How to get rich in Russia. How you can quickly get rich from scratch in Russia - methods and examples of rich people

5 ways to get rich from scratch. Take action! After all, a person can control everything if he really wants it!

Today we will talk to you about how to get rich from scratch.

Why are people concerned about how to get rich from scratch?

Losers love to repeat the phrase “Happiness is not in money,” to which successful people answer, “Yeah, it’s not in money, but in quantity.”

Of course, I consider the existence of Gobsek, Plyushkin or other fictional character, who only need money to save it and not use it, to be abnormal.

But one cannot deny the fact that those who managed to get rich from scratch have a much easier life than the poor. They can really buy anything.

Don't believe me?

Well, tell me something that is beyond the control of the rich.

Yes, a rich man has a much better chance of winning the woman he loves than an ever-whining loser.

And the ladies’ selfishness has absolutely nothing to do with it!

Why is it possible to love a poor, big-eared student, but not a handsome rich man in an expensive suit?

The prices there now are such that the only treatment that the poor can afford is plantain, everything else is for people with money.

So this is a very abstract concept into which everyone puts something of their own.

But I think that the opportunity to buy what you want, travel, dress well and eat well will make anyone happier, so why not try to get rich?

Is it really possible to get rich from scratch?

My answer is “YES”!

In general, I believe that a reasonable, persistent person can do anything if he really wants it.

You can get rich from scratch.

Naturally, this is not easy: you need to work hard, find a way that will lead you to big money, sincerely believe that success awaits you ahead, but don’t dare say that this is unrealistic and inaccessible to ordinary people.

The favorite hits of whining losers are “I have an unhappy fate”, “Rich people were already born with a golden spoon in their mouth”, “Rich people have rich parents”, “Millionaires are always lucky, but I’m not” and the like.

But look at the success stories of modern millionaires, at the path to wealth:

    Peter Daniels was born into a dysfunctional family.

    He went broke several times until he finally managed to build a profitable real estate business.

  • Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Evgeny Kaspersky were born into average families and managed to accomplish incredible things in the field of IT technology.
  • Steve Jobs was adopted by an auto mechanic and an Armenian emigrant, no one helped him go to the top.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger has gone a long way from an Austrian illegal immigrant to a Hollywood star and governor of California.
  • Oleg Tinkov, an original Russian businessman, was born in a downtrodden mining village into a family of hard workers.
  • Gennady Balashov, Igor Kolomoisky, domestic oligarchs, were born into ordinary Soviet families and took their first steps in business back in the era of socialism.

And so no matter who you look at.

Most successful people actually got rich from scratch only through their hard work, working brains and perseverance.

So why do you think you won't succeed?

How to get rich from scratch: lazy ways

That's what it is interesting thing, most of those who don't know how to get rich from scratch, they frown at standard recommendations (get a job in a large company, start your own business, invest wisely, etc.).

They don’t really want to work, they want it like in a fairy tale: they fell asleep on the stove and woke up as a prince.

For them, I can offer three ways to get rich from scratch.

True, they are not very likely, but sometimes they work:

    Win the lottery.

    You may be the lucky one whose purchase of a lottery ticket earns you a million (or two).

    The main difficulty is waiting for the win, so get ready to buy a lot of lottery tickets.

    Receive an inheritance.

    An even more problematic method, because not everyone has rich relatives whose will they can rely on.

    For example, I don’t have any of these.

    Some are looking for ways to make money at the expense of strangers, for example, caring for an elderly person in exchange for his apartment.

    Don't you hate this way of getting rich from scratch?

    Then - go for it.

    A successful marriage.

    For girls, this way to get rich from scratch is more likely, but for men it is more difficult to find a rich lady who will agree to support a gigolo.

How to get rich from scratch: proven methods

And now we’ll move on to more real and, in my opinion, more human ways to get rich from scratch:

    I have written articles more than once on the topic of how exactly to launch a startup, what business is the most profitable today, where to look for investors, etc.

    If you want, you will find articles that will help you get rich from scratch

    Get a job in a large promising company.

    If you are already a super-duper specialist with extensive work experience, you can immediately apply for a leadership position.

    Otherwise, you will have to go a long way up the career ladder.

    Cooperation with a thriving company.

    In order to get rich in this way, it is necessary to interest the owner of this company in some kind of innovative promising idea so that he agrees to invest in it.

    Forex game.

    You shouldn’t go into this without preparation, so the path to your wealth will be slowed down by studying theory and working with simulators.

    Smart investment.

    You don’t have to do it yourself, but invest money in mutual funds or PAMM accounts.

    The main difficulty is to collect the amount for initial investment.

What else should you invest money in to get rich?

You will find the answer in the video:

To end the conversation about how to get rich from scratch, I would like to say a couple useful tips for those who are focused on success:

  1. what you earn.
  2. Constantly look for new sources of income and ways to get rich from scratch.
  3. Don’t be content with working for the minimum wage, change it if you don’t have enough money even for the basic necessities.
  4. Be sure to save at least 10-30% of each money you receive to invest in your future.

    In order to get rich from scratch you need start-up capital

  5. Open a savings bank account, so it will be more difficult for you to succumb to your own weakness and spend the money you have on some bullshit.
  6. Do not take loans for fashionable boots or refrigerators; you should only borrow money for what is really necessary, for example, starting your own business.
  7. Don’t listen to those who tell you that you will never be able to get rich from scratch, or better yet, run away from such advisers.
  8. Believe in yourself and that you will definitely become rich!

If you are not satisfied with my recommendations, how to get rich from scratch, then you can look for other ways on the path to wealth: crime, gambling, magic, inventing something vital for people, selling your talent - the choice is limitless.

The main thing is not to sit idly by.

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The desire for wealth is one of the main goals that drive people in our time. Moreover, no one would refuse consistently high incomes, and we are not just talking about materialists who dream only of comfort and prosperity. Even if spiritual values ​​are not alien to a person, money issue still remains relevant.

In the material below we will not talk about how to get a job with more or less decent earnings. We will set a higher bar and try to answer the question of how to become a truly rich person without having influential connections and without having huge starting capital. Do you think it is impossible to get rich from scratch? What if you open it and not earn a million rubles? Let's see if this is true.

