Pregnancy during menstruation is possible if... A word in favor of strong ladies

Oh, how many times a day does a priest serving in a church have to deal with this topic!.. Parishioners are afraid to enter the church, venerate the cross, they call in panic: “What should I do, I was preparing so much, I was preparing to take communion for the holiday and now...”

Many Internet forums have published perplexed questions from women to the clergy, on what theological basis at crucial periods in their lives they are excommunicated from communion, and often even simply from going to Church. There is quite a bit of debate on this issue. Times change, so do views.

It seems, how can the natural processes of the body separate us from God? And educated girls and women themselves understand this, but there are church canons that prohibit visiting church in certain days

How to solve this issue? There is no comprehensive answer. The origin of the prohibitions about “uncleanness” after expirations lies in the Old Testament era, but in Orthodoxy no one introduced these prohibitions - they simply were not abolished. Moreover, they found their confirmation in the canons of the Orthodox Church, although no one gave a theological explanation or justification.

Menstruation is the cleansing of the uterus from dead tissue, cleansing the uterus for a new round of expectation, hope for new life, for conception. Every shedding of blood is the specter of death, for there is life in the blood (in the Old Testament, even more so, “the soul of a man is in his blood”). But menstrual blood, this is doubly death, because it is not only blood, but also dead tissue of the uterus. Freeing herself from them, a woman becomes cleansed. This is the origin of the concept of impurity of women's periods. It is clear that this is not a personal sin of women, but a sin affecting all of humanity.

Let's turn to the Old Testament.

In the Old Testament there are many regulations regarding human purity and impurity. Uncleanness is, first of all, a dead body, some diseases, discharges from the genital organs of men and women (there are other “unclean” things for a Jew: some food, animals, etc., but the main uncleanness is exactly that I indicated).

Where did these ideas come from among the Jews? The easiest way to draw parallels is with pagan cultures, which also had similar regulations about uncleanness, but the biblical understanding of uncleanness is much deeper than it seems at first glance.

Of course, there was the influence of pagan culture, but for a person of the Old Testament Jewish culture, the idea of ​​external impurity was rethought; it symbolized some deep theological truths. Which? In the Old Testament, uncleanness is associated with the theme of death, which took possession of humanity after the fall of Adam and Eve. It is not difficult to see that death, and illness, and the flow of blood and semen as the destruction of the germs of life - all this reminds of human mortality, of some deep-seated damage to human nature.

A person, in moments of manifestation, discovery of this mortality and sinfulness, must tactfully stand aside from God, Who is Life Itself!

This is how he treated “uncleanness” this kind Old Testament.

Christianity, in connection with its teaching about victory over death and the rejection of the Old Testament man, also rejects the Old Testament teaching about impurity. Christ declares all these prescriptions to be human. The past has passed, now everyone who is with Him, even if he dies, will come to life, especially since all the other impurities have no meaning. Christ is the incarnate Life itself (John 14:6).

The Savior touches the dead - let us remember how He touched the bed on which they were carrying to bury the son of the widow of Nain; how He allowed a bleeding woman to touch Him... We will not find in the New Testament a moment when Christ observed the instructions about purity or impurity. Even when he is faced with the embarrassment of a woman who has clearly violated the etiquette of ritual impurity and touched Him, He tells her things that contradict conventional wisdom: “Courage, daughter!” (Matt. 9:22).

The apostles taught the same. " “I know and am confident in the Lord Jesus,” says St. Paul - that there is nothing unclean in itself; Only to him who regards anything as unclean, it is unclean for him” (Rom. 14:14). He: “For every creation of God is good, and nothing is reprehensible if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer"(1 Tim. 4:4).

Here the apostle says about food uncleanliness. The Jews considered a number of products unclean, but the apostle says that everything created by God is holy and pure. But ap. Paul says nothing about uncleanness physiological processes. We do not find specific instructions on whether a woman during her period should be considered unclean, either from him or from the other apostles. In any case, we have no information about this; on the contrary, we know that the ancient Christians gathered in their houses weekly, even under the threat of death, served the Liturgy and received communion. If there were exceptions to this rule, for example for women in famous period, then ancient church monuments would have mentioned this. They don't say anything about it.

