Seeing a long blue mink coat in a dream. A woman dreams of a long fur coat

Why do you dream about a mink fur coat in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream mink coat? Expect positive life changes, the most significant ones will affect the trade and financial sphere.

For the most part, changes will occur in business; new projects and contracts will be especially pleasing. Fortune is on your side.

What color did you see the mink coat in your dream? What did you do in your dream with a mink coat? How long was the fur coat you dreamed about? What happened to the mink coat in the dream?

What color did you see the mink coat in your dream?

Brown mink coat according to the dream book

If you dreamed of a brown fur coat, your merits will receive public recognition, and your efforts will lead to an improvement in your material condition and wealth.

Why do you dream of a black mink coat?

The dream book interprets a black mink coat as confidence in the devotion of your significant other, as well as those who feel for you strong feelings. Your lover will be faithful to you to the end.

Seeing a white mink coat in a dream

A white mink coat is dreamed of as a harbinger of betrayal of a dear person, dearly loved with all his heart. The craving for beauty and beauty will be to blame for everything. rich life, most likely, the temptation will not be overcome.

What did you do in your dream with a mink coat?

Buy a mink coat in a dream

A dream about buying a mink coat reflects your fear of saying too much about yourself in the presence of people you don’t know well. Don't forget that your personal life Not everyone is interested in it, so just don’t talk about it. Few people care about your intimate problems.

Trying on a mink coat in a dream

If you tried on a mink coat in a dream - very soon you will experience considerable success, which will ensure a carefree existence and a bright future for you. for many years. Trust your intuition, this time it will not let you down.

How long was the fur coat you dreamed about?

I dreamed of a long mink coat

Why do you dream of a long mink coat? Modesty and shyness are manifested in your behavior to a greater extent than necessary. If it was hot and uncomfortable in such clothing, the dream indicates excessive attention to one’s own comfort.

What happened to the mink coat in the dream?

A mink coat was stolen in a dream

If you dreamed that a mink coat was stolen, it means that something valuable and important to you may be lost or lost. Please also note own health, a serious illness cannot be ruled out.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Shuba?

Maly Velesov dream book

Fur coat - wealth, success / noise, quarrel, illness, lie, moving, forced travel; wear - a rich inheritance; put on at the wrong time - bad, sadness, grief; putting on yellow or white means illness; black - death.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why does Shuba dream?

A fur coat means waste made without taking into account one’s material capabilities.

Russian dream book

Fur coat - big noise, argument.

Symbolic dream book

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success.

Seeing in a dream naked man wearing a fur coat - to betrayal by those you trust, to a change in relationships with loved ones.

Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved.

Seeing a fur coat for an adult wearing small child- you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Dream Interpreter

Putting on a fur coat in winter means nothing, but in summer such a dream signifies sadness, grief and misfortune.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Fur coat?

Seeing a fur coat in a dream means that soon you will have everything to finally feel like a happy person.

If you dreamed that you were wearing an expensive fur coat, it means that fate has prepared an unpleasant surprise for you.

Seeing yourself in a dirty, torn fur coat is a sign of improvement. financial situation. Dangers and troubles will pass you by.

Buying a fur coat in a store in a dream means that you will have warm relations with your loved one. For a young girl, such a dream promises a wealthy admirer.

Dream book of the future

Fur coat - success and wealth; Trying on a fur coat means quick big money.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Buying a fur coat means good financial results for some business.

Dream book for the whole family

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close to you, portends a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this portends discord in the family.

If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Dream book for a bitch

Fur coat - success and prosperity.

Natural, fashionable and expensive fur coat - a luxurious trip with a rich admirer.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Wearing a comfortable, warm fur coat in a dream is a sign of success in business and good relations with others.

An uncomfortable or too hot fur coat suggests that you care too much about your well-being, and these experiences and worries make your life very difficult.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Trying on a fur coat means trying to get money to start a new profitable business.

An ermine fur coat on a young woman means meeting an interesting young man.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Trying on a fur coat is a very significant expense.

Seeing yourself wearing an ermine fur coat in a dream means a difficult situation in the family.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Trying on a fur coat means good money.

An ermine fur coat - to victory over the enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

A dream in which you buy a fur coat means that you are too reserved. You rarely talk in the company of unfamiliar people, afraid to say something stupid.

If you dream that you are wearing a fur coat, this indicates that you lack liberation in sex. You may be experiencing an inferiority complex. Try to learn to love yourself for who you are.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fur coat - success and wealth.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: A fur coat according to the dream book?