How realistic is it to get rich quickly in the Russian Federation?

Day after day, reading news reports, every resident of our country is faced with rather gloomy economic positions and unfavorable prognosis analysts. The impact of sanctions, the depreciation of the ruble, the increase in tax rates - it seems that financially it is becoming more and more difficult for Russians.

Therefore, the question of whether it is even possible to get rich in Russia arises in the minds of many people. What is the probability of being among the lucky citizens who are not becoming poor as rapidly as the majority of the population, but are only increasing their level of income?

Due to the current economic situation, many areas that were previously promising are indeed becoming risky or even unprofitable. First of all, these are areas of activity related to the import and export of goods: due to the introduction and subsequent tightening of sanctions against Russia, trade with European countries and the US has become more difficult.

On the other hand, these same problems that can ruin businessmen and deprive newcomers of enthusiasm can turn into a source of profit for more resourceful entrepreneurs. After all, if one niche becomes unprofitable, it means that another one appears - more profitable.

For example: The introduction of sanctions, which worries many Russians so much, leads to the appearance of domestic or exported goods from CIS countries on store shelves. Food, clothing, furniture, electronics - if previously some brands could not withstand competition and were inferior to Western ones, then with the cessation of supplies they simply have no rivals left. Since the prices of many goods imported from abroad have increased in price, and some products have become completely unavailable, Russian entrepreneurs there is a chance to offer consumers our own alternative. And this is just one example of how we can turn global troubles beyond our control to our benefit.

Another similar niche is related to the tourism sector. The exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar and euro has become so unfavorable that not every (even fairly wealthy) resident of our country will allow themselves to vacation abroad. In this regard, the popularity of domestic tourism is increasing, because something must satisfy the existing demand for entertainment and travel.

In addition, there are areas in which you can get rich in any economic situation - having, of course, a fresh idea and a clear business plan for its implementation. So, for example, it will be possible to make a good profit by producing and selling goods that are much lower than their market price when sold.

However, getting rich from scratch in Russia is indeed much more difficult than in many other countries - this is a fact. Here are some tips to help you “break through” in a tough competition:

  • Choose a job based on your strengths, taking into account your temperament. If you are an introvert who quickly gets tired of communication, then an activity that requires a lot of negotiations or managing a large company is unlikely to suit you. Of course, at later stages, when income is already large, you will be able to delegate a number of responsibilities to subordinates, but you also need to somehow survive until this moment. And similarly: if you are the owner of a choleric or sanguine temperament, you should not bet on such ways to get rich as, for example, playing on the stock exchange, which requires a large amount of monotonous analytical research.
  • Level up financial literacy and treat money soberly, evaluate and weigh all risks. There are no rich spenders - and if this happens, it soon leads to bankruptcy.
  • Don't be afraid of serious proposals and major projects. Only by playing “big” can you really get a lot.
  • Your money should work, not sit in your wallet or bank account. Trying to save will not make you rich. They say that “a penny saves a ruble.” This is true, but rising inflation will “eat up” both.
  • Be a nonconformist. Listen to the advice of various business “gurus”, but follow your own path - this is the only way you will achieve your goals.

What usually prevents people from becoming rich?

Before talking about practical side How to get rich from scratch in Russia, let's dig a little deeper and try to understand the psychology of wealth and poverty.

What does it mean to you to be rich? Buy new iPhone every time the company announces the next model? Dress in expensive stores, travel and live in an elite area? All this - social aspects, but what is hidden behind them? What is wealth?

It is not in vain that we consider the issue from this angle. It is the lack of understanding of what it means to “be rich” or only a superficial understanding of it, which does not go beyond social stereotypes, that is the reason why most people remain poor.

Let's turn to famous rich people and successful businessmen to find out more about how they feel about their material wealth. Author of popular books on business and wealth strategies, as well as developer of educational financial literacy board game « Cash flow 101" Robert Kiyosaki believes:

« Wealth- this is the amount of time you can not work while maintaining a comfortable standard of living for yourself.”

« Look rich- does not mean being rich: if you have expensive car, an apartment, a country house, but all this was bought on credit or with your last money and you don’t have free funds that would work for you, then you are not rich, but poor.”

It is worth noting that Robert Kiyosaki is not alone in his views. Thus, Karl Marx wrote in his works:

« Wealth of the state determined by the availability of free time among its citizens.”

Thus, the richer a person is, the less he can afford to work, and vice versa - the more someone has to “work hard”, devoting his work to work. free time, the poorer he actually is. Based on this, we can compile a whole list of reasons why people live in poverty:

  • Lack of clear goals. Money is only a means to achieve what you strive for, get what you dream of, realize your plans. If you don't know what you want from life, or if your goal is simply "a lot of money", you won't succeed.
  • The habit of spending more than you receive. Due to the desire to get what they want, which, as a rule, is not necessary, people often ignore the arguments of common sense, “get into” debt, take out loans, and find themselves unable to save even a little or save the money they have.
  • Cult material assets . In our society, as in most others, it is customary to “meet by clothes,” but the attention of many people does not go further, but stops at this external impression. Therefore, it often happens that people actually need attention, acceptance, and support from others, and this psychological “hunger” is satisfied by shopping and unnecessary spending. For many, this trend takes on the characteristics of shopping addiction, because this approach is encouraged in advertising and the media. Just think about popular slogans like “Everyone loves you, and you love Maybelline” or look at consumer frenzies like Black Friday.
  • Reluctance to leave your comfort zone. This applies not only to the usual work that brings in some kind of income, the usual selection in the grocery basket and favorite stores, cinemas, cafes and bars where “free” money is deposited. The reluctance to change extends to your habits and way of thinking. What you need to become rich is new knowledge, fresh ideas, useful acquaintances, active actions. All of this is outside your comfort zone, not inside it.
  • Lack of self-confidence. The media and politicians, advertising, movies and television series inspire us that “the system cannot be broken,” nothing can be changed, everything that could be created has already been invented by someone else, and there is nothing left for our age. Such ossified thinking is the main enemy of anyone who wants to manage their life, and not limply float with its flow, being content with little. And at the same time, hundreds of innovative inventions are patented every year, thousands pay off - no matter what. So if you really believe that all this is “not for you”, it really will be for someone else - someone who believes in himself.
  • Negative attitude towards money. A negative image of a rich person has formed in Russia. If someone has money, he is definitely a “swindler and a thief.” Fortunately, this opinion is not shared by everyone, but it is in the air and can greatly hinder your path to wealth. It is worth abandoning stereotyped thinking: “a hard worker” is not always “ good man", and a "successful businessman" is not always "dishonest."

