Congratulations on Russian Entrepreneurship Day. Congratulations from entrepreneurs on Russian Entrepreneurship Day

Being an entrepreneur in our difficult times is a real feat, a feat that you accomplish every day. On Entrepreneur's Day, I wish you friendly relations with the tax authorities, mutual love with clients, high income and great prosperity! Let your business grow and develop, reaching heights you never even dreamed of! Happy holiday! Dear entrepreneurs, workers of large and small businesses! Congratulations on professional holiday! It is not for nothing that your day is celebrated in the spring - it is a symbol of the fact that business, like nature, should rapidly blossom, develop and bear fruit as soon as possible. So we wish you rapid rises, profitable deals and profitable plans! Congratulations on the holiday of brave and resourceful people, Happy Entrepreneur Day! Let them always appear in your head brilliant ideas and have enough strength to implement them! I wish your business to be pleasant and profitable, your partners to be decent and honest, and your clients to be happy and grateful! And so that the work is truly loved and brings real pleasure! Happy Entrepreneur's Day! On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you success in business, big profits, honest workers and inexhaustible luck. Always be a wise leader, let your competitors fear you, and let your loved ones appreciate and respect you. May your entrepreneurial risk be justified, and may stability and luck never leave you. I wish you that your family will always be support and help, that under any circumstances your loved ones will believe in you and your strength. Open up new horizons and conquer the most high peaks of your life! Entrepreneurs, today is your day! First of all, I would like to wish you justified risks, promising projects, successful transactions, and honest partners. Prosperity for your business and a stable situation in the country. And also good health, support from your loved ones, selfless friends. May your life have both material wealth and satisfaction from work honestly done. Good luck to you in everything! Entrepreneurs literally filled the whole country like a web. Business is booming in cities big and small. I would like to say a huge thank you to all employers and congratulate you on their professional holiday. We wish you stable income and friendly clients. May God grant that your entrepreneurial spirit never runs out and that your meeting with the tax authorities is only over a cup of tea. I wish you good health, nerves of steel, patience and all the best. May all your cherished desires come true. Our dear entrepreneurs, allow me to sincerely congratulate you on your wonderful professional holiday. May this day bring you a lot of joy and good luck, may you always be lucky in everything. Good health to you, great joy, wonderful trade turnover. Let the goods sell out instantly, let your authority grow by leaps and bounds. We wish small and large businesses to always prosper. May fate honestly reward you for your work and efforts. May the Lord protect you from all bad things. Today our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Entrepreneur's Day. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. We wish you good health, cloudless happiness, success in all your endeavors. And, no matter what kind of business you have, God grant you good luck in everything. Courage and patience. The most kind words to you, our dear entrepreneurs. As the song says, only the brave conquer the seas, and in your affairs, only the brave and energetic always remain afloat. Our dear employers, entrepreneurship is in your blood. You are real workaholics; in order for your business to flourish, you work tirelessly. Today, take a break from all your activities and celebrate your professional holiday - Entrepreneur's Day. We sincerely wish you good health, great strength will, patience and great success in all your endeavors. May your income grow by leaps and bounds, may luck follow your shadow, may your life be smooth as glass. Today is a legal day off for all entrepreneurs. Although such a holiday, like a birthday, happens only once a year. Please accept my most sincere wishes on this wonderful day. Let your business bloom like a garden in spring. May luck be your companion in your life. I wish you good health, peaceful skies, great happiness and all the best. May God grant that all your global plans come true. All the best to you, prosperity, family warmth. May the Lord protect you from all troubles. Today is a wonderful holiday - Entrepreneur's Day. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you great success in your business. May you be lucky in everything, always. May good luck be in your home forever. May God grant that your entrepreneurial spirit never runs out. I wish you stable income, good clients, friendly relations with the tax authorities. Always be on top, be able to solve all problems quickly and easily. May your home be a full cup, and may love and happiness always reign in your family. Of course, you have a lot of entrepreneurship, our dear entrepreneurs. Today is your professional holiday. Let me sincerely wish you great success in your business. Let your business go like clockwork, let the money flow like a river. May God grant that in your business you feel like a fish in water. Great happiness to you, peaceful skies, long - many years life and luck in everything. May the good angel protect you from all failures, may every day give you only pleasant moments.