Darling - a rich groom for a woman, a loss for a man.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Fur coat - news.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

I dreamed of a fur coat - wait for the weather to change.

If you dreamed that you were wearing a fur coat, it means it will get colder in the near future.

In a dream, one of your friends or relatives wears a fur coat - warming is expected in the near future.

You dreamed that you were buying or were given a fur coat - the weather will be clear and cold in the near future.

Selling or losing a fur coat means damp and cold weather.

If you dreamed that your fur coat was stolen, you will soon become very cold and may catch a cold.

If you dreamed that a moth ate your fur coat - in next year there will be warm summers and cold winters.

Freud's Dream Book

Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Fur coat - a big quarrel; forced road.

Aesop's Dream Book

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you misjudge the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to my surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to conflict over loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Ukrainian dream book

A fur coat in a dream means a big quarrel, a scandal.

Esoteric dream book

A good, warm fur coat means stable material well-being. Even if she is yours in reality.

Chic, very expensive - don’t boast about your well-being, this will cause someone’s envy and the “evil eye”.

Shabby, old - a very uneven financial situation: sometimes empty, sometimes dense.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Fur coat according to the dream book?

A fur coat symbolizes that you are very close to achieving your cherished success.

It was shabby - you will gradually be able to strengthen your financial situation.

If you acquired it in a dream, it means you will live in harmony and love.

Stole a fur coat - there is a risk that you will be struck by colds

It was spoiled by moths - all events will turn out to be predictable for you.

According to the dream book, new fur coat- promises you well-being and prosperity, you will live in luxury and abundance.

If a fur coat is white in a dream, this promises you material gain, rapid enrichment, but at the same time a deterioration in family relationships.

If you dreamed of a black fur coat, this promises you material well-being and mutual understanding with loved ones, your chosen one will treat you with great love and will never stoop to betrayal.

A mink coat in a dream portends positive changes in your life that will happen very soon, especially with regard to trade and financial transactions and, in general, any matters and new projects related to your business.

Trying on a fur coat in a dream - you will finally be able to achieve almost all of your goals at the same time, and you will be able to rest on your laurels, enjoying your happiness and luck.

A dream in which you buy a fur coat means that you are trying to provide as little information as possible about yourself, naively believing that for someone your biography may be of great importance.

If your fur coat was stolen in a dream, there is a high probability of incurring losses in real life, so be careful and don't let your guard down.

If your fur coat is gray in a dream, it means that your business is not going well right now. in the best possible way, and your poor physical health or depression is to blame. .

A red fur coat in a dream warns of possible troubles due to the meanness and deceit of people from your inner circle. Your position will be extremely unstable.

If you are wearing someone else's fur coat, there is a high probability of following a path that is not your own, living to please others or with an eye on someone else's lifestyle.

If you dream of a shabby, torn fur coat, your troubles will soon end and your financial situation will stabilize.

If you dreamed of a worn out and old fur coat, you may be waylaid serious problems material nature, try to do everything possible to prevent them, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous.

If you dreamed that you were given a fur coat, it promises you prosperity and luck in all your undertakings, a lucky streak will begin very soon and will never end.

If you received it as a present, something will happen that will surprise you immensely and puzzle you in a good way.

Wearing a fur coat in a dream means your home will be full, you will live in luxury and prosperity, and love and mutual respect will reign between family members.

A dream in which you lost your fur coat portends a change weather conditions, it will be very chilly and damp, which will cause you a lot of discomfort.

If you saw a fur coat in a dream, you are quite close to your cherished success in a matter that is important to you. You will be able to truly enjoy your triumph. A short fur coat in a dream is a symbol of inflated ambitions and pretense.

What material did you dream about making your fur coat from? What did you do with the fur coat in your dream? Who did you see wearing a fur coat in a dream? How did you end up with a fur coat in your dream? What color fur coat did you see in your dream? Did you dream about a new fur coat? What happened to the fur coat in the dream? How can you characterize the fur coat that you dreamed of? How many fur coats have you seen in your dream? Whose fur coat did you see in your dream?

What material did you dream about making your fur coat from?

Mink coat

Dreaming of a fur coat

A fur coat is interpreted by the Felomena dream book as a loss of former mobility. You live a life divorced from reality, your inertia and laziness go beyond all limits. It’s worth thinking about the future and pulling yourself together.