But this was the question. And in the middle of the 3rd century the answer was given by St. Clement of Rome in the work “Apostolic Constitutions”:

« If anyone observes and performs Jewish rites regarding the ejaculation of semen, the flow of semen, legal intercourse, let them tell us whether they stop praying, or touching the Bible, or partaking of the Eucharist during those hours and days when they are exposed to something like this? If they say that they stop, then it is obvious that they do not have the Holy Spirit in them, Who always abides with believers... Indeed, if you, a woman, think that during the seven days when you have your period, you do not have it in you. Holy Spirit; then it follows that if you die suddenly, you will leave without the Holy Spirit and boldness and hope in God. But the Holy Spirit, of course, is inherent in you... For neither legal copulation, nor childbirth, nor the flow of blood, nor the flow of semen in a dream can defile the nature of man or separate the Holy Spirit from him; only wickedness and lawless activity separate him from [the Spirit].

So, woman, if, as you say, during the days of menstruation you do not have the Holy Spirit in you, then you must be filled with an unclean spirit. For when you don’t pray and don’t read the Bible, you unwittingly call him to you...

Therefore, woman, refrain from empty speech and always remember the One who created you, and pray to him... without observing anything - neither natural cleansing, nor legal copulation, nor childbirth, nor miscarriages, nor physical defects. These observations are empty and meaningless inventions of stupid people.

...Marriage is honorable and honest, and the birth of children is pure... and natural cleansing is not abominable before God, Who wisely ordained that it should happen to women... But even according to the Gospel, when the bleeding woman touched the saving edge of the Lord’s robe in order to get well, the Lord did not reproach her , but said: your faith has saved you».

In the 6th century he writes on the same topic St. Grigory Dvoeslov(it is he who authored the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, which is served in weekdays Great Lent). He answers a question asked about this to Archbishop Augustine of the Angles, saying that a woman can enter the temple and begin the sacraments at any time - both immediately after the birth of a child and during menstruation:

« A woman should not be prohibited from entering church during her menstruation, for she cannot be blamed for what is given by nature, and from which a woman suffers against her will. After all, we know that a woman suffering from bleeding came up to the Lord from behind and touched the hem of His garment, and immediately the illness left her. Why, if she, while bleeding, could touch the Lord’s garment and receive healing, a woman during her period cannot enter the Church of the Lord?..

It is impossible at such a time to forbid a woman to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. If she does not dare to accept it out of great respect, this is commendable, but by accepting it, she will not commit a sin... And menstruation in women is not sinful, for it comes from their nature...

Leave women to their own understanding, and if during menstruation they do not dare to approach the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of the Lord, they should be praised for their piety. If they... want to accept this Sacrament, they should not, as we said, be prevented from doing so.”.

That is in the West, and both fathers were Roman bishops, this topic received the most authoritative and final disclosure. Today, no Western Christian would think of asking questions that confuse us, the heirs of Eastern Christian culture. There, a woman can approach the shrine at any time, despite any female ailments.

In the East, there was no consensus on this issue.

An ancient Syrian Christian document from the 3rd century (Didascalia) says that a Christian woman should not observe any days and can always receive communion.

St. Dionysius of Alexandria, at the same time, in the middle of the 3rd century, writes another:

“I don’t think that they [that is, women on certain days], if they are faithful and pious, being in such a state, would dare either to begin the Holy Table, or to touch the Body and Blood of Christ . For even the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years did not touch Him for healing, but only the hem of her garment. Praying, no matter what state someone is in and no matter how disposed they are, remembering the Lord and asking for His help is not forbidden. But let him who is not entirely pure in soul and body be prohibited from approaching what is the Holy of Holies.».

A hundred years later he writes on the topic of natural processes of the body St. Athanasius of Alexandria. He says that all of God's creation is “good and pure.” " Tell me, beloved and most reverent, what is sinful or unclean about any natural eruption, such as, for example, if someone wanted to blame the discharge of phlegm from the nostrils and saliva from the mouth? We can talk about more, about the eruptions of the womb, which are necessary for the life of a living creature. If, according to Divine Scripture, we believe that man is the work of God, then how could a bad creation come from pure power? And if we remember that we are the race of God (Acts 17:28), then we have nothing unclean in ourselves. For then only we become defiled when we commit sin, the worst stench of all».

According to St. Athanasius, thoughts about the pure and the unclean are offered to us by “the tricks of the devil” in order to distract us from spiritual life.

And thirty years later, the successor of St. Afanasy by department St. Timothy of Alexandria I spoke differently on the same topic. When asked whether it was possible to baptize or allow a woman to receive Communion if “the usual thing happened to women,” he answered: “ Must put it aside until it is cleared».

This last opinion, with different variations, existed in the East until recently. Only some fathers and canonists were more rigoristic - a woman should not visit the temple these days at all, others said that You can pray and visit church, but you can’t just take communion.

If we turn from canonical and patristic monuments to more modern monuments (XVI-XVIII centuries), we will see that they are more favorable to the Old Testament view of tribal life than to the New Testament one. For example, in the Great Trebnik we find a whole series prayers for deliverance from the defilement associated with birth phenomena.

