Who did Buzova from the gum quarrel with? A huge scandal: Timur Batrutdinov is in no hurry to defend Olga Buzova, who was called a prostitute

Editing Elena Tertychnaya Cameraman Elena Petrova Writers Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Vasily Livanov, also Designer

Did you know that

  • The cartoon is based on the fairy tale of the same name by the Brothers Grimm.
  • In Khabarovsk there are monuments to the characters of the Bremen Town Musicians.
  • Initially, the main characters were supposed to look completely different. The troubadour wore a cap similar to those worn by buffoons, the Princess in her red and gray fluffy outfit resembled a chess piece. Director Inessa Kovalevskaya categorically disagreed with this option. It seemed to her inconsonant with either the music or the genre of the future cartoon. One day she came across a foreign magazine with a photograph of a young musician in tight jeans and a Beatle hairstyle. It was this guy who became the prototype of the Troubadour. The princess was created by Svetlana Skrebneva, assistant production designer. Dress for main character the director also managed to find it in one of the fashionable foreign magazines kept in the closed library of Goskino. According to another version, the prototype of the royal daughter was the wife of screenwriter Yuri Entin, Marina. The prototype of the king was Erast Garin, who appeared on screen more than once in the role of monarchs, and Atamansha was copied from the ballerina of the Operetta Theater Tamara Vishneva. For a very long time they could not create images of robbers. The cartoon had already gone into production, but the main negative characters were still missing. The problem was resolved when the studio editor brought a calendar with the Coward, the Dunce and the Experienced performed by Vitsin, Nikulin and Morgunov. They became the prototypes of bandits.
  • Difficulties arose not only when creating characters, but also when voicing them. The Soyuzmultfilm studio did not have sufficient capabilities to record the music that Gennady Gladkov came up with. It was decided to do this at the Melodiya studio. The recording was scheduled for 12 midnight. But it turned out that of all the actors invited to do the dubbing, only Oleg Anofriev was present, who came to say that he was ill and could not sing. It was impossible to postpone work because of the huge queues for Melodiya. As a result, he sang for almost all the characters, imitating different voices, and the sound engineer first recorded him on different tracks, and then connected everything together. The only thing the actor failed to do was dub the Princess, for whom Elmira Zherzdeva, who was hastily summoned to the studio, sang. The “voice” of Donkey was the poet Anatoly Gorokhov.

More facts (+1)

Bugs in the cartoon

  • Bye Bremen Town Musicians They drive the robbers out of their house, the entrance changes its shape. In addition, at first the entrance to the hut was open and the viewer could see the bandits sitting in it, but when Donkey, Dog, Cat, Rooster and Troubadour decided to go in there, the door was closed.


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

The Bremen musicians travel around the country giving performances in different cities. They also had a chance to perform near the royal palace. Here they meet a beautiful princess, the only daughter of the monarch. The young beauty instantly won the heart of the Troubadour, and she herself did not remain indifferent to him.

The happiness of lovers is prevented by only one obstacle - their difference. social statuses. But is there such an obstacle that a resourceful young man and his faithful friends could not overcome?

Having learned about the impending assassination attempt on the king, Troubadour, Dog, Cat, Rooster and Donkey burst into the house of the robbers, scattering the unlucky robbers. Here the Bremen Town Musicians dress in their clothes and then attack the motorcade themselves. Having kidnapped the ruler, they tie him to a tree near the hut. While the king awaits reprisals in horror, he is “accidentally” found by the Troubadour, who immediately rushes into a fight with the “robbers”. Of course, the guy emerges victorious. The happy monarch, in gratitude for his salvation, gives him his daughter as his wife. But there is no place for Donkey, Cat, Dog and Rooster either at the wedding or in the life of the royal family. Left without their friend, the saddened Bremen Town Musicians hit the road again. But soon they are joined by the Troubadour and the Princess, who secretly escaped from the palace. Together they are heading towards new adventures that await them in the near future.

The presenter did not turn a blind eye to such statements addressed to her and decided to defend herself, since, according to her, there was no one to do this.

I wrote about this Olga Buzova on Instagram. In her long post, the singer called the offender a “sub-man” and said that she would resolve this issue through the courts. But, unfortunately, I didn’t mention his name.

I have no defender. I'm alone. And I solve all problems myself. Today, one “under-man” with whom we work on the same channel allowed me to be publicly insulted. Unfortunately, those whom I considered my friends from the comedy did not influence this situation in any way. Therefore, I will decide this through the court.

However, based on the comments, it is clear that we are talking about Andrei Skorokhod. Thus, the comedian posted on his profile a publication in the form of a collage, in which Olga’s photo is adjacent to a photo of the Predator from the film of the same name. A main reason the conflict was the comment of the hater of the singer, who called the star, let's say: " girl lung behavior." Well, Skorokhod supported the opinion of his subscriber with a like.

It is interesting that the incident was also reacted to by, who recently stated that. However, his position is not entirely clear: he is either protecting his girlfriend, or is afraid that his friend will end up on trial.