I dreamed of a fox fur coat

A fox fur coat is dreamed of as a harbinger of income, which is quite possible to get from winnings in gambling or even make money illegally. The fox is associated with cunning, trickery, and deception.

What did you do with the fur coat in your dream?

Trying on a fur coat

Wearing a fur coat according to the dream book

Wearing a fur coat in a dream means a not very pleasant gift from fate is expected; failure in business or a quarrel with a loved one are possible. Try to improve the situation by putting effort into solving important matters.

Wear a fur coat

Why do you dream of walking in a fur coat?

If you dreamed that you were wearing a fur coat, financial well-being would not take long to arrive. Your efforts in business will be rewarded as you deserve, you will receive a long-awaited bonus or increase your income in another way.

I dreamed that you were selling a fur coat

Selling a fur coat, according to the dream book, symbolizes getting rid of complexes and phobias that have accompanied you for many years. This was not a light burden, but if you throw it away you will feel much better.

Who did you see wearing a fur coat in a dream?

See yourself in a fur coat

I dreamed of a man in a fur coat

Seeing a man in a fur coat in a dream is an indication of practicality and sanity. A naked dream character in a fur coat symbolizes betrayal by a close friend, a change in relationships with people dear to you.

I dreamed of a woman in a fur coat

Why do you dream of a woman in a fur coat? The dream warns of possible deception, the presence of a secret that they want to hide from you. You should not be too trusting and rely on strangers.

How did you end up with a fur coat in your dream?

Buy a fur coat Gave a fur coat

What color fur coat did you see in your dream?

White fur coat Black fur coat Red fur coat Gray fur coat

Did you dream about a new fur coat?

New fur coat Old fur coat

What happened to the fur coat in the dream?

Stole a fur coat Lose a fur coat

How can you characterize the fur coat that you dreamed of?

Torn fur coat

Dreaming of a long fur coat

A dream about a long fur coat promises an unpleasant surprise from loved ones. For a man, such a dream foreshadows unforeseen expenses, losses in financial sector.

I dreamed of an expensive fur coat

If you saw an expensive fur coat in a dream, expect to meet a rich groom. You will be able to make the right impression on your gentleman and charm him with your spontaneity.

How many fur coats have you seen in your dream?

If you dream about a lot of fur coats

Why do you dream about a lot of fur coats? Trying on a chic wardrobe, during which you cannot decide on the fur coat you like best, means a lack of self-confidence, own strength and opportunities, low self-esteem.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Quite often, people do not perceive many of the symbols that appear in dreams, because they consider them insignificant. This is a serious mistake, since even such a piece of clothing as a fur coat can tell a lot interesting information about the future. To interpret dreams, it is necessary to carefully analyze the dream, taking into account the main details of the plot. After this, you can proceed directly to decryption.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

A dream in which you put on a fur coat promises long way. This may also be a harbinger of various quarrels. In another dream book there is another distinguishing information, according to which a fur coat is a harbinger of a rich and successful life. Chic outerwear in a dream can serve as a warning that you should not demonstrate material wealth, as this can provoke the envy of others. A thick fur coat is a symbol of closedness in oneself. For a representative of the fair sex, a dream in which a fur coat appeared promises the appearance of a wealthy admirer in life.

If you see a person wearing only a fur coat over his naked body, this is a warning that you should expect betrayal from loved ones. It may also be a harbinger of a disease. Night vision where someone throws a luxurious fur coat over their shoulders is a harbinger successful transactions and improvement of financial situation. Seeing another person in a fur coat in a dream means that in reality it is better not to trust him. A fox fur coat is a signal that there are people around who are intriguing and want to do harm.

Why do you dream of a mink coat?

For a woman, such a dream predicts a successful trip with a financially secure admirer. If you are wearing a mink coat, it means that you should expect an unpleasant surprise ahead. For people in relationships, a dream about an expensive fur coat predicts happiness and love with a partner. Mink coat white- this is an unfavorable sign that promises betrayal of a loved one. The reason will be his desire to live richly and not need for anything.

Why do you dream of buying a fur coat?

Such a dream may be a symbol of constraint, but on a subconscious level you want to express yourself in all your glory. A dream where I had to buy outerwear, is a symbol of the reserve you express when interacting with new people.

Why do you dream of trying on a fur coat?

Night vision in which you try on such outerwear portends serious expenses. This may also be a signal that you will have to borrow money to realize your plans. If you try on a fur coat made of natural, expensive fur, it means that your life will be happy and successful. Night vision where you try on a fur coat predicts disappointment in your loved one, and you may also develop a new attachment.