But still - why not? We do not receive a clear answer to this question. As an example, I will cite the words of the great Athonite ascetic and polymath of the 18th century Rev. Nicodemus the Holy Mountain. To the question: why not only in the Old Testament, but also according to the Christian holy fathers a woman's monthly cleansing is considered unclean, the monk replies that there are three reasons for this:

1. Because of popular perception, because all people consider unclean what is expelled from the body through some organs as unnecessary or superfluous, such as discharge from the ear, nose, phlegm when coughing, etc.

2. All this is called unclean, for God teaches through the physical about the spiritual, that is, the moral. If the body is unclean, something that happens without human will, then how unclean are the sins that we commit of our own free will.

3. God calls the monthly purification of women unclean in order to prohibit men from intercourse with them... mainly and primarily because of concern for offspring, children.

This is how the famous theologian answers this question.

Due to the relevance of this issue, I studied it modern theologian Patriarch of Serbia Pavel. About this, he wrote an article, republished many times, with a characteristic title: “Can a woman come to church for prayer, kiss icons and receive communion when she is “unclean” (during menstruation)”?

His Holiness the Patriarch writes: “ The monthly cleansing of a woman does not make her ritually, prayerfully unclean. This uncleanness is only physical, bodily, as well as discharge from other organs. Moreover, since modern hygiene products can effectively prevent the temple from becoming unclean by accidental bleeding... we believe that from this side there is no doubt that a woman during her monthly cleansing, with the necessary caution and taking hygienic measures, can come to church, kiss icons, take antidor and blessed water, as well as participate in singing. She would not have been able to receive communion in this state, or if she was unbaptized, she would not have been able to be baptized. But in fatal disease can both receive communion and be baptized.”

We see that Patriarch Paul comes to the conclusion: You can go to church, but you still can’t take communion.

But, it should be noted that in the Orthodox Church there is no definition on the issue of women's hygiene adopted at the Council. There are only very authoritative opinions of the holy fathers (we mentioned them (these are Saints Dionysius, Athanasius and Timothy of Alexandria), included in Book of Rules of the Orthodox Church. The opinions of individual fathers, even very authoritative ones, are not the canons of the Church.

To summarize, I can say that most modern Orthodox priests However, they do not recommend that a woman receive communion during her period.

Other priests say that all this is just historical misunderstandings and that one should not pay attention to any natural processes of the body - only sin defiles a person.

Based on the article by priest Konstantin Parkhomenko “On the so-called female “impurity”



Can a woman come to church for prayer, kiss icons and receive communion when she is “unclean” (during her period)? (Patriarch of Serbia Pavel (Stojcevic))

“Even in the 3rd century, a similar question was asked of Saint Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria (†265), and he replied that he did not think that women in such a state, “if they were faithful and pious, dared either to begin the Holy Table, or touch the body and blood of Christ,” for, When accepting the Shrine, you need to be pure in soul and body. At the same time, he gives the example of the bleeding woman who did not dare to touch the body of Christ, but only the hem of His garment (Matthew 9:20-22). In further explanation, Saint Dionysius says that praying, in whatever condition, is always permitted. A hundred years later, to the question: can a woman who “happened to the usual wives” receive communion, Timothy, also Bishop of Alexandria (†385), answers and says that she cannot until this period passes and she is cleansed . Saint John the Faster (VI century) also adhered to the same point of view, defining penance in case a woman in such a state nevertheless “received the Holy Mysteries.”

All these three answers show essentially the same thing, i.e. that women in this condition cannot receive communion. The words of Saint Dionysius that they then cannot “start the Holy Meal” actually mean to take communion, because they started the Holy Meal only for this purpose...”

Answers from Deacon Andrei Kuraev and Father Dmitry Smirnov.

Answer o. Dimitry (Smirnov):

Answer from Deacon Andrei Kuraev:

One of the most important signs of puberty is sexual feeling - sexual desire (libido sexualis). A woman's sexual sensation develops gradually. In sexual desire, two different components should be distinguished: the desire for mutual intimacy and the desire for sexual intercourse. In women, the first of these is especially developed.

It is characteristic that it can develop completely independently, without moving into another. This is an emotional attitude towards a person of a different sex, doctor for a long time defined as “highest love.” Thanks to this feeling, a person becomes very close and dear. On the contrary, in men special meaning has a craving for sexual intercourse, which psychoneurologists define as the sensual component of love. This component includes the desire to obtain specific sensations of pleasure that arise in the process of intimacy.

