Health: Scientists have found people who do not age over the years, but become younger. Is it possible to stop human aging forever? Are there people who don't age?

It turns out that there are ageless people in the world who remain young at the age of 97. And this is not a consequence of any operations or injections, or any falsification. They really do not age, frozen at a certain age mark. There are also those who are getting younger every year.

Phenomenon: a person who does not age

Every year there are more cases when a person not only stops aging, but also begins to look younger. They do nothing to rejuvenate, neither in terms of lifestyle changes, nor in terms of medical intervention. Scientists call this phenomenon a phenomenon. Its nature is not clear, but is of great interest.

The oldest ageless person celebrated his 97th birthday.

Cases of stopping aging and turning aging into rejuvenation are different. These stories have both a happy ending and a sad one. There are children who remain at their age immediately after birth. Their bodies age, but unevenly, causing deformation. The aging process is slow. One year of growing up for such children is equal to 4 years for ordinary children. Such a child will never be able to grow old, because he will die from other causes prematurely. For parents, this is not a miracle, but a real disaster. Scientists believe that the cause lies in gene mutation. But they can’t say anything for sure yet.

There are also people who stop aging after certain circumstances occur. They quickly get younger, but then they begin to age again more intensively than before and die. Also, there are more optimistic cases when a person simply does not age as quickly as ordinary people. The rate of his aging is so slow that it is almost invisible to others.

Ageless Candy Lo

The model is of Chinese origin. Candy is now 50 years old, but she looks like a 30-year-old woman in her prime. Mother of three children. She believes that slow aging in her case is associated with an ideal lifestyle, the absence of bad habits, a positive psychological attitude and sports. Realizing that she was significantly younger than her peers, Candy used her advantage for commercial purposes by writing a book about her story. The book is called Timeless.

Young Rosa Faroni

This woman is now 97 years old, can you believe it?

This is exactly the man who, having lived to 97 years, still does not age. Vice versa, Rosa Faroni became so much younger that her acquaintances no longer recognized her, confusing her with her daughter.

Now she jokes about how if she decides to get pregnant, wouldn't it be funny to give birth when her 100th birthday is around the corner? At the same time, as gerontologists note, she became younger not only in body, but also in mind.

All her data is at least 70 years younger than her passport age. She has a sharp mind, excellent memory, and physical fitness. All her life she never followed any diets, did not lead a healthy lifestyle, smoked and drank. This is a real phenomenon.

Sleepless Yakov Tsiperovich

At 58 years old, this guy looks like he's in his 30s.

This is a man who lives in Germany. After a clinical death experience that lasted about an hour, he woke up and stopped aging. This happened in 1979.

An interesting fact about this man’s story is that he doesn’t need sleep. He can't sleep at all. He learned over time to give his body a horizontal position, but it does not need sleep.

In order to learn to lie down on the surface without hindrance, he needed time and yoga classes. Now Yakov Tsiperovich is 58 years old, he is completely healthy and looks exactly the same as he did before his clinical death.

Ageless Sei Senagon

The Japanese woman Sei had just turned 75 years old when she stopped aging. She began to look younger. The physiological process of her body has completely turned into a process of rejuvenation. Hair and teeth were renewed, wrinkles disappeared, the menstrual cycle started again, and sexual desire appeared. Over time, the woman began to look completely young. She had to divorce her husband and remarry a younger man, with whom she had a child.

Is there a possibility of turning the phenomenon into a norm?

This possibility exists. Scientists from the United States of America have concluded that the aging process is not natural for the human body. Genetically, a person has a complex program to counteract aging.

Video: How to stop aging with antioxidants and free radicals.

A whole group of genes is responsible for longevity in the human body. By studying the DNA of elderly people over 90 years old, scientists were able to create a human genetic map. The group of people tested consisted of sisters and brothers related by blood.

The discovery turned out to be stunning. It turned out that in the elderly people studied, a group of genes was found that blocks genes that trigger the aging process.

They were called genes of youth. The problem is that these genes usually remain inactive. Today, the challenge for gerontologists is to understand the mechanism by which these genes are activated. When this happens, ageless people will appear more and more often, until all of humanity is rejuvenated.