Why do you dream of a new fur coat?

In this case, the dream is a harbinger of the fulfillment of a cherished desire, and you will also be able to achieve what you want. There is still good news to expect.

Why do you dream about an old fur coat?

If you are wearing an old fur coat, this is an unfavorable sign that predicts problems in the financial sector. It could also be a harbinger of a serious illness.

Why do you dream about choosing a fur coat?

If you are trying to choose an expensive fur coat and twirl in it in front of the mirror, this is positive sign, which portends good luck in life. For people involved in business, such a dream promises to receive a lucrative offer.

Why do you dream of losing your fur coat?

Such a dream predicts damp and cold weather, which will make you feel uncomfortable.

New mink coat

Dream Interpretation New mink coat dreamed of why you dream about a new mink coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on initial letter an image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a New mink coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Mink collar

Dream Interpretation - Mink collar

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Mink coat stolen

Dream Interpretation Mink coat stolen dreamed of why in a dream a mink coat was stolen? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a mink coat stolen in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you incorrectly assess the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to my surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, and a change in relationships with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this foreshadows discord in the family. If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Dream Interpretation - Mink collar

Buying a mink collar in a dream means leading a life beyond your means and, moreover, having several dependents on your neck.

Dream Interpretation - Mink collar

Buying a mink collar in a dream means buying some kind of jewelry for your neck.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - a fur coat in a dream - a big quarrel, a scandal. "fur coat - you'll go to new home" - noise - happiness, joy.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you dreamed that you bought a fur coat (you are planning to do this, you are looking for a fur coat that you like), in the near future you will not have problems with finances. To make this period last as long as possible, hide a coin under the carpet every day for a week.

If you dreamed that you were sewing a fur coat (or ripping it apart, torn it), get ready for your relationship with one of your relatives or friends to deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, burn a family photo on the next full moon.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

seeing or wearing a fur coat in a dream during your season (i.e. winter) portends goodness and wealth. Wearing a fur coat in the summer means sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you bought a fur coat in a dream - in reality you are too shy, especially in the presence of unfamiliar people.

If you saw yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself. Perhaps you have some complexes that you need to get rid of.

Mink coat

Dream Interpretation Mink Fur Coat dreamed of why you dream about a mink coat in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a mink fur coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mink

Seeing a mink in a dream means that after a while you will make a successful and profitable purchase. If the mink is aggressive before purchasing, you will lose something very valuable to you, which will cause you grief.

Hunting for a mink in a dream means many profitable businesses await you. The main thing is not to miss the chance and not to relax.

If you stroke a mink in a dream, extraordinary adventures await you that will bring you real pleasure.

Mink with cubs - pay attention to your loved ones, they need your care. Try to find time and relax as a family. You shouldn’t throw yourself into work like into a whirlpool - your good intentions will only end in extreme fatigue.

Killing a mink in a dream means an unpleasant situation awaits you, from which you can easily find a way out. So don't worry and don't get hung up on problems.

Dream Interpretation - Mink

If you saw a living mink - try to be more cold-blooded and calculating, your emotions will clearly interfere with you and those around you.

Wear fur products from mink - your expenses clearly exceed your income, be more economical.

Blue mink - to accusations of frivolity, treason.

Dream Interpretation - Mink

animal - You dream of a mink with bluish fur - you will be faithful, but you will be accused of treason, and then out of resentment you will want to change.

You are trying to catch a mink - you will find out that your loved one is cheating on you, but give him time to come to his senses, to sort out his feelings.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you incorrectly assess the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to my surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, and a change in relationships with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this foreshadows discord in the family. If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - a fur coat in a dream - a big quarrel, a scandal. “fur coat - you will move to a new house” - noise - happiness, joy.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you dreamed that you bought a fur coat (you are planning to do this, you are looking for a fur coat that you like), in the near future you will not have problems with finances. To make this period last as long as possible, hide a coin under the carpet every day for a week.

If you dreamed that you were sewing a fur coat (or ripping it apart, torn it), get ready for your relationship with one of your relatives or friends to deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, burn a family photo on the next full moon.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

seeing or wearing a fur coat in a dream during your season (i.e. winter) portends goodness and wealth. Wearing a fur coat in the summer means sadness.