Thus, if a man’s sexual attraction primarily manifests itself from the sensual side and only later (at 21-25 years old) is combined with a feeling of love for a loved one, then girls, if they have a desire for intimacy, of course have no desire for sexual intercourse at all. This desire appears in them only after several months of sexual married life, and often only after the first birth.

So, in the structure of a woman’s sexual desire, the leading link at all stages of life is love for a loved one. As a rule, a young woman does not have a sensual component for some time even after the onset of sexual activity, and only then does it gradually develop.

Physiology of sexual intercourse in women

To better understand the mechanism of sexual intercourse in the female body, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the anatomy of the female genital organs.

Sexual intercourse (coitus) usually occurs under the influence of sexual arousal (voluptas), the highest point of which is orgasm (orgasmus) after it there is a period calm (defluvium), which occurs after the end of sexual intercourse. The lack of sexual arousal in a woman is called frigidity. During sexual intercourse in a man, the erect penis pushes the walls of the vagina apart and, when fully inserted, fills it.

The insertion of an erect penis is facilitated by the vagina's ability to stretch significantly. Due to the onset of sexual arousal, even before the penis is inserted into the vagina, a sticky secretion pours out from the Cooper and Littre glands, which wets the head of the penis and makes it slippery. The preputial substance secreted by the tyson glands makes the head fat, which also facilitates its insertion into the vagina.

The labia majora and minora contain cavernous tissue surrounded by connective tissue. During sexual arousal, it becomes filled with blood, the outflow of which stops, while its inflow continues. As a result, the clitoris, labia majora and minora swell with the formation of elastic ridges. Thanks to these transformations, access to the vagina becomes free. At the same time, the Bartholin glands, small glands of the vestibule and cervix secrete light, transparent mucus.

During sexual intercourse, not only is there no resistance, but, on the contrary, it is significantly easier, and frictions become painless.

The woman also participates in friction: in this case, the skin and mucous membrane of the penis rubs against the transverse folds of the vagina. At the same time, involuntary rhythmic contractions of the vaginal walls occur as a result of the activity of its sphincters. These contractions become especially noticeable shortly before the genital organs stop swelling.

How does orgasm occur in women?

During friction, both participants in coitus experience a feeling of voluptuousness as a result of stimulation of the nerve corpuscles located in the head of the penis, and in the woman in the head of the clitoris, at the entrance to the vagina, in the vulva and in the vagina itself. Irritations that are perceived by these nerve endings are transmitted to the spinal cord and then to the brain. These irritations accumulate and intensify until they reach a level of excitation at which a number of new reflexes arise. The final link of the latter is the release of sperm in men (ejaculation) and the secretion of the glands of the cervix and Bartholin's glands in women. Ejaculation is accompanied by a voluptuous sensation - orgasm. The origin of orgasm is not completely clear.

In women, sufficient stimulation is required for orgasm to occur. erogenous zones, as well as mental erotic readiness for sexual intercourse. Unlike a man, a woman’s orgasm builds up much more slowly, and the decay time is longer. The period of the “peak” of orgasm is still long in both of them.

The intensity of orgasm can be very different and depends on the temperament and constitution of the person. Orgasm may not occur as a result of a decrease in the excitability of the corresponding parts of the visual thalamus due to damage to the diencephalic area or the inhibitory effect of the cerebral cortex caused by psychogenic factors (indifference, disgust, etc.).

It is also worth mentioning such an unusual and very strong-feeling orgasm as a squirt or jet orgasm. Its essence is that a woman cums with liquid: a small fountain clear liquid splashes out of the vagina during orgasmic contractions. This fluid is formed in the perurethral glands and should not be confused with urine. A woman can achieve squirt if a man stimulates the front wall of the vagina or the G-spot. If you are new to this, then a simple device for this type of orgasm will help you achieve squirt -

This is a simple device made of medical silicone, equipped with batteries. The man puts it on his finger and stimulates the G-spot in his lover’s vagina. A squirting orgasm within five minutes is guaranteed. You can order this wonderful device

How long does sexual intercourse last for a woman?

The duration of normal sexual intercourse ranges from 2 to 6 minutes. However, here too great value has the character of a person. The duration of sexual intercourse is also affected by the intervals between sexual intercourse. Prolonged sexual activity and strong sexual arousal significantly reduce the duration of sexual intercourse.

Why doesn't a woman get aroused during sex?

One of the most severe mental traumas for a woman can be disappointment in a loved one. Having married a man who aroused bright and high feelings in her, she discovers, unexpectedly for herself, the cynical look of her man in sex life, in which she is given the role of a simple instrument of pleasure.

