will already be born with the feeling that he was forced to give birth, that he is not welcome, that he is not loved... He will generate exactly the same perception into the world, because he simply does not know any other. There are a lot of examples in life , unfortunately. In the end, it all comes down to elementary human unawareness and irresponsibility: “what am I doing? Why am I doing it? So what?” And the perception of death, of course, in our culture, at least, is clearly inadequate. Death, in the form of murders or abortions or in some other way, is the norm. This is how life on planet Earth works. “There are no immortals on this earth...”

Well, you agreed.. “Death in the form of murders or abortions is the norm,” because... no bemertia anyway. Everything is clear. Now I especially agree that some people are better off not being born to certain parents. The deaths or maiming of many tortured children by their “parents” confirm this, alas.

But it often happens that at first a woman is shocked by an unexpected pregnancy (again, it is necessary to protect yourself, because pregnancy “in spite of” pills, the IUD, a condom or infertility is very rare, more than due to stupidity and ignorance - and then there will be no problem of choice , this is more humane for everyone), and then he decides to leave the child and he is the most beloved on earth, you can’t even imagine that he would have been killed at the very beginning and he would not have existed. But this is for women who are normal by nature, who initially leave a child not because of society (heh, it’s interesting to know about at least one such case where a woman doesn’t want to, but society insists and she gives birth), but in spite of it, especially in the old days .

Society, unfortunately, has penetrated so deeply into the human being that the majority of people really do not realize what they are doing at the behest of their own soul, and at what moments they are driven by what is suggested from the outside, imposed models and stereotypes of thinking and behavior. No the need to directly put pressure on a person, it is enough to tell someone that doing something is bad, most, without looking and without asking the question: “why is it actually “bad” and on what basis does he determine what is “good and what is bad” "" will be picked up and an insecure person will follow, although for everyone there is only one authority - himself.

IN optimally, in Ideally, as they say, it is advisable to prepare for conception (not to mention birth) almost a year in advance. Prepare both mentally and physically for both spouses. Then neither an unexpected pregnancy nor a shock, respectively, is possible. The question is again the meaningfulness and awareness of one’s own actions, one’s own life. But this is ideal. And in life everything has a place. And children give birth to children. It’s not even a matter of age, but of internal immaturity. You are only surprised how harmoniously and timely everything happens in nature: only the mature and the ripened fruit is capable of producing viable seeds.

In any case, we have deviated from the topic. The question is about the soul, how and when....)

And good night!

Nothing old, any energy has its own clear structure, any ability is the most complex and subtle energy system, Dasha is also the most perfect energy system on Earth and in many worlds, the most complex energy system created by the Creator. Dasha is not a cloud, not something amorphous and formless and primitive that does not have a clear structure...

I completely agree with you. Any violent termination of life, no matter what age, is considered a crime. But the soul is not spirit. The soul is material and immortal, but there are cases in which even the soul can die if it allows itself to do so. But that's a separate conversation.

According to your version, she is a fool for not knowing immediately whether she will inhabit a viable body or not.

In your version, again, it turns out that the bodies are stamped as God wishes (pardon the pun), and the souls then crowd over the babies and choose who to inhabit. Preferably more durable. And why then do children die on days 41 and 54? Has your soul miscalculated something?))

Everything is much more complicated than you think. The soul chooses such a child and such parents in order to maximally fulfill its destiny in the next life and, more accurately, the choice of the soul is not its personal initiative. After death, it undergoes a series of examinations and is given a certain direction with recommendations. If a child dies after 40 days - This is also a lesson for the soul, she probably ignored the recommendations given to her. I have proof of how such a soul is punished. I received it from an obsessed resident who for some reason wanted to communicate with me. The interview was recorded by VORDE. (“Demon”)

The human body consists of a physical body (Form), a program body (Soul) and a creative body (Spirit). I won’t talk about the composition and purpose of bodies, this is a long conversation.

The physical and program bodies (Soul) are formed at the moment of fertilization of the egg. Abortion is planned murder.

The spirit (creative body, divine spark, aura, consciousness, etc.) is formed from the moment of its appearance in the mother’s womb and through her body, and further formation continues throughout life until the manifestation of wisdom. Wisdom comes to everyone, but not everyone lives up to it.

those components (spirit and soul), which, as they say here, “inhabit the physical body,” because, according to the idea of ​​(re)incarnation, EXIST before, during and after “inhabitation,” and this means that they communicate before, during and then on subtle planes. And not only the father, mother and child, but also other relatives, neighbors, residents of the entire planet. Everyone is in a common contact field - they cohabit or at least coexist in the same contact = communication space, therefore everyone knows about each other and what will happen, and what is and what was... But in physical. the body does not reach consciousness.

Explain reincarnation from the point of view of the structure of the human body? Moving into someone else's apartment can always be understood. What if the owners are there? In other words, moving into an empty apartment takes place. This is the program body. It does not know and does not remember the past, it is standard program vital activity of the physical body. Yes, this is part of the basic program of the Earth, part of God, but this is a program with all the ensuing consequences. No more and no less.

But the creative body is formed by the personality itself; it does not move anywhere after the death of the physical body, but can, together with the program body (both are preserved as a clot of informational energy in the form of a personality), recreate its physical body. The creative mind is the goal of the Universe, its highest value, and that is why each person is priceless.

Why is the concept of reincarnation persistent in Hinduism? All the origins of religions are formed through people; the first error of understanding gave rise to an avalanche of errors in the future. Although you can continue to believe. Blind faith is the most objective; it does not require verification of the truth.

