Bremen Town Musicians composition. Oh, it’s early, the guards are up: mistakes in “The Bremen Town Musicians”

  • Script: Yu. Entin, V. Livanov
  • Director: I. Kovalevskaya
  • Lyrics: Yu. Entin
  • Composer: G. Gladkov
  • The roles were voiced by: O. Anofriev, E. Zherzdeva, A. Gorokhov.

Second series

  • Script: Yu. Entin, V. Livanov
  • Director: V. Livanov
  • Lyrics: Yu. Entin
  • Composer: G. Gladkov
  • The roles were voiced by: M. Magomaev, E. Zherzdeva, A. Gorokhov.

Who voiced the Bremen Town Musicians?

The script with freedom-loving and even hooligan habits was approved quite quickly, since the basis of the plot was the fairy tale of the same name by the Brothers Grimm. The unusual format of the musical, characters dressed in Western fashion and wonderful songs “a la rock and roll” made this cartoon incredibly popular. The first episode was released in 1969.

Director Inessa Kovalevskaya recalled that she was horrified when she saw the first version of the script. And I immediately decided to film this disgrace, only slightly altering the plot. This “slightly” brought the main character, Troubadour, into the cartoon, proposed by screenwriter Vasily Livanov. And composer Gennady Gladkov suddenly declared that there is no good fairy tale without love: this is how the Princess appeared. Well, what is a princess without a palace and a father-king? And what kind of king is without security!

One for all

Such a number of characters had to be voiced by several people: talented, famous and busy. At that time, the recording schedule at the Melodiya studio was very tight, and the dubbing of the cartoon, shot by a little-known director, was scheduled for midnight. Almost everyone did not come to the recording for various valid reasons. Only Oleg Anofriev appeared in the studio, and only to report his illness. The deadlines were running out, and they began to persuade the singer to start work immediately. Anofriev tried it, got involved, and himself offered to voice all the other characters, including the Princess. But the female part was designed for a lyric soprano, so Gladkov urgently invited a fellow student to record Elmira Zherzdev. In the end Anofriev voiced the Troubadour, the Chieftain, the robbers and the guards. Who voiced the Bremen Town Musicians? The poet took over the Donkey, the Dog, the Cat, and the Rooster Anatoly Gorokhov, friend of Entin. Said several “royal” remarks Gladkov.

History repeats itself

In 1973, the second series was published: “In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians.” Vasily Livanov became the director, since Kovalevskaya was not interested in continuing the work.
Despite the success of the first episode, the creators of the cartoon did not want to invite Anofriev to voice several characters. For two reasons: firstly, in that case it was done out of despair, and secondly, Anofriev began to be capricious. As a result, the same thing happened as the first time: several main parts were performed by another famous talented singer, Muslim Magomaev. Troubadour, Detective and Atamansha sing in his voice. As in the first episode, the Princess was voiced by Zherzdeva, and the King - Gladkov.

Who voiced the Bremen musicians, robbers and courtiers in the second series? There was a hitch with these characters: according to Entin, their parts were recorded by VIA Pesnyary. But upon listening, it turned out that Mulyavin’s too “Slavic” accent did not suit the “Western” style of the cartoon. As a result, these parts were voiced Leonid Berger, former soloist of VIA “Jolly Fellows”. But since the singer was going to emigrate, his last name was removed from the credits. Instead, the surname Gorokhov is indicated, as in the first episode.

“The Town Musicians of Bremen” is a fairy tale story by the brothers Grimm. The 1969 Soviet musical cartoon, created using the drawing technique and composed by Gennady Gladkov, also has the same name. The main characters of the fairy tale “The Bremen Town Musicians” - Donkey, Cat, Dog, Rooster - are domestic animals who left their farms because of their uselessness and cruel treatment by their owners, who are heading towards the city of Bremen to earn money there with musical performances, but so they don’t get there.