White mink coat

Dream Interpretation White mink coat dreamed of why you dream about a white mink coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White mink coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you incorrectly assess the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to my surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, and a change in relationships with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this foreshadows discord in the family. If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Dream Interpretation - Mink collar

Buying a mink collar in a dream means leading a life beyond your means and, moreover, having several dependents on your neck.

Dream Interpretation - Mink collar

Buying a mink collar in a dream means buying some kind of jewelry for your neck.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - a fur coat in a dream - a big quarrel, a scandal. “fur coat - you will move to a new house” - noise - happiness, joy.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you dreamed that you bought a fur coat (you are planning to do this, you are looking for a fur coat that you like), in the near future you will not have problems with finances. To make this period last as long as possible, hide a coin under the carpet every day for a week.

If you dreamed that you were sewing a fur coat (or ripping it apart, torn it), get ready for your relationship with one of your relatives or friends to deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, burn a family photo on the next full moon.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

seeing or wearing a fur coat in a dream during your season (i.e. winter) portends goodness and wealth. Wearing a fur coat in the summer means sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you bought a fur coat in a dream - in reality you are too shy, especially in the presence of unfamiliar people.

If you saw yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself. Perhaps you have some complexes that you need to get rid of.

Losing a mink coat

Dream Interpretation Losing a mink coat dreamed of why you dream about losing a mink coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Losing a mink coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

This symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat, a fur coat with the fur turned inside out, was very popular among the people, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars.

Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a display of fur coats means disappointed hopes, frustration, wasted efforts that will lead nowhere; to a mistake that you make because you incorrectly assess the circumstances.

To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give free rein to your feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust your first impression and do not rush to express an opinion because you will be wrong; to my surprise.

Seeing a living fur coat is a sign of surprise, a sudden change in circumstances.

Seeing a naked person in a fur coat means illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones.

To see that in a dream dogs are tearing the fur coat that you are wearing - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to a conflict over a loved one.

To see a luxurious adult fur coat worn by a small child - a person will appear on your path who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; You will have to communicate with a person who will surprise you with the inadequacy of his position.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, and a change in relationships with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this foreshadows discord in the family. If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Dream Interpretation - Mink collar

Buying a mink collar in a dream means leading a life beyond your means and, moreover, having several dependents on your neck.

Dream Interpretation - Mink collar

Buying a mink collar in a dream means buying some kind of jewelry for your neck.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - a fur coat in a dream - a big quarrel, a scandal. “fur coat - you will move to a new house” - noise - happiness, joy.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

Fur coat - Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you dreamed that you bought a fur coat (you are planning to do this, you are looking for a fur coat that you like), in the near future you will not have problems with finances. To make this period last as long as possible, hide a coin under the carpet every day for a week.

If you dreamed that you were sewing a fur coat (or ripping it apart, torn it), get ready for your relationship with one of your relatives or friends to deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, burn a family photo on the next full moon.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

seeing or wearing a fur coat in a dream during your season (i.e. winter) portends goodness and wealth. Wearing a fur coat in the summer means sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Fur coat

If you bought a fur coat in a dream - in reality you are too shy, especially in the presence of unfamiliar people.

If you saw yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself. Perhaps you have some complexes that you need to get rid of.

A fur coat, so desired in winter, becomes completely unnecessary in summer. This happens in real life, when a revaluation of values ​​is carried out, about which, with the help of symbols, our subconscious warns us through dreams. Online interpretation dreams is offered free of charge.

Dream interpretation white fur coat, as a gift

A white fur coat in a dream, which is given to you in a dream, means that they want to see you “white and fluffy,” while the betrayal of a loved one is hidden behind your back.

Fur coat dream book for a woman, on another person, measure

Seeing in a dream how another person tries on a fur coat is a warning sign that this person wants to hide something from you and should not be blindly trusted.

Dream Interpretation fur coat black, mink brown

A black fur coat symbolizes devotion, a brown fur coat symbolizes honor and respect in real life.

Why do you dream about a long fur coat?

A long fur coat, as a rule, dreams of the road. Perhaps you are about to move to a new home.

Fur coat Vanga's dream book

Vanga interpreted a dream in which they see a fur coat as a harbinger of a long and drawn-out winter, as well as a cooling of the climate throughout the planet.

Fur coat Miller's dream book

Miller argued that seeing a fur coat in a dream means that you have everything you need to be completely happy.

Seeing a fur coat made of natural fur in a dream means expecting an unpleasant surprise in reality. A torn fur coat, on the contrary, predicts wealth and an improvement in financial situation for its owner.