Our selection includes 7 oriental beauties and one handsome man who managed to deceive time.

How do some Easterners manage to look 25 at 50? The heroes of our selection answer that the secret is healthy eating, sports, giving up bad habits, etc. But when you look at their young faces and flawless bodies in the photographs, the thought creeps in that they are hiding something... Perhaps the inhabitants of the East know the secret recipe for the elixir of youth?

Chuando Tan (50 years old)

The 50-year-old photographer and ex-fashion model from Singapore has wowed the Internet with his stunning looks. Despite his advanced age, there is not a single wrinkle on his face, and even a twenty-year-old would envy his pumped up body. More than 300 thousand users have already subscribed to Chuando’s Instagram page, whom the youthful Singaporean regularly pampers with his topless selfies.

The photographer claims that regular exercise in the gym and Hainanese chicken help him look so cool. Is this really the only issue?

Masako Mizutani (49 years old)

The 49-year-old Japanese woman, who looks the same age as her 25-year-old daughter, runs a beauty blog where she shares the secrets of eternal youth and advertises cosmetics.

Masako spends 5 hours a day on beauty restoration. Her daily care program includes facial massage with a bone comb, hardware cosmetology and the application of expensive creams. In addition, the Japanese woman drinks a lot of water, eats exclusively healthy food and sleeps at least 8 hours a day. Every morning she wakes up at exactly 5 and immediately begins cosmetic procedures.

Luzhe Nsu (41 years old)

Luzhe Nsu from Taiwan at 42 years old looks like a young 20-year-old girl. A woman works as an interior designer. She carefully follows a vegetable diet and drinks a lot of water - these are, in fact, all the secrets of her beauty. Nsu has two sisters, the older one is 42 years old, and the younger one is 35. Both women also look much younger than their years.

Thanks to her eternal youth, Nsu has become incredibly popular: she already has 480 thousand followers on Instagram.

Risa Hirako (46 years old)

Japanese blogger and model Risa Hirako became incredibly popular in 2016 thanks to the photos she posted on Instagram. At 46 years old, the woman looks very young and fresh, and one can hardly give her more than 25. At first, many netizens did not believe Risa, suspecting that she had given herself an extra 20 years to increase the number of subscribers. However, all doubts disappeared when the model posted a copy of her passport on her page, which showed her date of birth - February 14, 1971.

Despite the fact that Risa has long since passed her fifties, she remains a sought-after model. In particular, she is willingly invited to shoot for swimsuit and lingerie catalogs.

The Japanese woman does not hide the secrets of her eternal youth: she uses natural cosmetics and eats only organic products. Her favorite foods include almond milk, honey, and mashed bananas.

Liu Saoqing (61 years old)

You can’t give a Chinese actress more than 35. She looks amazing, despite her stormy and eventful life: the woman was married 4 times, founded a powerful business empire and even spent a year in prison for tax evasion. Liu Xiaoqin modestly calls proper nutrition and daily skin care the secret of her beauty.

Apasra Hongsakula (70 years old)

In 1965, 18-year-old Apasra Hongsakula from Thailand took first place in the international Miss Universe pageant. More than 50 years have passed since then, but it seems that Apasra has been mothballed: it has hardly changed. In 2014, a real fuss arose around the photographs of a 67-year-old Thai woman published by the world's tabloids. The star’s manager had to appear on television and state that the former Miss World did not undergo any plastic surgery:

“The only change Apasra made was straightening her wavy hair.”

Do you believe him?

Liu Yelin (49 years old)

Do you think there is a guy and his girlfriend in the photo? But no! This is a mother and son, and the mother, by the way, has already retired! 49-year-old Chinese woman Liu Yeling looks unusually young:

“People are often shocked when they find out that I’m almost 50. Whenever I go shopping and tell people my real age, they often crowd me and want to know my secrets.”

Elin worked as a librarian for 30 years and then retired. She claims that she hardly uses cosmetics, and owes her beauty to regular physical exercise.

Candy Lo (52 years old)

If you've ever ordered clothes from China, you probably know Candy Lo. This is the most popular model from Chinese clothing catalogs. In the Middle Kingdom, she is called “the woman who deceived time,” because from the moment Candy turned 25, she stopped aging. Now, at 52 years old, the model advertises clothes for schoolgirls and swimwear!

