Turning and turning works. Metal turning - all about turning technology

William Macy found success in his first film, after which his life changed. An award-winning actor, he has established himself as one of the leading character actors. One day, while filming in Minnesota, Macy became interested in turning. He took lessons from a local turner and even bought his own lathe to practice in between filming.

At first glance, this beetle-eaten pine block did not seem like anything special, but after removing the bark, an excellent blank was discovered for turning a bowl with thin walls.

What prompted him to take up turning? “I’m like a chimpanzee: I was just intrigued by the work of a wood turner, and I immediately wanted to try to make something myself,” Macy says with a smile. Then he adds in a more serious tone: “I have always liked various containers: they are practical, I like to give them as gifts, knowing that they will not gather dust without use. People usually admire the shape of the vessels and enjoy contact with them - touching them, stroking them and smiling at the same time.” Having learned about William's passion for turning, we decided to visit his workshop in the suburbs of Los Angeles, taking with us the famous master Phil Brennion, who agreed to give the film actor some lessons. Under his guidance, by the end of the day, Macy was able to carve his first thin-walled, translucent bowl.

First steps: choosing the right material and tools

To turn a translucent vessel, a special material is needed. The wood must be light, dense enough and have beautiful drawing with characteristic markings, which gives it additional attractiveness. When Brennion pulled out a nondescript pine log about 20 cm in diameter, covered with frozen drops of resin and riddled with insect holes, from a plastic bag, we were surprised. But the workpiece turned out to be ugly only on the outside.

This piece was cut from a tree that had died from an attack by bark beetles. Their larvae feed on the cambium (a layer of living cells located under the bark), draining the tree to the point of death. When the larvae turn into beetles and emerge, fungi begin to grow in their passages, which cause the appearance of radial colored stripes in the thickness of the trunk.

Even if you can't find a unique blank like this, you can still carve a bowl that allows light to pass through the sides. Choose a light-colored wood, such as maple, and make sure it is raw rather than seasoned to make it easier to work with.

Note. This blank turned out to be longer than required to make the bowl. After execution main task the remainder of the block was used in experiments on turning a hollow vessel. To make such a bowl, a piece 150 mm long is enough.

With the rotation speed set at about 500 rpm and the tool rest 50 mm below the turning axis, Macy turned the workpiece with a grooved cutter.

The work requires only two turning tools: a 10 mm wide groove cutter and a 5 mm wide cutting cutter. For such delicate work they must be well sharpened. It will take a lot of time to carve a thin-walled bowl. (William Macy spent about six hours mastering this technique.) Brennion advises not to interrupt the process until the work is completed. Why? Wet wood, especially in thin pieces, dries very quickly and can crack or warp if left unattended. “If you have to take a break,” he says, “take fresh shavings, put them in a plastic bag and slide the bag over the unfinished bowl. Squeeze out the excess air and wrap it with tape. This will help equalize the moisture content of the workpiece and prevent cracks from occurring.”

Scene one: preparing the material

Macy shows the result of straightening the ends using a cutoff cutter. The workpiece can be attached to the faceplate. The central protrusion, if necessary, can be easily cut off with a chisel.

After removing the bark and cleaning the surface with a wire brush, Macy clamped the workpiece into the centers of the lathe and turned it by hand a few times to make sure it was secure and balanced. Then I roughed it down to a cylinder using a grooved cutter (Fig. 1 And photo A). The small width of the tool reduces the risk of it burying itself in the workpiece at the initial point. If the shape of the workpiece is close to cylindrical, you can use a wide rake to speed up the work. Using a groove cutter and parting cutter, he aligned the ends of the workpiece, cutting the wood almost flush to both centers (photo B).

Brennion and Macy then removed the workpiece from the machine and used screws to attach a faceplate to one of the ends, aligning it with the axis of the workpiece. The short protrusion at the end of the workpiece fit into the central recess of the faceplate. The attachment of the workpiece to the faceplate should be very secure. Macy installed the faceplate on the machine spindle, and used the rear center to support the opposite end of the workpiece. After that, I ground the workpiece again so that it rotates without beating.

Scene two: the beginning of turning the bowl

To make thin walls shine through from the inside, Brennion advises increasing the illuminated surface area by giving the bowl the shape of a wide cone with a narrow base.