That is why the attitude of a man towards a woman during sexual intercourse is especially important. Rudeness and tactlessness discovered by the husband during the first sexual intercourse create a negative reflex in the woman towards sexual intercourse. And if the next intercourse does not bring positive changes, then this reflex becomes pathological, causing further sexual coldness. The most careful attitude should be towards a young girl who has not yet had sexual intercourse.

If she is still a virgin, she is afraid of her first sexual intercourse. Therefore, a man should not, at any cost, try to get his wife to have first sexual intercourse on the “first night”, but calmly wait a few days, so that in the process everyday communication The woman's fear completely disappeared.

In this regard, doctors should talk to girls who are getting married and explain to them that losing their virginity is not a catastrophe, as it often seems to some. The hymen (in Greek - hymen, which means “shell”, “tire”; ancient authors called it the membrane of virginity, ancient poets - a flower, flor) is only very rarely continuous. Basically it has a hole. If the shape of the hymen is such that sexual intercourse violates its integrity, then during the first sexual intercourse it breaks; at the same time there are weak painful sensations. The bleeding that occurs in these cases is minor.

Injuries during sex

Complications and injuries during sexual intercourse can occur in both men and women. Sometimes a woman may experience significant damage to her genital tract during coitus. Rupture of the hymen depends on the degree mechanical impact. The results of this damage can be varied: tears of the hymen, lacerations, even tearing off part of the hymen, mainly the rectal area.

These wounds occur as a result of embossing and stretching when the head of the penis is inserted into the opening of the hymen. The edges of the hymen are pressed inward and, due to overstretching, are torn.

Ruptures during sexual intercourse can occur in different places, but most often they appear on the number 6 (to accurately indicate the location of the breaks, it is customary to conventionally depict them with a watch dial) or on the sides. When the hymen ruptures at number 6 of the clock dial, sometimes during rough sexual intercourse, in addition to the hymen, it is torn back wall vagina, mainly the mucous membrane. With a pronounced degree of infantility of the genital area, such damage can develop into a complete rupture of the perineum, as well as the walls of the vagina and fornix.

In infantile women it is a consequence of underdevelopment of the genital organs, and in the elderly and elderly it is the result of atrophy and fragility of tissues.

One should also mention such a complication as a woman’s spastic contraction of the vagina, as a result of which the penis is pinched so strongly that the front part of it, especially the head, swells significantly, and the penis cannot be removed from the vagina. In these cases, the woman has to be put under anesthesia or have the injury eliminated with a warm bath.

Sometimes difficulties arise during sexual intercourse due to dryness of the vaginal mucosa in case of a violation of the secretion of the Cooper, Littre or Tyson glands. In these cases, it is recommended to moisturize the dry mucous membrane before sexual intercourse by lubricating it with a fatty emulsion, ointment or saliva.

Rarely, but still, such a catastrophic complication during sexual intercourse as death does occur. Death due to sexual intercourse occurs during or shortly after it more often in men than in women, the elderly, patients with cerebral sclerosis and coronary arteries, especially when it was preceded by overeating or alcohol abuse. Death can be a consequence of stroke, heart attack, embolism, cardiac paralysis, and in case of tuberculosis - severe pulmonary hemorrhage.

In some cases, gynecologists and forensic doctors have to deal with complaints from men, especially in families preaching Islam. After the first wedding night, the latter accuse their wives of deception due to a small amount or complete absence blood. In their opinion, this fact is evidence of long-standing violation of the hymen. However, examination in such cases almost always shows that the men were misled due to the presence in their wives of such forms of hymen, which in their own way anatomical features allow sexual intercourse without violating the integrity. If the hymen is very low, there may be little or no bleeding from superficial tears.

A woman has obstacles to sexual intercourse: vaginismus, infantilism of the genital organs, pronounced atrophic processes in them, malformations of the external or internal genital organs (hymen, vagina), inflammatory processes, tumors, etc.

Why do women moan during intercourse? Most girls moan during the act, and some even scream. What causes this behavior?

The main reason is hyperventilation of the lungs

Not only women moan, but also... But, as a rule, representatives of the stronger sex try to restrain this, considering it an exclusively female prerogative.

Indeed, the body of the fair sex reacts more strongly to hyperventilation. In other words, it’s about the partner’s deep and rapid breathing. Because of this, the concentration carbon dioxide changes in the blood, the brain automatically gives a signal to the body and the hormones endorphin and enkephalin begin to flow.

At deep breathing a state of euphoria sets in faster. The body falls into a kind of trance. Thanks to this process, the partner reaches orgasm faster:

  • the sensitivity of all senses increases;
  • a certain kind of stress occurs in the body, after which the hormonal levels begin to change;
  • emotions take precedence over reason and it is more difficult for a person to control himself.