The mother of three children willingly shares the secrets of her youth: first of all, small meals, avoidance of alcohol, jewelry (the Chinese believe that precious stones can heal and rejuvenate the body) and, of course, good genes. However, some claim that Candy has repeatedly resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon.

An ageless man lives in Germany

O ordinary electrician Yakov Tsiperovich, who loves to ride in a mail car and take out his anger with his fists, has turned into a real “biorobot.” His first wife, consumed by constant jealousy, sent her 26-year-old husband to intensive care in 1979 by slipping deadly poison into his wine. Belarusian Yakov said that in the hospital he watched everything from the side, as if soaring to the ceiling in the form of a spot of light.

He flew out of the room and spun in some kind of huge spiral, at different turns of which an unimaginable flow of information was downloaded into him. Tsiperovich saw around him other light substances, certain entities, and in an incomprehensible way he realized that energy beings had been living here for tens of thousands of years. Yakov spent an hour in clinical death, whereas usually brain cells in this state begin to die within 5-10 minutes. He was able to return “from there” after a week-long coma, but became a completely different person.

When Tsiperovich regained consciousness, he not only felt the whole world was alien, but also could not recognize himself. Someone replaced his thoughts. His head was boiling with knowledge received “out of nowhere.” Fountains of new ideas, flowing in a strange poetic form, passed through Yakov’s consciousness, and from that moment an amazing clarity reigned in his head. With all his being, Tsiperovich understood that he was no longer the same person he was before the poisoning.

After the experience, Yakov had to relearn how to control his body, which was by no means out of order, there were no health problems, but the body itself felt completely different. Moreover, having gradually returned to everyday life, the Belarusian discovered that the insomnia that had taken him hostage could not be explained normally. Trying to explain his position, Tsiperovich suggested remembering Vanka-Vstanka. When Yakov tried to lie down in bed, some force lifted him and did not allow him to remain in an upright position, as if he had a balancing mechanism of a tumbler. Tsiperovich got tired like an ordinary person, he wanted to sleep, but as soon as drowsiness fell on him, a sound like a click was heard in his head, preventing him from falling into sleep.

When it became completely unbearable, enormous strength began to emanate from within Yakov, his muscles began to grow and his weight increased. Someone turned off physical fatigue in him forever, and Tsiperovich lost the need to sleep. Trying to determine the limits of his capabilities, Tsiperovich once organized a marathon for himself, but even 10 thousand push-ups could not somehow weaken the “biorobot” and give him sleep for at least five minutes. With such a turn, Yakov felt as if the next phase of his transformation into a “new man” who did not require recharging in sleep had ended.

Today Tsiperovich, who is 63 years old, lives in Germany, in the city of Halle with his second wife Karina, practically living the life of a recluse. His family, including his son Alexander, have long been accustomed to the unusual abilities of the head of the family. Yakov has not slept for 37 years and at his advanced age he looks no older than 35. He began to take a closer look at his acquaintances, who over the years became covered with wrinkles, lost the elasticity of their skin, turned gray and bald, and realized that he had simply “mothballed”, stopped aging and found a way to cheat time. More precisely, Tsiperovich himself assures that he completely stopped feeling time, the change of day and night, and began to live in one huge indivisible day.

Tsiperovich’s “eternal youth” can be partly explained by the state of his body, which has fallen into a certain state of suspended animation. His body temperature did not rise above 34°C and only recently increased by 1°C.

One gets the feeling that Yakov must literally live in a research laboratory and be closely monitored by scientists. However, doctors showed virtually no interest in him. On his own initiative, he took tests, passed a series of tests that determined him to be absolutely healthy, and was released on all fours due to the absence of anomalies. Tsiperovich visited psychics, visited Juna, and psychoneurologists, but he never got off the ground.

Believing in the existence of a “biorobot” is not so easy. It is even more difficult to share with him his “otherworldly knowledge” about ancient civilizations and the endless possibilities of the human body. He “learned” that the ancient Egyptians, while building the majestic pyramids, were in contact with aliens. As Tsiperovich says, the pyramids are the result of a metaphysical action, a mental impact on objects that teleported. Recognizing the reality of the existence of the Atlanteans, Tsiperovich says that the inhabitants of Atlantis had the ability to levitate.