If you have a dream in which you, together with your boyfriend, choose a fur coat, it means that you will have the warmest relationship with him. The same dream may mean that you will meet a wealthy person.

Fur coat dream book of Felomena

In this dream book, a fur coat symbolizes upcoming success.

Buying a fur coat in a dream is interpreted as a wealthy life in reality.

If you dream that your fur coat has been badly damaged by moths, unpredictable events await you. Due to attacks from ill-wishers, you may appear in an unfavorable light.

Fur coat Tsvetkov's dream book

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, seeing yourself in a fur coat in a dream means a quarrel in real life. It is also possible that you will have to leave somewhere.

Fur coat, Juno's dream book

In Juno’s dream book, if you intend, even in a dream, to buy a fur coat, it means you do not experience financial problems in real life. A new fur coat dreams of wealth for its owner.

Dreaming of a damaged fur coat means that misunderstandings will arise with someone close to you.

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The fur coat, according to the interpretation of Gustav Miller, speaks of the dreamer’s material wealth: in the near future he will have everything he needs for a happy and comfortable life. At the same time, Miller considers a dream in which a person sees an expensive fur accessory to be unfavorable: fate has prepared a very unpleasant surprise for him.

Seeing yourself in a dream in a tattered and dirty fur coat means a significant improvement in your financial situation in reality. Such a dream will temporarily take away adversity and sorrow from the dreamer. Buying a fur coat in a fur store is a sign of a whirlwind romance: the dreamer will develop a wonderful relationship with his soulmate. For young mothers, this dream promises the appearance of a rich admirer on the horizon.

Why did you dream about the fur coat? Freud's Dream Book

Sigmund Freud interprets such dreams in his characteristic manner. In particular, buying a fur coat in a dream speaks of a certain tightness of the dreamer, of his timidity. In reality, a person who has seen such a dream does not want to communicate with unfamiliar surroundings, fearing all sorts of provocations and condemnations. Sigmund Freud recommends to such people not to get hung up on bad thoughts and remember that not everyone is interested in their personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in an expensive fur coat in a dream means indecision in any action. Freud believes that in real life something is preventing the dreamer from liberating himself. Perhaps this is due to recent complexes, for example, in sexual terms: the dreamer is uncomfortable having sex, because he is not sure that no one will disturb him and his sexual partner in the next half hour.

Why do you dream about a fur coat? Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Evgeny Tsvetkov does not see anything good in such dreams. In particular, putting on a luxurious fur coat in a dream means long journey, which will be overshadowed by any incidents. This journey will drain all moral strength and financial resources from the dreamer. Evgeniy Tsvetkov gives another interpretation to this dream: coming huge scandal, capable of tarnishing the dreamer’s reputation for life. Stealing a fur coat in a dream means family squabbles and troubles.

Modern dream book: fur coat

A black fur coat represents death. A light fur coat is a symbol of illness. A dirty fur coat, on the contrary, dreams of money and success. Putting on a fur coat in a dream and experiencing discomfort at the same time means a profitable acquaintance with some influential person. A mink coat is dreamed of for a long journey, and a fur coat from

Quite often, people do not perceive many of the symbols that appear in dreams, because they consider them insignificant. This is a serious mistake, since even such a piece of clothing as can tell a lot of interesting information about the future. To interpret dreams, it is necessary to carefully analyze the dream, taking into account the main details of the plot. After this, you can proceed directly to decryption.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

A dream in which you put on a fur coat promises a long journey. This may also be a harbinger of various quarrels. Another dream book contains another distinctive information, according to which a fur coat is a harbinger of a rich and successful life. Chic outerwear in a dream can serve as a warning that you should not demonstrate material wealth, as this can provoke the envy of others. A thick fur coat is a symbol of closedness in oneself. For a representative of the fair sex, a dream in which a fur coat appeared promises the appearance of a wealthy admirer in life.

If you see a person wearing only a fur coat over his naked body, this is a warning that you should expect betrayal from loved ones. It may also be a harbinger of a disease. Night vision, where someone throws a luxurious fur coat over their shoulders, is a harbinger of successful transactions and an improvement in their financial situation. Seeing another person in a fur coat in a dream means that in reality it is better not to trust him. A fox fur coat is a signal that there are people around who are intriguing and want to do harm.

Why do you dream of a mink coat?