What do women themselves think about this?

According to a number of studies in which only heterosexuals took part, whose age ranged from 18 to 48 years, not all of them moan from pleasure during sexual intercourse. Replying to asked question, many of them admitted that they often imitate moans:

  • 66% shared that they can moan artificially in order to bring their partner closer to orgasm, thereby exciting him;
  • 87% of women said that they moan on purpose in order to show a man at the moment of intimacy that he is doing everything right, but at the same time not to distract him with conversations, which, as is known, reduce the intensity of passions. In addition, they indicated that they wanted to increase his self-esteem and make him want to continue the relationship, showing how good they felt.

The most interesting thing is that some women admitted that they do not always understand whether they moan artificially or involuntarily. In addition, the interviewed respondents emphasized that a woman’s moan is not always a manifestation of pleasure. It may be a sign that a woman is in pain or is experiencing discomfort during sexual intercourse. This happens when the partner is too rude or the woman is weakly aroused and the body has not had time to produce sufficient quantity lubricants To prevent this from happening, and to ensure that sexual intercourse only brings pleasure, we should not forget that female body needs foreplay. In addition, a woman may experience pain in certain areas if her manhood is larger than average. Don't be shy about talking about this with your partner.

How do men react to women's moans?

British scientists have found that 9 out of 10 times a woman moans during intercourse. This increases the degree of arousal and raises the man’s self-esteem. He feels like a king in bed, which turns him on even more. Men are sure that since their partner moans, it means she likes everything that is happening, she gets pleasure. Thus, the correctness of the process itself is confirmed. However, according to men, strong female screams, on the contrary, can frighten and repel them. This is how suspicion of the insincerity of a woman’s moans manifests itself. In addition, the partner can decide that he is hurting her; there should be moderation in everything.

What does no moaning mean?

Here it is immediately necessary to exclude the factors that anyone can hear or see what is happening. In those cases, everything is clear, silence is a forced measure aimed at maintaining secrecy. If, in an intimate atmosphere where there is confidence that no one is interfering, a woman does not make any moans, this may mean the following:

  • the girl has a number of complexes that prevent her from liberating herself and demonstrating that she enjoys the process;
  • she is embarrassed that she will look ugly, which means she does not yet fully trust her partner;
  • the partner has little experience and does not really give her pleasure;
  • she has little experience and does not know how to behave in bed.

In 90% of situations, the partner’s behavior depends entirely on the actions of the man. She must be completely sure of what attracts him and then she will be able to liberate herself faster. The partner, in turn, should make as much effort as possible to ensure that both enjoy the pleasure of love. At the very least, this will increase his self-esteem.

ABOUT love relationships you can and should talk to your partner. But these conversations should happen before or after sexual intercourse. During the act, it is better to show by moaning that everything that is happening is correct. This way, the intensity of passions will not be lost, and the partners will understand each other without words.

Do men distinguish sincere moans from artificial ones?

According to research recent years, every second man admits that in 90% of cases he can distinguish the degree of sincerity of a woman’s moans. According to them, the whole point is that when a woman is excited, in addition to moaning, her pupils dilate and sweating increases. She has little control over her actions and can often scratch, pinch or grab her partner's hair.

If a woman is not pretending, then the volume of the moans will be different, they will not have the same frequency and intonation. According to 45% of respondents, it’s all to blame widespread and the availability of films on the topic of love relationships.

A woman already knows in advance how to behave in order to please a man as much as possible. However, not all of them have acting talents, so partners still have a chance to understand how sincere she is.

The richer a man’s sexual experience, the easier it is for him to distinguish between real and artificial moans. The same applies to a woman’s orgasm. If we're talking about about the “newbie” of pleasures, then most likely he will take everything at face value and will be very pleased with himself. But there are also such skillful pretenders that even an experienced man remains in error.

Do women always refuse sex during menstrual periods? © Shutterstock

In the minds of many of our men, the idea has taken root that during menstruation a woman is unclean.

Natural disgust and fear of blood can completely discourage the desire to have sex even with the woman you love most.

How do women themselves feel about sex “these days”?

We asked this question on one of the forums and received unexpected answers.

Anna claims that her desire increases. “You won’t believe it, but I really want a man to be gentle with me, caress me, hug me and do everything very gently. I really love having sex on these days.”

But Manka says that sex during her period is contraindicated for her: “My stomach hurts so much that I don’t even want to think about sex! Although my boyfriend often insists and sometimes he manages to persuade me. But I don’t feel anything. Nothing at all."

© Shutterstock Alina told us that she is very embarrassed of herself on “days like these.”

“I think I look terrible, I don’t want sex at all, and I categorically refuse to do it.”