How long can a person live whose aging mechanism has been miraculously disabled? Yakov has not yet sworn off eternity, but he is confident that with his own exercise method he will reach the 200-year mark.

Yakov Tsiperovich born in 1953 in the city of Minsk, graduated from high school, then worked as an electrician in various organizations in the city of Minsk, and his whole life until 1979 was no different from the lives of young people like him.

But after clinical death, everything changed. It was as if he had been reborn in the body of another person. Everything became different, even my thoughts. The brain was literally stuffed with strange and incomprehensible knowledge and the whole world seemed completely different.

Then other oddities began, completely inexplicable and incomprehensible. He stopped feeling his body, all the time there was a feeling as if he was in weightlessness, and what is most unusual is that all objects suddenly became lighter than they were before. He could jokingly rearrange a huge closet full of things, or do push-ups from the floor 10,000 times, or lift it with his little finger dozens of times like a two-pound toy weight.

There were so many oddities that now he can hardly list them all. For example, the entire thought process took place in poetic form. Then a very strange perception of people began; Yakov seemed to be reading their thoughts, but not literally, as if they were being read out loud, but on some other level inaccessible to ordinary understanding. It was as if he penetrated into the shell of the person with whom he was communicating and began to feel everything the same way as he did.

When Yakov turned 40, he suddenly realized that time had stopped for him. This was especially noticeable when he met his classmates, and even when they saw Yakov, they were completely confused; he not only looked youthful, he did not change at all, not one iota.

What happened and how to explain it? Many experts believe that the reason for his youth is that his body temperature remains no higher than 34 degrees. Unfortunately, German science, like Russian science, cannot say anything about the spontaneous cessation of age-related changes. This is probably the only case in the world when fantasy has become reality. Or is it a reminder to people how little they know about themselves.

The press wrote a lot about Yakov Tsiperovich in the 80s and 90s. About 70 films were made about him, including by foreign television companies. In the late 90s, Yakov, his wife and son moved from Minsk to Germany, to the city of Halle, not far from Leipzig.

We bring to your attention an interview with Yakov Tsiperovich.

- Yakov, so what happened to you in 1979?

My ex-wife tried to poison me. More precisely, she didn’t try, but poisoned her out of jealousy. There was severe intoxication, the pressure dropped sharply, and against this background clinical death occurred. I was taken to one of the Minsk hospitals. Clinical death lasted an hour, and then I lay in a coma for a whole week. When I woke up, I couldn’t utter a word for six months. Then speech was restored, but the voice became completely different, as if it was not mine at all.

In general, there were a lot of strange things. I didn’t feel well in my body, as if I was in weightlessness. All objects suddenly became lighter than they were before. The perception of the people around me changed, it was as if I was reading their thoughts, feeling the same thing as them. If someone nearby was in pain, this pain was transmitted to me. Finally, I could not lie down at all.

- How is that? Like a roly-poly, or what?

Absolutely right. As soon as I assumed a horizontal position, I was literally thrown out of bed. As soon as oblivion began, something seemed to click in my head and return me to a state of wakefulness. That's why I couldn't sleep. I swallowed sleeping pills, but it didn’t help. This caused me panic and horror, I assessed what happened as a punishment for my misdeeds. Several years passed before I realized that it was possible to live in such an incredible state. And this is more of a gift than a punishment. So I spent the time until 1995 actually on my feet, in a state of absolute insomnia.

- Did you manage to fall asleep in 1995?

I started doing yoga, and with the help of meditation and Eastern practices, I learned to achieve a state of half-sleep. I enter a state of nirvana and artificially turn myself off. But it’s still not a dream, I hear what’s happening around me all the time. But the body gained the ability to assume a horizontal position - however, for no more than 2-3 hours.

- What did you do at night before you learned to meditate?

I filled them out with my usual activities. Of course, there is no noise at night, so I read or wrote poetry more often. Well, I tried to learn to sleep - I developed my own system of exercises. After all, loss of sleep is loss of energy. It needs to be replenished. I created a system of exercises that completely block all aging processes in the body and compensate for losses.