Periodically turning off the machine to inspect the workpiece sandwiched in the centers, Macy begins to shape the bowl from the outside. The tool rest is installed perpendicular to the direction of movement of the cutter.

To turn this shape, the rotation speed was increased to 1000 rpm, and then a cone was formed using a grooved cutter (Fig. 2 And photo C). For now, you don’t have to worry about the accuracy of the external profile. But you need to leave more material at the bottom of the workpiece (about 75 mm in diameter) so that it can withstand the lateral pressure during turning. Brennion advises not to reduce this size until the end of the work. The finished bowl has a base with a diameter of about 50 mm.

Scene three: cavity formation

Before turning the internal contour, Macy moved the tailstock back and checked that the workpiece was securely fastened to the faceplate. Having placed the tool rest parallel to the end of the workpiece, he used a grooved cutter to select a recess in the center (Fig. 3). You can use a drill by inserting the drill chuck into the tailstock quill. Brennion advises drilling to the full depth at once while the workpiece has sufficient strength. Face turning of thin walls, according to Brennion, requires a special approach. When turning longitudinal fibers, the cutter is usually moved from the edge to the center. However, here the inside of the bowl needs to be sharpened from the center to the edges (photoD). This allows for better control of the process and reduces the risk of accidental damage to the thin walls of the bowl due to careless movement of the cutter.

Macy moves the tool rest parallel to the surface being processed, installing it at the height of the turning axis when working with the cutter from the outside and 25 mm lower when turning the internal volume.

“The thinner the walls become, the more careful you need to work,” warns Brennion. Thin walls made of raw wood dry out quickly, often losing their round shape. Keeping the tool sharp and carefully removing thin layers of material helps avoid trouble. Having roughed out the inner volume, Macy again began to work on the outer contour of the bowl (photo E). Having finished turning from the outside, he brought the walls to their final thickness, working with a cutter from the inside. Brennion explains that this processing sequence minimizes warping of thin walls.

For the walls to be translucent, Brennion explains, they must have a uniform thickness of no more than 4 mm. Any increase or decrease in thickness causes internal stresses that can tear the wood.

To control the wall thickness, turners used two methods. They shined light from a small lamp into the bowl and examined the back, checking for dark or light areas.

They also touched the walls of the rotating bowl with their fingers. Determination of thickness

Scene four: grinding, finishing and final movements with the cutter

A final sanding removes all cutter marks and prepares the bowl for finishing.

Having completed the contours from the base to the rim of the bowl, Macy began sanding using 120 to 220 grit sandpaper. (Fig. 4 And photoF). IN similar cases Sanding is often done by hand, but Macy uses a power drill to speed up the process.

To make the walls of the bowl transmit light better, he generously coated them with so-called Danish oil. (photoG). The composition is well absorbed into the wood and makes it more transparent. Film-forming coatings such as nitro varnish or polyurethane do not have this effect.

Although the workpiece was initially damp, the heat generated during turning and sanding dried the wood sufficiently to allow it to be treated with an oil compound. If you leave the bowl unfinished, it may warp or crack within just a few minutes.

Oil soaking the finished bowl enhances it even further by enhancing the contrast between dark and light areas and adding an amber tint.

Macy finally separated the bowl from the rest of the blank using a cutter. After sanding and finishing the bottom, he got a good look at it in the California sun.

Our hero

Profession: film actor.

Specialization: performance of characteristic roles and turning of utilitarian vessels.

Workshop: superstructure measuring 7.3x7.3 m above the garage. IN leading role- Powermatic 4224 lathe, secondary roles are played by other machines mainly occupied primary processing turning blanks.

Experience: His father was a carpenter who built the family home, so William was familiar with tools from childhood. He became interested in turning by chance, but after trying it once, he was hooked.

Most often used: lathe, turning tools and electric sharpener.

Favorite wood species: American hornbeam, which is durable and looks great in turned pieces, and walnut, which has a beautiful color.

Favorite finish: Behlen wood cookware oil is easy to apply and restore.

Top tip:“Learn to sharpen your cutters and understand how they and the lathe work. And always be careful - safety comes first. My working methods allowed me to keep all my fingers intact, earning only a couple of scars.”