And Dana says that she associates sex during menstruation with first sex.

“I was raped by an acquaintance of my parents.

He was 20 years older. I was in a lot of pain and I was afraid of the blood. Sex during your period - no way!"

Stereotypes in action

In many cultures, sex during menstruation is taboo. Muslims claim that on such days a woman is unclean, and therefore all relations with her are prohibited.

© Shutterstock For many men, the sight of a woman's blood is a memory of their first teenage sexual intercourse.

As a rule, it is not fun for a young yearling.

Therefore, men are sure that they should not waste energy on sex during menstruation.

An experienced man can always not only get pleasure himself, but also give pleasure to his partner.

The persistent stereotype that it is impossible to get pregnant during menstruation has long been debunked. There is a danger of getting pregnant, so it is better to use a condom.

Another stereotype that making love can shorten your period is also unfounded. The cycle changes for other reasons: climate change.

Is it harmful to health?

Only from the point of view that during menstruation women are more susceptible to various infections. It is better to have sex at a time when the discharge is not abundant and use a condom. Or do it only with a regular partner.

© Shutterstock There is no harm to your health during sex critical days doesn't bring.

On the contrary, it gives a woman the opportunity to relax, energizes her and gives her pleasure.

All this can hardly brighten up better mood our ladies during their critical days.

How to prepare for sex on menstruation days?

Men should not forget that during menstruation a woman is not as active as usual. In addition, ladies are more sensitive and touchy. Therefore, sex during menstruation should be soft and unobtrusive.

Men can be given the following advice: try to be gentle, caring, attentive and prepared for sexual failure. Most women are not in the best sexual shape at this time.

Be sure to prepare for such sex - put a towel on the bed, stock up on napkins and patience. And, of course, don't forget about condoms.

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Taking communion during menstruation is a question that causes controversy among priests and worries every Christian woman.

Without knowing a clear answer, during menstruation the parishioners remain to listen to the service in the vestibule.

Where do the roots of the ban come from? We look for the answer in the Old Testament

The church vestibule is located in the western part of the temple; it is a corridor between the temple entrance and the courtyard. The narthex has long served as a hearing place for unbaptized people, catechumens, and those who were prohibited from entering the temple for a certain time.

Is there something Is it offensive for a Christian to be outside church services, participation in confession, and communion for some time?

Menstrual days are not a disease, a sin, but natural state healthy woman, highlighting her ability to bring children to the world.

Why then does the question arise - is it possible to confess during menstruation?

The Old Testament places a lot of emphasis on the concept of purity in coming before God.

Impurities included:

  • diseases in the form of leprosy, scabies, ulcers;
  • all sorts of discharges in both women and men;
  • touching a dead body.

The Jews were not a single people before leaving Egypt. In addition to worshiping the One God, they borrowed a lot from pagan cultures.

Judaism believed that uncleanness, a dead body, are one concept. Death is the punishment for Adam and Eve for disobedience.

The first Christian women also faced the problem of whether it was possible to receive communion during menstruation; they had to make the decision themselves. Someone, following traditions and canons, did not touch anything sacred. Others believed that nothing could separate them from God's love except sin.

Many believing virgins confessed and received communion during menstruation, finding no prohibition in the words and sermons of Jesus.

The attitude of the Orthodox Church to:

The attitude of the early church and the holy fathers of that time to the issue of menstruation

With the advent of the new belief, there were no clear concepts either in Christianity or in Judaism. The apostles separated themselves from the teachings of Moses, without denying divine inspiration Old Testament. At the same time, ritual impurity was practically not an object of discussion.

The holy fathers of the early church, such as Methodius of Olympus, Origen, and the Martyr Justin, treated the issue of purity as a concept of sin. Unclean, according to their concepts, means sinful, this applied to women during menstruation.

Origen considered not only menstruation, but also sexual intercourse to be unclean. He ignored Jesus' words that when two people copulate they become one body. (Matthew 19:5). His stoicism and asceticism were not confirmed in the New Testament.

The Antiochian doctrine of the third century put the teachings of the Levites under prohibition. The Didascalia, on the contrary, denounces Christian women who abandoned the Holy Spirit during menstruation, separating the body from church services. The church fathers of that time considered the same bleeding patient to be the basis for their exhortation.

Clementius of Rome gave an answer to the problem - is it possible to go to church during menstruation, arguing that if a person who stops attending the Liturgy or receiving communion has left the Holy Spirit.

Christian, never crossed the threshold temple during menstruation, not relating to the Bible, can die without the Holy Spirit, and what to do then? Saint Clement in the “Apostolic Constitutions” argued that neither the birth of a child, nor critical days, nor wet dreams defile a person and cannot separate him from the Holy Spirit.