- And what is its essence?

These are yoga based exercises. Let me give you an analogy with a broken record. It's spinning on the record player and it's stuck. So are my exercises: they stop a person’s internal time, do not allow him to move forward. After all, a person programs himself for only 70-80 years of life. But I believe that we can and should live up to 200 years. And I’m trying to prove this with my example. The fact is that over the past almost 40 years I have not changed at all in appearance.

- Yakov, did the doctors examine you?

On my own initiative, I went in for examinations several times. I visited professors Wayne and Ilyin. Alexander Vein was at that time the most famous specialist in the field of sleep; he worked at the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. I went to Leningrad, to the Brain Institute. They examined me: they took an encephalogram and took tests. And then they said that everything was fine, there were no anomalies. But the doctors didn’t pay much attention to the fact that I wasn’t sleeping; for some reason they weren’t interested.

At the Brain Institute they actually told me: “You never know why a person doesn’t sleep! Many people don’t sleep.” Then I tried to be treated for my “illness” by psychics, even by Juna. But everyone said: “You are absolutely healthy.” Here in Germany, I also turned to doctors. There is a university in Halle, and its clinic has a sleep laboratory. In 2003 they examined me. More precisely, they just wanted to make sure that I was really awake. They connected sensors to me and did a CT scan of my brain. I was in this laboratory for a whole week, no pathologies were detected.

- Did you see anything during clinical death?

What was described by Raymond Moody in the book “Life after Life” largely coincided with my feelings, but these were only the first few moments (a tunnel, a bright light, a vision of everything that was happening around my body), then there was something more that no longer fit into the framework of established ideas and descriptions of people who have experienced similar things. I turned into light, which constantly changed its shape and color, and in the form of this light substance, with great speed I rushed through a giant spiral, from time to time stopping at some of its turns.

During these stops, I seemed to absorb a powerful stream of disparate and strange information. Everything was there: past, future, present. But the flow that carried all this through me made it clear that the time that flows on earth has no meaning here and therefore the past, present and future simply do not exist.

- I wonder what kind of knowledge your brain has become crammed with?

It was a very strange phenomenon. I am not able to explain it, but I will try to describe it. After leaving the body and while passing through the spiral, incomprehensible knowledge was literally pumped into me. They acted chaotically, without any consistency or explanation. They simply gave information that was related to some branches of knowledge, to science, to medicine, to philosophy. An analysis was given to many events that, it seems to me, have not even happened yet. There was a lot I couldn’t understand, and I still don’t understand, but some things were clear.

In particular, from the field of medicine. For example, I very clearly remember an absolutely incredible design, with the help of which you can restore health to people with extraordinary ease and, if necessary, prolong life to almost any age. This design consisted of a certain number of cylinders, as if dressed on top of each other, but not touching each other. A person was placed in the middle of the first, smallest cylinder. He sat on a round platform, which was not in contact with the shell of the cylinder and was in a motionless state. The cylinders themselves rotated in different directions with specific rotation characteristics.

It was the rotation speed of each individual cylinder that determined what was happening inside. And this is what was happening inside. Under the influence of fields unknown to me, caused by the rotation of the cylinders, a person was returned to any age. And it doesn’t matter how old a person is, what illness he has or what is happening to him now. By changing the rotation characteristics of the cylinders, it is possible to return the human body to any given state. I don’t know if it’s possible to apply this knowledge now, but I have no doubt that it will be so.

- Maybe you know who we are and why, and also what we should do?

Everything that exists in the Universe is part of the picture that the Creator intended and, creating it, he invested a certain meaning in any, even the smallest detail of his creation. People are always trying to discover the secret of their origin, not realizing that it is in this secret that the main condition of their existence is hidden. What should we do? Fight evil. This is the meaning of our stay on this planet.

- The fact that you have touched something that is not quite ordinary, something that is not yet comprehensible, doesn’t scare you?

The changes that happened to me at first frightened and worried me, and of course there was a fear of losing my mind, but then a clear and distinct vision of the whole picture came and then it became easy. A person is afraid until he understands something. Understanding the problem brings liberation from it.

At first I assessed what happened as a punishment for some actions. But many years later I realized that this was probably a gift after all. After all, the suffering that tormented me so much for the first time after the incident turned into completely unimaginable things and brought me to a level where no one had ever reached.

