How to open a boat station.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The entertainment industry remains one of the most profitable areas of business. It is especially developed and in demand in major cities, where every year more and more entertainment and sports complexes, clubs and agencies open. Their target audience- these are teenagers and young people under 25 years of age who love extreme sports, belong to one or another youth subculture and follow the latest trends in the world of sports fashion and equipment.

But even in large cities there is a shortage of specially equipped areas for extreme sports (for example, skateboarding), although the demand for them is quite high.

Even the existing roller rinks and skateparks do not accommodate everyone, or are located on the outskirts of the city, where it is inconvenient to get from other areas.

Requirements for opening a skatepark

To open your own skatepark you will need a premises of at least 400 square meters. m. Ideally, it should be covered and heated, since it is during the autumn-winter period that the park will be most popular.

Pay attention to the location of your skatepark - it should be close to a transport intersection, ideally not too far from the city center.

On the territory of the skatepark it is necessary to equip a locker room, a room for storing personal belongings and a medical office. Extreme sports are characterized by an increased risk of injury, so you must have a doctor on your staff. Don’t forget about the equipment rental station (knee pads, elbow pads, helmets), boards and rollers.

Keep in mind that in addition to the ban on riding without protective equipment, there may be additional safety requirements that need to be clarified with your regional Youth Policy Committee. physical culture and sports ( general requirements specified in Gosstandart of Russia No. 52024-2003).

It is better to order all the necessary equipment for the site from special companies that manufacture and sell ramps for skateboarding and bike riding.

Ready ideas for your business

You should not save money and hire a construction crew to equip the site, which has no idea about the technology of ramp construction, methods of strengthening it and common standards. If you turn to specialists for help, the savings will ultimately be greater, and most importantly, you can be confident in the reliability of all sports structures in your park.

When the work on the construction and arrangement of the skatepark is completed, take care of its advertising. As a rule, the opening of such a sports ground arouses interest among the media. Therefore, when minimum investment in advertising and spending on a PR campaign (for example, organizing the grand opening of a new park, sending out press releases, etc.), you will get a good return and attract the attention of your target audience.

Enlist the support of the authorities, in particular the Youth Policy Committee: this can bring fame to the park, and, in addition, certain benefits and funding. Regular holding of skateboarding and roller skating competitions is also a good opportunity for information and provides additional income its organizers (by collecting a registration fee from participants, paid entry for spectators and placing advertising in the park).

Carefully plan your budget and advertising campaign strategy. Look for your target audience where they spend the most time - on the Internet. Create groups in social networks, place ads on websites dedicated to extreme sports.

Also offer cooperation to youth clothing stores - you can post your flyers with them, give them out when making a purchase on a certain amount your discount coupons or invitation to a free trial lesson.

Ready ideas for your business

In addition to the doctor, the staff at first must have a cashier who accepts payments, and at least one administrator and a skating instructor.

At first, you can perform the functions of an administrator and instructor yourself, if, of course, you have the appropriate knowledge and experience.

In the future, if this business idea is successfully implemented, you should think about opening a specialized store selling clothing, shoes, accessories, equipment, spare parts and everything necessary for skateboarding and roller skating.

The main cost items for opening a skatepark:

  • registration of a legal entity - about 20 thousand rubles,
  • premises rental - from 60 rubles,
  • repair costs - about 40 thousand rubles. (and more, depending on the original condition of the room),
  • construction of ramps - from 80-100 t.r.,
  • musical equipment - about 80 t.r.,
  • staff salary - from 50-60 thousand rubles,
  • advertising costs - about 15 thousand rubles.

Add to this the cost of paying taxes, unforeseen expenses and the cost of renovating the hall after it opens. As the experience of skatepark owners shows, to create such a site you will need from 450 thousand rubles.

With an average attendance of 80-100 people per day during the season (usually from autumn to spring), all investments in opening a skatepark pay off in the first 3-4 months due to entry fees, rental of equipment, paid classes with an instructor, etc.

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rent + salaries + public utilities etc. rub.

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What to do, where to go and what to say - if you want a skate park to be built in your city, district, region. You will find answers to these three questions in this small guide.

What to do?

The main task is to unite all interested parties to the maximum and form an “Initiative Group”. Find a leader in this group - a person who is ready to talk with officials and represent all of you. It is very important for the authorities that you are organized and act purposefully. An initiative group can consist of 3-5 people who go to communicate with officials. Before your first trip, try to collect maximum quantity signatures in support of the construction of a skate park. Download application form and subscription sheet

Where to go? What can I say?