How to get rich from scratch in Russia - ways

Now let's consider specific ways, which have already allowed many Russians to get rich from scratch. Perhaps they will help you too!


The most “lazy” way, which sometimes turns into success. Of course, the probability of becoming a lucky person with a winning ticket is very small, but it still exists.

For example, the TOP 5 winners in Russian lotteries:

  • 5th place: May 28, 2009 resident Leningrad region Albert Begrakyan won 100 million rubles.
  • 4th place: On February 6, 2014, Omsk resident Valery won 184 million rubles.
  • 3rd place: September 16, 2014 Mikhail, 45-year-old resident Nizhny Novgorod, became the owner of a fortune of 202 million rubles.
  • 2nd place: On February 29, 2016, a doctor from Novosibirsk won about 358 million rubles.
  • 1st place: On May 22, 2017, a resident of Sochi hit the jackpot in the amount of 365 million rubles, thereby setting a record for winning the lottery among our compatriots.

As you can see, miracles happen in Russia too. However, we do not recommend relying only on them, buying lottery tickets and doing nothing else.

Advice: Even if you believe in your luck, let this method be a complement to other, more active and active strategies for getting rich.


Contrary to popular belief, you can also make money from gambling. And the paradox is that only non-gamblers with an analytical mind and a cool head get good profits in this way. Those who “get excited” about the game and begin to “root” for a team or player, succumbing to emotions, as a rule, lose objectivity and make rash decisions that result in financial ruin.

In order to make money on bets, you need:

  • Have some amount of “free” money - those that remain with you after you pay all bills and loans, buy groceries and other necessary goods. Never use funds necessary for normal living for betting.
  • Choose a good bookmaker that can offer more or less favorable interest rates.
  • Study the operating principles of bookmakers, understand how analysts estimate the probability of a particular outcome, and become familiar with the basic sports betting strategies.
  • Understand professional level in the sport chosen to earn money or have a desire to understand it. The level of an ordinary spectator will not be suitable here: in order to correctly assess the possibilities, you must meticulously study all the details before the game - right down to the health of the team members and the weather conditions at the match venue.

Some also make good money from another gambling game - poker. In Russia, this method is officially banned, which does not prevent dozens of poker rooms from existing online.

Advice: If this method of getting rich causes you nothing but mistrust, read the biography of Lika Gerasimova from Novosibirsk, who at the age of 25 was recognized as the best female poker professional in Russia.


A more popular way to get rich from scratch is to trade in the markets of currencies, stocks, and securities. Such transactions can be concluded not only by trained traders, but also by anyone with access to the Internet.

Trading on the stock exchange can bring good income, but may result in financial losses. To succeed, you need:

  • As with making money on bets, have a certain amount"free" money. Its size is not of fundamental importance - in case successful trading you can increase your starting capital many times over.
  • Have a good, and most importantly, reliable broker who will act as an intermediary between you and the exchange.
  • Have an analytical mind, a good understanding of economic processes - both global and local levels.
  • Learn market trading strategies and follow a pre-made plan. This will help you stay calm and act based on cold calculation, rather than passion, greed or fear of losing money.
  • Constantly increase the level of your own erudition and take a keen interest in events happening in the world. This “baggage” will help you better predict market trends.

Advice: At first, do not invest your money in trading - this way you can avoid the losses that any beginner inevitably faces. Play on the stock exchange using a virtual account - many brokers provide this simulator for safe training.

Partnership and mediation

Another way to get rich from scratch is to be a useful person to richer entrepreneurs. Only a few are capable of this, since it is quite difficult to “break through” into certain circles without money and the necessary connections.

However, this is possible if:

  • You have a unique project and a clear business plan for its implementation, as well as excellent persuasion abilities. In this case, you can find business partners who will finance your idea, if, of course, you manage to pitch it correctly.
  • You have rare and useful skills, for example, the gift of persuasion or the ability to flawlessly negotiate, find partners and investors, attract sponsors, etc. In this case, your skills can be profitably “sold”, but again - if you manage to interest the “right” people.

Important: This option is really not easy, and it is suitable only for very active, ambitious and talented people, but it will help you get rich from scratch.

Own business

Perhaps the most reliable way to get rich is to open a profitable business. This is a thorny path, as you will have to face a large number obstacles and difficulties - from finding a profitable niche and drawing up a business plan to securing financing and formalizing the enterprise. This will require not only a lot of time and effort, but also activity, as well as constant self-education.

If you do not have a decent amount of start-up capital, you will also have to be patient while the business takes off. But you can find investors or take out money on credit (for example, if it’s decided).

As already mentioned, profitable niches also exist during a crisis. So, there is a chance to succeed by doing:

  • Trade in products and goods similar to those that are subject to sanctions bans.
  • Organization of tours around Russia.
  • Agritourism.
  • Trade in goods from China.

Important: Finding a profitable niche is the key to business profitability. Even if you are well organized, your business will not pay off if it has strong competitors who have managed to win the trust of consumers. So analyze the market and find promising directions before starting the activity.


The IT sector today is one of the fastest growing ones both in Russia and in the world. Year by year they become more complicated and technical specifications, and software. More and more developments from walls scientific institutes pass into our daily life, making it simpler, easier and more interesting.

Engineering is a promising field that can lead talented engineers, designers and programmers to wealth. At the same time, not only and not so much knowledge is valued, but creative ideas and innovative solutions.

If you are technically minded, you can try this activity. Its big advantage is that it is partially funded by both the state and private companies: if your project is really good, it can win a grant for implementation and promotion.