Now I'm not scared, because it seems to me that I know what awaits me around the corner.

-Where do you get strength for life?

Each person has his route determined and he must go through it. If it’s very difficult, we need to carefully look around, there will definitely be a path leading to the spring and a clearing that will give us rest. Look carefully around.

- How does your wife react to a man who is nearby and does not age?

My wife is 12 years younger than me and she reacts calmly to what is happening.

- How do you use your unusual abilities?

Now I do a lot of various eastern practices for self-improvement, and I also need it for the distribution of energy flows.

- What unusual has happened to you lately?

The fact of the matter is that nothing special happens to me. Time seemed to stop for me in 1979 and lasted one long, long day.

- How can you answer the question: WHO AM I??

The question is simple and at the same time incredibly complex. Once upon a time I asked myself this question and this is what came out of it.

I am day, I am night,
I am the heat, I am the white frost,
I am chaos, I am a high dream,
I am an island, I am the blue canopy of heaven,
I am the bottom of life, I am the height of life.

I am one moment, I am eternity without limit,
In me alone there is flowering and decay,
I am a disembodied spirit, a suffering body,
I am freedom and the most terrible captivity.

I am two ends, and also two beginnings,
When one is not the judge of the other,
But if one of them were gone,
I wouldn't live either.

- Can you tell us what is there, beyond physical life?

Yes, I really saw there, beyond this life, a lot of things that still bring me into a state of awe and bewilderment. When I tried to tell scientists and ordinary people about this, it almost always caused distrust and skepticism. There were a huge number of people, or rather entities, who were in the same light-like state as me. There was a very intense exchange of information between them, which partially overlapped with our earthly problems, but mainly it was an exchange of experience of being present in that energy world. As I understand it, some of these entities have been there for tens of thousands of years, but these periods are significant only for us, and there they have absolutely no meaning.

What is your opinion about the possibility of influencing a person through damage, the evil eye, or treatment through energy correction?

Damage or the evil eye is nothing more than the materialization of a thought into an energy clot, which acquires the property of a projectile, the destructive power of which depends on the energy power of the person who sent it. In the same way, you can send good energy that can heal or protect a person. It is imperative to protect yourself from evil energy.

- What advice would you give to our readers?

Remember that the main thing is to saturate the body with energy. As soon as a person begins to lose energy, he becomes ill. Any illness is a consequence of such a loss. This means we need to look for a way to compensate for it. For some it’s just a healthy lifestyle, for others it’s special exercises. Find your way, your method.

Every year, doctors around the world record about a hundred cases of sudden rejuvenation, which is commonly called age regression. These cases occur in various countries and, interestingly, with people who cannot boast of a healthy lifestyle, reports


Senpu Issa, who worked as a waste disposal operator, and Sei Senagon, a seamstress who made kimonos, survived the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At the end of the 70s of the last century, they were already sick old people and were in the hospital for treatment. On the night of October 24, 1979, Sei Senagon and Senpu Issa experienced sustained and intense sexual arousal. In the morning, the clinic staff did not recognize the patients. Their gray hair disappeared, their natural hair color returned, a week later their old teeth fell out, and after another week new ones began to appear. The bones became strong, and the entire skin became young and elastic. The ophthalmologist, who was surprised by the sharply worsening vision of the patients, discovered that the clouding of their lenses had completely disappeared. Cardiologists have stated that the blood pressure of former old people is like that of eighteen-year-olds. The symptoms of progressive Alzheimer's disease also completely disappeared.

Peers Sei Senagon and Senpu Issa no longer recognized them when they met on the street. In 1981, “young old people” had the appearance of people who were at most thirty years old. At the same time, Sampu Issa married his seventeen-year-old neighbor and soon became the father of a daughter. Sei Senagon also married and had a child. The Japanese press regularly reported on the lives of these phenomenal people, who were even called immortals.

However, in 1985, such publications were interrupted by the message that life had returned to its place. Sei Senagon and Senpu Issa grew old and died in one week. Their children began to suffer from illnesses characteristic of very old people, and after some time they also died.