For those who live in big cities, you need to start with municipal districts (i.e. local governments). MOs, as a rule, have their own small budgets, into which they can fit the construction of a skate park. This is exactly what you are going to achieve!

The first thing you need to do is make an appointment with the head of the Moscow Region or an employee who is responsible for the implementation of sports issues. To do this, call and say: “Good afternoon, you are concerned about the “Initiative Group of Extreme People” and we would like to make an appointment with the head. We are interested in the issue of creating an extreme site, and we would like to bring information materials about such sites, as well as speak out in support of the construction. My name is so-and-so, so-and-so, and I represent such-and-such a district, and so on.

If you were unable to make an appointment by phone, then find out the visiting days (which every official has) and come straight to the appointment. Before you go to your meeting, print out some sample designs you want, photos and other information materials. Don't forget the signature sheets. The group leader should prepare 2-3 topics for discussion and several questions in advance. It is better to write them on a piece of paper and take them with you.

Usually this is:
1. We really need a site. What needs to be done to make it possible to build it?
2. What funds can you count on (assuming they exist)?
3. How to ensure that the construction of such a site is included in future budgets (provided that there is no money)?
4. What programs for the development of FIS is your local administration developing, what facilities does it plan to build?

During this meeting, show several photographs, tell what projects are being built in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Tell us that at the end of 2007, the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports officially recognized Skateboarding, Rollerblading and BMX as sports. During the meeting, make it clear that it will not be difficult for you to come there 100 more times to get things moving, that you are ready to write letters, etc. Indicate the approximate dimensions of the desired site, bring contacts of organizations that are involved in the construction of skate parks.

Regarding the construction of skate parks, you can contact not only the Moscow Region. The district administrations have departments (sectors) for physical culture and sports, which, regardless of the Moscow Region, implement projects for the construction of physical fitness facilities. Many cities have a Committee on FiS, as well as a Committee on Youth Policy and Interaction with public organizations. In some cases, you can turn to a deputy for help (you can also send him a letter or signature sheet) or come to an appointment.

For those who live in St. Petersburg, see the list. For everyone else, you need to find out your phone number local authorities authorities. The easiest way to do this is on the Internet, or ask your parents. (Example: a request to “Lobnya City Administration”, the 1st link is the official website of the city administration. On it, in the administration section, you can find out the telephone number of the local sports committee, as well as other departments (“youth department” and etc.)). If the implementation of your idea requires additional documents(estimates, calculations, prices) you should contact companies that build such facilities.


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We constantly hear requests from all over the country. Today we will try to answer your frequently asked questions, That's why We have prepared instructions for action for enterprising extreme sports enthusiasts. What to do, where to go and what to say if you want a skate park built or renovated in your city? First, it’s worth understanding how the construction of extreme infrastructure usually occurs in our country.

DC-Russia team at the opening of the first concrete skatepark in St. Petersburg

Most frequently asked question:
« How do we get a skate park built?»

95% of skateparks in Russia were built under the state order program. The remaining interest comes from private investors or DIY projects. A federal project was launched in 2017 “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”.

More than half of all skateparks in 2017 were built under this program. Despite the success of the project, there is an acute shortage of skate parks in our cities. Most of them are in a worn-out condition; the sites require repairs or comprehensive reconstruction. Special places for extreme sports enthusiasts to train are an important attribute of a modern city and a necessary, sought-after component of a comfortable urban environment. It's time to voice the infrastructure needs of the extreme community!

Concrete skatepark near the new FC Krasnodar stadium

The main condition Federal project- direct participation of citizens in the selection of improvement objects. You should know that local residents can initiate the creation or reconstruction of an improvement project and participate in the design and all subsequent actions related to the implementation of the project!

Grand opening of a frame skatepark in Pervomaisk, Nizhny Novgorod region.

“It is recommended to devote special attention the process of involving schoolchildren and students. This contributes to the formation of a positive attitude of young people towards their own city, and through school and preschool students educational institutions Adults can be involved in the discussion.”
Ministry of Construction of Russia

Civil initiative- This effective way achieving socially significant goals. The collective will of citizens is an obvious way to prove the need to build a skatepark in your city! Thus, you have the opportunity to attract the attention of officials to the problem of lack of infrastructure.

Governor Leningrad region A.Yu. Drozdenko opens a skatepark in Annino.

You won't believe it, but city leaders are waiting for your initiatives.
Where do we start?