Real estate

The last way to get rich that we will look at involves real estate. This is also a promising area, but it is difficult to get by without start-up capital.

If you are interested in this area, you can:

  • Take mortgage loan, and rent out the purchased living space - then after a while it will pay for itself and become yours constant source passive income.
  • Carry out profitable sales transactions (for example, buying housing in disrepair, renovating it and selling it at a higher price). They will help you achieve success in this.

Important: from February 1, 2017, every resident of Russia has the opportunity to receive a plot of land completely free of charge, on which they can implement their business project. The promotion is valid until 2035 as part of the state project for the development of the Far East.

On the Internet you can find many instructions and warnings from entrepreneurs from abroad, as well as a lot. But what can Russians who have achieved success anywhere, namely in our country, advise those who want to get rich from scratch? Let's find out.

Vsevolod Fear started his business with very little - he saved money and ordered a shipment from China chargers and USB cables for smartphones. He sold them in his own online store, which brought him his first earnings. Now Vsevolod is the owner of a huge online store “Sotomarket”, which sells computers and other equipment. The annual turnover of his enterprise is about four billion dollars.

In one of his interviews, Vsevolod Strakh noted: “For me, investors, turnover, money are not something to brag about. For me, it’s okay to brag about the ideas we’re moving toward or the functionality we’ve developed.”

Semyon Kibalo- a young entrepreneur who graduated from St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in 2011. It was during this period of study that his first business project was connected, which did not require a penny of investment and took off instantly. As a student, Semyon decided that it would be great to produce sweatshirts with the university emblem, as they do in the West and America. He drew a sketch and immediately received several orders. The advance payment allowed us to print the first edition, which sold like hot cakes. The enterprising student was not at a loss, created a company for the production of university sweatshirts “UniFashion” and cooperates with many universities in the country.

In one of his interviews, Semyon Kibalo said: “When I was a student, I wanted a business. But how, what should I do? It seemed to me that business was some kind of grown-up guy, and I was just a student. And somehow it happened that I wanted a sweatshirt with my university on it and couldn’t find where to buy it. Made it myself. What's wrong? You can buy a jacket in one place and have the design printed in another place. When I put it on, I realized that others liked it. Do what you love, and it will guide you. Satisfy your own needs and the needs of those around you. And then it will start bringing in funds - as confirmation that you are moving in the right direction. And then you can attract investment and buy means of production. But money is the goal... you can burn out very quickly.”

Andrey Ternovsky, while still a high school student, created a video chat in just three days, calling it “Chatroulette.” By visiting the site, people were able to make a video call to a user from anywhere in the world who was also online. The interlocutor was selected according to the “roulette” principle, which gave the name to the project. Within a month, the chat became popular in Europe, and soon gained worldwide fame, making its creator rich and famous.

In an interview, Andrei Ternovsky noted: “I bad businessman, I want to make a cool service more than monetize it. I would just say that my entrepreneurial spirit is not very developed. But my head is full of different ideas. What I do is draw up a precise development plan and think about why I need investment. And when this understanding appears in my head, then I will turn to serious people. I'm more focused on the product itself rather than the business side of it."

Let's sum it up

Thus, wealth is not so much the presence of huge amounts of money, but the ability to consciously manage available resources: both material and intangible. Few people think about the latter, but it is they who most often lead a person to qualitative changes in life. This assumption is confirmed by dozens of examples where people won incredible sums in the lottery, and then lost them in just a couple of years, returning to where they started.

It is possible to get rich from scratch in Russia, but not everyone can do it. There will always be people “making” millions despite all the obstacles and obstacles. And at the same time, there will always be those whose income barely exceeds . Only those who change their attitude towards life can move from one class to another: learn to value their time, realize what they are striving for, what goals they are pursuing, learn to separate own desires from those imposed on him by the people around him.

I am sure that almost every person wants to know the answer to this question, and many of you have probably already asked it. But why, with so many people wanting to get rich from scratch, only a few achieve success? Let's find out...

And before moving on to the article, I want to draw your attention to the fact that I have already written about ways to make money, build a business, invest and the like in other articles. Here we will talk about the basic principles that anyone who plans to get rich needs to know.

1. Is it really possible to get rich quickly from scratch at home?

Do you think it can ordinary person become rich? Whatever your answer, history says: of course yes! Then why do some succeed and others don’t? Let's do a little analysis using my example.

I haven’t become rich yet, but I’m already receiving my 50,000 rubles a month. How do I differ today from myself in the past, where I worked for 60 rubles per hour in a warehouse. Maybe someone has heard about the organization “Work is Easy”? God forbid you get there.

First of all, I completely changed my way of thinking. If earlier I looked at all things through the prism of lack of money and injustice towards workers, today I see a world full of opportunities.

I didn’t come to the idea of ​​changing my view of the world on my own. I was led to this by numerous successful people from whose experiences I learned. Somewhere from books, somewhere from videos, and somewhere from real meetings at seminars. So what do you need to know to start seeing opportunities to get rich quick too?

First, you should understand that only you yourself are responsible for everything that happens to you in life.

Don't like the job? - So, it’s your own fault for going after her, who stopped you from finding another? Is there no other? It’s their own fault, who prevented them from gaining knowledge in other areas?

Well, if someone really interfered, then who is stopping you from thinking about it today? I agree that there are situations from which it is really difficult to get out, but if you are now looking for this information while sitting on the Internet, it means that most likely you are not one of the hopeless and, therefore, you are quite capable of getting rich.

So, the main qualities that should prevail in you:

  • Having a goal and a strong desire for it - without a clear goal you cannot get anywhere;
  • Responsibility for your actions - I already wrote about this above;
  • The ability to learn from failures and the ability to cope with them - you need to be able to learn from any failure. Experience is useful, and useful is good.
  • The ability to set priorities correctly - sometimes it’s better to save on something in order to earn more later or it’s better to pay more attention to work rather than walking;
  • Openness to the perception of new information - do not think that you know something better than others, listen carefully and analyze every piece of advice. Moreover, it is better to listen to advice only from those people who are an example for you.