For a woman, such a dream predicts a successful trip with a financially secure admirer. If you are wearing a mink coat, it means that you should expect an unpleasant surprise ahead. For people in relationships, a dream about an expensive fur coat predicts happiness and love with a partner. A white mink coat is an unfavorable sign that promises betrayal of a loved one. The reason will be his desire to live richly and not need for anything.

Why do you dream of buying a fur coat?

Such a dream may be a symbol of constraint, but on a subconscious level you want to express yourself in all your glory. A dream where you had to buy outerwear is a symbol of the restraint that you express in communicating with new people.

Why do you dream of trying on a fur coat?

Night vision in which you try on such outerwear portends serious expenses. This may also be a signal that you will have to borrow money to realize your plans. If you try on a fur coat made of natural, expensive fur, it means that your life will be happy and successful. Night vision where you try on a fur coat predicts disappointment in your loved one, and you may also develop a new attachment.

Why do you dream of a new fur coat?

In this case, the dream is a harbinger of the fulfillment of a cherished desire, and you will also be able to achieve what you want. There is still good news to expect.

Why do you dream about an old fur coat?

If you are wearing an old fur coat, this is an unfavorable sign that predicts problems in the financial sector. It could also be a harbinger of a serious illness.

Why do you dream about choosing a fur coat?

If you are trying to choose an expensive fur coat and twirl around in it in front of the mirror, this is a positive sign that foreshadows companionship in life. For people involved in business, such a dream promises to receive a lucrative offer.

Why do you dream of losing your fur coat?

Such a dream predicts damp and cold weather, which will make you feel uncomfortable.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Freud's Dream Book

Buying a fur coat in a dream means you are too uptight, you are afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But at the same time, you forget that someone may not be interested in your personal life.

Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from liberating yourself; perhaps this is due to some long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Family dream book

Fur coat - If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties. Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence. If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this foreshadows discord in the family. If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Wearing a comfortable, warm fur coat in a dream is a sign of success in business and good relationships with others.

An uncomfortable or too hot fur coat suggests that you care too much about your well-being, and these experiences and worries make your life very difficult.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A fur coat means waste made without taking into account one’s material capabilities.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Spring dream book

Trying on a fur coat means good money.

An ermine fur coat - to victory over the enemy.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Summer dream book

Trying on a fur coat is a very significant expense.

Seeing yourself wearing an ermine fur coat in a dream means a difficult situation in the family.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Autumn dream book

Trying on a fur coat means trying to get money to start a new profitable business.

An ermine fur coat on a young woman means meeting an interesting young man.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fur coat - success and wealth.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

I dreamed of a fur coat - wait for the weather to change.

If you dreamed that you were wearing a fur coat, it means it will get colder in the near future.

In a dream, one of your friends or relatives wears a fur coat - warming is expected in the near future.

You dreamed that you were buying or were given a fur coat - the weather will be clear and cold in the near future.

Selling or losing a fur coat means damp and cold weather.

If you dreamed that your fur coat was stolen, you will soon become very cold and may catch a cold.

If you dreamed that a moth ate your fur coat, next year there will be a warm summer and a cold winter.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Esoteric dream book

A good, warm fur coat means stable material well-being. Even if she is yours in reality.

Chic, very expensive - don’t boast about your well-being, this will cause someone’s envy and the “evil eye”.

Shabby, old - a very uneven financial situation: sometimes empty, sometimes dense.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Fur coat - a big quarrel; forced road.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Modern dream book

Seeing a fur coat in a dream means that soon you will have everything to finally feel like a happy person.

If you dreamed that you were wearing an expensive fur coat, it means that fate has prepared an unpleasant surprise for you.

Seeing yourself in a dirty, torn fur coat means an improvement in your financial situation. Dangers and troubles will pass you by.

Buying a fur coat in a store in a dream means that you will have a warm relationship with your loved one. For a young girl, such a dream promises a wealthy admirer.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

success and wealth.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Fur coat - loss of mobility / harm from inertia and laziness, voluptuousness / life among dreams.

A spoiled fur coat is a disease.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Darling - a rich groom for a woman, a loss for a man.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a fur coat mean in a dream - To great and lasting wealth. Imagine that your fur coat is made of expensive fur, and what’s more, instead of a lining, it also has fur. You are not afraid of any frost.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Ancient Russian dream book

Fur coat - Putting it on in winter means nothing, but in summer such a dream signifies sadness, grief and misfortune.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Russian dream book

What does a fur coat mean in a dream? this is success; trying it on is a lot of money.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Jewish dream book

What does a fur coat mean in a dream - Putting on a fur coat A dream seen in the spring means that you will be promised mountains of gold, but these promises should not be given much importance.