In one of the Moscow scientific laboratories, the spine was treated using a new experimental device using magnetic fields. While carrying out the procedure, the laboratory assistant accidentally got distracted and entered non-standard parameters. The patient was a woman of about fifty who did not notice anything special, but after the session she suddenly began to look younger. She felt more and more energetic and began to look better. At first, the woman was naturally happy and continued to get younger day by day - until people began to confuse her with her daughter. Then she was frightened, and being frightened, she began to grow old again. The laboratory assistant, who mixed up the device settings, was unable to find out anything.


Soso Lomidze was well known in the former Soviet Union as a man who grew younger rather than older over time, and also as a thief in law with the nickname Old Man. At the time of his death (he died in 1998 at the age of 56), Lomidze looked like a child. Soso stopped aging when he was 25 years old. The stubble on his face was replaced by fluff, his face became rounder. Lomidze began to lose weight and decrease in height. At the same time, his physical and mental abilities were preserved. Lomidze committed his last two most high-profile cases while in the guise of a child pioneer.


However, not everything is so sad. There are people who, having suddenly become younger, remain so to this day. So, Rosa Faroni, at 97 years old, began to rapidly look younger. In 2007, she had six grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren, and looked almost younger than her own granddaughter. Rosa, like her doctor, cannot say what caused such changes, why her body began to look younger. She says she eats everything, smokes and drinks even more than she should. The only thing that discourages a woman is the possibility of getting pregnant: if you’re already close to a hundred, it’s funny to give birth.

Vyacheslav Klimov, a fifteen-year-old teenager, had a car accident and received multiple burns. In total, 70 percent of the skin was burned. Slava suffered clinical death twice and still survived. And a few years later he suddenly began to look younger. Now Vyacheslav Klimov is 46 years old, but he looks 20 years younger. The man participates in the work of the Cosmopoisk association and studies various kinds of anomalous phenomena.

Unfortunately, despite the statistics (as already mentioned, one hundred people in the world are getting younger every year), there is practically no information about them. But how interesting it would be to follow the fate of such people...

She posted a photo on Twitter showing her next to her 90-year-old mother. “This is what my family looks like at 70 and 90. Mom without makeup,” Sherilyn wrote. The inner glow and smartness of women is explained by favorable genetic inheritance. Many people are now thinking: “So that’s why there are people in the world who don’t age!” But almost everyone has the opportunity to curb the “age jumps”.

Don't run, life!

Fans of the singer wrote in their comments that they did not believe in a miracle - the photographs were retouched. Cher replied that she didn't know how to do it. For her unfading skin, she thanks not the art of painting, but her grandmother, who looked beautiful until her death. However, don't underestimate the power of good genes. A person who does not age is admired by others.

But is it possible to stop this natural process forever and reverse it? Or at least slow down the passing of minutes, hours, months, years? In the arsenal of those who actively resist nature, or maybe, on the contrary, live in harmony with it, there are fitness, cosmetics, diets, anti-aging procedures and many more methods. On this path, people win victories and suffer defeats. But both are just preparations for leaving...

Is it worth being discouraged by the fact that the human body is aging? I think not. Recently, gerontologists made an interesting discovery: those who are “stuck” in time and space often have many problems in their personal lives. Their families do not work out or fall apart, or even do not have more or less serious relationships with the opposite sex. That is, youthfulness is not a panacea for earthly problems.

In the photo below are sisters (born 1933) and Jackie (born 1937). Last one on the right.

80 is the infinity sign

Nevertheless, there is hardly an earthling who does not dream of revealing the secret. It is so tempting to forever remain full of vital energy, a cheerful person, a romantic, ready to embrace the immensity! But “no matter how much the rope twirls”... Sooner or later, the first wrinkles appear on the face, gray hair turns silver at the temples. And, as the poet Sergei Yesenin wrote, a heart touched by a chill does not beat so much.

Some people give up on the threshold of their fortieth birthday. Others transform their “eighty-something” into an infinity sign. Why? Maybe centenarians drink the fabulous elixir of youth? Or do they know magic spells that are cast every evening, at the moment when the sun disappears behind the horizon? Hardly…

Rather, the “infinites” (each of them is the proud owner of the title “The Man Who Does Not Age”) have grasped the essence of simple but very important things: you need to eat balanced healthy food, remember to have a clear wakefulness and sleep schedule, and lead an active lifestyle. And, of course, do not lose optimism under any circumstances.