Another important idea: building a good and stable income as an employee is very difficult. Personally, I have never seen such people or even heard of them. Maybe they are. However, I have seen many times and heard even more about those who were able to get rich from scratch in Russia.

2. Wealth and happiness: what to choose?

Money, money, money... The whole blog is dedicated to this. But is there happiness in them? Without a doubt, everyone will feel better with them. I'm definitely better off with them than without them. But is it only money I need? Of course not, I need what they give: freedom of choice, a sense of comfort, and, most importantly, opportunity.

But who needs a lot of money if you don’t have the time or health to spend it with pleasure? That is, devoting yourself entirely to earning money is also not reasonable. This means that you should be able to maintain balance and have time to pay attention not only to material well-being, but also to family, health, hobbies and self-development.

Just imagine the harmony in which a person lives who has built a business doing what he loves. What if this business is also related to travel and sports? These are probably the happiest people.

There are also rich people in our world who have a lot of money and at the same time are disappointed with life or behave as if they care about nothing else except money. Would you like to become like this?

Personally, I'm very glad that I have to start from scratch. It seems to me that this gave me an understanding of the value of all the criteria of real wealth. If you are reading this article, apparently you are lucky to start from scratch too 😀

Be glad that the money didn’t fall into your lap as an inheritance or that you didn’t win it in the lottery. Whatever one may say, the fact remains: most people who get rich quickly end up with nothing: no friends, no money, no health and a lot of debt. By making money independently and gradually, we also train ourselves to manage it correctly.

Allow yourself to engage in activities that you enjoy and that at the same time will benefit others. And then without a doubt you will get a decent result. Excuse me, but I’ll use me again as an example: I really like running my blog, it brings me good profit and, most importantly, my knowledge and experience helps other people. Maybe it will suit you too?

In any case, if you are not happy with your financial situation today, then I recommend at least making a few attempts and improving it. The more options you try, the higher your chances of success will be.

3. What prevents you from getting rich - the main problems on the way to your goal

The most difficult thing is the first step. How hard it is for a person who is used to thinking like the poor to believe in himself. But isn't it imitation that makes us like others? What if you try to fry rich at least once in your life? Just for fun, try this right now? What if everything works out?

3.1. Think like the rich

If primates are able to imitate people, only in movements, then people are capable of more: we can learn to think like other people. It’s just a little more difficult to do this, because in order to tune your brain to new thinking, you don’t just need to want it, you need to teach your subconscious to do it.

I will not say how this is done, since I am not competent enough in this matter, although I already have my own experience. I would rather recommend books that capture your imagination from the first pages. In them you will find practical recommendations about what you need to do to teach yourself to think like the rich.

Book titles:

  • Jen Kehoe "Money, Success and You";
  • Jen Kehoe "The subconscious mind can do anything."

3.2. Is it really possible to get rich during a crisis?

A crisis is something that makes many of us nervous, something that haunts us: lack of money, unemployment. Can you imagine the stress experienced by those who took out loans and now cannot pay them back?

I don’t know about others, but in situations where I really need money, I don’t complain about life, I don’t turn off my brain by playing games, watching TV or, even worse, drinking alcohol. On the contrary, I am even more actively looking for ways to earn money or working even more actively on my projects.

Let it be funny for someone, but when I wanted to buy myself an iPhone 6s pluse, I didn’t think about the fact that I couldn’t afford it due to lack of money, I thought about HOW I could afford it? And after two months I got it. Although at that moment my net income was only 10 thousand rubles a month.

Friends, any issue can be resolved, it will only depend on how much you want something. Watch this video clip to understand exactly what kind of desire power I’m talking about:

How to get rich from scratch in Russia? There are a lot of ways, for example, through investments, your own business, you can even get rich through betting. Each of the options has its own specifics, but each of them has something in common. Let's find out what exactly?

And when we find out, then all we have to do is choose which method we will use to reach our first million.

4.1. Invest in self-education

Don't waste time and money on self-education. In most cases, your skills will be in demand. Another thing is to understand how to make money on your knowledge and talents.

Often, many of my friends, when I recommend that they take this or that course, say: I’d rather learn it myself. I myself have often thought this way. But let's use common sense.

For example, I want to do something that I have never studied before and that I don’t know how to do at all. Let these be lessons on creating and making money on websites. How long do you think it will take me to make himself your website according to all modern requirements? And how much more will I need later so that, again, himself bring this site to a good income?

Whatever your answer, I will say this: I will need much more time and money than if professionals teach me this.

In our case, the task is to find out how you can get rich. Why don’t we then invest in something that will ultimately lead us to results much faster?

By the phrase “invest in knowledge” I mean not only money, but also time. Especially when you consider that today there are hundreds of free courses on the Internet. Use a few hours a day to become more qualified in your field - this will allow you to see higher, understand more, and, therefore, earn more.

4.2. Learn financial literacy

I'll start again with my friends. How many times have I heard: “I just recently received my salary. I don’t understand where the money went!” What’s stopping you from taking a piece of paper with a pen and writing down every purchase there in order to finally understand where exactly the money went? However, similar phrases do not stop repeating themselves.

Why is this happening? Today people do not have even basic knowledge in the field of finance, and financial illiteracy is the key to eternal poverty. Therefore, something needs to be done about this.

I remember back at the age of 16-18, I played a lot of strategy games, where it was simply impossible to win without knowing how to correctly distribute various resources.

Of course, I won’t advise you to play with toys, although among others there is one famous game. It is called “Cash Flow”, its creator is one of the most famous businessmen in the world, Robert Kiyosaki. I can recommend it, since it was created specifically to teach us how to handle money correctly.

Well, in general, you should start by keeping track of your expenses. By recording all transactions in your notebook, over time you will clearly see what you spent your salary on and, based on what you see, you will be able to understand what you can save on next time.

But what you have already saved can be spent both on self-development and on building a business.

4.3. Save time

Many of us spend large number time for useless things. Just take some games with balls, solitaire, reading the news and other useless things.

Why not try to use for good even those half an hour when you say to yourself: “Well, I’ll take a break playing solitaire.” Why not take a break and do something else that is more useful for you? Ideally, one should make the transition to another type of activity a rest.