Olyus, don’t forget, we at the Comedy Club love you very much and appreciate your self-irony! I just talked to Andrey. Of course, he gave this like by accident. He will apologize for this. Remember, all our jokes about you are in no way personal! You are the most prominent figure in show business and, of course, half of the jokes are about you. You see, nothing else is happening in the country except you. Once again, I apologize on my own behalf that such an unpleasant situation occurred for you!

However, Skorokhod confirmed the accident of his like a little later on Instagram Stories. And smart Internet users even managed to take screenshots of his confession. Find more news in the section "

A new scandal has just broken out on the Internet. (32) posted a post on her Instagram page in which she stated that someone had publicly humiliated her. “I don’t have a defender. I'm alone. And I solve all problems myself. Today, one “under-man” with whom we work on the same channel allowed me to be publicly insulted. Unfortunately, those whom I considered my friends from the comedy did not influence this situation in any way. Therefore, I will solve this through the court. I will not allow anyone to call me sh....th and insult my fans by calling them m.....and dogs. I can still survive insults, but I won’t let my people be insulted. NO ONE,” the singer wrote in a comment. (Hereinafter, the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved - editor’s note).

In her Stories, Olya explained who she was talking about we're talking about, posting a screenshot of a comment that offended her. It turned out that Comedy Club resident Andrei Skorokhod (29) posted a video collage with Buzova and a cartoon monster on his Instagram.

And then he liked a subscriber’s unflattering comment about the singer, which contained so much hatred and obscenities that we probably won’t quote it.

Andrey Skorokhod

Judging by the comment of Olga’s close friend Timur Batrutdinov (40) (with whom she, by the way, was credited with an affair), his colleague did this by accident: “Olyus, don’t forget, we all at Comedy Club love you very much and appreciate your self-irony! I just talked to Andrey. Of course, he gave this like by accident. He will apologize for this. Remember, all our jokes about you are in no way personal! You are the most prominent figure in show business and, of course, half of the jokes are about you. You see, nothing else is happening in the country except you. Once again, I apologize on my own behalf that such an unpleasant situation occurred for you!”

Apparently, the comedian believes that the performer’s fans are to blame for everything. He called fans of Buzova’s work the intellectual bottom.


“You just eat the feed that your mistress pours into your trough! At the same time, I personally have no complaints about Buzova (Hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation are preserved - Ed.),” Skorokhodov noted.

The artist even praised his colleague. “Well done she! She makes money from people’s love of eating shit!” – he added.

The KVN star recalled how the conflict began. “I posted a picture that someone didn’t find funny. I didn’t insult Buzova, but the whole conflict was with a pack of crazed Instagram commentators,” the comedian writes.

Let us remind you that the presenter of “House-2” threatened the KVN star with legal action. “I won’t allow anyone to call me a whore and insult my fans, calling them scum and dogs,” she wrote on her page in social network Instagram.

Comedy Club resident Timur Batrutdinov also came to the singer’s defense.

“Today, one “sub-man” with whom we work on the same channel allowed me to be publicly insulted. Unfortunately, those whom I considered my friends from the comedy did not influence this situation in any way,” I will not allow anyone to call me a whore and insult my fans, calling them scum and dogs,” Buzova emphasized. At the same time, the singer noted that she does not have influential defenders and she is forced to solve all her problems herself.

Later it became clear why exactly the serious conflict broke out. Skorokhodov left a “Like” mark under the offensive comment.

Let us remind you that the other day a new season of a comedy show on TNT started. In the first episode of the new season of Comedy Club, a scandal erupted between best friends Timur Batrutdinov and Garik Kharlamov. At first everything went well, the comedians tried to act out a scene, but at some point they began to argue and discuss the relationship between Timur and Buzova. Kharlamov said that it was only thanks to Buzova that Timur’s ratings increased noticeably. Batrutdinov began to actively defend Olga: “What’s wrong with Olya? She’s a wonderful, beautiful, talented girl, a good actress, and a cool singer!” Garik said that communication between a friend and the singer leads to the degradation of Timur. He said that if Batrutdinov meets with the TV presenter, a unique relationship awaits him. “Are you ready for the fact that you will be the one in the family with children? I wouldn't trust Buzova to babysit the children. You yourself will give birth, and her video will be recorded at this time,” noted the Comedy Club resident.

Olga Buzova intervened in the conversation, the brunette came on stage and began to persuade Timur to leave with her. “I came for you. They all envy you. Look at yourself, how beautiful you are, how sexy you are, how smart you are. Yes, you are generally the funniest of Comedy. Timur, come with me. Nobody watches Comedy anymore, everyone watches my stories,” said the singer.


Olga asked to protect her from Garik when he called her a scandalous person. The TV presenter said that her man should stand for her. Kharlamov invited his friend to choose: either he or Buzova. The brunette undressed and found herself in a red swimsuit, without hesitation, Garik also took off his shirt, underneath which was a red suit with a zipper.

“Ol, just listen. I feel like I'm at the finale of The Bachelor. My calling is humor, so having fun and making fun of me is all mine. I choose you,” these words of Batrutdinov ended the actors’ performance. Timur and Olga ran away from the stage.

Do you believe that Timur is actually leaving the Comedy Club and will defend Olga Buzova from her offenders?

Photo: instagram.com/buzova86