In the Soviet animated film “The Town Musicians of Bremen,” there are slightly more main characters. Traveling with the four described above is Troubadour - an elegant and slender blond, the lead singer of this traveling ensemble, who, during an unsuccessful performance near the royal castle, falls in love with the Princess. The list of heroes of The Bremen Town Musicians also includes robbers led by the Atamansha. These characters are the antagonists of the main characters. The cartoon “The Town Musicians of Bremen” today can be called one of the most popular animated films in the post-Soviet countries.

The plot of the tale

The heroes of “The Town Musicians of Bremen” one day come across a house in which robbers are resting after another robbery. Friends decide to scare the bandits with noise. The idea works - the robbers, hearing strange and frightening sounds coming from outside the window, leave their home in fear. A little later, the bandits decide to send their scout there. The messenger sneaks into the house at night. A few moments later, he flies out of there like an arrow - scratched, bitten and scared out of his mind.

This is what the unfortunate hero of The Bremen Town Musicians told his comrades - the poor fellow who did not fully understand what really happened to him that night in the house:

  1. First, the Witch scratched his face (in fact, as the reader knows, this was done by the Cat, who was the first to attack the newcomer).
  2. Then the Troll grabbed him by the leg (the bandit scout was bitten by the Dog).
  3. Soon after this, the giant dealt him a terrible blow (the donkey kicked the robber).
  4. Later, a certain mysterious creature, emitting terrible sounds, drove him out of the threshold of his home (as we understand, the Rooster was crowing and flapping his wings).

Hearing this creepy story, the frightened bandits decided to leave their refuge and never return there again. Thus, the heroes of “The Bremen Town Musicians” - Donkey, Rooster, Cat and Dog - took possession of all the riches looted and hidden in this dwelling by the robbers.

One day, traveling performers perform in front of the royal castle. The Princess is present at the performance. The main character of the cartoon "The Town Musicians of Bremen" falls in love with her at first sight, and the young lady of royal blood reciprocates his feelings. However, the king kicks out the musicians after they perform one of their numbers unsuccessfully, so the minstrel is temporarily deprived of the opportunity to see his beloved.

In the next key scene, the heroes discover the bandits' house. Having overheard the robbers' conversation, the friends learn that the Atamansha and her three assistants want to rob the royal motorcade. A little later, the friends drive the bandits out of the hut, and they themselves change into their clothes and then kidnap the King, who is tied to a tree and left in the forest near the bandits' hut.

Soon the kidnapped King hears someone nearby singing a song about unrequited love. The king begins to call for help, and soon, to his delight, the Troubadour appears. The minstrel rushes into the hut, where he and his friends create the noise of struggle and pogrom, after which he emerges from there as a winner and frees the King, who, in gratitude for his salvation, takes him to his daughter. After this, a celebration begins in the castle, at which there was no place for the Troubadour’s friends. The Donkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Cat leave the palace grounds at dawn in a sad mood. However, Troubadour was not going to leave his comrades and, together with his chosen one, soon joins them. The company of musicians sets off for new adventures with an expanded lineup.

Who are the characters from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians” based on?

The troubadour was initially conceived as a buffoon and had to wear a cap on his head, but the creator of the cartoon, Inessa Kovalevskaya, rejected this option appearance hero, proposed by production designer Max Zherebchevsky. One day, in one of the foreign fashion magazines, she saw a boy dressed in skinny jeans and with a haircut like the participants The group Beatles, and decided that her hero would be like him. The prototype of the Princess is the wife of one of the screenwriters of this animated project, Yuri Entin, Marina. The heroine was awarded a funny hairstyle with protruding different sides production designer's assistant Svetlana Skrebneva's tails.