Stage 1. Collective initiative

The task is to unite citizens interested in the construction of a skatepark and form an initiative group. The initiators of construction can be users of the improvement project and city residents who sympathize with the problem. We recommend starting by creating a community of like-minded people on VK. You should discuss the possible location of the skate area, select good examples implemented projects in other cities and decide which ones suit you best.

Has your city ever had a skatepark?

It is very important to choose a convenient location for your future improvement project. Skate areas are usually located in city parks, embankments or public gardens. This is due to the availability of infrastructure and affects the success of the skatepark as a public space. To build a decent project you will need about 1000m2.

Comfortable urban environment in the capital's Altufevsky Park.

There's a skatepark, but it's falling apart?

It is necessary to photograph all damage to equipment and defects in the asphalt/concrete surface of the site.

Skatepark in Orenburg

At the first stage, it is important to understand what initial data is available from previous initiatives. It happens that your older comrades have been “attacking” the reception office of the head of the city for several years now with a request to build a skatepark. Very often, individual initiatives do not receive the proper response from officials. Another thing is hundreds of teenagers who need special place for self-realization! Having a platform for dialogue on a social network will allow you to coordinate the actions of the team and conduct conversations with officials on behalf of the initiative community.

Stage 2. Tell us about your initiative

Once you have gathered a stable community of like-minded people and selected successful examples of skateparks in other cities, we recommend creating a petition on the website ! Online voting is a full-fledged tool for choosing an improvement project, so we recommend that you pay attention to disseminating information about your initiative. Write to your friends and ask them to repost your petition! The higher the audience reach, the more support for the initiative you will receive in the early stages.

It is worth considering that initiative construction of youth infrastructure - This is an informational occasion on an urban scale. At this stage it is important to attract attention interested "opinion leaders". With the help of a clearly formulated initiative, you can easily get in touch with journalists from city publications, bloggers, deputies of the municipal assembly or other political figures.

Stage 3. Active actions

The federal program “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” involves various methods interaction with city residents. City administrations conduct surveys, focus groups, seminars, workshops and forums in order to determine the task of improvement, but you can significantly speed up the process! Your initiative group can use signature collection method. This is an effective way to prove the relevance of a future project. You will need

Skateboarding is a popular hobby among modern youth, which its representatives themselves take very seriously. Often, starting with a simple hobby, it turns into something more.

Experienced skaters with many years of experience compete in competitions and skate for various brands that sponsor them. It becomes a way of earning money and a lifestyle. However, the younger generation, striving to learn and develop, lacks quality sites equipped with the necessary equipment to practice their skills.

As a result, you have to ride in city squares, and practice tricks on stair railings in places not intended for this. There is a demand for specialized sites, but no supply. Resourceful entrepreneurs can catch the wave, thereby doing a good deed for young people. How to develop a business plan for a skate park that will be in demand and can bring profit to its owner? This is what we will try to figure out.

What kind of park should we build?

Before planning construction and calculating the required investments, you should consider two important nuances. The first is whether it will be an indoor skate park or an outdoor area. Both are in demand, but in the latter option, in winter and in the rain, your park will be empty. And the kids need somewhere to ride when it’s minus 30 outside. Therefore, if financial capabilities allow, it is better to organize a full-fledged area that is protected from the wind and cold.

The second question is whether to focus on equipment or go further by opening equipment rental, a cafe and a first-aid post in the park. Here, a lot depends on your target audience, because advanced skaters will be quite happy with the presence of space and ramps for tricks, and beginners will like a full-fledged park with everything they need for training and relaxation. If you want to accommodate both, be prepared to look for a room large enough so that representatives of different masses do not interfere with each other.

Where to build?

If you decide to build an indoor skate park, you will have to work hard and find a room suitable in all respects. Main requirements: large area(at least 400 square meters), the presence of a heating system, ventilation and electricity. In winter it should be warm and light, in summer it should be cool. As for the location, it depends on the availability of options. It is desirable that the park is located near the center and within walking distance from the bus stop.

What to equip with?

Having decided on these points, you can move on to the key question: how to make a skate park a full-fledged place for skating? To do this, you should definitely enlist the help of one of the experienced skateboarders. How will it be useful? Yes to many.

The main thing is that it will help you understand what equipment must be present on your site, and what you can refuse. A skate park business plan must include cost calculations for these purposes, since it is the ramps that are the main trump card in the entire deck. Without them, the value of your site will tend to zero.

Add to list necessary equipment should include:

  • one or two large ramps;
  • regular and double half-ramp;
  • large and small pyramid;
  • curb and slop.

You may need something else, you can discuss the full arsenal with your skater advisor.