Important! Clementius of Rome condemned Christian women for empty speech, but considered childbirth, bleeding, and bodily defects to be natural things. He called prohibitions an invention stupid people.

Saint Gregory Dvoeslov also stood on the side of women, arguing that natural, God-created processes in human body, cannot cause a ban on visiting church services, confess, take communion.

Next question about female impurity during menstruation he rose at the Gangra Council. The priests meeting in 341 condemned Eustathian, who considered not only menstruation unclean, but also sexual intercourse, forbidding priests to marry. In their false teaching, the difference between the sexes was destroyed, or rather, a woman was equal to a man in clothing and behavior. The fathers of the Gangra Council condemned the Eustathian movement, defending the femininity of Christian women, recognizing all the processes in their body natural, created by God.

In the sixth century, Gregory the Great, the Pope of Rome, took the side of the faithful parishioners.

Saint Augustine of Canterbury, who raised the question of menstrual days, uncleanness, the Pope wrote that Christian women are not to blame in these days, she cannot be forbidden to confess or receive communion.

Important! According to Gregory the Great, women who abstain from Communion out of reverence are worthy of praise, but those who took it during menstruation because of great love to Christ are not condemned.

The teachings of Gregory the Great lasted until the seventeenth century, when Christian women were again prohibited from entering the church while menstruating.

Russian Church of the early period

The Russian Orthodox Church has always been characterized by strict laws regarding women's critical days and all types of discharges. The question is not even raised here: is it possible to go to church while menstruating? The answer is clear and not subject to discussion - no!

Moreover, according to Niphon of Novgorod, if childbirth begins right in the temple and a child is born there, then the entire church is considered desecrated. It is sealed for 3 days and reconsecrated by reading a special prayer, which can be found by reading the “Question of Kirik”.

All those present in the temple were considered unclean and could leave it only after the cleansing prayer of the Trebnik.

If a Christian came to church “clean” and then had bleeding, she urgently had to leave the church, otherwise she would face six months of penance.

The cleansing prayers of the Trebnik are still read in churches immediately after the birth of a baby.

This issue causes a lot of controversy. The problem of touching an “unclean” woman in pre-Christian times is clear. Why today, when a child is born in a sacred marriage and is a gift from God, his birth makes the mother and everyone who touches her defiled?

Contemporary clashes in the Russian Church

Only after 40 days is a Christian woman allowed into the temple, subject to complete “purity”. A ritual of churching or introduction is performed over her.

The modern explanation for this phenomenon is the fatigue of the woman in labor; she supposedly needs to come to her senses. How then can we explain that seriously ill people are recommended to visit church more often, take communion, and be cleansed by the blood of Jesus?

Ministers of the present time understand that the laws of the Trebnik do not always find their confirmation in the Bible and the Holy Scriptures of the Church Fathers.

Marriage, procreation and impurity somehow difficult to tie together.

1997 made adjustments on this issue. Holy Synod The Patriarch of Antioch, His Beatitude Ignatius IV, made a decision to change the texts of the Breviary regarding the sanctity of marriage and the purity of Christian women who gave birth to a child in a union sanctified by the church.

Important! When introducing a mother, the church blesses the child’s birthday if the mother is physically strong.

After Crete orthodox churches received urgent recommendations to convey to all parishioners that their desire to attend church, confess and take communion is welcomed, regardless of their critical days.

Saint John Chrysostom was critical of the adherents of the canons who claim that visiting the temple on critical days is unacceptable.

Dionysius of Alexandria advocated observance of the canons, however, life has shown that not all laws are observed by modern churches.

The canons should not govern the Church, for they were written for temple services.

Questions about critical days wear the mask of piety based on pre-Christian teachings.

Modern Patriarch Paul of Serbia also does not consider a woman during her period to be spiritually unclean or sinful. He claims that during menstruation a Christian woman can confess and receive communion.

His Holiness the Patriarch writes: “The monthly cleansing of a woman does not make her ritually, prayerfully unclean. This uncleanness is only physical, bodily, as well as discharge from other organs. In addition, since modern hygienic means can effectively prevent the accidental flow of blood from making the temple unclean... we believe that from this side there is no doubt that a woman during her monthly cleansing, with the necessary caution and taking hygienic measures, can come to church , kiss icons, take antidor and blessed water, as well as participate in singing.”

Important! Jesus Himself cleansed women and men with His blood. Christ became the Flesh of all Orthodox Christians. He trampled upon bodily death, giving people spiritual life, independent of the state of the body.

Watch a video about going to church while on your period.