Bandits and the King

The forest bandits were copied from the heroes of Gaidai’s comedy films - the Coward, the Experienced and the Dunce, who were embodied on the screen by artists Georgy Vitsin, Evgeny Morgunov and Yuri Nikulin. The king was invented to resemble the characters of the actor Erast Garin, who at that time often played similar characters in various fairy tales, such as “Cinderella”, “Half an Hour for Miracles”. The prototype of Atamansha is the wife of director Vyacheslav Kotenochkin, Tamara Vishneva, who at that time worked as a ballerina at the Operetta Theater. Oleg Anofriev, who voiced this heroine, tried to make his Atamansha speak in the manner of actress Faina Ranevskaya.

Who sang in The Bremen Town Musicians

Initially, it was planned that the songs of the heroes of the Bremen Town Musicians, whose photos are posted here, would be performed by different artists. The Atamansha's song was proposed to Zinovy ​​Gerdt, the parts of Donkey and Dog were to be performed by Oleg Yankovsky and Yuri Nikulin, the Cat was to speak in the voice of Andrei Mironov, and the King in the voice of Georgy Vitsin. However, only Oleg Anofriev arrived at the Melodiya studio on the night of the recording, who appeared there only to say that due to illness he would not be able to sing his part. As a result, almost all the songs from the cartoon were performed by Oleg Anofriev, who could not only sing the part of the Princess, and it went to vocalist Elmira Zherzdeva, a classmate of Gennady Gladkov. The donkey in this cartoon spoke in the voice of the poet Anatoly Gorokhov.

Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Musicians of Bremen"

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen" and their characteristics

  1. Donkey, worked at a mill, smart and resourceful, fearless, sympathetic, could play the guitar
  2. A dog that lived with a hunter, is brave and determined, knows how to beat drums
  3. A cat who lived with his owner, is smart and cunning, brave and knows how to play the violin
  4. The rooster, simply very cheerful and cheerful, knew how to play the balalaika.
  5. Robbers, scary but cowardly.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen"
  1. Donkey goes to Bremen
  2. The Sorrows of a Dog
  3. Sorrows of a cat
  4. Rooster's Sorrows
  5. In the forest
  6. Robbers' House
  7. Everyone en masse out the window
  8. Night robber
  9. Giants
  10. Happy ending
The short summary of the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The donkey was kicked out of the mill and went to Bremen
  2. On the way I met a dog, a cat and a rooster and they went together
  3. Friends saw a house with robbers in the forest
  4. Animals burst through the window and scared the robbers
  5. The robber was sent to check the house, but the animals attacked the robber and he ran away
  6. The robbers left, but the animals in the house remained alive.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen"
Together with true friend and trouble is not trouble, and grief is not grief.

What does the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen" teach?
This fairy tale teaches that anyone can be offended if he is alone and weak. But if such weak people gather large group, then they are already strong, and no one will be able to offend them. This fairy tale teaches resourcefulness, courage, and loyalty. It teaches you not to leave fate to chance, but to try to fix something in your life yourself.

Review of the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen"
I liked this fairy tale for its optimism. Even if everything is life goes on awry, you can always come up with something, change something. After all, the main thing is that those you trust, those you love, are nearby. It’s very good that the animals found each other, because together they will not be lost.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen"
WITH good friend you will move mountains, you will perish with the bad one
Two sorrows together, the third in half
All for one, and one for all, then success awaits in the matter.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "The Town Musicians of Bremen"
A donkey lived with a miller, but he became old and the miller drove him out. The donkey thought - where will I go? And he went to Bremen to become a street musician.
A donkey is walking, he sees a dog running. The dog said that she lived with the hunter, but she became old and the hunter decided to kill her. So the dog decided to run away.
The donkey called the dog with him. He was going to play the guitar and sing, and the dog was supposed to play the drums and also sing.
They go further and see sad cat. It turned out that the cat had become old, stopped catching mice and his owner wanted to drown him. Friends invited the cat with them to sing and play the violin.
They go further and see a rooster. They want to slaughter a rooster for soup for guests. Friends invited the rooster with them to sing and play the balalaika.
Friends came to the forest and it got dark. The rooster saw the light from the tree, the musicians went to see the light. We came to the house, the donkey looked inside - and there were robbers. And the animals were hungry and decided to drive out the robbers. They stood on top of each other, each shouted in their own way, and burst into the house through the window.
The robbers got scared and ran away.
The animals ate and went to sleep.
And the chieftain of the robbers sends one of his people to check the house. A robber enters the house and sees two lights, he thought they were coals, he poked one with a splinter, and it was a cat. He rushed at the robber and began to scratch. The robber's dog bit him, the donkey kicked, and the rooster crowed from the gate.
The robber forcibly ran away and told about the terrible giants - they say one grabbed his face with his fingers, another cut his leg, a third hit him with a club, and the fourth shouted “stop the thief.”
The robbers left forever, but the friends remained in the house.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen"