A dream in the summer warns that you are ready to show excessive gullibility; and in the fall, it means that you are too impatient; If you had a dream in winter, this dream means that you will have to go somewhere, although you would prefer to stay at home.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of Shuba - to get involved in an adventurous business.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, and a change in relationships with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If you dreamed that you bought a fur coat (you are planning to do this, you are looking for a fur coat that you like), in the near future you will not have problems with finances. To make this period last as long as possible, hide a coin under the carpet every day for a week.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were sewing a fur coat (or ripping it apart, tearing it), get ready for your relationship with one of your relatives or friends to deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, burn a family photo on the next full moon.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Old Russian dream book

big quarrel.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream book for women

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, foreshadows a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this foreshadows discord in the family. If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream book of the future

Fur coat - success and wealth; Trying on a fur coat means quick big money.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream book of relationships

A dream in which you buy a fur coat means that you are too reserved. You rarely talk in the company of unfamiliar people, afraid to say something stupid.

If you dream that you are wearing a fur coat, this indicates that you lack liberation in sex. You may be experiencing an inferiority complex. Try to learn to love yourself for who you are.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream book for the whole family

If in a dream from Sunday to Monday you are given a beautiful and expensive fur coat, this promises you financial difficulties.

Covering yourself with a fur coat in a dream means loneliness. But if you have such a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close to you, portends a comfortable and cloudless existence.

If you had a dream in which lint falls out of your fur coat, this portends discord in the family.

If you had such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Buying a fur coat means good financial results for some business.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Online dream book

A fur coat symbolizes that you are very close to achieving your cherished success.

It was shabby - you will gradually be able to strengthen your financial situation.

If you acquired it in a dream, it means you will live in harmony and love.

Stole a fur coat - there is a risk that you will be struck by colds

It was spoiled by moths - all events will turn out to be predictable for you.

According to the dream book, a new fur coat promises you well-being and prosperity, you will live in luxury and abundance.

If a fur coat is white in a dream, this promises you material gain, rapid enrichment, but at the same time a deterioration in family relationships.

If you dreamed of a black fur coat, this promises you material well-being and mutual understanding with loved ones, your chosen one will treat you with great love and will never stoop to betrayal.

A mink coat in a dream portends positive changes in your life that will happen very soon, especially with regard to trade and financial transactions and, in general, any matters and new projects related to your business.

Trying on a fur coat in a dream - you will finally be able to achieve almost all of your goals at the same time, and you will be able to rest on your laurels, enjoying your happiness and luck.

A dream in which you buy a fur coat means that you are trying to provide as little information as possible about yourself, naively believing that for someone your biography may be of great importance.

If your fur coat was stolen in a dream, there is a high probability of suffering losses in real life, so be careful and do not let your guard down.

If your fur coat is gray in a dream, it means that now your business is not going well, and your poor physical well-being or depression is to blame. .

A red fur coat in a dream warns of possible troubles due to the meanness and deceit of people from your inner circle. Your position will be extremely unstable.

If you are wearing someone else's fur coat, there is a high probability of following a path that is not your own, living to please others or with an eye on someone else's lifestyle.

If you dream of a shabby, torn fur coat, your troubles will soon end and your financial situation will stabilize.

If you dreamed of a worn out and old fur coat, serious problems of a material nature may lie in wait for you; try to do everything possible to prevent them, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous.

If you dreamed that you were given a fur coat, it promises you prosperity and luck in all your undertakings, a lucky streak will begin very soon and will never end.

If you received it as a gift

Wearing a fur coat in a dream means your home will be full, you will live in luxury and prosperity, and love and mutual respect will reign between family members.

A dream in which you lost your fur coat foreshadows a change in weather conditions; it will be very cold and damp, which will cause you a lot of discomfort.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Dream book of symbols

Fur coat - this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one’s success.

Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, a change in relationships with loved ones.

Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved.

To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child - you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Russian dream book

Fur coat - big noise, quarrel.

Why do you dream about a fur coat?

Russian dream book

This symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with your success. Seeing a naked man in a fur coat in a dream means betrayal by those you trust, and a change in relationships with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing means conflict and troubles in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult put on a small child, you have met a person who has an inflated idea of ​​his own importance and thereby misleads you.