Having drawn up a business plan and saved up money,
An entrepreneur has enough strength for everything,
His path is thorny, but worth it
So that his business flourishes.
We cordially congratulate everyone on the holiday,
May success always be your friend,
May luck knock on your home,
May prosperity always be in him. ©


In business, having reached heights,
You have solved all the main problems,
You won't tell anyone the secret of success
You work hard so that there is a return.
Today is Entrepreneur's Day, congratulations,
We wish you joy, good luck and love,
May fortune always smile on you,
Good health, family warmth. ©


Entrepreneur, smile!
Get away from all your problems,
There is a holiday and spring all around,
Let it fill your soul!
Just rest today
Spend time with friends
It won't happen, believe me,
And open the door to childhood!


You are tireless - like a motor,
From morning to night - everything is in business,
You are a living reproach to lazy people,
Like a tank, you rush towards your cherished goal!
Whoever wants to will always be able to
So control your destiny!
You yourself are richer - and let it be with you
The whole state is getting richer!


Who honors regularity in affairs,
And who is the main employer?
Who took risks, forgetting about fear?
Of course, an entrepreneur.
We wish you to be healthy,
We wish you good luck in business!
Let success shine
Future projects are born!


You have this entrepreneurial spirit,
And this is the most important component in business,
After all, she helps very quickly and boldly,
In any situation, find a way out and an argument!
Everything is in order with your business,
Let everything continue to go well,
So it will be, because your mind is sound,
And even a professional look at everything!©


It was very difficult to start a new business,
As they say, raise your entire business from scratch.
What is beyond the power of the common man,
You succeeded, a true entrepreneur.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
I always want to be healthy and strong,
Let your business grow at a rapid pace,
And it brings you a lot of income.©

Happy Entrepreneur's Day to you!
I hasten to wish you good luck.
And so that clients spend more.
May you not be deprived of good things!
Let your business prosper and fill up
The income is yours and your pocket.
And life will be filled with luck,
Like a fish from the sea to the ocean!

Congratulations to the entrepreneurs
Happy holiday to you!
I'll leave them my wishes,
I want everything to go well!
Don't give in to defeat
Get up and move forward again!
To spite your problems, smile
And evil will eventually go away!
Envious people are waiting for misfortunes
Your business is nonsense,
After all, it’s all in vain again,
You are a winner forever!

Our dear employers, entrepreneurship is in your blood. You are real workaholics; in order for your business to flourish, you work tirelessly. Today, take a break from all your activities and celebrate your professional holiday - Entrepreneur's Day. We sincerely wish you good health, great willpower, patience and great success in all your endeavors. May your income grow by leaps and bounds, may luck follow your shadow, may your life be smooth as glass.

May the entrepreneur live
To move this world forward!
May good luck be on his way
A luxurious garden will bloom.
Let ideas and aspirations
They never run out
May there be peace and happiness in the house,
And a guiding star!

Happy Entrepreneur's Day!
For the country you are very important person
A man with the character of a seeker,
May your enthusiasm not fade for a hundred years.
May success in business accompany you,
And let the energy be overflowing,
Let faith in the best not leave you,
And may there always be May in your soul!

Good luck to entrepreneurs!
Oh, how difficult this work is!
So, don’t let your pocket cry,
They will run away from defeat
All your plans and hopes,
And everything will work out for you!
It won't be the same as before -
I ask for earthly victories for you!
You have strength, and that’s a lot!
Which means, through pain and evil,
But you will achieve a lot!
I want you to always be lucky!