If you don’t understand why the fairy tale is called “The Town Musicians of Bremen,” then read our article and find useful information.

Why is the fairy tale called "The Town Musicians of Bremen"

Why is the fairy tale called “The Town Musicians of Bremen”? The main characters were heading to the city of Bremen, which was the city of dreams that everyone was so eager to get to.

This is a tale about four musicians who embodied general image German people. "Bremen Town Musicians" - music that never made it to the much-desired city and did not become famous city performers.

Bremen is the cultural center of the region, where all dreams of better life, so the animal musicians sought to get to the city. The image of animals is symbolic, which depicts the dream and desire of the people for a better bright life.

There is a legend that the basis of the fairy tale was European musicians, who were called “klezmer”. Kreizmers are European folk street musicians; performed at weddings, celebrations, and fairs. The leading instruments were violin, cymbals, double bass, trumpet, clarinet, drum, etc.

The main characters of the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen”: a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, there were four of them, and the classical Klezmer Chapel consisted of 4 musicians playing the violin, clarinet, fifioli and drum with cymbals.

The story of the Bremen Town Musicians was retold in a Soviet cartoon from the 60s. The names of the characters did not change, but their characters began to correspond to images from popular magazines or Russian artists. The names of the Bremen musicians and their prototypes are now reliably known.


Troubadour. This main character famous fairy tale. He is distinguished by courage, perseverance and lack of despondency. The troubadour spends the entire cartoon trying to reunite with the royal daughter. Its prototype was a certain dude from a fashion magazine. In 1969, when the cartoon was released, the image of a young man in flared
wearing trousers and a hairstyle like all Beatlemaniacs was most suitable. The musician was voiced by Oleg Anofriev. He sang most of his parts.

Donkey. The name of the Bremen musician does not reflect his character traits. The donkey had no other nickname other than to designate an equid animal. However, in the cartoon he showed himself as a bright and creative rock performer. Its prototype was the famous singer and musician Alexander Gradsky. His genius as a stage master was expressed in an episode with a concert at the king's court. A cover of a lullaby was demonstrated there.

Rooster. The character's name also matches the name of the bird. He had no creative prototype, and he himself showed himself to be a silent hero, only occasionally behaving actively. But if the heroes got into trouble, the Rooster always helped them out, using his ability to fly and cunning.

Cat. The hero of the Puss from Bremen, who was called that in the cartoon and book, is somewhat reminiscent of the Soviet animation Puss in Boots. He is also assertive and cheerful. It is immediately clear from him that he is a tramp who knows how to stand up for himself. This is a bright and memorable character.

Dog. Few Bremen musicians had a special name. The dog also did not have a nickname. He represented the saddest cartoon character. But despite the depressing events of his life, he found true friends and associates with whom he was not so sad. This hero masterfully plays the guitar throughout the entire animated film.

Please note

In addition to the musicians themselves, there were other characters whose prototypes were real existing people. Thus, the Princess resembled the wife of the poet Yuri Entin both in appearance and in character. Her dress was chosen from a fashion model from a fashion magazine. And the three robbers corresponded to Nikulin, Vitsyn and Morgunov. Their characters were so consistent with the Coward, the Goon and the Experienced that there was no doubt about the similarity.