P.M. Denezhny, G.M. Stiskin, I.E. Thor


Third edition, revised

Approved by the Academic Council State Committee USSR on vocational education as a teaching aid for secondary vocational schools

Moscow "Higher School" 1979

UDC 621.941.1

Denezhny P.M. and others. Turning: Textbook for secondary vocational schools / P.M. Denezhny, G.M. Stiskin, I.E. Thor. - 3rd edition, revised. - M.: Higher School, 1979. - 199 p., ill. - (Vocational education. Cutting).

The book describes the operating principle of lathes, the 16K20 serial machine, and turning techniques; information is provided on the organization of the turner's workplace, on the construction of the technological process of turning, the choice of cutting mode, tools and devices, the economical processing of standard parts, ways to increase labor productivity and product quality are shown, and safety issues when working on lathes are considered.

Introduction (3).

Part one. BASICS OF TURNING (4).

Chapter 1. Basic information about turning (4).

Chapter 2. Processing of external cylindrical surfaces (15).

Chapter 3. Technological process of turning (36).

Chapter 4. Machining of cylindrical holes (42).

Chapter 5. Technological process for manufacturing parts such as bushings (61).

Chapter 6. Thread cutting with dies and taps (64).

Chapter 7. Machining of conical surfaces (73).

Part two. LATHES (80).

Chapter 8. Typical mechanisms of machine tools (80).

Chapter 9 General overview lathes (86).

Chapter 10. Screw-cutting lathe 16K20 (89).

Chapter 11. Basics of rational operation of lathes (107).


Chapter 12. Processing of shaped surfaces (112).

Chapter 13. Surface finishing (120).

Chapter 14. Threading with cutters (124).

Chapter 15. Technological issues of processing complex surfaces (136).

Chapter 16. Processing of workpieces with complex installation (139).


Chapter 17. Physical Basics metal cutting process (148).

Chapter 18. Turning tools (155).

Chapter 19. Basic laws of the process of cutting metals during turning (162).


Chapter 20. Technological processes turning of blanks of some standard parts (171).

Chapter 21. Ways to increase labor productivity in turning (177).

Chapter 22. Lathe group machines (184).

Chapter 23. Safety precautions when working on a lathe (188).

Applications (192).

Literature (196).

Pyotr Moiseevich Denezhny, Grigory Moiseevich Stiskin, Ivan Efimovich Tkhor


Artist I.N. Veselov-Novitsky

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The profession of a turner is the most common in mechanical engineering. Turning is a type of manufacturing of parts by cutting, carried out on lathes with the interaction of a rotating workpiece and a progressively moving cutting tool. Therefore, the product of a turner’s labor are parts that have the shape of bodies of revolution: cylinders, cones, parts with complex shaped surfaces, parts with holes, grooves, internal and external threads. Parts can be small in size - from a few millimeters to huge, multi-ton.

Lathes are adapted for various parts and operations. Accordingly, in the profession of a turner there are groups of specialties:lathe-borer, carousel turner, revolver turner, backturner, lathe operator, automatic turner etc. All-round turnerworks on a universal screw-cutting lathe, which allows performing all types of turning operations. Usually this is the most experienced worker who produces unique products. In addition to the machine, the turner uses various tools: cutting tools - cutters, dies, taps, drills, control and measuring tools - calipers, micrometers, gauges, etc.; devices for fastening the cutter and the workpiece.

"Evolution" of the profession

Lathes were invented and used in ancient times. They were very simple in design, not very perfect in operation and were initially manual and then foot driven. The machine consisted of two established center, between which a piece of wood, bone or horn was clamped. A slave or apprentice rotated the workpiece one or several turns in one direction, then in the other. The master held the cutter in his hands and, pressing it in the right place against the workpiece, removed the chips, giving the workpiece the required shape.These lathes were used mainly for processing wooden products. The need for machining accelerated the development of lathes, although this development occurred very slowly. Priority in the development of lathes belongs to Russian technicians.

Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov was born in Moscow on March 28, 1693. He was one of the genius inventors noticed and brought onto the broad road by Peter I. For his not too long life he invented and built more than thirty machines of various profiles, which had no equal in the world. In the 17th century, lathes appeared, in which the workpiece was no longer driven by the muscular power of the turner, but with the help of a water wheel, but the cutter, as before, was held in the hand of the turner. At the beginning of the 18th century. lathes were increasingly used for cutting metals rather than wood, and therefore the problem of rigidly fastening the cutter and moving it along the table surface being processed was very relevant. And for the first time, the problem of a self-propelled caliper was successfully solved in A.K.’s copying machine. Nartov in 1712 K end of the 19th century century, an electrically driven lathe was manufactured, which was taken as the basis for modern equipment.…

Profession today

Today, modern automated lathes make the turner's work easier. Turnerbegins work by receiving a task, reading a drawing, and making calculations. He selects the tool, places the workpiece on the machine, sets the machine to the selected cutting mode and carries out the processing. The finished part is checked for size and surface cleanliness. The machine has manual and automatic mode. In the first case, the turner is required to have precisely coordinated hand movements when controlling the cutting tool.. This profession requires maximum attention, enormous strength, and also takes a lot of time.. A lathe operator performs operations on a lathe for processing and boring various surfaces, end planes, as well as threading, drilling, countersinking, calibration, using metal and other materials as workpieces. Determines or clarifies the speed and depth of cutting, selects a cutting tool taking into account the properties of the material and the configuration of the cutter, secures (sets) it, and regulates the processing process. Ensures that the part corresponds to the dimensions specified in the drawing, the specified cleanliness and accuracy.

It is impossible to imagine modern industry without metalworking equipment. Lathes are used for various turning operations: processing and turning the surfaces of parts, cutting teeth, grinding and drilling holes. They develop and produce a large range of universal lathes of various configurations, which allows them to satisfy any needs in the field of manufacturing and processing of parts. The metalworking and metal-cutting equipment they offer meets all modern requirements safety, maintain ease of operation and are distinguished by advanced solutions in design and layout.

Screw-cutting lathes are a unique class of metal-cutting equipment; They are used for turning and screw-cutting work on ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Screw-cutting lathes are used for cutting spindles, sleeves, axles and other parts. Metal-cutting equipment of this type is ideal for small-scale and individual production. Screw-cutting lathes from SVSZ are easy to use, highly efficient and do not produce much noise.

Not a single modern metalworking enterprise can do without universal CNC lathes. CNC lathes are a computerized system of metal cutting machines that can completely control the process of making parts. This class metalworking machines eliminates the possibility of making mistakes and minimizes human effort during the work process. CNC lathes can operate in automatic and semi-automatic cycles when turning parts.

For small-scale production of industrial enterprises and individual workshops, SAMAT screw-cutting lathes are most often used. SAMAT universal lathes have a high accuracy class according to GOST 8-77 and can perform all kinds of turning operations, including the ability to cut various types threads. The new product in the series of screw-cutting lathes, the SAMAT 400 S/S, performs particularly precise technological operations using traditional and wear-resistant composite cutting tools.

The Vector 400SC universal lathe with an adaptive control system does not require special programming skills, is easy to use and makes it possible to work with microcycles in wide range without mechanical adjustments.

Unlike conventional lathes, turning machining centers are multi-functional and are used large enterprises for mass production of parts. This high-tech metalworking equipment is designed for dynamic, high-performance machining of complex metal parts. construction materials. A high-precision turning center is used to change the positioning of the cutting tool on universal CNC lathes. The turning processing center from JSC SVSZ is distinguished by high-speed cutting, accuracy and reliability.

Twenty-first century - century high technology. With creation artificial intelligence, lathes have reached new level development, thanks to the introduction into the machine software, product quality and productivity have increased.

Turning appeared at the dawn of the industrial revolution and has passed since then long way evolution. Nowadays, the profession of a turner has lost its attractiveness for young people. But on the other hand, with the advent large quantity computer-controlled machines, turning takes on a new meaning and becomes an engineering art. Turning parts are used in mechanical engineering, electric power, construction and other areas of industry and technology.

Basic principles of turning

For beginners, turning seems like a dark forest full of unclear terms. Although in fact the essence of the turning process is quite simple. Main tool A lathe is a machine in which the clamped part rotates at high speed, and the cutting element carries out processing processes on wood, metal or plastic.