Entrepreneurs literally filled the whole country like a web. Business is booming in cities big and small. I would like to say a huge thank you to all employers and congratulate you on their professional holiday. We wish you stable income and friendly clients. May God grant that your entrepreneurial spirit never runs out and that your meeting with the tax authorities is only over a cup of tea. I wish you good health, nerves of steel, patience and all the best. May all your cherished desires come true.

May your business prosper
The brand is more famous day after day,
Let the matter not know the hassle,
Always be the first in everything.
May there be success and good luck,
Energy is in full swing.
Let them forget failures
Congratulations on your day!

Independence is a calling
For development step.
Let any entrepreneur
Celebrate the day well -
A holiday for those who have an idea
Created a path to life.
It's a heavy load, of course.
So, my friend, hang in there.
I wish you joy
The benefits of action are forever.
Let them bypass
You are envy and trouble.
On the day when the entrepreneur
Maybe just relax
I express my wish:
A joyful and solid path.
Let it not only be money,
At least they are in great demand.
Let your affairs be decided
Tricky question.

Entrepreneurship is an art!
And learn to own it
It’s very difficult - it’s sad,
But it's nice to see
How your business grows
In a country where difficulties are all around!
You will survive the crisis!
Congratulations on this day!
Patience, joy and will,
So that everything works out for you,
Do not know tears, problems and pain,
Don't lower your bright eyes!

Happy Entrepreneur's Day! On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you success in business, big profits, honest workers and inexhaustible luck. Always be a wise leader, let your competitors fear you, and let your loved ones appreciate and respect you. May your entrepreneurial risk be justified, and may stability and luck never leave you. I wish you that your family will always be support and help, that under any circumstances your loved ones will believe in you and your strength. Open up new horizons and conquer the highest peaks of your life!

Those who created their own business
Business profitable opened,
Today we congratulate
And we wish you a lot of strength,
Let the entrepreneur know
That we appreciate his work,
May there be many clients
And all the problems will go away!

Persistent, stubborn
Like gold diggers
Gifted with ingenuity
Our entrepreneurs.
Everything rests on their shoulders:
Factories, shops,
Salons, factories, taxis
And jewelry displays.
They are ready to act
When their time comes,
After all, who doesn’t take risks in life?
He doesn't even drink champagne.

An entrepreneur is a serious person!
He wears a business suit!
It's never too late to congratulate him,
Especially today, on a bright day!
We wish him happy years,
Luck, good luck and goodness!
So that everything in his life is beautiful,
Successful and excellent - with a bang!
And so that he does not know troubles and defeats,
And I was able to endure any pain,
So that there are more joyful moments,
He played a good role in the fate of Russia!

Congratulations on the holiday of brave and resourceful people, Happy Entrepreneur Day! Let brilliant ideas always appear in your head and have enough strength to implement them! I wish your business to be pleasant and profitable, your partners to be decent and honest, and your clients to be happy and grateful! And so that the work is truly loved and brings real pleasure!

Today is the holiday of those people
On whose minds does the country grow,
From whose unthinkable ideas
She is on her way to success again.
I wish you not to lose your honesty,
Having a cunning ingenuity,
Only increase wealth
Grooming and nurturing your business!

On Entrepreneur's Day I wish you prosperity,
More profit and pure consciousness,
Good things to do, so that everything just goes smoothly,
And also good luck, harmony, health.
May you be rich, joyful, happy,
So that all assets enrich you,
So that your life shines with joy,
So that every day you only inspire.

I wish entrepreneurs
Health, happiness, long life.
I understand how difficult it is,
When there is simply no hope!
But I wish that hope
Never died!
Success would await you, as it was before -
Never be upset!
Don't waste your strength
For nothing! Appreciate them!
I asked for happiness for you,
I also give you this verse!

Dear entrepreneurs, workers of large and small businesses! Congratulations on your professional holiday! It is not for nothing that your day is celebrated in the spring - it is a symbol of the fact that business, like nature, should rapidly blossom, develop and bear fruit as soon as possible. So we wish you rapid rises, profitable deals and profitable plans!