If you’re tired of making your own information product, switch to blogging; if you’re tired of writing articles, go to a workout; after all, even lying in front of the TV, you can watch training courses or educational programs, and not stupid series like the physical education teacher.

To some, this advice may seem boring. But don’t forget, it’s simply impossible to get rich quickly from scratch, without small sacrifices. Moreover, I’m not saying that all entertainment should be stopped in one second. Just with time and conscious desire, you can get pleasure from useful things.

4.4. Manage your time

The first thing the life of a future millionaire begins with is the absence of bosses. Many of those who plan to become their own boss like the idea that they can now complete tasks at any time convenient for themselves, roughly speaking, do what they want and when they want.

But, friends, if previously someone else did the work schedule for you, now you need to complete this task yourself. Without proper time management, your productivity is at least 50% less.

In order not to lose this 50%, you need to learn the ability to properly distribute your time. This skill is called time management. I can assure you that every successful person has it.

A clear plan for the day, week, month and even year eliminates unnecessary fuss and saves the most important resource of every person - time.

4.5. Learn the habits of the rich

If you know rich people, start communicating with them more. Observe them, look at what they do and try to understand what habits they have that affect their success. I am sure you will notice how effectively they use their time, skills and talents.

Personally, I have friends who would have achieved it themselves good results No. But there is another way to better understand such people. Read more books about successful people, study them by all available means.

You will notice that the rich and successful perceive money completely differently, as a means, and not as an end in itself. You will notice that they are all building their sources of passive income, rather than thinking about how to take a higher position.

It is worth noting that the rich may have a habit of buying expensive things or some other excess. In such random situations, it would be nice to include common sense; will expensive purchases help you get rich?

As a result, I would like to present a simple table, looking at which it will be easier for you to remember all the recommendations received:

5. How to get rich quick with magic

The question “How to get rich with magic?” quite often they search on the Internet, well, in my opinion, this is not the most best option. Or maybe not even the most honest.

Whether you believe in magic or not, I want to say that an equally magical way to get rich is to change your thought processes. And the most amazing thing is that it really works, moreover, you can learn it for free.

6. The best books and films to help you become rich

  • « Secret" - one of the first films that changed a lot in my head, I recommend watching all parts;
  • « Secrets of a millionaire» -
  • « My neighbor is a millionaire"-authors: Thomas Stanley and William Danko. After reading it, you will look at the process of accumulation and creation of large capital with completely different eyes;
  • « Think and grow rich" - author: Napoleon Hill. In it you will find a clear plan on how to succeed in life. And this will be useful to you not only to get rich, but also in any other business;
  • « The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" - author: Stephen Covey. The book helps you understand yourself and clearly formulate life goals and then makes it clear how to achieve them;

It could not be more suitable for the topic of this article. It's as if the article was written based on it.

Friends, as you read books, do not forget to emphasize for yourself important points and remember them. It is best to write them down in a notebook and repeat them periodically until it is finally stored in your subconscious.

7. Summing up

In conclusion, I would like to say that you can get rich quickly in Russia, just like in any other country. Your location has no effect on this. Only your inner world influences, which can be easily changed if desired.

Form the habits of rich people and by changing your way of thinking, you give yourself a chance to become truly rich.

Well, that's all for me. Thank you all for your attention and see you again.

Best regards, Sergey Ivanisov.

Always dream and strive for more than you know you can achieve. Don't bother being better than your predecessors or contemporaries. Try to be better than yourself.

Every person wants to live in abundance. Some people are willing to work hard for years to achieve their goals, while others are looking for ways to get rich quick. Yes. You can get rich from scratch. But to do this, you will have to find a unique way to solve other people's problems and work hard to achieve success. Nationality, gender, marital status, type of employment do not matter:

    Bill Gates, Evgeny Kaspersky and Mark Zuckerburg were born into average families, but were able to reach incredible heights in IT technology. Steve Jobs was adopted by an Armenian family. Arnold Schwarzenegger went a long way from an immigrant to a governor. Russian businessman Oleg Tinkov was born in a downtrodden mining village. Igor Kolomoisky took his first steps in business back in the era of socialism.
All these people got rich from scratch thanks to hard work, brains and perseverance. Why are you worse?

I want to become rich quickly

There aren't many ways to get rich quick. They all come down to a lucky coincidence of circumstances. Win money in the lottery. Complexity this method is that you will have to buy a lot of tickets, not miss a single draw and have a game strategy. Even fulfilling all these conditions does not guarantee winning the jackpot. Receive an inheritance. It's about not only about rich relatives. Elderly people who have no loved ones sometimes agree to a certain deal: to issue an inheritance to a stranger in exchange for receiving care. A successful marriage. More often, girls are looking for a wealthy gentleman. Not every woman will agree to support a gigolo

How can you get rich?

On anything. Even at a sale of old things. US resident Mary Anderson sold a cane through eBay for $65,000. The success of the transaction lay in the fact that the woman, in the description of the product, assured the buyer that the cane was guarded by a spirit that helped heal people. This is not the only example of an original marketing ploy. Cookies with a person's face visible on them and a jar of bees were also successfully sold at the auction. Man is greedy for everything supernatural. American Diana Dazer earned $28 thousand by selling a sandwich she made 10 years ago at auction. It seemed to her that the face of the Virgin Mary appeared on the sandwich. And they believed her.
    Spend less than you earn. After receiving your salary, you shouldn’t rush headlong to the store for your next purchase. It’s better to put the “unnecessary amount” into a piggy bank. Open a savings account in a bank and transfer at least 10% of your income to it from every salary. Invest wisely. Some people invest in jewelry, others in real estate, and still others in securities. And that's right. It doesn't matter what direction of investment you choose. The main thing is that it is relevant and in demand. Use creativity. Use your brains! Try to create something creative. There is a buyer for every product. Do charity work. John Rockefeller also taught his children that from every receipt of funds at least 10% should be given to the universe as gratitude. Believe in yourself!

To get rich at home you need a minimum starting capital, original idea, desire to develop and belief in your success.