Further, our creative mind is largely blocked from the prograinic body, and therefore the physical one, precisely by our stupidity and lack of understanding of the structure of the human body. And it’s hard to imagine what we would do now with our own physical form, from the “trunk” to fish scales. It is not the physical body that controls consciousness, it is matter.

The lifespan of the physical body is determined by the program body. But first, what is this whole structure of the body actually for? Essentially, everything works towards the formation of the creative body (the earthly mind itself). Through the physical body (carrier), the program body is transformed into a creative mind. The parameters of information energy do not play a role here; it is constantly replenished, extracted from the information field. Over the course of a person’s life, a creative body gradually forms, forming different shells and compacting them. At the same time, the nearby ones, which actually form rationality, sensuality, and emotionality, are formed earlier than others and are constantly replenished and regulated. The last shell, responsible for the connection of the individual with the Earth’s information field, takes a long time to form and not for everyone; here it is necessary for the shell of rationality to gain its normal density.

The death of the physical body frees the programmatic and creative bodies, but they are composed of information energy and cannot die either. A clot of Pure Mind is practically formed, a kind of virtual double of a deceased person inhabiting the information field of the Universe. The double (or remnant) of the individual retains the entire archive of information of the deceased person.

The question arises, is it possible to return from the information field to Earth (or as the ancient ancestors said from Navi (Neyavi) to Yav)? Since all the information of a deceased person is preserved, it is indeed possible (after all, matter is composed of programmatically structured energies of space, static and kinetic). So far, this has never happened before (the example of Christ does not count; there was dense holography). There are two main obstacles: the reaction of the first-born and living people, the second is the desire of the individual to return. The rest is just technological issues.

Well, yes, from the point of view of astrology and the Jewish Torah, the creative body completes its formation at 42 years old. As you know, it is recommended to read the Torah only after 40 years of age. But this is about physical consciousness. body (organism), and not about the soul and spirit.. The latter exist separately from the organism, around or accompany it, and are associated with it (in your opinion - they control, program). But I think that here the connection is softer, there is more freedom - a pure associative connection.

and as for phenomena from the other world to the other world - there is a report on the 1st international conference, about which there is a topic in http://site/group/zhizn-posle-smerti/6028598/ group “Life after death” - there are reports and articles about these phenomena - from the famous lawyer Victor Zammit.

Which other one? Has he gotten younger? Lives forever? Or modernized your body? The program fulfills its assigned tasks. Yes, there are self-learning programs. But they also perform the same tasks with less or more costs.

as for me, there is neither “moving in” nor “eviction”, but there is only a manifestation of subtle world in thick and the reverse process - it’s kind of like showing your tongue and then putting it away, sticking out and moving away, appearing and disappearing, but it, what-appears-disappears_from_sight_here, does not cease to exist..

And by advanced practitioners, such a transition is carried out not only through the aging and dying of the physical body, but also through disassembly and reassembly and other energy transformations. Energy is transformed separately and it is only a medium for information (forms).

And since everything that is is an ESSENCE ORGANIZED INTO AN ORGANISM, consisting of a hierarchy of organisms nested within each other, then it and all organisms internal to it have consciousness, reflect, i.e. have behavior, evolve, implement food chains, etc.

there is such a thing - regression hypnosis - where patients “remember” all this, or more simply, “see”, and how they are born and how a fetus is born from a fertilized egg and how they existed before that, etc. But all this is seen from the outside, i.e. from the side of the subconscious, separate from the body.

Please note that the subconscious always talks about itself in the third person - it never says “I”, but always “he” or “she” or even “it”. This is precisely because it exists outside the physical body. Those. no "inhabitation" actually occurs

The so-called subconscious is a shell of the creative mind, and an external one, drawing information from the information field of the Earth. This has nothing to do with the soul. Although if you confuse a hedgehog with a snake, then it is possible.

Once I worked part-time in an office where I was put into hypnosis and I collected information about certain devices. You can get any information, but there is one thing! If the question is posed correctly, there will be an accurate and detailed answer. If you yourself are confused with the question, they will tell you so much crap, Maslov’s revelations will seem like a pale shadow.

You're not going to tell a first-grader about Newton's binomial, or are you going to try?

One of the nice hypotheses that has a right to exist. The main thing is, without these abstruse assumptions: everything ingenious is simple. I really want to believe that this is how it happens, and the people who acquired this knowledge had perfect vision and hearing.

Regarding the article, I will only express my thoughts. The soul moves in a short time after birth. I once got into a conversation with a working spirit from the office of souls. This was the time of my interest in the soul. As always, I gave a vague answer to all questions. That is, it is almost impossible to obtain specific information from the subtle and this is my conclusion based on the repetition of answers. In many cases, the dialogue is accompanied by video, that is, a showing of the subtle world .The background was cut by the dynamics of movement, that is, the working spirits were moving the containers down. To my question, what kind of movement was the answer: work. The thought began to spin. At least some specific answer. I synchronize the “time” of March 20, close to midnight. This is the only sign , the beginning and content, which he knew, since he himself is an Aries. So the subtle one hinted at the main content of the soul. Whether my version has the right to exist is for you to judge (the soul is a character according to the zodiac sign).

Anton.solop***@m*****.ru 07/08/2014

I can tell you about the greats. For 30 years your body is prepared and you live like ordinary person, but then you reboot in your consciousness and you understand that you don’t just have a spark of God inside, but he is completely himself. Then you accidentally start communicating with him and just as accidentally become his friend. Jesus and Buddha are one and the same reincarnation.