A wide variety of materials can be processed. The most popular material in turning is undoubtedly steel.

But historically, everything began with wood processing; 12 still operating lathes of Peter the Great are still preserved in the Hermitage collection. The Russian Tsar was fond of crafts, but turning wooden and metal parts was his favorite pastime.

Modern machines, of course, are much more more difficult than the first wooden samples. But the basic principle remains, despite the emergence electric motor instead of a manual drive and a multiple increase in size.

A lathe consists of several basic elements:

  • the frame on which all other elements are attached;
  • headstock with motor and spindle for fixing the part;
  • a caliper moving along guides in the frame, with a cutter located on it;
  • tailstock with locking dimensional parts.

The part is clamped, the drive imparts rotation to it and, by adjusting the position of the cutting or milling tool, the material is processed.

Standard turning operations that are used in both metalworking and woodworking are:

  1. turning of spheres, conical and cylindrical workpieces;
  2. trimming;
  3. cutting grooves inside and outside parts;
  4. cutting;
  5. alignment;
  6. drilling;
  7. thread cutting, external and internal;
  8. countersinking.

Each operation requires special tool, which is selected in accordance with the material, the required processing accuracy and design features machine

Types of turning equipment

In Soviet times, there was an extensive network of vocational schools in which young people after school could learn the profession of a turner completely free of charge. The training program included a theoretical part practical work on a training machine within the walls of the school and practical training. One of the most important elements theoretical training, along with the study of the properties of metal, was training in tool use. A professional turner will not be able to do without understanding why each type of cutter is needed, how it is installed in the machine and at what angle the processing takes place. Now catalogs of turning tools and milling cutters are multi-volume reference books and manuals for turners in a huge format. The variety of equipment designed for any subtleties of metalworking operations is comparable to the classification of species in biology. The main tools that no production can do without and most operations can be carried out are cutters:

  • pass-through, used for grinding;
  • boring, allow you to sharpen blind holes;
  • cutting, for slicing;
  • threaded ones are needed for cutting threads on workpieces;
  • shaped;
  • slotted;
  • fillets.

Lathe training includes preparation for working with all types of these cutters. And each tool requires precise tool holding specifications. The sharpening angle, the angle at which the cutter approaches the part, the feed speed. In this case, all parameters will change with a change in material. Even with steel, depending on the presence of various additives, the processing process is adjusted separately.

The machines that can now be found among manufacturers vary greatly in a number of parameters:

  • by size: from desktop machines for a home workshop, to industrial machines weighing tens of tons for processing parts of hydroelectric power plants;
  • by control method: manual, CNC, fully automatic systems;
  • according to processed materials: for wood, metal, hard plastics.

The first experiences of a novice turner begin with learning a lathe, general principles work and the simplest operations for cutting parts. Further, with the growth of skills, working with the machine and theoretical training, you can move on to new work, for example, thread cutting or grooving.

But progress in skills is far from quick; you will have to get used to the idea of ​​long, painstaking training. In vocational schools the training period takes 3 years plus industrial practice, which presents theoretical knowledge in a completely different way.

Turner ranks

With growth vocational training a turner can confirm his skills by passing exams to move to the next rank; the higher the rank, the more theoretical knowledge a specialist needs and, moreover, the finer mastery of tools he must demonstrate

  • a 2nd category turner has the skills to work on universal machines, with parts of 12-14 quality;
  • a 3rd category turner has confirmed his skills in setting up universal machines, working with a plasma torch, sharpening cutters, and is ready to process parts of 7-10 quality;
  • a turner of the 4th category performs plasma-mechanical processing, controls sleds with three or more supports, cuts double-start threads;
  • a 5th grade turner processes complex parts up to 6-7 accuracy grades, processes high-alloy steels and rolls multi-start threads;
  • turner 6th category, highest level professional excellence, the specialist works with the 5th qualification and can adjust a thin instrument with several mating surfaces.

Passing exams to move from rank to rank is separated by a period of at least a year.

The last sixth category indicates a very high level of preparation in the theoretical part, practical skills in processing parts and setting up machines. Wages such a specialist may exceed the salary of a professional engineer.