Using the Internet

By using the World Wide Web wisely, anyone can earn extra money or create a permanent and high source of income for themselves. However, it should be remembered that making money on the Internet most often involves unjustified risk. Online games The earning scheme looks like this: invest funds - develop your strategy - make a profit - withdraw money. You can earn money without investment by participating in competitions. That is, you need to choose between investing time and money. The advantage of such projects is that the participant does not need to “play” to earn money. In simulators, the game model is automated. The participant needs to periodically visit the site and make decisions. At first glance, this scheme looks like a soap bubble, but it is not so. The reason lies in the mentality. For some people, earning online games associated with luck and good fortune, and for others it is a thoughtful economic strategy. Among the players there are those who, having earned a decent amount of money, do not withdraw it from the project, but continue to play for the sake of pleasure and self-affirmation in the gaming world. Exchanges Anyone can trade on the foreign exchange and binary options exchanges. To work, you just need to download the application with the platform and have access to the Internet. You also need to open a trading account. You need to take broker training courses (approximately $500), develop your own trading strategy, and test it on a real account (from $100). U successful trader There should be a couple of dozen working strategies for different assets (commodities, currencies, stocks). The most important rule that a beginner must remember: trading with binary options- it's always a game against the stock exchange. The broker's income is the traders' losses. That's why there are so many on the Internet negative reviews about the work of each broker. However, you can understand how the foreign exchange and stock markets function without risking large capital using options. If you want to engage in trading, then you should switch to professional markets. Advertising You can make money from advertising through your own website. Each owner of a website (from 2 pages) and with good content (average traffic from 100 people per day) can earn money by placing banners of other sites on it. Depending on the conditions of the exchange, funds are paid either for clicking on a link or for placing the banner itself. At the same time, clients have the opportunity to independently choose the type of advertising (contextual or banner) and banner size. Internet sales The main advantage of Internet marketing is that the seller does not have to have his own production to start a business. You can offer products from another online store and make money from it. This scheme is called affiliate marketing. The store hires partners who advertise its products on its website, blog, forum, and page on social networks. The partner will receive income only after a new participant registers in the system or after the client purchases a product in the online store. In the first case, a fixed income is paid per one attracted person, and in the second - a percentage of the sales amount.

IN in this case We are talking about investing not money, but your time in the development and implementation of an idea. Invent and patent something new You can monetize intellectual property rights in the following ways. 1. Launch a unique invention into production, “earning” a name for yourself. 2. Sell ​​a license to use the patent to third parties and receive income for using the technology. 3. Sell ​​the patent itself and receive the entire estimated value of the patent immediately in full. Write and publish a book A writer's salary is not a transparent indicator. The range of income depends not so much on the talent of the writer, but on the relevance of the topic. You can write about anything: sports, cooking, business. The main thing is to reveal in detail in the book how to solve a specific problem or achieve a goal. If you specialize well in a certain area and know how to solve a problem, just share it with other people. You can promote your book through a large publishing house. In this case, the author's income will be minimal. The publication will pay at its own expense all expenses from layout of the material to distribution of the book. It must cover its costs and make a minimum profit. Draw pictures and earn money at exhibitions An artist can make money by selling his paintings, as well as by organizing exhibitions. You can, for example, exhibit the works of your students and other artists in your workshop or rented premises and take money for it. If there are a lot of people willing, then the earnings will be good. Exhibition organizers often gain audiences by inviting famous artists to exhibitions. People are willing to pay money for the opportunity to communicate with a person who creates masterpieces or inspires them. Work exclusively for yourself You need to choose a matter that you are well versed in and offer other people your services to solve a specific issue. All stages of the business will have to be taken over: from the production (purchase) of goods to the development of distribution channels. At first, you will have to work hard to earn a name for yourself. As the volume of orders increases, you can hire assistants and develop the next stages of business development. Investments and bets By participating in online lotteries and casinos, you can earn money from bets. It is necessary to have a gaming strategy, invest funds for placing bets and participate in drawings as often as possible. It is better to choose large casinos. They have higher rates, but the initial deposit bonus is also high. Tourism People buy city tours to learn something new and interesting. The more legends and incredible stories known about a specific place, the more people will want to see it. To do this, it is not necessary to use the services of a travel agency. It is enough to study history on your own and arrange excursions for your friends and acquaintances for a minimal fee. If the story is really interesting and the trip is memorable, then they will definitely recommend you to their friends. With the appearance of clients, the cost of services needs to be increased. Tutoring or coaching Graduate students often take sub-courses or study at home with tutors before taking exams. To engage in tutoring, it is not at all necessary to have a teaching diploma. Need to be able to in simple language tell a student material from a textbook and teach a person to solve problems from exam papers. You can study with schoolchildren in their home in comfortable conditions.

The fastest and easiest way to get rich is not to spend too much and learn to save

The main recommendation of rich people is to learn to save money. This is not at all about denying yourself all material goods and eating only bread and water. You need to learn how to allocate funds correctly family budget. At least 10% of each receipt of funds should be put into a piggy bank. The remaining amount of funds can be distributed as follows:
    50% - for monthly expenses (food, communication, utilities, transport). 30% - clothing, household chemicals, medicines and other equally important items. 10% - entertainment.
To avoid buying a blouse on sale again, you can install an application on your phone, for example, Spendee, which not only creates a budget, displays expense statistics, but also signals when a certain expense item exceeds the permissible value.

Steal once and get rich, is it worth doing?

The desire to get rich makes people commit crimes. But the game is not worth the candle. Especially when it comes to the theft of an expensive and unique item. It will not be possible to sell them quickly and quietly. Most often, criminals are found and forced to answer according to the law for a crime:
    “The Scream” is a painting by the artist Edvard Munch depicting a screaming human figure. Over the past 20 years, the painting was stolen 3 times, but each time the criminals were found and the painting was returned to the museum. Vincent van Gogh created more than 2,100 paintings that cost fabulous money. For the theft of two of them, “View of the Sea” and “Exit from the Church,” worth $30 million, the thieves were given life imprisonment. In 1994, in France, three men robbed a jewelry store in the Carlton Hotel. They stole £30 million worth of diamonds. The jewelry was never found. During the investigation, it turned out that the thieves had blank cartridges.