Old age will not find us at home

So why do physiologists believe that the human body becomes decrepit when the respiratory, circulatory, and waste removal systems begin to persistently “fail”. Due to the accumulation of decay products (slag), internal organs do not receive sufficient nutrition and quickly wear out.

The situation can be “turned over” like an hourglass: the heart, liver, kidneys gradually “get tired” and are not working at 100%. The vital functions of the human body's systems are disrupted, he gets sick and dies. But, whatever one may say, the essence is the same: there are no eternal individuals.

Is everything really so sad and irreversible? Scientists have long been trying to find a way to “put to sleep” the degenerative processes and “invigorate” the regenerative ones. Optimists in science insist that it is humanly possible. You just need to thoroughly study the mechanisms of immortality.

We don't need that kind of ballast

Those who consider the procedure of deep cleansing the body to be life-saving. They assure: a person who does not age is precisely the one who takes care of removing toxins. Metabolic processes accelerate, systems and organs begin to work like clockwork. If you eat right, the cleansing effect lasts for a long time. But you shouldn’t be too zealous in this direction either.

No one argues that over the years, a lot of “garbage” (decomposition products) accumulate in the human body, which must be periodically removed. There are many ways to cleanse the intestines, liver, and kidneys. However, before using them, it is a good idea to consult a doctor, since restoring beneficial microelements (and they are eliminated along with the “harmful ones”) is a complex and time-consuming task.

A lack of essential substances in the body can also be detected outside of cleansing. For example, if a person eats an unbalanced diet, in which carbohydrates, fats or proteins predominate. A harmonious combination is important. You should not get carried away with “fast food” (fast food), marinades, smoked meats. Products containing dyes, flavor enhancers, and preservatives quickly settle in the body, turning it into a kind of “chemical warehouse” that sooner or later begins to poison every cell. Pictured below is Elijah Wood.

Don't forget about water and sleep

There are people who underestimate the role of water in the body. But without this invaluable component, metabolic processes cannot proceed. And although some nutritionists suggest drinking almost 2 liters of pure water per day, and others recommend drinking exclusively “as desired,” we should not forget about a spring sip. Sometimes the body gives a false signal (“you don’t want to drink”). Then it’s better to turn on your brains and, no matter what, “refuel” with H 2 O. A surge of strength is felt almost immediately.

It is important to lead an active lifestyle: walk more, play sports, relax not with a book on the sofa, but by walking in the fresh air. If you can't handle intense physical activity, do simple gymnastic exercises every morning.

Don't stop admiring the simplest things: the first snow, warm rain, a flock of sparrows on the asphalt... Don't let problems turn you into pessimists. Look at life with kindness and joy, and you will notice how you look younger!

Today the world is full of lovers of nightly vigils at the computer: correspondence with friends, games without beginning and end. stood in the way of the real one. If you want to live long, remember: day is for waking, night is for sleeping. The body should rest for an average of 6-8 hours. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to become one of those who are called “people who do not age.” Pictured below is Paul Rudd.

A little about nutrition

If you are used to eating not small and often (as desired), but “rarely, but accurately” (in huge portions) - sores are not far off. To prevent this, normalize your daily routine and food intake. In the morning, eat protein foods (chicken breast, beef, cottage cheese, etc.). This will allow you to be energetic and start proper metabolism. The man who does not age is a fictional character. But it is quite possible to postpone old age.

Remember the folk advice: they contain everything, including anti-aging recipes. These include herbal teas. One of these, widely known as “Tibetan,” includes chamomile flowers, birch buds, St. John’s wort, and immortelle. Monks from Central Asia called an infusion of garlic with alcohol the elixir of youth.

They drink it by adding drops to milk. Regular use increases endurance and stress resistance, as does a mixture of ground lemon, garlic and honey (leave for a week, take 4 teaspoons on an empty stomach). Take care of yourself! Don't panic about people aging quickly. Love the world. Then your album will definitely contain cool photos with the caption: “This is what our family looks like at 70 and 90.” Be healthy.