In addition, it is important to decide on the material. Typically, the construction of skate parks is based on the use of two types of structures: wood and concrete. The latter will be more expensive, but will also last longer. American and Western sites mainly use concrete.

How much will it cost?

The final skate park business plan will need to reflect all costs. By the way, you can somewhat reduce costs and get financial support by contacting the youth policy committee. Of course, it will be necessary to justify the need and importance of your business for young people, but it will be worth it.

In general, the initial investment required to open a skate park will be about 500 thousand rubles. This includes the following costs:

  • rental of premises - from 60 thousand rubles;
  • repairs, flooring (depending on the original condition) - about 50-100 thousand;
  • equipment for a skate park - from 100-200 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (you will at least need to hire an administrator, a security guard) - about 40 thousand;
  • advertising and other expenses - 20-50 thousand rubles;
  • registration legal entity(LLC) - about 20 thousand.

At the same time, the cost of entry should be low, because the main target audience is schoolchildren and students who do not yet have their own full-fledged income. On average, the entry price should not exceed 100-150 rubles for the entire day of skiing. Additional income can come from equipment rental (boards, rollers) and a small cafeteria, but they will also require additional investments.

How to advertise?

You can tell about yourself in various ways. The most effective is the Internet. Create groups on social networks and promote them on thematic resources, invite young people from your city to join.

MS Word Volume: 33 pages

Business plan

Reviews (27)

We offer you a business plan for a skate park, an interesting and unconventional endeavor that will allow you to gather skateboard enthusiasts in one place. Every year this hobby gains crowds of new fans into its ranks. You can attract the youngest skateboarders to your park and the mature ones who have been devoting their passion for decades. The main thing is to equip everything so that skateboarding enthusiasts get maximum possibilities to develop your passion.

This sample skatepark business plan with calculations will help you understand the effort required and know which points you should pay special attention to close attention. In such a park it is necessary to equip high-quality, level paths with a special coating. There should be no holes or chips on the roads, and special equipment should be installed that allows skateboarders to perform a variety of acrobatic somersaults with maximum safety.

We invite you to study the business plan for opening a skate park right now, because it’s time to think about the stages of establishing your business. For beginners and those who prefer to rent skateboards, you should consider purchasing the appropriate equipment: branded boards with various additional accessories, protective arm and knee pads, and helmets. After a good physical activity your visitors may want to have some cold drinks and something to eat, so equip the park with food stalls and small retail outlets will allow you to generate additional income from this type of activity.

In large cities, the entertainment industry is developing especially rapidly, attracting businessmen with the opportunity to get the most high profits. The number of sports complexes, nightclubs, and bowling alleys increases every year. But young people who are interested in extreme sports are still not satisfied with what businessmen offer them.

There is an acute shortage of specialized skateboarding areas or roller rinks even in big cities. What can we say about regions where young people simply suffer from the inability to play their favorite sports. Existing skate parks are not able to accommodate everyone, and many of them are also located in inconvenient areas that are difficult to reach.

Since this niche has been throughout recent years still remains empty, businessmen who understand the hopes and aspirations of young people have every chance to take their place in this sector of the market by opening their own skate park with all the amenities.

So, in order to open your own skate park, you will need, first of all, a spacious room - at least 400 sq.m. It is advisable to find a covered building with the possibility of heating during the cold season. It is known that it is in autumn and winter that skate parks see the maximum number of visitors. Do not try to find a room on the outskirts of the city; it is best if it is located near the center, and pay attention to transport interchange– it should be very comfortable.

Having found a suitable room, take care of its quality arrangement. For this, hire experienced builders who have an understanding of the specifics of constructing a skate park site. All structures must be as reliable as possible, which will avoid injuries and unpleasant situations. You can’t do on the territory of a skate park without changing rooms, booths for storing personal belongings, as well as medical office. Most likely, a rental point will also be in demand, where everyone can get a helmet, elbow and knee pads, as well as rollers and boards for a fee.

There are certain requirements for the activities of such institutions, which you can clarify with your local regional committee on youth policy, physical education and sports. To avoid trouble, skate park equipment must be ordered from well-known companies, which specialize in the manufacture of such equipment. Having completed all preparations for the opening of the skate park, take care of advertising, which will draw attention to the new establishment.

Judging by the reviews of more experienced players in this market, to open this type of business an entrepreneur will need about 500 thousand dollars (subject to rent and not construction of a site from scratch). Approximate dates return on investment with active attendance is about 6-8 months. If you wish, you can find opportunities to save costs, and the easiest way to do this is to rely on a competent example of a business plan for opening a skate park with ready-made calculations.