And sometimes the production process at an enterprise can completely depend on a specialist with unique turning skills. Taking exams in the specialty of turning is open in many professional training centers; usually for the exam you will need to additionally take a training course and pay for retraining and the exam itself.

How to become a metalworking professional

Training in turning, as, for example, in the profession of a doctor, lasts a whole life, in addition to a significant amount of theoretical information, books and practical skills that need to be mastered, there is a constantly updated fleet of equipment that requires study, lathes are developing. The range of processed materials is also increasing, new composite and polymer materials with unknown properties.

Download training manual in turning

ABOUTlearning turning - this is a section of the site that contains information not only for professional turners, but also for turning students. Turning is very promising, because in our time, try to find a real turner.

Pprofession of turnerhighly paid, so if you are not lazy and want to earn good money for your work, start learning the basics of turning on our website.

The lathe is designed for processing by cutting a body by rotation, including rotating end planes and helical surfaces. In addition, work not related to cutting can be performed on lathes.

List of all lathe capabilities very big and consideration lathe functions will take a lot of time. AND Learn all the functions of a lathe in one lesson it’s practically impossible, but gradually we will get to know everyone intricacies of turning. Turning training we will start using the following list lessons on turning.

Turning lessons :

Lesson #1. Lathe device

Lesson #2. Working on a lathe or operating a lathe


1. Tocar cutters

Tocar cutters- These are special cutting tools that are used for turning parts.

TOkar cutters are used as the main tool for turning, planing, and other work on machine tools.

Dfor quality and precise processing parts and achieving the required shapes and sizes of the product use a turning cutter, with which layers of material are sequentially cut off.

INIn the process of cutting a layer of material, the cutter cuts into it, removing chips from its surface.

ABOUTThe sharp edge of the cutter is its main working element.

WITHOver time, the cutter is subject to wear, as evidenced by chipping of the cutting part (edge). To use a turning cutter in the future, it must be re-sharpened.

1.1 The device of a turning cutter

1.2 Feed of turning tool

1.3 Cutting metal with a turning tool

1.4 Cutting surface

1.5 Cutter design

1.6 Turning tool angles

1.7 Wear and durability of cutter

1.8 Cutters for lathes

1.9 Materials for turning tools

1.10 Designs of turning tools

1.11 Manufacturing of carbide cutters

1.12 Manufacturing of cutters with blades

1.13 Manufacturing of high-speed and carbon cutters

2. Tokar machine

Tokar machine -This is a machine for processing parts by cutting and turning.

ABOUTThe main work performed on lathes: turning, boring and turning different types surfaces, thread cutting, part end processing, drilling, countersinking and hole cutting.

Zthe workpiece is installed in the center and rotates using a spindle, then the feed mechanism moves the cutting tool, the cutter, together with the support of the running shaft.

Dto commit additional types operations on the machine, such as grinding, drilling, milling holes, additional equipment is installed on the machines.

TThe window-screw-cutting machine is designed for lathe work with non-ferrous and ferrous metals.

TThe window-screw-cutting machine consists of:

  • WITHtannin is the main part of the machine, which is the framework for mounting all the mechanisms of the machine.
  • Pheadstock – it is also called the spindle headstock, due to the placement of the spindle, gearbox and other elements in it.
  • TOThe feed box provides movement from the spindle to the support.
  • WITHSupport – designed to secure the cutting tool and feed it.
  • Fartuh - necessary to convert the rotation of the roller into the movement of the caliper.
  • Ccenter - an installation for supporting a workpiece or tool.

2.1 Screw-cutting lathe model 1A62

2.2 Friction clutch of lathe model IA62

2.3 Tailstock design

2.4 Design of a screw-cutting lathe

2.5 Care of the lathe

2.6 Adjusting the lathe

2.7 Lathe safety

2.8 Devices for securing parts processed in centers

2.9 Lathe accuracy

Zhere you will find out how to determine and adjust the accuracy of a lathe, master concepts such as rigidity during turning, machining on mandrels, working with a mandrel.

Pravila work With spindle mandrels. In the turning section we consider screw cutting lathes, such as screw-cutting lathe 1A62. More details about turning tools, their types, turning tool materials their design. Wear and durability of the cutter also have a significant impact on turning.