People who got rich from scratch are role models and motivation

Jan Koum- emigrant from Ukraine. When his family moved to the United States 20 years ago, they ate by exchanging ration cards for food. In 2009, Ian and his friend Brian Acton launched an application for people to communicate in real time. In 2014, Facebook bought the WhatsApp application for $19 billion. Jack Ma He repeatedly tried to get a job in fast food establishments, but was constantly rejected. In 1995, after moving to the USA, he discovered the Internet. Ma founded the China Pages portal. The project failed, but Jack did not give up and in 1999 he created the Alibaba store, which brought him $20.2 billion.

If you want to be happy, be it; if you want to be rich, be it! It would seem that everything is very simple, the main thing is to want it. In reality, it happens differently - all people dream of wealth at the beginning of their lives, but only a few become millionaires. Most people work for a salary until the end of their lives and at the same time fiercely hate their jobs.

About 25 years ago, during our formative years market economy becoming rich from scratch was very simple - the country was learning capitalism and enterprising people did not particularly think about how to get rich quickly, they simply opened cooperatives and their own stores. Today this is much more difficult - after all, real saturation has already arrived, when there is an excess of any goods on the market, not to mention the fact that to open a new production you need hundreds of times more funds than before.

Despite such difficulties, in our time there are also a lot of opportunities that will help any of us become a wealthy person, and most of these opportunities are realized thanks to the invention of the Internet. However, before you start thinking about how to get rich from scratch in Russia, every aspiring millionaire should slightly adjust his own attitude towards money and acquire good habits characteristic of rich and successful people:

  1. You need to try to make acquaintances and friends for yourself and your family among successful and positive people who have unconventional thinking and have incomes higher than most of those around you. This will gradually adjust your behavior and lifestyle in the right direction.
  2. Get into the habit of saving money. Every month after receiving wages put off fixed amount, for example, 10-20% - this will help you save without particularly deteriorating your current financial condition.
  3. You need to learn how to use your time wisely. Cultivate the habit of constantly writing plans for yourself for the day, week, month, year. This will discipline you and teach you to treat time as a person’s most valuable resource.
  4. Start your path to wealth by receiving the right and high-quality education, which should correspond to the direction in which you are going to develop and earn money.
  5. You will inevitably have failures and mistakes - only those who do nothing make no mistakes. You need to learn to treat any failures philosophically; they should not knock you out of rhythm, on the contrary, they need to motivate you to improve further.

The easiest way to get rich

Most potential millionaires who start thinking about how to get rich quickly from scratch begin their journey this way. This is indeed the fastest, but very real and legal way to get rich, the bad thing is that it depends little on your abilities. We are talking about winning the lottery, as a result of which you can either win big or lose, and the latter happens much more often. If you decide to earn money this way, we do not recommend seriously counting on winning because its probability is very low. Just choose a suitable lottery, preferably organized by the state, and participate once a month - maybe luck will smile on you too. And if not, spend little money.

Another option on how to become rich and happy in one day is to place bets at a bookmaker on the outcome of sports matches or horse races. Here you will also need some knowledge from sports, as well as the ability to analyze available information. Well, and of course, luck.

Career in a large company

If you have already made a name for yourself and are an experienced, established specialist in some field, it may make sense for you to simply find a good high paying job in a large company and make a career there. This way to get rich in Russia can hardly be called quick; it may take more than one decade, but the result in the form of an annual increase in your income and various bonuses will certainly be there. Unless, of course, you are a truly valuable specialist and a disciplined worker.

Ways to make money using the Internet

The emergence of the World Wide Web has greatly simplified not only obtaining diverse and useful information, but also expanded the number of options on how to get rich from scratch in Russia. Moreover, all these methods are good because you don’t need to get up every day and go to work - you can earn money literally without leaving your apartment or house. All you need to become rich is a computer with Internet access.

Information site or blog

Owners of popular and visited resources on the Internet in a very short time - up to 2-3 years from the moment of creation - become multimillionaires solely through advertising. It is enough to remember an example for everyone famous Mark Zuckerberg with his famous Facebook. And he is far from the only one - millions of people make money this way.

You will need superficial knowledge in the field of website creation, which today is not a particular problem - to make this easier, there are free “designers” or scripts that do not require special education. All you need to do after this is fill it with interesting and useful information for visitors and, after it becomes popular and visited, place advertisements on it and make money from it.

Creation of an online store

A good way to get rich from scratch in Moscow or any large city that is similar to the previous one, but has its own characteristics. In the case of an online store, you will need not only to create it and fill it with useful information and goods, but also to conclude agreements with suppliers, create at least a small warehouse stock and ensure the shipment of goods to customers. This is a little more complicated than making a profit from a website from advertising, it requires certain business skills, but you can become rich much faster.

Information business

At first glance, this is a very simple method, but this is a misleading opinion and can be considered one of the most difficult to implement. At the same time, with its help you can really become very rich and wealthy. The essence of making money in the information business is that you, having certain knowledge or skills in some area, share your knowledge for money. Specifically, this could be a video training, an audiobook, or a regular e-book.

Trading on exchanges

In developed countries Western Europe and in the USA, this is one of the main options for making money, almost everyone trades on exchanges there and many earn fortunes for themselves, so trading on exchanges is great option how to get rich from scratch in Russia. The amount you earn depends on luck and how much you are willing to invest in the purchase. You can trade shares of various companies, as well as currencies, precious metals or resources. One of the most popular tools for online trading on the stock exchange is Forex trading - this currency exchange is the oldest and most popular. All you have to do to get rich is to buy a currency cheaper at the lowest price and sell it for a higher price. This seems simple to implement, but only at first glance. In fact, trading requires certain skills, so it is better for a beginner to hand over his money to a professional broker who has been engaged in such operations for many years.

The format of the article does not allow us to describe absolutely all the ways of what to do to get rich, and this is probably not necessary. The above options are absolutely real, relatively easy to implement, and each of them (with due diligence on your part) will allow you to become a rich person.