Let your business grow faster
Let the check not find any errors.
Debts so that everyone decreases,
Incomes grew so that they multiplied as quickly as possible.
The workers were satisfied with the salary,
And your auditor was always pleasant.
Let your rival enemies not catch up,
Salaries and bonuses will be worthy!
The road to success is only the most direct!
Your family would always be by your side!
Have a great, great career!

Dear entrepreneurs, I congratulate you on your professional holiday -During the day Russian entrepreneurship !
And although this holiday appeared not many years ago, entrepreneurship itself is many centuries old. Russian merchants and industrialists also tried to work in such a way as to make a profit or some other benefit for themselves, but at the same time both the people and the state did not lose money. Owners of industrial and commercial enterprises, monopolists and nepmen, merchants and cooperators created new jobs, providing others with the opportunity to earn money, paid duties, taxes, taxes, fees, thereby replenishing the state treasury. Having the means, business people donated a lot to charity and invested in philanthropy, for which they were respected and revered among the people.
Today, entrepreneurs are an entire social stratum, an advanced class of society. They work in all sectors of the economy: construction and agriculture, trade and catering, industry and services, are engaged in cargo and passenger transportation... But, like hundreds of years ago, representatives of small, medium and large businesses help reduce unemployment and develop all areas national economy, filling Russian budget And harmonious development states.
The essence of the concept of “entrepreneur” has not changed. This is a man who has his own business, he did it himself and now runs it. Agree, dear colleagues, not everyone, in the conditions of constant financial crises and the development of the Russian economy, is able to become a successful entrepreneur, create a competitive business, stay afloat and evolve. To do this, you need to have a whole set of human and professional qualities. A real entrepreneur must be able to work with other people, not be afraid to take risks, know a lot about each segment of his business, understand what he wants to get as a result, have skills in different areas, and in addition, be persistent, far-sighted, proactive, decisive , inventive, proactive. But that's not all. As the Code of Honor of an Entrepreneur states, every businessman is obliged to be honest, conscientious, faithful this word, purposeful and enterprising, possess creative approach and diligence. And an entrepreneur must also have a kind heart and a bright mind, be a morally healthy, spiritually mature and responsible person, only then will he be able to provide spiritual and material benefits for himself, his neighbors and his people.
Wealth, like profit, is not an end in itself, the Code says. They must serve the purpose of creation a decent life person and people. That is why entrepreneurship is unthinkable without charity and patronage. The norm for any wealthy person, especially an entrepreneur, should be to allocate part of their income to help the elderly and sick people, the disabled and disadvantaged children. It is the duty of everyone involved in business to make their feasible material contribution to the preservation and development of Russian culture and its traditions, education and science. This means that entrepreneurship is a socially responsible activity,
IN Russian Entrepreneurship Day I would like to congratulate and express words of gratitude, first of all, to those businessmen, business people for whom the provisions of the Code of Honor are not just words, but a way of life. Honor and praise to those employers who, remembering their personal good, do not forget about the good of their neighbor, the good of society and the Fatherland; are building business relations respecting rights and legitimate interests their participants; true to their word, honest and professional in relations with clients and business partners; do charity work and help those in need; building cities and churches... Thank you, dear colleagues, for your great sense of responsibility to those around you and your country.
Dear entrepreneurs! Again I congratulate you on Russian Entrepreneurship Day ! I wish you good health and self-confidence, initiative and entrepreneurship, fruitful entrepreneurial activity and successful implementation of ideas, fair profit and harmonious relations in business, strong and reliable business reputation and a thriving business that brings you satisfaction and benefits to society.

October 18, 2007 by the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed Decree No. 1381 (D) “On Russian Entrepreneurship Day.” The provisions of the Decree read:
“Establish a professional holiday - Russian Entrepreneurship Day and celebrate it on May 26th. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.”

Thus, another professional holiday was established, although, as is known, Russian entrepreneurs have always served the state well.

Here it is worth mentioning the gunsmith entrepreneurs of the Demidov dynasty and the founder of the Morozov dynasty, Savva Morozov.

It is noteworthy that the right to entrepreneurial activity is a constitutional right, which is enshrined in Article 34 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

But even earlier, during the era of the USSR, in accordance with the USSR Law “On Individual labor activity"On November 19, 1986, entrepreneurial activity acquired legal status for the first time. Later, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities” of December 25, 1990 enshrined the right of citizens to conduct business activities. It was agreed that entrepreneurship can be carried out individually, without using hired labor, and enterprises can be created that can employ hired workers.

Within Entrepreneur's Day exhibitions, company presentations, educational seminars and consultations, trainings, round tables and other events are held. The editorial board of the Events Calendar project sincerely congratulates all entrepreneurs on their professional holiday. We wish everyone successful implementation of entrepreneurial ideas and prosperous business for the benefit of Russia and each of its citizens.

Enterprising people
We will congratulate you.
May you always have everything.
What more could you wish for?
We want to wish you with love
Lots of happiness, new strength.
Well, and most importantly - health,
May peace always reign.

So that all taxes are paid,
The money from the bank has not been spent at all.
So that everything always works out for you
And the mood did not worsen!

Let him always accompany you business success,
And there will be an endless series of luck.
May there be laughter in the house today
Today is your holiday, banish doubts!
You're at work day and night,
You don't know what a vacation is
Always in business, always in worries, -
You should be on the honor board!
Happy Entrepreneur's Day! Happiness in business
Always be in profit, not in loss!
So that spring blooms in your soul,
And the troubles are immediately forgotten!

Entrepreneurs, your big day has come! Firstly, I want to wish you that every risk is in to the fullest justified. So that every project is obviously successful, and every deal is initially profitable. So that partners are honest and clients are grateful. Prosperity to your business, and may the situation in the country for entrepreneurs always be stable. Be healthy: may you be blessed with a happy family, selfless friends and a peaceful sky above your head.

Equal and stable income,
Debts are infrequent, not abundant,
There are many and pleasant clients,
Laws that are clear and understandable,
Checks are rare and sincere,
And crises are not everyday.
Let everything be super wonderful
Not only on Entrepreneur's Day!

Of course, you have a lot of entrepreneurship, our dear entrepreneurs. Today is your professional holiday. Let me sincerely wish you great success in your business. Let your business go like clockwork, let the money flow like a river. May God grant that in your business you feel like a fish in water. I wish you great happiness, peaceful skies, long, long years of life and good luck in everything. May the good angel protect you from all failures, may every day give you only pleasant moments.

Every man in the street knows
How dangerous this work is.
Look, entrepreneur
Congratulations are coming!
We congratulate you immensely.
Long years in business to you,
And only faithful partners,
And well-deserved victories!

I wish you lucky days,
So that failures disappear.
I wish you prosperity
And also a lot of profit.
So that you don't know betrayal,
Everything bad will be forgotten.
And on Entrepreneurship Day
Everything else will come true!

The only important thing is to start the business.
The main thing is to take a place in the market.
Don't let someone's refusal scare you.
The main thing is who you are now.
We sincerely congratulate you.
Entrepreneurs are very needed.
If you are able to open a business -
You need to go and be confident!

Take advantage of the proposed audio congratulations service to organize a small, but truly pleasant surprise for people dear and close to you.

Congratulations on Entrepreneur's Day to your phone you can listen to and send to the recipient on a mobile or smartphone as a musical or voice greeting. You can order and send Congratulations on Entrepreneur’s Day to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard.

I sincerely congratulate all entrepreneurs on their professional holiday. After all, the successful implementation of entrepreneurial ideas will contribute to the prosperity of business, the economic growth of the country and the well-being of every citizen.